Environmental Factors and Reproduction


The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Patrice Sutton of PRHE and Jessica Trowbridge, MPH, UC Berkeley, who contributed to the previous (8th Edition) of this chapter. Funding to support this work was provided to UCSF’s Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment and the Environmental Research and Translation for Health (EARTH) Center by the Barbara and Donald Jonas Family Fund, the JPB Foundation, the US Environmental Protection Agency (grant # RD83543301), and the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (grant # PO1ES022841 and #P30ES030284).

Introduction: Reproductive Health and the Environment

  • Documented adverse trends in reproductive health cannot be explained by genetics alone.

  • Exposure to environmental chemicals is ubiquitous and can contribute to adverse trends in reproductive health and other human diseases.

Documented adverse trends in reproductive health in the United States include declines in fertility, , sperm counts and age of onset of puberty , and increased rates of obesity, gestational diabetes, , preterm birth, and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism , and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These adverse trends are also reflected in a rise in noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes in high-, middle-, and low-income countries across the globe. , The timeframe of these changes is not consistent with heritable genetic mutations at the global population level, and a plausible explanation is exposure to environmental chemicals.

There is clear evidence of ubiquitous human exposure to environmental chemicals along with evidence finding environmental chemical exposure can increase the risk of adverse health impacts. Animal models and human epidemiologic data provide robust evidence for EDCs promoting male and female reproductive tract developmental abnormalities impacting childhood and adult health and fertility, and compromised pregnancy outcomes. In response to the evidence, reproductive health leaders and other scientists, clinicians, and their professional societies have called for timely action to prevent harm. This chapter summarizes reproductive and developmental health impacts of exposure to environmental chemicals, underlying mechanisms when known, and the role of clinicians and other healthcare professionals in prevention.


Reproductive environmental health addresses exposure to environmental contaminants, such as synthetic chemicals and metals and their effects on reproductive health and development. The World Health Organization defines endocrine disrupting chemicals as “exogenous substances or mixtures that alter function(s) of the endocrine system and consequently cause adverse effects in an intact organism, its progeny, or (sub)populations.” Exposure to EDCs can impact all periods of human development including gametogenesis, fertilization, embryo/fetal development, child neurodevelopment, puberty, fertility, and overall health in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Reproductive Health Professional Society Engagement on Environmental Health

  • Physicians and other healthcare professionals in the United States and around the world have issued a call to action to prevent exposure to toxic environmental chemicals.

The contemporary roots of physicians’ organized engagement on reproductive environmental health issues date to 1957 when the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) became concerned about child health impacts of radioactive fallout from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons; in the 1970s, the AAP broadened its focus to include the health consequences of exposure to environmental chemicals. The issue drew the concerted attention of reproductive health professionals in the 1990s with the publication of Generations at Risk: Reproductive Health and the Environment, which included compiled research linking environmental exposures to adverse reproductive health outcomes and intergenerational harm. In 2007, the University of California, San Francisco and the Collaborative on Health and the Environment convened the Summit on Environmental Challenges to Reproductive Health and Fertility , which brought together, for the first time, over 400 physicians, scientists, advocates, and policymakers to address reproductive environmental health science, clinical care approaches, and policy initiatives. In 2009 and again in 2015, the Endocrine Society explicated the basic science of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and the implications for human health and disease. , In 2013, leading US and UK reproductive health professional societies formally recognized the opportunity to advance women’s health by championing the prevention of patient exposure to toxic environmental chemicals. In 2015, reproductive health professionals around the world issued a call to action on reproductive environmental health and established a structure to ensure clinical engagement to advance this topic among health practitioners and policymakers (see Recommended Online Resources 1 through 5). , Today, reproductive health professionals around the world have moved from awareness toward action on preventing exposure to environmental chemicals.

Key Scientific Concepts

  • Preconception and prenatal exposure to environmental chemicals can impact adult health and the health of future generations.

  • The fetus can be uniquely sensitive to even small amounts of environmental chemicals.

  • Intergenerational harm can result from in utero exposure to exogenous chemicals.

  • The placenta does not protect the fetus from many damaging chemicals, and fetal exposure can be higher than maternal exposure.

Several key scientific concepts underlie the current understanding of reproductive environmental health.

Developmental Origins of Adult Health and Disease

The concept of developmental origins of adult health and disease describes links between the in utero environment, the external environment, an individual’s genes, and the propensity to develop disease or dysfunction later in life. , , The central nervous system, cardiovascular system, various endocrine systems, and the immune system are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects during development, and neurodevelopmental disorders and some cancers can be initiated before birth or during early postnatal life. , ,

The Fetus Can Be Uniquely Sensitive to Chemical Exposures: Thalidomide and Other Agents of Concern

The embryo, fetus, and developing human are highly vulnerable to exposure from even small amounts of environmental toxicants. This vulnerability is due to the unique and rapidly changing physiology, growth, and development of humans (i.e., high mitotic indices and cellular differentiation in developing organs; high metabolic rate; and an underdeveloped immune system, blood-brain barrier, and liver detoxifying mechanisms).

