Special pediatric disorders

Autism spectrum disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a biologically based neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairments in two major domains: (1) deficits in social communication and social interaction in multiple settings and (2) restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. ASD includes disorders previously known as autism, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, and Asperger syndrome. The diagnosis of ASD is made clinically, based on history, physical examination, and observations of behavior. According to the DSM-5 ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, May 2013) criteria, a diagnosis of ASD also requires that the symptoms must impair function, be present in the early developmental period, and are not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay. The prevalence of autism in the United States and other countries has been increasing since the 1970s (0.4 to 0.5/1000), and particularly since the late 1990s (2/1000) ( ). The increasing incidence may be the result of improved awareness and recognition, changes in diagnosis, and younger age at diagnosis. However, because the prevalence has continued to rise despite the consistent use of diagnostic criteria, an increase in the actual prevalence of ASD cannot be ruled out. The latest estimates of worldwide prevalence of autism in large-scale surveys are 1% to 2%. ASD is four times more common in males than in females ( ).

Epidemiologic studies have suggested various risk factors, including advanced maternal or paternal reproductive age, compromises to perinatal and neonatal health, and environmental exposure to chemicals. There is increasing evidence that ASD has a genetic basis. An interplay between genetic and environmental factors is likely responsible. More than 70% of patients with ASD have concurrent medical, developmental, or psychiatric conditions. Common developmental issues include intellectual disability (45%), language disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Medical conditions occur in a significant proportion of patients with ASD: epilepsy (8% to 30%); gastrointestinal problems, including abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) (9% to 70%); genetic syndromes (5%); and sleep disorders (50% to 80%). The incidence of ASD is 24% to 60% in patients with tuberous sclerosis, 21% to 50% in fragile X syndrome, and 5% to 39% in Down syndrome (DS). Aggressive behavior is very common (up to 68%), as are self-injurious behaviors (up to 50%). Common concurrent psychiatric conditions include anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder ( ).

Perioperative management

Patients with ASD have characteristic behaviors that impede their ability to cope with a diagnostic or surgical procedure requiring anesthesia care, including impaired communication and social skills, restrictive interests, repetitive behaviors, sensory issues, poor problem-solving abilities, and a high level of stress and anxiety. Because most children with ASD function best in predictable routine environments, being in a healthcare setting creates a highly stressful situation that may trigger maladaptive behaviors, including refusal to cooperate, refusal to take oral premedication, temper tantrums, and aggressive outbursts. These patients can be highly sensitive to the visual, tactile, and auditory stimuli of the perioperative setting, and even simple stimuli such as placing monitors or a face mask may overwhelm them. There is great variation in the severity of ASD in addition to the needs and the behavior of each individual patient. Therefore a key principle in the successful management of these patients is early communication with the family well ahead of the day of the procedure to develop an effective, individualized perioperative and anesthetic care plan so that the entire experience is as safe and comfortable as possible ( ; ). When the patient’s caregiver functions as an expert advisor, the unique needs of each patient can be best served. Because patients interact with a number of different healthcare providers other than the anesthesia team, a multidisciplinary approach, including nursing, anesthesia, and child life specialists, is most effective. An individualized healthcare plan for patients with developmental and behavioral challenges should be developed prior to the planned procedure in consultation with the patient and family to evaluate and plan accommodations for the child’s particular needs ( ). Elements of such a plan include minimizing waiting time, providing a quiet environment, knowing how to effectively communicate with the child, encouraging active participation by the child’s caregivers, ensuring that the patient’s personal toys and security items are present, providing appropriate distraction, and avoiding restraint when possible ( ). Child life specialists often develop such a plan and provide preoperative visits to the institution to familiarize the patient with the environment and the planned procedure. Preoperative consultation with the anesthesiologist may be helpful to develop an appropriate anesthetic plan, including the details of premedication, induction, emergence, and discharge ( ). The plan must be individualized, coordinated, and flexible should the need for alternative approaches arise. If the patient requires repeated anesthetics, this “adaptive care” plan can serve as a template for future encounters. If the patient requires multiple procedures under anesthesia, it is best to coordinate them during a single anesthetic.

