
We would like to acknowledge the hard work put forth from the previous edition authors in writing this chapter: Jan Deprest, MD, PhD; Ryan Hodges, PhD, MBBS; Eduardo Gratacos, MD, PhD; and Liesbeth Lewi, MD, PhD.

The fetus is now more easily accessible due to technological advances, ultrasound resolution and increased experience by specialty providers performing in-utero surgical procedures. Consequently, several fetal conditions are now amenable to both medical and surgical management. Because of the potential complications, risks and benefits of such interventions must be balanced. A consensus endorsed by the International Fetal Medicine and Surgery Society (IFMSS) on the criteria and indications for fetal surgery has been generally accepted by most interventionists.

The increased availability of small diameter endoscopes paved the way for the concept of endoscopic fetal surgery. The rationale was that minimally invasive access to the amniotic cavity would reduce the associated frequency of preterm delivery and reduce maternal morbidity. The feasibility of endoscopic fetal surgery was first demonstrated in an ovine model, and the technique was then translated into clinical practice in the form of umbilical cord ligation. , The successful execution of a randomized trial of placental laser coagulation in twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) prompted the wide clinical acceptance of fetoscopy. Table 34.1 lists surgical interventions that are currently available, along with the rationales and presumed benefits.

TABLE 34.1
Indications and Rationales for in Utero Surgery on the Fetus, Placenta, Cord, or Membranes a
Fetal Surgery Pathophysiology Rationale for In Utero Intervention
Surgery on the Fetus
  • 1.

    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Pulmonary hypoplasia and anatomic substrate for pulmonary hypertension Reversal of pulmonary hypoplasia and reduced degree of pulmonary hypertension; repair of actual defect delayed until after birth
  • 2.

    Lower urinary tract obstruction

Progressive renal damage due to obstructive uropathy
Pulmonary hypoplasia due to oligohydramnios
Prevention of renal failure and pulmonary hypoplasia by anatomic correction or urinary deviation
  • 3.

    Sacrococcygeal teratoma

High-output cardiac failure due to AV shunting and/or bleeding
Direct anatomic effects of tumoral mass
Polyhydramnios-related preterm labor
Reduction of functional impact of tumor by ablation of tumor or (part of) its vasculature
Reduction of anatomic effects by drainage of cysts or bladder
Amnioreduction preventing obstetric complications
  • 4.

    Thoracic space-occupying lesions

Pulmonary hypoplasia (space-occupying mass)
Hydrops due to impaired venous return (mediastinal compression)
Creation of space for lung development
Reversal of process of cardiac failure
  • 5.

    Neural tube defects

Damage to exposed neural tube
Chronic CSF leak, leading to Arnold-Chiari malformation and hydrocephalus
Prevention of exposure of spinal cord to amniotic fluid; restoration of CSF pressure correcting Arnold-Chiari malformation
  • 6.

    Cardiac malformations

Critical lesions causing irreversible hypoplasia or damage to developing heart Reversal of process by anatomic correction of restrictive pathology
Surgery on the Placenta, Cord, or Membranes
  • 7.


High-output cardiac failure due to AV shunting
Effects of polyhydramnios
Reversal of process of cardiac failure and hydrops fetoplacentalis by ablation or reduction of flow
  • 8.

    Amniotic bands

Progressive constrictions causing irreversible neurologic or vascular damage Prevention of amniotic band syndrome leading to deformities and function loss
  • 9.

    Abnormal monochorionic twinning: twin-twin transfusion; fetus acardiacus and discordant anomalies

Intertwin transfusion leading to oligopolyhydramnios sequence, hemodynamic changes; preterm labor and rupture of the membranes; in utero damage to brain, heart, or other organs
In utero fetal demise may cause damage to co-twin
Cardiac failure of pump twin and consequences of polyhydramnios
Serious anomaly raising the question of termination of pregnancy
Selective fetal reduction
Arrest of intertwin transfusion; prevention or reversal of cardiac failure and/or neurologic damage including at the time of in utero demise; prolongation of gestation
Selective fetal reduction to arrest parasitic relationship, prevent consequences of in utero fetal demise, and avoid termination of entire pregnancy
AV, Arteriovenous; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

a Historically, in utero treatment of hydrocephalus was attempted but abandoned. In the late 1990s indications 5 and 6 were added; indications 7 through 9 were typical results of the introduction of obstetric endoscopy in fetal surgery programs.

