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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, accounting for at least half of all malignant neoplasms. Almost one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. The high incidence of skin cancer is largely attributable to environmental exposures, particularly sunlight. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) comprise the majority of all skin cancer diagnoses, while melanoma represents the most common cause of skin cancer–related deaths. This chapter focuses primarily on these three malignant neoplasms while mentioning a few less common cutaneous neoplasms that are encountered by surgeons.
Historical descriptions of what was likely melanoma can be found in the writings of Hippocrates. John Hunter provided the first modern published account of the surgical treatment of melanoma in 1787. René Laennec, who identified metastatic melanoma deposits in distant viscera, described it as “cancer noire” and subsequently named the disease melanosis . Our understanding of melanoma and its clinical behavior, molecular mechanisms, and targetable pathways has steadily improved over decades of research.
Even though melanoma accounts for less than 2% of skin cancer cases, it is currently the fifth most common cancer in men and the sixth most common cancer among women in the United States. Melanoma also causes the majority of skin cancer–related deaths. The American Cancer Society estimated that there would be 91,270 new cases of melanoma diagnosed in the United States in 2018, with 9320 deaths. The incidence of melanoma has steadily increased in the United States and worldwide over the last four decades ( Fig. 31.1 ). Worldwide, the highest incidence rates of melanoma are in Australia, New Zealand, North America, and northern Europe. The steady rise in incidence has been attributed to lifestyle changes leading to increased sun exposure as well as to improved surveillance and detection of early lesions.
The degree of pigmentation in the skin is a relative protective factor against cutaneous melanoma; those with lighter skin tones are at increased risk. As a result, cutaneous melanoma is predominantly a disease of whites. In particular, patients with a fair complexion, blonde or red hair, and blue eyes are at increased risk, as are those who sunburn easily, have a tendency to develop freckles, or have an inability to tan. In the United States, the average annual age-adjusted melanoma incidence per 100,000 persons is 32.2 for non-Hispanic white men and 19.4 for non-Hispanic white women, compared with 4.8 for Hispanic men and 4.6 for Hispanic women, 4.2 for Native American men (including Alaska Natives) and 4.6 for Native American women, 1.6 for Asian/Pacific Islander men and 1.1 for Asian/Pacific Islander women, and 1.1 for Black men and 1.0 for Black women. As one can see from these numbers, melanoma is slightly more common in men across most races/ethnicities.
Melanoma is predominantly seen in middle-age adults, although it occurs across all ages ( Fig. 31.2 ). Importantly, approximately one in six new cases of melanoma occurs in patients younger than 45 years old; accordingly, melanoma-related deaths can result in a high number of potential years of life lost. Genetic risk factors for melanoma include high-risk skin types (Fitzpatrick types I and II), family history of melanoma, and xeroderma pigmentosum. Patients with a prior history of melanoma or other skin cancers, as well as those with a large number of melanocytic nevi, dysplastic nevi, or giant congenital nevi, are also at increased risk. Environmental risk factors include episodes of intense intermittent sun exposure associated with severe blistering sunburns, immunosuppression, and upper socioeconomic status.
There is a clear association between ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure and the development of melanoma. Intermittent, intense UV radiation exposure appears to be a strong causative factor for melanoma, as opposed to chronic sun exposure and the associated risk of nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs). UV light can be classified as either UVA or UVB; UVA has a longer wavelength and penetrates more deeply into the skin than UVB. Although UVA radiation has long been known to play a major role in skin aging and wrinkling, growing evidence has implicated UVA radiation as a cause of melanoma skin cancer and NMSC alike. UVA is the predominant wavelength in tanning beds. Emerging evidence has demonstrated an epidemiological link between tanning bed use (even without sunburn) and melanoma. Another major risk factor for melanoma is UVB exposure from natural sunlight, especially among those with fair skin. UVB damages the skin’s more superficial epidermal layers and is the chief cause of sunburns. A direct link between UVB exposure and specific melanoma oncogenes has been demonstrated. A UV signature consistent with mutations caused by UV damage was found in over 90% of three of the four melanoma subtypes identified in The Cancer Genome Atlas project.
From a public health perspective, melanoma is a cancer for which there are clear primary prevention strategies that can prevent its development and reduce preventable deaths. Recommendations for reducing the risk of melanoma include avoidance of sunbathing and tanning beds, use of sun-protective clothing, and use of sunscreens. Population-based case-control studies and some randomized clinical trials have suggested that regular use of sunscreen can reduce the development of melanoma. From a policy standpoint, one strategy that has been used on a state-by-state basis in the United States is the ban of indoor tanning bed use by minors (age <18 years). Some countries, including Brazil and Australia, have banned commercial indoor tanning salons outright.
