Arthroscopy of the Lower Extremity


The knee is the joint in which arthroscopy has its greatest diagnostic and intraarticular surgical application. The usefulness of arthroscopic techniques in diagnosis and treatment of intraarticular pathology has been well documented.

Arthroscopy should be considered a diagnostic aid used in conjunction with a good history, complete physical examination, and appropriate radiographs. It should serve as an adjunct to, not as a replacement for, a thorough clinical evaluation. With increased proficiency in examination of extremities and more accurate adjuvant tests, including MRI, we rarely, if ever, perform simple “diagnostic arthroscopy.” Surgical alternatives are discussed thoroughly with the patient before the procedure, and the definitive surgical procedure is performed at the time of a thorough arthroscopic examination. The general principles, instrumentation, indications, contraindications, and complications of arthroscopy are discussed in Chapter 49 .

Basic diagnostic techniques

General principles

Arthroscopy of the knee can be done as the essential initial step before proceeding to operative arthroscopy or before an open arthrotomy. Anesthesia can be local, regional block, or general. If the procedure is uncomplicated and of short duration, it can be done using a regional block local anesthesia in cooperative patients, especially if the surgeon is experienced in arthroscopy. If local anesthesia is to be used, we prefer intravenous sedation for portal injection with 1% lidocaine and an intraarticular bolus of 30 mL of bupivacaine and 15 mL of lidocaine 20 minutes before starting the procedure. Diagnostic arthroscopy before arthrotomy or major intraarticular surgery generally is best done with the patient under general anesthesia, unless this type of anesthesia is contraindicated.

The procedure is performed in the operating room under strict sterile conditions. The seriousness of this surgical procedure must not be minimized. Although complications such as infection are infrequent (<1%), carelessness in surgical scrubbing, preparation, or draping or careless handling of the irrigating solutions, arthroscopes, and instruments can result in intraarticular infections just as devastating as those after arthrotomy. Sterilization of arthroscopy equipment and use of waterproof arthroscopy gowns and drapes are essential. Sealing the extremity proximal and distal to the arthroscopy site and use of a durable skin preparation (DuraPrep, 3M Healthcare, St. Paul, MN) and iodine-impregnated drape at the surgical site can help to minimize infections.

The scrub nurse uses a large table for instruments. This is positioned for the nurse’s convenience, usually on the same side as the knee having surgery. A Mayo stand is placed over the operating table at the upper part of the patient’s thighs, and the more commonly used instruments are placed on it. Power cords and light cables are attached to the appropriate sources and are placed on a side table. Irrigation bags are suspended from an intravenous stand at the head of the table and are raised 3 to 4 feet above the level of the patient. The use of an arthroscopic pump for inflow through the arthroscope sheath or a separate sheath helps keep flow and pressure constant. The pump may eliminate the need for a tourniquet, making arthroscopy using local anesthesia feasible.

A tourniquet is placed around the thigh but is not inflated in diagnostic arthroscopy unless troublesome bleeding occurs. Inflation of the tourniquet blanches the synovium and other vascularized tissue and makes diagnostic evaluation of these structures more difficult. Meniscal vascularity and healing potential should be evaluated with the tourniquet deflated and the intraarticular hydrostatic pressure low. The tourniquet usually is inflated after exsanguination of the limb in acute traumatic disorders, or if the surgeon anticipates anything other than the simplest intraarticular surgical procedure. Tourniquet time should be minimized and not exceed 90 minutes for routine procedures to prevent possible deep vein thrombosis. For major complicated procedures, tourniquet times of up to 2 hours can be used, but times longer than this should be avoided to prevent ischemic neurovascular changes.

Stressing the knee to open up the various compartments is necessary for diagnostic or operative procedures. This can be accomplished by using a padded lateral post or a commercial leg-holding device. The use of a padded lateral post attached to the edge of the operating table can be effective for valgus stressing in or near full extension, but it does not control rotation. The commercial thigh holders are most effective, but some of their potential dangers must be kept in mind.

Patient positioning

When the patient is anesthetized, and a tourniquet and leg holder are applied if desired, the limb from the ankle to the tourniquet is thoroughly scrubbed and surgically prepared, just as for an open arthrotomy. Excellent commercial arthroscopy draping systems are available that isolate the foot and lower leg and the distal thigh just below the tourniquet and leg holder ( Fig. 51.1 ). Waterproof gowns also are imperative for the surgeon and assistant to prevent contamination.

FIGURE 51.1, Waterproof outer drape with central rubberized opening seals unsterile proximal thigh from operative field.

The patient can be placed supine with the prepared and draped limb angled off the lateral aspect of the table. The use of a leg holder or a lateral post allows the surgeon to stand on the inside of the abducted leg, placing the patient’s foot and ankle on the surgeon’s hip and iliac crest area. Placing the surgeon’s outside foot on a small platform often helps maintain the patient’s foot in the correct position. This position frees both of the surgeon’s hands, and the surgeon can stress the leg into valgus by simply leaning against the leg in the leg holder. This maneuver opens up the medial compartment for examination and probing. When the patient is supine, examination of the lateral compartment requires the assistant to hold the leg in a figure-four position. The table-flat position can be used with the surgeon and assistant standing at the side of the table ( Fig. 51.2 ).

FIGURE 51.2, Technique of table-flat position. Surgeon and assistant stand at side of table.

The patient also can be placed supine on a standard operating table with the knee joint positioned slightly past the distal break point of the table. The end of the table is dropped so that both limbs dangle at 90 degrees. The opposite limb should be well padded to prevent potential pressure problems. Flexing the middle of the table and placing a padded bolster also flexes the hips to take the stretch off the femoral nerve and simultaneously flattens the lumbar spine. The use of a well-leg support for the uninvolved limb is another excellent technique. With either technique, it is recommended to wrap the uninvolved extremity with an elastic wrap or to use an elastic stocking to minimize venostasis ( Fig. 51.3 ).

FIGURE 51.3, Placement of lateral post and taping of saline bag to table allow ease of leg positioning and full range of motion during ligament reconstruction.

Portal placement

Among the keys to success in arthroscopy are adequate light and distention of the joint and precise localization of the portals of entry for the arthroscope and accessory instruments. Without adequate illumination, clear vision is impossible; without adequate distention of the joint, the fat pad, synovium, and other soft tissues obliterate the view; and without precise location of the portals of entry, one would be unable to see adequately or to maneuver within all parts of the joint. Attempts to force a poorly placed arthroscope or instrument can result in articular scuffing, instrument damage, and other problems. Adequate illumination is ensured by proper care of the arthroscope and fiberoptic light cables, changing the light source bulbs when required, cleansing the arthroscope lens of film from frequent disinfectant soakings, and maintaining a clear irrigation medium. Any damage to the arthroscope tip, whether from motorized instrumentation or careless handling, can result in uneven light regulation and inability to focus the arthroscope properly. Precise entry portal location can be ensured best by carefully drawing the joint lines and soft-tissue and bony landmarks with a skin-marking pen before joint distention. All standard and optional portals are marked. Typically, the outlines of the patella and patellar tendon are drawn, medial and lateral joint lines are palpated with the fingertip and drawn, and the posterior contours of the medial and lateral femoral condyles are marked. The surgeon should recheck these outlines after distention to ensure proper placement.

When the portals are carefully marked, a small outflow, needle-type cannula can be placed superomedially or superolaterally with inflow through the arthroscope. This generally is necessary for large procedures, such as anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction when hemarthrosis is present. For smaller procedures, such as a meniscectomy, an outflow cannula might not always be necessary. Avoiding going through the vastus medialis obliquus may help to accelerate rehabilitation.

Standard portals

The standard portals for diagnostic arthroscopy are the anterolateral, anteromedial, posteromedial, and superolateral ( Fig. 51.4 ).

FIGURE 51.4, Landmarks drawn on knee before distention.

Anterolateral Portal

If allowed only one approach for diagnostic arthroscopy of the knee joint, most arthroscopic surgeons would choose the anterolateral portal. With the use of a 4-mm-diameter, 30-degree oblique forelens arthroscope through the anterolateral portal, almost all of the structures within the knee joint can be seen. Through this portal, the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), the anterior portion of the lateral meniscus, and, in tight knees, the periphery of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus cannot be viewed adequately, however. This portal is located approximately 1 cm above the lateral joint line and approximately 1 cm lateral to the margin of the patellar tendon. Palpation of the inferior pole of the patella helps to ensure that the anterior portals are not placed too high; the portal should be approximately 1 cm inferior to the patella. If the portal is placed too near the joint line, the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus can be lacerated or otherwise damaged. Also, an arthroscope inserted through such a portal can pass either through or beneath the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus, resulting in damage to the anterior horn or difficulty in maneuvering the arthroscope within the joint because it is bound down by the overlying meniscus. A portal placement too superior to the joint line allows the arthroscope to enter the space between the femoral and tibial condyles and prevents viewing of the posterior horns of the menisci and other posterior structures ( Fig. 51.5 ). An arthroscope placed immediately adjacent to the edge of the patellar tendon can penetrate the fat pad, causing difficulty in viewing and in maneuvering the arthroscope within the joint.

FIGURE 51.5, Placement of anterolateral portal. Arthroscope introduced through portal placed high above joint line (A) has advantages of avoiding fat pad and being easy to manipulate. It is difficult to reach posterior aspect of joint, however, where most meniscal pathology is located. With low portal placement (B) , posterior access is easier because femoral condyle does not get in the way, but instrumentation through fat pad is more difficult. Compromise should be made depending on location of intraarticular pathology and tightness of joint.

Anteromedial Portal

The anteromedial portal is most commonly used for additional viewing of the lateral compartment and for insertion of a probe for palpation of the medial and lateral compartment structures. This portal is located similarly to the anterolateral portal: 1 cm above the medial joint line, 1 cm inferior to the tip of the patella, and 1 cm medial to the edge of the patellar tendon. Precise placement can be confirmed by using a percutaneous spinal needle visualized from the anterolateral portal. A no. 11 blade with the cutting edge pointed away from the meniscus is visualized while making the portal.