Open Fetal Surgery

Early attempts at open fetal surgery for repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia were associated with increased maternal morbidity and fetal mortality and this approach was almost abandoned. The results of the myelomeningocele (MMC) trial (the Management of Myelomeningocele Study [MOMS]) led to a revival in performance of open fetal surgery. Briefly, the procedure involves establishing large-bore maternal venous access, but fluid administration is conservative and meticulously managed to reduce the risk of maternal pulmonary edema. General endotracheal anesthesia is used, taking advantage of the muscle relaxation and uterine contraction suppression qualities of halogenated anesthetic gases. The uterus is exposed by a large laparotomy incision and opened with specially designed Lactomer (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) copolymer absorbable surgical staples (Premium Poly CS 57; US Surgical, Norwalk, CT) to prevent intraoperative maternal hemorrhage. Location of the uterine incision depends largely on placental position, as determined by sterile ultrasound imaging. In case of an anterior placenta, the uterus requires exteriorization to allow access via the posterior uterine wall ( Fig. 34.1 ).

Figure 34.1, View of the hysterotomy at the end of a fetal myelomeningocele repair.

The fetus is partially exposed or exteriorized and monitored by ultrasound, pulse oximetry, or direct fetal electrocardiography. Additional analgesics, atropine, and pancuronium or vecuronium are given to immobilize the fetus and to suppress the fetal stress response (bradycardia). The fetus is kept warm through the use of intrauterine infusion of Ringer lactate at body temperature; this also maintains intrauterine volume and pressure, ensuring appropriate uteroplacental circulation. The MMC defect is identified and closed in layers by neurosurgeons. After completion of the fetal portion of the procedure, the uterus is closed in two layers with absorbable sutures, amniotic fluid volume is restored, intraamniotic antibiotics are administered, and maternal magnesium sulfate is initiated. The hysterotomy is covered with an omental flap. Postoperatively, the patient is managed in the intensive care unit and given aggressive tocolysis with magnesium sulfate and, if required, additional agents.

Complications of open fetal surgery include preterm contractions, maternal morbidity from tocolysis, rupture of membranes, uterine dehiscence, and fetal distress. Postoperative uterine contractions are the most concerning complications of open fetal surgery, but experience has significantly reduced this maternal side effect. Amniotic fluid leakage can occur through the hysterotomy site or, more commonly, vaginally because of chorioamniotic membrane separation or frank membrane rupture. If there is significant postoperative oligohydramnios, delivery may be necessary because of fetal distress. In a prospective case series on MMC repair, patients left the hospital within a few days, a much shorter interval than previously. Cesarean delivery is mandatory to avoid uterine rupture. There is no documented adverse effect on future reproductive outcome, but a 2-year interval until the next pregnancy is advocated. Available data ( Table 34.2 ) demonstrate that rupture and preterm delivery rates after open fetal surgery are not different from rates after fetoscopy in the early second half of singleton pregnancies. In a recent meta-analysis including 36 studies on open MMC repair, the average overall rate of maternal and obstetric complications was 78.6%. The obstetric complications included chorioamniotic membrane separation in 65.6%, oligohydramnios in 13.0%, placental abruption in 5.0%, spontaneous or preterm prelabor membrane rupture in 42.0%, and early (before 30 weeks) preterm delivery in 11.3% of cases due to uterine dehiscence. Uterine rupture occurred in 1.56% of all cases, all in open cohort. The most common medical complications were pulmonary edema occurring in 2.8%, gestational diabetes in 3.7%, gestational hypertension/preeclampsia in 3.7%, and need for blood transfusions in 3.2% of cases.

TABLE 34.2
Selected Outcome Variables in Larger Clinical Series on Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal Occlusion for Severe Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Fetoscopic Myelomeningocele Coverage or Repair, and Open Myelomeningocele Repair
a Cumulative or at randomization. For fetoscopic MMC repair, most of the data ( n = 16) come from a detailed report, unless otherwise specified. In those cases, the outcome variable could be identified only in a larger ( n = 19) independent neurologic outcome report.
FETO Fetoscopic MMC Repair Open MMC Repair
Number of fetuses 210 16 78
Anesthesia Locoregional or local General General
Access Percutaneous Percutaneous Laparotomy
Access diameter (mm) 3.3 3–5.0 Hysterotomy
Gestational age at intervention (wk), median (range) 27.1 (23.0–33.3) 24.0 (22–28) 23.6 ± 1.4
Operation time (min), median (range) 10 (3–93) 231 (50–480) NS
Success rate b 203/210 (96.7%) 8/16 (50%) c NS
Intraoperative hemorrhagic complications 1/210 (0.5%) 4/16 (25%) NS
Perioperative death rate d 1/210 (0.5%) 2/16 (12.5%) 2/78 (2.6%)
Chorioamnionitis 5/210 (2.4%) 3/13 (23.1%) 2/78 (3%)
Oligohydramnios NS 9/16 (56%) 16/78 (21%)
pPROM 99 (47.1%) 11/13 36/78 (46%)
Delivery before 30 wk 13% (<32 wk) 9/16 (56%) 10/78 (13%)
Delivery before 34 wk 65 (30.9%) 16/16 (100%) 36/78 (46%)
Gestational age at birth (wk), median (range) 35.3 (25.7–41.0) e 28.8 (21–33) 34.1 ± 3.1 (NR)
FETO, Fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion; MMC, myelomeningocele; NR, not rated; NS, not specified; pPROM, preterm prelabor rupture of the membranes.

