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Caesarean section represents the most significant operative intervention in all of obstetrics. Its development and application has saved the lives of countless mothers and infants. However, its inappropriate use can be a direct and avoidable cause of maternal mortality and morbidity. For these reasons, caesarean section probably represents the largest source of controversy and debate in modern obstetrics. The frequency with which it is carried out continues to rise and has in many hospitals and health regions reached rates in excess of 30%. One of the more controversial indications is caesarean delivery on maternal request without any medical indication. It is worth reflecting that in only 150 years, caesarean section has evolved from an operation of last resort, usually leading to maternal death, to a method of delivery by maternal choice.
Caesarean section is one of the oldest operations in surgery, with its origins lost in the mists of antiquity and mythology. It has been performed by traumatic accident or post mortem for several millennia. Ancient myth and legend have said that Aesculapius and Bacchus, the gods of medicine and wine respectively, were born by caesarean section. Thus, at least in legend, those born by caesarean section are in good company.
The origin of the word ‘caesarean’ is unclear. The weak myth that Julius Caesar was born by this route is contradicted by the fact that his mother survived his birth by many years. It is likely that the term comes from the lex regia or royal law legislated by one of the early kings of Rome, Numa Pompilius, in 715 BC. This law proclaimed that women who died before delivering their infant had to have the infant removed through the abdomen before burial. This law continued under the ruling Caesars when it was called lex caesarea.
Traumatic caesarean sections have probably occurred throughout the course of history during war, acts of violence and accidents. Among the more well documented are those in which the horns of cattle have torn open the woman’s abdomen and uterus. One of the best known cases was reported from Zaandam, Holland, in 1647, in which a bull attacked a farmer and his wife, tearing open her abdomen and uterus with its horn. The woman and her husband later died but the infant survived. Self-performed caesarean section has probably been carried out for many centuries as some women, alone and in desperation, sought to relieve the unrelenting pain of nonprogressive labour. Authentic cases are reported from the 18th century. Caesarean section performed by laypersons also has a long history. One of the earliest reported cases in 1500 was by Jacob Nufer, a swine gelder, who delivered his wife after several days of apparent labour. There was some doubt whether this was an abdominal pregnancy or a caesarean section. Apparently both the mother and infant survived. In Northern Ireland in 1738, Mary Donnally, an illiterate but experienced lay midwife, carried out the first caesarean with survival of the mother in the British Isles.
The first witnessed and documented caesarean section by a physician was performed by Jeremias Trautmann in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1610. However, a number of obstetric texts in the 16th and 17th centuries described the rare performance of caesarean section in cases of contracted pelvis. The reason for the high mortality in the preanaesthetic era was that caesarean sections were usually performed after prolonged labour on women who were dehydrated, exhausted and infected. In addition, after removal of the fetus, the uterus was not sutured, adding haemorrhage to the morbidity equation. Throughout the 19th century, obstetricians devised techniques to try to reduce the risk of sepsis and to preserve the uterus, including a lateral extraperitoneal approach by Ferdinand Ritgen (1787–1867) of Giessen in 1821. Fritz Frank (1856–1923) modified the transperitoneal operation by suturing the edges of the incised lower uterine segment visceral peritoneum to the margins of the abdominal wall incision to contain any sepsis and promote its drainage.
Ferdinand Kehrer (1837–1914) of Heidelberg is one of the underappreciated contributors to the development of the modern caesarean section. In 1881, he performed a transverse lower segment caesarean section. He emphasized the need for careful suturing of the uterine muscle and a separate suture of the peritoneum over the lower uterine segment, later known as the Doppelnaht or ‘double layer’ technique. About a year later, Max Sänger (1853–1903), working in Leipzig, accentuated the need for careful suturing of the uterine incision, which he performed longitudinally in the uterus and called the classical caesarean incision. It was Sänger’s classical caesarean section that held sway while Kehrer’s transverse lower segment technique was forgotten. Munro Kerr was the obstetrician largely responsible for the change from the classical incision back to the low transverse incision. When Kehrer performed his low transverse procedure it was to reduce and contain the risk of sepsis. Kerr’s main argument was that the healed incision was stronger and less liable to rupture in a subsequent pregnancy.
