Congenital and Developmental Abnormalities of the hip and Pelvis

Developmental Dysplasia of the hip

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) generally includes subluxation (partial dislocation) of the femoral head or complete dislocation of the femoral head from the true acetabulum and acetabular dysplasia. In a newborn with true congenital dislocation of the hip, the femoral head can often be dislocated and reduced into and out of the true acetabulum. In an older child, the femoral head remains dislocated and secondary changes develop in the femoral head and acetabulum.

Historically, the incidence of DDH has been estimated to be approximately 1 in 1000 live births. A meta-analysis of the literature estimated the incidence of DDH to be 8.6 per 1000 revealed by physical examination by pediatricians; 11.5 per 1000 revealed by orthopaedic screening; and 25 per 1000 revealed by ultrasound examination. and for ultrasound examination, 25 per 1000. The estimated odds ratio for DDH for breech delivery was 5.5, for female sex, 4.1 and for positive family history, 1.7. Ultrasound screening of 18,060 hips detected 1001 that deviated from normal (incidence of 55.1 per 1000); however, only 90 hips remained abnormal at repeat examinations at 2 and 6 weeks, for a true DDH incidence of 5 per 1000. None of the other hips with “sonographic DDH” developed true DDH during 12-month follow-up. The left hip is more commonly involved than the right, and bilateral involvement is more common than involvement of the right hip alone.

Several risk factors should arouse suspicion of DDH. The disorder is more common in girls than in boys—in many series five times more common. Breech deliveries constitute 3% to 4% of all deliveries, and the incidence of DDH is significantly increased in this patient population. MacEwen and Ramsey in a study of 25,000 infants found the combination of female infants and breech presentation to result in DDH in one out of 35 such births. DDH is more common in firstborn children than in subsequent siblings. A family history of DDH increases the likelihood of this condition to approximately 10%. Ethnic background plays some role in that DDH is more common in white children than in black children. Other reported examples include the high incidence among Navajo Indians and the relatively low incidence among Chinese.

A strong association also exists between DDH and other musculoskeletal abnormalities, such as congenital torticollis, metatarsus adductus, and talipes calcaneovalgus. The coexistence rate of congenital muscular torticollis and DDH is approximately 8%, with boys nearly five times as likely to have both as girls. The relationship between DDH and clubfoot is controversial; however, multiple studies have demonstrated very little association between the presence of clubfoot and DDH. We recommend careful screening by performing hip physical examination in every infant who has a clubfoot deformity. Although we do not perform ultrasound routinely on all these babies, we have a low threshold to obtain a screening hip ultrasound evaluation in this patient population.

Several theories regarding the cause of DDH have been proposed, including mechanical factors, hormone-induced joint laxity, primary acetabular dysplasia, and genetic inheritance. Breech delivery, with the mechanical forces of abnormal flexion of the hips, can easily be seen as a cause of dislocation of the femoral head. The most common intrauterine position places the left hip of the fetus against the maternal sacrum. This could partially explain the increased incidence of DDH in the left hip. Prematurity is likely not an independent risk factor for DDH, but postnatal mechanical factors could play a role. An increased incidence of DDH has been reported in cultures that swaddle infants with the hip in constant extension.

Several authors have proposed ligamentous laxity as a contributing factor in DDH. The theory is that the influence of the maternal hormone relaxin, which produces relaxation of the pelvis during delivery, may cause enough ligamentous laxity in the child in utero and during the neonatal period to allow dislocation of the femoral head. This theory has credibility because relaxin has been shown to cross the placenta, and DDH is more common in females who are presumably more susceptible to the influences of relaxin.

Studies have demonstrated a familial occurrence of hip dysplasia. Therefore, hip dysplasia in a first- or second-degree relative should be considered an additional risk factor for DDH.

Diagnosis and Clinical Presentation

The clinical presentation of DDH varies according to the age of the child. In newborns (<6 months old), it is especially important to perform a careful clinical examination because radiographs are not always reliable in making the diagnosis of developmental dysplasia in this age group.

The infant should be calm, relaxed, and pacified during the examination, and only one hip should be examined at a time. The hips should first be examined for limited abduction. In a child with a unilateral dislocation, hip abduction will be limited compared to the contralateral side. For the instability examination, the examiner places his or her hand around the infant’s knees so that the thumb lies on the inner thigh and the index and long fingers lie along the lateral thigh near the level of the greater trochanter. The Ortolani test is performed by gently abducting the flexed hip while applying an anteromedially directed force to the greater trochanter to detect any reduction of the femoral head into the true acetabulum. The provocative maneuver of Barlow detects any potential subluxation or posterior dislocation of the femoral head by direct pressure on the longitudinal axis of the femur while the hip is in adduction. A palpable, rather than an audible, clunk is felt as the femoral head reduces into or subluxes out of the acetabulum ( Fig. 30.1 ).

FIGURE 30.1, Ortolani maneuver for routine screening of congenital dislocation of hip. Examiner gently stabilizes infant’s left hip and lower extremity and places left hand around right thigh and index and middle fingers over greater trochanter.

A child may be born with acetabular dysplasia without dislocation of the hip, and the latter may develop weeks or months later. Westin et al. reported the late development of dislocation of the hip in children with normal neonatal clinical and radiographic examinations; they termed this developmental dysplasia as opposed to congenital dysplasia of the hip, as it was previously known.

As the child reaches age 6 to 18 months, several factors in the clinical presentation change. When the femoral head is dislocated and the ability to reduce it by abduction has disappeared, several other clinical signs become obvious. The first and most reliable is a decrease in the ability to abduct the dislocated hip because of a contracture of the adductor musculature ( Fig. 30.2A ). Asymmetric skin folds are commonly mentioned as a sign to look for, but this sign is not always reliable because normal children may have asymmetric skin folds and children with dislocated hips may have symmetric folds. In general, the rate of DDH is much higher in hips with at least one abnormal clinical finding than in hips without any. Limitation of abduction and asymmetric skin folds are the two most common findings.

FIGURE 30.2, Clinical signs of congenital dislocation of hip in 13-month-old infant. A, Decrease in abduction of right hip with adduction contracture. B, Positive Galeazzi sign with apparent shortening of right lower extremity.