Melanomas frequently arise de novo in otherwise normal skin; however, up to 40% may arise within preexisting lesions, including dysplastic nevi, congenital nevi, and Spitz nevi. Upward of 5% to 10% of melanoma patients will have a family history of the disease. Variously termed dysplastic nevus syndrome, familial atypical multiple mole–melanoma syndrome, and B-K mole syndrome, these syndromes include patients with melanoma in one or more first- or second-degree relatives and large numbers of melanocytic nevi (often >100). These nevi will often be classified as atypical or dysplastic on close clinical and histologic examination. Other cancers may also be present in the family history, particularly pancreatic cancer. These patients require detailed dermatologic evaluation several times annually, with periodic biopsies of the most suspicious lesions.
In general, a dysplastic nevus is a 6- to 15-mm macular (flat) pigmented skin lesion with indistinct margins and variable color. The clinical distinction between a nevus with dysplasia and a nevus without dysplasia is often difficult; therefore, these lesions require careful monitoring over time to evaluate for progression. Most nevi are benign, but some may reflect early atypia associated with increased intracellular growth signaling and can progress to invasive disease with the accumulation of additional mutations. Although most dysplastic nevi do not progress to melanoma, suspicious lesions require biopsy. Dysplastic nevi are typically described as having mild, moderate, or severe dysplasia on histologic examination. Nevi with mild dysplasia usually do not require excision with negative margins but should be closely observed over time. It has been common practice to excise moderately or severely dysplastic nevi with negative margins, although wide local excision (WLE) is unnecessary. However, there is controversy about whether moderately dysplastic nevi require negative-margin excision. The risk of melanoma in those patients with congenital nevi is proportional to the size and number of nevi. Small- or medium-sized congenital nevi represent a low risk and therefore are not observed unless they change in appearance. Giant congenital nevi (>20 cm in diameter) are rare and are estimated to occur in anywhere from 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 500,000 newborns, but they carry an increased lifetime risk for the development of melanoma ( Fig. 31.3 ). These patients are also at increased risk for other tumors, particularly sarcomas. Complete excision should be considered when possible. At a minimum, these patients should undergo regular dermatologic evaluation.
Spitzoid melanocytic lesions constitute a wide range of histopathology from the typical benign Spitz nevus to spitzoid melanoma. A Spitz nevus is a rapidly growing, pink or brown, benign skin lesion with little or no risk for further progression to melanoma. Whereas benign Spitz nevi are most common in children, lesions in adults are more likely to have atypical features or to represent melanoma with spitzoid features. Atypical features include size larger than 10 mm, asymmetry, ulceration, and poor circumscription; these lesions can be difficult to distinguish histologically from melanoma. Consultation with an expert dermatopathologist is recommended; however, even the most experienced dermatopathologists may have difficulty in determining the malignant potential of spitzoid tumors. Although complete excision with negative margins is adequate for an unequivocal Spitz nevus, the diagnosis is often unclear. If there is any concern that the lesion may be melanoma, WLE with margins appropriate for melanoma is performed. Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is appropriate for invasive spitzoid melanomas and can be used as a prognostic measure in indeterminate cases. The routine use of SLN biopsy for atypical Spitz tumors is controversial because atypical cells are often seen in SLNs that may not have any prognostic significance.
In general, melanoma has the highest mutational burden of any malignancy that has been studied in humans. Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie melanoma progression has increased greatly over the last decade through collaborative efforts such as The Cancer Genome Atlas Network. In a landmark study in 2015, the collaborative published a study in which 331 cutaneous melanoma tumors underwent an integrative genomic analysis. Using DNA, RNA, and protein-based analyses, the group identified four distinct subtypes of cutaneous melanoma based on the most prevalent significantly altered genes: mutant BRAF , mutant RAS , mutant NF1 , and triple-wild-type.
The BRAF subtype is the most common genomic subtype in cutaneous melanoma, comprising of approximately one-half of all cutaneous melanoma. The most common mutation is the V600E, followed by the V600K mutation. BRAF subtype patients are relatively younger compared to the other subtypes. The second most common subtype was the RAS subtype, which described about 30% of cutaneous melanoma. The third most frequent subtype was the NF1 subtype, found in approximately 15% of samples; these patients were typically older than the other subtypes. Finally, the triple-wild-type was a heterogeneous subtype lacking any of the three major mutations previously mentioned. This subtype had the lowest rate of UV signature changes (30%). The prognostic and therapeutic implications of these genomic subtypes are the subject of intense ongoing research as we attempt to further target our therapies for melanoma in the age of personalized medicine.
The canonical pathway through which nearly all of the genomic subtypes exert melanogenic effect is the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway ( Fig. 31.4 ). Normally, signals generated by extracellular receptors initiate a signaling cascade that passes down the MAPK pathway to modulate gene expression in the nucleus. Gain-of-function mutations affecting any of the constituent steps along this cascade ( BRAF and RAS subtypes) or loss of inhibitory steps ( NF1 ) can result in unchecked cellular growth.
