General Principles of Tumors

A team comprising an orthopaedic surgeon, radiologist, pathologist, radiation oncologist, and medical oncologist is necessary to treat the spectrum of musculoskeletal tumors. Other surgical specialists frequently are required, such as a vascular surgeon, thoracic surgeon, or plastic surgeon. The orthopaedic surgeon must be well versed in the principles of oncologic surgery, and the radiologist and pathologist should have a special interest in bone and soft-tissue tumors. The medical oncologist coordinates the adjuvant therapies and becomes the primary physician for a patient who has a metastatic tumor.

Diagnostic Evaluation

General approach to musculoskeletal neoplasms

An adequate history and physical examination are the first steps in evaluating a patient with a musculoskeletal tumor. Patients may present to the orthopaedic oncologist with pain, a mass, or an abnormal radiographic finding detected during the evaluation of an unrelated problem. Patients with bone tumors most frequently present with pain. The pain initially may be activity related, but a patient with a malignancy of bone often complains of progressive pain at rest and at night. Patients with benign bone tumors also may have activity-related pain if the lesion is large enough to weaken the bone. Other benign lesions, most notably osteoid osteoma, may cause night pain initially. Conversely, patients with soft-tissue tumors rarely complain of pain but more often complain of a mass. Exceptions to this rule are patients with nerve sheath tumors who have pain or neurologic signs.

Although some tumors show a sex predilection (e.g., female predominance with giant cell tumors), this is rarely of diagnostic significance. Race likewise is of little significance, with the exception that Ewing sarcoma is exceedingly rare in individuals of African descent. Family history occasionally can be helpful, as in cases of multiple hereditary exostosis (autosomal dominant inheritance) and neurofibromatosis (autosomal dominant inheritance). Age may be the most important information obtained in the history, however, because most benign and malignant musculoskeletal neoplasms occur within specific age ranges.

Physical examination

The physical examination should include evaluation of the patient’s general health and a careful examination of the part in question. A mass should be measured, and its location, shape, consistency, mobility, tenderness, local temperature, and change with position should be noted. Atrophy of the surrounding musculature should be recorded, as should neurologic deficits and adequacy of circulation. Café-au-lait spots or cutaneous hemangiomas also may provide diagnostic clues. Potential sites of lymph node metastases should be palpated. Although lymph node metastases are rare with most sarcomas, they often are present with rhabdomyosarcomas, epithelioid sarcomas, and synovial sarcomas.

Radiographic examination

All suspected musculoskeletal neoplasms should be evaluated initially with plain biplanar radiographs. Compared with any other test, conventional radiography provides more useful diagnostic information for evaluation of bone lesions. Often, the patient’s age and plain radiographic findings are sufficient to arrive at a specific diagnosis. Radiographic evaluation should begin by determining the site of the lesion because many bone tumors have specific site predilections ( Boxes 24.1 to 24.4 ). An epiphyseal lesion in a skeletally mature patient is likely to be a giant cell tumor, whereas an epiphyseal lesion in a skeletally immature patient is likely to be a chondroblastoma. The differential diagnosis for diaphyseal lesions includes Ewing sarcoma, osteomyelitis, osteoid osteoma, osteoblastoma, histiocytosis, lymphoma, fibrous dysplasia, and adamantinoma (especially in the tibia). Most vertebral lesions in adult patients are metastases, myelomas, or hemangiomas. In the sacrum, chordoma and giant cell tumor are at the top of the list of differential diagnoses. In younger patients with a vertebral body lesion, the most likely diagnosis is histiocytosis; if the lesion is in the posterior elements, the differential diagnoses include aneurysmal bone cyst, osteoblastoma, and osteoid osteoma. Even if a specific diagnosis cannot be made, the aggressiveness of the lesion, and whether it is likely to be benign or malignant, usually can be determined by careful evaluation of the plain films. Lesions of low biologic activity are usually well marginated, often with a surrounding rim of reactive bone formation. Aggressive lesions usually have a less well-defined zone of transition between the lesion and the host bone because the host response is slower than the progression of the tumor. Cortical expansion can be seen with aggressive benign lesions, but frank cortical destruction usually is a sign of malignancy. Periosteal reactive new bone formation results when the tumor destroys cortex and may take the form of Codman’s triangle, “onion-skinning,” or a “sunburst” pattern. It usually is a sign of malignancy but may be present with infection or histiocytosis. Often, bone lesions replace the normal trabecular pattern of bone with a characteristic matrix. Punctate, stippled calcification is suggestive of cartilage formation in bone lesions such as an enchondroma or chondrosarcoma. Matrix ossification combined with destructive features of host bone is a radiographic finding in a typical osteosarcoma. The irregular osteoid trabeculae in a collagenous stroma produce the classic radiographic “ground glass” appearance in fibrous dysplasia. Plain radiographs are less helpful for soft-tissue lesions but nevertheless should be obtained in all patients because some useful information can be acquired, such as the presence of myositis ossificans, phleboliths in a hemangioma, calcification in a synovial sarcoma, or a fat density with a lipoma.

BOX 24.1
Differential Diagnosis for Epiphyseal Lesions

  • Chondroblastoma (ages 10-25)

  • Giant cell tumor (ages 20-40)

  • Clear chondrosarcoma (rare)

BOX 24.2
Differential Diagnosis for Diaphyseal Lesions

  • Ewing sarcoma (ages 5-25)

  • Lymphoma (adult)

  • Fibrous dysplasia (ages 5-30)

  • Adamantinoma (consider in the tibia)

  • Histiocytosis (ages 5-30)

BOX 24.3
Differential Diagnosis for Lesions of the Spine

Older than 40 Years

  • Metastases

  • Multiple myeloma

  • Hemangioma

  • Chordoma (in sacrum)

Younger than 30 Years

  • Vertebral body

    • Histiocytosis

    • Hemangioma

  • Posterior elements

    • Osteoid osteoma

    • Osteoblastoma

    • Aneurysmal bone cyst

BOX 24.4
Differential Diagnosis for Multiple Lesions

  • Histiocytosis

  • Enchondroma

  • Osteochondroma

  • Fibrous dysplasia

  • Multiple myeloma

  • Metastases

  • Hemangioma

  • Infection

  • Hyperparathyroidism

Other imaging examinations

The resolution of computed tomography (CT) is most helpful in assessing ossification and calcification and in evaluating the integrity of the cortex. It also is the best imaging study to localize the nidus of an osteoid osteoma, to detect a thin rim of reactive bone around an aneurysmal bone cyst, to evaluate calcification in a suspected cartilaginous lesion, and to evaluate endosteal cortical erosion in a suspected chondrosarcoma. Reconstructions in the sagittal and coronal planes may provide useful information with regard to surgical planning. CT of the lungs also is the most effective study to detect pulmonary metastases. In patients in whom magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is prohibited (e.g., pacemaker), CT with intravenous contrast is useful in differentiating cystic lesions from vascular lesions in soft-tissue tumors.

Technetium bone scans are used to determine the activity of a lesion and to determine the presence of multiple lesions or skeletal metastases. Bone scans frequently are falsely negative in multiple myeloma and some cases of renal cell carcinoma. Excluding these exceptions, however, most other malignant neoplasms of bone show increased uptake on technetium bone scans. A normal bone scan is reassuring; however, the converse statement is not true because benign active lesions of bone also show increased uptake.

Positron emission tomography (PET) records the whole-body distribution of positron-emitting radioisotopes linked to biologically active molecules. This modality provides a noninvasive three-dimensional visualization and quantitative assessment of in vivo physiologic and biochemical processes. PET is proving to be useful in staging, planning the biopsy, evaluating the response to chemotherapy, and helping to direct subsequent treatment. Fluorine-18 ( 18 F)-fluorodeoxyglucose-labeled positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) has a growing role as an imaging modality in the detection, staging, and management of sarcomas. FDG is an analogue of glucose that becomes trapped in malignant cells in proportion to their respective rate of glycolysis. When used in conjunction with other imaging modalities (e.g., CT and MRI), it can be useful with post-treatment surveillance, helping to differentiate viable tumor cells from postoperative changes. Early results in its application have been encouraging, but the number of published studies is limited.

MRI has replaced CT as the study of choice to determine the size, extent, and anatomic relationships of bone and soft-tissue tumors. It is the most accurate technique for determining the extent of intramedullary and extraosseous disease and the relationship to neurovascular structures. MRI may yield a specific diagnosis with tumors such as lipoma, hemangioma, hematoma, or pigmented villonodular synovitis, all of which have characteristic appearances. With regard to most neoplasms, however, the MRI appearance is nonspecific. Likewise, MRI frequently cannot differentiate benign from malignant lesions. A study at our institution found substantial differences between MRI-based opinions given by specialized musculoskeletal radiologists and those given by outside radiologists: only about half of the outside reports listed the most likely diagnosis as such, and only 60% listed it at all. In general, any soft-tissue neoplasm deep to the fascia or larger than 5 cm in its greatest dimension should be considered highly likely to be a sarcoma.

Ultrasonography is useful for distinguishing cystic from solid soft-tissue lesions but otherwise offers little information. Angiography, which previously was used to determine the relationship of a neoplasm to the vessels, has been supplanted by MRI. Angiography still is useful, however, to rule out nonneoplastic conditions, such as pseudoaneurysms or arteriovenous malformations, and for preoperative embolization of highly vascular lesions, such as renal cell carcinoma and aneurysmal bone cysts.