Premedication of the patient with ASD is often necessary to facilitate the safe and reasonably smooth induction of anesthesia. It may be helpful to administer a nonsedating oral anxiolytic medication (diazepam or clonidine) at home under supervision of the child’s pediatrician before arrival at the healthcare institution. Contraindications to medication at home include major craniofacial airway abnormalities, sleep apnea, and significant cardiac disease. Benefits include decreased distress, improved patient experience, and better patient compliance for future visits ( ). Premedication shortly before induction of anesthesia is commonly accomplished with oral midazolam. However, the effects in patients with ASD may be unpredictable, and sedation may not be sufficient to allow for smooth induction ( ). Ketamine, which has minimal adverse reactions and is available in intravenous (IV), intramuscular, and oral dosing routes, is an effective and reliable preoperative sedative for patients with ASD ( ). Oral ketamine has a 17% bioavailability, compared with 93% when given intramuscularly or intravenously ( ). Oral ketamine and midazolam in combination may be especially helpful for patients with severe ASD. Oral or nasal (1 to 2 mcg/kg) dexmedetomidine has also been used. Currently, there is a lack of high-quality evidence to suggest best premedication practices ( ). A topical anesthetic cream is applied if an IV induction is planned. Depending on the degree of sedation and cooperation achieved, a mask induction or IV induction is chosen. Parental presence may make the induction smoother. Intramuscular ketamine (4 to 5 mg/kg) may be needed if the patient is agitated or combative on induction (see Chapter 16 , “Preoperative Preparation”). The use of music, video, television, toys, and electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets may be useful distraction techniques during the induction ( ; ). The use of restraints should be avoided whenever possible and should be discussed with the family beforehand.

Adequate analgesia, IV hydration, and antiemetic prophylaxis are important for a smooth recovery period. Although emergence agitation is a fairly common occurrence in pediatric patients, patients with ASD may react especially poorly to changes in their routine, and waking up in strange surroundings can be alarming for them. A bolus dose of dexmedetomidine (0.5 to 1 mcg/kg IV) given toward the end of the anesthetic may help prevent emergence agitation and may also be used to treat it in the recovery period. Involving parents early in the recovery phase; providing a quiet recovery environment with reduced noise, movement, and light; and removing IV catheters early all help promote a smooth recovery. Ambulatory anesthesia with early discharge allows these patients to return to their normal environment and routine as soon as possible. Should admission be required, it is important to acknowledge that parents have a wealth of knowledge about their child and to provide care in a true partnership with them. Although excellent review articles have been published ( ), there is an urgent need for more research to establish an evidence base upon which to improve clinical practice. Proactive preanesthetic evaluation, individualized treatment plans that are multidisciplinary and flexible, and implementing appropriate adaptations are critical to making the anesthetic experience more comfortable and less stressful for these patients and their families.

Down syndrome

The constellation of anomalies associated with Down syndrome (DS) presents a unique challenge to the anesthesia team ( ). As the most common autosomal chromosomal disorder in humans, most children with DS have trisomy 21. The condition occurs once in every 700 live births, resulting in approximately 5400 children born with DS annually in America ( ). DS is no longer limited to the pediatric population. The median age at the time of death is almost 60 years of age. Cardiovascular and respiratory issues are the two leading causes of death, and dementia is the third ( ; ). Described as early as 1866, the phenotypic expression of this trisomy causes anomalies affecting nearly every organ system ( ):

  • 1.

    The airway is prone to obstruction because of a flat nasal bone, midface hypoplasia, short palate, large tongue, and hypertrophic tonsils from chronic infection ( ). Subglottic stenosis, vocal cord paralysis and laryngomalacia are also common in this population ( ). Although often underdiagnosed clinically, as many as 65% of children with DS screen positive for sleep-disordered breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea ( ), with residual symptoms even after surgery to address an upper airway problem. Because normal oximetry does not exclude obstructive sleep apnea, the threshold for obtaining polysomnographic sleep studies should be low ( ).

  • 2.

    Nearly half of all children with DS exhibit congenital heart anomalies, including endocardial cushion defects (43% of lesions), ventricular septal defects (32%), and atrial septal defects (10%) ( ). Children with DS are at unique risk for developing pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) as a result of congenital heart disease, chronic airway obstruction, and the resultant hypoxia. Studies indicate that children with DS have a significantly higher mean pulmonary artery pressure and develop PAH significantly earlier than their matched counterparts with congenital heart disease but without DS ( ).

  • 3.

    Generalized hypotonia and joint laxity may result in atlantoaxial and atlantooccipital joint and cervical spine instability ( Fig. 54.1 ). As many as 30% of children with DS have radiographic evidence of increased movement at the craniovertebral junction, but few have clinical symptoms. Routine preoperative radiography is not recommended in the absence of clinical concerns ( ). The newest American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines no longer recommend routine cervical spine x-rays for asymptomatic children with DS ( ).

    Fig. 54.1, Atlantoaxial Instability.

  • 4.

    Moderate-to-severe mental retardation with an IQ of 25 to 85 is typical. Approximately 5% to 15% of patients with DS have a seizure disorder requiring anticonvulsant management. The majority of DS patients, though developmentally delayed, are warm, cheerful, and cooperative, although a small percentage can be stubborn or fearful. Additionally, over 50% of children with DS have some degree of hearing loss, mainly the result of chronic otitis media and serous otitis ( ).