Posteromedial Portal

The posteromedial portal is located in a small triangular soft spot formed by the posteromedial edge of the femoral condyle and the posteromedial edge of the tibia. Before distention of the joint, this small triangle can be palpated easily with the knee flexed to 90 degrees. The landmarks should be drawn on the skin before beginning the diagnostic arthroscopy. The posteromedial compartment is small, but any arthroscope can be inserted into it with proper care and technique. In this portal, a 30-degree angled arthroscope offers optimal viewing of all the structures in the posteromedial compartment. Three guidelines aid in the establishment of this portal: (1) the knee must be maximally distended with irrigating solution so that the posteromedial compartment balloons out like a bubble when the knee is flexed to 90 degrees; (2) the knee must be flexed as close to 90 degrees as possible; and (3) the bony landmarks must be drawn before the joint is distended. The location of the portals should be approximately 1 cm above the posteromedial joint line and approximately 1 cm posterior to the posteromedial margin of the femoral condyle. This portal is useful for repair or removal of displaced posterior horn meniscal tears and for removal of posterior loose bodies that cannot be displaced into the medial compartment and removed through an anterior portal. It is always used in PCL reconstruction.

Superolateral Portal

The superolateral portal is most useful diagnostically for viewing the dynamics of the patellofemoral articulation. It also is the best approach for visualization of the patellar tendon using a 70-degree scope. This portal is located just lateral to the quadriceps tendon and about 2.5 cm superior to the superolateral corner of the patella. With the arthroscope in this portal, the patellofemoral joint can be viewed with a 30- or 70-degree arthroscope, allowing evaluation of patellar tracking, patellar congruity, and lateral overhang of the patella as the knee is carried from extension into varying degrees of flexion.

Optional Portals

Posterolateral Portal

The knee should be flexed to 90 degrees, and the joint should be maximally distended. The landmark for the posterolateral portal is at the point where a line drawn along the posterior margin of the femoral shaft intersects a line drawn along the posterior aspect of the fibula. This is about 2 cm above the posterolateral joint line at the posterior edge of the iliotibial band and the anterior edge of the biceps femoris tendon. A 6-mm skin incision is made, and the distended posterior capsule is penetrated using the arthroscope sheath and a sharp trocar. The posterior edge of the femoral condyle is palpated with a trocar, slipping off the posterior condyle parallel to it. Directed slightly inferiorly, the sheath enters the posterolateral compartment. Care must be taken not to damage the articular surface of the posterior femoral condyle with this maneuver. Also, plunging in with a sharp trocar through the capsule and into the popliteal space must be avoided for fear of damaging neurovascular structures. The outflow of irrigation solution on removal of the sharp trocar confirms entry into the joint. This portal is useful for assisting with repair of lateral meniscal tears.

Proximal Midpatellar Medial and Lateral Portals

The optional midpatellar portal designations should not be confused with a central transpatellar tendon portal. These optional portals were described to improve the viewing of the anterior compartment structures, the lateral meniscocapsular structures, and the popliteus tunnel and to minimize accessory instrument crowding with the arthroscope during procedures requiring triangulation of several instruments into these compartments. Viewing of the posterior horns of the menisci and the tibial attachment of the PCL may be difficult through these portals.

These portals are located just off the medial and lateral edges of the midpatella at the broadest portion of the patella. The selection of the site is crucial. A site that is too far superior or inferior can jeopardize proper viewing. A 30-degree oblique arthroscope is ideal here. These are our preferred accessory portals for anterior compartment procedures.

Accessory Far Medial and Lateral Portals

These inferior optional portals often are used for triangulation of accessory instruments into the knee during operative arthroscopic procedures. They are located approximately 2.5 cm medial or lateral to the standard anteromedial and anterolateral portals. Medially, these portals are near the anterior edge of the medial collateral ligament; laterally, they should be well anterior to the lateral collateral ligament and popliteus tendon. An excellent technique is to insert a spinal needle through the skin and capsule and into the compartment under direct vision with the arthroscope. The needle should enter the joint above the superior surface of the meniscus, which would allow passage to its desired location. After the needle is directed to the desired location within the joint, the accessory instrument can be passed to this location with ease. If the needle cannot pass to the desired location, its point of entry is adjusted carefully before the portal incision is made. The margin for error is less through these accessory medial and lateral portals; the meniscus or the collateral ligament can be lacerated, or the articular margin of the femoral condyle can be damaged.

Central Transpatellar Tendon (Gillquist) Portal

The central transpatellar tendon portal is located approximately 1 cm inferior to the lower pole of the patella in the midline of the joint through the patellar tendon. With the patella in higher or lower locations than normal, or if the patellar tendon is located entirely lateral to the midline of the joint, adjustments in portal location must be made. We find this portal most helpful in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction procedures after graft harvest has been completed, avoiding tendon damage.

If a transpatellar tendon portal is necessary for posterior compartment evaluation or anterior compartment triangulation, it is made with the knee in 90 degrees of flexion to keep the tendon under tension. A 6- to 7-mm vertical incision is made sharply with a no. 11 blade through the skin and subcutaneous tissues and the patellar tendon, approximately 1 cm from the inferior pole of the patella. In the case of fixation of osteochondritis dissecans fragments, in which a more distal portal might be necessary, a spinal needle should be used to localize the portal before making an incision. We do not advocate routine use of this portal because of patellar tendon damage from the incision and instrumentation through the tendon. In certain cases, this portal would allow better instrumentation of an anterior articular joint surface and can complement the standard arthroscopic portals.

Insertion of scope

If the tourniquet is not to be inflated unless troublesome bleeding occurs, the portal sites should be infiltrated with 4 to 5 mL of a local anesthetic agent mixed with epinephrine, which reduces bleeding and postoperative pain. The use of more than 4 to 5 mL is not advised because a larger bolus, especially in the anterolateral and anteromedial portals, can distend the fat pads sufficiently to make viewing difficult. If inflation of the tourniquet is planned, the portals usually are not infiltrated.

Arthroscopic examination of the knee

The key to successful, accurate, and complete diagnosis of lesions within the knee joint is a systematic approach to viewing. A methodical sequence of examination should be developed, progressing from one compartment to another and systematically carrying out this sequence in every knee. The exact sequence is not crucial, but it is important to develop the habit of following it every time. Failure to do so could compromise diagnostic accuracy and completeness.

The knee should be divided routinely into the following compartments for arthroscopic examination ( Fig. 51.6 ):

  • 1.

    Suprapatellar pouch and patellofemoral joint

  • 2.

    Medial gutter

  • 3.

    Medial compartment

  • 4.

    Intercondylar notch

  • 5.

    Posteromedial compartment

  • 6.

    Lateral compartment

  • 7.

    Lateral gutter and posterolateral compartment

FIGURE 51.6, A, Suprapatellar pouch with view of undersurface of articularis genu. B, Tangential view of patellofemoral articulation. C, Normal medial parapatellar plica. D, Posteromedial compartment is seen by passing arthroscope through intercondylar notch after viewing medial compartment. E, Posteromedial compartment is seen through posteromedial portal, which is made after completion of routine examination if complete posteromedial view is unsatisfactory. F, Medial meniscus and medial compartment. G, Cruciate ligaments with fatty synovium covering posterior cruciate ligament. H, View of lateral meniscus and lateral compartment. I, View of posterior horn of lateral meniscus and popliteal tendon through hiatus. J, Posterolateral view of knee with arthroscope in anterolateral portal showing popliteal tendon insertion into femur in popliteal hiatus.

The posteromedial compartment can be examined by passing the scope posteriorly through the intercondylar notch or through a separate posteromedial portal. The posterolateral compartment usually can be examined adequately from an anterior portal, but if this compartment is incompletely viewed, a direct posterolateral portal should be chosen.

Arthroscopic surgery of the meniscus

Classification of meniscal tears

Classification of the types of meniscal tears encountered during diagnostic arthroscopy of the knee is essential in planning the subsequent arthroscopic resection or repair. Although numerous classifications of meniscal tears have been described, that of O’Connor has proved useful: (1) longitudinal tears; (2) horizontal tears; (3) oblique tears; (4) radial tears ( Fig. 51.7 ); and (5) variations, which include flap tears, complex tears, and degenerative meniscal tears.

  • Longitudinal tears most commonly occur as a result of trauma to a reasonably normal meniscus. The tear usually is vertically oriented and may extend completely through the thickness of the meniscus or may extend only partially or incompletely through it. The tear is oriented parallel to the edge of the meniscus; if the tear is complete, a displaceable inner fragment frequently is produced. When the inner fragment displaces over into the intercondylar notch, it commonly is referred to as a bucket-handle tear ( Fig. 51.8 ). If the tear is near the meniscocapsular attachment of the meniscus, it commonly is referred to as a peripheral tear. A peripheral vertical tear in zone I, referred to as a red-red tear, and a tear between zone I and II, referred to as a red-white tear, are in the vascularized portion of the meniscus ( Fig. 51.9 ). These peripheral tears should be repaired when feasible.

    FIGURE 51.8, Bucket-handle tear, displaced centrally.

    FIGURE 51.9, Zone classification of meniscus (modified from Cooper et al.). Most anterior zone of medial meniscus is labeled C, whereas most anterior zone of lateral meniscus is labeled D . 0 is meniscosynovial junction; I is outer third, II is middle third, and III is inner third of each meniscus.

  • Horizontal tears tend to be more common in older patients, with the horizontal cleavage plane occurring from shear, which divides the superior and inferior surfaces of the meniscus. These are more commonly seen in the posterior half of the medial meniscus or the midsegment of the lateral meniscus. Many flap tears and complex tears begin with a horizontal cleavage component.

  • Oblique tears are full-thickness tears running obliquely from the inner edge of the meniscus out into the body of the meniscus. If the base of the tear is posterior, it is referred to as a posterior oblique tear; the base of an anterior oblique tear is in the anterior horn of the meniscus ( Fig. 51.10 ).

    FIGURE 51.10, Diagram of posterior oblique (A) and anterior oblique (B) tears.