A critical window of susceptibility occurs when exposures to environmental contaminants can disrupt or interfere with the physiology of a targeted cell, tissue, or organ. Exposures that occur during this time can lead to permanent and lifelong health effects and can be transmitted to subsequent generations via epigenetic mechanisms (see below). Sensitive windows of susceptibility can still permit development of disease, with less intensity and severity, compared with those occurring in a critical window. Critical and sensitive windows occur during times of rapid development and cellular differentiation and proliferation such as those that occur during gametogenesis, embryogenesis, implantation, pregnancy, infancy, childhood, puberty, and lactation.

In the 1960s, the drug thalidomide was given to pregnant women to prevent morning sickness. While women who took the drug did not experience ill health effects, their children experienced a high rate of congenital limb and gastrointestinal malformations, particularly when their mother took the drug during the period of the 28th through the 42nd day after conception, which is the critical period of limb development. More than 10,000 children in 46 countries that approved the drug were born with deformities as a consequence of their mothers being prescribed the drug during pregnancy.

Intergenerational Harm Can Result From In Utero Exposure to Exogenous Chemicals: Diethylstilbestrol

Environmental chemical exposures can affect first generation (F0 [parental]) and second generation (F1 [offspring] and F2, germ cells of offspring) ( Fig. 20.1 ). To determine whether alterations are transmitted transgenerationally, the F3 generation (without direct exposure to the insult) must be studied.

Fig. 20.1, Three generations are exposed to environmental conditions (e.g., diet, stress, toxicants, and hormones).

Adverse health impacts of in utero exposure to environmental chemicals may appear at birth, such as with methyl mercury and severe neurologic effects (see below), and may also be delayed and/or manifest in future generations. The latter outcome is exemplified by the pharmaceutical diethylstilbestrol (DES), an estrogen that was prescribed in up to 10 million pregnancies from 1938 to 1971 with the intent to prevent miscarriage (though it was later proved ineffective for this) with no immediate adverse health impacts observed in the mother or newborn. Reproductive tract abnormalities began to emerge at puberty in the daughters and sons of DES-exposed women and continued to emerge 40 years after the index pregnancies and long after its use ended. , Delayed health impacts of in utero exposure to DES in adult women include clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina and cervix, structural reproductive tract anomalies, infertility, irregular menses, amenorrhea, poor pregnancy outcomes, and breast cancer. Hypospadias and cryptorchidism have been reported among sons and grandsons of women and men exposed to DES in utero . This is a remarkable example of transgenerational inheritance, and mechanisms specifically underlying this process strongly endorse the involvement of the epigenome (see below).

The Placenta Does Not Protect the Fetus From Damaging Environmental Chemicals: Methyl Mercury

Environmental chemicals can cross the placenta, and in some cases, such as with methyl mercury, they can bioaccumulate such that the fetal exposure is higher than maternal exposure. , , In the 1950s, waste discharge from a chemical factory in Japan polluted Minamata Bay, a primary source of food for the local population. Pregnant women who consumed contaminated fish and shellfish from the Bay were exposed to methyl mercury and subsequently gave birth to children with severe neurologic deficits, comprising a syndrome named Minamata disease. This tragedy established that the placenta does not protect the fetus from exposure to exogenous chemicals. Subsequent research has documented that developmental and cognitive effects can occur in children exposed prenatally to mercury even at low doses that do not result in effects in the mother and that the adverse neurologic effects of methyl mercury exposure may also be delayed. This may also be seen with other chemicals affecting neurodevelopment.

Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals

  • Every day, everyone everywhere is exposed to industrial chemicals.

  • Exposures and risks are inequitably and unequally distributed.

Synthetic Chemicals and Heavy Metals Are Ubiquitous in the Environment

Chemicals in the environment are manufactured for various uses (e.g., synthetic chemicals for consumer and industrial applications). They are also by-products of industrial and human activity and are released through land activities such as mining and fracking (e.g., heavy metals such as lead and mercury). There are over 350,000 chemicals and chemical mixtures registered for production and use worldwide, and thousands of high production volume chemicals in widespread use in the US leading to widespread pollution. , In the United States alone, chemicals in commerce increased more than 15-fold over the past 70 years ; in 2012, 9.5 trillion pounds of industrial chemicals were domestically manufactured and imported into the United States, which is the equivalent of 30,000 pounds for every US resident. The vast majority of chemicals in commerce have not been fully tested for reproductive, developmental, or other health effects. , , Most chemicals and mixtures have unregulated production and disposal and lack formal data-reporting processes, and there are wide differences across regions and countries. Moreover, of the 350,000 chemicals registered for production and use globally, about 50,000 are publicly unknown (“confidential”) and ∼70,000 are “ambiguously described.”