  • 5.

    The presence of an additional chromosome 21 affects blood cell precursors, particularly in early life. Up to 80% of newborns with DS have neutrophilia, up to 66% have thrombocytopenia, and up to 34% have polycythemia ( ). Additionally, the risk for leukemia in DS is 10 to 15 times that in unaffected children ( ).

  • 6.

    Hypothyroidism occurs in 15% to 20% of DS patients, and diabetes is common later in life. Additionally, DS patients have been found to have below-normal catecholamine levels and altered autonomic cardiac regulation, which may blunt the response to sudden hemodynamic change or position changes ( ).

  • 7.

    The gastrointestinal system is affected in more than 10% of DS patients, with conditions including duodenal atresia, annular pancreas, tracheoesophageal fistula, imperforate anus, Hirschsprung disease, and gastroesophageal reflux, which may require surgery.

Preoperative assessment and care

Although the general health and emotional status of each child should be noted before induction of anesthesia, the preoperative assessment of the child with DS should focus particularly on the cardiovascular system, the airway, and the cervical spine. The goal of preoperative assessment is to optimize patient safety by choosing the appropriate setting and perioperative personnel and to identify risk factors that can be mitigated by preparation and intervention.

Outside the neonatal period, the DS patient undergoing anesthesia should be previously assessed by a cardiologist, including an echocardiogram by 6 months of age, as recommended by the AAP ( ). Regular follow-up with a cardiologist is imperative, particularly if the patient has a repaired lesion, as significant structural disease may not result in audible murmurs or be readily apparent by history. The newest American Heart Association guidelines should determine which children require antibiotic prophylaxis for subacute bacterial endocarditis ( ).

The patient’s respiratory status should be evaluated with a detailed history. Particular interest should be given to prior airway surgery and persistent symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring, pauses in breathing, restless sleep, or daytime somnolence. A past history of croup or recent upper respiratory tract infection should raise a red flag, as postanesthesia upper airway complications and complications after ear/nose/throat (ENT) surgery are more frequent in patients with DS ( ). Children with DS are prone to multilevel upper airway collapse, often rendering their obstructive symptoms resistant to the standard first-line surgical treatment of adenotonsillectomy ( ). Drug-induced sedation endoscopy allows direct visualization of the airway at multiple levels during spontaneous breathing, demonstrating the type and degree of airway obstruction. The results may direct further surgery without the need of another sedation or hospital admission ( ).

Although routine cervical spine radiographs are not recommended in asymptomatic patients with DS for elective surgery, a careful and focused history probing for signs of neurologic change or deterioration should be elicited, followed by a physical examination to assess range of motion, strength, and reflexes ( ). These deficits may be difficult to identify in developmentally delayed patients. Subtle findings, such as reduced physical activity or reduced use of an extremity, may be present. Pain may occur in the neck, occiput, or head. More pronounced findings may include frank weakness or paralysis in the upper or lower extremities and gait disturbances. Although this is a high spinal cord pathology, the symptoms may present in the lower extremities ( ; ). If new neurologic deficits are present, further evaluation of the cervical spine and neurosurgical consultation are indicated before proceeding with elective surgery. For urgent surgery, the DS patient should be treated with appropriate cervical spine precautions.


Like many pediatric patients, those with DS can benefit from anxiolytic premedication, often with midazolam. If the patient has significant airway obstruction, the dose of sedative premedication should be reduced or withheld. Careful observation of airway and respiratory status after sedation is necessary.

Children with DS are significantly more likely to experience bradycardia during and after sevoflurane induction. Studies indicate that having anticholinergic agents such as atropine available during induction may be prudent, particularly in reducing the copious secretions often present in patients with DS ( ). But with no significant difference in hypotension, pharmacologic interventions, or outcomes, universal prophylactic preinduction administration of atropine is unnecessary ( ).

Induction and maintenance of anesthesia

After ensuring the immediate availability of adjuncts such as oropharyngeal airways, laryngeal mask airways (LMAs), and difficult airway equipment, gentle mask induction may be performed with sevoflurane. Possibly because of their lower sympathetic tone and decreased circulating catecholamines, DS patients are more likely than other children to develop bradycardia during induction and should be monitored closely. This bradycardia is commonly corrected by simply decreasing the concentration of sevoflurane ( ). In one retrospective study, bradycardia with hypotension occurred in 57% of DS patients induced with sevoflurane compared with 12% in a control group. A multivariate analysis demonstrated an association with Down syndrome and low American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status with bradycardia. The presence of congenital heart disease was not an independent predictor. Treatment in 24% consisted of an intramuscular or intravascular injection of an anticholinergic. None were administered sympathomimetics ( ).