  • Radial tears, similar to oblique tears, are vertically oriented, extending from the inner edge of the meniscus toward its periphery, and can be complete or incomplete, depending on the extent of involvement. These probably are similar in pathogenesis to oblique tears ( Fig. 51.11 ). Tears posterior to the popliteal tendon may heal on their own or with local stimulation techniques ( Fig. 51.12 ).

    FIGURE 51.11, Radial tears: incomplete radial tear involves part of width of meniscus (A) ; complete radial tear extends to periphery (B) ; and incomplete tear, called “parrot beak tear,” extends posteriorly or anteriorly (C) .

    FIGURE 51.12, Healed posterior horn lateral meniscus.

  • The possible variations include flap tears, complex tears, and degenerative meniscal tears. Flap tears are similar to oblique tears but usually have a horizontal cleavage element rather than being purely vertical in orientation. Tears containing a horizontal element often are referred to as superior or inferior flap tears, depending on where the flap is based on the surface of the meniscus.

  • Complex tears may contain elements of all of the just-mentioned types of tears and are more common in chronic meniscal lesions or in older degenerative menisci. These generally are caused by chronic, long-standing, altered mechanics of the meniscus, and the initial tear occurring in the meniscus may not be identifiable after several different planes of tearing have resulted.

  • Degenerative tears often refer to complex tears. These present with marked irregularity and complex tearing within the meniscus. These are most often seen in older patients.

FIGURE 51.7, Four basic patterns of meniscal tears: 1, longitudinal; 2, horizontal; 3, oblique; and 4, radial.

Types of meniscal excisions

O’Connor separated meniscal excisions into three categories depending on the amount of meniscal tissue to be removed ( Fig. 51.13 ).

FIGURE 51.13, Types of meniscal excision: partial meniscectomy (A) ; subtotal meniscectomy (B) ; and total meniscectomy (C) .

Partial Meniscectomy

In this type of meniscal excision, only the loose, unstable meniscal fragments are excised, such as the displaceable inner edge in bucket-handle tears, the flaps in flap tears, or the flaps in oblique tears. In partial meniscectomies, a stable and balanced peripheral rim of healthy meniscal tissue is preserved.

Subtotal Meniscectomy

In this type of meniscectomy, the type and extent of the tear require excision of a portion of the peripheral rim of the meniscus. This is most commonly required in complex or degenerative tears of the posterior horn of either meniscus. Resection of the involved portion by necessity extends out to and includes the peripheral rim of the meniscus. It is termed subtotal because in most cases most of the anterior horn and a portion of the middle third of the meniscus are not resected.

General principles

  • Preserve functional meniscus; resect and contour the damaged tissue.

  • When possible, repair horizontal tears in the vascular zone and longitudinal and radial tears in young patients.

  • Repair the meniscus to protect the cartilage; protect the cartilage to repair the meniscus.

  • Release the superficial medial collateral ligament with a spinal needle to allow joint opening and prevent articular damage when necessary to repair.

  • Finally, check for a hypermobile lateral meniscus and any of the “3 Rs”: rips, ramps, and roots. Wrisberg rips are tears of the attachment over the popliteus tendon that allows displacement of the lateral meniscus. A ramp lesion is a peripheral, posterior horn, medial meniscal tear associated with the pivot shift from an acute ACL tear. A posterior root tear must be identified and repaired in non-arthritic knees to prevent cartilage overload and degeneration.

  • For partial meniscectomy use instrumentation in the ipsilateral portal with a straight or 15-degree up-curve instrument. For anterior tears, use curved or side-cutting instruments from the contralateral portal. Repairs are best performed outside-in for anterior tears and all-inside or inside-out for posterior tears, preferably from a contralateral portal to direct needles away from neurovascular structures.

Surgery for specific meniscal tears

As discussed earlier, tears of the menisci can be (1) longitudinal, either intrameniscal or peripheral, complete or incomplete, displaced (bucket-handle) or nondisplaced; (2) horizontal; (3) oblique; (4) radial; (5) flap; (6) complex; or (7) degenerative. No standard technique can be used in every case. The following techniques are useful in dealing with each of these types of tears through the anteroinferior portals. Even partial meniscectomy has been shown to increase joint wear; reasonable judgment must be used in planning meniscal surgery to preserve functional meniscal tissue. Planning begins in the preoperative period, ensuring the patient is fully informed as to the possibility of a partial meniscectomy versus meniscal repair and the postoperative course involved with each. Also, having the appropriate equipment and a thorough understanding of the incision and repair techniques are imperative.

As a whole, tears of the lateral meniscus are less common than tears of the medial meniscus. The radial tear configuration is almost unique to the lateral meniscus, occurring rarely in the medial meniscus. Also, the occasional discoid meniscus rarely is encountered in the medial compartment.

Most lateral meniscal excisions or repairs are done with the knee in the figure-four position: the hip slightly flexed, abducted, and externally rotated; the knee flexed at 30 to 90 degrees; and the tibia internally rotated. This position can be achieved with the foot of the table extended or flexed. With the end of the table extended, the ankle is placed on the table surface or on the opposite lower leg. In this position, the hip falls into external rotation, and a varus stress can be applied by pushing downward on the flexed knee. The figure-four position also can reduce overall joint distention by collapsing the suprapatellar pouch, making viewing and the use of suction and motorized cutters and trimmers in the lateral compartment more difficult. Inflow through the arthroscopic sheath allows for best visualization.

Vertical Longitudinal (Bucket-Handle) Tears

This common tear usually occurs in young patients as a result of significant trauma. It frequently is associated with an anterior cruciate ligament injury, and the medial side is more commonly involved than the lateral side (approximately 3:1). Long tears that extend at least two thirds of the circumference of the meniscus produce an unstable fragment that locks into the joint by displacing in toward the notch ( Fig. 51.14 ). The patient typically has episodes of locking in which the knee can be neither fully extended nor flexed. The fragment may displace and reduce with an audible and palpable clunk. There is associated pain and effusion. Occasionally, the bucket-handle fragment permanently displaces into the intercondylar notch. In these situations, the patient is gradually able to resume most activities but knows that something is wrong with the knee. The fragment may become distorted and fixed in place. Other bucket-handle tears divide in their central portion, creating two separate flaps, one based anteriorly and the other posteriorly.

FIGURE 51.14, A, Bucket-handle tear of medial meniscus that has flipped into intercondylar notch; in this position, meniscus may cause intermittent symptoms. B, Locked bucket-handle tear of medial meniscus.

A patient with a suspected bucket-handle tear who may be a candidate for meniscal repair should have this possibility discussed before arthroscopy. The most common criteria for meniscal repair include (1) a vertical longitudinal tear more than 1 cm in length located within the vascular zone, (2) a tear that is unstable and displaceable into the joint ( Fig. 51.15A ), (3) an informed and cooperative patient who is active and younger than 40 years old, (4) a knee that either is stable or would be stabilized with a ligamentous reconstruction simultaneously, and (5) a bucket-handle portion and remaining meniscal rim that are in good condition. Chronically deformed or degenerative menisci are not good candidates for repair. Most investigators report that only 10% to 15% of meniscal tears can be repaired and that most such repairs are done in association with an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

FIGURE 51.15, A, Unstable 2-cm peripheral tear of meniscus. Meniscus is being repaired with stacked vertical mattress suture. B, Incomplete undersurface tear of medial meniscus; this can be treated with abrasion to stimulate local healing followed by placement of one or two sutures. C, Complete 2-cm tear in avascular zone of meniscus; this type of tear generally is treated with excision, but if repair is attempted, use of fibrin clot and other local stimuli should be considered.

Bucket-handle tears that cannot be repaired can be treated with partial meniscectomy. Early reports suggested that preserving a meniscal rim eventually would lead to better long-term results, particularly in stable joints with a normal weight-bearing axis.

Partially displaceable tears usually are shorter and confined to the posterior half of the meniscus. Often, these shorter tears are located peripherally and can be repaired. Tears that are less than 5 to 7 mm in length and stable to probing during which the tear does not displace more than 1 mm can have the edges and perimeniscal synovium freshened with a meniscal rasp. Talley and Grana noted a 21% failure rate at short-term follow-up of 19 patients with stable partial-thickness medial meniscal tears that were treated with perimeniscal rasping. For lateral tears, 4% failed. These authors recommended repair of partial-thickness medial tears. We also believe that an aggressive treatment approach should be used for medial meniscal tears.

When the decision has been made to perform a partial meniscectomy, the choice must be made as to whether to use a two-portal or three-portal technique. If the meniscal fragment has displaced into the notch, it should be reduced using either a probe or a blunt trocar. If the meniscal fragment is large or chronic, the medial compartment may have to be opened with flexion and a valgus stress to permit reduction of the fragment. The technique for resecting a displaced bucket-handle tear and the technique for resecting a nondisplaced, short, vertical, longitudinal tear are essentially the same. In each situation, a probe should be introduced and the tear should be examined with the probe to determine the anterior and posterior extents. The probe also can be used to plan the subsequent cuts. This examination usually is most easily conducted with the arthroscope in the anterior portal contralateral to the tear and the probe in the ipsilateral portal.

Resection of Bucket-Handle Tear

Technique 51.1

  • For reduction of the meniscal fragment, use a probe or a blunt trocar to reduce the fragment to its normal position ( Fig. 51.16A ).

    FIGURE 51.16, Two-portal technique for bucket-handle tears of lateral meniscus. A, Displaced bucket-handle tear of lateral meniscus probed. B, After reduction of displaced bucket-handle tear, posterior attachment is partially released with scissors. C, Anterior attachment is released with scissors. D, Tenuous remaining posterior attachment is avulsed with grasper and extracted. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.1.

  • Begin the technique with partial division of the posterior attachment of the meniscal fragment. This can be done with basket forceps, scissors, or an arthroscopic knife. Attempt to cut almost completely through the posterior attachment of the mobile fragment at its junction with the remaining normal meniscal rim ( Fig. 51.16B ). This cut should not be done blindly to prevent harm to the normal meniscus or articular cartilage or both. Exposure can be aided by passing the arthroscope through the intercondylar notch to look down onto the posterior horn of the meniscus while cutting, or a posteromedial portal can be made if necessary to look directly down onto the meniscus for visualization or to pass through the posterior compartment for cutting of the meniscus.