Gain-of-function mutations alone are likely not enough to generate melanoma; BRAF mutations are observed at a similar frequency in some benign nevi and malignant disease. Additional loss of key tumor suppressor genes is necessary for further neoplastic development. For instance, an inactivating mutation in the gene CDKN2A occurs in 25% to 40% of familial melanomas. A well-characterized gene with key roles in cell cycle control, CDKN2A codes for two separate tumor suppressor proteins, INK4A (p16 INK4A ) and ARF (p14 ARF ). In the event of DNA damage or activated oncogenes, INK4A prevents the cyclin-dependent kinase 4 from stimulating the cell to progress through the cell cycle. Through the regulation of p53 levels, ARF also acts as a tumor suppressor in the face of DNA damage or amplified growth signals. ARF prevents degradation of p53, allowing this key regulatory protein to accumulate and either to arrest the cell cycle or to initiate apoptosis. Loss of either ARF or INK4A therefore removes a checkpoint in the cell cycle, increasing the risk of uncontrolled replication.
The second major canonical pathway in melanoma pathogenesis is the PI3/AKT pathway ( Fig. 31.4 ). The PI3/AKT pathway is potentially altered in all four genomic subtypes. Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI3) stimulates AKT to increase cellular proliferation through the mammalian target of rapamycin signaling molecule. Phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN), whose gene is located on chromosome 10, inhibits PI3/AKT signaling. Loss of PTEN occurs in approximately 25% to 50% of nonfamilial melanomas and is a common culprit pathway for the development of resistance to therapies targeting BRAF/MEK inhibition.
Melanoma commonly presents as an irregular pigmented skin lesion that has grown or changed over time. The ABCDE criteria are used to guide diagnosis and the decision to perform a biopsy of suspicious cutaneous lesions ( Box 31.1 ). The first and most important step in the evaluation of a patient diagnosed with melanoma is a thorough history and physical examination. The history should elicit factors related to the primary melanoma, including duration, change over time, and symptoms such as itching and bleeding. Other risk factors, such as sun exposure, tanning bed use, immunosuppression, prior history of cancer, and family history should be sought. A detailed physical examination should specifically include a complete skin examination with inspection and palpation of the skin to detect any other suspicious skin lesions, including in-transit disease. Palpation of the cervical, axillary, and inguinal lymph nodes should always be performed with palpation of the epitrochlear or popliteal nodes as appropriate for distal upper or lower extremity melanomas. Although it is widely recognized that a skin examination should be part of the routine physical examination by primary care physicians and others, it is rarely adequately performed. A full skin examination requires only that the patient undress, and it may take only 1 minute to perform a complete survey. Many lives have been saved by early detection of melanomas by physicians who took the time to evaluate the skin.
A symmetry
Irregular B orders
C olor variegation
D iameter >6 mm
E volution or changes over time
Most melanomas occur de novo but some can arise within a congenital or acquired nevus. Even for experienced clinicians, distinguishing between a benign nevus and an early melanoma can be difficult. Benign pigmented lesions are so prevalent that it is challenging to detect an early melanoma among many benign lesions. The most common benign pigmented skin lesions are seborrheic keratoses ( Fig. 31.5 ). Known for their propensity to accumulate over time in elderly patients, typically these are scaly, waxy, raised lesions with a stuck-on look that makes them appear as if they could easily be scraped off with a fingernail. The characteristic appearance usually is completely diagnostic and these lesions do not need to be removed. However, even the most experienced dermatologists have been fooled by what appeared to be an irritated seborrheic keratosis that turned out to be melanoma.
Additional atypical presentations include amelanotic melanoma; these lesions are not pigmented and present as a raised pink or flesh-colored skin lesion. A high index of clinical suspicion is needed, and particular attention should be paid to any history of change in a lesion. If a patient presents with a skin lesion that has changed in size, color, or shape and/or is itching or bleeding, there should be a low threshold for biopsy. Telling a patient that “we should keep an eye on it” usually means that it will be ignored.
Given the increased awareness of this disease, it is uncommon for patients to have advanced regional or distant metastatic disease at the time of initial melanoma diagnosis. Nonetheless, roughly 10% of patients will present with regional disease, while up to 5% may present with metastases. Regional disease refers to the lymphatic spread of tumor to the regional nodal basin, which are the lymph nodes that receive the first drainage from the site of the primary tumor. In-transit melanoma is a form of regional lymphatic metastasis in which the tumor spreads within the draining lymphatic channels and becomes evident as cutaneous or subcutaneous nodules between the site of the primary tumor and regional lymph nodes. Distant metastasis refers to the hematogenous spread of melanoma to distant organs. Although uncommon at the time of initial diagnosis, it is important to elicit symptoms of metastatic disease, such as any masses, neurologic symptoms or headaches, anorexia, weight loss, bone pain, or respiratory symptoms.
