ERCP in Surgically Altered Anatomy

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is generally considered the technically most difficult procedure in gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy because of the complex maneuvers necessary to gain ductal access and perform therapies within the bile duct or pancreas. Altering the upper GI tract or pancreaticobiliary anatomy invariably adds to procedure complexity and technical challenges. Thorough understanding of surgically altered anatomy is essential to ensure technical success and minimize procedure-related adverse events. In virtually all these cases, careful preprocedure planning is mandatory ( Box 31.1 ). This chapter provides a basic review of the anatomic considerations and some practical tips on overcoming some of the challenges.

Box 31.1
Preprocedure Planning in Situations That Involve Surgically Altered Anatomy

  • Thoroughly understand the prior surgery: review operative notes, imaging.

  • Choose the proper endoscope:

    • Standard therapeutic duodenoscope

    • Thin-caliber diagnostic duodenoscope

    • Pediatric duodenoscope

    • Diagnostic upper endoscope

    • Therapeutic upper endoscope

    • Pediatric (variable-stiffness) colonoscope

    • Therapeutic colonoscope

    • Push enteroscope

    • Single- or double-balloon enteroscope

    • Linear endoscopic ultrasonography scope

  • Position the patient properly:

    • Prone

    • Supine

    • Left lateral

    • Left oblique

  • Prepare accessories:

    • Standard accessories

    • Nonprecurved catheters

    • Nasobiliary drains

    • Specialty accessories (e.g., for Billroth II)

    • Long-length accessories

  • Choose anesthesia:

    • Conscious sedation

    • Propofol anesthesia (monitored anesthesia)

    • General anesthesia

Surgery That May Affect the Performance or Interpretation of ERCP

The combination of thorough understanding of altered anatomy, use of a specific endoscope, and application of a special skill set may be needed to reach the pancreatic and biliary systems. Some operations simply remove or bypass a portion of the bile duct or pancreas but do not create any hardship when performing ERCP. Conversely, there are extreme surgical consequences that would not allow endoscopic access of the biliary tract regardless of experience, equipment, and skill. We will explain most of these operations and attempt to bring to light relevant points pertaining to the performance of ERCP.

Esophageal Resection

Mostly done for esophageal neoplasm or premalignant conditions, esophageal resection results in a high esophageal anastomotic stricture in up to 22% of cases. In addition, a small diverticulum or misaligned lumen may form proximal to the anastomosis. When passing a duodenoscope, care must be taken to avoid forceful advancement through a diverticulum or anastomosis. If resistance is encountered, the duodenoscope should be withdrawn and an end-viewing upper endoscope inserted to inspect the esophageal reconstruction. Esophageal resection also results in the stomach being brought up into the chest and turned into a tubular sack with a midgastric diaphragmatic pinch, which may frustrate the endoscopist because of trouble visualizing the distal stomach. Once the duodenoscope has passed the pylorus, the major papilla is easily identified by a slight clockwise rotation, but keeping the scope in a stable position is difficult because of the straightened upper GI tract. Sometimes a long scope position may offer a better and more secure view of the major papilla for cannulation.

Gastric Resection

There are many forms of gastric resection, which range from a simple Billroth I with very little loss of gastric volume to total gastrectomy. Thus the impact of gastric resection on ERCP can be either minimal or profound.

Billroth I

In a Billroth I surgery, only the antrum and pylorus are removed and the stomach is attached to the duodenum along its greater curvature ( Fig. 31.1 ). Endoscope passage into the duodenum is typically easier than usual because of the loss of the pylorus, but the papilla is actually harder to find. As expected, both the major and minor papillae are more proximally located than usual. In the short-scope position, the papilla is seen after an exaggerated rotation of the endoscope. Additionally, anchoring the endoscope is difficult without the antrum and pylorus, and achieving a stable scope position for cannulation may be quite difficult. Occasionally, working in the long-scope position may be more desirable because the papillary orifice is better visualized and the scope is more stably situated. Because it is difficult to cannulate the bile duct in a sharply retrograde fashion, using a sphincterotome and guidewire in combination may overcome the intrinsic issues in Billroth I cannulation.

