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The structure of the lower limb is specialized for support of the body’s weight, locomotion and maintenance of body stability (balance). Indeed, adaptations for weight-bearing and stability account for the major structural and functional differences between the upper and lower limbs. The inguinal (pelvicrural) and gluteal (buttock) regions are important anatomical junctional zones between the trunk and the lower limb through which longitudinally running nerves and vessels travel ( Fig. 76.1 ). The inguinal region includes the transitional zones between the lower limb and abdominal cavity via the myopectineal orifice (the gap between the inguinal ligament and hip joint) and inguinal canal, and provides a gateway for the passage of various structures. Similarly, the obturator canal allows for the obturator nerve and vessels to traverse between the pelvis and thigh. The gluteal region communicates with the lower limb and the abdominopelvic cavity via the greater sciatic foramen, and with the lower limb and pelvic cavity and perineum via the lesser sciatic foramen. FLOAT NOT FOUND
The bones of the lower limb are the three fused components of the pelvic girdle; the femur and patella (thigh); the tibia and fibula (leg; in anatomical nomenclature, leg refers to the part of the lower limb between the knee and ankle); and the tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges and sesamoid bones (foot) ( Fig. 76.2 ). The pelvic bones (especially the ilium and ischium), femur, tibia and bones of the hindfoot are strong and their external (cortical) and internal (trabecular) structure is adapted for weight-bearing.
The joints of the pelvic girdle are the sacroiliac joints and the pubic symphysis. The lower limb is connected to the axial skeleton via the sacroiliac joint, a joint that consists of syndesmotic and synovial parts, and in which mobility has been sacrificed for stability and strength to allow for effective weight transmission from the trunk to the lower limb. Anteriorly, the two pubic bones are united at the pubic symphysis, a secondary cartilaginous joint that may display a slight degree of mobility during hip and sacroiliac movement, and during late pregnancy and childbirth. The hip joint is a synovial ball-and-socket articulation, and exhibits an effective compromise between mobility and stability that allows movement in all three orthogonal planes. The more distal joints have gained mobility at the expense of stability. The knee joint includes a complex synovial joint between the femur and the tibia, and a plane joint between the femur and the patella. This permits a range of up to about 140° of active flexion, extension to neutral or beyond, and voluntary medial and lateral rotation (approximately 60–70°) of the leg. The tibia and fibula articulate with each other at the superior and inferior tibiofibular joints. The superior joint, a plane synovial joint, allows slight gliding movement only. The inferior fibrous joint lies just above the ankle and allows a degree of fibular rotation linked to ankle motion. The ankle (talocrural) joint is formed by the distal ends of the tibia and fibula ‘gripping’ the talus, and enables about 70° of dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. There are multiple joints in the foot that may be classified topographically on the basis of whether they are in the hindfoot, midfoot or forefoot. Collectively, these joints allow the complex movements required as the foot fulfils its functional roles as a platform for standing and for shock absorption and propulsion in gait. The terminology used to describe motion of the ankle and foot, especially with respect to defining supination/pronation and inversion/eversion, is inconsistent ( ).
Both the knee and ankle are commonly subject to closed injuries, and the relatively superficial location of the knee renders it susceptible to open injury and infection. Although the ankle is frequently injured and is a major load-bearing joint, the incidence of clinically significant degenerative arthritis is surprisingly low when compared with that found in the hip and knee joints.
In the young adult and as an adaptation to weight-bearing, the skin of the lower limb is generally thicker than that of the upper limb. The soft tissues of the sole of the foot are particularly thickened in order to support weight during standing. The skin of the buttocks and posterior thigh bears weight in the sitting position and is relatively thick. The skin over the anteromedial aspect of the leg is particularly fragile and vulnerable in the elderly.
The superficial fascia (subcutaneous tissue; tela subcutanea; hypodermis) of the lower limb becomes thinner distally. It provides support for subcutaneous structures such as superficial veins and cutaneous nerves, and is connected to the adventitia of the superficial veins by thin bands that prevent the displacement of the veins during movement. The hypodermal plexus of arteries and veins controls blood flow through the skin, helping to regulate body temperature ( ).
The deep fascia of the gluteal region varies in thickness. The deep fascia of the thigh and leg is a well-defined layer that forms a tough circumferential ‘stocking-like’ structure that constrains the musculature ( Fig. 76.3 ). It is attached to the medial and lateral intermuscular septa in the thigh, the patellar ligament, patella, tibial tuberosity and condyles, the head of the fibula at the knee, and the periosteum of the tibia, fibular head and lateral malleolus. The iliotibial tract, medial and lateral patellar retinacula, and the extensor, flexor and fibular retinacula at the ankle are important condensations. Septa pass from the deep surface of this fascial sheath to the bones within, defining discrete (osteofascial) compartments that contain functional muscle groups. The intermuscular septa and the interosseous membrane between the tibia and fibula also provide additional areas for the attachment of muscles.