The Galeazzi sign is noted when the femoral head becomes displaced not only laterally but also proximally, causing an apparent shortening of the femur on the side of the dislocated hip ( Fig. 30.2B ). Bilateral dislocations may appear symmetrically abnormal.

In a child of walking age with an undetected dislocated hip, families describe a “waddling” type of gait, indicating dislocation of the femoral head and a Trendelenburg gait pattern. Parents also may describe difficulty in abducting the hip during diaper changes.


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends routine screening examination of all infants but does not recommend routine ultrasound evaluation of all newborns, although routine ultrasound screening is practiced in some health care systems in other countries. Research on universal ultrasound screening programs has found mixed results. Some studies suggest that children are treated earlier and have fewer surgeries when part of a universal screening program; however, other studies have suggested that many children received unnecessary referrals and treatments when universal screening programs were in place. Currently, referral to an orthopaedist is recommended with a positive newborn examination or a positive result at 2-week follow-up examination. Ultrasound is recommended for physical examination findings or risk factors that raise suspicion for DDH when the Ortolani and Barlow tests are negative; however, the ultrasound may be delayed until 6 weeks of age to decrease the chances of a false positive result in infants in whom the physical examination is normal and DDH is suspected solely on the basis of risk factors

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons developed clinical practice guidelines in 2014 for the detection and nonoperative management of pediatric DDH in infants up to 6 months of age. Their recommendations related to screening and imaging include the following:

  • 1.

    Moderate evidence supports not performing universal ultrasound screening of newborn infants.

  • 2.

    Moderate evidence supports performing an imaging study before 6 months of age in infants with one or more of the following risk factors: breech presentation, family history, or history of clinical instability.

  • 3.

    Limited evidence supports that the practitioner might obtain an ultrasound in infants younger than 6 weeks of age with a positive instability examination to guide the decision to initiate brace treatment.

  • 4.

    Limited evidence supports the use of an anteroposterior pelvic radiograph instead of an ultrasound to assess DDH in infants beginning at 4 months of age.

  • 5.

    Limited evidence supports that a practitioner reexamine infants previously screened as having a normal hip examination on subsequent visits prior to 6 months of age.

  • 6.

    Limited evidence supports that the practitioner perform serial physical examinations and periodic imaging assessments (ultrasound or radiograph based on age) during management for unstable infant hips.


Many reports have evaluated the use of ultrasound screening of newborns for early diagnosis of DDH. The most comprehensive accounts of the anatomy of the infant hip by ultrasound are by Graf of Austria, who described the ultrasonographic anatomy of the newborn hip and devised an ultrasonographic classification for hip dysplasia ( Fig. 30.3 ). Although ultrasound is noninvasive and relatively simple to use, many authors have emphasized that the examination is highly observer dependent and that it is easy to overdiagnose “dysplasia.” In addition, ultrasound findings before 6 weeks of age can be questionable because of ligamentous laxity in the early newborn period; treatment before 6 weeks of age should be based on physical examination rather than ultrasound findings alone. Ultrasound diagnosis of “acetabular dysplasia” with a stable hip examination in the early postnatal period may result in unnecessary treatment. Nevertheless, ultrasound can be a useful adjunct to the physical examination and often is helpful in measuring and documenting the response of the hip to Pavlik harness treatment.

FIGURE 30.3, Ultrasonographic classification of hip dysplasia. A, Image is rotated 90 degrees clockwise to resemble a hip in the anteroposterior plane in a standing or supine child. Angle α is formed by the intersection of the baseline and the acetabular roofline; it is normally greater than 60 degrees. Angle β is formed by the intersection of the baseline and the inclination line; it is normally less than 55 degrees. In a normal hip, the baseline should bisect the femoral head. B, Ultrasound appearance of a normal hip: α angle of 60 degrees and baseline bisects the femoral head. C, Dislocated hip.

Although radiographs are not always reliable in making the diagnosis of DDH in newborns, screening radiographs may reveal any severe acetabular dysplasia or findings of a teratologic dislocation. As a child with a dislocated hip ages and the soft tissues become contracted, radiographs become more reliable and helpful in diagnosis and treatment ( Fig. 30.4 ). The most commonly used lines of reference are the vertical line of Perkins and the horizontal line of Hilgenreiner, both used to assess the position of the femoral head. In addition, the Shenton line is disrupted in an older child with a dislocated hip. Normally, the metaphyseal beak of the proximal femur lies within the inner lower quadrant of the reference lines noted by Perkins and Hilgenreiner. The International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) has further refined this measurement, and various studies have shown excellent inter- and intra-rater reliability of this technique ( Fig. 30.5 ). The acetabular index in a newborn generally is 30 degrees or less. Any significant increase in this measurement may be a sign of acetabular dysplasia. Three-dimensional imaging provides little diagnostic benefit for a newborn or toddler with DDH. However, CT or MRI can be helpful in preoperative planning or to evaluate the success of surgical intervention in older patients. Indications for three-dimensional imaging will be discussed with the various treatment options below.

FIGURE 30.4, A, Congenital dislocation of left hip in 13-month-old infant. B, Radiographic signs of congenital hip dislocation. 1, horizontal line (Hilgenreiner line); 2, vertical line (Perkins line); 3, quadrants (formed by lines 1 and 2 ); 4, acetabular index (Kleinberg and Lieberman); 5, Shenton line; 6, upward displacement of femoral head; 7, lateral displacement of femoral head; 8, Y coordinate (Ponseti); 9, capital epiphyseal dysplasia ( a, delayed appearance of center of ossification of femoral head; b, irregular maturation of center of ossification); 10, bifurcation (furrowing of acetabular roof in late infancy, Ponseti); 11, hypoplasia of pelvis (ilium); 12, delayed fusion (ischiopubic juncture); 13, adduction attitude of extremity.

FIGURE 30.5, The International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) Classification System utilizes the Hilgenreiner and Perkins lines to create four quadrants. The lower outer quadrant is then subdivided into two regions by a 45-degree line. The center of the proximal femoral metaphysis is used as the reference point that allows for utilization of the IHDI Classification before ossification of the ossific nucleus. Grade I is considered normal. Grades II to IV indicate varying degrees of subluxation or dislocation.