  • Leave a small tag of meniscal tissue intact posteriorly to prevent the meniscus from floating freely in the posterior compartment after anterior release.

  • Divide the anterior horn attachment with angled scissors, basket forceps, or an arthroscopic knife. Make the release of the anterior attachment flush with the intact anterior rim so that no stump or “dog ear” remains ( Fig. 51.16C ). If the approach is difficult from the ipsilateral portal, changing portal sites and approaching from the contralateral portal with the operating instrument often facilitates making this cut. Rarely, a midpatellar portal is necessary so that both anterior portals can be used for instrumentation.

  • Use a hemostat to dilate the capsular incision before attempting meniscal removal.

  • Insert a grasping clamp through the ipsilateral portal and grasp the meniscal fragment as close to its remaining posterior attachment as possible. Keep the meniscal fragment in view and twist and rotate the grasping forceps at least two revolutions while applying traction to avulse the small bridge previously created.

  • If the meniscal fragment does not come loose as planned, use a grasper through the lateral portal for traction on the meniscus and pass arthroscopic scissors through the same portal to complete the resection posteriorly. If it is still difficult with this technique, make an accessory portal, 1 cm from the anterior portal using the spinal needle. The other option is to make an accessory midpatellar portal for the arthroscope and use the two anterior portals for instrumentation.

  • Observe the fragment as it exits the joint to ensure complete removal ( Fig. 51.16D ).

  • Occasionally, the fragment is so large that it lodges within the subcutaneous tissues. In these circumstances, the skin incision may have to be enlarged to deliver the fragment. Additional longitudinal tears can be treated as previously described.

  • If there are no further tears, use a motorized meniscal shaver to smooth the remaining rim.

  • Before the procedure is completed, examine the posterior compartment with either a 30- or 70-degree arthroscope inserted through the intercondylar notch or a 30-degree oblique arthroscope inserted through the corresponding posterior portal.

Postoperative Care

Partial weight bearing with the use of crutches is allowed for 48 hours until the patient is comfortable. Straight-leg raising exercises, ankle pumps, and range-of-motion exercises are started in the recovery room and repeated hourly during the early postoperative period. Wall sets are started 3 to 4 days after surgery. Stationary bike and progressive low-impact strengthening exercises are started when postoperative swelling has resolved. Return to sports is allowed around 3 to 4 weeks.

Longitudinal Incomplete Intrameniscal Tears

Longitudinal incomplete intrameniscal tears may extend from the superior surface into the body of the meniscus or may enter from the inferior surface. These often are extremely difficult to view and treat. This type of tear is commonly located in the posterior horn of the meniscus and may be only a few millimeters long. By the time such a tear extends more than 1 cm or 2 cm, it usually becomes complete and often displaceable. Usually a significant amount of stress must be applied to the knee to open up the appropriate compartment to view small tears. The first sign of such a tear may be a wrinkled or buckled inner meniscal border. If the incomplete tear begins from the superior surface, the probe tip passes into it but not through to the inferior surface. Inferior incomplete tears are even more difficult to view and explore, especially in a tight knee. The tip of the probe passes into the inferior tear but not through to the superior surface of the meniscus. Vigorous attempts to hook the probe into an unseen inferior tear should be avoided for danger of extending the tear. If such a tear exists, gentle probing can make the inner border of the meniscus buckle and evert (see Fig. 51.15B ).

Stable peripheral one third tears in relatively healthy menisci should be treated by abrasion of the tear site and meniscal synovial tissue to stimulate healing, preserving meniscal function. If stability is in question, suturing may be indicated for most medial meniscal tears (see “Arthroscopic Surgery of the Meniscus,” earlier).

Removal of Posterior Horn Tear

Technique 51.2 Figure 51.17

  • Use a 15-degree up-biting low-profile basket to make removal of a posterior horn tear easier.

    FIGURE 51.17, Technique for longitudinal incomplete intrameniscal tears. A, Probing longitudinal intrameniscal incomplete inferior surface tear. B, Fragment is removed bit by bit with basket forceps. C, Rim is smoothed and contoured with motorized trimmer. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.2.

  • Carry the resection out through the ipsilateral portal, trimming back to a stable contoured peripheral rim.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative care is the same as that described for Technique 51.1.

Horizontal, Oblique, Radial, and Complex Tears

In evaluating horizontal, oblique, radial, and complex tears, it is imperative to evaluate and remove only damaged tissue while maintaining functional, healthy meniscal tissue. Ahn et al. reported successful repair of horizontal tears using a marrow stimulation technique and an all-inside suture device. With horizontal tears of long-term duration, a meniscal cyst may be present. This generally is evident on preoperative MRI and should be looked for during the arthroscopic examination. In most instances, the superior and the inferior leaves are resected back to relatively normal stable tissue. The cleft should be probed, and if there is a meniscal cyst present, a small curved curet can be placed through the cleft aimed toward the surgeon’s finger on the exterior extent of the meniscal cyst. This can be opened with a small curet, and the cyst can be drained into the knee. A shaver or suction without running the shaver also can be used to open and decompress the cyst. Localization also can be aided with the use of a spinal needle placed exteriorly to enter the cyst.

When evaluating flap tears, one must probe the meniscus in the tear site carefully. Often a flap can be rolled up under the normal portion of the meniscus and its size and contour are not apparent. Likewise, the flap can be posterior to the femoral condyle, and careful examination of the posterior compartments is necessary to evaluate these meniscal tears fully. Resection in the case of a flap tear or a complex tear generally is accomplished with a basket forceps to morcellize the tear, and careful probing is done to ensure that the meniscal tissue remaining is of relatively normal contour with a smooth transition at its edges.

Radial tears can be divided into partial and complete. A partial-depth tear of the meniscus is treated with saucerization, balancing, and contouring of the edges ( Fig. 51.18 ). Complete radial tears that go to the meniscosynovial junction are difficult problems. Many authors believe that horizontal mattress repair of the peripheral portion of the meniscus is indicated because resection would result in loss of the functional protective mechanism of the meniscus. This is discussed further in the section on meniscal repairs.

FIGURE 51.18, Balancing meniscal resection. A, With radial tear. B, With longitudinal tear. C, With flap tear.

Treatment of Partial Depth Meniscal Tears

Technique 51.3

  • Examine the tear through the contralateral portal and probe it through the ipsilateral portal.

  • Evaluate the extent of the tear.

  • Use basket forceps or scissors to resect the torn and degenerative portion of the meniscus.

  • Probe the stable meniscal rim to ensure there is no additional flap that is inverted under the meniscus or inverted behind the condyle. Horizontal-type tears should be resected back to a stable rim.

  • If a meniscal cyst has been noted on MRI before surgery, open this area with a small curved curet passed from the contralateral portal, dilate the opening, and decompress the cyst. Localization can be accomplished with a spinal needle.

  • Contour the meniscal fragment with a shaver after resection and remove small morcellized meniscal fragments.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative care is the same as that described for Technique 51.1.

Discoid Lateral Meniscus

Most discoid menisci are lateral; compared with other meniscal pathologic entities, discoid lateral meniscus is rare (0.4% to 5%). Bilateral discoid menisci generally are reported in less than 10% of patients. Discoid medial meniscus is reported to be present in less than 0.3% of knee arthroscopies. A discoid lateral meniscus may be discovered during a systematic examination of the knee in which another abnormality may be producing symptoms. The abnormality accounting for the symptoms should be appropriately corrected, and the discoid lateral meniscus should be left intact unless torn or degenerative. Careful evaluation of the superior and inferior surfaces of the meniscus is necessary to rule out a meniscal tear.

The most common method of classification of discoid lateral meniscus is that of Wantanabe et al., who described three types: complete or incomplete, based on the degree of coverage of the lateral tibial plateau, and the Wrisberg variant with absent or abnormal posterior meniscal tibial attachment. The current recommended treatment of a discoid lateral meniscus is based on this system of classification. Complete and incomplete lesions with tears of the discoid component are partially resected to a stable peripheral rim of lateral meniscus 6 to 8 mm wide. When healthy meniscal tissue is present, repair of the Wrisberg-type lateral meniscus is performed.

Good and excellent results have been reported in 55% to 94% of knees that have had a partial central meniscectomy or “saucerization.” Preexisting degenerative changes, female gender, and age older than 20 years are associated with unsatisfactory results. We found at long-term follow-up that a significant percentage of patients had lateral joint symptoms after partial central meniscectomy, and others have reported similar findings. We try to preserve, contour, balance, and repair healthy meniscal tissue.

Partial Excision of the Discoid Meniscus

The objective of partial excision of the discoid meniscus generally is to remove the central portion, leaving a balanced rim of meniscus about the width of the normal lateral meniscus. The width is dictated, however, by the location and extent of the tear within the meniscus. If the free inner edge of the meniscus is not noted in the systematic diagnostic arthroscopy of the lateral compartment, a discoid lateral meniscus may be responsible. The tibial plateau may be completely covered by the meniscus, and the lateral compartment may appear to be devoid of a lateral meniscus; alternatively, varying portions may be covered. If a discoid meniscus is suspected, careful exploration should be focused more centrally on the lateral compartment or over near the intercondylar eminence for a meniscal edge.

Technique 51.4

  • In young patients with small knees, use a 2.7-mm arthroscope and small joint instruments. In older individuals, use a medial midpatellar portal for the arthroscope and standard anteromedial and lateral portals for instrumentation.

  • With direct vision of the meniscus, plan the resection so that a healthy peripheral meniscus of approximately 8 mm in width remains.

  • With the knee in a figure-four position, use basket forceps to start the central resection of the discoid tissue ( Fig. 51.19A and B ).

    FIGURE 51.19, Technique for discoid lateral meniscus. A, Anterior portion of discoid lateral meniscus is removed with rotary basket forceps. B, Further contouring of anterior rim with 90-degree rotary basket forceps. C, Posterior discoid fragment is removed with arthroscopic scissors. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.4.

  • When the bulk has been resected, place arthroscopic scissors through the anterolateral portal to make a posterior, radially directed cut extending to the outer 8 mm of the meniscal tissue ( Fig. 51.19C ).