The muscles of the thigh may be grouped into three compartments according to their function: anterior (extensor), medial (adductor) and posterior (flexor). Only the anterior and posterior compartments possess distinct fascial boundaries. A definite fascial separation into anterior (extensor), posterior (flexor) and lateral (evertor) compartments exists in the leg, and compartment syndrome is most common in this region (see below). The deep and superficial muscles in the flexor compartment of the leg are separated by the transverse intermuscular septum. The compartments of the foot, one on the dorsal aspect and four on the plantar surface, are described in Chapter 79 .
Vessels and nerves run through all of the compartments and supply the muscles contained within them. The muscles acting within these closed compartments assist in maintaining the anti-gravity flow of venous blood.
According to , all aponeurotic fasciae, including the deep fascia of the lower limb, are put under tension by specific myofascial expansions (more evident around joints) or dedicated muscles (e.g. tensor fasciae latae). These thickenings may act functionally as additional tendons. The pattern of soft tissue organization has a bearing on the physiological effects of the muscles and is crucial for efficient venous return from the limb. The fascial planes also control and direct the spread of pathological fluids (blood, pus) within the limb and play an important part in determining the degree and direction of displacement seen in long bone fractures.
The fascial boundaries that limit the compartments are largely inelastic, which means that any acute condition that leads to an increase in the volume of the compartmental contents, e.g. muscle swelling caused by trauma, haemorrhage or local infection, is likely to cause an increase in intracompartmental pressure. If unrelieved, this increased pressure will lead to compressive occlusion of the vessels in the compartment and consequent ischaemic damage to the nerves and muscles of the compartment, a phenomenon known as acute compartment syndrome. Chronic exertional compartment syndrome is characterized by exercise-induced leg pain that usually subsides with rest, thought to be caused by elevated intramuscular pressure that may result in decreased tissue perfusion, ischaemia and transient neurological impairments ( ). The normal compartmental pressure of the leg is significantly higher in children than in adults: the average pressure in the compartments, measured when supine, varies between 13.3 and 16.6 mmHg in children, compared with 5.2 and 9.7 mmHg in adults ( ). Pressures are higher when standing ( ).
The treatment of compartment syndrome relies on reducing abnormally elevated tissue pressure. Surgical decompression of the fasciae of the restricting compartment may be necessary; in order to prevent neurovascular injury during a fasciotomy, the exact course of the nerves and vessels within the affected compartment must be known ( ).
The effects of extension and medial rotation of the limb that occur during fetal development are manifest in the relative positions of the muscle groups in the thigh and the leg, and in the adult pattern of segmental cutaneous innervation (dermatomes). The role of the muscles of the lower limb in the maintenance of equilibrium during gait and in stance is rarely emphasized sufficiently. Many of the muscles act frequently or predominantly from their distal attachments. During both stance and gait, the distal attachment is often fixed and the proximal attachment is mobile, e.g. the predominant action of gluteus medius is as a pelvic stabilizer rather than as a hip abductor. In contrast, in the upper limb, the proximal muscle attachments are usually fixed and the distal attachments are mobile, an arrangement that is consistent with the prehensile function of the hand. The lower limb contains many muscles that act on more than one joint, and it is unusual for any joint of the lower limb to move in isolation. Certain muscles are morphologically and functionally segregated, e.g. the anterior part of gluteus medius is active with medial (internal) rotation of the hip, while the posterior part contributes to lateral (external) rotation of the hip.