The thousands of high-volume chemicals in commerce are ubiquitous in the environment, which poses a major challenge to establishing health impacts and implementing effective interventions. They enter humans through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data have demonstrated levels of multiple chemicals measured in urine or blood in up to 100% of the US population. Presented below are classes of chemicals and metals illustrative of the most widespread environmental chemical toxicants. Contaminants specifically in pregnant women are considered in the following section below. Table 20.1 presents where these chemicals and other common chemicals are found and specific health outcomes associated with exposure.

  • Persistent organic pollutants (POPs): POPs are chemicals that, due to their physical structure, do not break down easily in the environment and can biomagnify up the food chain, leading to long-term and widespread exposures. These include chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). While certain POPs such as the pesticide dichlorodiphenyl-trichloro-ethane (DDT), its metabolite dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), and PCBs have been banned in the United States for decades, they are still found in virtually the entire population due to their ubiquitous presence in the environment, long half-life, and lipid solubility. Over 90% of the population in the US has detectable levels of pesticides and their metabolites in urine or serum. Most PBDEs in the US have been replaced by alternative flame retardants. However, because these chemicals are lipophilic, they persist in adipose tissue with a half-life of a few months to 12 years. ,

  • Pseudo-persistent compounds: These compounds have short half-lives in the human body but because exposures are frequent, they are found in most human samples. Examples include phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), bisphenol A (BPA), and perchlorate. , Detectable levels of BPA in urine are found in 93% of the US population, , and several phthalate metabolites are detectable in serum of > 95% of the US adult population.

  • Metals: Metals commonly found in the environment include mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and lead. Due to public policy initiatives that removed lead from gasoline, paint, food cans, and other products, blood levels of lead have dropped precipitously in the United States. However, the 2015 discovery of lead in Flint, Michigan’s drinking water reveals that there remain populations within the United States with high blood lead levels, which are often caused by exposure to lead-contaminated paint and lead in water pipes. , Cadmium derives from industrial sources and can also enter the food chain through soil absorption of leaking sewage. Moreover, smokers are exposed to cadmium through tobacco smoke and nonsmokers through second-hand smoke. The half-life of cadmium is 10 to 30 years, and there is no efficient way to recycle it. It accumulates in the liver, kidneys, testes, ovaries, and the placenta. ,

Table 20.1
Examples of Exposure Sources and Pathways and Selected Health Impacts of Preconception Exposure to Environmental Contaminants
Reprinted with permission from Wang A, Padula A, Sirota M, Woodruff TJ. Environmental influences on reproductive health: the importance of chemical exposures. Fertil Steril . 2016;106(4):905–929. Table 20.1 . Table references can be found in Wang et al.
Chemical Exposure Sources and Pathways Selected Health Impact (Reproduction, Poor Birth Outcome, Neurodevelopment, and Cancer)
PCBs Used as industrial insulators and lubricants; banned in the 1970s, but persistent in the aquatic and terrestrial food chains, which results in exposure by ingestion.
  • Decreased semen quality

  • Low birth weight

  • Development of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder-associated behavior

  • Reduced intelligence quotient

PFAS Widely used man-made organofluorine compounds with many diverse industrial and consumer product applications; examples are PFOS and PFOA, which are used in the manufacture of nonstick Teflon and other trademark cookware products and in food-contact packaging to provide grease, oil, and water resistance to plates, food containers, bags, and wraps that come into contact with food; persist in the environment; occupational exposure to workers and general population exposure by inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact.
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia

  • Reduced birth weight

  • Reduced fetal growth

  • Increased risk for thyroid disease in children

PBDEs Flame retardants that persist and bioaccumulate in the environment; they are found in furniture, textiles, carpeting, electronics, and plastics that are mixed into, but not bound to, foam or plastic.
  • Impaired neurodevelopment

  • Reduction in sustained attention and fine manipulative abilities

Phenols Examples are BPA, triclosan, and parabens.
BPA: Chemical intermediate for polycarbonate plastic and resins; found in consumer products and packaging; exposure through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal absorption.
  • Female reproductive toxicity (e.g., recurrent miscarriage)

  • Aggression and hyperactivity in female children

  • Impaired behavioral regulation (anxious, depressive, and hyperactive behaviors) in girls aged 3 years

  • Reduced neonatal TSH in boys

Synthetic chlorinated aromatic compound with antibacterial properties; used in many consumer products such as antibacterial soaps, deodorants, toothpastes, cosmetics, fabrics, plastics, and other products; exposure is through ingestion, dermal contact, and consumption of contaminated food and drinking water.
  • Decreased thyroxine concentrations