Primary care physicians, in addition to dermatologists and surgeons, should be trained to perform a skin biopsy. There are three basic types of skin biopsy—excisional, incisional (including punch biopsy), and shave biopsy. An excisional biopsy completely removes a pigmented skin lesion and is particularly well suited to diagnosis and completely remove small lesions. Using local anesthesia, a narrow margin excision is performed with the subsequent defect closed by sutures. The depth of excision should extend to the subcutaneous fat to ensure a full-thickness biopsy. Attention should be paid to the orientation, as a fusiform excision should be oriented in such a way to easily allow subsequent wide excision if that becomes necessary. In particular, a longitudinal orientation on the extremities is best. In other areas, consideration should be given to an orientation that would allow closure with the least tension and best cosmetic outcome in the event wider excision is needed.
For larger lesions, it may be appropriate to get a tissue diagnosis with a full-thickness incisional biopsy prior to performing complete excision. The simplest way to perform an incisional biopsy is through a punch biopsy. In a punch biopsy, a sharp disposable instrument is twisted into the anesthetized skin to remove a 2-mm to 8-mm cylinder of skin and subcutaneous tissue, generally followed by closure of the defect with one or two simple sutures. Punch biopsies of at least 4 mm should be performed, since smaller tissue samples often do not provide adequate tissue for pathologic evaluation. The punch biopsy should be performed through the thickest or most suspicious-looking area of the lesion, and multiple punch biopsies can be performed to sample larger lesions.
Although traditionally discouraged because of the potential to confound accurate assessment of Breslow thickness, shave biopsy is frequently performed by dermatologists and is the most common technique by which melanomas are biopsied and diagnosed. Shave biopsy is performed by elevating the skin lesion with forceps or inserting a small needle beneath the lesion, followed by shaving the lesion with a razor blade or scalpel. Hemostasis is achieved using topical agents or by electrocautery. The patient then treats the area with topical ointment and the wound heals by secondary intention. Since a shave biopsy is easy to perform and does not require sutures, it is a popular method of biopsy. However, a potential drawback to the use of a shave biopsy to diagnose melanoma is that the lesion may be transected, compromising the ability to accurately assess tumor thickness. To circumvent this problem, dermatologists often perform deep shave or saucerization biopsies, which completely remove the lesion down to subcutaneous fat. In the hands of experienced clinicians, this can be an effective biopsy technique. In reviewing the pathology report of a newly diagnosed melanoma, surgeons should take care to note whether the deep margin is free of tumor.
All pigmented lesions should be sent for pathologic evaluation using fixation and permanent section. Ablation of pigmented skin lesions using cryotherapy, cautery, or lasers should be specifically discouraged; there are many examples of prolonged delays in diagnosis as a result of these practices.
The biopsy report is the most important piece of information needed by the surgeon to evaluate a new skin lesion and to develop a treatment plan. Given the consequences of a missed diagnosis of melanoma, pathologists often have a low threshold to classify equivocal lesions as melanoma. It is now common for a pathology report to contain a long description essentially stating that the lesion may be anything from a severely dysplastic nevus to melanoma in situ to early invasive melanoma. In such cases, the prudent decision is to treat such lesions as an early invasive melanoma with a 1-cm margin WLE. Although melanoma in situ does not invade beyond the basement membrane into blood vessels and lymphatics, it may be considered a premalignant lesion given that there remains a significant likelihood of progression to invasive melanoma. For this reason, at least 5-mm margins are recommended for these lesions (see “Wide Local Excision”).
Histologically, invasive cutaneous melanoma is divided into four major types based on growth pattern and location. These include lentigo maligna melanoma, superficial spreading melanoma, acral lentiginous melanoma, and nodular melanoma. All melanomas initially proliferate in the basal layer of the skin. As they multiply, these cells expand radially in the epidermis and superficial dermal layer, termed the radial growth phase. With time, growth begins in a vertical direction and the skin lesion may become palpable, known as the vertical growth phase. The vertical growth phase allows invasion into the deeper layers of the skin, where the tumor may ultimately achieve metastatic potential by invasion of blood vessels and lymphatic channels. While the histologic subtype is not a major factor in prognosis, some histologic subtypes progress to the vertical growth phase earlier in tumor development and are therefore more likely to present at an advanced stage.
The most common histologic type is superficial spreading melanoma ( Fig. 31.6 ). It is not necessarily associated with sun-exposed skin and most commonly appears on the trunk and proximal extremities. As the name suggests, superficial spreading melanoma initially appears as a flat-pigmented lesion growing radially. These lesions are often asymmetric with irregular borders and can display a wide variety of pigments. Untreated, these melanomas will subsequently develop a vertical growth phase, invade more deeply into the skin, and possibly ulcerate.