Laboratory tests

Blood and urine tests rarely lead to a diagnosis but can be useful in selected situations. A basic metabolic panel may be indicated to evaluate the overall health of a patient. Risks of wound healing problems and infection have been shown to be significantly greater in patients whose serum albumin value is less than 3.5 g/dL or whose total lymphocyte count is less than 1500/mL. A complete blood cell count may be helpful to rule out infection and leukemia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate usually is elevated in infection, metastatic carcinoma, and small “blue cell” tumors, such as Ewing sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia, and histiocytosis. Serum protein electrophoresis should be ordered if multiple myeloma is part of the differential diagnosis. Likewise, a prostate-specific antigen test should be ordered if prostate carcinoma is a possibility. Hypercalcemia may be present with metastatic disease, multiple myeloma, and hyperparathyroidism. Alkaline phosphatase may be elevated in metabolic bone disease, metastatic disease, osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, or lymphoma. Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine may be elevated with renal tumors, and a urinalysis may reveal hematuria in this setting. Brown tumors of hyperparathyroidism sometimes can look like giant cell tumors and can be evaluated with serum calcium and parathyroid hormone levels. Finally, Paget disease may be in the differential diagnosis and can be evaluated by serum alkaline phosphatase and urinary pyridinium cross-links.

Musculoskeletal neoplasms should be evaluated completely before biopsy is done. The differential diagnosis, extent of the lesion, and potential resectability of the lesion can affect the type of biopsy, the placement of the biopsy incision, and the pathologic management of the tissue obtained. A complete workup helps to narrow the differential diagnosis and to bring about a more accurate pathologic diagnosis. Finally, tests, such as MRI or bone scanning, can be adversely affected by postoperative changes in the tissues. Bone and soft-tissue neoplasms suspected of being malignant should be evaluated with radiographs of the involved limb and a chest radiograph to evaluate possible metastases. MRI of the lesion delineates the extent of the lesion in the bone and soft-tissue involvement and the relationship to other anatomic structures. A bone scan should be obtained to detect any other areas of skeletal involvement, and a CT scan of the chest should be obtained to rule out pulmonary metastases. Other tests may be added to this minimal basic workup as indicated.

Metastases of unknown origin

In a patient older than age 40 with a new, painful bone lesion, multiple myeloma and metastatic carcinoma are the most likely diagnoses even if the patient has no known history of carcinoma. Prostate cancer and breast cancer are the two most common primary sources for bone metastases. If a patient has no known primary tumor, however, the most likely sources are lung cancer and renal cell carcinoma. Rougraff et al. described the proper evaluation of a patient with suspected metastases of unknown origin. The evaluation begins with a history focusing on any previous malignancies, even in the remote past, followed by a physical examination that includes not only the involved extremity but also the thyroid, lungs, abdomen, prostate in men, and breasts in women. Laboratory analysis should include complete blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, electrolytes, liver enzymes, alkaline phosphatase, serum protein electrophoresis, and possibly prostate-specific antigen. Plain radiographs of the involved bone and the chest should be obtained. A whole-body bone scan should be ordered to evaluate other possible areas of skeletal involvement, and a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis should be obtained ( Fig. 24.1 ). A mammogram is not routinely indicated as an initial procedure because breast cancer is a rare source of metastases without a known primary lesion. The authors were able to identify the primary lesion in 85% of patients with skeletal metastases of unknown origin using this simple approach. They listed six reasons why the biopsy should not be done until the evaluation is complete: (1) The lesion may be a primary sarcoma of bone that may require a biopsy technique that allows for future limb salvage surgery; (2) another, more accessible lesion may be found; (3) if renal cell carcinoma is considered likely, the surgeon may wish to consider preoperative embolization to avoid excessive bleeding; (4) if the diagnosis of multiple myeloma is made by laboratory studies, an unnecessary biopsy can be avoided; (5) the pathologic diagnosis is more accurate if aided by appropriate imaging studies; and (6) the pathologist and surgeon may be more assured of a diagnosis of metastasis made on frozen section analysis if supported by the preoperative evaluation. This is important if stabilization of an impending fracture is planned for the same procedure.

FIGURE 24.1, Humeral fracture after minimal trauma in 81-year-old man with no known history of malignancy. A, Lesion (arrow) was not identified initially, and patient was treated conservatively at another institution. B, Radiograph 10 weeks after injury shows progression of malignant process. Patient was referred to orthopaedic oncology center, where most likely diagnosis was thought to be either multiple myeloma or metastatic carcinoma. C, Bone scan reveals multiple sites of disease. D, CT of abdomen reveals lesion in the right kidney, which proved to be primary lesion (arrow) .


Enneking and others have shown the desirability of staging benign and malignant musculoskeletal tumors to aid in treatment decision making, provide some determination of prognosis, and allow meaningful comparisons of treatment methods. Benign and malignant tumors of bone and soft tissue can be staged according to the Enneking staging system ( Table 24.1 ). The stages of benign tumors are designated by Arabic numbers, and malignant tumors are designated by Roman numerals.

TABLE 24.1
Enneking System for Staging Benign and Malignant Musculoskeletal Tumors
  • 1.

    Latent—low biologic activity; well marginated; often incidental findings (e.g., nonossifying fibroma)

  • 2.

    Active—symptomatic; limited bone destruction; may present with pathologic fracture (e.g., aneurysmal bone cyst)

  • 3.

    Aggressive—aggressive; bone destruction/soft-tissue extension; do not respect natural barriers (e.g., giant cell tumor)

Stage Grade Site Metastases
IA Low Intracompartmental None
IB Low Extracompartmental None
IIA High Intracompartmental None
IIB High Extracompartmental None
III Any Any Regional or distant metastases

Benign tumors are staged as follows: stage 1, latent; stage 2, active; and stage 3, aggressive. Stage 1 lesions are intracapsular, usually asymptomatic, and frequently incidental findings. Radiographic features include a well-defined margin with a thick rim of reactive bone. There is no cortical destruction or expansion. These lesions do not require treatment because they do not compromise the strength of the bone and usually resolve spontaneously. An example is a small asymptomatic nonossifying fibroma discovered incidentally on radiographs taken to evaluate an unrelated injury ( Fig. 24.2 ). Stage 2 lesions also are intracapsular but are actively growing and can cause symptoms or lead to pathologic fracture. They have well-defined margins on radiographs but may expand and thin the cortex. Usually they have only a thin rim of reactive bone. Treatment usually consists of extended curettage ( Fig. 24.3 ). Stage 3 lesions are extracapsular. Their aggressive nature is apparent clinically and radiographically. They do not respect natural anatomic barriers and usually have broken through the reactive bone and possibly the cortex ( Fig. 24.4 ). MRI may show a soft-tissue mass, and metastases may be present in 1% to 5% of patients with these lesions (e.g., giant cell tumor). Treatment consists of extended curettage, marginal resection, or possibly wide resection, and local recurrences are common. Reconstruction may sometimes prove difficult. Some interobserver discrepancy may be present when trying to assign a bone lesion to a particular stage.

FIGURE 24.2, Stage 1 benign lesion: nonossifying fibroma of the distal tibia.

FIGURE 24.3, Stage 2 benign lesion: aneurysmal bone cyst of the proximal fibula.

FIGURE 24.4, Stage 3 benign lesion: giant cell tumor of the distal femur.

Musculoskeletal sarcomas also can be staged according to the surgical staging system as described by Enneking et al. This system was designed to incorporate the most significant prognostic factors into a system of progressive stages that helps to guide surgical and adjuvant treatments. The system is based on the histologic grade of the tumor, its local extent, and the presence or absence of metastases. Low-grade lesions are designated as stage I. These lesions are well-differentiated, have few mitoses, and exhibit only moderate cytologic atypia. The risk for metastases is low (<25%). High-grade lesions are designated as stage II. They are poorly differentiated with a high mitotic rate and a high cell-to-matrix ratio. Stage I and II lesions are subdivided according to the extent of local growth. Stage IA and IIA lesions are contained within well-defined anatomic compartments ( Fig. 24.5 ). Anatomic compartments are determined by the natural anatomic barriers to tumor growth, such as cortical bone, articular cartilage, fascial septa, or joint capsules. Stage IB and IIB lesions extend beyond the compartment of origin ( Fig. 24.6 ). Stage III refers to any lesion that has metastasized regardless of the size or grade of the primary tumor. No distinction is made between lymph node metastases or distant metastases because both circumstances are associated with a poor prognosis.

FIGURE 24.5, Stage IA malignant lesion: chondrosarcoma of the proximal femur.

FIGURE 24.6, Stage IIB malignant lesion: osteosarcoma of the proximal humerus.

Alternatively, many orthopaedic oncologists stage musculoskeletal malignancies according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) system. The AJCC staging system for soft-tissue sarcomas ( Table 24.2 ) is based on prognostic variables, including tumor grade (low or high), size (≤5 cm or >5 cm in greatest dimension), depth (superficial or deep to the fascia), and presence of metastases. Stage I tumors are low grade regardless of size or depth. Stage II tumors are high grade; they may be small and any depth or large and superficial. Stage III tumors are high grade, large, and deep. Stage IV tumors are tumors associated with metastases (including local lymph nodes) regardless of grade, size, or depth.