A gentle jaw thrust may be necessary to maintain airway patency, along with the insertion of an oropharyngeal airway, because of the large tongue, small mouth, midface hypoplasia, floppy epiglottis, and baseline hypotonia. Intubation may be avoided entirely if surgical duration and conditions allow. Because subglottic stenosis is common, careful endotracheal intubation with a tube that is one or two sizes smaller than expected may be required. An LMA may be also be recommended ( ). Care must be taken in passing the tube, and a leak test must be performed to ensure appropriate endotracheal tube (ETT) size. Additionally, special care should be taken at all times during the manipulation of the neck, regardless of a reassuring radiograph. The flexion of the neck carries the greatest risk of subluxation in the presence of atlantoaxial instability. A laryngoscopy with the extension of the head and concomitant lifting of the skull may result in C1–C2 subluxation ( ). Although anesthesia societies have not produced clear guidelines, protection of the cervical spine may be achieved with either manual in-line stabilization, neck collars, or use of video laryngoscopy ( ). Awake extubation minimizes the risk for postoperative airway obstruction.

Postoperative care

Postoperative airway complications are a significant risk in patients with DS ( ). Therefore vigilance must be high, and plans should be in place to recognize and intervene in the event of obstruction. Continuous pulse oximetry, supplemental oxygen, and postanesthesia care unit (PACU) nurses who are well versed in maintaining airway patency are required. Postintubation croup has an average onset of 20 to 30 minutes after ETT removal and may be treated with IV dexamethasone or inhaled racemic epinephrine.

Pain management in the cognitively impaired pediatric patient can be a challenge. Because these patients often have difficulty verbalizing their discomfort, they express pain and discomfort more slowly and localize the stimulus less precisely than other patients ( ). This finding, coupled with a reluctance to administer higher-dose narcotics in a patient population prone to airway obstruction, puts DS patients at risk for inadequate pain therapy. Careful judgment based on objective physiologic parameters (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure), pain scales, and parental input are important for adequate analgesia. Ultrasound-guided peripheral and neuraxial blockade are excellent methods of analgesia that will reduce the need for postoperative narcotics that may cause respiratory depression (see Chapter 23 , Acute Pain Management, and Chapter 24 , Regional Anesthesia). The life expectancy of patients with DS has quadrupled in the last 50 years. Improved access to cardiac surgery and better medical management bring the promise that DS patients will be cared for frequently in the operating suite, providing a unique but rewarding challenge for anesthesia providers.

Anaphylaxis and latex allergy

Anesthetists are often confronted with a child with a food allergy, family history of allergy, atopy, or allergic reaction to a drug. Childhood allergy is common, and population data suggest that the incidence of drug-induced anaphylaxis overall is increasing ( ). Sadly, many children are incorrectly labeled with a drug allergy or adverse drug reaction, which could lead to alterations in clinical practice or perioperative drug selection by anesthesia providers ( ). Careful delabeling of these allergies, particularly in antibiotics, could reduce the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and prevent surgical site infections resulting from inadequate prophylactic coverage from second-line agents ( ).

In screening for risk factors preoperatively, a history of asthma, food allergy, multiple prior surgeries, and a family history of atopy are all sensitive, if not particularly specific, indicators of possible increased risk ( ). In children, the most common causes of anaphylaxis (both in and out of the perioperative period) are food products, venoms, and medications. Although not comprehensively reported worldwide, surveys out of Australia, France, and the UK estimate the incidence of pediatric perioperative anaphylaxis between 1:10,000 and 1:37,000 ( ; ). In the United States the most likely causes for intraoperative anaphylaxis are neuromuscular blockers and antibiotics. Of the antibiotics, cephalosporins, followed by penicillin, are the most likely allergen ( ). Latex has historically been the second leading cause of anaphylaxis in the operating room, but the incidence appears to be declining with the removal of latex products from many hospitals. Other agents that cause anaphylaxis during the intraoperative period include dyes (patent blue V, isosulfan blue, methylene blue), colloids, and antiseptics such as chlorohexidine and iodine ( ). Sugammadex-induced hypersensitivity has also been implicated as use of the medication has become more widespread ( ).


Patients who are penicillin allergic may have a reaction if exposed to cephalosporins because of the similarities of the R1 side chain attached to the shared beta-lactam ring ( Fig. 54.2 ). The AAP now states that the likelihood of a cephalosporin allergic reaction is no higher in penicillin-allergic patients as long as the side chains of the two drugs are different ( ). Current recommendations by the American Academy of Allergy on cephalosporin use in the setting of proven penicillin allergy suggest that a convincing history of immunoglobulin E (IgE)–mediated allergy should mandate formal allergy testing and avoidance of the particular antibiotic class ( ). reviewed this topic in detail.

Fig. 54.2, This is a graphic representation of allergic cross-reactivity with other antibiotics.

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