  • From a lateral peripatellar portal, place a curved arthroscopic knife into the outer extent of the radial cut. Direct the incision anteriorly in a semicircular manner, preserving a peripheral rim of 6 to 8 mm of tissue. Complete the cut by changing the knife or scissors to the medial portal.

  • When the desired amount of meniscal tissue has been removed and the rim is balanced, the thickness of the inner edge is much greater than that after routine partial meniscus excision.

  • Thoroughly lavage and suction the joint.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative care is the same as that described for Technique 51.1.

Meniscal cyst

Meniscal cysts may develop from chronic medial or lateral degenerative meniscal tears; they most commonly involve the lateral meniscus. The site of the cyst usually can be differentiated intraarticularly by probing the meniscal tear fragments and opening the horizontal split in the meniscus with a small curved curet and passing it through the meniscal body into the central portion of the cyst. The cyst is curetted, and external digital palpation of the cyst is used to free up the cyst and decompress it into the joint. Suction may be used to remove the contents further. The meniscal fragments are removed and are cleaned up to relatively stable healthy meniscus.

Good to excellent results have been reported with arthroscopic partial meniscectomy and cyst decompression. If the cyst decompresses during the meniscectomy, no further treatment is needed for the cyst. If the cyst does not spontaneously decompress, it can be percutaneously aspirated and does not require open excision.

Arthroscopic repair of torn menisci

Although partial meniscectomy has yielded functionally better results than total meniscectomy, the ultimate outcome for partial meniscectomy remains suboptimal, with Fairbanks changes and functional deterioration much more frequent after partial and total meniscectomy than after meniscal repair. Multiple authors have found that joint deterioration after meniscectomy is accelerated with concomitant conditions of femoral and tibial chondromalacia, grade II or III anterior cruciate ligament instability, or tibiofemoral malalignment at the time of the initial meniscectomy. Partial lateral meniscectomies tend to do worse than partial medial meniscectomies. The lateral meniscus bears approximately 70% of the weight in that compartment, whereas the medial meniscus bears 50% of the weight in the medial compartment.

As noted earlier, only 10% to 15% of meniscal tears can be repaired, and these usually are associated with anterior cruciate ligament injuries. The only other positive correlations with healing have been found in patients who have a narrow peripheral meniscal rim (<4 mm) and when the repair is done within 8 weeks of injury. The length of the tear also has been associated with variations in healing, with failure to heal in over half of tears longer than 4 cm. The addition of a fibrin clot or marrow stimulation has been reported to increase the healing rate.

Arthroscopic repair techniques can be divided into four categories: (1) inside-out repairs; (2) outside-in repairs; (3) all-inside repairs; and (4) hybrid repairs, which combine the previous techniques. The inside-out technique can be done with double-lumen or single-lumen zone-specific repair cannulas, with absorbable or nonabsorbable sutures. The technique is rendered safe with the use of an incision for exposure of the capsule and placement of retractors for safe retrieval of suture needles. The outside-in technique is most suitable for repairs of the middle and the anterior thirds of the meniscus.

All-inside repair techniques have been simplified by the development of suture fixators, which have pre-tied knots. These devices provide secure fixation and decrease the potential for chondral injury present in earlier devices. They are best used for securing tears that are 2 to 4 mm from the peripheral attachment. Because of the ease and speed of repair, greatly reduced patient morbidity, and midterm results that are equal to or better than those with outside-in sutures, most of our repairs are done with all-inside devices. Indications for the different repair techniques are listed in Boxes 51.1 and 51.2 .

BOX 51.1
Repair Techniques and Indications
Modified from Sgaglione NA: Instructional course 206. The biological treatment of focal articular cartilage lesions in the knee: future trends? Arthroscopy 19:154, 2003.

Outside-in sutures Anterior horn tears, midthird tears, radial tears, complex tears, reduction of bucket-handle tears
Inside-out sutures Posterior horn tears, midthird tears, displaced bucket-handle tears, peripheral capsular tears, meniscal allografts
Fixator implants Posterior horn tears, tears with > 2- to 3-mm rim width, vertical/longitudinal tears, midthird tears, radial tears

BOX 51.2
Authors’ Preferred Techniques for Meniscal Repair

  • Meniscal body tears

    • All-inside devices

  • Meniscal capsular tears

    • Inside-out devices

  • Anterior root tears (8% of tears)

    • All suture anchors

  • Posterior root tears (10%-20% of tears)

    • Simple sutures, transtibial tunnel, and button fixation

Regardless of the arthroscopic technique preferred by the surgeon, arthroscopic meniscal repairs consist of four important steps: (1) appropriate patient selection; the patient should have a documented meniscal tear that is able to heal, most often a single vertical longitudinal tear in the outer one third; (2) tear debridement and local synovial, meniscal, and capsular abrasion to stimulate a proliferative fibroblastic healing response; (3) use of marrow stimulation or orthobiologics to enhance healing; and (4) suture placement to reduce and stabilize the meniscus.

Tears can be categorized into (1) tears that can be rasped and left alone, (2) tears that definitely can be repaired, (3) tears that can be repaired under certain circumstances, and (4) tears that should be resected. Weiss et al. showed that peripheral tears of 7 mm or less heal without suture stabilization. Such tears should be probed to ensure less than 3 mm of displacement, and the tear and the meniscal synovium should be rasped to promote healing.

Tears that definitely can be repaired are single vertical tears in the peripheral vascular portion of the meniscus, the red-red zone at the meniscosynovial junction, or the red-white zone within 3 mm of the junction. These tears are displaceable, are more than 1 cm long, and involve minimal damage to the body of the meniscus. Generally, repair should be limited to patients aged 40 years or younger. A healing response is stimulated by rasping the tear and the perisynovial tissue. Tears that can be repaired under certain circumstances include tears 3 to 5 mm from the meniscosynovial junction. These tears, similar to all tears that can be repaired, should be evaluated with the tourniquet deflated to determine vascularity. In young, active patients with minimal damage to the meniscal body, suture repair in association with healing enhancement is most likely to be successful when anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is performed concomitantly. If rasping produces bleeding, potential healing can be considered. Vascular access channels, achieved through meniscal trephination using an 18-gauge spinal needle to penetrate the peripheral meniscus to the synovium, can stimulate bleeding. When isolated tears are to be repaired, microfracture marrow stimulation of the intercondylar notch or addition of fibrin clot or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) should be considered. Resection is necessary for a meniscus with several tears, for tears involving damage or deformation of the body, and for tears that are definitely in an avascular (white-white) area (see Fig. 51.15C ). Although complete radial tears are uncommon, they present particularly perplexing problems. When within the meniscal body, these tears disrupt all circumferential fibers. Although radial tears near the origin of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus have been shown to heal, the biomechanical functionality of these repairs is in doubt. However, long-term results of repair may be better than those of a subtotal meniscectomy, especially in young patients ( Table 51.1 ).

TABLE 51.1
Meniscal Repair Versus Resection
2-3 mm 1
4-5 mm 2
A— AGE <20 0
20-40 years 1
>40 years 2
S— SIZE 1-2 cm 0
2-3 cm 1
>4 cm 2
Good 1
Fair 2
Malalignment 1
Chondromalacia grade III 1
Radial tear 2
ACL reconstruction or fibrin clot −1
ACL , Anterior cruciate ligament.

Higher scores associated with higher failure rates.

We often combine two or three basic arthroscopic techniques (suture-based meniscal fixator, inside-to-outside cannula technique, and outside-to-inside needle technique). If a large bucket-handle tear of the medial meniscus is suitable for repair, an initial stabilizing horizontal mattress suture can be inserted with a single-cannula or double-cannula technique in the midpoint of the tear near the posteromedial corner. Additional sutures can be placed posteriorly using the cannula technique from inside to outside or with a suture-based fixation device. The anterior portion of the tear, especially if this extends into the anterior half of the meniscus, is often best approached with an outside-to-inside technique.

If a patient has an unstable knee caused by an anterior cruciate ligament deficiency and a meniscal lesion that can be repaired, generally a ligament reconstruction and a meniscal repair should be done at the same time.

Inside-To-Outside Technique

Technique 51.5

  • Perform a systematic and complete diagnostic arthroscopy.

  • If a meniscal lesion that can be repaired is noted after thorough probing to ensure that no additional meniscal damage is present, exsanguinate the extremity and inflate the tourniquet.

  • Have a leg holder in place for stressing the knee. This opens up the compartment to make viewing of the periphery of the meniscus possible.

  • For repair of the medial meniscus, insert the 30-degree viewing arthroscope through the anterolateral portal and view and probe the extent of the tear.

  • If the tear is acute and within the vascular red zone of the periphery of the meniscus, minimally prepare the rim before suturing. If the tear is clearly within the vascular red zone, do not resect that part peripheral to the tear. Resection of this material decompresses the meniscus from the peripheral side and has an effect similar to that of partial meniscectomy by narrowing the meniscus.

  • If the tear is chronic, freshen and debride the torn surfaces, especially peripherally. Limit the excision to no more than about 0.5 mm of meniscal tissue if possible. This debridement and preparation of the torn surfaces can be accomplished with basket forceps, a shaver, curved meniscal knives, or small angled rasps introduced through the anteromedial, accessory medial, or posteromedial portal, while the tear is viewed with the arthroscope through the anterolateral portal. A small rasp is preferred for excoriating and abrading the meniscal surfaces ( Fig. 51.20 ) and the superior and inferior parameniscal synovium.

    FIGURE 51.20, Preparation of meniscocapsular tear of medial meniscus through accessory posteromedial portal. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.5.

  • Specific cannulas are made to allow for the best approach to meniscal tears based on the location. Place the cannula in such a position to angle the needle away from the posterior midline structures and to place the needle perpendicular to the tear site.

  • If a peripheral tear is beyond the posteromedial corner of the knee, use an all-inside meniscal fixation device or repair the meniscus using the inside-out technique.

  • For the inside-out technique, first make a 5- to 7-cm incision over the posteromedial aspect of the knee, dissecting through the subcutaneous tissue down to the posteromedial corner of the knee.