TABLE 24.2
American Joint Committee on Cancer System for Staging Soft-Tissue Sarcomas
Stage Grade Size Depth Metastases
I Low Any Any None
II High ≤5 cm Any None
High >5 cm Superficial None
III High >5 cm Deep None
IV Any Any Any Regional or distant

The AJCC system for bone sarcomas ( Table 24.3 ) is based on tumor grade, size, and presence and location of metastases. Stage I tumors, which are low grade, and stage II tumors, which are high grade, are subdivided based on tumor size. Stage I-A and II-A tumors are 8 cm or less in their greatest linear measurement; stage I-B and II-B tumors are larger than 8 cm. Stage III tumors have “skip metastases,” which are defined as discontinuous lesions within the same bone. Stage IV-A involves pulmonary metastases, whereas stage IV-B involves nonpulmonary metastases. The subdivision of stage IV was made because it has been shown that patients with nonpulmonary metastases from osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma have worse prognoses than patients with only pulmonary metastases.

TABLE 24.3
American Joint Committee on Cancer System for Staging Bone Sarcomas
Stage Grade Size Metastases
I-A Low ≤8 cm None
I-B Low >8 cm None
II-A High ≤8 cm None
II-B High >8 cm None
III Any Any Skip metastasis
IV-A Any Any Pulmonary metastases
IV-B Any Any Nonpulmonary metastases


In 1982, Mankin et al. reported 18.2% major errors in diagnosis, 10.3% nonrepresentative or technically poor biopsy specimens, and 17.3% wound complications associated with biopsy of musculoskeletal sarcomas. As a result of these complications, the optimal treatment plan had to be altered in 18.2%, including unnecessary amputations in 4.5%. These complications occurred three to five times more frequently when the biopsy was done by a surgeon at a referring institution, rather than by a member of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society. A series of recommendations were made regarding the technical aspects of the biopsy, stating that whenever possible a patient with a suspected primary musculoskeletal malignancy should be referred before biopsy to the institution where definitive treatment will take place. The study was repeated 10 years later, and the results were essentially unchanged.

A biopsy should be planned as carefully as the definitive procedure. Biopsy should be done only after clinical, laboratory, and radiographic examinations are complete. As stated previously, completion of the evaluation before biopsy aids in planning the placement of the biopsy incision, helps provide more information leading to a more accurate pathologic diagnosis, and avoids artifacts on imaging studies. If the results of the evaluation suggest that a primary malignancy is in the differential diagnosis, the patient should be referred to a musculoskeletal oncologist before biopsy.

Regardless of whether a needle biopsy or an open biopsy is done, the biopsy track should be considered contaminated with tumor cells. Placement of the biopsy is a crucial decision because the biopsy track needs to be excised en bloc with the tumor. The surgeon performing the biopsy should be familiar with incisions for limb salvage surgery and standard and nonstandard amputation flaps. If a tourniquet is used, the limb can be elevated before inflation but should not be exsanguinated by compression to prevent “squeezing” the tumor’s cells into the systemic circulation. Care should be taken to contaminate as little tissue as possible. Transverse incisions should be avoided because they are extremely difficult or impossible to excise with the specimen ( Fig. 24.7 ). The deep incision should go through a single muscle compartment rather than contaminating an intermuscular plane. Major neurovascular structures should be avoided. Soft-tissue extension of a bone lesion should be sampled because this leading edge contains the most viable tumor for making the diagnosis. Care should be taken, however, to sample more than just the pseudocapsule surrounding the lesion. A frozen section should be sent intraoperatively to ensure that diagnostic tissue has been obtained. If a hole must be made in the bone, it should be round or oval to minimize stress concentration and prevent a subsequent fracture, which could preclude limb salvage surgery ( Fig. 24.8 ). The hole should be plugged with methacrylate to limit hematoma formation. Only the minimal amount of methacrylate needed to plug the hole should be used because excessive amounts push the tumor up and down the bone. If a tourniquet has been used, it should be deflated and meticulous hemostasis ensured before closure, because a hematoma would be contaminated with tumor cells. If a drain is used, it should exit in line with the incision so that the drain track also can be easily excised en bloc with the tumor. The wound should be closed tightly in layers. Wide retention sutures should not be used.

FIGURE 24.7, Examples of poorly performed biopsies. A and B, Biopsy resulted in irregular defect in bone, which led to pathologic fracture. C, Transverse incisions should not be used. D, Needle biopsy track contaminated patellar tendon. E, Needle track placed posteriorly, a location that would be extremely difficult to resect en bloc with tumor if it had proved to be sarcoma. F, Multiple needle tracks contaminate quadriceps tendon. G, Drain site was not placed in line with incision.

FIGURE 24.8, If hole must be made in bone during biopsy, defect should be round to minimize stress concentration, which otherwise could lead to pathologic fracture.

A biopsy can be done by fine-needle aspiration, core needle biopsy, or an open incisional procedure ( Table 24.4 ). Most musculoskeletal neoplasms can be diagnosed with a well-done needle biopsy. Fine-needle aspiration may be 90% accurate at determining malignancy; however, its accuracy at determining specific tumor type is much lower because only cells rather than tissue architecture are evaluated. This technique may be best applied when there is a high probability that the diagnosis is known such as metastases or infection and when evaluating lymph nodes. An experienced pathologist is helpful in determining the diagnosis because of the limited sample size obtained. A core needle biopsy uses a larger-gauge needle than a fine-needle aspiration, providing for tissue and preservation of the tissue architecture. The limited amount of tissue obtained may not be adequate, however, for accurate grading or for any additional studies that may dictate subsequent treatment. The few dedicated series that have analyzed outpatient core needle biopsies have reported an overall diagnostic accuracy ranging from 84% to 98%. A study of 252 outpatient core needle biopsies of malignant bone and soft-tissue neoplasms reported an accuracy rate of 97% for determining whether or not a lesion is malignant; core needle biopsy was accurate for a specific histopathologic diagnosis and grade in 81%.

TABLE 24.4
Types of Biopsy
Biopsy Type Tissue Obtained Advantages Disadvantages
Fine-needle aspiration Cells Cost effective
Fewer complications
Good for obese patient or tumor near neurovascular structure
Small sample size
Need expert pathologist
Core needle Small tissue core Cost effective
More tissue than fine-needle aspiration
More complications than fine-needle aspiration
Incisional biopsy Adequate sample of mass/lesion Adequate tissue sample (gold standard) Increased complications
May compromise definitive resection
Excisional biopsy Entire lesion removed Removes entire lesion
Indicated for small lesion or expendable bone
Increased complications

Complications include infection, bleeding/hematoma, pathologic fracture, tumor contamination/seeding.

Open biopsy is the gold standard for biopsy of bone and soft-tissue tumors, but complications are greater with incisional biopsy when compared with needle biopsy (e.g., bleeding, infection, tissue contamination). However, this procedure is least likely to be associated with a sampling error, and it provides the most tissue for additional diagnostic studies, such as cytogenetics and flow cytometry. If the administration of chemotherapy is anticipated before further surgery, a central venous access catheter may be placed at the same setting as the biopsy if the frozen section is confirmatory. The definitive procedure can be done immediately after biopsy only if the frozen section diagnosis confirms the clinical and radiographic diagnosis. In cases of discrepancy or doubt, the definitive procedure should be delayed until a firm diagnosis is established. If a giant cell tumor is suspected on clinical and radiographic grounds, definitive curettage can proceed immediately after confirmation of the diagnosis on frozen section. Likewise, if the suspicion of an impending fracture from metastatic carcinoma is confirmed on frozen section, prophylactic fixation can be applied immediately. Conversely, if the frozen section in either of these scenarios exhibited any atypical cells that might represent a sarcoma, definitive surgery should be delayed until the final pathologic evaluation is complete.

Rarely, a primary resection (i.e., excisional biopsy) should be done instead of a biopsy. A small (<3 cm) subcutaneous mass that is unlikely to be malignant may be marginally resected primarily. In the rare circumstance that the lesion turns out to be malignant, the tumor bed can be reexcised with wide margins without adversely affecting the outcome. Primary resection should not be done on larger soft-tissue lesions or lesions deep to the fascia unless the MRI appearance is diagnostic of a benign lesion, such as a lipoma. Some benign bone lesions, such as osteoid osteoma and osteochondroma, have a characteristic radiographic appearance and can be primarily resected, if indicated, without biopsy. A final relative indication for primary resection is a painful lesion in an expendable bone, such as the proximal fibula or distal ulna. If a symptomatic lesion in one of these locations is confined within the cortex and would be resected regardless of a benign or malignant tissue diagnosis, it can be resected without biopsy ( Fig. 24.9 ).

FIGURE 24.9, Low-grade chondrosarcoma in 50-year-old woman who had progressive right knee pain. A, Anteroposterior radiograph of the right knee shows expansile lesion in proximal fibula. Lesion appears to contain calcification suggesting cartilaginous lesion. B, Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows that lesion remains entirely within cortex. C, Primary resection was done without biopsy. This treatment strategy allowed for wide margins without contamination of common peroneal nerve (arrow). D, Lesion proved to be low-grade chondrosarcoma. E, Radiograph after primary resection of proximal fibula.