FIG 31.1, Billroth I gastrectomy. Antrectomy is followed by connection of the stomach to the duodenum in end-to-end fashion. The lesser curvature side of the cut end of the stomach is closed to allow creation of the gastroduodenostomy.

Billroth II

Before proton pump inhibitors were introduced, peptic ulcer surgery was common. Currently, most Billroth II procedures are done for resection of distal gastric cancers and involve antrectomy and creation of a gastrojejunostomy. The result is an end (stomach)-to-side (jejunum) anastomosis with two jejunal lumens ( Fig. 31.2, A, B ) immediately beyond the gastric staple line. The afferent limb travels proximally and ends as a duodenal stump proximal to the major and minor papillae, whereas the efferent limb restores intestinal continuity with the rest of the GI tract. The major papilla is typically located within a few centimeters of the duodenal stump, and its orifice is pointing down at the endoscope.

FIG 31.2, A, Billroth II gastrectomy with an antiperistaltic gastrojejunostomy anastomosis. In this case the afferent limb is accessed through the stomal orifice located near the lesser curvature. B, Billroth II gastrectomy with an isoperistaltic anastomosis, where the afferent limb is attached to the greater curvature.

There are several considerations when performing ERCP in a Billroth II stomach, the first of which is the choice of endoscope. It was initially believed that an end-viewing endoscope was preferred because of the ease in navigating the convoluted small bowel and cannulating the biliary orifice. Many experienced biliary endoscopists have since switched to duodenoscopes to take advantage of the large channel, instrument elevator, and unique side-viewing design to inspect the papilla. Selection of endoscopes may be simply a matter of personal preference, as a Korean prospective, randomized study demonstrated no difference between side-viewing and end-viewing endoscopes in cannulation success and sphincterotomy. In fact, end-viewing endoscopes were safer to use. Regardless of which endoscope is used, it is difficult to perform ERCP in a Billroth II gastrectomy. In a study involving 185 Billroth II ERCP procedures, the failure rate was as high as 34%.

There is no definite way to correctly identify the afferent lumen in a Billroth II gastrectomy, even though there is the common impression that it arises from the more awkwardly located orifice. The afferent limb can be attached to the stomach along either the lesser (antiperistaltic) ( Fig. 31.2, A ) or greater (isoperistaltic) curvature ( Fig. 31.2, B ). Scope passage with an end-viewing device is intuitive, and the major challenge is in visualizing and cannulating the papilla. Because the instrument channel of most endoscopes is located at the 5 to 7 o'clock position, it is best to situate the papilla at the bottom of the endoscopic view. Unfortunately, typically a sharp angle is encountered between the transverse and descending duodenum that makes visualizing the papillary orifice difficult. A soft transparent cap at the tip of the end-viewing endoscope may help stabilize the papilla during cannulation.

Scope passage with a side-viewing duodenoscope can be very difficult or even impossible and begins with attempting to gain entry into the afferent lumen. Endoscope passage is even more difficult if the afferent limb is sutured to the lesser curvature after it has exited the gastrojejunostomy, as this form of operation creates a fixed and significantly angulated point of entry ( Fig. 31.3, A, B ). The technique of entering the gastrojejunostomy orifice is the same as for the pylorus. When the lumen can be visualized only in the retroflexed (maximally up-angulated) position, attempting to glide the scope gently toward it rarely works. Suctioning excess gastric air may make gliding a little easier. A technique of entering the lumen by rotating the endoscope 180 degrees at the orifice and pointing the tip of the scope downward until the small bowel lumen is clearly in sight can be used. This can theoretically be done with the endoscope facing the opening rather than “backing in.” However, the endoscope is blinded by mucosa and visual inspection during the maneuvering is more difficult. Hand-compressing the midabdomen or extending a polypectomy snare into the intended lumen has been reported to assist in intubation of a difficult gastrojejunostomy orifice. Passage of the duodenoscope alongside or over a stiff guidewire that has been placed into the afferent limb with an end-viewing endoscope may occasionally be helpful. Even in tertiary biliary centers, the rate of failure to enter the afferent limb is as high as 10%.