  • Identify the interval between the medial head of the gastrocnemius and the posterior capsule of the joint and retract the medial head of the gastrocnemius posteriorly off the posterior capsule.

  • Place a popliteal retractor in this interval to protect the popliteal vessels and to aid in capturing the needles ( Fig. 51.21 ).

    FIGURE 51.21, Top view of joint with arthroscope, needle cannula, and popliteal retractor in place for medial meniscal repair. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.5.

  • Pass the cannula of the suturing instrumentation through the anterolateral portal and place its tip near the posterior limit of the tear.

  • Remove the needle cradle and have an assistant load the cradle with the first needle.

  • Pass the needle through the cannula to enter the meniscus 3 to 4 mm from the edge, aiming the needle in a slightly vertical direction so as to exit at or above the center of the torn edge. Observe the needle as it is advanced through the outer portion of the tear. Use the needle to align the meniscus anatomically before advancing through the outer rim. If good positioning is obtained, use the needle driver to advance the needle 1 cm more ( Fig. 51.22 ).

    FIGURE 51.22, A, Most posterior sutures are placed with cannula in ipsilateral portal. B, Anterolateral and midmedial sutures are inserted with cannula through contralateral portal. Stacked vertical or oblique mattress sutures provide better holding strength than depicted horizontal mattress sutures. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.5.

  • Pass the second needle to enter the meniscus or meniscosynovial junction peripheral to the first needle, forming a stacked vertical mattress or oblique mattress suture ( Fig. 51.23 ).

    FIGURE 51.23, All-inside meniscal repair. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.5.

  • Pass the needles out through the capsule with the knee flexed 15 to 20 degrees while retracting the pes anserinus and saphenous nerve posteriorly.

  • Clamp the paired sutures together with a hemostat.

  • Vertical mattress sutures are placed from both surfaces of the meniscus in an alternating fashion every 3 to 4 mm. If it is difficult to maintain reduction of a bucket-handle tear, place the first mattress suture anteriorly to help hold the meniscus in place while subsequent sutures are passed.

  • The choice of suture material has been varied. Some surgeons fear that all absorbable sutures would degrade before adequate healing and may cause an inflammatory reaction around the knot. Other surgeons are concerned that nonabsorbable sutures would remain as stress risers within the meniscus or cause abrasive wear to the articular surface of the femur or tibia or penetrate and capture the medial collateral ligament. To date, no studies have shown any deleterious effects of using absorbable sutures with a long tensile life or nonabsorbable sutures. We prefer nonabsorbable sutures for larger, more centrally located tears because of the prolonged healing time.

  • If the tear involves mainly the middle third of the medial meniscus and the capsule has not been opened posteriorly to protect the neurovascular elements, make an incision over the medial joint line, before pushing the initial needle through the capsule and into the subcutaneous tissue.

  • Expose the capsule parallel to the peripheral tear of the meniscus and throughout its length. Exposing this area before passing the sutures through the capsule lessens the likelihood of cutting the sutures in making the exposure.

  • When all sutures are passed into this medial incision, tie them over the capsule. It is important to arthroscopically view the meniscus as the sutures are tied to ensure reduction of the tear site without deformation.

  • The safest position of the knee for suture of lateral meniscal tears is near 90 degrees of flexion. The peroneal nerve drops more inferiorly with flexion and is protected.

  • Make a 3-cm to 4-cm posterolateral skin incision, extending distally just anterior to the tip of the fibula with two thirds of the incision extending distal to the joint line.

  • Develop the interval between the iliotibial band and biceps and retract the biceps posteriorly. Use careful dissection to reflect the lateral gastrocnemius head off the posterior capsule. Place a hip skid or needle deflector between the capsule and the gastrocnemius head.

  • If the posterior extent of the tear is near the midline, protect the popliteal vessels before bringing the needles through the capsule by placing a wide metallic retractor between them and the posterior capsule. The common peroneal nerve lies slightly posterior to the posterior aspect of the biceps femoris tendon, so the needles must always exit anterior to the biceps tendon. It is much better, however, to make the posterior skin incision and expose the area of the posterior capsule and peroneal nerve before bringing the sutures through the posterior aspect of the capsule.

  • If the posterior horn cannot be repaired from the contralateral portal, place the needle from the ipsilateral portal, directed away from the neurovascular bundle ( Fig. 51.24A ).

    FIGURE 51.24, Johnson technique. Permanent suture brought in through anterior portal and placed into wire cable loop. SEE TECHNIQUEs 51.5 AND 51.6.

Postoperative Care

There is no universally accepted method of immediate postoperative management of meniscal repairs. Currently, after an isolated meniscal repair, we place the extremity in an immobilizer for 7 to 10 days. Range-of-motion exercises (20 to 80 degrees) are begun immediately for 20 minutes four times daily. Touch-down weight bearing is allowed for the first 2 weeks, partial weight bearing for 2 to 4 weeks, and full weight bearing at 4 to 6 weeks. Jogging is allowed at 3 months, and squatting and return to sports are allowed at 4 to 6 months. If the meniscal repair is performed in conjunction with an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, we prefer to treat the ligament primarily. This involves placing the knee in full extension immediately and allowing early full range of motion. Touch-down weight bearing on crutches is continued for the first 6 weeks. When stable repair in the red-red zone has been obtained, we allow the patient to return to sports at approximately 3 months, provided that complete return of function has been obtained.

Outside-To-Inside Technique

With this technique, a suture is introduced through a spinal needle that is inserted from outside to inside. It has been recommended as a safe approach to the posterior meniscal horns. We have found this technique most appropriate and safest for tears located in the anterior aspect of either meniscus. Johnson used a suture retrieval technique in which the suture is passed through the spinal needle and a second needle is passed through the meniscus in a vertical mattress configuration. A wire loop is used to retrieve the first suture and pull it back through the meniscus, forming a mattress repair ( Figs. 51.24 and 51.25 ).

FIGURE 51.25, Johnson technique. A, Second suture is pulled through to complete suture attachment. B, Sutures are brought into place after needles and cable loops have been removed. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.6.

Certain points for this technique must be emphasized. For posteromedial repairs, the knee should be flexed 10 to 20 degrees for the incision and for passing the needles to allow the sartorial nerve to lie anterior to the repair site. For anteromedial repairs, the knee should be in 40 to 50 degrees of flexion for the incision and repair to allow the sartorial nerve to lie posterior to the repair site. For lateral repairs, the knee should be flexed 90 degrees to allow the nerve to be posterior to the repair site. The meniscus and parameniscal tissue must be prepared with a rasp before the repair. A small, 5- to 6-mm working cannula should be placed in the ipsilateral side for suture management.

Technique 51.6 Figures 51.24 and 51.25

  • Make a small skin incision and extend it through the subcutaneous tissue down to the capsule opposite the site of the meniscal tear.

  • Under arthroscopic observation, introduce an 18-gauge needle from outside to inside, penetrating the meniscal rim and the meniscal fragment.

  • Remove the stylet and pass a doubled over 20-gauge wire or #0 PDS suture into the joint.

  • Retrieve the doubled wire or suture through a 5-mm cannula in the ipsilateral portal.

  • Use the wire or suture as a suture shuttle to pass one end of a nonabsorbable suture through the meniscus.

  • Repeat the process, placing another needle 3 to 4 mm from the first one. Insert a doubled 20-gauge wire through the needle and retrieve it out the cannula to shuttle the second limb of the suture through the meniscus to form a vertical mattress suture.

  • Tie down the suture over the capsule and repeat the process as often as necessary to stabilize the meniscal tear securely.

  • For large peripheral lesions on the medial side, such as a displaced peripheral bucket-handle tear, a combination of inside-to-outside and outside-to-inside methods can be used.

  • Place a single horizontal mattress suture, using a cannulated technique, into the midportion of the tear anterior to the posteromedial corner. This suture provides the necessary stability to the large bucket-handle fragment and prevents gross displacement when the spinal needle loaded with suture material is placed through the posterior and anterior horn regions of the fragment ( Fig. 51.26 ).

    FIGURE 51.26, Suture placement in midportion of large bucket-handle tear using curved cannula technique. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.6.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative care is the same as that described for Technique 51.5.

Lateral Meniscal Suturing

Technique 51.7

  • The technique for suture placement on the lateral side is similar to that described for the medial side, with the common peroneal nerve most at risk when suturing the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus.

  • Keep the knee near 90 degrees of flexion when suturing the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus because in this position the nerve falls well below the joint line posterolaterally. With the knee in nearly 90 degrees of flexion or in the figure-four position, posterior and posterolateral suturing involves little risk of injury to the peroneal nerve if the needles enter and exit the capsule superior to the palpable biceps femoris tendon.

  • Sutures can be placed inside-out or outside-in, in a stacked vertical mattress configuration. Place the sutures approximately 3 mm from the edge and space every 4 to 5 mm.

  • If approximation and stability have been achieved, tie the sutures to each other over appropriate bridges of the posterolateral capsule. Tie the sutures with the knee in full extension.

  • Immobilize the knee in a commercial knee immobilizer with the knee in extension.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative partial weight bearing on crutches is maintained for 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the stability of the tear and the distance of the tear from the peripheral blood supply.

Outside-In Repair of Complete Radial Tear of the Lateral Meniscus

Technique 51.8


  • Position the patient supine with a well-padded pneumatic tourniquet placed on the upper thigh. Prepare and drape the operative leg in the usual sterile fashion. Exsanguinate the leg and inflate the tourniquet.

  • Create a standard anterolateral portal, then an anteromedial portal under direct arthroscopic visualization.

  • Conduct a diagnostic arthroscopy to ensure that there is no additional intraarticular pathology.

  • Place the leg in a figure-four position and thoroughly examine the entire lateral meniscus for additional injury.

  • Begin by debriding the central portion of the meniscus at the tear in the semilunar pattern ( Fig. 51.27A ).