Adjuvant Treatment

The primary goal of treatment in a patient with a primary malignancy of the musculoskeletal system is to make the patient disease free. The goal of treatment of a patient with metastatic carcinoma to bone is to minimize pain and to preserve function. The optimal treatment of the tumor often requires a combination of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery.

Radiation therapy

Radiation causes cell death by inducing the formation of intracellular free radicals that subsequently cause DNA damage. The sensitivity of a cell to radiation depends on several factors, including (1) the cell’s position in the cell cycle (actively mitotic cells are most sensitive), (2) tissue oxygenation (local hypoxia provides a protective effect because oxygen-free radicals cannot be formed in hypoxic tissue), and (3) the cell’s ability to repair DNA damage or its inability to undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death) in response to this damage.

The dose of radiation is measured in Gray (Gy): 1 Gy is equal to 1 joule of absorbed energy per kilogram; 1 rad is equal to 1 centigray (cGy). The goal of radiation treatment is to deliver the highest possible dose of radiation to the tumor cells while minimizing toxicity to normal tissues. This is accomplished by using linear accelerators that deliver a high dose to the target tissues with sharp lateral field edges that limit the dose to nontarget tissues. Therapeutic advantage also is gained by fractionation of the dose. After a single treatment of 200 cGy, all cells in the most sensitive phase of the cell cycle are killed. Delivering another dose at a specified interval allows additional cells to enter this phase of the cell cycle. In addition, with progressive tumor cell death, previously hypoxic areas of the tumor may become reoxygenated and may become more sensitive to radiation. The interval also allows time for normal cells to repair damage. Most radiation treatment protocols deliver 150 to 200 cGy/day until the target dose is achieved. This dose ranges from 30 to 40 Gy for myeloma to 60 Gy for treatment of a soft-tissue sarcoma.

Most primary bone malignancies are relatively radioresistant. Exceptions are the small blue cell tumors, including multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and Ewing sarcoma, which are each exquisitely sensitive. Carcinomas metastatic to bone, with the exception of renal cell carcinoma, also frequently are sensitive to radiation treatment. For most other bone tumors, radiation has a limited role because local control is achieved better with surgery. Advances in spinal surgery have diminished the frequency of use of radiotherapy for tumors that were previously surgically inaccessible. Radiation therapy can be used to reduce the incidence of local recurrence of malignant soft-tissue tumors treated with marginal resection when the alternative would be a more mutilating resection or amputation. Radiation also can be used for preoperative treatment of soft-tissue sarcomas in the hopes of reducing the tumor volume and making the resection easier.

Radiation therapy is associated with significant acute and long-term complications. Acutely, the most common complication is skin irritation. Initial erythema may progress later to desquamation, especially in patients who also are being treated with cytotoxic drugs. Other common acute side effects include gastrointestinal upset, urinary frequency, fatigue, anorexia, and extremity edema. Late effects include chronic edema, fibrosis, osteonecrosis, and pathologic fracture. Malignant transformation of irradiated tissues (i.e., radiation sarcoma) is being reported with increasing frequency in survivors of childhood and adolescent cancers. These secondary sarcomas occur with a mean lag time of approximately 10 years and often are associated with a poor prognosis. Radiation-induced pathologic fractures also are becoming more common and can be extremely difficult to treat. In a study by Lin et al., the incidence of pathologic fracture was 29% at 5 years after treatment of a soft-tissue sarcoma of the thigh if treatment included radiation therapy and wide resection with periosteal stripping. This risk increased to 47% in female patients and to 66% in female patients who received chemotherapy. Radiation therapy in children has several adverse sequelae, such as scoliosis, kyphosis, chest wall deformities, hypoplasia of the ilium, and limb-length discrepancy, as a result of radiation-induced growth arrest. Radiotherapy is rarely used for benign conditions; possible exceptions include an extensive pigmented villonodular synovitis that cannot be controlled by surgery or a large spinal giant cell tumor.

In addition to conventional external beam radiation, radiation can be delivered by brachytherapy (from the Greek, brachys, meaning “close”). By this method, hollow catheters are implanted in the tumor bed at the time of resection ( Fig. 24.10 ). These catheters exit through the skin. Postoperative radiographic evaluation and computer calculations determine the optimal loading of the catheters with radioisotopes. This technique allows for high doses to be delivered to the target tissues. The radiation levels fall off rapidly at the edges of the field, sparing normal tissues.

FIGURE 24.10, A, MR image of soft-tissue sarcoma in 85-year-old man shows tumor adjacent to distal femur and femoral vessels. B, Resected specimen. C, Tumor cavity with exposed distal femur and femoral vessels (arrow). D, Brachytherapy catheters woven through polyglactin 910 (Vicryl) mesh to help maintain proper spacing. Catheters placed along vessels and bone (where margins were close) exiting through separate stab wounds. Wound was closed over catheters.


Before the routine use of chemotherapy for osteosarcoma, patients usually were treated with immediate wide or radical amputation on diagnosis. This approach usually treated the local disease adequately. Nevertheless, 80% of patients eventually died of metastatic disease even if metastasis was not evident at presentation. From this, it can be deduced that 80% of patients with apparently localized osteosarcoma actually have undetectable metastases, or micrometastases, on presentation. With the use of modern chemotherapy protocols, the current 5-year survival rate for osteosarcoma is approximately 70%. Similar numbers are available regarding the treatment of Ewing sarcoma. Similarly, chemotherapy has a well-defined role in the treatment of other high-grade malignancies of bone, such as malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and high-grade soft-tissue malignancies of childhood, such as rhabdomyosarcoma. The role of chemotherapy is less well defined for adult soft-tissue malignancies, with most investigations showing modest improvements in outcome. In general, chemotherapy is not useful for cartilaginous lesions and most low-grade malignancies.

Adjuvant chemotherapy refers to chemotherapy administered postoperatively to treat presumed micrometastases. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy refers to chemotherapy administered before surgical resection of the primary tumor. No study has proved a survival advantage with regard to the timing of chemotherapy; however, multiple authors have cited several theoretical advantages of neoadjuvant chemotherapy over adjuvant chemotherapy. Preoperative chemotherapy frequently causes regression of the primary tumor, making a successful limb salvage operation easier. In a study by Malawar et al., 9 of 12 lesions that initially were deemed unresectable were treated later with limb salvage surgery after chemotherapy-induced tumor regression. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgical resection allows for histologic evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment. This is one of the most valuable prognostic indicators (i.e., percent tumor necrosis) of successful long-term outcome. In addition, histologic evaluation may lead to alteration of further chemotherapy in poor responders. Preoperative chemotherapy theoretically may decrease the spread of tumor cells at the time of surgery, and neoadjuvant chemotherapy usually can be started immediately, effectively treating micrometastases at the earliest time possible and avoiding tumor progression, which may occur during any delay before surgery. This allows time to plan the operation properly, including the possible manufacturing of a custom implant. It also allows time for the patient and the family to consider fully the options of limb salvage surgery versus amputation. It has been suggested, however, that neoadjuvant chemotherapy may increase significantly the risks of perioperative complications, especially delayed wound healing and infection. Others have not found this to be true, and currently most orthopaedic oncologists favor preoperative chemotherapy with the definitive procedure performed 3 to 4 weeks after the last dose has been administered. Chemotherapy is restarted 2 weeks postoperatively if the wound has healed.

Although it is presumed that most malignancies arise from a single cell, the actual tumor is composed of a heterogeneous population of cells. This is the result of rapid turnover and genetic lability of these cells. As a result, various cells within the same tumor evolve different mechanisms of chemoresistance. To combat this diversity in resistance, most chemotherapy regimens involve combinations of toxic drugs. Table 24.5 lists the most common agents used in the treatment of bone and soft-tissue sarcomas and their most common dose-limiting side effects. This field is rapidly changing, but certain general statements can be made. These drugs are most effective when the tumor against which they are directed is small. Combinations of these drugs are more effective than single agents. Dosage, sequence of drugs, and schedule seem to be important in achieving the maximal response. All have toxicity for normal tissues and should be given in a controlled setting by someone skilled in their use.

TABLE 24.5
Chemotherapeutic Agents Commonly Used for Treatment of Bone and Soft-Tissue Tumors
Agent Side Effects
Alkylating Agents
Cyclophosphamide Myelosuppression (leukopenia), hemorrhagic cystitis, alopecia, nausea and vomiting
Ifosfamide Hemorrhagic cystitis, myelosuppression, nausea and vomiting, nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity
Platinum Compounds
Cisplatin Nausea and vomiting, nephrotoxicity (cumulative and irreversible), ototoxicity (cumulative and irreversible), peripheral neuropathy (reversible)
Carboplatin Myelosuppression, nausea and vomiting, alopecia, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity
Methotrexate Myelosuppression, mucositis, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, pneumonitis, neurotoxicity
Interactive Agents
Antitumor Antibiotics
Doxorubicin Myelosuppression (neutrophils), nausea and vomiting, mucositis, alopecia, severe tissue necrosis (with extravasation), acute and chronic cardiotoxicity
Dactinomycin Myelosuppression (platelets and neutrophils), nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, tissue necrosis (with extravasation), myelosuppression
Etoposide (VP-16) Mucositis, nausea and vomiting
Antimicrotubule Agents
Vinca Alkaloids
Vincristine Peripheral neuropathy (irreversible), tissue necrosis (with extravasation), seizures, alopecia

Principles of Surgery

Amputation versus limb salvage

Advances in diagnostic imaging, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical technique for resection and reconstruction now allow limb salvage to be a reasonable option for most patients with bone or soft-tissue sarcomas. Specifically, preoperative radiation therapy for soft-tissue sarcomas and neoadjuvant chemotherapy for bone sarcomas have helped surgeons to successfully resect some tumors that in the past would have been deemed unresectable. Rarely, involvement of neurovascular structures, a displaced pathologic fracture, or complications secondary to a poorly performed biopsy preclude the possibility of limb salvage. More often, however, the choice between limb salvage and amputation must be made on the basis of the expectations and desires of the individual patient and the family. Simon described four issues that must be considered whenever contemplating limb salvage instead of an amputation:

  • 1.