b Defined as the ability to complete the surgery as planned at first attempt. When second attempt is included, the rate is 209/210.

c Initially, general anesthesia ( n = 8) was given.

d Death at the time of surgery or as a result of it.

e FETO involves an elective second invasive procedure at about 34 weeks in 75% of cases. In another series without this second intervention, the gestational age at delivery was similar, 35.6 weeks (28–38 weeks). ,

Ex Utero Intrapartum Treatment Procedure

Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) procedure is a multistaged cesarean delivery in which the fetus is partially delivered to preserve uteroplacental circulation until a functional fetal airway is established. To permit optimal uteroplacental perfusion and hence ample time to perform a potentially complex fetal airway establishment procedure, EXIT is done under maximal uterine relaxation, typically provided by deep inhalational general anesthesia. Therefore, the maternal risks of this procedure are mainly related to hemorrhage. Because of the complex interactions that are necessary among anesthesiology, obstetrics, and pediatrics personnel, EXIT procedures require significant advance preparation with roles preassigned to the many providers involved. Drills and rehearsals for EXIT as well as experience enhance the safety and efficacy of the procedure. , Page 2

The indications for EXIT have increased, but most share an anticipated difficulty in establishing the neonatal airway ( Table 34.3 ). Disorders with a potential to cause congenital airway obstruction, including laryngeal atresia (congenital high airway obstruction syndrome), large head and neck tumors, and other upper airway problems that might cause difficult intubation (e.g., micrognathia), are the main indications for an EXIT procedure. This decision is largely based on the findings of advanced imaging techniques (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]); predictive indices regarding the tracheoesophageal complex have been suggested but are not yet validated. Another indication for EXIT is the need for fetal cardiopulmonary support during surgery, such as in the EXIT-to-ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) procedure for specific cardiac defects, for certain types of conjoined twins, or in surgery for congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM). EXIT has also been proposed for selected cases of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), although the early experience did not support that indication. The literature suggests that the use of EXIT-to-ECMO for CDH does not confer an increase in survival or decrease in morbidity compared with starting ECMO after delivery.

TABLE 34.3
Ex Utero Intrapartum Therapy Procedure Data
From Hedrick H. Ex utero intrapartum therapy. Semin Pediatr Surg . 2003;10:190–194.
Indication Mean Gestational Age at EXIT (wk) Mean EXIT Duration (min) Long-Term Neonatal Survival (%)
Neck mass ( n = 19) 36.1 ± 2.6 28.9 ± 15.4 16/19 (84.2)
Reversal of TO ( n = 13) 31.8 ± 2.7 26.7 ± 6.3 5/13 (38.5)
CPAM ( n = 5) 35.4 ± 4.8 63.8 ± 4.2 4/5 (80)
CHAOS ( n = 3) 33.4 ± 3.4 35 ± 10 3/3 (100)
EXIT-to-ECMO ( n = 1) 36.6 58 0/1
Pulmonary agenesis ( n = 1) 39 14 1/1
Bridge to separate conjoined twins ( n = 1) 34 43 1/1
Overall ( n = 43) 34.5 ± 3.5 33.8 ± 16.9 30/43 (69.8)
CPAM, Congenital pulmonary airway malformation; CHAOS, congenital high airway obstruction syndrome; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; EXIT, ex utero intrapartum treatment; TO, tracheal occlusion.

