Hematopoietic cell transplant associated kidney injury

Kidney injury in graft versus host disease


Hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) is a commonly used procedure to treat both malignant and nonmalignant conditions. As transplant methods have improved, the overall survival of patients following HCT has also improved. However, morbidities associated with HCT remain a significant problem, and acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) occur frequently after transplant, affecting between 10% and 70% of transplant recipients. Multiple risk factors and exposures contribute to the onset of kidney injury after HCT, including preconditioning chemotherapy, calcineurin inhibitors, other potentially nephrotoxic medications, radiation nephritis, and sinusoidal obstruction syndrome. Endothelial injury is a pathophysiologic pathway leading to post-HCT kidney injury, and kidney involvement in the setting of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) has been proposed as a potential mechanism of both AKI and chronic kidney injury.

There can be significant overlap with several of these processes contributing to multifactorial mechanisms of kidney injury and clear distinction of the underlying cause can be difficult in the clinical setting. Related to this, there is some controversy regarding the direct involvement of GVHD in AKI and chronic kidney injury. However, there is evidence in both animal models and humans that GVHD can involve the kidney and is a significant contributing factor to AKI and CKD. In addition, thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) has become an established mechanism of kidney injury after HCT, but diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion because the signs and symptoms of TMA can overlap with other common complications of HCT, such as anemia and thrombocytopenia. TMA now replaces an older term, “ bone marrow transplant nephropathy ,” which described an entity characterized by late occurrence of renal insufficiency post-HCT, anemia, and hypertension (HTN), and with pathologic findings of mesangial hypercellularity, mesangial matrix expansion, mesangiolysis, widening of the subendothelial space, red blood cell (RBC) trapping, and fibrosis. ,

As further details of the varied pathophysiologic mechanisms of kidney injury after HCT are being elucidated, the importance of more explicitly defining the underlying cause of this injury has become clear so that prevention and treatment approaches can target these specific pathways. This chapter will focus on the contribution of GVHD and TMA to the kidney injury seen after HCT.

Graft-versus-host disease pathophysiology

(GVHD is a potentially life-threatening complication of HCT and occurs commonly after transplant. GVHD occurs when immunocompetent donor T-cells recognize recipient tissue antigens resulting in immune activation and subsequent cytolytic destruction of target antigen bearing cells. Classically, the epithelial tissue of the skin, liver, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract have been considered the major target organs in GVHD. However, there is evidence that the kidney is a target in GVHD and that similar cellular and molecular processes in the kidney drive the initiation and progression of kidney GVHD. In addition, there can be overlap between other causes of kidney injury with the pathologic changes seen in GVHD, potentially indicating a link between GVHD and the common clinical presentations of kidney disease seen post-HCT, such as glomerulonephritis and TMA.

T-cells are considered the traditional effectors in GVHD and T-cell involvement in GVHD has been shown in animal models. In these models, histologic evaluation shows infiltration of the kidney with CD3+, CD4+, C8+, and FoxP3+ T-cells along with associated endarteritis, interstitial nephritis, tubulitis, and glomerulitis. In a rat model of acute GVHD, similar histologic findings were seen, as well as elevated levels of serum blood urea nitrogen and urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, indicators of kidney dysfunction. There is evidence that alterations in expression of major histocompatibility complex molecules and increased presentation of such antigens by antigen presenting cells are involved in the pathogenesis of GVHD. , In addition, recruitment of T-cells to the endothelium of target organs by chemokines and adhesion molecules can be involved in initiating GVHD. In a study comparing expression of genes related to T-cell associated pathways in GVHD, similar genes were seen to be expressed in both the liver, a classic target of GVHD, and the kidney.

In addition to direct T-cell mediated damage, proinflammatory cytokines have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of GVHD. Although the diffuse nature of GVHD with multiple organs targeted suggests that this is a systemic inflammatory process, there is evidence that the kidney produces a localized inflammatory environment, which promotes both acute and chronic changes within the kidney. This is supported by the presence of elevated gene expression and urinary levels of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-10, and other markers of local tissue inflammation, such as elafin, which has been shown to be marker of GVHD and is elevated in the urine of patients with AKI and chronic kidney injury post-HCT. , Beyond the acute period, histologic signs of inflammation associated with chronic kidney damage including tubular atrophy, peritubular capillary loss, and interstitial fibrosis have been reported. Clinically, the presence of GVHD has been associated with CKD.