Most commonly used preservatives in cosmetic products, including makeup, moisturizers, hair care products, and shaving products; also used in foods and drugs; exposure through dermal absorption and ingestion.
  • Found to have estrogenic activity in vitro but further studies needed for their reproductive and developmental health impacts

Phthalates Synthetically derived; used in a variety of consumer goods such as medical devices, cleaning and building materials, personal care products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and toys; exposure occurs through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption.
  • Shortened gestational age

  • Male reproductive tract development (reduced anogenital distance)

  • Impaired neurodevelopment

  • Reduction in executive function at age 4–9 years

Heavy metals Cadmium:
Used in batteries, pigments, metal coatings, and plastics; for the nonsmoking public, exposures mainly occur through diet (shellfish, organ meats, grains such as rice and wheat, leafy vegetables, and some root crops such as potato, carrot, and celeriac); for smokers, exposure mainly occur through tobacco smoke.
  • Alterations of epigenetic signatures in the DNA (DNA methylation) of the placenta and of the newborns

  • Reduced IQ

  • Increased risk of emotional problems in 7– to 8-year-old boys

Occupational exposure occurs in battery manufacturing/recycling, smelting, car repair, welding, soldering, firearm cleaning/shooting, stained-glass ornament/jewelry making; nonoccupational exposure occurs in older homes where lead-based paints were used, in or on some toys/children’s jewelry, water pipes, imported ceramics/pottery, herbal remedies, traditional cosmetics, hair dyes, contaminated soil, toys, costume jewelry.
  • Alterations in genomic methylation

  • Impaired neurodevelopment (decrease in cognitive function, decreased intelligence quotient, increased incidence of attention-related behaviors and antisocial behavior problems, and decreased hearing measured in children, reduced intellectual development)

Coal-fired power plants are the largest source in the United States; primary human exposure is by consumption of contaminated seafood.
  • Reduced cognitive performance

  • Impaired neurodevelopment

  • Reduced psychomotor outcomes

  • Neurobehavioral deficits

Perchlorate Used to produce rocket fuel, fireworks, flares, and explosives and can also be present in bleach and in some fertilizers; primary pathway for exposure is through drinking water caused by contaminated runoff.
  • Altered thyroid function in newborns

Pesticides Applied in large quantities in agricultural, community, and household settings; in 2007, >1.1 billion pounds of active ingredients were used in the United States; it can be ingested, inhaled, and absorbed by the skin; pathways of exposure include food, water, air, dust, and soil.
  • Impaired fetal growth

  • Impaired cognitive development

  • Impaired neurodevelopment: increased risk of pervasive developmental disorder at age 2 years, increase in attention problems and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behaviors at age 3 years, and reduction in working memory capabilities and IQ at age 7 years

  • Increased susceptibility to testicular cancer

  • Childhood cancers (leukemia and brain tumor)

Solvents Liquids or gases that can dissolve or extract other substances; they are used in manufacturing, service industries such as dry cleaning and printing, and consumer products including stain removers, paint thinners, nail polish removers, and hobby/craft products; examples are benzene, gasoline, ethyl alcohol, methanol, phenol, styrene, toluene, trichloroethylene, and xylene; exposure occurs through inhalation, dermal absorption, and ingestion.
  • Spontaneous abortion and fetal loss

  • Decreased fetal and birth weight

  • Congenital malformations

BPA , Bisphenol A; PBDEs , polybrominated diphenyl ethers; PCBs , polychlorinated biphenyls; PFAS , perfluoroalkyl substances; PFOA , perfluorooctanoic acid; PFOS , perfluorooctane sulfonate; TSH , thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Based on animal studies.

Environmental Chemicals in Pregnant Women

Environmental chemicals permeate the air, water, food, and consumer products; consequently, exposure to environmental chemicals among pregnant women in the United States and around the world , , is ubiquitous. A report by the US National Cancer Institute concluded that “to a disturbing extent babies are born prepolluted.’” In population-based surveys of pregnant women in the United States, specific PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, PFCs, phenols, PBDEs, phthalates, PAHs, and perchlorate were detected in 99% to 100% of pregnant women. Many chemicals were measured at levels similar to those encountered in epidemiologic studies that demonstrate adverse reproductive and developmental outcomes. A recent study reported characterizing the chemical exposome to industrial chemicals in matched maternal and cord blood sample pairs using a high throughput “suspect screening” and nontargeted analysis pipeline and liquid chromatography; quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF/MS). The results revealed 557 chemicals in maternal and/or cord blood, including 55 compounds not previously reported in the literature, opening the field to high throughput, nontargeted, simultaneous analyses of large numbers of compounds. Notably, all women and men are exposed to multiple chemicals. Exposure to multiple chemicals that impact the same health endpoint (e.g., brain development) can result in a greater risk than exposure to a single chemical alone.

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