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Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is a common condition that affects 20%–30% of women during their reproductive age and has a major impact on women’s quality of life.
The International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) has defined HMB as “the women’s perception of increased menstrual volume regardless of regularity, frequency or duration.”
FIGO also define HMB as part of broader terminology of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) which includes intermenstrual bleeding (IMB) and postcoital bleeding (PCB).
FIGO definition of (AUB) includes:
Disturbance of menstrual frequency and cycles shorter than 21 days are classified abnormal frequency of menses.
Irregular menstrual bleeding—cycles when the onset of menses is unpredictable.
Menstrual periods that exceed 8 days duration on a regular basis are classified as prolonged menstrual bleeding.
HMB—describes increased menstrual volume regardless of regularity, frequency, or duration.
Intermenstrual bleeding—episodes of bleeding that occur between normally timed menstrual periods.
The average menstrual cycle length is 28 days and most women bleed for approximately 4–5 days associated with shedding of the superficial stratum functionalis of the endometrium.
The endometrium is under the regulation of ovarian steroid hormones, mainly oestrogen and progesterone and their involvement in the monthly endometrial cycle is well established.
Following menstrual shedding, the repair process is mainly under the influence of oestrogen and local haemostatic mechanisms.
Mechanisms that interfere with the normal endocrine, paracrine or haemostatic functions of the endometrium as well as possibly any interference with myometrial contractility may cause HMB.
Obesity influences the development and progression of menstrual problems,
Obese women are three times more likely to suffer from menstrual abnormalities than women of a normal weight.
Significant weight loss can restore normal menstruation pattern.
AUB may be classified using the FIGO classification, using the PALM-COEIN paradigm. This acronym describes the aetiological basis of menstrual problems.
The FIGO classification of AUB includes nine categories which are divided into two distinct subgroups:
The PALM group: it consists of structural abnormalities that can be visualised using imaging techniques or diagnosed by histopathology.
The COEIN group: it describes nonstructural disorders that cannot be imaged or diagnosed with histopathology ( Fig. 11.1 ).
Polyps are epithelial proliferations comprising variable vascular, glandular, fibromuscular and connective tissue components.
Polyps may be asymptomatic and may be responsible for AUB.
A survey of premenopausal women with endometrial polyps found that 82% reported AUB. In these women, obesity and hypertension were two risk factors,
Another study also found that obese women had a significantly higher prevalence of polyps compared to normal BMI women,
Obesity appears to be an important risk factor for the developing endometrial polyps,
One potential mechanism for this is possibly higher levels of circulating oestrogens secondary to peripheral conversion of androgens by adipose tissue aromatase enzyme to oestrogens.
Hence higher levels of both oestradiol and longer duration of exposure to unopposed oestrogens in obese women may have an augmented effect on the proliferative phase of endometrium.
Adenomyosis is the presence of ectopic endometrial-like tissue within the myometrium.
Unlike endometriosis, there appears to be a higher incidence of adenomyosis in obese women.
The prevalence of adenomyosis varies widely, ranging from 5% to 70%.
This is probably related to inconsistencies in the histopathologic criteria for diagnosis at hysterectomy specimens.
MRI has a greater specificity and positive predictive value compared to transvaginal ultrasound and a greater ability to distinguish between adenomyosis and leiomyomas.
This additional benefit of MRI over ultrasound scan is especially more relevant in obese population.
Uterine fibroids (myomas, leiomyomas) are the most common benign tumours in women of reproductive age.
Women who have incidentally diagnosed with small fibroids and are asymptomatic do not require treatment.
Fibroids tend to be twice or even three times more common in non-white women as compared to other racial or ethnic groups.
Heavy menstrual bleeding is the most common symptom of a fibroid uterus and multiple factors are thought to contribute:
Increased endometrial surface area, increased uterine vascularity, impaired uterine contractility, and endometrial ulceration caused by submucosal fibroids may be possible mechanisms for menstrual symptoms.
Location of uterine fibroids may contribute towards symptoms, with submucosal leiomyomas having a greater association with HMB, although objective evidence for this is limited.
There is no consistent relationship between the size and location of fibroids and HMB.
Obesity increases the risk of malignancy developing within an endometrial polyp,
It has been estimated that 40% of all endometrial cancer is attributable to obesity, and that 86% of women with complex hyperplasia were obese.
BMI is predictive of endometrial thickness on ultrasound scan and this is predictive of hyperplasia.
The risk of endometrial cancer varied from an almost fourfold increase in women with a BMI> 25 kg/m 2 to an almost 20-fold increase in women with a BMI>40 kg/m 2 .
A recent prospective study showed that bariatric surgery in women with BMI>40 can reverse atypical hyperplasia (Ref 24,25).
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