    Would survival be affected by the treatment choice?

  • 2.

    How do the short-term and long-term morbidity compare?

  • 3.

    How would the function of a salvaged limb compare with that of a prosthesis?

  • 4.

    Are there any psychosocial consequences?

Several studies have shown the effect of treatment choice on survival in patients with osteosarcoma. With the use of multimodal treatment including surgery and chemotherapy, long-term survival for patients with osteosarcoma has improved from approximately 20% to approximately 70% in most series. For osteosarcoma of the distal femur, the rate of local recurrence after wide resection and limb salvage is 5% to 10%. This is equivalent to the rate of local recurrence after a transfemoral amputation in this setting. Although hip disarticulation is associated with an extremely low rate of local recurrence, no study has shown a survival advantage for this technique. Although local recurrence is associated with an extremely poor prognosis, no study has proved any one of these surgical techniques (i.e., limb salvage, transfemoral amputation, hip disarticulation) to be superior in terms of survival, provided that wide surgical margins are obtained. From these data it can be hypothesized that patients with a local recurrence despite wide margins may represent a subset of patients with especially aggressive disease or chemotherapy-resistant disease who would do poorly regardless of the surgical procedure. With regard to overall patient survival, the most important technical aspect of the surgical procedure is the attainment of a wide margin regardless of whether this is achieved by amputation or local resection.

Amputation for malignancy can be technically demanding, often requiring nonstandard flaps for closure or bone graft augmentation to obtain a more functional residual limb. Complications include infection, wound dehiscence, a chronically painful limb, phantom limb pain, and appositional bone overgrowth requiring revision surgery. Limb salvage is associated, however, with greater perioperative and long-term morbidity compared with amputation. Limb salvage requires a much more extensive surgical procedure with greater risks for infection, wound dehiscence, flap necrosis, blood loss, and deep venous thrombosis. Long-term complications of limb salvage vary depending on the type of reconstruction. These include periprosthetic fractures, prosthetic loosening or dislocation, nonunion of the graft-host junction, allograft fracture, leg-length discrepancy, and late infection. A patient with a salvaged limb is much more likely to need multiple future operations for treatment of complications. After initially successful limb salvage surgery, one third of long-term survivors ultimately may require an amputation depending on the location of the tumor and the type of reconstruction.

With regard to function, location of the tumor is the most important issue. Resection of an upper extremity lesion with limb salvage, even with the sacrifice of one or two major nerves, generally provides better function than amputation and subsequent prosthetic fitting. Similarly, resection of a proximal femoral or pelvic lesion with local reconstruction generally provides better function than would be possible after a hip disarticulation or hemipelvectomy. Around the ankle and foot, however, large sarcomas frequently are treated with amputation followed by prosthetic fitting. Treatment of sarcomas around the knee must be individualized.

Most patients with osteosarcomas around the knee are treated with wide resection with prosthetic knee replacement or transfemoral amputation. Less commonly performed operations include osteoarticular allograft reconstruction, allograft arthrodesis, and rotationplasty. In a study of patients with osteosarcoma, Otis, Lane, and Kroll showed that, compared with transfemoral amputees, patients who had undergone resection and prosthetic knee replacement showed higher self-selected walking velocities and a more efficient gait with regard to oxygen consumption. Many of the transfemoral amputees were functioning at greater than 50% of their maximal aerobic capacity at free walking speeds. At greater than 50% of the maximal aerobic capacity, anaerobic mechanisms are required to sustain muscle metabolism, and endurance is greatly decreased. The problem is compounded by the decreased cardiac function in many of these patients as a result of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy.

Harris et al. compared the long-term function of amputation, arthrodesis, and arthroplasty for tumors around the knee. They showed that patients who had amputations had difficulty walking on steep, rough, or slippery surfaces but were active and were the least worried about damaging the affected limb. Patients with an arthrodesis performed the most demanding physical work and recreational activities but had difficulty with sitting, especially in the back seats of cars, theaters, or sports arenas. Patients who had an arthroplasty generally led more sedentary lives and were more protective of the limb but had little difficulty with activities of daily living. These patients also were the least self-conscious about the limb.

In patients who are long-term survivors after resection of an extremity sarcoma, the probability of limb survival is associated with the type of reconstruction and the location of the tumor. A successful arthrodesis is more durable in the long term than a mobile joint reconstruction. Regarding prosthetic or allograft-prosthetic composite reconstructions, location is the most important issue, with proximal reconstructions generally outlasting more distal reconstructions. (This is the inverse of the prognosis for overall patient survival, with distal sarcomas having a better prognosis than proximal sarcomas.) Proximal femoral reconstructions generally outlast distal femoral reconstructions, which generally outlast proximal tibial reconstructions.

No study has shown a significant difference between amputation and limb salvage with regard to psychologic outcome or quality of life in long-term survivors of sarcoma. The choice of limb salvage or amputation involves more than the question of whether the lesion can be resected with wide margins. The patient ultimately must make the final decision in light of long-term goals and lifestyle decisions.


When describing an oncologic surgical procedure, it is imperative that the surgical margin be appropriately defined. The terms amputation and resection mean little without a modifier describing the margin. This is especially important when evaluating surgical procedures and outcomes in the literature. In orthopaedic oncology, the surgical margin is described by one of four terms: intralesional, marginal, wide, or radical. Amputations and limb-sparing resections may be associated with any of the four types of margins, and the margin must be specifically defined with each procedure ( Figs. 24.11 and 24.12 ).

FIGURE 24.11, Enneking classification of local procedures.

FIGURE 24.12, Enneking classification of amputations.

An intralesional margin is one in which the plane of surgical dissection is within the tumor. This type of procedure is often described as “debulking” because it leaves behind gross residual tumor. This procedure may be appropriate for symptomatic benign lesions when the only surgical alternative would be to sacrifice important anatomic structures. This also may be appropriate as a palliative procedure in the setting of metastatic disease.

As musculoskeletal tumors grow, they compress the surrounding tissues and appear to become encapsulated. This surrounding reactive tissue often is referred to as the pseudocapsule. A marginal margin is achieved when the closest plane of dissection passes through the pseudocapsule. This type of margin usually is adequate to treat most benign lesions and some low-grade malignancies. In high-grade malignancy, however, the pseudocapsule often contains microscopic foci of disease, or “satellite” lesions. A marginal resection often leaves behind microscopic disease that may lead to local recurrence if the remaining tumor cells do not respond to adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Despite an increased risk of local recurrence, a marginal resection may be preferable if the alternative is a more mutilating procedure. Improvements in preoperative radiation therapy and neoadjuvant chemotherapy have made marginal resections an acceptable alternative to amputation in some selective circumstances.

Wide margins are achieved when the plane of dissection is in normal tissue. Although no specific distance is defined, the entire tumor remains completely surrounded by a cuff of normal tissue. The quality of a margin is more important than the quantity (thickness) of the margin. For instance, a fascial margin provides a better plane for containing tumor spread than does a similar or thicker plane of subcutaneous tissue. If the plane of dissection touches the pseudocapsule at any point, the margin should be defined as being marginal and not wide. Although sometimes impossible to achieve, wide margins are the goal of most procedures for high-grade malignancies.

Radical margins are achieved when all the compartments that contain tumor are removed en bloc. For deep soft-tissue tumors, this involves removing the entire compartment (or multiple compartments) of any involved muscles. For bone tumors, this involves removing the entire bone and the compartments of any involved muscles. Radical operations were previously the procedures of choice for most high-grade neoplasms; however, with improvements in imaging studies, radical procedures now are rarely performed because equivalent oncologic results usually can be obtained with wide margins.

From an oncologic standpoint, there are eight different surgical procedures because resections and amputations may be defined further by any of the four margins. Amputations usually achieve wide margins (e.g., a high transfemoral amputation for an osteosarcoma of the distal femur) or radical margins (e.g., a hip disarticulation for a femoral lesion), but this is not always the case. A hemipelvectomy for a large intrapelvic tumor may allow only marginal margins to be obtained and would be referred to as a marginal amputation. Rarely, a palliative procedure or an inappropriate amputation level leaves behind gross residual disease. These procedures would be referred to as intralesional amputations. Likewise, limb-sparing resections of bone or soft-tissue tumors can be categorized by any one of the types of margins, although radical resections of bone tumors are extremely rare.


Many benign bone tumors are treated adequately by curettage. Compared with resection, curettage is associated with a higher rate of local recurrence; however, curettage often allows for a better functional result. Although this is not a technically difficult procedure, the surgeon should adhere strictly to several principles to avoid an unacceptably high rate of local recurrence, especially with more aggressive benign tumors.