Munro Kerr performed his first transverse lower segment caesarean operation in 1911 and reported his results in the 1920s and 1930s. Together with the lower transverse uterine incision, he introduced the Pfannenstiel skin incision for caesarean section in the UK. This incision is horizontal and slightly curved, placed just above the pubic symphysis ( Fig. 25.1 ). Acceptance came slowly and for many years he was a lone voice in his advocacy for the lower segment procedure. Slowly the lower segment incision became accepted, and after its widespread adoption, the lower segment operation was known in Europe for many years as ‘Kerr’s operation’. Belated acknowledgement of Kerr’s achievement in popularizing the lower segment procedure came at the time of the 12th British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, held in London in 1948, several years after he had retired from clinical practice. He was invited to the lecture platform and lauded for his achievement. In a dramatic response he raised his arms and declared: ‘Alleluia! The strife is o’er, the battle done!’
A modified surgical technique was developed by Michael Stark in the late 20th century and named after the Misgav Ladach Hospital in Jerusalem. In this method, Stark used the Joel–Cohen transverse skin incision ( Fig. 25.1 ), and the rectus sheath is incised. At this level the rectus muscles move more freely beneath the fascia. The rectus muscles are pulled apart with the forefingers. The parietal peritoneum is then stretched and entered bluntly as high as possible with the index finger. The lower uterine segment is then identified, and the uterovesical peritoneum divided. A retractor is used to withdraw the bladder. The uterus is entered with a scalpel in the normal manner and the incision then enlarged with the fingers. After delivery of the fetus and placenta the uterus is closed in one layer. Neither the visceral or parietal peritoneum is closed, nor are the rectus muscles. The rectus sheath is closed with a running suture. This operative technique has been described in detail. Experience with this method of caesarean section suggests that it results in a shorter operating time, less blood loss and less postoperative analgesic requirement.
The role of caesarean section has been transformed in little more than a century from a procedure of desperation, performed only in the rarest and most terrible circumstances, to one that is commonplace and frequently applied in modern obstetrics. During that time, the operation has changed from one carrying terrifying risks in which the prospect of maternal survival was poor, to one in which maternal death is extremely rare. During the last quarter of the 20th and the first decade of the 21st century, caesarean section rates increased worldwide. Furthermore, large inequities in the use of this intervention has been demonstrated in the world.
A variety of reasons have improved the safety of caesarean section and increased the indications for its performance.
The introduction of anaesthesia in obstetrics a century and a half ago for pain relief in labour, and to facilitate obstetric surgery. Continued improvement in anaesthetic techniques along with the emergence of specialists in obstetric anaesthesia has increased the effectiveness and safety of this component of caesarean delivery.
Improved surgical techniques have reduced not only the immediate perioperative complications of caesarean section, but also lessened the risks in subsequent pregnancy.
Advanced maternal age, increasing body mass index and assisted reproductive technologies have lead to more complications in pregnancy and labour.
Improvements in blood transfusion, antibiotics and thromboprophylaxis have increased the perioperative safety.
Advances in neonatal care and outcome have lowered the gestational age at which intervention for fetal indications is appropriate.
Medicolegal expectations of a perfect perinatal outcome, which has undoubtedly influenced obstetric care.
Societal acceptance of women to choose their mode of delivery, and to opt for elective delivery by caesarean section for what professionals may regard as trivial clinical or social reasons. These may include a fear of labour and vaginal delivery, and the perceived benefits of reducing or eliminating rare fetal risks in labour and long-term sequelae of pelvic floor damage.
As the risks to the woman in general have progressively diminished, the operation has been found to be justifiable for an increasing number of clinical and social indications. As more and more women enter second and subsequent pregnancies with a uterine scar, it is important to emphasize the long-term potential for serious consequences of caesarean section, which are not often perceived by a short-sighted focus on the immediate decision concerning mode of delivery.
Indications for caesarean section are covered in Chapter 24 .
In recent years, a number of national societies and organizations have tried to establish guidelines for time limits within which caesarean section for different indications should be performed. A guideline based on reasonable rationale and some validation has been proposed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and The Royal College of Anaesthetists.