FIG 31.3, A, Endoscopic appearance of a typical Billroth II gastrojejunostomy. Viewing from the stomach, the two jejunal limbs are located at the extreme right and left of this image. B, Billroth II gastrectomy with the greater curvature side of the stomach attached to the jejunum in an end-to-side fashion. The lesser curvature side of the stomach is closed surgically. Some surgeons choose to suture the jejunum onto this area to protect the suture line. If the afferent limb is tagged down in this manner, endoscope entry into this limb may be quite difficult.

Once the side-viewing duodenoscope has securely entered the afferent jejunal lumen, passage forward is safe and effective by constantly orientating the intestinal channel in the 6 o'clock position ( Fig. 31.4, A ). This would simulate the view of driving a car in a long tunnel. It is common to see two lumens when a duodenoscope is partially retroflexed, and it creates confusion regarding where to advance the endoscope. A good rule of thumb is to orientate the two lumens along the vertical midline, and the lower lumen is the one that the endoscope should enter ( Fig. 31.4, B ). Natural intestinal redundancy and tortuosity rarely allow unimpeded forward advancements. Rather, successful passage requires a combination of gentle rotation, dial redirection, and alternating withdrawal and advancement. The forward blinded-gliding technique, commonly applied in colonoscopy passage, should not be practiced because of the risk of perforation. For the same reason, care must be taken to minimize sudden or forceful manipulations. One series reported a 5% perforation rate when advancing duodenoscopes through the afferent limb. In another study, jejunal perforation occurred in 18%. Using an older, more flexible duodenoscope may reduce the chance of traumatizing the intestinal wall. Minimizing air insufflation helps keep the lumen straight and the bowel wall soft and pliable. Abdominal compression or rotation of the patient is occasionally effective in advancing around seemingly improbable turns. With experience and special care, an acceptable risk of perforation can be achieved.

FIG 31.4, A, The typical view of the jejunal lumen when a side-viewing duodenoscope is being advanced. Note that the upper half of the lumen should always be kept in the 6 o'clock position. B, A similar duodenoscopic view of the distal lumen in the 6 o'clock position. Note that the upper lumen always represents a retroflexed view. An attempt to pass the scope toward the 12 o'clock direction would cause either perforation or the scope to fold backward.

After passing some distance, it is wise to take a fluoroscopic picture to confirm that the endoscope is passing through the transverse duodenum ( Fig. 31.5 ). If the tip of the endoscope is seen in the pelvis, it is likely to be in the efferent limb and should be withdrawn to search for the other intestinal orifice. Some afferent limbs seem to be longer and more tortuous than others. This impression is indeed correct, as the afferent loop may be created in antecolic fashion over the transverse colon ( Fig. 31.6, A, B ). Correct endoscopic intubation of the afferent loop is readily confirmed if fluoroscopy shows that the scope has quickly crossed the midline into the right upper abdomen.

FIG 31.5, Fluoroscopy shows that the duodenoscope is facing the right direction and crossing the transverse duodenum.

FIG 31.6, A, Retrocolic construction of a Billroth II gastrojejunostomy. The afferent limb is relatively short in this case. B, Antecolic Billroth II gastrojejunostomy. The afferent limb is significantly longer than that in (A) .

On the way to the proximal duodenum, an anastomosis that connects the afferent to the efferent limb may be encountered, which is indicative of a Braun procedure, a modification of the Billroth II operation. This is performed to reduce bile reflux into the stomach or to lessen the chance of duodenal obstruction ( Fig. 31.7 ) and is recognized because of the finding of three exiting lumens. It should not influence the endoscopic passage if the scope does not cross the anastomotic stable line. On some occasions the duodenal stump, which appears as a blind sac with a distinctly flat mucosa and possibly surgical staples, is reached without identifying the major papilla. The minor and then major papilla should be readily identified upon gradual withdrawal of the endoscope ( Fig. 31.8, A–C ).

FIG 31.7, A Braun modification of a Billroth II operation. Here the afferent and efferent limbs are connected via a side-to-side anastomosis.