Lentigo maligna melanoma occurs most commonly on the sun-exposed areas of older individuals and presents as a flat, dark, variably pigmented lesion, with irregular borders and a history of slow development ( Fig. 31.7 ). Lentigo maligna melanomas may become relatively large prior to diagnosis, as the slow progression can escape the patient’s notice. The prognosis of lentigo maligna melanoma is better than for the other subtypes given the superficial nature of these tumors. Nonetheless, these lesions can pose challenging management problems because of their propensity to develop in cosmetically challenging areas such as the face. The histologic extent of the lesion may extend well beyond the clinically apparent borders of the pigmented lesion, hampering efforts to achieve negative margins. Before proceeding with complex tissue flaps for closure, it is prudent to ensure negative margins. This may necessitate delaying the closure until the final pathology report indicates negative margins of excision.
Acral lentiginous melanoma is classified by its anatomic site of origin. These tumors develop in the subungual areas beneath fingernails and toenails and on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet ( Fig. 31.8 ). This is the most common type of melanoma in nonwhite patients. The histologic appearance of acral lentiginous melanomas is similar to melanomas arising on the mucous membranes. The diagnosis is often made at an advanced stage, which accounts for the general poor prognosis of these tumors. Subungual acral lentiginous melanomas are often mistaken for subungual hematomas, leading to a delay in diagnosis. The distinguishing feature of subungual melanomas is that they do not change in position underneath the nail, while a hematoma should migrate distally with growth of the nail. Biopsy of subungual melanomas can be accomplished by performing a digital block with local anesthesia and removing the nail or by performing a punch biopsy through the nail itself.
Nodular melanomas are raised papular lesions that can occur anywhere on the body and tend to develop a vertical growth pattern early in their course ( Fig. 31.9 ). These melanomas can have atypical presentations that do not always conform to ABCDE criteria, including a higher rate of amelanotic lesions compared to the other subtypes. Nodular melanomas often have a poor prognosis because of greater average tumor thickness and frequent ulceration at initial presentation.
A fifth type of melanoma that has a distinct histologic character is desmoplastic melanoma. These lesions are characterized by a combination of melanoma cells with a prominent stromal fibrosis. The diagnosis can be challenging and the presentation delayed because these lesions are often amelanotic. Desmoplastic melanomas are classified as either pure or mixed depending upon the degree of desmoplasia present. Desmoplastic melanomas have a greater propensity for local recurrence and often exhibit neurotropism. Pure desmoplastic melanomas have a low risk of lymph node metastases and some have advocated forgoing a SLN biopsy in these lesions. Mixed desmoplastic melanomas have lymph node metastatic rates that are similar to other histologic subtypes; therefore, SLN biopsy should be considered for the usual indications in these lesions.
Dr. Wallace Clark first described a classification system for melanoma that correlated with survival in 1969. Known as Clark level of invasion, this scheme was based on the extent of invasion into the anatomic layers of the skin. Shortly after Clark introduced his levels of invasion, Dr. Alexander Breslow described a simpler system based on a measurement of the vertical thickness of the melanoma. Now known as Breslow thickness, this is the distance from the top of the granular layer down to the lowest tumor cell. Over time, Breslow thickness has largely supplanted Clark level, as it has been shown to be a more accurate method of predicting prognosis. Melanomas are commonly referred to as thin (<1 mm Breslow thickness), intermediate thickness (1–4 mm), and thick (>4 mm). As the thickness of the melanoma increases, the prognosis worsens.
The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Melanoma Staging Committee uses a tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) classification for cutaneous melanoma based on an analysis of data gathered from centers across North America, Europe, and Australia ( Table 31.1 ). Important prognostic factors in the staging system include Breslow thickness, ulceration, nodal status, and other manifestations of lymphatic spread (e.g., satellite lesions, in-transit disease), as well as the presence of distant metastatic disease. Taking all these factors into consideration, the system provides good discrimination of survival among different patient groups. There are two types of staging classifications provided by the AJCC: clinical staging is what can be determined by biopsy of the primary lesion and physical exam, while pathologic staging is only complete once a full assessment of the regional lymph nodes, when indicated, is performed—usually by SLN biopsy.