The treatment of DDH is age-related and tailored to the specific pathologic condition. Five age-related treatment groups have been designated: newborn (birth to 6 months old), infant (6 to 18 months old), toddler (18 to 36 months old), child (3 to 8 years old), and adolescent and young adult (>8 years old). There can be overlap in these age groups that requires modification of treatment plans.

Newborn (Birth to 6 Months)

From birth to approximately 6 months old, treatment is directed at stabilizing the hip that has a positive Ortolani or Barlow test or reducing the dislocated hip with a mild-to-moderate adduction contracture. When the diagnosis has been made, either clinically or radiographically, it is essential to carefully evaluate the direction of dislocation, hip stability, and the reducibility of the hip before treatment. A success rate of 85% to 95% has been reported in children treated in the Pavlik harness during the first few months of life. As the child ages and soft-tissue contractures develop, along with secondary changes in the acetabulum, the success rate of the Pavlik harness decreases. Attention to detail is required in the use of this harness because the potential complications include osteonecrosis of the femoral head, although this appears to occur in less than 1% of patients.

When properly applied and maintained, the Pavlik harness is a dynamic flexion-abduction orthosis that can produce excellent results in the treatment of dysplastic and dislocated hips in infants during the first few months. The harness is difficult to use in children who are crawling or who have fixed soft-tissue contractures and a fixed hip dislocation. If a teratologic dislocation is present, the Pavlik harness is unlikely to be successful, and other treatment options should be used.

The Pavlik harness consists of a chest strap, two shoulder straps, and two stirrups. Each stirrup has an anteromedial flexion strap and a posterolateral abduction strap. The harness is applied with the child supine and in a comfortable undershirt. The chest strap is fastened first, allowing enough room for three fingers to be placed between the chest and the harness. The shoulder straps are adjusted to maintain the chest strap at the nipple line. The feet are placed in the stirrups one at a time. The hip is placed in flexion (90 to 110 degrees), and the anterior flexion strap is tightened to maintain this position. Finally, the lateral strap is loosely fastened to limit adduction, not to force abduction. Excessive abduction to ensure stability is unacceptable. The knees should be 3 to 5 cm apart at full adduction in the harness ( Fig. 30.6 ).

FIGURE 30.6, Properly applied Pavlik harness (see text).

A radiograph of the patient in the harness can help to confirm that the femoral neck is directed toward the triradiate cartilage, but a radiograph is not routinely necessary because clinical examination and ultrasound usually are sufficient to monitor the success of treatment. During the first few weeks of harness wear, when the hip feels stable clinically, ultrasound evaluation is appropriate to confirm reduction of the hip.

Four basic patterns of persistent dislocation have been observed after application of the Pavlik harness: superior, inferior, lateral, and posterior. If the dislocation is superior, additional flexion of the hip is indicated. If the dislocation is inferior, a decrease in flexion is indicated. A lateral dislocation in the Pavlik harness should be observed initially. As long as the femoral neck is directed toward the triradiate cartilage, as confirmed by radiograph or ultrasound, the head may gradually reduce and “dock” into the acetabulum. A persistent posterior dislocation is difficult to treat if it continues for more than a few weeks, and Pavlik harness treatment frequently is unsuccessful. Posterior dislocation is usually accompanied by tight hip adductor muscles and may be diagnosed by palpation of the greater trochanter posteriorly.

If any of these patterns of dislocation or subluxation persist for more than 3 to 6 weeks, treatment in the Pavlik harness should be discontinued and a new program initiated; in most patients, this consists of closed or open reduction and casting. Some studies, however, have demonstrated successful reduction in a rigid abduction orthosis when Pavlik harness treatment has failed ( Fig. 30.7 ). The Pavlik harness should be worn 23 to 24 hours per day until stability is attained, as determined by negative Barlow and Ortolani tests. During this time, the patient is examined at 1- to 2-week intervals and the harness straps are adjusted to accommodate growth. The family is instructed in care of the child in the harness, including bathing, diapering, dressing, and the avoidance of restrictive swaddling. One study noted no difference in success rates between 23- and 24-hour per day brace wear, allowing for removal of the brace once a day for bathing with the compliant family.

FIGURE 30.7, A rigid abduction orthosis such as pictured here can be used successfully in some children in whom a Pavlik harness has failed to produce a stable reduction (Rhino “Cruiser” hip abduction brace, Cascade Orthopedic Supply, Inc., Chico, CA).

Quadriceps function should be noted at each examination to detect a femoral nerve palsy, and families should be instructed to remove the legs from the brace daily to ensure that the infant is able to actively extend the knee against gravity. If a femoral nerve palsy develops, the brace should be discontinued until full motor function returns. The duration of treatment depends on the patient’s age at diagnosis and the degree of hip instability. There are very few guidelines for brace discontinuation. Recommendations vary from abrupt discontinuation of the Pavlik harness 6 weeks after clinical stability has been obtained, to weaning of up to 2 hours per week until the brace is worn only at night, to transitioning to a nighttime abduction orthosis for additional weeks or months.

Radiographic or ultrasound documentation can be used throughout the treatment period to verify the position of the hip. Ultrasonographic evaluation is useful at the following times: immediately after the initiation of treatment, after any major adjustment in the harness, when the hip examination is stable after beginning Pavlik harness treatment, and 6 weeks after the hip stabilizes clinically or at the time weaning begins. Radiographs are useful at the age of 6 months old as well as at 1 year ( Fig. 30.8 ).

FIGURE 30.8, A, Developmental dislocation of hip in 2-month-old boy. B, At 5 months of age after reduction in Pavlik harness.

Suggested risk factors for Pavlik harness failure include absent Ortolani sign at initial evaluation (irreducible dislocation), bilateral hip dislocations, the development of a femoral nerve palsy during Pavlik treatment, an acetabular angle of 36 degrees or more on a radiograph, irreducible hips, initial coverage of less than 20% (as determined by ultrasound), and delay of Pavlik harness treatment beyond 7 weeks of age. Failure of Pavlik harness management of developmental dislocation of the hip commonly indicates a need for closed or open reduction and a more dysplastic acetabulum. However, a trial with a rigid abduction orthosis can be attempted for a few weeks in patients in whom Pavlik harness treatment has failed, with some studies indicating occasional successful reduction in these patients.