    FIGURE 51.27, Outside-in repair of complete radial tear of left lateral meniscus. A, Debridement of central portion of the meniscus surrounding complete radial tear in semilunar pattern. B, First suture is crossing horizontal mattress stitch. This suture is essential for providing reduction vectors on tear without lateral displacement of meniscus. C, Second suture is non-crossing, horizontal mattress suture that enters peripheral body of meniscus and exits on undersurface. D, The third and final suture also is non-crossing horizontal mattress suture exiting on top surface of meniscus, more centrally located than first suture. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.8

  • Place a PassPort cannula (Arthrex, Naples, FL) into the anterolateral portal, with the arthroscope in the anteromedial portal, and palpate and transilluminate the lateral joint line.

  • Advance a Meniscus Mender II (Smith & Nephew, London, UK) needle through the lateral capsule and into the meniscus at an oblique angle to the tear, anterior-to-posterior, entering the posterior segment of the meniscus through the tear and exiting on the top surface ( Fig. 51.27B ).

  • Make a 2- to 3-cm transverse incision directly on the joint line, and gently elevate skin flaps to expose the capsule.

  • Introduce the loop of a Chia Percpasser (DePuy Synthes, Raynham, MA) into the knee joint through the needle and bring it out of the anterolateral portal with an atraumatic grasper.

  • Pass a #0 nonabsorbable suture through the Chia loop and pull it through the meniscus and lateral capsule, leaving one limb of the suture remaining through the anterolateral cannula.

  • Make a second outside-in pass in the opposite direction to the first pass; this will have a starting point on the lateral capsule more posterior to the first pass.

  • Advance the needle through the lateral capsule and into the anterior segment of the meniscus through the tear at an oblique angle, posterior-to-anterior, exiting on the top surface (see Fig. 51.27B ).

  • Repeat the insertion and retrieval of the suture passer, and pull the loop out of the anterolateral cannula.

  • Insert the suture limb through the loop and bring it out of the lateral capsule. Gently pull on both limbs simultaneously, which should begin to reduce the meniscal tear. If not, an additional crossing suture may be needed. Tag both suture limbs for ease of identification.

  • During needle insertion, stabilize the meniscus with a spinal needle introduced into the knee through the anterolateral portal.

  • Insert a second suture in a standard horizontal mattress fashion. Insert the needle through the skin opening and into the meniscus, parallel and slightly posterior to the tear, exiting on the undersurface of the meniscus.

  • Use the suture passer to pass a #0 nonabsorbable suture. Insert the needle parallel to the first, anterior to the tear, and exiting on the undersurface of the meniscus ( Fig. 51.27C ). Pass the suture limb and tag both limbs.

  • Place the final suture in a standard horizontal mattress fashion, exiting on the top surface of the meniscus ( Fig. 51.27D ). This suture should be either slightly more central or peripheral than the first crossing suture depending on the placement of the first suture.

  • Relax the knee to a neutral position, and tie the sutures over the lateral capsule in the order in which they were placed.

  • Reinsert the arthroscope and inspect the repair.

Postoperative Care

For the first 5 weeks after surgery, knee range of motion is limited to 90 degrees of flexion and weight-bearing is limited to 50%. A hinged knee brace is worn at all times. After 5 weeks, the brace is discontinued and full knee range of motion and full weight-bearing are allowed. Sport-specific drills are allowed at 3 months after surgery, with full return to sports involving pivoting, squatting, twisting, and running typically allowed at 5 months.

Hidden Lesions: Rips, Ramps, and Roots

A Wrisberg rip is a traumatic enlargement of the popliteal hiatus resulting in lateral meniscal mechanical popping during knee extension from a figure-four position that may not be identifiable on MRI ( Fig. 51.28 ). Rips and ramp tears may be missed up to 50% of the time and root tears 70% of the time on MRI; thus a strong sense of suspicion for these lesions must be maintained if the symptoms and appropriate mechanism of injury are present.

FIGURE 51.28, A , Meniscocapsular rip at the popliteal hiatus. B , Abrasion of undersurface of meniscus secondary to meniscal instability. C , Repaired rip.

FIGURE 51.29, Posterior meniscal capsular ramp tear.

FIGURE 51.30, Meniscal root tear.

A ramp tear of the posteromedial meniscal capsular attachment associated with an acute ACL tear may be missed 24% of the time if visual examination and probing are not carefully performed ( Fig. 51.29 ). When symptoms warrant, a posteromedial portal may be necessary to find and repair this lesion. Using a posteromedial cannula and a curved spectrum, #0 sutures can be passed and tied with a knot pusher to secure the lesion. The Ultra Fast-Fix system (Smith & Nephew, Memphis, TN) also can be used to secure fixation in most cases.

Root tears may be visible on MRI ( Box 51.3 ) and should be repaired when possible in patients younger than 50 years of age ( Fig. 51.30 ). LaPrade et al. reported equal healing rates in patients younger than and older than 50 years of age if they had stable knees with normal alignment and grade 2 or lower chondral changes. Other studies have shown that patients with obesity, smoking, and extrusion of the meniscus of 3 mm or more have less satisfactory results. Meta-analyses have shown repair to be cost-effective compared to conservative treatment at 5- and 10-year follow-up. Partial meniscectomy is not beneficial.

BOX 51.3
Clinical Pearls for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Meniscal Root Tears
Modified from Bhatia S, LaPrade CM, Ellman MB, LaPrade RF: Meniscal root tears: significance, diagnosis, and treatment, Am J Sports Med 42:3016, 2014.
MCL , Medial collateral ligament; MRI , magnetic resonance imaging.

Clinical Diagnosis

  • Suspect in patients with posterior knee pain

  • Evaluate for effusion and painful flexion

MRI Evaluation

  • Evaluate for meniscal extrusion greater than 3 mm at level of the MCL

  • Evaluate for ghost meniscal sign on sagittal MRI

  • Evaluate for vertical linear defects on coronal MRI

  • Differentiate true root tear from posterior horn radial tear

  • Determine status of cartilage

  • Evaluate for presence of bony edema or insufficiency fractures of ipsilateral tibiofemoral joint


  • Intimate knowledge of root insertional anatomy is essential for restoration of meniscal function

  • Indications for surgical repair: young patients with traumatic tears and excellent chondral health

  • Proper tensioning of root repair

  • Proper anatomic placement of root repair on tibia

LaPrade et al. described a classification system for meniscal root tears based on tear morphology ( Fig. 51.31 ).

FIGURE 51.31, Classification of meniscal root tears based on tear morphology: partial stable root tear (type 1), complete radial tear within 9 mm from the bony root attachment (type 2), bucket-handle tear with complete root detachment (type 3), complex oblique or longitudinal tear with complete root detachment (type 4), and bony avulsion fracture of the root attachment (type 5).

Radial tears and meniscal root tears

Radial tears that extend to the capsule may be repaired in young patients with otherwise healthy menisci. Synovial rasping followed by longitudinal repair, consisting of two longitudinal sutures on the superior surface and one on the inferior surface, is indicated in young patients willing to follow stringent postoperative protocol ( Fig. 51.32 ).

FIGURE 51.32, Repair of complete radial tear of lateral meniscus. Note that first vertical mattress suture approximates meniscal fragments. Later, more vertical mattress sutures are added to suture posterior aspect of capsule. At least two vertical mattress sutures are placed and often a third “stacked” vertical mattress suture is necessary.

Root tears of the lateral meniscus may do well by rasping and allowing them to heal in situ. Unstable root tears of the posterior horn of the medial or lateral meniscus may be repaired to a freshened posterior bony bed using an anterior cruciate ligament guide to drill from the anterolateral tibia to the base of the root footprint. A suture shuttle device is used to pass simple sutures through the meniscus and then out through the bone tunnel; the sutures are then tied anteriorly. The repair also may be accomplished using a 2.7 suture anchor placed through a high posteromedial portal.

Transtibial Pull-Out Repair of Radial or Meniscal Root Tear

Technique 51.9


  • Make the initial arthroscopy portal in the compartment contralateral to the intended repair. Use a spinal needle to direct the intended working portal just off the edge of the patellar tendon, directed to the repair site. Insert a 5-mm cannula through which instruments will be inserted.

  • Use a low-profile Arthrex guide to ream a 3-mm tunnel to the anatomic repair site. Make a 2-cm skin incision and clear soft tissues before reaming.

  • After reaming to the anatomic repair site, withdraw the reamer 1 mm and rasp the repair site to stimulate healing.

  • Pass a knee Scorpion repair device (Arthrex, Naples, FL) through the 5-mm plastic cannula, and pass a simple no. 0 FiberWire suture through the posterior part of the meniscus 3 mm from the tear site. Place the suture in the Scorpion with the tails equal in length. Retrieve the loop out the cannula, pass the tails through the loop, and tighten down the cinch knot .

  • Pass a second suture through the anterior aspect of the meniscus and leave both pairs of sutures in the cannula.

  • Push a nitinol loop up the reamer and retrieve the loop out the cannula. Shuttle the meniscal sutures down the 3-mm tunnel using the nitinol loop ( Fig. 51.33 ).

    FIGURE 51.33, A and B , Repair of meniscal root tear. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.9.

  • Pre-drill the cortex just distal to the tunnel and use a swivel-lock device to secure the sutures.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative care is the same as that described for Technique 51.5.

All-Inside Technique

There are numerous suture-based fixators on the market at this time. The holding strength and short-term follow-up healing rates using these devices approach that of inside-out suture fixation. We use these devices for most repairs. The advantages of these devices are the ease of use and elimination of accessory surgical incisions. The disadvantages are meniscal damage from deployment of the fixator, difficulty in obtaining a vertical repair, and the cost.

The same principles apply to use of all-inside devices as to inside-out techniques. Proper selection and preparation of meniscal tears and avoidance of vascular damage by aiming needles away from neurovascular structures and by setting the needle stop at 14 mm or 16 mm are necessary to penetrate the peripheral rim without over-penetrating and resulting in complications. Contralateral portals are made 1 cm above the joint line and predetermined with a spinal needle to allow best placement. Mattress sutures are passed through both superior and inferior sutures; use of curved needles makes this easier. Posterior sutures are placed first or, in the case of a bucket-handle meniscal tear, the meniscus is reduced with a mid-body suture first. Sutures must not be over-tightened to avoid their cutting through the tissues.

