
Through 2017, almost 200,000 patients received radiation therapy using charged particle beams. The majority, over 170,000, of these have been treated with proton therapy. The remainder has primarily been treated with carbon ion beams. Experience continues to grow worldwide and particle therapy continues to gain market share, despite a significant capital and infrastructure cost associated with planning, building, and supporting a facility. This is primarily owing to the unique physical characteristics of the treatment beam, allowing for more precise dose deposition that potentially enables higher doses to target structures, with lower doses to nearby critical structures. Compared with a standard intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plan, the particle beam can provide both very sharp dose gradients around the target and very low integral doses to surrounding normal structures. These advantages come with new challenges related to uncertainties, motion management, and radiobiologic effectiveness. The uncertainties include spatial uncertainty, similar to x-ray treatment, but also include a depth or range uncertainty that stems from the fact that the particle beam dose stops abruptly at a prescribed depth in the patient. Accurate depth calculation requires precise knowledge of the tissues and their effect on particle beam energy loss. Daily variation in anatomy can have an impact on beam path and alter the depth of the particle beam, potentially compromising dosimetry. It is essential that any immobilization or other devices that might be exposed to the beam must be well characterized and reproducibly located every day.

Motion management for particle therapy is also similar to x-ray treatment in that steps must be taken to minimize the impact of moving anatomy on the delivered dose distribution. But as mentioned in the previous point, depth and shape changes can have an impact on a particle beam more significantly than does an x-ray beam. The effects of 4D motion need quantitative analysis to set margins properly and tune motion mitigation strategies such as gating, tracking, and breathhold. Finally, there is the challenge of radiobiologic effect (RBE). Even for proton beams, the RBE is not a constant over the entire physical dose distribution. For heavier particles, such as carbon, the average RBE can be over 3.0.

This chapter focuses primarily on the physics of proton particle therapy beams, while we introduce the use of carbon and heavier ions. We review charged particle interactions, the technology needed to accelerate and deliver these beams, and key clinical beam characteristics. We also review basic dose calculation and the process of treatment planning and plan optimization for particle therapy. Finally, routine quality assurance for the particle therapy clinic as well as specific clinical considerations for particle therapy are discussed.

Charged Particle Interactions

Therapeutic particle beams of charged ions, atoms, or molecules in which there is an imbalance of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons deposit dose via well-characterized interactions. The most common of these occurs via the electromagnetic force between the incident charged particle and the surrounding molecules of the material. Specifically, these Coulomb interactions can take place with either the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus or with the nucleus itself. Because of the diffuse nature of electrons in organic material, such as tissues, these electronic types of interactions occur quasi-continuously as charged particles travel through the material, leading to excitation of electrons to higher energy levels as well as total ionization of electrons. These ionized electrons have an average kinetic energy that is very low; consequently, their energy (with its associated biologic damage) is deposited very close to the site of the original charged particle/electron interaction. As the incident charged particles penetrate through the material, their energy is quasi-continuously transferred to the electrons of the material, until the incident charged particles run out of energy. This effect is responsible for the well-known “range” of charged particles in a material. It turns out that the efficiency of energy transfer from the incident charged particles to the electrons of the material is dependent on the energy of the incident charged particles. The classical explanation for this is that at lower energies (corresponding to lower velocities) the amount of time the particle spends in the vicinity of a given electron increases. As such, there is more time for the particle to transfer additional energy to the electron. The overall rate of energy transfer to the material can be expressed quantitatively by the “stopping power” and related quantity “linear energy transfer (LET).” Both of these have units of energy per unit length (i.e., MeV/cm), which increases monotonically with decreasing particle energy. The consequences of this are profound, as the electronic mechanism of energy transfer is almost entirely responsible for the generalized depth dose curve of a charged particle beam. In a typical clinical beam, in which the field size is large compared with the width of an individual pencil beam, the entrance dose is relatively flat until the beam nears the end of its range. Here there is an increased response, known as the “Bragg peak” (“pristine peak” in Fig. 8.1 ), followed by a rapid falloff as the particles finally stop ( Fig. 8.1 ). This combination of lower entrance dose, high dose in the Bragg peak, and little dose distal to the Bragg peak make charged particles an attractive option for targeted radiotherapy treatments.