As in other forms of obstetric anesthesia, maternal aspiration prophylaxis and left uterine displacement to prevent aortocaval compression are important. In contrast to routine obstetric anesthesia or anesthesia in most fetal therapy cases, anesthesia for EXIT employs inhalation agents. The maternal anesthetic protocol typically involves adequate preoxygenation and rapid-sequence induction with propofol, rocuronium bromide, and remifentanil, followed by intubation and maintenance of anesthesia by propofol and remifentanil and 0.2% to 0.5% minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane in oxygen. Sevoflurane is preferred to isoflurane because of its faster onset of action and faster elimination to regain uterine tone after cord clamping. To support adequate uteroplacental perfusion, maternal arterial pressure must be well maintained with ephedrine or phenylephrine, which are used for their minimal effect on uterine blood flow. For the fetus, umbilical arterial and venous catheters ensure adequate vascular access for perinatal resuscitation. After the airway is established, the fetus is exteriorized from the uterus, the halogenated gas is decreased, and pitocin 20 IU in 500 mL of normal saline is given as an intravenous bolus. Pitocin is then infused as 10 IU in 1000-mL drip and titrated to uterine response. An injection of 10 IU pitocin in the myometrium may be given as well, and methergine (0.25 mg) and prostaglandin F (250 μg) should be readily available. An alternative approach to general anesthesia has been described in small case series , using combined spinal-epidural anesthesia, intravenous nitroglycerin for uterine relaxation, and remifentanil for fetal anesthesia, without any sign of maternal sedation or respiratory depression.

Mychaliska and colleagues were the first to describe a series of eight successful procedures and coined the acronym EXIT to describe the fetal procedure. However, the largest single-center experience, with 43 EXIT procedures, was reported by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) (see Table 34.3 ). , The most common indications were fetal neck masses and reversal of tracheal clipping (a procedure no longer performed). A single case of EXIT-to-ECMO was done for an infant with a left CDH and tetralogy of Fallot at 36 weeks’ gestation. Less common indications were congenital high airway obstruction syndrome, unilateral pulmonary agenesis, and a large lung lesion that was anticipated to cause ventilation problems at birth (the tumor was resected while the fetus was on placental bypass). EXIT also allows elective rather than emergency tracheostomy if intubation fails for other anatomic reasons. The estimated blood loss was 938 ± 532 mL, with an average time on uteroplacental circulation of 33.8 ± 16.9 minutes (range, 8 to 69 minutes). There were no recorded episodes of significant maternal hemodynamic instability in this series. Maternal complications consisted of placental abruption during EXIT ( n = 1), intraoperative blood transfusion ( n = 2), and chorioamnionitis believed to have arisen from earlier interventions ( n = 2). Despite the preparation that goes into the timing for the EXIT procedure, a report from Baylor University Medical Center found approximately 36% rates of emergency delivery, and 13.3% of their subjects underwent maternal blood transfusion. , EXIT procedures have also been successfully performed in twin pregnancies at 35 and 36 weeks’ gestation, in both cases owing to a large neck mass in one of the twins.

Placental histopathologic examination may identify the risk of fetal and neonatal coagulopathy in fetuses undergoing EXIT. In these fetuses, placentas have a higher frequency of fetal thrombotic vasculopathy, a risk factor for thromboembolic disease and cerebral palsy. In this setting, this pathology most likely reflects venous stasis in cases of a thoracic mass, heart failure with a teratoma, or consumptive coagulopathy in arteriovenous (AV) malformation. Routine placental examination may therefore provide prognostic information for thromboembolic and hemorrhagic sequelae, providing a useful adjunct to laboratory indices and cranial ultrasonography.


Fetoscopic procedures are minimally invasive interventions that can be considered as a cross between ultrasound-guided and formal surgical procedures. The surgeons involved may be maternal-fetal medicine specialists or pediatric surgeons, largely depending on local expertise. Fetoscopy must be organized so that the surgical team can see the ultrasound monitor and the fetoscopic image simultaneously. Cannulas, instruments, and endoscopes continue to evolve. Specifically designed fetoscopes typically have deported eyepieces to reduce weight and facilitate precise movements. Almost all are flexible fiber endoscopes, and as the number of pixels has increased, image quality has improved markedly. Working length must be sufficient to reach all regions of the intrauterine space, and a longer, integrated endoscope has been introduced ( Fig. 34.2 ). Current scope diameters are between 1.0 and 2.0 mm with a 0-degree direction of view and an opening angle of 70 to 80 degrees.

Figure 34.2, Integrated fetoscope.

Amniotic access is facilitated by thin-walled, semiflexible, disposable or larger-diameter, rigid, reusable metal cannulas so that instrument changes are possible. Alternatively, the fetoscopic sheath is introduced directly with the use of a sharp obturator to stab the uterus under ultrasound guidance. Once inside the amniotic cavity, the obturator is replaced by the fetoscope. Technical handbooks and a review article provide details of the use of these instruments and a discussion of distention media. , , Instrument insertion is usually done under local anesthesia, which is injected along the anticipated track of the cannula down to the myometrium.

