Pulmonary Complications of Anticancer Treatment

Summary of Key Points

  • Radiation-Induced Lung Injury (Radiation Pneumonitis or Fibrosis)

  • Risk factors include radiation dose and volume of lung irradiated, which may be expressed as mean lung dose or as the Vx, that is, the percentage of normal lung tissue irradiated to a dose above a certain threshold dose.

  • Older age, comorbidities (including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and low performance status are risk factors.

  • The location of the tumor is a risk factor; irradiation of lower lobe primary lung tumors may carry a higher risk than irradiation of other tumors, although this may reflect the higher lung volume irradiated with lower lobe tumors.

  • Biological factors can carry risk, including levels of circulating cytokines such as transforming growth factor–β and interleukin-6.

  • The predominant symptoms are dyspnea and hypoxia, especially upon exertion.

  • Fever (usually low grade if present at all), cough, pleuritic chest pain, and other pulmonary symptoms also frequently occur.

  • Diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon dioxide is the most sensitive pulmonary function.

  • Interstitial or ground-glass infiltrate usually corresponds to the irradiated volume. Consolidation, bronchiectasis, or pleural effusion may also be seen, particularly in later stages.

  • Findings at bronchoscopy are unremarkable. (Bronchial lavage may reveal lymphocytosis.)

  • Pulmonary embolism, infection, and recurrent or progressive tumor must be ruled out. These conditions can coexist with and mimic radiation pneumonitis.

  • Response to corticosteroids is usually relatively rapid, at least for acute pneumonitis.

  • Prevention is far more important than treatment. Patients must be selected carefully for thoracic radiation, and irradiated volumes must be limited.

  • Corticosteroids are very useful in the management of acute and subacute pneumonitis, although they have no prophylactic or therapeutic value in the management of long-term radiation fibrosis.

  • A pulmonologist should be consulted for all grade 3 cases and most grade 2 cases.

  • Oxygen should be administered as indicated to prevent hypoxia.

  • Corticosteroids should be introduced at a relatively high dose (60 mg/day of prednisone), with slow tapering (over several weeks to months) for severe grade 2 or any grade 3 radiation pneumonitis.

  • If prolonged corticosteroid treatment is anticipated, prophylaxis against corticosteroid complications is needed, including gastrointestinal, infectious, and osteoporosis prophylaxis and dietary and pharmacologic management of hyperglycemia.

  • Antibiotics, bronchodilators, diuretics, and anticoagulation should be used as indicated for coexisting cardiopulmonary illnesses.

  • Drug-Induced Lung Injury

  • Among the cytotoxic therapies, bleomycin, nitrosoureas, and mitomycin or combinations of several potentially pneumotoxic agents that on their own may only have modest pneumotoxicity (e.g., gemcitabine and weekly docetaxel) are risk factors.

  • Bone marrow transplantation/high-dose chemotherapy with or without total-body irradiation is a risk factor.

  • Immunotherapy may induce pulmonary toxicity, particularly combinations of multiple immunotherapeutic agents (e.g., an anti-PD1 agent plus an anti-CTLA4 agent).

  • Concurrent or recent thoracic radiation therapy is a risk factor.

  • Poor baseline pulmonary function is a risk factor.

  • Dyspnea and hypoxemia are predominant, but a wide range of possible symptoms exists.

  • Interstitial or ground-glass infiltrate usually is diffuse throughout both lungs and may be worse in the lower lobes.

  • Findings at bronchoscopy are unremarkable. (Bronchial lavage may reveal lymphocytosis.)

  • Pulmonary embolism, infection, and progressive tumor must be ruled out and may coexist with drug-induced lung injury.

  • Injury is usually, but not universally, responsive to corticosteroids; it is less likely to respond well to steroids than radiation pneumonitis but more likely to respond well than late radiation fibrosis.

  • When the diagnosis is suspected, the suspected causative agent should be discontinued.

  • Consultation with a pulmonologist is necessary.

  • Oxygen should be administered as indicated to prevent hypoxia. (High fraction of inspired oxygen levels may be dangerous in bleomycin-related pneumonopathy.)

  • High doses of corticosteroids (≥60 mg/day of prednisone) with slow taper may be needed for severe grade 2 or any grade 3 pneumonitis.

  • If prolonged corticosteroid treatment is anticipated, prophylaxis against corticosteroid complications entails gastrointestinal, infectious and osteoporosis prophylaxis and dietary or pharmacologic management of hyperglycemia.

  • Antibiotics, bronchodilators, diuretics, and anticoagulation should be administered to manage coexisting cardiopulmonary illnesses.

Although they are relatively uncommon, pulmonary disorders are among the most feared complications of anticancer therapy. Of course, systemic therapy and radiotherapy should only be performed when benefits of treatment outweigh the risks, and therapies should use an optimized minimum dose to achieve therapeutic goals. Many patients with cancer are elderly and have one or more underlying comorbidities; therefore a relatively minor insult to the lungs can result in respiratory failure and death.