T Category | Thickness | Ulceration Status |
TX: primary tumor thickness cannot be assess (e.g., diagnosis by curettage) | Not applicable | Not applicable |
T0: no evidence of primary tumor (e.g., unknown primary or completely regressed melanoma) | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Tis (melanoma in situ) | Not applicable | Not applicable |
T1 | ≤1.0 mm | Unknown or unspecified |
T1a | <0.8 mm | Without ulceration |
T1b | <0.8 mm 0.8–1.0 mm |
With ulceration With or without ulceration |
T2 | >1.0–2.0 mm | Unknown or unspecified |
T2a | >1.0–2.0 mm | Without ulceration |
T2b | >1.0–2.0 mm | With ulceration |
T3 | >2.0–4.0 mm | Unknown or unspecified |
T3a | >2.0–4.0 mm | Without ulceration |
T3b | >2.0–4.0 mm | With ulceration |
T4 | >4.0 mm | Unknown or unspecified |
T4a | >4.0 mm | Without ulceration |
T4b | >4.0 mm | With ulceration |
N Category | Number of Tumor-Involved Regional Lymph Nodes | Presence of in-Transit, Satellite, and/or Microsatellite Metastases |
NX | Regional nodes not assessed (e.g., SLN biopsy not performed, regional nodes previously removed for another reason) Exception: pathologic N category is not required for T1 melanomas, use cN. |
No |
N0 | No regional metastases detected | No |
N1 | One tumor-involved node or in-transit, satellite, and/or microsatellite metastases with no tumor-involved nodes | |
N1a | One clinically occult (i.e., detected by SLN biopsy) | No |
N1b | One clinically detected | No |
N1c | No regional lymph node disease | Yes |
N2 | Two or three tumor-involved nodes or in-transit, satellite, and/or microsatellite metastases with one tumor-involved node | |
N2a | Two or three clinically occult (i.e., detected by SLN biopsy) | No |
N2b | Two or three, at least one of which was detected clinically | No |
N2c | One clinically occult or clinically detected | Yes |
N3 | Four or more tumor-involved nodes or in-transit, satellite, and/or microsatellite metastases with two or more tumor-involved nodes, or any number of matted nodes without or with in-transit, satellite, and/or microsatellite metastases | |
N3a | Four or more clinically occult (i.e., detected by SLN biopsy) | No |
N3b | Four or more, at least one of which was clinically detected, or presence of any number of matted nodes | No |
N3c | Two or more clinically occult or clinically detected and/or presence of any number of matted nodes | Yes |
M Category | Anatomic Site | LDH Level |
M0 | No evidence of distant metastases | Not applicable |
M1 | Evidence of distant metastasis | See below |
M1a | Distant metastasis to skin, soft tissue including muscle, and/or nonregional lymph node | Not recorded or unspecified |
M1a(0) | Not elevated | |
M1a(1) | Elevated | |
M1b | Distant metastasis to lung with or without M1a sites of disease | Not recorded or unspecified |
M1b(0) | Not elevated | |
M1b(1) | Elevated | |
M1c | Distant metastasis to non-CNS visceral sites with or without M1a or M1b sites of disease | Not recorded or unspecified |
M1c(0) | Not elevated | |
M1c(1) | Elevated | |
M1d | Distant metastasis to CNS with or without M1a, M1b, or M1c sites of disease | Not recorded or unspecified |
M1d(0) | Normal | |
M1d(1) | Elevated |
The eight edition of the AJCC staging guidelines designates T classification based on Breslow thickness measured to the nearest one-tenth of a millimeter, while further subclassifying T1–4 based on ulceration. The cut-points for designating T1–4 melanoma are 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mm. Ulceration is a critically important prognostic factor. It is defined histologically by the absence of an intact epithelium over the melanoma. Across all T classifications, ulceration portends worse prognosis. The eighth of the AJCC staging system made an important change to the subclassification of T1 melanomas. T1b melanomas are now defined as the presence of either (1) ulceration at any thickness or (2) thickness of 0.8 to 1.0 mm without ulceration. Mitotic rate, which was adopted in the AJCC seventh edition, is no longer used to designate T1b melanomas.
For patients with regional lymph node disease, independent prognostic factors include the number of involved nodes and nodal tumor burden at the time of staging, in addition to the thickness and ulceration status of the primary tumor. Tumor burden is characterized as either clinically occult disease detected by SLN biopsy or as clinically apparent disease that is subsequently confirmed on pathology. Clinically apparent nodal disease includes palpable, enlarged lymph nodes or those lymph nodes identified on imaging as abnormal and confirmed by needle biopsy to contain metastatic melanoma. In a change from the seventh edition, the current eighth edition of the AJCC staging guidelines stratify nonnodal regional disease, which includes in-transit cutaneous and/or subcutaneous metastases, microsatellite, or satellite metastases, by N category according to the number of regional lymph nodes (N1c, N2c, or N3c).
The new eighth edition of the AJCC staging guidelines stratify M categories by both anatomic site of distant disease and serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels. Four subgroups (instead of three) are defined by distant skin, soft tissue, and nonregional lymph nodes (M1a), lung (M1b), noncentral nervous system viscera (M1c), and central nervous system (M1d). Elevated serum LDH levels further subclassify M1a-d groups with a (0) or (1) designation. An elevated serum LDH levels indicates worse prognosis across all types of metastatic disease.