In multiple series of dislocated hips reduced with the use of the Pavlik harness, the more severe the dislocation, the higher the rates of failed reduction and osteonecrosis, emphasizing the need for gentle reduction and progression to further treatment when the harness fails. Long-term follow-up of patients with Pavlik harness treatment is necessary because many patients have changes in the acetabulum at long-term follow-up despite normal radiographs at 3-year and 5-year follow-up examinations.

Infant (6 to 18 Months)

When a child reaches crawling age (6 to 10 months old), success with the Pavlik harness decreases significantly. A 6- to 18-month-old infant with a dislocated hip is likely to require either closed or open reduction.

Children in this age group are often seen initially with a shortened extremity, limited passive abduction, and a positive Galeazzi sign. If the child is walking, a Trendelenburg gait may be present. Radiographic changes include delayed ossification of the femoral head, lateral and proximal displacement of the femoral head, and a shallow, dysplastic acetabulum.

With persistent dysplasia, the femoral head eventually moves superiorly and laterally with weight bearing. The capsule becomes permanently elongated, and anteriorly the psoas tendon may obstruct reduction of the femoral head into the true acetabulum. The limbus acetabuli may hypertrophy along the periphery of the acetabulum, and the ligamentum teres hypertrophies and elongates. The femoral head becomes reduced in size with posteromedial flattening, and coxa valga and excessive anteversion are noted. The true acetabulum is characteristically shallow and at surgery appears small because of the anterior capsular constriction, the hypertrophied limbus, and constriction of the deep acetabular ligament.

Treatment in this age group may include preoperative traction, adductor tenotomy, and closed reduction and arthrogram or open reduction in children with a failed closed reduction. Femoral shortening may be needed in a hip with a high proximal dislocation. Preoperative traction, adductor tenotomy, and gentle reduction with an acceptable “safe zone” are especially helpful in the prevention of osteonecrosis of the femoral head.

Preoperative Traction

The role of preliminary traction in reducing the incidence of osteonecrosis and in improving reduction is controversial. Disagreement exists about whether skin or skeletal traction should be used, whether home or in-hospital traction is preferable, the amount of weight that should be used, the most beneficial direction of pull, and the duration of traction. Although controversial, some suggest that if traction decreases the risk of osteonecrosis even slightly it may be considered. However, a large retrospective study of over 300 children younger than 3 years of age failed to demonstrate any benefit of preoperative traction in improving the rate of successful closed reduction or in decreasing the rate of osteonecrosis. Although skin traction could be an option for some centers, skeletal traction is not indicated, and primary femoral shortening is now routinely used in older children. The objectives of traction or primary femoral shortening are to bring the laterally and proximally displaced femoral head down to and below the level of the true acetabulum to allow a gentler reduction with less risk of osteonecrosis.

Adductor Tenotomy

A percutaneous adductor tenotomy under sterile conditions can be performed for a mild adduction contracture. For a more severe adduction contracture or one of long duration, an open adductor tenotomy through a small transverse incision is preferable (see Technique 33.1).

Arthrography and Closed Reduction

Arthrography and gentle closed reduction are accomplished with the child under general anesthesia.

The interposition of soft tissue in the acetabulum may be suggested by lateralization of the femoral head. Because the radiograph of the hip in an infant or young child cannot yield all the information desired in diagnosing or treating DDH, arthrography is helpful in determining (1) whether mild dysplasia is present, (2) whether the femoral head is subluxated or dislocated, (3) whether manipulative reduction has been or can be successful, (4) to what extent any soft-tissue structures within the acetabulum may interfere with complete reduction of the dislocation, (5) the condition and position of the acetabular labrum (the limbus), and (6) whether the acetabulum and femoral head are developing normally during treatment. Because arthrograms are not always easy to interpret, the surgeon must be thoroughly familiar with the normal and abnormal signs they may reveal and with the technique of making arthrograms ( ).

An arthrogram of the hip is beneficial in all children, regardless of age, who are given a general anesthetic for closed reduction, unless closed reduction is obviously impossible. It is most helpful to determine when manipulative reduction is unstable or when the femoral head is not concentrically seated within the acetabulum. The most important factor that determines outcome of closed treatment of developmental hip dislocation is the quality of the initial reduction. Proposed criteria for accepting a reduction are a medial dye pool of 5 mm or less and maintenance of reduction in an acceptable “safe zone.”

The use of image intensification in arthrography makes insertion of the needle much easier. The danger of damaging the articular surfaces and the possibility of injecting the contrast medium into areas other than the hip joint are decreased. This improves the safety of the procedure and decreases the likelihood of improper injection of the contrast material into an area that will obscure the surgeon’s view.

The findings of the clinical examination and of arthrography at the time of attempted closed reduction determine if the hip will be stable or may require open reduction. A clinical finding that usually indicates an acceptable closed reduction is the sensation of a “clunk” as the femoral head reduces in the true acetabulum. The “safe zone” concept of Ramsey, Lasser, and MacEwen can be used in determining the zone of abduction and adduction in which the femoral head remains reduced in the acetabulum. A wide safe zone (minimum of 20 degrees, preferably 45 degrees) ( Fig. 30.9 ) is desirable, and a narrow safe zone implies an unstable or unacceptable closed reduction. Forceful abduction to maintain a closed reduction is to be avoided, to decrease the likelihood of osteonecrosis. Osteonecrosis after closed reduction has been reported to be as high as 25% in some studies. A careful clinical evaluation of the reduction should be made before and after adductor tenotomy and before the arthrogram because, when the hip capsule is distended with dye, clinical examination becomes more difficult. An increase in the knee flexion angle (popliteal angle) is another indicator of a successful closed reduction.

FIGURE 30.9, Safe zone used to determine acceptability of closed reduction of congenital dislocation of hip.