Muscles of the lower limb may be subdivided according to their location. (1) Muscles of the iliac region, psoas major and iliacus (together called iliopsoas) are the main flexors of the hip. They arise from the lumbar spine and inner surface of the ilium and are attached distally on the lesser trochanter of the femur. When present, psoas minor runs from the lumbar spine to the pubis. (2) The gluteal region includes the three named gluteal muscles and the deeper, short lateral rotators of the hip joint. Gluteus maximus lies most superficially and is a powerful extensor of the hip joint. Gluteus medius and minimus, passing between the ilium and the greater trochanter of the femur, are abductors of the hip. Their most important action is to stabilize the pelvis on the femur during gait, helped by tensor fasciae latae. Two of the short lateral rotators of the hip, piriformis and obturator internus, arise from within the pelvis, while the others, obturator externus, the gemelli and quadratus femoris, originate externally; all of these muscles are attached distally to the proximal femur. (3) The muscles of the thigh lie in three functional compartments. The anterior (extensor) compartment includes sartorius and quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris and vasti medialis, lateralis and intermedius). Sartorius and rectus femoris are attached proximally to the pelvis and can thus act on the hip joint as well as on the knee, whereas the vasti arise from the femoral shaft and are powerful knee extensors. The medial (adductor) compartment contains adductors brevis, longus and magnus and gracilis; pectineus may also be included. All five muscles cross the hip joint but only gracilis reaches beyond the knee. The muscles of the posterior (flexor) compartment, semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris, are attached proximally to the ischial tuberosity and act to extend the hip and to flex and rotate the knee. Part of adductor magnus, as may be inferred from the extent of its proximal attachment and its dual innervation, shares the first of these functions with the hamstrings. Biceps femoris is the only muscle of the thigh that is attached distally to the fibula. (4) In the leg, the anterior (extensor) compartment includes the extensors (dorsiflexors) of the foot and the extrinsic toe extensors. Tibialis anterior, the main foot dorsiflexor, also inverts the foot at the subtalar joint, while the smallest muscle of the compartment, fibularis (peroneus) tertius, is a dorsiflexor that everts the foot. The lateral compartment contains the main evertors of the foot, fibularis (peroneus) longus and brevis; both muscles are also plantar flexors. The posterior (flexor/plantar flexor) compartment has superficial and deep components. The superficial component contains gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris. Gastrocnemius and soleus are powerful plantar flexors of the foot: gastrocnemius and plantaris are attached proximally to the femur and distally to the calcaneus and can therefore act on the knee as well as at the ankle. The deep component of the flexor compartment contains popliteus, a rotator of the knee, tibialis posterior, the main invertor of the foot, and the extrinsic flexors of the toes. (5) The intrinsic muscles of the foot include one muscle on the dorsal surface (extensor digitorum brevis), and the muscles of the sole, arranged in four layers. The intrinsic muscles facilitate the actions of the extrinsic flexors of the toes, and provide subtle changes in the shape of the foot, thereby contributing to the control of foot posture during stance and gait.
The detailed regional descriptions of these systems are found in Chapter 77, Chapter 78, Chapter 79 .
The femoral artery (the continuation of the external iliac artery) provides the principal arterial supply to the lower limb distal to the inguinal ligament and the gluteal fold ( Figs 76.4 – 76.5 ). The femoral artery courses within the subsartorial (adductor) canal, which is located on the anteromedial aspect of the thigh. It passes through the adductor hiatus to become the popliteal artery on entering the posterior compartment of the thigh and soon thereafter divides into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. The obturator and inferior gluteal vessels also contribute to the supply of the proximal part of the limb. In the embryo, the inferior gluteal artery supplies the main axial artery of the limb, which is represented in the adult by the artery to the sciatic nerve.
The bones of the lower limb receive their arterial supply from nutrient vessels, metaphysial arterial branches of the peri-articular anastomoses, and the arteries supplying the muscles that attach to their periosteum. The pattern of arterial supply is particularly relevant to fracture healing, the spread of infection and malignancy, and the planning of reconstructive surgical procedures. For further details, consult , and .
Ischaemia of the lower limb due to peripheral arterial disease is a tremendous burden on healthcare resources. Obesity and smoking and diseases including diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis contribute to this pathology. Symptoms include intermittent claudication and wounds that do not heal well (see ). Physical examination of such patients may reveal decreased distal pulses (e.g. of the posterior tibial artery), pallor or a cool extremity.
Achieving adequate and aesthetically satisfactory skin and soft tissue cover for large, superficial tissue defects is a perennial challenge in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, and accounts for a substantial part of a plastic surgeon’s workload. Generally, split-thickness and full-thickness skin grafts are suitable only for very superficial defects. To achieve tissue coverage for deeper and larger tissue defects, one of a variety of autologous tissue flaps may be used. A fasciocutaneous flap is composed of skin, fat and deep fascia (fascia musculorum); a lower-extremity fasciocutaneous flap ( ) is very useful in the repair of soft tissue defects of the leg.
The viability of a flap transplanted from one part of the body to another is crucially dependent on the blood supply of the flap. An appreciation of the angiosome concept ( Chapter 6, Chapter 7 ), coupled with technological advances in reconstructive microsurgery, has stimulated the development and use of perforator (or perforator-based) flaps. These are flaps of skin or subcutaneous tissue supplied by one or more fascial ‘perforators’, i.e. arteries that reach the suprafascial plexus either directly from a source vessel, or indirectly from some other neighbouring tissue ( ) ( Fig. 76.6 ). Perforator-based flaps are typically harvested with sparing of underlying muscle tissue and minimal trauma; their use is said to reduce postoperative pain, donor site morbidity and functional loss.
The lower limb is the largest donor site in the body for perforator-based flaps. Commonly used flaps include anterolateral thigh flaps, which provide a large amount of skin; superior and inferior gluteal artery perforator flaps used in breast reconstruction; vascularized fibular flaps for reconstruction of deficient bone; vascularized tensor fasciae latae flaps for tendon reconstruction; vascularized sural nerve flaps for nerve reconstruction; and the gracilis muscle flap, used in, for example, reanimation of paralysed muscle.