Prevention of Preterm Prelabor Rupture of the Membranes

Despite improved perinatal outcomes after fetal therapy, premature delivery remains a significant contributor to perinatal morbidity and mortality. Often prematurity is preceded by preterm prelabor rupture of the membranes (pPROM) ( Table 34.4 ). Risk factors reported in the fetoscopic laser literature include cervical shortening as a preoperative factor that has been associated with preterm delivery. , In one study, younger maternal age, shorter cervical length, increasing cannula diameter, amnioinfusion, and number of ablated vessels increased the risk of preterm delivery. , Several initiatives have been taken toward treating or preventing pPROM including attempts to repair defects with the use of various tissue sealants or the use of postprocedure cerclage. The placement of the trocar in the lateral lower uterine segment was suggested as associated with a higher rate of pPROM, with OR of 6.66 (95% CI, 2.36–18.78, P = .0003.

TABLE 34.4
Risk for Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes After Fetoscopic Procedures
From Beck V, Lewi P, Gucciardo L, Devlieger R. Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes and fetal survival after minimally invasive fetal surgery: a systematic review of the literature. Fetal Diagn Ther . 2011;31:1–9.
Procedure Risk of pPROM Diameter of Instrument Author, Year
Amniocentesis Overall loss rate 0.11 (95% CI, 0.4–0.26) NA Akolekar, 2015
Amnioreduction 1.1% ≤48 h after drain 18 gauge (1.2 mm) Dickinson, 2014
Shunt 15% (thorax)
32% (bladder)
7F (2.3 mm) Picone, 2004 (thorax)
Freedman, 2000 (bladder)
Fetoscopic laser 39% (<37 wk)
26.7% (<24 wk)
10–12F (up to 3.3 mm) Snowise, 2017
Cord occlusion 9% <28 wk
14% 28–34 wk
10F (3.3 mm) Robyr, 2005
Bipolar 28.2% Gaerty, 2015
Radiofrequency ablation 17.7%
FETO 20% (<32 wk) 10F (3.3 mm) Ruano, 2012
CI, Confidence interval; FETO, fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion; NA, not available; pPROM , preterm premature rupture of the membranes.


The use of the amniopatch procedure after fetal therapy has met with limited success. This procedure for symptomatic iatrogenic pPROM was first described by Quintero and colleagues. In their experience for patches done after fetoscopy, ( n = 17; 11 [65%] live births) or after needle-based procedures ( n = 19; 13 [66%] live births), there were six cases (17%) of intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD) at various time points. Another study showed that the use of a collagen plug prolonged pregnancy, but there was no difference in pPROM rates with or without collagen plug placement. Although most of the literature on amniopatch is not reassuring, a study by Chmait and coworkers suggested more favorable results. In 19 patients who had pPROM and a subsequent amniopatch procedure, 12 procedures were successful. The treated pregnancies resulted in delivery at a later gestational age. However, the findings were significant only in cases in which the amniopatch procedure was performed before 20 weeks’ gestation.

Cerclage as an Adjunct to Fetal Therapy

A short cervical length at the time of laser surgery for TTTS has been shown to be the best independent risk factor for preterm birth. In the pathophysiology of TTTS, in which cervical shortening is likely due to the increasing intrauterine pressure of polyhydramnios, theoretically placement of cerclage may be helpful. A 2008 observational study by Salomon and colleagues found that placing a cerclage in patients with a cervix 15 mm or shorter allowed for prolongation of pregnancy and thereby improved perinatal outcome. However, these data were based on the outcomes of 14 patients. In a more recent multicenter cohort study, there was no difference in gestational age of delivery or perinatal mortality in pregnancies who received a cerclage for a cervix shorter than 25 mm at the time of the laser procedure. There was no difference in the rates of pPROM, chorioamnionitis, or abruption between patients who had cerclage placement and patients who did not.

Anesthetic Considerations

Administering anesthesia can be challenging in a pregnant patient because of complexities involved, balancing maternal concerns as well as the potential negative side effects to the fetus with the need for adequate pain sensory management.

Maternal Anesthetic Considerations

Physiologic changes of pregnancy have an impact on both maternal and fetal anesthetic management in utero. During pregnancy cardiac output, heart rate, plasma volume, and stroke volume are all increased, whereas systemic vascular resistance is decreased. The enlarging uterus causes inferior vena cava compression with resultant hypotension. Polyhydramnios, which is a common finding when fetuses require intervention, further complicates this clinical picture. Maternal leftward tilt positioning is recommended.