FIG 31.8, A, The minor papilla, which is quite prominent in this case, is located more cephalad to and to the left side of the major papilla. Further into the afferent lumen is the duodenal stump. B, As the scope is withdrawn from the duodenal stump, the major papilla is seen up close and perpendicular to the duodenoscope. This position favors cannulation of the pancreatic duct. C, The duodenoscope is withdrawn further, and farther away from the major papilla. This position favors cannulation of the bile duct.

The major papilla is almost always found near the 12 o'clock position of the duodenum when a duodenoscope is used ( Fig. 31.8, C ). If the intestinal lumen is kept in view ahead of the endoscope, the bile duct should be straight or slightly to the right ahead of the papillary orifice ( Fig. 31.9, A and Fig. 31.10 ). To keep the cannulating catheter or guidewire tangential to the duodenal wall for biliary access, the papilla should not be approached up close ( Fig. 31.8, C ). Rather, the scope should be pulled back slightly with its elevator partially lowered for catheter passage. Conversely, the pancreatic duct is easier to cannulate by advancing the endoscope close to the papilla and keeping the elevator in a lifted position ( Fig. 31.8, B ). Some endoscopists prefer to use straight-tip catheters for biliary cannulation, whereas others like to use straight guidewires. However, perhaps the most effective way to enter the bile duct is to use a catheter bent into an S-shape, with its tip pointing downward ( Fig. 31.9, B ). A cap-assisted approach has been described to improve cannulation of a Billroth II papilla when an end-viewing endoscope is used ( Fig. 31.11 ). On some occasions when pancreas divisum is suspected, the minor papilla should be correctly identified for cannulation. As a rule, it is located slightly farther away from (cephalad to) and to the left of the superiorly located major papilla ( Fig. 31.8, A and Fig. 31.10 ).

FIG 31.9, A, The major papilla is usually located at the 12 o'clock position. Here the guidewire points in the direction of the bile duct. B, This S-shaped biliary cannula is best used for intubating the bile duct.

FIG 31.10, A schematic illustration of the relationship between the major and minor papillae and the directions of the bile duct ( yellow arrow ) and pancreatic duct ( blue arrow ).

FIG 31.11, A balloon dilator is being used to perform sphincteroplasty using an end-viewing endoscope. Note that a short soft cap has been fitted to the tip of the endoscope. This cap is believed to improve the ability to cannulate the papilla.

Biliary sphincterotomy is accomplished using either a wire-guided Billroth II sphincterotome or a needle knife to cut over an indwelling biliary stent. A Billroth II sphincterotome is designed in an opposite fashion to a conventional traction sphincterotome, with its cutting wire loosened to form a half loop over a straight sphincterotome catheter. With the wire protruding, the sphincterotome is pushed forward to cut the papillary hood along the 6 o'clock position of the superiorly located papilla. Sphincterotomy done in this manner is slightly less well controlled than in the normal setting because of the pushing motion and suboptimal visualization of the proximal papillary mound. A modified sphincterotome that forces its tip into an S-shape when the cutting wire tightens may also be used to perform sphincterotomy in this setting. However, many endoscopists choose needle-knife cutting over a biliary stent because it avoids injury to the pancreatic sphincter and allows controlled tissue cutting. Balloon sphincter dilation, commonly done with an 8-mm balloon, is technically easy to perform and can be done as a solo therapy or in combination with a limited sphincterotomy. A randomized study showed that balloon sphincter dilation was just as effective as sphincterotomy at facilitating stone extraction, with fewer adverse events, in the Billroth II setting. Additionally, pancreatitis was not encountered.