Biologics for Healing

Although the exact role of fibrin clot, platelet-rich plasma, or stem cells in meniscal healing is unknown, many authors recommend its use when repairing isolated meniscal tears that are 3 to 5 mm from the periphery. Marrow stimulation can be accomplished when the medial wall of the intercondylar notch is reamed or drilled so as to protect the posterior cruciate ligament and create a channel to the cancellous bone. When anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is done concomitantly, cell stimulation is unnecessary because of the hemarthrosis associated with the reconstruction.

Meniscal scaffolds have been used in Europe since the 1990s. Collagen scaffolds have been used the longest and have shown some evidence of decreasing symptoms after meniscectomy in some patients. More recently, polyurethane scaffolds have shown some evidence of ingrowth potential. These can be used in patients with more than 25% meniscal resection but stable peripheral rim and roots, stable, normally aligned knees, grade 1 to 3 cartilage changes, and post-meniscectomy syndrome. Currently, research into the functionality, effectiveness, and safety of these scaffolds is ongoing, and the devices have not been released for general use in the United States.

Meniscal replacement

Meniscal replacement continues to evolve using bone-plug techniques with better-defined indications and more asymptomatic results (> 90%). The question remains how much chondroprotective function a transplanted meniscus produces. In a meta-analysis evaluating meniscal transplants, lateral transplants performed better than medial transplants. At 5- to 10-year follow-up, approximately 85% of transplants survived; at longer than 10-year follow-up, survival rates of approximately 55% are reported.

The functional relief provided by meniscal transplant is clouded further by the fact that many of the patients had concomitant procedures for realignment, stabilization, or osteochondral transplant at the time of the meniscal transplant. Cryopreserved menisci have been shown to perform similar to fresh frozen menisci with similar risks, in particular that of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS; 1 in 1.6 million). Investigational studies of biologic tissue scaffolds for partial or complete meniscal replacement are in progress. These grafts may provide more acceptable replacements in the future, but at this time results are short term and limited in number.

Meniscal allograft is indicated in a patient who has had a previous meniscectomy, who is age 50 years or younger, and who has symptoms localized to the tibiofemoral compartment and no advanced arthrosis as evidenced by flattening of the condyles or excessive osteophyte formation. A joint space of 2 mm or greater on standing posteroanterior view is necessary. Contraindications include malalignment, instability that the patient does not wish to have corrected, chondromalacia greater than grade III, and previous joint infection.

In addition, the patient should be motivated, well informed, and willing to decrease impact-loading activities. When deciding whether a fresh frozen or a cryopreserved meniscus is to be used, one should be familiar with the allograft procurement and ensure that a quality, young, healthy graft is secured. Best results are obtained with a meniscal allograft that has a bone block or a bone bridge attached. Sizing is best done on anteroposterior radiographs, and MRI may be used to determine meniscal coverage.

A technique used at the University of Pittsburgh is described. The technique is divided into four parts: graft preparation, tunnel placement, graft insertion, and graft fixation.

Meniscal Replacement

Technique 51.10

Graft Preparation

  • After patient positioning, diagnostic arthroscopy, and bed preparation, obtain a true lateral radiograph of the involved knee.

  • Measure the anteroposterior diameter of the appropriate tibial plateau, taking into account any magnification factor.

  • Thaw the fresh frozen meniscal allograft at a temperature of less than 40°F to prevent denaturing of the collagen.

  • Prepare each meniscal horn bony insertion site to cylindrical 7-mm bone plugs ( Fig. 51.34A ).

    FIGURE 51.34, Double bone plug technique. A and B, Graft preparation. C, Insertion of graft, including reduction suture. D, Appearance on completion. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.10.

  • Place nonabsorbable sutures through the roots of each meniscal horn and respective bone plugs to allow for meniscal insertion, passage, and fixation into osseous tunnels ( Fig. 51.34B ).

  • Demarcate the meniscus-bone interface with a sterile marking pen for accurate assessment of complete graft seating to the level of the bone-meniscal tunnel junction.

Tunnel Placement

  • Place the arthroscope and arthroscopic guide in the anterolateral and anteromedial portals to provide optimal exposure and tunnel placement for both lateral meniscal bony insertion sites. The anterior and posterior horn insertion sites of the medial meniscus are best seen with the arthroscope in the anteromedial and posteromedial portals. Placement of the arthroscopic guide in the contralateral anterior portal is optimal for each medial meniscal horn insertion site.

  • After determining that the intraarticular placement of the arthroscopic guide is appropriate, place the extraarticular exit over the contralateral portion of the tibial metaphysis at the level of the fibular head midway between the tibial tubercle and the posteromedial or posterolateral border of the tibia. The advantage of drilling tunnels from the contralateral metaphysis is that tunnel divergence would be greater, providing a larger bony bridge between the two tunnels (i.e., less chance of tunnel “blowout”).

  • Make a 3-cm longitudinal incision in the skin and elevate the periosteal flaps. Enough exposure is needed for parallel placement of two 7-mm osseous tunnels with a 1-cm bone bridge between them.

  • Drill the tibial tunnels under arthroscopic guidance.

  • Insert a tibial drill guide through the appropriate anterior portal and seat it in the “footprint” of the meniscal horn bony insertion site.

  • Drill a guidewire through the tibial jig.

  • Remove the guide and confirm the position of the guidewire before creating the tibial tunnel.

  • Overdrill the tibial guide pin with a 7-mm cannulated reamer.

  • Debride the tibial tunnel of all soft tissue, chamfer and smooth with an arthroscopic rasp to facilitate bone plug insertion, and prevent graft abrasion at the plateau-tunnel interface.

Graft Insertion

  • Make an accessory 3-cm incision at the posteromedial or lateral corner as would be done if performing an inside-out meniscal repair.

  • With careful dissection, expose the posterior border of the lateral collateral ligament laterally or the junction of the posterior border of the medial collateral ligament and the posterior oblique ligament medially.

  • Make a 1.5-cm arthrotomy at the posterior border of the lateral collateral ligament and medial collateral ligament for lateral and medial meniscal allograft insertion.

  • Using the arthroscope, pass a looped 18-gauge malleable wire retrograde through the posterior tibial tunnel to outside the knee through the vertical capsular incision located at the posterolateromedial border.

  • Pull the sutures that were placed in the posterior horn and bone plug of the meniscal allograft through the posterior tibial tunnel with the use of the looped wire.

  • Apply tension through these sutures to seat the posterior bone plug of the medial and lateral meniscal allograft.

  • To avoid potential fracture of the anterior bone plug, a two-step process is used for anterior horn insertion and seating.

  • Introduce the looped 18-gauge wire through the ipsilateral anterior portal and bring it outside the knee through the posterior capsular incision ( Fig. 51.34C ).

  • Pull the sutures that anchor the anterior portion of the allograft out the ipsilateral anterior portal, guiding the anterior bone plug into the front half of the knee via the medial or lateral gutter.

  • Carefully pass the anterior bone block along the gutter and take care to avoid fracturing the bone plug.

  • Pass the malleable wire retrograde through the anterior tibial tunnel into the knee and bring it out of the ipsilateral anterior portal to accompany the sutures anchored to the anterior bone plug.

  • Pass the sutures through the looped wire and guide them through the anterior tibial tunnel out the front of the knee.

  • Reduce the anterior bone plug into the respective osseous tunnel under arthroscopy. This seats the meniscal allograft in its anatomic position with the anterior and posterior bone plugs in their respective osseous tunnels.

Graft Fixation

  • Place 2-0 Ethibond (Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ) nonabsorbable sutures in a vertical or horizontal mattress fashion.

  • Insert the sutures from the upper and lower meniscal surfaces to approximate the meniscus and capsule completely.

  • When all the sutures have been passed, but before tying, apply tension to the peripheral, meniscal root, and bone plug-anchoring sutures while moving the knee through a complete range of motion.

  • Closely observe meniscal kinematics while probing to assess stability and reduction. Tie the peripheral sutures over the capsule.

  • Tie the sutures anchoring the tibial bone plugs over the bone bridge separating the tunnels ( Fig. 51.34D ).

  • Perform a standard layered closure for each incision.

Postoperative Care

The operated extremity is placed in a long leg hinged knee brace. Knee range of motion from 0 to 90 degrees is begun immediately postoperatively. The patient is permitted crutch-assisted partial weight bearing with the brace locked in full extension for the first 6 weeks. At 6 weeks, the brace is removed, and the patient is progressed to full weight bearing. Closed chain exercises are emphasized, and deep flexion is avoided for the first 6 months. Bicycling, swimming, and straight-ahead jogging at half speed are allowed at 3 to 6 months. Hard running, agility maneuvers, and full squats are prohibited until after 6 months. Competitive sports are prohibited until 9 to 12 months postoperatively.

Arthroscopic surgery for other disorders

Loose bodies in the knee joint

Removal of loose bodies from the knee joint is especially suitable for arthroscopic techniques. A loose body may be a singular, isolated problem, or multiple loose bodies may indicate the presence of a more complex pathologic process, such as synovial chondromatosis. Every attempt should be made to identify the underlying process to manage the condition correctly.

Loose bodies can be classified into the following types:

  • 1.

    Osteocartilaginous. These loose bodies are composed of bone and cartilage and are detectable radiographically. Osteocartilaginous loose bodies may originate from several sources, the most common being osteochondritis dissecans, osteochondral fractures, osteophytes, and synovial osteochondromatosis.

  • 2.

    Cartilaginous. These radiolucent loose bodies usually are traumatic and originate from the articular surfaces of the patella or the femoral or tibial condyle.

  • 3.

    Fibrous. These radiolucent loose bodies occur less frequently and result from hyalinized reactions originating usually from the synovium secondary to trauma or, more commonly, from chronic inflammatory conditions. Synovial villi become thickened and fibrotic, may become pedunculated, and may detach and fall into the joint as loose bodies. Chronic inflammations, such as tuberculosis, may produce multiple fibrinous loose bodies known as “rice bodies.”

  • 4.

    Others. Intraarticular tumors, such as lipomas, and localized nodular synovitis may be pedunculated and by palpation feel like loose bodies or, in rare instances, drop free into the joint. Bullets, needles, and broken arthroscopic instruments also may appear as foreign loose bodies within the knee.

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