Curettage is done by first making a large cortical window over the lesion. This window must be at least as large as the lesion itself. If the window is smaller than the lesion, the surgeon inevitably leaves residual tumor on the undersurface of the near cortex. The bulk of the tumor is scooped out with large curets. Next, the cavity is enlarged back to normal host bone in each direction with a power burr. (Use of a power burr is mandatory for curettage of bone tumors.) Finally, the cavity and the wound should be copiously irrigated to remove any debris and tumor cells. These are the minimal requirements for a “simple” curettage.

“Extended” curettage includes the use of adjuvants, such as liquid nitrogen, phenol, polymethyl methacrylate, or thermal cautery ( Fig. 24.13 ) to extend destruction of tumor cells. Several authors have reported greatly reduced recurrence rates of aggressive tumors with the use of adjuvants. The recurrence rate after extended curettage for giant cell tumors is now approximately 10%. Although not proved in randomized trials, this seems to be a great improvement compared with the 25% to 50% recurrence rate in historic controls reported before the routine use of adjuvants.

FIGURE 24.13, Curettage. A, Giant cell tumor of the distal femur. B, After pathologic diagnosis is confirmed, the cortical window is made larger than the tumor to allow adequate exposure. C , After gross tumor is removed with large curets, the entire tumor cavity is enlarged in all directions with a high-speed burr. D and E, Tumor cavity is treated with argon beam coagulation. F, Screws are placed to augment strength of reconstruction. G , Fluoroscopy is used to confirm screw position. H, Bone cement is used to fill cavity. I, Postoperative view.

Although each adjuvant treatment has its proponents, no study has proved that any one is superior, with each having advantages and disadvantages. Cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen is effective at extending the tumor kill. Studies have shown it to be superior to phenol and methacrylate at creating a rim of necrotic bone (≤14 mm) around experimental cavities in animal and cadaver models. Liquid nitrogen usually is applied by the “direct pour” technique and may be associated with greater complications, including pathologic fracture and nerve injury. Phenol, conversely, has relatively poor penetration into bone (<1 mm). Although it is relatively easy to use, serious complications have been reported when phenol was inadvertently applied to the surrounding normal tissues. Adjuvant treatment also can be accomplished through thermal cautery, such as with an argon beam coagulator. Studies have shown the depth of necrosis in cancellous bone treated with argon beam coagulation to be approximately 4 mm. We have extensive experience with the use of argon beam coagulation and have noted no complications that can be attributed directly to its use. Finally, despite some disagreement in the literature, polymethyl methacrylate bone cement may act as an adjuvant through its heat of polymerization or through direct toxicity of the monomer. It is easily applied and can be used as a filling agent in conjunction with other adjuvants.

The final issue that must be considered involves filling the cavity left after curettage. Options include autogenous bone graft, allograft, demineralized bone matrix, artificial bone graft substitutes, and bone cement. Autogenous bone graft provides the most rapid and most reliable healing rate because it is osteogenic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive, but it is associated with additional morbidity at the harvest site, and it may not be available in sufficient quantity to fill a large cavity. Autogenous bone graft must be harvested using a different set of instruments to prevent contamination of the donor site. Even though it is only osteoconductive, cancellous allograft is reliably incorporated. It is readily available in large quantities and does not involve any further operative morbidity. Although allograft is associated with the theoretical risk of disease transmission, we are not aware of any reported cases of hepatitis or human immunodeficiency virus transmission through the use of freeze-dried cancellous allograft. Another alternative is demineralized bone matrix. The material is osteoconductive, but in contrast to cancellous allograft, demineralized bone matrix also is osteoinductive. Artificial bone graft substitutes (e.g., calcium sulfate, calcium phosphate) are osteoconductive, are easy to use, and are readily available. They can be used alone or in combination with autogenous bone graft, bone marrow aspirates, or demineralized bone matrix. Early reports have shown their efficacy with regard to filling relatively large defects. Finally, bone cement can be used as a filling agent. In addition to its use as an adjuvant, it has the advantage of providing immediate stability, which makes rehabilitation easier and lessens the risk of pathologic fracture. Another advantage of bone cement is associated with the detection of local recurrence. Although tumor recurrences are difficult to recognize after a tumor cavity has been filled with bone graft or bone graft substitutes, recurrent tumor is easily recognized as an expanding lucency adjacent to bone cement. One potential disadvantage of bone cement (although not proved) is that it may lead to early joint degeneration secondary to biomechanical alteration of the subchondral bone. Adding a layer of bone graft to the subchondral bone before cement may help minimize the suggested biomechanical alteration. Some authors subsequently have recommended routine removal of the cement at a later date and replacement with bone graft.

We currently use argon beam coagulation as adjuvant treatment after curettage. For most benign lesions, the defects are filled with freeze-dried cancellous allograft chips or with a calcium sulfate/calcium phosphate bone graft substitute. For more aggressive benign lesions, such as giant cell tumors, we usually use bone cement to fill the defect and consider adjuvant fixation if the defect is thought to need additional structural support. We do not routinely remove the cement at a later date to decrease the theoretical risk of degenerative joint disease.

Resection and reconstruction

Currently, most musculoskeletal malignancies are treated with local resection and reconstruction. Aggressive benign neoplasms also can be treated in this manner. The goal of resection of a malignancy is to achieve wide surgical margins if possible. If this is impossible because of anatomic constraints, a marginal resection combined with adjuvant or neoadjuvant treatment (e.g., radiation for a soft-tissue sarcoma) may be preferable to an amputation, although this decision must be made on an individual basis in conjunction with the patient and family. A marginal resection usually is adequate for most benign neoplasms. Specific techniques for resection are discussed later in this chapter.

Although allograft arthrodesis still has a role in some circumstances, most reconstructions involve preserving a mobile joint, for which three general options are available: osteoarticular allograft reconstruction, endoprosthetic reconstruction, and allograft-prosthesis composite reconstruction. (An additional option, rotationplasty, is discussed later in the chapter.) In general, oncologic reconstructions involve higher complication rates than do standard total joint arthroplasties because of the extensive nature of the operation, the extensive tissue loss, and the compromising effects of associated radiation and chemotherapy. In addition, these reconstructions often are done on young patients who are extremely active. Some complications, such as wound necrosis and infection, are universal to all types of reconstructions. Other complications are more specific to the method of reconstruction. Although each method has proponents, we have made the most extensive use of endoprosthetic reconstruction, reserving other methods for specific indications.

Osteoarticular allografts offer several attractive advantages, including the ability to replace ligaments, tendons, and intraarticular structures. Several authors have reported success with this method of reconstruction; however, other authors have reported high rates of complications, including nonunion at the graft-host junction, fatigue fracture, infection, articular collapse, dislocation, degenerative joint disease, and failure of ligament and tendon attachments. Osteoarticular allografts may have a role as a temporary measure to preserve an adjacent physis in an immature patient when the alternatives include amputation or sacrifice of both physes. A proximal tibial osteoarticular allograft could be used in an immature patient in an attempt to preserve the distal femoral physis until skeletal maturity. This could be converted later to an endoprosthetic reconstruction when it becomes necessary.

Allograft-prosthesis composites may provide a long-term solution for some patients. They avoid the complications of degenerative joint disease and articular collapse while still preserving the ability to attach soft-tissue structures directly, such as the patellar tendon or the hip abductors. They are associated, however, with fatigue fracture, infection, and nonunion at the graft-host junction. Although many surgeons use allograft-prosthesis composite as their primary method of reconstruction, our main indication is an inadequate length of remaining host bone to secure the stem of an endoprosthesis. We still use a tumor prosthesis for reconstruction with allograft for fixation to the remaining host bone ( Fig. 24.14 ).

FIGURE 24.14, Ten-year-old girl with osteosarcoma of humerus. A, Anteroposterior radiograph of left humerus shows tumor extending down to distal diaphysis. B, Intraoperative photograph after wide resection of tumor. C, Humeral allograft is prepared to accept stem of tumor prosthesis. D, Allograft is fixed to remaining bone with medial and lateral plates. E, Prosthesis is cemented into allograft. F , Postoperative radiograph.

Endoprosthetic reconstruction also may provide long-term function for some patients and is associated with its own complications. Endoprosthetic reconstruction provides the advantage of predictable immediate stability that allows for quicker rehabilitation with immediate full weight bearing. Most endoprostheses are modular, allowing for incremental limb lengthening as an immature patient grows. Improvements in implant materials have greatly increased the durability of modern endoprostheses; however, all are associated with long-term complications if a patient is cured of disease. Polyethylene wear is still a limiting factor for articulating surfaces, but the inserts are easily replaceable in most prostheses. Fatigue fracture can occur at the rotating hinge, but this, too, is easily replaceable. Fatigue fracture at the base of the intramedullary stem where it attaches to the body of the prosthesis is more problematic. In this location, extraction of the remaining stem can be extremely difficult.

Segmental bone and joint prostheses are most commonly secured through composite fixation. An intramedullary stem is fixed with cement, and the shoulder region of the prosthesis is constructed with a porous coating with the goal of promoting late extramedullary cortical bridging ( Fig. 24.15 ).

FIGURE 24.15, Extramedullary cortical bridging develops at the host bone-prosthesis interface.