Roux-en-Y Gastrectomy

Aimed to reduce reflux of pancreatic and biliary fluids into the stomach after a partial gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastrectomy creates a gastric outlet that appears similar to that of a Billroth II surgery. However, one end of this end-to-side anastomosis is a short blind stump ( Fig. 31.12 ). The other lumen, the Roux limb, extends around 40 cm before a jejunojejunostomy anastomosis is encountered. At this point two or three lumens ( Fig. 31.13, A, B ) will be identified, depending on whether the two jejunal limbs are connected end-to-side ( Fig. 31.13, C ) or side-to-side ( Fig. 31.13, D ). If done side-to-side, one of the three outlets will be a short blind stump. If the afferent limb is correctly entered, the endoscope will pass sequentially up the proximal jejunum, ligament of Treitz, transverse duodenum, and finally the descending duodenum. This long path makes it nearly impossible for a 125-cm-long duodenoscope to reach the major papilla. Many longer-length endoscopes have been used to perform ERCP in this setting, including pediatric and adult colonoscopes and push enteroscopes. A special oblique-viewing endoscope, which is no longer available commercially, was reported to be useful for this purpose. Double-balloon enteroscopes, which can routinely reach the ileum per-os, were introduced to the United States in 2004 ( Fig. 31.14, A–D ). Their use in performing diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP in patients with Roux-Y hepaticojejunostomy was soon reported. Until now, all forms of deep enteroscopes, including single and enteroscopes used through a spiral overtube, are routinely employed for a variety of pancreatic and biliary conditions in this postoperative setting.

FIG 31.12, A typical Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy.

FIG 31.13, A, A schematic illustration of three lumens at the point of a jejunojejunostomy anastomosis. The single distal lumen on the same side of the anastomosis should be the efferent limb. One of the two lumens on the other side of the anastomosis is a blind stump, whereas the other is the afferent limb. B, Endoscopic picture of the two lumens seen beyond an anastomosis. One of these two orifices should lead to the afferent limb. C, Illustration of an end-to-side jejunojejunostomy anastomosis. D, Illustration of a side-to-side jejunojejunostomy anastomosis.

FIG 31.14, The double-balloon system consists of a balloon on the tip of a thin endoscope (A) and a balloon on an overtube (B) . C, Both balloons are inflated. D, Balloon inflation device that controls air insufflation, deflation, pressure reading, and an alarm with a yellow light indicating excessive pressure.

The challenge of performing ERCP in a Roux-en-Y gastrectomy patient lies not just in traveling a great length and recognizing the proper intestinal lumen but also in selectively cannulating the bile duct and pancreatic duct. It is common to pass the endoscope past the anastomosis into the efferent jejunal limb without recognizing the jejunojejunostomy. A clue to the vicinity of the anastomosis is the presence of bilious fluid. Once bile is seen, endoscope advancement should be slowed to identify the intestinal bifurcation. The afferent limb is always found across the circular rim of anastomosis and is typically entered via the straighter of the two orifices. All end-viewing endoscopes have an inherent difficulty in visualizing the major papilla because of its location along the sharply turned, interior aspect of the duodenal C-loop. Even when identified, cannulation is extraordinarily difficult because of the awkward orientation and unstable endoscope positioning ( Fig. 31.15, A–B ). In the hands of ERCP experts, the success rate is a mere 67%. Yamamoto and colleagues reported the success of performing diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP with a double-balloon enteroscope in five patients. Interestingly, the authors fitted a small plastic cap on the tip of the enteroscope to enable cannulation. The added advantage of a plastic cap was also reported by another endoscopy group using the single-balloon enteroscope. Given the difficulty and frequent failure of performing ERCP in this postoperative anatomy, it is best to refer these types of cases to a tertiary biliary center or choose an alternative method such as a percutaneous transhepatic or endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)–guided approach. Performing ERCP with the intent to evaluate and treat a pancreatic condition is particularly problematic, as a transhepatic procedure cannot intubate the pancreatic duct. We prefer to use a long-length (320 cm) 5-Fr diagnostic ERCP catheter preloaded with a hydrophilic guidewire to perform cannulation when a double-balloon or single-balloon enteroscope is employed. Contrast can be injected with this setup if a Y-adapter is used. To circumvent the technical challenge in performing ERCP with an ultralong endoscope, some endoscopists advocate an intraoperative transjejunal method. This surgery-assisted procedure creates an enterotomy at 20 cm distal to the ligament of Treitz to allow a gas-sterilized duodenoscope to advance up the afferent limb.

FIG 31.15, A, The major papilla seen with an end-viewing endoscope. Note the very tangential view with an awkward position for cannulation. B, After rotating the end-viewing endoscope, the major papilla appears to be optimally positioned for cannulation. The papilla is still tangentially located and it is difficult to maintain this view for long. C, A catheter has been successfully inserted into the bile duct with this end-viewing endoscope.