Arthrography of the hip in Ddh

Technique 30.1

  • Place the child supine after a general anesthetic has been administered. Perform sterile preparation and draping of the hip.

  • With a gloved fingertip, locate the hip joint immediately inferior to the middle of the inguinal ligament and one fingerbreadth lateral to the pulsating femoral artery ( Fig. 30.10 ). Alternatively, insert the needle medially, just behind the adductor longus.

    FIGURE 30.10, Arthrography of the hip. A, Insertion of 22-gauge spinal needle one fingerbreadth lateral to femoral artery and immediately inferior to anterior superior iliac spine for arthrography. B, In necropsy specimen, areas of hip in which dye may be easily injected: beneath acetabular labrum, in medial or lateral capsular pouch, and at junction of ossified and cartilaginous portion of femoral head. C, Irreducible hip with medial dye pool. (Courtesy John Ogden, MD.) SEE TECHNIQUE 30.1.

  • With the assistance of image intensification, insert a 22-gauge spinal needle, to which is attached a 5-mL syringe filled with normal saline solution, until it enters the hip joint; resistance is met as the needle passes through the joint capsule.

  • Inject the saline solution into the joint; this is easy at first but becomes more difficult as the joint becomes distended and the hip gradually flexes.

  • Release the plunger of the syringe; if the joint has been successfully entered, the saline solution that is under pressure in it reverses the plunger and fluid escapes into the syringe.

  • Aspirate the saline solution from the joint and remove the syringe from the needle.

  • Fill the syringe with 5 mL of a 25% strength medically approved contrast agent such as diatrizoate or iohexol solution and inject 1 to 3 mL through the needle into the joint with image intensification.

  • Rapidly withdraw the needle and begin the examination under image intensification as the contrast agent will begin to clear soon after injection.

  • Bring the hip through a full range of motion, performing provocative maneuvers of Barlow and Ortolani to gauge the ability to achieve a closed reduction and the stability of that reduction once achieved. Identify any and all obstacles to a deep, stable closed reduction ( ).

  • Use image intensification to evaluate the reduction and safe zone. Alternatively, if image intensification is not available, obtain plain film arthrogram images with portable radiography in both the dislocated and reduced positions. When arthrograms are to be made of both hips, insert a needle into each, ensuring that both are within the joints before either joint is injected. Inject both hips as described here and make arthrograms of both ( ).

Application of a Hip Spica Cast

After confirmation of a stable reduction, a hip spica cast is applied with the hip joint in 95 degrees of flexion and 40 to 45 degrees of abduction. Salter advocated this “human position” as best for maintaining hip stability and minimizing the risk of osteonecrosis. Kumar described an easily reproducible and simple technique for applying a hip spica cast. Fiberglass can be used in place of plaster, but the technique is described in its original form. Although this technique is useful, good results can be obtained with modifications of the spica cast as described as long as the surgeon adheres to key principles: (1) the cast should be well-fitted and well-molded, particularly along the greater trochanter; (2) there should be appropriate space for toileting and hygiene to avoid cast soiling; (3) excessive abduction beyond the safe zone should be avoided but with enough hip flexion and abduction to maintain reduction.

Technique 30.2


  • Place the anesthetized child on the spica frame. Abduct the hip to 40 to 45 degrees and flex it to about 95 degrees ( Fig. 30.11A ). The amount of hip flexion and abduction required to keep the hip in the most stable position should be determined clinically and checked by radiographs.

    FIGURE 30.11, A to F, Technique of application of hip spica cast for congenital dislocation of hip. Note positioning of patient in “human” position. (Redrawn from Kumar SJ: Hip spica application for the treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip, J Pediatr Orthop 1:97, 1981.) SEE TECHNIQUE 30.2.

  • After the correct position of flexion and abduction for stability is determined, place a small towel in front of the abdomen.

  • Cover the pelvis and extremities with stockinette. Roll 2-inch (5-cm) Webril from the level of the nipples down to the ankles ( Fig. 30.11B ). Pad around the bony points with 2-inch (5-cm) standard felt. Apply the first pad over the proximal end of the spica, near the nipple line ( Fig. 30.11C ).

  • Start a second piece of the same size felt at the level of the right groin and carry it posteriorly across the gluteal fold, over the right iliac crest, in front of the abdomen, over the lateral aspect of the left thigh, and to the left inguinal area ( Fig. 30.11C ).

  • Apply a third piece of felt over the knee ( Fig. 30.11C ) and a fourth piece above the ankle over the distal leg. Place similar pieces of felt over the opposite knee and leg.

  • Apply the plaster in two sections—a proximal section from the nipple line to the knees and a distal section from the knees to the ankles.

  • Apply a single layer of 4-inch (10-cm) plaster roll from the nipple line to the level of the knees on both sides. Apply four or five plaster splints back to front from the nipple line to the back of the sacrum to reinforce the back of the cast. At the same time, apply a short, thick splint over the anterolateral aspect of the inguinal area ( Fig. 30.11D ).

  • Apply another splint. Starting from the right inguinal area, carry it posteriorly across the gluteal region, the iliac crest, the front of the abdomen, and back the same way on the opposite thigh ( Fig. 30.11D ). This is a reinforcing splint that attaches the thigh to the upper segment.

  • Apply another long splint from the level of the knee across the anterolateral aspect of the inguinal area and up the chest wall ( Fig. 30.11D ). This splint is one of the main anchors of the thigh to the body segment.

  • Follow this by a roll of 4-inch (10-cm) plaster from the nipple line to the knees. This completes the proximal section of the spica.

  • Complete the cast from the knees down to the ankles. Do this by applying on both sides a single roll of 3-inch (7.5-cm) plaster from the knee to the ankle level and reinforcing this by two splints over the medial and lateral aspects of the thigh, knee, and leg.

  • Follow this by another roll of 3-inch (7.5-cm) plaster. ( Fig. 30.11E ).

  • Because the cast is reinforced laterally around the hips, a wide segment can be removed from the front of the hips without weakening the cast. This permits better radiographs of the hips ( Fig. 30.11E ).