Compensated respiratory alkalosis is present in pregnancy owing to alveolar ventilation. The risk of maternal hypoxia is heightened as a result of the increased oxygen consumption and decreased functional residual capacity. Physiologic respiratory alkalosis should be maintained during ventilation, as uteroplacental perfusion can be affected in both hypercarbia and hypocarbia.

Gastrointestinal changes of pregnancy include increased gastric acid secretion and decreased esophageal sphincter tone, which increases the risk of gastric regurgitation and aspiration. Aspiration prophylaxis is recommended to increase gastric pH and decreased gastric secretion.

In general, physiologic changes of pregnancy make regional or local anesthesia a safer option than general anesthesia. However, there are some notable concerns: pregnancy is associated with an increased sensitivity to local anesthetics, and the epidural space capacity is reduced owing to the epidural vein plexus engorgement. Additionally, the hypercoagulable state increases risks of thromboembolism making prophylactic anticoagulation a consideration, especially in those patients with additional risk factors.

Fetal Anesthetic Considerations

Teratogenic Concerns

Whether or not a drug is teratogenic depends on many factors including timing (gestational age) of administration, dose, and transplacental passage versus direct administration. Overall, commonly used medications in fetal therapy have a low risk for teratogenesis. In both human and animal studies, opioids, muscle relaxants, local anesthetics, and halogenated agents did not show teratogenic effects in the usual clinical doses, especially as fetal therapy occurs after organogenesis in the second trimester and early third trimester.

The effects of anesthetic agents on fetal brain development are less clear. In multiple animal models, neonatal exposure to anesthetics is associated with persistent learning deficits. , Despite the animal data indicating there is some level of impaired neurodevelopment, it remains to be seen whether similar effects are experienced by human fetuses and later children. Fetoscopic myelomeningocele (MMC) repair is performed using intrauterine carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) insufflation. Sheep experiments have shown that CO 2 insufflation is associated with significant fetal acidemia; however, corresponding data for human pregnancy are not available. In a report by Baschat and colleagues, this concern was not confirmed in humans.

Fetal Pain

It is difficult to know the extent to which the fetus experiences pain. However, several indirect methods have suggested that the fetus can feel pain. Robinson and Gregory suggested the importance of providing analgesia to preterm neonates. , Anand, Fisk, and Giannakoulopoulos and their colleagues demonstrated that premature infants and fetuses display several humoral stress responses during invasive procedures. These data indicate that the midgestation fetus responds to noxious stimuli by mounting a distinct stress response, as evidenced by an outpouring of catecholamines and other stress hormones as well as hemodynamic changes. Even though it remains unknown whether this approach results in improved neurodevelopment and improved long-term outcome, it is prudent to take preemptive action and manage potentially painful procedures accordingly.

Several treatment protocols have been proposed ; in general, a policy should be adopted of administering fetal analgesics for any invasive procedures during which the fetus might experience pain from 18 to 20 weeks onward. Sufentanil (1 to 2 μg/kg) or fentanyl (10 μg/kg) can be given intramuscularly or intravenously to the fetus. If the mother is given general anesthesia, the fetus should be sufficiently anesthetized through transplacental passage. Ongoing research about whether to administer postoperative fetal pain relief for some procedures may lead to new routes of pain relief, such as intraamniotic injection of long-acting opioids.

Finally, intrauterine asphyxia remains the most important fetal risk during maternal-fetal surgery. Both adequate maternal oxygenation and uteroplacental transfusion are important in the maintenance of adequate fetal oxygenation. Owing to the high affinity of fetal hemoglobin to oxygen, the fetus can tolerate transient decreases in maternal oxygenation. However, severe maternal hypoxemia may result in severe fetal hypoxia. Maternal hypotension, hyperventilation, and hypercapnia all can affect fetal well-being. Interventions such as leftward tilt positioning, intravenous fluids, monitoring depth of anesthesia, and use of vasopressors can help.

Complicated Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies

Monochorionic twins constitute about 20% of all twin pregnancies but contribute the highest complication rates compared with dichorionic twin gestations owing to shared vascular anastomoses. Vascular anastomoses across monochorionic placentas may create unique complications, such as TTTS, twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence, and, in the event of single IUFD, acute exsanguination of the surviving twin into the vascular space of the deceased twin. Therefore, correct determination of chorionicity is of utmost importance in the management of these high-risk pregnancies. This is most reliably achieved by ultrasound scanning in the first trimester. ,

Laser coagulation of the vascular anastomoses in TTTS has improved the rate of fetal survival and reduced the frequency of short-term disability. In addition, umbilical cord coagulation and intrafetal ablation have been shown to be effective for selective fetal reduction in monochorionic multiple pregnancies with severe discordant anomalies or end-stage growth restriction of one twin before viability, in selected cases with TTTS, and in TRAP sequence. , This chapter will address specific problems of monochorionic twin pregnancies that are amenable to fetal intervention. General complications of twins are covered elsewhere in this textbook.

Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) affects 10% to 15% of monochorionic twin pregnancies and represents the most significant cause of mortality. The pathology is usually due to unbalanced placental sharing between the twins. Placental anastomoses are traditionally denoted as arterioarterial (AA), venovenous, (VV), or arteriovenous (AV). AA and VV anastomoses are bidirectional anastomoses on the surface of the chorionic plate that form direct communications between the arteries and veins of the two fetal circulations. The flow is bidirectional and depends on the relative interfetal vascular pressure gradients. AV anastomoses are usually considered deep anastomoses. They represent a shared cotyledon territory that receives arterial supply from one twin and provides venous (well-oxygenated) drainage to the other twin. The supplying artery and draining vein of an AV anastomosis can be visualized on the placental surface as an unpaired artery and vein that pierce the chorionic plate at close proximity to one another.

AV anastomoses allow flow in one direction only and therefore may create an interfetal transfusion, leading to TTTS unless balanced by transfusion in the opposite direction through other superficial or deep anastomoses. Bidirectional AA anastomoses are believed to protect against the development of TTTS because most non-TTTS monochorionic placentas (84%) have AA anastomoses, whereas the incidence in TTTS placentas is only 24%. Although these vascular anastomoses are an anatomic prerequisite for the development of TTTS, the pathogenesis of TTTS is probably more complex than a simple net transfer of red blood cells because usually both twins have similar hemoglobin values. , Hormonal factors are most likely involved as well, with exposure of the recipient to vasoactive mediators produced by the donor, and vice versa.

Diagnosis of Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

The diagnosis of TTTS is based on stringent sonographic criteria of amniotic fluid levels and bladder size discordance. There is oligohydramnios in the donor twin, with a deepest vertical pocket of 2 cm or less. In contrast, the recipient twin presents with polyhydramnios and a deepest vertical pocket cutoff of 8 cm or greater. Although growth restriction is often present in the donor twin, it is not essential for the diagnosis of TTTS. In severe cases, sonographic signs of congestive cardiac failure resulting from fluid overload in the recipient include a negative or reversed a wave in the ductus venosus, pulsatile flow in the umbilical vein, and tricuspid regurgitation; signs of hypovolemia or increased vascular resistance in the donor with absent or reversed flow in the umbilical artery may be seen.

The differential diagnosis for TTTS includes monoamniotic twins, isolated discordant growth, isolated polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, and severe intertwin hemoglobin differences at the time of birth. TTTS can occur in monoamniotic pregnancies and is characterized by polyhydramnios of the common amniotic cavity with discordant bladder sizes. However, monoamniotic twins can move freely, and usually their umbilical cords are entangled, whereas in diamniotic twins with TTTS, the donor is usually stuck against the uterine wall. The distinction between TTTS and discordant growth is critical because most pregnancies with discordant growth have an acceptable outcome without intervention. Also, the isolated presence of polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios in one sac and normal amniotic fluid in the other precludes the diagnosis of TTTS and should provoke the search for discordant congenital anomalies (e.g., bilateral renal agenesis as the cause for anhydramnios in one twin).

Prediction of Monochorionic Pregnancies at Risk for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

Several unsuccessful attempts have been made to predict monochorionic twin pregnancies that will develop TTTS. Discordant first-trimester nuchal translucency is associated with an increased risk for subsequent development of TTTS because it may reflect impaired ventricular function in the hypervolemic recipient twin. A discordance in nuchal translucency of greater than 20% is present in about 25% of monochorionic twin pregnancies and can detect 52% of cases complicated by TTTS, but the positive predictive value is only 36%. Other predictive factors that have been considered include discordant crown-rump length in the first trimester, discordant abdominal circumference in the second trimester, umbilical cord insertion site discordance, and amniotic fluid discordance). ,

Finally, it may be impossible to accurately predict TTTS owing to dynamic changes in the vascular anastomotic patterns and flows associated with a rapidly growing placenta. Most fetal care centers recommend that all monochorionic twin pregnancies be monitored by ultrasound evaluation every 2 weeks. At these examinations, relative amniotic fluid volumes, bladder filling, growth, and visualization of a free-floating intertwin membrane should be evaluated, perhaps with Doppler studies as well. Patients should also be informed of the symptoms of TTTS and advised to seek immediate medical advice if they notice rapidly increasing abdominal girth or premature contractions.