It divides the urgency of intervention in four categories, instead of elective and emergency operations.
Category 1. Immediate threat to the life of the woman or fetus. This will include caesarean sections for severe prolonged fetal bradycardia, fetal scalp blood pH <7.20, cord prolapse, abruptio placentae and uterine rupture. These caesareans should occur as quickly as possible and certainly within 30 minutes.
Category 2. Maternal or fetal compromise which is not immediately life-threatening. These include conditions such as antepartum haemorrhage and nonprogressive labour with maternal or fetal compromise, but not to the degree of category 1. These cases should also be delivered within 30 minutes if possible, but one has to take into account the potential risks in meeting this deadline. For example, the use of general anaesthesia with its increased risks to the mother compared to the slightly more time-consuming institution of spinal anaesthesia.
Category 3. No maternal or fetal compromise but early delivery required. This will include nonprogressive labour without maternal or fetal compromise, and women booked for elective caesarean section who are admitted with ruptured membranes or in early labour. It is recommended that these women be delivered within 75 minutes. There are other cases with slowly worsening conditions such as pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) in which delivery is indicated. If they are preterm and induction of labour is deemed likely to fail, an early caesarean delivery may be necessary.
Category 4. Elective planned caesarean section timed to suit the woman and staff. Unless there is urgency for maternal or fetal reasons, elective caesarean section should be planned after 39 completed weeks’ gestation to reduce the risk of neonatal respiratory morbidity.
Informed consent – it has to be admitted that informed consent for caesarean section can vary from the very brief statement of need in acute fetal distress to a much more considered and prolonged discussion in women requesting elective caesarean section for personal reasons. The procedure and its complications should be reviewed in the context of the alternatives, which usually include awaiting spontaneous onset of labour, induction of labour, allowing labour to continue or assisted vaginal delivery. The effect of caesarean delivery on future pregnancies should also be reviewed in relevant cases.
A full medical history and clinical examination should be obtained and documented.
Blood group, HIV, hepatitis B and C status should be identified preoperatively and antibody screentest performed, and cross-matched blood available to women with severe risk of operative blood loss.
Vaginal preparation with povidine-iodine could be carried out to reduce postoperative infection, especially in women in labour or with ruptured membranes.
Antacid prophylaxis should be administered in the form of a histamine H 2 receptor blocker.
The woman should be placed in a 15-degree left lateral tilt to increase her venous blood flow return from her lower extremities to improve maternal and placental circulation.
Preoperative shaving of the incision site is not required. If the pubic hair over the proposed incision site is thick it can be clipped short, rather than shaved.
A urinary catheter should be installed in the bladder after regional anaesthesia has been established.
Epidural or spinal anaesthesia should be chosen for caesarean section whenever possible as they have the least associated maternal and neonatal morbidity. General anaesthesia may be given for women in whom regional anaesthesia fails, in maternal hypovolaemia due to severe haemorrhage, if there is a need for extreme speed such as in acute fetal distress or due to patient preference. The topic is covered in Chapter 32 .
For the vast majority of caesarean section, the transverse Joel–Cohen incision or Pfannenstiel incision should be used ( Fig. 25.1 ). The Joel–Cohen incision is a transverse opening of the skin 3 cm below the line between the anterior superior iliac spines, whereas the Pfannenstiel incision is slightly curved upwards 2 cm above the pubic symphysis. The Joel–Cohen incision has been demonstrated to be superior to Pfannenstiel regarding time to delivery of the fetus, need for pain relief, maternal febrile morbidity and length of hospital stay. Midline incisions can be used in women undergoing additional surgery in relation to caesarean section, in women with previous midline incisions. The subcutaneous tissue and the rectus sheath should be divided with minimal sharp dissection combined with blunt manual separation. During labour the bladder becomes an abdominal organ and therefore the peritoneal cavity should be opened as high as possible and then carefully extended down. Subsequently the uterine body should be checked for its orientation before deciding where to place the uterine incision, otherwise it may be eccentric and extend into the uterine vessels.
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