Finally, B-cells are also involved in the pathogenesis of GVHD. Supporting this is the identification of both auto- and alloantibodies in patients with chronic GVHD. , From a kidney GVHD standpoint, kidney biopsies from patients after HCT have shown positive staining for C4d in peritubular capillaries, which is a marker for antibody mediated rejection in kidney transplantation. , This finding suggests that there is a humoral component in GVHD, and that the kidney might have specific antigenic targets that trigger GVHD within the kidney.

Together, these data provide evidence for the idea that kidney involvement in GVHD is not only related to the generalized processes of systemic inflammation and diffuse endothelial damage in multiple organs, but also more specifically related to changes within the kidney itself that can drive local changes, resulting in AKI and chronic kidney injury. In addition, many of the GVHD-associated pathways seen in the kidney are similar to those seen in other organs thought to be major targets of GVHD, suggesting that the kidney may also be a primary focus where GVHD can occur. Although the pathophysiology of kidney GVHD clearly has overlap with other etiologies of post-HCT kidney injury, such as TMA, these findings also suggest that some of the pathologic changes seen in kidney GVHD are unique, potentially indicating that kidney GVHD is a distinct entity. Consideration of kidney GVHD in this more specific way could allow for targeted diagnostic and treatment approaches.

Graft-versus-host disease risk factors

Although a detailed review of systemic GVHD risk factors is beyond the scope of this chapter, a brief overview is important to understanding the association between GVHD and kidney injury. In addition, there is overlap between the risk factors for GVHD and for kidney injury after HCT, further linking GVHD and kidney disease in the setting of HCT. Risk factors for acute GVHD include the degree of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) mismatch, receipt of a transplant from an unrelated donor, female donor for a male recipient, the use of peripheral blood stem cell grafts, and the intensity of the conditioning regimen. Risk factors for chronic GVHD, defined by the presence of GVHD beyond 100 days posttransplant, include a prior episode of acute GVHD, receipt of peripheral blood stem cell grafts, grafts from female donors to male recipients, HLA disparity, older age of either recipient or donor, and a primary diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia. Identification of individuals at increased risk for GVHD provides an opportunity for heightened awareness of kidney injury in these patients allowing for closer monitoring and early intervention.

Kidney manifestations of graft-versus-host disease

Scoring systems for severity of GVHD typically focus on the three main target organs: skin, liver, and GI tract. However, as alluded to previously, GVHD has been shown to be an independent risk factor for AKI and chronic kidney injury. Clinically, GVHD can present as various forms of kidney disease including AKI, nephrotic syndrome (NS), glomerulonephritis, and TMA.

The most commonly accepted manifestation of kidney GVHD is as NS, characterized by a high degree of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema. Among those presenting with NS the most common underlying pathology is membranous nephropathy (MN), with approximately 60% to 80% of patients having this diagnosis. , Histologic findings of MN post-HCT are similar to those seen in MN in other settings, including subepithelial deposits made up of antigen-antibody complexes. Minimal change associated with NS is the next most common pathology seen in patients after HCT. Less commonly reported pathologic findings in post-HCT NS patients are membranoproliferative, glomerulonephritis, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, and immunoglobulin A nephropathy. , , The typical timeframe for presentation of NS is 6 to 12 months posttransplant. Of note, the timing of the appearance of NS post-HCT is temporally associated with the discontinuation of prophylaxis for GVHD. This is somewhat in contrast to the previous idea that “Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) associated nephropathy” was strictly a multifactorial process that included renal toxicity related to calcineurin inhibitor exposure. In addition, NS post-HCT rarely occurs without the presence of GVHD, and also can occur in the absence of GVHD in other sites, suggesting kidney specific targeting in the setting of GVHD. Regarding MN, a case report by Cho et al. examined patients, all with GVHD, presenting with MN-associated NS following HCT for serum antiphospholipase A2 receptor, an antibody that has been associated with both primary and secondary MN. None of the seven MN patients had detectable levels of the antibody. Such findings suggest that although overlap may exist between NS seen post-HCT and the development of NS in other settings, there may be unique aspects of these processes associated with GVHD.