The final inferior view of the spica cast should appear as shown in Figure 30.11F , with about 40 to 45 degrees of abduction. The amount of abduction is determined by the position of hip stability. Excessive abduction should be avoided. We have found that the hips are always flexed less than they appear to be and are abducted more than they appear. A gentle cast mold over the greater trochanter can aid in maintaining hip reduction.

Postoperative Care

Spica cast immobilization is continued for 3 to 4 months. The cast can be changed at the midpoint with the patient under general anesthesia. Radiographs or arthrograms can be obtained to ensure that the femoral head is reduced anatomically into the acetabulum. Clinical and radiographic follow-up is essential until the hip is considered normal.

Three-Dimensional Imaging After Closed Reduction

CT or MRI is useful in the postoperative period to assess reduction. These studies can be obtained under the same anesthetic as the closed reduction, or they can be delayed 24 to 28 hours to allow time for the child to become more active. A comparison of MRI and CT in the evaluation of reduction of DDH found sensitivity of 100% for both CT and MRI and specificity of 96% for CT and 100% for MRI. CT required less time (3 minutes) than MRI (10 minutes) and was less expensive but exposes the child to ionizing radiation. In contrast to routine radiography, a cast does not alter the image of an axial CT or MRI ( Figs. 30.12 and 30.13 ), but because of the radiation exposure of CT, the number of cuts should be limited. Fast MRI hip sequences have been proposed to allow for acquisition of MRI data without additional anesthesia. Long-term follow-up is recommended after successful closed reduction to monitor for resubluxation and acetabular remodeling. If stable closed reduction is achieved early in life, acceptable acetabular remodeling often results; however, if there is a delay in diagnosis and treatment of a dysplastic hip, the completeness of acetabular remodeling is not ensured, and additional surgical correction of acetabular dysplasia may be required.

FIGURE 30.12, A, Anteroposterior radiograph of pelvis obtained with patient in hip spica cast after closed reduction. Note difficulty in assessing position of femoral head. B, CT scan of pelvis to confirm bilateral reduction of femoral head into true acetabulum.

FIGURE 30.13, A, Plain anteroposterior view of a 9-month-old girl with persistent hip dislocation. B, Axial and coronal MRI of hip after arthrogram, successful closed reduction, and spica cast application.

Open Reduction

In children in whom efforts to reduce a dislocation without force have failed, open reduction is indicated to correct the interposed soft-tissue structures and to reduce the femoral head concentrically in the acetabulum. This surgical option is indicated by pathology rather than by age because open reduction may be required in children younger than 6 months and closed reduction occasionally can be successful in children 18 months of age. Open reduction can be performed through an anterior or medial approach; the choice depends on the experience of the surgeon and the particular dislocation.

Regardless of the approach chosen, open reduction of the dislocated and dysplastic hip should correct as many of the blocks to reduction as possible, which may include hourglass constricted capsule, iliopsoas tendon, hypertrophied limbus, inverted labrum, hypertrophied and elongated ligamentum teres, transverse acetabular ligament, and excess fibrofatty pulvinar. The surgeon should strive to correct all aspects of the deformity in a single surgical event because revision surgery often is challenging.

The anterior approach requires more anatomic dissection but provides greater versatility because the pathologic condition in the anterior and lateral aspects is easily reached and pelvic osteotomy can be performed through this approach if necessary.

The medial (Ludloff) approach utilizes the interval between the iliopsoas and the pectineus. This approach places the medial circumflex vessels at a higher risk and has been reported to be associated with a higher incidence of osteonecrosis (10% to 20%) in some studies and similar rates of osteonecrosis in others. Although the medial approach allows removal of the impediments to reduction, it does not allow capsulorrhaphy and is, therefore, generally recommended in infants 6 to 18 months old.

Anterior Approach

Technique 30.3


  • Make an anterior bikini incision from the middle of the iliac crest to a point midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the midline of the pelvis. The anterior superior iliac spine should be at the midpoint of the incision, which can be placed 1 cm below the iliac crest ( Fig. 30.14A ).

    FIGURE 30.14, Technique of anterior open reduction in congenital dislocation of hip. A, Bikini incision. B, Division of sartorius and rectus femoris tendons and iliac epiphysis. C and D, T-shaped incision of capsule. E, Capsulotomy of hip and use of ligamentum teres to find true acetabulum. F, Reduction and capsulorrhaphy after excision of redundant capsule. G, Developmental dislocation of right hip. H, After anterolateral open reduction. I, At age 7 years; note remodeling of femoral head and acetabulum. SEE TECHNIQUE 30.3.

  • Carry sharp dissection through the subcutaneous tissue to the deep fascia.

  • Identify and enter the interval between the sartorius and tensor fasciae latae muscles, protecting the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve by retracting it with a Penrose drain during the entire procedure. The presence of inguinal lymph nodes in the most medial dissection indicates the proximity of the neurovascular bundle.

  • Detach the iliac apophysis from the ilium, beginning at the anterior superior iliac spine and extending 4 cm posteriorly along the ilium. Alternatively, the iliac apophysis can be split sharply.

  • Subperiosteally dissect the tensor fasciae latae laterally to expose the ilium and the full extent of the anterolateral capsule.

  • Identify the origin of the sartorius muscle at the anterior superior iliac crest, divide it, and allow it to retract distally.

  • Dissect the tensor fasciae latae origin to the anterior inferior iliac spine.

  • Place a retractor along the medial aspect of the anterior inferior iliac spine onto the superior pubic ramus.

  • Identify the psoas tendon in its groove on the superior pubic ramus and perform a recession tenotomy to facilitate placement of a right-angle retractor in the groove on the superior pubic ramus normally occupied by the iliopsoas tendon. The retractor protects the psoas muscle and neurovascular bundle anteriorly and assists in medial exposure.

  • Identify the origins of the direct and oblique heads of the rectus femoris muscle and perform a tenotomy approximately 1 cm distal to the anterior inferior iliac spine ( Fig. 30.14B ). Tag the distal segment and allow the tendon to retract distally.

  • Identify the capsule of the hip joint anteriorly, medially, and laterally. A large amount of redundant capsule may be present laterally in the region of a false acetabulum.