Initial fixation with cement provides immediate stability for quick rehabilitation. The purpose of the extramedullary cortical bridging is to serve as a purse string to protect the cement-bone interface from particulate debris generated at the articulating surface and to provide additional structural support protecting the junction of the base of the stem with the body of the prosthesis. This area is otherwise susceptible to fatigue fracture as a result of stress concentration. Although its benefit has not been established, bone grafting the shoulder region of the prosthesis to promote extracortical bridging has been advocated by several authors.

Considerations for pediatric patients

For pediatric patients, future limb-length inequality must be considered. For patients who are near skeletal maturity, the reconstructed limb can be lengthened 1 cm at the initial procedure. Also, epiphysiodesis of the contralateral limb can be done at the appropriate age to preserve limb-length equality or minimize inequality. For younger patients, however, other options should be considered. Although amputation and rotationplasty were previously considered the only reasonable treatments for very young patients with bone sarcomas, use of expandable prostheses currently is gaining support.

We have gained considerable experience with use of the Repiphysis Expandable Prosthesis (Wright Medical Technology, Arlington, TN) ( Fig. 24.16 ). The surgical technique for implantation of this device is similar to that of other endoprostheses ( Fig. 24.17 ). The postoperative course, rehabilitation, function, and complications likewise are similar. The device is unique, however, in that it uses energy stored in a compressed spring to allow for future expansion of the prosthesis as the child grows. When a leg-length discrepancy develops, the child is scheduled for an expansion ( Fig. 24.18 ). The procedure is done in the fluoroscopy suite with the patient under light sedation. The locking mechanism on the prosthesis is identified using fluoroscopy, and an electromagnetic coil is placed over the patient’s leg at that level. The electromagnetic coil is activated for 20 seconds, which heats an element in the prosthesis, melting a small segment of polyethylene and allowing controlled expansion of the spring. The leg lengths are reevaluated under fluoroscopy, and the procedure is repeated one or two times as necessary. We have been able to gain 0.5 to 1.5 cm during each scheduled expansion session. Expansion sessions can be scheduled 4 weeks apart if needed to allow the operated leg to “catch up.” After the expansion sessions, patients usually are able to ambulate immediately without an assistive device. Although this device is not as durable and mechanical problems are common, complications are usually relatively easy to address. Moreover, skeletally immature patients treated for bone sarcomas are allowed to maintain limb-length equality at the completion of growth.

FIGURE 24.16, Repiphysis expandable prosthesis.

FIGURE 24.17, A, Anteroposterior radiograph of distal femur of 7-year-old girl with telangiectatic osteosarcoma. B, Coronal MR image. C, Intraoperative photograph of resected specimen and custom Repiphysis prosthesis. D, Intraoperative photograph after placement of prosthesis. E, Anteroposterior radiograph.

FIGURE 24.18, Lengthening procedure with Repiphysis expandable prosthesis. A, Locking mechanism (arrow) located. B, The patient’s leg is marked at this site. C, Electromagnetic coil is placed around the patient’s leg at the level of the locking mechanism. D, Device activated. E and F, Preexpansion and postexpansion radiographs.

Surgical Techniques

Upper extremity

In contrast to the lower extremity, even the best artificial limb fails to provide comparable function in the upper extremity. Modern imaging and surgical techniques allow for limb salvage in most circumstances. Resections of the proximal humerus frequently require sacrifice of the axillary nerve, and resections of the humeral shaft frequently require sacrifice of the radial nerve. Even with sacrifice of three major nerves, limb salvage usually provides better function than an artificial limb. If the median or ulnar nerve must be sacrificed, limb salvage still may be worthwhile if functioning muscles are available for transfers. One indication for amputation is extensive neurovascular involvement. A displaced pathologic fracture may be a relative indication.

Resection of the shoulder girdle

Tumors of the scapula frequently are complicated by extension into the glenohumeral joint, requiring extraarticular resection of the humeral head en bloc with the scapula. Likewise, the biceps tendon provides a passageway for tumors of the proximal humerus to extend into the joint, and resection often requires extraarticular partial scapulectomy. To create a standard terminology for various surgical procedures for shoulder girdle resection and to allow meaningful comparison of results, Malawer et al. proposed a classification of these procedures. They noted that previous concepts have not adequately described surgical margins, the relationship of the tumor to anatomic compartments, the status of the glenohumeral joint, the magnitude of the surgical procedure, or the status of the abductor mechanism.

The proposed system is based solely on the structures removed, reflecting the type of resection and its relationship to the glenohumeral joint, and indicates a progressive increase in the magnitude of the surgical procedure. Additionally, it indicates the status of the abductor mechanism. Procedures are divided into six types: type I, intraarticular proximal humeral resection; type II, partial scapular resection; type III, intraarticular total scapulectomy; type IV, extraarticular total scapulectomy and humeral head resection; type V, extraarticular humeral head resection; and type VI, extraarticular humeral and total scapular resection. Each type is subdivided according to the status of the abductor mechanism: A, intact, or B, partial or complete resection ( Fig. 24.19 ).

FIGURE 24.19, Surgical classification of shoulder girdle resections. A, Type I: intraarticular proximal humeral resection. B, Type II: partial scapulectomy. C, Type III: intraarticular total scapulectomy. D, Type IV: extraarticular scapular and humeral head resection. E, Type V: extraarticular humeral and glenoid resection. F, Type VI: extraarticular humeral head and total scapular resection.

Resection of the Shoulder Girdle

The Tikhoff-Linberg procedure for resection of the shoulder girdle consists of total scapulectomy, partial or complete excision of the clavicle, and excision of the proximal humerus. This procedure is useful in treating malignant tumors around the shoulder in which there exists a sufficient margin of normal tissue to clear the neurovascular structures.

Technique 24.1


  • Place the patient in a loose lateral position that allows access to both the anterior and posterior portions of the shoulder. Prepare the entire extremity, the neck up to the ear, and the midline of the torso both anteriorly and posteriorly down to the iliac crest within the sterile field.

  • Make an incision beginning from the medial end of the clavicle and extend it laterally along the medial two thirds of the bone. Curve the incision is inferiorly over the coracoid process and continued along the medial aspect of the arm ( Fig. 24.20A ). From the middle of this incision, make a posterior longitudinal extension along the middle of the scapula to its inferior angle. Incise the deltoid and pectoralis major inferior to the clavicle and medial to the coracoid ( Fig. 24.20B ). Access to the neurovascular structures is facilitated by dividing and reflecting the pectoralis minor and the conjoined tendon at the insertion into the coracoid process. A gloved finger or instrument can be passed deep to these tendons to protect the deep structures during their division.

    FIGURE 24.20, Marcove, Lewis, and Huvos resection of shoulder girdle. A, Skin incision. B-D, Surgical anatomy of resection (see text).(From Marcove RC, Lewis MM, Huvos AG: En bloc upper humeral interscapulothoracic resection: the Tikhoff-Linberg procedure, Clin Orthop Relat Res 124:219, 1977.) SEE TECHNIQUE 24.1 .

  • Ligate the cephalic vein and expose the axillary vessels and brachial plexus. Determine that the neurovascular bundle is not involved by tumor. Gentle medial traction of the neurovascular structures aids in identifying the anterior and posterior humeral circumflex vessels, which are then ligated. Protect the axillary vessels through the remainder of the case by medial retraction. If necessary, sacrifice the radial and musculocutaneous nerves.

  • Divide the biceps, triceps, teres major, and latissimus dorsi muscles away from the tumor ( Fig. 24.20C ).

  • Osteotomize the medial end of the clavicle.

  • Develop the posterior extension of the just-described incision. Maintain skin flaps as thick as possible and expose the medial and lateral borders of the scapula. Mobilize the inferior angle and vertebral border of the scapula by dividing the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, and levator scapulae muscles ( Fig. 24.20D ).

  • Take care to maintain wide soft-tissue margins in scapular lesions. If the lesion is in the proximal humerus, a scapular osteotomy can be made at the level of the coracoid; then the body of the scapula is spared.

  • Raise a lateral skin flap over the upper arm, leaving the deltoid with the specimen.

  • Complete the mobilization of the scapula by dividing the omohyoid and serratus anterior muscles and dividing and ligating the suprascapular, subscapular, and transverse cervical vessels.

  • Divide the biceps and brachialis muscles at the intended site of the humeral osteotomy as determined from the preoperative imaging. Osteotomize the humerus at that level and remove the specimen. Confirm adequate margins by biopsy and frozen sections.

  • Reattach the biceps and triceps to the trapezius, pectoralis major, and latissimus dorsi.

  • Insert a humeral prosthesis into the remaining humerus and attach the upper end to the second rib or remaining clavicle.

  • Close the wound over drains and apply a shoulder immobilizer.

Resection of the clavicle

Because the clavicle is subcutaneous, lesions in it usually are discovered early. Either end can be resected, or even the entire bone can be excised with little loss of function. Techniques of resecting the medial or lateral end of the clavicle are discussed in Chapter 61 .

Resection of the scapula

Parts of the scapula, varying from a small segment to the entire body of the bone, can be resected for benign or malignant tumors and infection. The subscapularis muscle often provides a good margin, protecting tumors of the scapula from direct chest wall invasion until late. Extension of the tumor into the chest wall or involvement with the neurovascular structures in the axilla would preclude consideration for scapular resection alone. After the scapular body or spine has been resected, the shoulder is fairly stable and functional because the acromion, the glenoid, and the coracoid are not disturbed and the humerus remains in a nearly normal position ( Figs. 24.21 to 24.23 ). However, resection of the glenoid requires repair of the remaining soft tissues about the proximal humerus to provide some element of stability. Stability and functionality are less predictable in this situation.