In the context of perforator flap surgery, the lower limb may be considered in terms of four anatomic regions: gluteal; anterior hip and thigh; knee and leg; ankle and foot. Each lower limb accounts for approximately 23% of the total body surface area (thigh 10.5%, leg 6.5%, buttock 2.5% and foot 3.5%) and contains an average of 90 arterial perforators ( Fig. 76.7 ). FLOAT NOT FOUND
The pulsation of the femoral artery is palpable as it enters the femoral triangle. Posterior to the knee joint, the popliteal pulse is difficult to identify due to the depth of the popliteal artery, and is best assessed with the knee in slight flexion. Distally, the posterior tibial artery is palpable just posterior to the medial malleolus and the dorsalis pedis pulse is located over the tarsal bones, immediately lateral to the tendon of extensor hallucis longus. Clinical signs of decreased or absent peripheral pulses, particularly the pedal pulses (posterior tibial artery and dorsalis pedis) bilaterally may be indicative of peripheral artery disease ( ).
The veins of the lower limb can be subdivided into a superficial group lying in the subcutaneous tissue and vessels that lie deep to the deep fascia and accompany the major arteries and their branches ( Figs 76.8 – 76.9 ). Valves are present in both groups, but are more numerous in the deep veins. (They are also more numerous than in the veins of the upper limb.) Venous plexuses occur within and between some of the lower limb muscles. The two principal superficial veins are the long (great) and short (small) saphenous veins; their numerous tributaries are mostly unnamed, however, changes in clinical practice are driving a revision of the terminology ( , ). The long saphenous vein can be harvested and used as a graft for peripheral vascular surgery, including coronary artery bypass ( ).
Plantar digital veins arise from plexuses in the plantar regions of the toes, connect with dorsal digital veins and unite to form four plantar metatarsal veins. These run in the intermetatarsal spaces and connect first with dorsal veins by means of perforating veins and then connect with each other to constitute a deep plantar venous arch adjacent to the deep plantar arterial arch. Medial and lateral plantar veins from the venous arch run near the corresponding arteries and communicate with the long and short saphenous veins before forming the posterior tibial veins posterior to the medial malleolus.
The posterior tibial veins accompany the posterior tibial artery. They receive veins from the calf muscles, especially the venous plexus in soleus, and connect with superficial veins and with the fibular veins. The latter accompany the fibular artery and receive tributaries from both soleus and superficial veins. The anterior tibial veins are continuations of the venae comitantes of the dorsalis pedis artery. They leave the extensor region between the tibia and fibula, pass through the proximal end of the interosseous membrane and unite with the posterior tibial veins at the distal border of popliteus to form the popliteal vein.
While standing, venous return from the lower limb depends largely on muscular activity, especially contraction of the calf and foot muscles, known as the ‘muscle pump’, aided by the tight sleeve of deep fascia ( ). ‘Perforating’ veins connect the long saphenous vein with the deep veins, particularly near the ankle, distal calf and knee. Their valves are arranged so as to prevent flow of blood from the deep to the superficial veins. At rest, pressure in a superficial vein is equal to the height of the column of blood extending from that vein to the heart. When the posterior leg muscles contract, blood is pumped proximally into the deep veins and is normally prevented from flowing into the superficial veins by the valves in the perforating veins. During muscular relaxation, blood is drawn into the deep veins from the superficial veins. If the valves in the perforating veins become incompetent, these veins become sites of ‘high-pressure leaks’ during muscular contraction, and the superficial veins become dilated and varicose. There are similar perforating connections in the anterolateral region, where varicosities may also occur. Incompetence of the valves in the connecting veins between the long saphenous vein and femoral vein in the adductor canal may predispose to superficial varicosities along the medial aspect of the thigh ( ). Venous plexuses, which may be intramuscular (soleus) or intermuscular (in the foot and gluteal region), communicate with the axially running deep veins and are components of the ‘muscle pump’ mechanism.
Most lymph from the lower limb traverses a large intermediary inguinal group of nodes ( Fig. 76.10 ). Peripheral nodes are few and are all deeply sited in the popliteal fossa except for an inconsistent node lying proximally on the interosseous membrane near the anterior tibial vessels. Enlarged popliteal nodes, often as a result of inflammation, malignancy or injury to the lateral side of the foot, may be palpated along the line of the popliteal vessels while the passively supported knee is gradually moved from extension to semi-flexion. Inguinal lymph nodes are found superficial and deep to the deep fascia. The superficial nodes may be divided into a lower vertical group that clothe the proximal part of the long saphenous vein, and an upper group that lie parallel to, but below, the inguinal ligament and which are related laterally to the superficial circumflex iliac and medially to the superficial external pudendal vessels. The deep nodes are few and lie alongside the medial aspect of the femoral vein. Lymph from the lower limb passes from the inguinal lymph nodes to the external and common iliac nodes, and ultimately drains to the lateral aortic nodes. Deep gluteal lymph reaches the same group through the internal and common iliac lymphatic vessels.
