Three-Dimensional Morphology of the Knee


Of primary interest to the author of this chapter is the analysis of the intrinsic shape differences of the knee joint between different ethnic populations for development of implantable orthopedic devices. The research presented is thus threefold: by developing a novel automatic feature-detection algorithm, a set of automated measurements can be defined based on highly morphometric variant regions, which then allows for a statistical framework when analyzing different populations' knee joint differences.

Ethnic differences in lower limb morphology have received attention in orthopedic literature, which focuses on the differences between Asian and Western populations because this variation is of great import in implant design. For example, femurs from Chinese people are more anteriorly bowed and externally rotated, with smaller intermedullary canals and smaller distal condyles than femurs from white individuals. Similarly, femurs from white people are larger than that of the Japanese in terms of length and distal condyle dimensions. The medical literature has also established ethnic differences in proximal femur bone mineral density (BMD) and hip axis length between black and white Americans. The combined effects of higher BMD, shorter hip axis length, and shorter intertrochanteric width may explain the lower prevalence of osteoporotic fractures in black women compared with their white counterparts. Similarly, elderly Asian and black men were found to have thicker cortices and higher BMD than white and Hispanic men, which may contribute to greater bone strength in these ethnic groups. In general, black populations have thicker bone cortices, narrower endosteal diameters, and greater BMD than do white populations. However, interestingly, these traits are most pronounced when comparing African black with American black populations.

The following analysis will consider landmarks and shape variation in the lower limb of modern black and white Americans. This chapter has been updated since initial publication to include discussion material relating morphology to kinematics and soft tissues. For a more recent treatment of ethnic differences, including larger populations and Asian subsets, the author recommends the manuscript by Mahfouz et al. Three-dimensional (3D) statistical bone atlases will be used to facilitate rapid and accurate data collection in the form of automated measurements, including some measurements tested in the studies previously mentioned, as well as measurements used in biomedical studies and some newly devised measurements. The shape analysis will be conducted with a statistical treatment combining principal components analysis (PCA) and multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) ; analysis of landmarks and clinically relevant axes will be performed using t -tests, power tests, and linear discriminant analysis as in the study by Mahfouz et al. The results of these analyses will add to the existing knowledge of morphologic variation in the knee joint and provide useful information that can be extracted for prosthesis design, preoperative planning, and intraoperative navigation.

Materials and Methods

The foundation of the current approach derives from the use of computed tomography (CT) scans for data collection combined with the computational power and precision offered by statistical bone atlases. As such, data acquisition and analysis requires a number of distinct steps. The data acquisition and segmentation steps are described in the “Data Acquisition” section. The “ Atlas Creation and Validation ” section details the creation of statistical bone atlases for black and white Americans. The analysis of global morphologic differences between both ethnic groups is explained in the “Morphologic Shape Analysis” section. The “ Automated Measurements ” section describes the complete automated quantitative analysis of each femur and tibia, which consists of detecting bony landmarks, measuring linear features, and calculating relevant axes and angles (eg, transepicondylar axis [TEA], anatomic axis). Automation of these measurements is possible because of the vast of information contained in the ethnic-specific statistical atlases.

Data Acquisition

A dataset of 223 male individuals (183 white Americans and 40 black Americans) was scanned using CT. Only normal femurs and tibia were included in this study; femurs or tibia with severe osteophytes and other abnormalities were specifically excluded. Only one femur and tibia was chosen from each individual, with no preference taken to either right or left side.

The bones were CT scanned using 0.625 mm × 0.625 mm × 0.625 mm cubic voxels. The result is high resolution, 3D radiographs in the form of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) image slices. This stacked image data were then segmented, and surface models were generated. This process has been found to be reliable with negligible inter- and intra-observer error. These models were then added to the ethnicity-specific statistical bone atlases.

Atlas Creation and Validation

Briefly, a bone atlas is an average mold, or template mesh, that captures the primary shape variation of a bone and allows for the comparison of global shape differences between groups or populations. Bone atlases were developed initially for automatic medical image segmentation ; however, it can be used as a way to digitally recreate a bone and conduct statistical shape analyses. In addition, they have proven useful in biologic anthropology as a means of studying sexual dimorphism and for reconstructing hominid fossils and making shape comparisons among fossil species.

For the ethnicity difference analysis in this study, a previously developed technique for creating a statistical representation of bone shape was used in a novel manner. Two separate statistical atlases of femurs were compiled with one atlas containing only femurs of white Americans and the other only femurs of black Americans. Similarly, two separate atlases were created for the tibia and divided in the same manner (ie, tibiae of white and black Americans). The processes of creating these statistical atlases and adding bones to the atlases are outlined below.

First, all of the bone models in the dataset were compared, and a bone model with average shape characteristics was selected to act as a template mesh. The points in the template mesh are then matched to corresponding points in all of the other training models. This ensures that all of the bones have the same number of vertices and the same triangular connectivity. Next, a series of registration and warping techniques was used to select corresponding points on all the other bone models in the training set. This process of picking point correspondences on new models to be added to the atlas is “nontrivial.” The matching algorithm described here uses several well-known techniques of computer vision, as well as a novel contribution for final surface alignment.

During the first step in the matching algorithm, the centroids of the template mesh and the new mesh were aligned, and the template mesh was prescaled to match the bounding box dimensions of the new mesh. Second, a rigid alignment of the template mesh to the new mesh was performed using a standard vertex-to-vertex iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm. Third, after rigid alignment we performed a general affine transformation without iteration. This method was applied to align the template mesh to the new mesh using 12 degrees of freedom (rotations, translations, scaling, and shear). After the affine transformation step, the template and new model have reached the limits of linear transformation, but local portions of the models still remain significantly distant. Because the goal of final surface-to-surface matching is to create new points on the surface of the new model that will have similar local spatial characteristics as the template model, a novel nonlinear iterative warping approach was developed to reduce misalignment.

To achieve point correspondence ( Fig. 16.1 ), an iterative algorithm is used in which the closest vertex-to-vertex correspondences are found from the template to the new model as before, but now we also find the correspondences from the new model to the template model. Using both of these point correspondences, points on the template mesh are moved toward locations on the new mesh, using a nonsymmetrical weighting of the vectors of correspondence. Next, a subroutine consisting of an iterative smoothing algorithm is applied to the now-deformed template mesh. This smoothing algorithm seeks to average the size of adjacent triangles on the template mesh, thereby eliminating discontinuities. At the beginning of the warping algorithm, the smoothing algorithm uses the actual areas of the surrounding triangles to dictate the smoothing vector applied to each point, which aids in effectively removing outlying points with large triangles. Consequently, at the beginning of the process the template mesh makes large steps, and larger smoothing is required. However, toward the end of the process the smoothing vector is normalized by the total area of the surrounding triangles, which allows for greater expansion of the template mesh into areas of high curvature. After this procedure has been completed on all the femurs and tibiae in their respective atlases, the atlases are ready for morphologic shape analyses and automated metric comparisons.

FIG 16.1, Flow chart outlining the process of the atlas creation.

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