  • Make a T-shaped incision from the most medial aspect of the capsule to the most lateral and continue the incision along the anterior border of the femoral head and neck ( Fig. 30.14C,D ). For more exposure, use Kocher clamps to retract the capsule.

  • Identify the femoral head and the ligamentum teres; detach the ligamentum teres from the femoral head and place on it a Kocher clamp. Trace the ligamentum teres to the true acetabulum and excise with a rongeur or sharp dissection any pulvinar in the true acetabulum ( Fig. 30.14E ).

  • Gently expose the bony articular surface of the acetabulum with its circumferential cartilage.

  • Expose the acetabulum laterally, superiorly, medially, and inferiorly to the level of the deep transverse acetabular ligament, which should be divided to enlarge the most inferior aspect of the acetabulum. Enlarge the entrance to the acetabulum by excision of the fat from the innermost aspect of the acetabulum until the entrance is large enough to allow reduction of the femoral head without difficulty.

  • After reducing the femoral head into the acetabulum, move the hip through a complete range of motion (including flexion, extension, adduction, and abduction) to determine the “safe zone” of reduction.

  • If the reduction is concentric and stable, reduce the femoral head and close the capsule, suturing the lateral flap of the T-shaped incision as far medially as possible to eliminate any redundant capsule in the region of the false acetabulum ( Fig. 30.14F ). An adequate capsulorrhaphy significantly improves stability of the hip. Place sutures in the tips of the “T” and along the superior border of the acetabulum.

  • When capsulorrhaphy is completed, suture the rectus femoris tendon to its origin and the iliac apophysis to the fascia of the tensor fasciae latae along the iliac crest.

  • Close the superficial fascial layers, the subcutaneous tissues, and the skin. Apply a double spica cast with the hips in 90 to 100 degrees of flexion and 40 to 55 degrees of abduction.

Postoperative Care

Radiography, CT, or MRI can be used to confirm reduction of the femoral head into the acetabulum. The spica cast is changed in the operating room at 5 to 6 weeks with final removal at 10 to 12 weeks. Sequential radiographs are used to assess development of the femoral head and acetabulum ( Fig. 30.14G to I); these are obtained on a regular basis until the child reaches skeletal maturity.

Medial Approach

Technique 30.4


  • Make a transverse incision centered at the anterior margin of the adductor longus, approximately 1 cm distal and parallel to the inguinal ligament ( Fig. 30.15 ).

    FIGURE 30.15, Incision for medial (Ludloff) approach and open reduction. SEE TECHNIQUE 30.4.

  • Open the fascia along the superior border of the adductor longus. Isolate this muscle, divide it close to its insertion on the pelvis, and retract it distally to expose the adductor brevis muscle in the inferior part of the wound and the pectineus muscle in the superior part of the wound.

  • Identify the branches of the anterior obturator nerve on the surface of the adductor brevis muscle and with blunt dissection follow this nerve beneath the pectineus muscle. Free the posterior border of the pectineus muscle proximally to its origin on the pelvis.

  • Place a retractor beneath the pectineus muscle and retract it superiorly. Identify by palpation the lesser trochanter and the iliopsoas tendon. Open the fascial layer surrounding the tendon, pull the tendon into the wound with a right-angle clamp, and sharply divide it.

  • With blunt dissection clear the pericapsular fat from the capsule. Dissect free the small branch of the medial circumflex artery that crosses the capsule inferiorly and preserve it.

  • Incise the capsule in the direction of the femoral neck. Identify the transverse acetabular ligament and section it.

  • If needed for reduction, perform additional release of the capsule. Reduce the hip in 90 to 100 degrees of flexion and 40 to 60 degrees of abduction.

  • When the optimal position is determined, close the deep fascia and skin in routine fashion and apply a double spica cast. Some studies have suggested that repair of the iliopsoas tendon could be helpful to preserve long-term muscle strength, although spontaneous reattachment is common.

  • Consider obtaining three-dimensional imaging after cast application to confirm reduction of the femoral head.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative care is similar to that after closed reduction and varies according to the age of the child. Generally, 8 to 12 weeks of cast immobilization is sufficient.

Three-dimensional imaging should be considered after successful closed or open reduction. See the section, “Three-Dimensional Imaging After Closed Reduction” for a discussion on the timing, cost, anesthesia, and radiation considerations for the various options.

Concomitant Osteotomy

The use of a concomitant osteotomy of the ilium, acetabulum, or femur at the time of open reduction remains controversial. Innominate osteotomy, acetabuloplasty, proximal femoral varus derotation osteotomy, or femoral shortening osteotomy might increase the stability of open reduction. However, in younger children (<12 months), acetabular remodeling potential could render these procedures unnecessary. Conversely, inadequate remodeling after open reduction may necessitate a return to the operating room at a later date for a bony procedure.

Zadeh et al. used concomitant osteotomy at the time of open reduction to maintain stability of the reduction in which the following test of stability after open reduction was used.

  • 1.

    Hip stable in neutral position—no osteotomy

  • 2.

    Hip stable in flexion and abduction—innominate osteotomy

  • 3.

    Hip stable in internal rotation and abduction—proximal femoral derotational varus osteotomy

  • 4.

    “Double-diameter” acetabulum with anterolateral deficiency—Pemberton-type osteotomy

Aside from the need for osteotomy at the time of open reduction to maintain stability, there also are concerns about residual acetabular dysplasia. Better results have been reported in children younger than 30 months of age who were treated with combined open reduction and Salter osteotomy than in those treated with a staged procedure.

Concomitant osteotomy, particularly a femoral shortening osteotomy with or without derotation, should be done at the time of open reduction when necessary to maintain a safe, stable reduction. If open reduction is stable without an osteotomy, a bony procedure for residual deformity should be considered at the time of the open reduction in an older child (>18 months) and used with caution even in younger infants.

Teratologic Dislocations

A teratologic dislocation of the hip is one that occurs at some time before birth, resulting in significant anatomic distortion and resistance to treatment. It often occurs with other conditions, such as arthrogryposis, Larsen syndrome, myelomeningocele, and diastrophic dwarfism.

