Whipstitch-Post Tibial Fixation for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Essentially, only three methods are currently used for gripping anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) grafts so that they may be fixated to bone:

  • Friction: Fixation is applied either against cancellous bone by an intratunnel interference screw or on the cortex by a gripping washer such as a WasherLoc, staple, or similar device.

  • Loop: The graft is looped around a post such as a cross-pin or through a fabric loop attached to a cortical suspensory button. This is generally, but not always, done at the femoral end.

  • Whipstitch: A suture is interwoven into the graft and then tied around a post (whipstitch–post: WSP) or loop.

WSP was one of the first devised methods of graft fixation, but with the increase in popularity of bone–patellar tendon–bone (BPTB) grafts and interference screws in the 1980s, the WSP became less popular. Hamstrings (HS) were believed to be less stable, and HS surgeons emulated BPTB techniques in an effort to increase stability, including the use of interference screws with bone blocks and other friction fixation techniques. This ignores the fact that friction fixation is inherently less suited to the smooth, compressible, viscoelastic soft tissue graft than to the rough-surfaced, rigid BPTB graft. It also ignores the fact that many of the highest-stability results in the literature with soft tissue grafts used WSP tibial fixation.

This chapter will present biomechanical and clinical data supporting WSP. It also provides detailed technique and troubleshooting sections.


Elongation and Stiffness

The purpose of fixation is to hold the graft without allowing elongation from the fixation site until biological healing has occurred. Elongation can occur from slippage of the fixation device relative to the bone, or slippage of the graft relative to the fixation device. Although stiffness has been much considered as an important attribute of ACL graft fixation devices, it is less important than elongation because it only represents the elasticity of the graft–fixation construct prior to the healing of the graft in the tunnel. For BPTB, this is roughly 6 weeks. For soft tissue, it is 8–10 weeks. After this period, the stiffness of the fixation device or the extra-articular portion of the graft is no longer part of the load-bearing portion of the structure, which consists only of the intra-articular portion of the graft. In fact, a high-stiffness construct will tend to concentrate mechanical force on the graft–bone interface before graft incorporation has occurred, whereas a low-stiffness construct will dissipate graft strain through elastic deformation of the graft–fixation construct and potentially offer some protection to slippage or elongation at the fixation–bone interface. The WSP method relies on extra-tunnel cortical fixation and would be a lower-stiffness construct than an aperture-fixated construct because it is longer, if all else were equal. However, To et al. have shown that the increase in stiffness produced by the use of cortical fixation is much greater than the reduction in stiffness from the greater length of the construct.

Clinically, grafts usually elongate as a result of cyclical loading, not catastrophic failure. Some of the lowest elongations yet recorded from cyclical loading were published in a study of six commonly used devices by Coleridge and Amis, and are in the range of 1 mm after 1000 cycles. In our own study, we found elongation using WSP fixation to be unsurpassed by any of these fixation devices ( Table 78.1 ). The standard deviation was also very low, indicating high consistency of the fixation results.

TABLE 78.1
Graft Elongation as a Function of Tibial Fixation Method
Data from Coleridge SD, Amis AA. A comparison of five tibial-fixation systems in hamstring-graft anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2004;12(5):391–397 and Prodromos CC, Hecker A, Joyce B, Finkle S, Shi K. Elongation of simulated whipstitch post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction tibial fixation after cyclic loading. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2009;17(8):914–919 [results].
Fixation Method Mean Adjusted Slip (mm) Range (mm) Standard Deviation (mm)
Intrafix 0.69 0.43–3.72 0.66
WasherLoc 0.88 0.80–3.92 0.86
Delta screw 1.14 0.80–3.92 0.86
Bicortical screw 1.17 0.84–2.44 0.55
RCI screw 1.30 0.76–3.27 0.92
Endobutton 1.13 0.66–1.64 0.32

Indirect Versus Direct Fixation

Direct fixation holds direct purchase on the graft. Examples are interference screws and spiked ligament screw washers. Indirect fixation holds purchase through an intermediary substance. Tibial WSP fixation is in the indirect category, as is the fabric loop of Endobutton fixation. Both methods can be used effectively. However, indirect fixation has the added advantage of being able to accommodate a shorter graft. There is evidence that 15 mm or less is sufficient graft length in the tunnel to allow satisfactory healing. This is all that is needed for indirect fixation, such as the WSP described here. Greater length is required for interference screw fixation to allow sufficient length of the graft along the interference screw. Even more length is required if a spiked ligament screw washer is used on the tibial cortex, because the graft must be long enough to extend out of the tibial tunnel.

Clinical Results

A meta-analysis of all HS and BPTB clinical series subdivided HS grafts into subgroups by fixation type. The subgroup with the highest stability rates used an Endobutton on the femur and primarily WSP tibial fixation. These stability rates exceeded those found using BPTB. Of the six HS high-stability series with no graft failures, four used WSP fixation. Finally, the study with the overall highest stability rate also used WSP. In a different study, data presented from a series of five-strand HS grafts that used WSP fixation on both the tibia and femur with mean 8-year follow-up had the highest stability rates yet reported for a semitendinosus/gracilis (ST/Gr) graft.

Morbidity, if the screw is carefully placed, is almost nonexistent. A 0% rate of screw removal due to patient irritation from the cortical screw post has been recently reported in a large series, with 2- to 8-year follow-up.

Surgical Technique


The key to the WSP technique is to maximally tighten the suture weave in the graft before tying the sutures to the post. In this way, no significant postfixation elongation should occur. The following technique can be used for any soft tissue graft. We use it on the ends of the ST or Gr that will enter the tibial tunnel.

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