Total Gastrectomy

Usually performed for gastric cancer or postoperative complications, total gastrectomy leads to an end-to-side esophagojejunostomy. One lumen of the esophagojejunostomy is a blind end, whereas the other is the jejunal Roux limb ( Fig. 31.16 ). A short distance distal is a side-to-side or end-to-side jejunojejunostomy to receive pancreatic and biliary contents. Similar to Roux-en-Y gastrectomy, the peroral endoscope must enter the proximal jejunum before arriving at the duodenum. Unlike in Roux-en-Y partial gastrectomy, a duodenoscope can actually reach the major papilla because of its straighter and shorter upper GI route. Once the major papilla is identified with the duodenoscope, the approach to ERCP cannulation and therapy is as for Billroth II anatomy. When a duodenoscope cannot negotiate the jejunojejunostomy or is too short to reach the descending duodenum, a long end-viewing endoscope must be used. Again, the challenge lies in cannulating and treating disease processes without the benefits of an elevator and side-viewing capability. The same techniques used for a Roux-en-Y gastrectomy apply to this situation.

FIG 31.16, A total gastrectomy with a Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy. In spite of the significant distance, a side-viewing duodenoscope is usually long enough to reach the papilla.

Upper GI Bypass Surgery Without Resection

Loop Gastrojejunostomy

The indications for gastrojejunostomy without resection of any part of the stomach include an obstructing pancreatic head mass, benign chronic duodenal obstruction, and unresectable duodenal malignancy with stricture. Gastrojejunostomy may occasionally be done in combination with surgical closure of the pylorus to prevent food from entering a perforated duodenum (pylorus exclusion). When inspecting the stomach during ERCP, this loop gastrojejunostomy is usually located along the dependent portion of the stomach. However, it may be slightly toward the anterior or posterior wall along the greater curvature ( Fig. 31.17, A, B ). Although most anastomoses for bypass of obstructive diseases are expected to be large, some of these gastrojejunostomy openings appear to be quite small. Immediately through the rim of an anastomosis two jejunal orifices will be found, and either opening can be the one that leads to the afferent limb. When it is the more distal orifice, an antiperistaltic connection has been performed and the afferent limb is relatively short. This distance becomes longer if the surgery is done in the antecolic fashion because the intestine has to drape over the transverse colon. This limb may become even longer if the gastrojejunostomy is created in an isoperistaltic manner. On some occasions a second anastomosis is noted beyond the gastrojejunostomy. It may be a Braun procedure ( Fig. 31.17, B ), done to add further bypass of contents between the afferent and efferent limbs to reduce alkaline biliary reflux into the stomach or to provide a safety net to minimize the chance of an afferent limb obstruction. If the endoscope passes through a Braun anastomosis, it has a 50% chance of returning to the stomach via the other limb of the gastrojejunostomy. When a Braun procedure is suspected, it is best to stay on the same intestinal limb without advancing through the second anastomosis. If the loop gastrojejunostomy is combined with suture closure of the pylorus as a short-term fix for duodenal perforation, the pylorus may reopen within a few months. It is best to first examine whether the pyloroduodenal stricture is patent before going through one of the gastrojejunostomy lumens.

FIG 31.17, A, Gastric bypass via loop gastrojejunostomy with an anteriorly located gastrojejunostomy. B, Gastric bypass with a posteriorly located gastrojejunostomy. Note a Braun procedure that connects the afferent and efferent jejunal limbs.