The anatomic changes in teratologic dislocations are much more advanced than the changes in a typical developmental hip dislocation in a child of the same age. The acetabulum is small, with an oblique or flattened shape; the ligamentum teres is thickened, and the femoral head is of variable size and may be flattened on the medial side ( Fig. 30.16 ). The hip joint is usually stiff and irreducible, and radiographs show superolateral displacement.

FIGURE 30.16, A, Teratologic dislocation of left hip in 18-month-old girl. B, Appearance at 3 years of age after primary femoral shortening, anterior open reduction, and innominate osteotomy.

Most authors agree that closed reduction is ineffective and that open reduction is necessary, but indications for treatment are unclear. Most agree that unilateral dislocations should be treated more aggressively than bilateral dislocations, and the ambulatory potential of the patient is probably the most important consideration in deciding whether to treat bilateral dislocations. The difficulty of successfully treating teratologic dislocations is reflected in the results of Gruel et al., who found that of the 27 hips in their series, 44% had poor results and 70% had complications. Osteonecrosis occurred in 48% of hips, redislocation occurred in 19%, and subluxation occurred in 22%. Anterior open reduction and femoral shortening produced the best results with the fewest complications, whereas the worst results and most complications occurred in the hips treated by closed reduction.

Although multiple procedures may be required, good results can be obtained and a stable hip can be achieved in properly selected patients. Open reduction through a medial approach has been recommended for children 3 to 6 months old combined with surgical correction of congenital contractures of the knee and foot. In older children, primary femoral shortening and anterior open reduction, with or without pelvic osteotomy, is preferred.


The most serious complication associated with treatment of DDH in early infancy is the development of osteonecrosis. Estimated rates of osteonecrosis vary widely, ranging from less than 5% to almost 50%. Proposed risk factors for osteonecrosis include open reduction with concomitant osteotomies, redislocation after surgical correction, or the need for secondary procedure after initial closed or open reduction. Although the rate of osteonecrosis after closed reduction is lower than after open reduction, the rate is still as high as 10% to 35% after closed treatment. Some authors have suggested that osteonecrosis is more frequent when reduction is done before the appearance of the ossific nucleus of the femoral head, whereas others have stated that waiting until the ossific nucleus appears does not seem to affect the development of osteonecrosis. Most recently, meta-analyses have indicated that the presence of the ossific nucleus provides little protective benefit against osteonecrosis after closed or open reduction, and Luhmann et al. found that delaying reduction of a dislocated hip until the appearance of the ossific nucleus more than doubled the need for future surgery. Despite a slight increase in the rate of osteonecrosis after reduction of hips without an ossific nucleus, they advocated early reduction to optimize development of the hip with the minimal number of operations.

Potential sequelae of osteonecrosis include femoral head deformity, acetabular dysplasia, lateral subluxation of the femoral head, relative overgrowth of the greater trochanter, and limb-length inequalities; osteoarthritis is a common late complication. Bucholz and Ogden and Kalamchi and MacEwen proposed classification systems based on morphologic changes in the capital femoral epiphysis, the physis, and the proximal femoral metaphysis ( Fig. 30.17 ). These classifications are useful in determining proper treatment and prognosis for a particular patient; however, the proper classification may not be identifiable on radiographs until the child is 4 to 6 years old. The prognostic ability of the Bucholz and Ogden classification system has been brought into question by an interrater reliability study; the authors concluded that a new classification scheme is needed. A simplification of the Kalamchi and MacEwen classification scheme has been proposed that combines groups II, III, and IV into a single group B. By classifying osteonecrosis cases into group A or group B, the authors were able to demonstrate that the type of reduction (closed with traction versus open without femoral shortening) was a factor in the development of osteonecrosis.

FIGURE 30.17, Bucholz and Ogden classification of osteonecrosis of femoral head in congenital dislocation of hip. A, Normal femoral head at 2 months (a) , 1 year (b) , and 9 years (c) of age. B, Type I: a, sites of temporary vascular occlusion; b, irregular ossification in secondary center; c, normal epiphyseal contour, slight decrease in height of capital femoral ossification center. C, Type II: a, probable primary site of vascular occlusion; b, metaphyseal and epiphyseal irregularities; c, premature fusion of lateral metaphysis and epiphysis. D, Type III: a, sites of temporary vascular occlusion; b, impaired longitudinal growth of capital femoral epiphysis; c, irregularly shaped femoral head. E, Type IV: a, sites of temporary vascular occlusion; b, impaired longitudinal and latitudinal growth; c, premature epiphyseal closure.

Treatment should be directed toward the clinical problems associated with each radiographic classification group. Many patients do not require any treatment during adolescence and young adulthood. In a few, femoral head deformity and acetabular dysplasia that predisposes the hip joint to incongruity and persistent subluxation can be treated with femoral osteotomy or appropriate pelvic osteotomy or both.

Children with osteonecrosis after treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip should be followed to maturity with serial orthoradiographs. Significantly better results have been reported in patients treated early (1 to 3 years after the ischemic insult) with innominate osteotomy than in patients treated later (5 to 10 years after the ischemic insult) and patients without pelvic osteotomy. Patients treated early also had less pain and fewer gait disturbances and required fewer additional procedures for limb-length inequality or greater trochanteric overgrowth. Early innominate osteotomy has been suggested to induce spherical remodeling of the femoral head, with a resultant congruous hip joint, whereas with later osteotomy the femoral head was already deformed, with little potential for remodeling. Significant limb-length inequality can be corrected by appropriate techniques, usually a well-timed epiphysiodesis. Symptomatic overgrowth of the greater trochanter can be treated in older patients with greater trochanteric advancement, which increases the abductor muscle resting length and increases the abductor lever arm ( Fig. 30.18 ).

FIGURE 30.18, A, Osteonecrosis of left femoral head in 4-year-old girl after closed reduction of left congenital dislocation of hip at 6 months of age. B, At 10 years of age, now type II osteonecrosis is present, with premature lateral epiphyseal arrest and relative trochanteric overgrowth. C, At 13 years of age, after transfer of trochanter distally and anteriorly.

Trochanteric Advancement

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