The superficial lymph vessels begin in subcutaneous plexuses. Collecting vessels leave the foot either medially with the long saphenous vein, or laterally with the short saphenous vein. Medial vessels are larger and more numerous. They start on the medial side of the dorsum of the foot, ascend anterior or posterior to the medial malleolus, accompany the long saphenous vein and drain to the distal superficial inguinal nodes. Lateral vessels begin on the fibular side of the dorsum of the foot. Some cross anteromedially in the leg to join the medial vessels and so pass to the distal superficial inguinal lymph nodes, while others accompany the short saphenous vein and drain to the popliteal nodes. Superficial lymph vessels from the gluteal region run anteriorly to the proximal superficial inguinal nodes.
The deep lymph vessels accompany the anterior and posterior tibial, fibular, popliteal and femoral vessels. Popliteal nodes interrupt the deep vessels from the foot and leg; deep vessels from the thigh pass to the deep inguinal nodes. The deep lymphatic vessels of the gluteal region follow their corresponding blood vessels. Those accompanying the superior gluteal vessels end in a node near the intrapelvic part of the superior gluteal artery, adjacent to the superior border of the greater sciatic foramen, while those that follow the inferior gluteal vessels traverse one or two of the small nodes inferior to piriformis and then pass to the internal iliac nodes.
Nerves derived from the lumbar and sacral plexuses innervate the lower limb ( Fig. 76.11 ). The lumbar plexus lies deep within psoas major, anterior to the transverse processes of the first three lumbar vertebrae. The sacral plexus lies in the pelvis on the anterior surface of piriformis, external to the pelvic fascia, which separates it from the inferior gluteal and internal pudendal vessels. The lumbosacral trunk (fourth and fifth lumbar ventral rami) emerges medial to psoas major on the posterior abdominal wall and lies on the ala of the sacrum before crossing the pelvic brim to join the first sacral ventral ramus. Contributions to the lumbosacral trunk may also be derived from the third lumbar nerve ( ).
The deep and protected situation of the plexuses means that lesions are not common. The lumbar plexus may be involved in retroperitoneal pathology and the sacral plexus may be invaded by pelvic malignancies and both may be involved in the reticuloses, affected by plexiformneuromas, or damaged in fractures of the lumbar spine and pelvis or in other conditions that cause severe retroperitoneal and pelvic haemorrhage. Temporary lesions may occur after pregnancy and childbirth, e.g. after difficult forceps delivery of a large baby. Pain, which may be diffuse, is the most common feature. Iatrogenic injury can occur during surgical approaches to the abdomen and pelvis, particularly when operating within the retroperitoneal space and also during the lateral approach to spine.
Sciatica is pain in the lower back and hip region, radiating inferiorly along the posterior thigh to the leg. It is often caused by a herniated intervertebral disc, compressing the L5 or S1 ventral rami. The so-called piriformis syndrome, which may result from a variant or anomalous relationship between piriformis and the sciatic nerve, may also produce hip pain that radiates inferiorly along the course of the sciatic nerve. Diagnosis of specific nerve injuries relies on the distribution and characteristics of clinical findings in combination with supportive electrophysiological studies and/or MRI and CT scans. The clinical presentation of lesions can vary as a result of anatomical variation and overlapping innervation patterns. Generally, loss of hip flexion and knee extension indicates a lumbar lesion; loss of hip abduction, knee flexion, and plantarflexion and dorsiflexion are symptoms of sacral lesions ( ).
The femoral nerve is the nerve of the anterior compartment of the thigh. It arises from the posterior divisions of the second to fourth lumbar ventral rami, descends through psoas major and emerges on its lateral border to pass between it and iliacus. It enters the thigh behind the inguinal ligament and lateral to the femoral sheath. Its terminal branches form in the femoral triangle about 2 cm distal to the inguinal ligament. In the abdomen, the nerve supplies small branches to iliacus and a branch to the proximal part of the femoral artery. It subsequently supplies a large cutaneous area on the anterior and medial thigh, medial leg and foot, and gives articular branches to the hip, knee and ankle. The femoral nerve is described in detail on pages 1391–1392 .
The femoral nerve is susceptible to compression, resulting in isolated motor or sensory deficits, either within psoas major or as it passes under the inguinal ligament. Partial or complete nerve injury can occur during surgery directed to the hip, pelvis or spine; with femoral artery catheterization; from trauma; or as a result of a retroperitoneal haematoma or mass. Consequences include paralysis of the hip flexors and quadriceps (with loss of the patellar reflex) and sensory deficits in the medial and anterior thigh and medial side of the leg (saphenous branch).