TMA is also a common clinical presentation after HCT. Several risk factors for TMA have been identified, including total body irradiation (TBI), exposure to calcineurin inhibitors, combined use of tacrolimus and sirolimus, HCT-associated infections, performance of HCT for nonmalignant conditions, and transplantation of peripheral blood stem cells. In addition, GVHD has been independently associated with TMA. Because endothelial damage is a primary feature of TMA, one hypothesis linking TMA and GVHD is that, similar to other organ systems, the vascular endothelium is a target in GVHD. Lending further support to this are previously mentioned findings in the renal capillaries, including C4d and cytotoxic T-cells, and evidence of complement activation, all suggesting immune targeting of the recipient endothelium by donor graft cells is involved in the pathophysiology of posttransplant TMA. , As with TMA in other clinical settings, activation of the TMA cascade then results in AKI and, subsequently, the potential for chronic kidney changes as the acute inflammation progresses to fibrosis with loss of functional glomeruli and renal tubules.

Although the development of CKD post-HCT is likely multifactorial owing to exposure to TBI and nephrotoxic medications, such as calcineurin inhibitors, infections and sepsis, and recurrent episodes of AKI, GVHD has also been shown to be independently associated with CKD. The triggering of multiple inflammatory pathways following immunologic targeting of the kidney in the setting of GVHD ultimately can lead to fibrosis and irreversible kidney damage. , This is particularly true when GVHD is chronic and therefore immune-mediated renal damage occurs over a prolonged time course.

GVHD is a common secondary effect of HCT and can cause significant detrimental kidney outcomes, emphasizing the importance of pursuing a detailed investigation for the clinical effects of GVHD on the kidney.


As noted, GVHD is a multisystem condition characterized by symptoms reflecting damage to each of the major organs involved, including maculopapular rash, hyperbilirubinemia, cholestasis, jaundice, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and anorexia. Although the kidney is not classified as a major target of GVHD, and kidney disease is not included in the grading of GVHD, as previously noted, the presence of GVHD in other organs is a risk factor for the development of kidney GVHD. Therefore the presence of systemic GVHD should raise suspicion for involvement of the kidney as well. Similar to other clinical scenarios, when evaluating for kidney injury, initial laboratory results should include markers of kidney function with serum creatinine (SCr) and serum electrolytes. Because there are many factors that can affect the accuracy of SCr as a measure of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in this patient population, such as relatively poor nutrition or decreased muscle mass, cystatin C has also been proposed as an additional marker of GFR and formulas exist to use SCr and cystatin C in conjunction to provide a more accurate estimate of GFR. , ,

Urinary studies should include a urinalysis and urine microalbumin to urine creatinine ratio for the presence of hematuria and proteinuria. Microalbuminuria is defined as 30 to 299 milligrams of albumin to grams of creatinine in a spot urine sample. Macroalbuminuria is defined as a urinary albumin-to-creatinine level of more than 300 mg/g Cr. If patients are able to accurately collect a sample for 24 hours, a 24-hour urine for urinary albumin levels can also help better define the degree of albuminuria. This does require more effort on the part of patients and can be challenging to accurately obtain in some groups, such as small children. Recent consensus guidelines suggest monitoring for albuminuria at day +80 post-HCT and then annually. For patients with macroalbuminuria on initial screening, more frequent monitoring at intervals of 3 to 6 months is suggested. Other important measures are determination of active TMA markers, including complete blood count, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), haptoglobin, and peripheral blood smear for schistocytes.

When investigating for GVHD-related kidney damage, markers of endothelial and glomerular dysfunction, such as urinary albumin, can be important to determine the underlying etiology and to predict long-term outcomes. The presence of microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria in the first 100 days after HCT have both been associated with increased risk of death at 1 year posttransplant. Similarly, the presence of albuminuria during this period has also been associated with increased risk of progression to CKD.

