


  • Multisystem inflammatory disease characterized by noncaseating epithelioid-cell granulomas


  • Solitary or multifocal CNS mass(es) ± abnormal CXR

    • CXR abnormal in > 90% with neurosarcoid (NS)

  • Wide spectrum of MR manifestations

    • Dura-arachnoid thickening (diffuse or focal))

    • May coat pia, cranial nerves, fill internal auditory canals

    • Pituitary stalk/hypothalamus thickening

    • Can thicken, infiltrate choroid plexi

    • Can infiltrate orbital adnexa, optic nerve

    • Rare

      • Small vessel vasculitis/angiitis in white matter

      • Focal parenchymal mass

Top Differential Diagnoses

  • Meningitis

  • Meningioma

  • Metastases

  • Lymphocytic hypophysitis


  • Etiology remains unknown

  • May infiltrate along perivascular spaces into brain

Clinical Issues

  • Often indolent disease (up to 50% asymptomatic)

  • CNS involved in 5% (clinical) to 27% (autopsy)

    • Most common CNS symptom: Cranial nerve deficit(s), most often facial nerve palsy

  • Natural history

    • 2/3 of NS self-limited monophasic illness; remainder have chronic remitting-relapsing course

Diagnostic Checklist

  • Protean manifestations make NS “great mimicker”

Sagittal graphic illustrates common neurosarcoid locations: (1) enveloping the infundibulum and extending into the parasellar region
; (2) contiguous disease wrapping the inferior frontal lobes
; and (3) synchronous lesions of the superior vermis
and 4th ventricle choroid plexus

Sagittal T1 C+ FS MR in a patient with neurosarcoidosis and diabetes insipidus demonstrates thickening of the infundibulum and hypothalamus

Axial T1 C+ MR in a 44-year-old woman with worsening headaches and diplopia shows diffuse dura-arachnoid thickening over the left hemisphere
. Extension into the sulci
and underlying brain
is present. Biopsy disclosed neurosarcoid with brain invasion.

Axial T1 C+ MR in a case of proven neurosarcoid demonstrates diffuse pial enhancement over the surface of the upper pons
and cerebellum



  • Neurosarcoid (NS)


  • Chronic multisystem inflammatory disease characterized by noncaseating epithelioid-cell granulomas


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