The obturator nerve is the nerve of the medial compartment of the thigh. It arises from the anterior divisions of the second to fourth lumbar ventral rami, descends through psoas major and emerges from its medial border at the pelvic brim. It crosses the sacroiliac joint behind the common iliac artery and lateral to the internal iliac vessels, runs along the lateral pelvic wall medial to obturator internus, and enters the thigh through the upper part of the obturator foramen. Near the foramen, it divides into anterior and posterior branches that are initially separated by part of obturator externus and more distally by adductor brevis. It provides articular branches to the hip and knee, and can supply the skin of the medial thigh and leg. An accessory obturator nerve may also be present and leaves the pelvis anterior to the pubis. The obturator nerve is described in detail on page 1392 .
Isolated lesions of the obturator nerve are rare, and usually occur in combination with injury to other nerves of the lumbosacral plexus. They can result from an acetabular fracture, pelvic tumour, obturator hernia, prolonged labour or direct trauma, and can be produced iatrogenically following manipulation, transection or retraction during pelvic surgery. The obturator nerve can become entrapped within the fascia overlying adductor brevis. Resulting symptoms include radiating pain and numbness on the medial side of the thigh and adductor muscle paralysis. Pain or loss of sensation in the groin with weakness of adduction and medial rotation of the thigh may be noted.
The sciatic nerve is typically 2 cm wide at its origin and is the thickest nerve in the body. It travels in the posterior compartment of the thigh and supplies the leg and foot. It is formed in the pelvis from the ventral rami of the fourth lumbar to third sacral spinal nerves, enters the lower limb via the greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis and descends between the greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity. In its descent along the posterior thigh it is crossed by the long head of biceps femoris. The sciatic nerve ‘divides’ into the tibial and common fibular (peroneal) nerves proximal to the knee. The tibial nerve is derived from the anterior divisions of the sacral plexus and the common fibular nerve is derived from the posterior divisions of the plexus: the two large nerves are only loosely held together as the sciatic nerve and the level of their separation in the thigh is variable.
The sciatic nerve sends articular branches to the hip joint through its posterior capsule (these can be derived directly from the sacral plexus) and to the knee joint. The medial (tibial) component innervates the posterior thigh muscles, including the ischial part of adductor magnus, but not the short head of biceps femoris, which is supplied by the lateral (common fibular) component. The common variations of the sciatic nerve have been classified into six types ( ). The sciatic nerve is described in detail on pages 1392–1393 .
Sciatic nerve injury may result from gluteal trauma, hip fracture, vasculitis, myositis piriformis syndrome or iatrogenically damaged by misplaced gluteal injections or during total hip replacement surgery. Complete sciatic nerve palsy is rare, with injury to its common fibular component more frequent, possibly because it lies posterior, lateral and superficial to the tibial nerve.
The tibial nerve is derived from the anterior divisions of the sacral plexus. It descends through the posterior thigh and popliteal fossa to the distal border of popliteus, passes anterior to soleus with the popliteal artery and continues into the leg. In the popliteal fossa, it initially lies lateral to the popliteal vessels, then becomes superficial to them and crosses to the medial side of the artery. In the leg, it is the nerve of the posterior compartment, descending with the posterior tibial vessels to lie between the heel and the medial malleolus and ending deep to the flexor retinaculum by dividing into the medial and lateral plantar nerves. The tibial nerve supplies articular branches to the knee and ankle joints, cutaneous branches to the back of the calf, the sole, the lateral border of the foot and the medial and lateral sides of the heel, and motor branches to gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus. The tibial nerve is described in detail on pages 1427–1428 .
The tibial nerve is at risk of direct injury in the popliteal fossa, and can be compressed at the level of the tarsal tunnel as the nerve passes under the flexor retinaculum (tarsal tunnel syndrome). The medial plantar nerve may be compressed between abductor hallucis and the navicular bone (‘jogger’s foot’). Depending on the level of the injury, weakness of knee flexion, plantarflexion, inversion and toe flexion may result, accompanied by sensory loss in the lower lateral leg, heel and sole of the foot.
The common fibular nerve (common peroneal nerve) is derived from the posterior divisions of the sacral plexus and is the nerve of the anterior and lateral compartments in the leg. It descends obliquely along the lateral side of the popliteal fossa to the fibular head, lying between the tendon of biceps femoris and the lateral head of gastrocnemius, then curves lateral to the neck of the fibula, lying on the bone deep to fibularis longus, and divides into superficial and deep fibular (peroneal) nerves. The common fibular nerve supplies the anterolateral part of the knee joint capsule and the proximal tibiofibular joint and the skin on the anterior, posterior and lateral surfaces of the proximal leg. The superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve supplies fibulares longus and brevis and the skin of the lower leg before dividing into medial and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerves. The deep fibular (peroneal) nerve supplies muscular branches to tibialis anterior, extensors hallucis longus and digitorum longus and fibularis tertius, and an articular branch to the ankle joint, before dividing into lateral and medial terminal branches. The common fibular nerve is described in detail on page 1428 .