The two major categories of pulmonary complications are radiation pneumonopathy (RP), also known as radiation-induced lung toxicity (RILT) and drug-induced pneumonopathy. These conditions do not include other major categories of pulmonary disease in patients with cancer, such as pulmonary embolism and infection. Nor do they include anatomic complications of tumor and medical-surgical interventions, such as pulmonary hemorrhage and fistula. Radiation therapy or chemotherapy contributes to those multifactorial problems of the respiratory system, but these topics are covered elsewhere in this textbook. This chapter focuses on direct lung injury from radiation or systemic therapy.

Radiation pneumonopathy and drug-induced pneumonopathy share several important features; most notably, they are usually processes of the interstitium of the lung and thus can cause marked impairment of gas exchange and dyspnea. Corticosteroids are the mainstay of management of both types of pneumonopathy but may provide only temporary relief and are associated with their own toxicities. Better techniques for avoiding treatment-related pneumonopathy—and better therapy for established pneumonopathy—will come only from improved understanding of and intervention against the complex molecular processes that cause and maintain these pathologic states.

Pulmonary Toxicity of Thoracic Radiation Therapy

Thoracic radiation is probably the most important cause of pulmonary toxicity in oncology. Lung toxicity from radiation is a clinically relevant issue for lymphoma, breast cancer, bone marrow transplantation (BMT), esophageal cancer, and lung cancer. Fig. 47.1 illustrates two different cases of radiation pneumonitis and their sequelae.

Figure 47.1, Case examples of radiation pneumonopathy. (A) This patient was treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (45 Gy) for limited stage small cell lung cancer. About 2 months after treatment, she presented with cough and mild dyspnea on exertion (grade 2 by Common Terminology Criteria version 4 [CTCv4] criteria). Imaging showed infiltrates as shown; these corresponded quite precisely to the irradiated volume (inset) . Of note, a positron emission tomography scan shows moderately increased fluorodeoxyglucose uptake. The patient's symptoms responded dramatically to steroids. (B) This patient was treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (63 Gy) for stage III non–small cell lung cancer of the right upper lobe, hilum, and mediastinum. The tumor responded well, but about 6 months after treatment, progressive opacification of the right hemithorax was noted, along with pleural effusion. Symptoms, including dyspnea and cough, were grade 2 by CTCv4 criteria and improved with steroids but worsened when steroids were tapered. The decision was made to proceed with an exploratory thoracoscopy, both for diagnostic purposes (to rule out recurrent tumor) and therapeutic purposes (pleurodesis). Pathology showed no viable tumor, only intense inflammation and evolving fibrosis. Pleurodesis was successful. The patient continues monitoring and treatment with intermittent oxygen and steroids and antibiotics for acute exacerbations of symptoms.

The mechanisms behind RILT remain poorly understood despite decades of study. A detailed review of the histopathological and molecular events occurring in RP is beyond the scope of this chapter; several excellent reviews have been published. Irradiation damages endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and reticuloendothelial cells within the lung through several mechanisms, including apoptosis and induction of stress-response genes. It is now generally agreed that cytokines such as transforming growth factor–β (TGF-β) play a major role in promoting RP, including development of long-term fibrosis. It can be difficult histopathologically or molecularly to differentiate established radiation lung injury from other forms of end-stage lung disease, such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, drug-induced injury, and even very advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Traditional clinical understanding of radiation induced lung injury recognizes two distinct syndromes: radiation pneumonitis (acute or subacute) and radiation fibrosis of the lung (late). Radiation pneumonitis is characterized by intense interstitial inflammation and alveolar exudate. It develops over several weeks to months after irradiation and may resolve in 6 to 12 months, leaving behind a variable degree of pulmonary fibrosis. Radiation pulmonary fibrosis may, however, develop in the absence of clinically evident acute pneumonitis beginning several months after radiotherapy and progressing over years. Radiation pneumonitis usually responds well to corticosteroids; in contrast, corticosteroids do not influence the progression of radiation pulmonary fibrosis.

In most cases, RP is confined to the regions of the lung within the radiation field or portal. This conventional wisdom has been challenged by several researchers who have found evidence of “out-of-field” radiation injury, which may be manifested in a syndrome similar to bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia. Autoimmunity has been hypothesized as a mechanism of out-of-field radiation lung injury, with the possibility that localized lung damage triggers diffuse lymphocyte-mediated hypersensitivity against pulmonary self-antigens.

Radiation lung injury may have any of a variety of clinical presentations, but the hallmark symptom is dyspnea out of proportion to other findings. This is associated with a decline in diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) pulmonary function test result. The most common imaging finding is an interstitial infiltrate corresponding to the radiation portals, but it is not unusual to find consolidation, nodularity, or even pleural effusions. The extent of radiographic findings does not necessarily correlate with the extent of symptoms or the patient's clinical course. This makes the differential diagnosis among recurrent and possibly progressive cancer, infection, and radiation lung injury extremely difficult, particularly in patients with lung cancer.

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