HTN is another common complication of HCT, with as many as 70% of patients developing HTN in the first 2 years following transplant. , It is relatively easy to diagnose and, like albuminuria, has been associated with negative long-term outcomes, including CKD and increased risk of death. , , Monitoring for HTN should be performed during the period that patients are admitted post-HCT, then at each outpatient clinic visit. Twenty-four hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) should also be used to more accurately measure blood pressure and evaluate for white coat and masked HTN. The importance and utility of 24-hour ABPM has been emphasized recently in the clinical guidelines for screening for HTN in children and adolescents, and ABPM provides similar advantages in the adult population. The presence of chronic HTN can have significant effects on kidney and cardiovascular health and therefore early diagnosis is important.

Although there can be risks in the post-HCT population, a kidney biopsy should be strongly considered for those patients with signs of kidney injury after transplant. A kidney biopsy may support evidence of kidney involvement in GVHD and will also provide information about other etiologies of posttransplant kidney disease, such as TMA and viral infections. Most importantly, diagnosis of the underlying cause of kidney disease allows for a treatment plan that more accurately targets the specific pathology. Because many of the processes in the kidney after HCT are inflammatory in nature, early identification and treatment to quiet disease activity can reduce the amount of fibrosis that forms because of prolonged inflammation and therefore decrease the risk of developing irreversible chronic kidney injury. A kidney biopsy can provide information that is not otherwise obtainable and is an invaluable tool in caring for patients following HCT.


Treatment of GVHD-associated renal disease starts with prevention and treatment of systemic GVHD. Typical immunosuppressive medications used for GVHD prophylaxis include the calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) cyclosporine and tacrolimus, which target transcription factors involved in IL-2 production, reducing IL-2 levels and, thereby, blocking the activation of T-cells. Methotrexate, a folate antagonist, is often used in conjunction with CNI, and the combination of these two drugs has been shown to decrease the incidence of both acute and chronic GVHD. Other drugs targeting T-cell activation include cyclophosphamide and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor rapamycin. Both of these drugs work by inhibiting the expansion of or depleting conventional T-cells with relatively less activity against regulatory T-cells. , In addition to T-cell inhibitory strategies, T-cell depleting therapies, such as rabbit antithymocyte globulin (ATG), are used to reduce the development of GVHD and have been shown to be effective when used in conjunction with standard prophylaxis. , Cell-based therapies, which aim to reduce donor T-cell immune activity by generating a more regulatory T-cell milieu, have also been investigated.

In spite of prophylaxis, GVHD can still occur. In this case glucocorticoids represent first-line therapy and responsiveness to steroids is an important prognostic marker for patients with GVHD. Those with glucocorticoid resistant GVHD have increased mortality risk. Although there is no standardized second-line therapy for glucocorticoid resistant GVHD, other immunomodulatory therapies have been investigated, including antibodies directed against T-cell antigens, such as gavilimomab.

A key component in the treatment of patients that develop kidney injury after HCT is symptomatic control of proteinuria and HTN. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) are ideally suited to address both of these problems, because they are not only effective in treating HTN, but also have antiproteinuric properties. In addition, there is evidence that ACE-I or ARB have long-term renoprotective effects, which slow progression of CKD. Specific to the NS seen post-HCT, this effect has been shown to be particularly effective in proteinuric nephropathies. ,

An important consideration in the prevention and treatment of GVHD related to the kidney is that markers of disease activity can be monitored. As noted, urinary albumin excretion, HTN, and serum markers of kidney function have been shown to be good markers of kidney disease following HCT. These indicators are relatively easy to obtain and may help guide duration of prophylaxis and possibly allow for earlier initiation of treatment. In this way, monitoring of kidney changes can provide additional data regarding the onset and activity of GVHD in other organs.

Owing to the complexity of its pathophysiology, the prevention and treatment of GVHD require a multifaceted approach that targets a variety of pathways involved in the process of GVHD. Reducing the incidence of GVHD could provide protection to the kidney after HCT, therefore reducing the occurrence of AKI and chronic kidney injury posttransplant.


There are many potential mediators of kidney injury after HCT, and interactions between them adds significant complexity. GVHD is one factor that has been shown to generate injury within the kidney and has been associated with acute kidney disease and CKD after HCT. This relationship highlights the importance of pretransplant evaluation and close monitoring of patients posttransplant for markers of kidney damage. Transplant providers and nephrologists must be cognizant of the potential for kidney disease and work closely together to provide a multidisciplinary approach to care for patients after HCT.

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