The common fibular nerve is prone to iatrogenic or traumatic injury: patients with common fibular neuropathy present with foot drop. Injury specifically to the superficial fibular nerve will result in paralysis of eversion and sensory loss in the lower lateral aspect of the leg extending onto the dorsum of the foot. Damage to the deep fibular nerve results in paralysis of dorsiflexion and toe extension with sensory loss in the first interdigital web space.
The gluteal nerves arise from the posterior divisions of the sacral plexus. The superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1) leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen superior to piriformis and supplies gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fasciae latae and the hip joint. The inferior gluteal nerve (L5, S1, S2) passes through the greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis and supplies gluteus maximus. The gluteal nerves are described in detail on page 1393 .
Focal lesions of the superior and inferior gluteal nerves usually occur concurrently with those of the sciatic nerve, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve and/or pudendal nerve. However, both gluteal nerves are vulnerable to injury during total hip replacement, and less commonly due to blunt trauma or misplaced gluteal injections. Injury to the superior gluteal nerve causing paralysis of gluteus medius and minimus can result in Trendelenburg’s sign, where the pelvis drops on the unsupported side (in the coronal plane) when standing on the affected limb. Injury to the inferior gluteal nerve results in weakness of gluteus maximus causing impaired hip extension ( ).
The cutaneous nerves supplying the skin of the lower limb are all branches of the lumbar and sacral plexuses, with the exception of some proximal nerves. The areas of distribution and spinal segments of origin of the cutaneous nerves of the lower limb are illustrated in Fig. 76.12 . Variations in the composition and course of the cutaneous nerves of the lower limb are common.
For example, the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves may arise from a common trunk or the ilioinguinal nerve may be absent. The ilioinguinal nerve may also join the iliohypogastric nerve at the iliac crest. When the obturator nerve makes a more significant contribution to the cutaneous innervation, the medial cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve is relatively small. The cutaneous branch of the obturator nerve may be absent. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve normally arises from L2 and L3, but L1 may also contribute. Although this nerve usually bifurcates after it exits the pelvis, it may bifurcate within the pelvic cavity: it may be absent on one side and/or may be replaced by the ilioinguinal nerve or a branch of the anterior femoral cutaneous nerve. The genital and femoral branches of the genitofemoral nerve may arise as separate offshoots of the lumbar plexus. The genital branch may receive fibres from the twelfth thoracic nerve or may be completely absent, and the femoral branch may have an extensive distribution to the skin of the upper two-thirds of the thigh. The sural nerve is subject to wide variation and may supply the dorsal cutaneous aspect of the lateral two-and-a-half toes, or may terminate in the foot without any digital branches.
Injury to the iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves most commonly occurs during surgical procedures involving the lower abdomen or spine, particularly inguinal surgery. Injury can result in anaesthesia, hyperaesthesia, neuralgia, or causalgia in the associated sensory distributions. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is most vulnerable to entrapment as it passes beneath the inguinal ligament just medial to the anterior superior iliac spine: injury results in paraesthesia or dysaesthesia on the anterolateral aspect of the thigh (meralgia paraesthetica) ( ), which is usually intensified by walking or hip extension. Symptoms may be exacerbated when wearing tight belts or waist bands or as a result of pregnancy, obesity, rapid weight gain, diabetes or during hip surgery, hernia repair or iliac bone harvesting. The sural nerve may be injured at the level of the ankle joint following a fracture or sprain, compressed by wearing tight-fitting shoes or damaged during surgical procedures such as ankle arthroscopy or repair of the Achilles tendon: symptoms include pain or diminished sensation along the posterolateral aspect of the lower leg extending onto the lateral surface of the ankle and foot ( ).
Our knowledge of the extent of individual dermatomes, especially in the limbs, is largely based on clinical evidence ( ). While dermatomes have an orderly sequence and areas of consistency, they also demonstrate overlap and variability ( ). The dermatomes of the lower limb are innervated by spinal nerves T12 to S3 (see Fig. 76.12 ; Figs 76.13 – 76.14 ).
The preaxial border starts near the midpoint of the thigh and descends to the knee, then curves medially, descending to the medial malleolus and the medial side of the foot and hallux. The postaxial border starts in the gluteal region and descends to the centre of the popliteal fossa, then deviates laterally to the lateral malleolus and the lateral side of the foot. The ventral and dorsal axial lines exhibit corresponding obliquity. The ventral axial line starts proximally at the medial end of the inguinal ligament and descends along the posteromedial aspect of the thigh and leg to end proximal to the heel. The dorsal axial line begins in the lateral gluteal region and descends posterolaterally in the thigh to the knee; it inclines medially and ends proximal to the ankle. Considerable overlap exists between adjacent dermatomes innervated by nerves derived from consecutive spinal cord segments.