Several factors that have consistently been shown to impact survival are not incorporated into the current AJCC staging system. Older patients have a greater risk of melanoma mortality than younger patients, despite the fact that younger patients are more likely to have nodal metastasis. Patients with axial (trunk, head, and neck) melanomas have a worse prognosis than those with extremity tumors. Women have a better prognosis than men, for reasons that are unclear.
Surgeons involved in the care of melanoma patients should also be familiar with several additional features that are commonly mentioned in pathology reports. Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) can indicate the presence of a host immune response and are associated with a more favorable prognosis. TILs are classified as brisk, nonbrisk, or absent. Brisk indicates that TILs infiltrate diffusely throughout the lesion or along the base, while nonbrisk indicates only a focal presence of lymphocytes. Regression, defined as partial or complete loss of tumor cells, has not clearly been shown to be an important factor affecting metastasis or survival. There is no compelling evidence that the presence of regression should be used as an indication for SLN biopsy. Although nodular melanoma and acral lentiginous melanoma often present at a more advanced stage, once controlling for tumor thickness and other factors, there is no survival difference based upon histologic subtype.
Even though mitotic rate is no longer used to subclassify T1 melanoma, the AJCC does suggest that it continue to be reported in pathology reports and in prospective research datasets. The number of mitoses per square millimeters is an important predictor of survival across all thickness categories, and the presence of mitoses in thin (<1.0 mm) melanoma may still be used to select patients for SLN biopsy (especially in the 0.76- to 0.99-mm thickness category or in the 0.8- to 1.0-mm thickness category in the eighth edition AJCC staging system).
Staging systems must perform dual functions that are at odds with one another. On one hand, a staging system should try to identify as many groups as possible that have distinct survival differences. On the other hand, a good staging system should not be overly complex. Thus, the AJCC staging system provides a parsimonious classification of patients into relatively large categories within which there still remains a fair amount of heterogeneity with regard to prognosis. For these reasons, clinical prediction tools are becoming more popular to provide precise, patient-specific assessments of risks using multiple clinical and pathologic risk factors. Two examples of these predictions tools include the AJCC electronic prediction tool ( ) and the Melanoma Calculator ( ), which is based on data from the Sunbelt Melanoma Trial. Ultimately, tools like these will allow for more accurate risk assessments that can be used to formulate patient-specific treatment and surveillance plans. Molecular signatures that inform prognosis, such as those outlined in The Cancer Genome Atlas project, will likely be incorporated into these models as our understanding of the interaction between clinical, pathologic, and genomic factors matures.
Most melanoma patients who seek surgical consultation will have already been diagnosed with melanoma. Patients clinically staged with localized stage I or II disease do not require any further tests unless symptoms prompt further evaluation. Liver function tests or serum LDH levels were commonly ordered in the past; however, there is no evidence that blood tests are helpful for detecting metastatic disease in patients with localized melanoma. Similarly, additional imaging studies are unnecessary for most patients with localized disease, although patients with thick primary tumors (stage IIC) can be considered for imaging to detect metastatic disease. In patients with stage III disease detected by SLN biopsy, additional imaging workup is controversial. The probability of detecting actual disease in patients with microscopic nodal metastasis using radiographic studies such as positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) scanning is low. Patients with advanced stage III disease who have clinically detectable nodal metastasis or patients in earlier disease stages who present with symptoms suggestive of metastasis should undergo further imaging studies. The distinction between stage III and IV melanoma is important in deciding the appropriate treatment options, and imaging can determine the extent and resectability of any metastatic lesions in stage IV disease. For these advanced presentations, PET/CT or CT scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain are generally recommended. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) routinely updates guidelines including the appropriate work-up, surgical treatment, and adjuvant therapy for patients with melanoma. These are available for reference online at .
Historically, aggressive surgical resection was recommended for cutaneous melanoma. Excision margins of 5 cm were surgical dogma for much of the previous century. Beginning in the 1970s, studies began to report no adverse outcomes in patients who underwent excision with narrower margins. Since that time, multiple randomized controlled trials evaluating excision margins have established current guidelines, summarized in Table 31.2 . The principal determinant for appropriate excision margins is the thickness of the primary tumor.
∗ Lesser margins may be justified in specific cases in order to achieve better functional or cosmetic outcome.
† A 1-cm margin may be associated with a slightly greater risk of local recurrence in this Breslow thickness category.
‡ There is no evidence that margins >2 cm are beneficial; however, greater margins may be considered for advanced melanomas when local recurrence risk is high.