Because the major papilla is intact in this setting, a duodenoscope is preferred for ease of inspection and cannulation unless it is proven to be of inadequate length. In practice, reaching the descending duodenum is often not the key issue. Instead, inspection and cannulation are a bigger challenge, because most of these cases have a highly stenotic duodenum as the reason for creating the loop gastrojejunostomy. Fortunately, duodenal obstruction from pancreatic head cancer is often located proximal to the major papilla, leaving sufficient room to carry out an ERCP. In the event of inadequate spacing, balloon dilation of the duodenal stricture can be performed, but the resultant mucosal trauma and hemorrhage may add more obstacles to the procedure. A transhepatic approach to biliary drainage, either percutaneously or using EUS guidance, is frequently necessary in this situation. Alternatively, a rendezvous procedure, in which a transhepatic catheter or guidewire is passed across the biliary sphincter, via percutaneous transhepatic or EUS guidance can be done for endoscopic access. There are occasions when the bypass surgery is done for gastroparesis and performing an ERCP in the usual antegrade fashion is preferred. In this situation, the duodenoscope has to be rotated slightly to glide along the anterior gastric wall to reach the pylorus and avoid inadvertently passing into the gastrojejunostomy.

Duodenal Bypass

Duodenal perforations are occasionally treated by a duodenojejunostomy. Even though this form of operation is uncommon, identification of two or more intestinal lumens beyond the pylorus or at the descending duodenum may create confusion for the endoscopist. If there is no associated duodenal narrowing, the procedure is straightforward and the key is to carefully inspect each lumen until the major papilla is found. If a mildly to moderately stenotic duodenal lumen is found, gentle balloon dilation may be attempted to ease passage of the endoscope. Alternatively, a pediatric ERCP scope with a 7.5-mm outer diameter and 2.0-mm instrument channel can be used. However, the small working channel allows only limited therapeutic possibilities such as sphincterotomy, stone extraction, and placement of a 5-Fr stent. On very rare occasions, duodenoduodenostomy ( Fig. 31.18, A, B ) is done on a newborn to bypass a congenital duodenal stricture or annular pancreas. Depending on the level of the stricture relative to the major papilla when this patient reaches adulthood, the endoscopist may find the papilla recessed above or below the stricture as if it was located inside a deep-seated diverticulum. The techniques and challenges of cannulating the ampullary orifice are very similar to those with the usually identified duodenal diverticulum.

FIG 31.18, A, Graphic illustration of congenital duodenal stricture or stenosis caused by annular pancreas. B, Duodenoduodenostomy is constructed by creating surgical incisions above and below the stricture and then suturing these incision edges together.

Bariatric Surgery

There are many forms of bariatric surgery to induce weight loss. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), once the dominant operation, is now performed approximately 32% of the time. Vertical sleeve gastrectomy is currently the most often performed surgery (54%), whereas adjustable gastric band (<5%) is now rarely performed. In the United States nearly 40% of all weight-reduction operations were performed in the South, whereas only 13% were done in the West in recent years. As the American obesity epidemic continues, the rates of weight-reduction operations will probably continue to rise. Because gallstone disease and abdominal pain are common issues in patients with rapid weight loss or extensive abdominal surgery, biliary and pancreatic evaluations are commonly requested for these bariatric patients. At the same time, ERCP in RYGB patients is the most difficult to perform because of the need to pass through an extremely long intestine to get to the proximal duodenum. Variations of techniques and surgeons' preferences add further challenges to this already-difficult ERCP population.

Malabsorptive Jejunoileal Bypass

This form of weight-reduction surgery is mentioned primarily for historical purposes. It is neither practiced today nor does it affect the performance of ERCP. Rarely, a consultation for ERCP may be requested for a patient with a prior jejunoileal bypass surgery because of jaundice. In this case the cause of jaundice is more likely hepatic failure rather than biliary tract disease. This operation, popular before 1980, may consist of transecting and connecting a large jejunoileal segment to the distal colon. Alternatively, the proximal jejunum is transected and connected to the distal ileum in an end-to-side manner, excluding a long jejunum and ileum from contact with intestinal nutrients ( Fig. 31.19 ). The result of this form of operation is a very short functioning small bowel that causes weight loss by malabsorption and maldigestion. Chronic diarrhea, stone disease, and fatal liver dysfunction are reasons that all patients who underwent this surgery should have the bypass reversed. Theoretically, if such a patient needs an ERCP, it can be done in the normal manner, although one of the editors of this book has done an ERCP successfully retrograde through the colon using a balloon-assisted enteroscope.

FIG 31.19, Jejunoileal bypass. This surgery does not interfere with the performance of ERCP.

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