FIGURE 24.21, Scapulectomy in a 15-year-old boy with osteosarcoma of right scapula. A, Anteroposterior radiograph. B, Bone scan. C, MR image. D, Medial and lateral flaps are raised. E, Deltoid, trapezius, rhomboids, and levator scapulae have been released from their insertions on the scapula. F, Scapula has been removed. G, Sutures are placed into tendon of long head of biceps and conjoined tendon. H, Tendons repaired through drill hole in clavicle. Deltoid is repaired to trapezius muscle. I, Postoperative radiograph.

FIGURE 24.22, Chondrosarcoma of scapular spine and acromion. A, Anteroposterior radiograph. B, MR image shows extent of tumor. C, Incision ellipses around biopsy track. D, Osteotomy at base of scapular spine. E, Spine and acromion have been resected. F, Deltoid repaired to trapezius muscle. G, Postoperative radiograph. H and I , Clinical photographs show good shoulder function.

FIGURE 24.23, Scapulectomy for tumor. A, Position of patient and incision for surgery for tumor located in center of scapula (dark spot). Arm should be draped completely free so that it can be mobile to facilitate excision of muscular attachments. B, Scapular muscles exposed after raising skin flaps. Trapezius muscle is resected at scapular spine as shown. Green dashed line indicates site of excision of deltoid muscle. C, Trapezius and deltoid muscles have been reflected, and latissimus dorsi muscle has been retracted distally. Assistant is pulling tip of scapula laterally (arrow). This maneuver facilitates resection of muscles attached to vertebral border of scapula. D, Inset, Palpation of axillary contents, which need to be retracted out of operative field. Main illustration shows tip of scapula pulled inferomedially and muscles detached as shown. Green broken line indicates line of section of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and serratus anterior muscles. E 1 , Section of scapular spine at base of acromion with osteotome. After subscapularis muscle is cut under guidance of operator’s finger, Gigli saw is passed around neck of scapula, which is sectioned (E 2 ). E 3 , Excised scapula with intact shoulder joint. F , Closure and reattachment of muscles. Deltoid and trapezius are sutured to each other and to acromion process. Teres major and minor muscles are attached to thoracic wall.(Redrawn from Das Gupta TK: Scapulectomy: indications and technique, Surgery 67:601, 1970.) SEE TECHNIQUE 24.2 .

Resection of the Scapula

Technique 24.2


  • Place the patient in a loose lateral position. Drape the arm free so that an assistant can move the arm as required during the procedure ( Fig. 24.23A ).

  • Make an elliptical skin incision encompassing the tumor and extending from the tip of the acromion superolaterally to the paravertebral region inferomedially ( Fig. 24.23A ).

  • Raise the medial and lateral skin flaps on the investing fascia. Divide the attachment of the trapezius muscle to the scapular spine and retract the muscles superomedially, exposing the supraspinatus muscle ( Fig. 24.23B ).

  • Divide the attachment of the deltoid muscle to the acromion. Divide the attachment of the latissimus dorsi to the inferior angle of the scapula and retract the muscle inferiorly.

  • Apply traction to the inferior angle of the scapula with a towel clip and divide the muscles attached to the vertebral border of the scapula and the levator scapulae at the superior angle of the scapula ( Fig. 24.23C ).

  • Rotate the scapula and abduct the arm, permitting the axillary contents to be retracted out of the operative field ( Fig. 24.23D ).

  • Divide the teres major and minor and the long head of the triceps, followed by the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons and the attachment of the serratus anterior.

  • Expose the shoulder joint and divide the scapular spine near the acromion using an osteotome or sagittal saw ( Fig. 24.23E ).

  • Divide the subscapularis and pass a Gigli saw around the neck of the scapula, avoiding the glenohumeral joint, and divide the scapular neck to remove the specimen.

  • Obtain hemostasis and approximate the trapezius and deltoid muscles ( Fig. 24.23F ). Suture the teres major and minor muscles to the chest wall, insert suction drains, and close the wound. Apply a shoulder immobilizer.

Postoperative Care

The immobilizer is removed after 48 hours, and a simple sling is applied. Active and active-assisted exercises of the shoulder are begun as soon as symptoms permit.

Resection of the Proximal Humerus

Biopsy of a proximal humeral lesion should be done through the anterior third of the deltoid, taking care not to contaminate the deltopectoral interval. Contamination of this interval potentially could allow tumor cells to spread over a greater distance and would make a successful resection more difficult. Resection of the proximal humerus, with contiguous soft tissues, usually achieves satisfactory margins for the treatment of sarcomas. We also have used this technique for treatment of aggressive benign neoplasms and metastatic carcinoma of the proximal humerus. Reconstructive alternatives after resection include flail shoulder, passive spacer, arthroplasty (implant or allograft), and arthrodesis. Allograft arthrodesis has been reported to be the most stable reconstruction for young patients who wish to pursue more vigorous activities; however, we have no experience with this procedure and use an endoprosthesis more frequently even if it serves only as a passive spacer.

Technique 24.3

  • Place the patient supine with a bolster under the scapula to elevate the shoulder from the table.

  • Make an incision from the acromioclavicular joint along the deltopectoral groove and the lateral border of the biceps muscle to an appropriate level in the arm. The incision should form an ellipse around the biopsy track in the anterior third of the deltoid.

  • Preoperative consideration must be given to the extraosseous extent of the tumor because this portion must also be resected with a wide margin.

  • Divide the pectoralis major near its insertion into the proximal humerus leaving a margin of tissue. This allows good exposure of the neurovascular structures.

  • Develop the interval between the neurovascular structures and the proximal humerus and dissect circumferentially around the proximal humerus leaving a cuff of normal muscle over the tumor. The conjoined tendon may be preserved and serves as a landmark for identifying the neurovascular structures, which are just medial. The musculocutaneous nerve is found within the substance of the conjoined tendon, and care must be exercised during retraction.

  • Reflect the pectoralis muscle medially exposing the subscapularis muscle. Detach the muscles that insert on the tuberosities and proximal humerus, preserving the radial and axillary nerves if possible.

  • Incise the capsule circumferentially. Lift the biceps tendon from its groove, retract it laterally, and then divide the humerus at a level distal to the tumor as determined by preoperative imaging (i.e., MRI).

  • After the osteotomy the specimen may be manipulated to facilitate release of any remaining soft-tissue attachments. With bone-holding forceps, grasp the distal end of the proximal fragment, detach any remaining soft tissues, and remove the specimen.

Reconstruction with Flail Shoulder

  • The wound is closed over suction drains, and a shoulder immobilizer is applied. After 2 to 5 days, an arm sling is applied and active exercises are encouraged.

Reconstruction with Passive Spacer

  • If sufficient soft tissue remains to provide adequate stability, a passive spacer yields better cosmesis and slightly better function than a flail shoulder. Allograft, autograft fibula, or prosthetic implant can be used ( Fig. 24.24 ).

    FIGURE 24.24, A, Anteroposterior radiograph of right proximal humerus of 47-year-old man with chondrosarcoma. B, Intraoperative photograph during wide resection of tumor. C, Resected specimen. D, Mersilene tapes placed through glenoid labrum. E, Prosthesis cemented into distal humerus. F, Humeral head secured by Mersilene tape. SEE TECHNIQUE 24.3 .

Reconstruction with Arthroplasty

  • If the tumor resection permits sparing of the rotator cuff and deltoid muscle, reconstruction with arthroplasty is feasible using an osteoarticular allograft, allograft-prosthetic composite, or tumor prosthesis ( Fig. 24.25 ).

    FIGURE 24.25, If deltoid function can be preserved, reconstruction can consist of a tumor prosthesis with reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.

Intercalary Resection of the Humeral Shaft

Tumors of the humeral diaphysis can be treated with an intercalary resection, preserving the patient’s own shoulder and elbow. Reconstruction is achieved by allograft, autograft (vascularized or not), or intercalary prosthetic replacement ( Fig. 24.26 ).

Technique 24.4


  • Use the Henry extensile exposure to the humerus (see Chapter 1 ).

  • Detach the pectoralis major insertion and retract the long head of the biceps laterally and the short head of the biceps and coracobrachialis medially.

  • Identify the neurovascular bundle and mobilize it medially. Identify and protect the musculocutaneous, axillary, and radial nerves.

  • Detach the latissimus dorsi, teres major, coracobrachialis, and triceps brachii muscles from the humerus. Make the proximal humeral osteotomy at an appropriate level. Elevate the humerus anteriorly from the wound, detach the remaining soft tissues, make the distal osteotomy, and remove the specimen from the wound. Reconstruct the skeleton with bone graft or prosthesis and close the wound over suction drains.

Postoperative Care

A shoulder immobilizer is applied and worn for several days. An arm sling is then substituted, and gentle active exercises are begun.

FIGURE 24.26, Intercalary humeral allograft in 19-year-old man with Ewing sarcoma. A, Allograft is fashioned to fit defect and is fixed with intramedullary nail. B, Compression plates used to fix proximal and distal junctions. C, Postoperative radiograph. SEE TECHNIQUE 24.4 .

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