Based largely upon clinical experience and consensus guidelines, 5-mm excision margins are generally recommended for melanoma in situ. There are two potential issues with 5-mm margins for melanoma in situ. One is that negative margins may not be routinely achieved with gross 5-mm margins; a near 100% margin negative rate can be achieved with gross margins closer to 10 mm versus 5 mm. The second issue is that there may be some diagnostic uncertainty with melanoma in situ. In those situations in which an invasive component is found once the entire tumor is excised (as opposed to the biopsy specimen), a 5-mm gross margin would be inadequate and reexcision would be needed for an oncologically sound operation. With this in mind, it may be prudent to attempt 1-cm margins for some melanoma in situ lesions in anatomic areas that will allow for easy primary closure.
In general, the randomized trials that have focused on margins of excision have focused on intermediate thickness melanoma. The general consensus and practice for thin (<1.0 mm) melanomas is that 1-cm margins are sufficient. Several randomized controlled trials have evaluated the margins needed for intermediate thickness melanoma. As in most solid organ malignancies, no benefit in overall survival has been shown with wider excision margins for melanoma, although locoregional recurrence may be influenced by the margin of excision.
The British Collaborative Trial randomized 900 patients with melanomas at least 2 mm in thickness to a 1-cm versus 3-cm margin excision. Locoregional recurrences (defined as recurrence within 2 cm of excision or in-transit recurrence) were higher in the 1-cm margin group compared to the 3-cm margin group (hazard ratio [HR], 1.26; P = 0.05), with no difference in overall survival. Based on this study, 1-cm margins are generally considered inadequate for intermediate or thick melanomas. The Swedish Melanoma Study group trial randomized 936 patients in nine European centers with cutaneous melanoma at least 2 mm in thickness to 2-cm versus 4-cm margins of excision. No statistically significant difference in overall survival was found, and the local recurrence rates were not statistically different. Based on these trials and others, the general consensus is that 2-cm margins should be attempted for all melanoma at least 2.0 mm in thickness. For 1 to 2-mm thick lesions, 2-cm margins are recommended, although narrower (1-cm) margins are acceptable in areas in which wider margins are not anatomically feasible. These narrower margins come with the understanding that local recurrence may be higher with 1-cm margins.
WLE can be performed under local anesthesia in most cases, although general anesthesia is preferred for patients who will also undergo SLN biopsy or lymphadenectomy. The appropriate margins of excision are measured from the edge of the lesion or previous biopsy scar. This usually is achieved with a fusiform incision that encompasses the margins of excision to allow primary closure ( Fig. 31.10 ). The incision is carried down to the muscular fascia so all of the skin and underlying subcutaneous tissue are in the margin of excision. Excision of the fascia is not necessary in most cases but may be performed for patients with thick primary tumors and limited subcutaneous tissue in whom the deep margin is of concern. The specimen is submitted for permanent section pathology; frozen section analysis of margins is not performed. In most cases, the incision is closed by mobilizing the skin without the need for complex tissue rearrangement or skin grafting. Rotational tissue flaps or skin grafts are rarely necessary, except for melanomas of the head and neck and distal extremities. In these anatomic areas, grafting or tissue rearrangements are useful techniques to achieve skin closure. Tumors arising in proximity to structures such as the nose, eye, and ear may require a compromise of conventionally oncologically sound margins to avoid deformities or disabilities. Subungual melanomas are treated with amputation of the distal digit. For fingers, ray amputations are unnecessary because the melanoma commonly involves only the distal phalanx, and amputation at the distal interphalangeal joint is sufficient. In all cases, resection should achieve histologically negative margins. It should be noted that the recommended margins of excision are the grossly measured margins; it is unnecessary to reexcise the melanoma if the final pathology report indicates that the measured distance from the melanoma to the edge of the excised skin is less than the recommended margin, unless the margin is involved or almost involved by tumor.
Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) involves the sequential tangential excision of skin cancers with immediate pathologic margin assessment. It is used most often for NMSCs such as SCCs and BCCs with good results. In melanoma, Mohs surgery is used primarily for in situ lesions, although some centers have begun to use MMS for invasive melanoma. MMS is preferred for cosmetically sensitive areas such as the face, where it may minimize the skin defect while still achieving negative margins of excision. Success can be highly operator dependent and requires full pathologic examination of the excised margins. Although there have been several single-institution reports indicating that MMS results in low local recurrence rates for melanoma, it remains controversial. In general, MMS is not considered oncologically acceptable for melanoma, except in the hands of experienced centers in highly selected cases.
The evaluation and management of regional lymph nodes in melanoma have changed rapidly in the last three decades. Elective lymph node dissection to stage clinically node negative patients is a relic of the past. SLN biopsy has been widely adopted and is the foundation of the assessment of intermediate and thick cutaneous melanoma. Indications have changed for a completion lymph node dissection (CLND) following a tumor-positive SLN biopsy based on two landmark studies. All together, the evaluation and management of the regional lymph nodes in melanoma have evolved over time based on clinical research and the willingness of surgical investigators to question the status quo.
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