The autonomic nerve supply to the limbs is exclusively sympathetic. Preganglionic sympathetic fibres to the lower limb are derived from neurones in the lateral horn of the lower thoracic (T10–T12) and upper lumbar (L1, L2) spinal cord segments. Fibres pass in white rami communicantes to the sympathetic trunk and synapse in the lumbar and sacral ganglia. Postganglionic fibres pass in grey rami communicantes to enter the lumbar and sacral plexuses; many are distributed to the skin via the cutaneous branches of the nerves derived from these plexuses. The blood vessels to the lower limb receive their sympathetic nerve supply via adjacent peripheral nerves. Postganglionic fibres accompanying the iliac arteries are destined mainly for the pelvis but may supply vessels in the proximal thigh.
Surgical or chemical lumbar sympathectomy may be indicated in arterial disease and in the management of plantar hyperhidrosis, and may be used to treat rest pain or other troublesome sensory symptoms of arterial disease, or in causalgia. A segment of the sympathetic trunk including the second and third lumbar ganglia is removed; preservation of the first lumbar ganglion is said to lessen the risk of ejaculatory problems.
Most limb muscles are innervated by neurones derived from more than one segment of the spinal cord. The predominant segmental origin of the nerve supply for each of the muscles of the lower limb and for the movements that take place at the joints of the lower limb is summarized in Tables 76.1 – 76.4 ( ). There is no consensus about the contribution that individual spinal nerves make to the innervation of individual muscles, and these listings are not exhaustive. The most positive identifications, which are limited, have been obtained by electrically stimulating spinal nerves and recording the evoked electromyographic activity in the muscles. Much of the information in Tables 76.1 – 76.4 is based on the clinical appreciation of deficits following lesions to various nerves. At the central nervous level of control, muscles are not recognized as individual actuators but as components of movement, which means that they can contribute to several types of motion, acting variously as prime movers, antagonists, fixators or synergists. Some muscles have been included in more than one place in Table 76.3 on the basis that a muscle that acts across one joint can produce a combination of movements (e.g. flexion with medial rotation, or extension with adduction) and a muscle that crosses two joints can produce more than one movement. FLOAT NOT FOUND FLOAT NOT FOUND FLOAT NOT FOUND FLOAT NOT FOUND
Segment | Muscles supplied |
L1 | Psoas major, psoas minor |
L2 | Psoas major, iliacus, sartorius, gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis |
L3 | Psoas major, quadriceps femoris, adductors (magnus, longus, brevis) |
L4 | Psoas major, quadriceps femoris, tensor fasciae latae, adductor magnus, obturator externus, tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior |
L5 | Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, obturator internus, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, fibularis tertius, popliteus |
S1 | Gluteus maximus, obturator internus, piriformis, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, popliteus, gastrocnemius, soleus, fibularis longus, fibularis brevis, extensor digitorum brevis |
S2 | Piriformis, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, soleus, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, some intrinsic foot muscles |
S3 | Some intrinsic foot muscles (except abductor hallucis, flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digitorum brevis, extensor digitorum brevis) |
Region | Muscles supplied | Segment |
Hip | Flexors, adductors, medial rotators | L1–L3 |
Extensors, abductors, lateral rotators | L5, S1 | |
Knee | Extensors | L3, L4 |
Flexors | L5, S1 | |
Ankle | Dorsiflexors | L4, L5 |
Plantar flexors | S1, S2 | |
Foot | Invertors | L4, L5 |
Evertors | L5, S1 | |
Intrinsic muscles | S2, S3 |
![]() |
∗ Royal blue shading denotes nerve roots from which there is a known dominant contribution. Turquoise shading denotes nerve roots from which the contribution is of similar degree.
Movement | Muscle | Upper motor neurone ∗ | Spinal nerve level | Reflex | Nerve |
Hip flexion | Iliopsoas | ++ | L1, L2 | Femoral | |
Hip adduction | Adductors | + | L2, L3 | (+) | Obturator |
Hip extension | Gluteus maximus | L5, S1 | Inferior gluteal | ||
Knee flexion | Hamstrings | + | S1 | Sciatic | |
Knee extension | Quadriceps femoris | L3, L4 | ++ | Femoral | |
Ankle dorsiflexion | Tibialis anterior | ++ | L4 | Deep fibular | |
Ankle eversion | Fibularis longus and fibularis brevis | L5, S1 | Superficial fibular | ||
Ankle inversion | Tibialis posterior | L4, L5 | Tibial | ||
Ankle plantar flexion | Gastrocnemius/soleus | + | S1, S2 | ++ | Tibial |
Great toe extension | Extensor hallucis longus | L5 | Deep fibular |
∗ The muscles listed in the ‘Upper motor neurone’ column are those that are preferentially affected in upper motor neurone lesions. The root level is the principal supply to a muscle.
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