Staging of Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

The Quintero staging system is still the most universally accepted method for staging TTTS ( Table 34.5 ).

  • In stage I, the donor displays oligohydramnios, and the recipient displays polyhydramnios, with normal Doppler findings. The bladder is visible in the donor.

  • In stage II, the bladder is not visible in the donor, but both twins have normal Doppler measurements.

  • In stage III, there are abnormal Doppler measurements in one or both twins including absent or reversed end-diastolic flow in the umbilical artery (usually in the donor) or a reversed a wave in the ductus venosus or venous pulsations in the umbilical vein (typically in the recipient).

  • In stage IV, hydrops is present (usually in the recipient).

  • In stage V, IUFD of one or both twins is found.

TABLE 34.5
Quintero Staging System, Modified for Earlier Presentations of Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome a
Gestational Age DVP Recipient DVP Donor
<18 wk >6 cm <2 cm
<20 wk b ≥8 cm <2 cm
≥20 wk b ≥10 cm b <2 cm
With either

Bladder filling in donor Absent bladder filling in donor Abnormal Doppler findings:

  • Absent/reversed EDF umbilical artery (donor)

  • Reversed a wave ductus venosus (recipient)

Hydrops fetalis Intrauterine fetal demise

DVP, Deepest vertical pocket; EDF, end-diastolic flow.

a Twin-twin transfusion syndrome cases should have a DVP of 8 cm on the recipient side and <2 cm on the donor side. Classification is further determined by filling status of the bladder in the donor (stage I and II). Additional (Doppler) ultrasound features upgrade stage.

b Most European centers use a cutoff of 10 cm for gestation greater than 20 weeks. For presentations earlier than 18 weeks, cutoffs have not been agreed on.

Progression of TTTS is not sequential through the Quintero’s stages, as cases can progress directly from stage I to stage V, and TTTS can manifest with stage III findings from the beginning. In stage III and beyond, there is obvious and measurable hemodynamic impact, as documented in the review by Van Mieghem and associates. , Several attempts have been made to incorporate a fetal cardiac function score in the staging of TTTS. These include the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) cardiovascular score, Cincinnati score, and cardiovascular profile score. A significant number of fetuses classified as having abnormal cardiac function would have been classified at a lower severity if the Quintero system alone had been used. However, the clinical utility of adding a formal cardiovascular scoring system to the staging of TTTS remains unproven. , , Given the burden of abnormal cardiac function on both the donor and the recipient, it seems likely that fetal echocardiography will form an important adjunct in the evaluation of TTTS cases.

Treatment of Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

Untreated TTTS can be associated with mortality rates of 80% to 90%. Other contributors to mortality and morbidity include polyhydramnios, which may lead to spontaneous abortion or extreme preterm delivery, and IUFD may result from cardiac failure in the recipient or poor perfusion in the donor. In view of the poor outcome of untreated midtrimester TTTS, there is general consensus that treatment should be offered. Even with the latest treatment modalities, the risks of adverse outcome are significant, and after treatment the pregnancy must be monitored carefully and remains at high risk until delivery. Therefore, the option of a pregnancy termination should be part of every patient’s counseling.


Traditionally, serial amnioreduction was the only procedure available to reduce polyhydramnios and intrauterine pressure in the hope of alleviating uterine contractions and prolonging pregnancy. Theoretically, amnioreduction might also improve fetal hemodynamics by reducing the amniotic fluid pressure and thereby enhancing uteroplacental perfusion. Amnioreduction is a relatively simple technique involving aspiration of amniotic fluid via an 18- to 20-gauge needle under ultrasound guidance until restoration of normal amniotic fluid volume can be documented. The main limitation of amnioreduction is its failure to address the underlying pathology of the disease because the vascular anastomoses remain patent. Furthermore, even if amnioreduction can resolve or stabilize stage I or II disease, therapy fails in about one-third of cases. Several implications of amnioreduction should be considered when embarked on as a therapeutic option for TTTS. First, after failed amnioreduction, subsequent laser coagulation may be hampered by intraamniotic bleeding, membrane separation, or unintentional septostomy. In addition, even in pregnancies with stable disease, the pathology persists and may result in the premature birth of two compromised infants, with the associated risk of neonatal death and morbidity. Additionally, in the event of IUFD of one twin, the surviving twin may exsanguinate into the fetoplacental compartment of the deceased co-twin, leading to double IUFD or hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in the surviving twin. , Although the previous complication can be seen with laser treatment for TTTS, it is more common with amnioreduction.

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