Fig. 8.1, Depth-dose distributions for a spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP, red ), its constituent pristine Bragg peaks (green), and a 10-MV photon beam (blue). The SOBP dose distribution is created by adding the contributions of individually modulated pristine Bragg peaks. The penetration depth, or range (measured as the depth of the distal 90% of the plateau dose), of the SOBP dose distribution is determined by the range of the most distal pristine peak. The dashed lines (black) indicate the clinically acceptable variation in the plateau dose of ±2%. The dot-dashed lines (red) indicate the 90% dose and the spatial, range, and modulation width intervals. The SOBP dose distribution of even a single field can provide complete target volume coverage in depth and lateral dimensions, in sharp contrast to a single photon dose distribution; only a composite set of photon fields can deliver an appropriate clinical target dose distribution. Note the absence of dose beyond the distal fall-off edge of the SOBP.

Electromagnetic interactions with the nucleus are much more uncommon than electronic interactions. Nevertheless, they still have an appreciable effect on the incident beam. Because of the large mass of the nucleus relative to an electron, electromagnetic nuclear interactions lead to deflections in the trajectory of the incident particle. These individual deflections are typically small, but many in succession can lead to larger overall beam path changes. This “multiple Coulomb scatter” is responsible for increasing the rate at which the beam broadens, and in the case of a pencil beam, leads to a spot size that increases with depth as it travels through a material (i.e., the patient).

Nuclear interactions in which the incident particle impacts the nucleus are even more rare. Large deflections are possible in “elastic” nuclear collisions, where the incident particle rebounds off the nucleus with little to no loss of energy. Conversely, if the incident particle is able to penetrate the nucleus, the result is an inelastic event and energy is transferred into the nucleus. The emission of decay products, such as gamma rays, protons, neutrons, and even heavier fragments, is possible in these events. Although the charged secondary particles (protons, fragments) have a low enough energy that their range in the patient is quite small, the neutral secondary emissions (photons, neutrons) can deposit a dose at much longer ranges in the patient. Because neutrons have a higher RBE than photons, it is particularly desirable to minimize the generation of secondary neutrons by keeping the delivery system as free from beam-modifying equipment as possible. The effect of nuclear byproducts on the higher, therapeutic dose regions is almost negligible for proton beams, but can become more significant for heavier ion beams.

The decay products created after nuclear interactions are not always emitted instantaneously. “Activation” occurs when there is persistent radioactive emission from an object that has been radiated by a particle beam. The intensity of this induced radiation decays exponentially and depends on the characteristics of the incident radiation as well as the activated material. The activation of any material that is exposed to particle radiation in the clinic should be measured using the appropriate radiation detectors to ensure that legal requirements and best practices for minimizing radiation exposure are met.

Treatment Machines

Charged Particle Acceleration/Steering

The source of protons for a treatment facility is a tank of hydrogen gas or a hydrogen gas generator that produces hydrogen from water. Electrons are removed from the atoms during ionization in an ion source, and the remaining protons are then accelerated by an electric field. Because the proton is a charged particle, it can be steered by a magnetic field perpendicular to its trajectory, with the resulting radius of curvature a function of the proton energy and the strength of the magnetic field. The proton beam is further focused with quadruple and higher-order magnetic fields. The beam pipe for particle transport is maintained at high vacuum, because collisions with air molecules would widen the beam and the energy distribution.

A clinical proton beam that will reach 32 cm of water equivalent depth needs to be accelerated to 59% the speed of light (kinetic energy of 228 MeV). This energy is difficult to reach with a single linear accelerator. Circular accelerating devices, cyclotrons and synchrotrons, use magnets to bend the proton paths so the same smaller accelerator elements can repeatedly push the proton to a higher energy each “lap.”

A cyclotron, as shown in Fig. 8.2 , had two Dees in its original design, with an alternating potential across the gap between them and a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane containing the particles. Modern designs have two to four “Dees” twisted into a spiral shape to improve beam focusing. Protons start in the cyclotron's center and, as the protons gain energy, they circulate at larger radii. A cyclotron produces a nearly continuous beam at a fixed energy.

Fig. 8.2, Charged particles in a cyclotron start in the center (1) and are accelerated across a gap (2) by an alternating electric field. A particle's trajectory is bent by the magnetic field (3) with the radius of curvature increasing as the particles gains energy. When it obtains the maximum energy at the outer radius, the particle is steered through an exit window (4).

A synchrotron circulates protons in a ring of fixed radius, as shown in Fig. 8.3 . It is fed by a linear accelerator that injects protons into the ring and there is at least one accelerating cavity in the synchrotron itself. As the protons are accelerated with each lap, the bending magnet fields ramp up to keep the protons in the beam pipe. The synchrotron can accelerate protons to a range of predefined energies.

Fig. 8.3, Charged particles are accelerated by a linear accelerator (1) before injection into the synchrotron. Dipole bending magnets (2) keep the particles inside the vacuum beam pipe. As the particles will pass through an accelerating element (3) every lap, the bending magnets will increase their field strength. Multipole magnets are used to focus the beam. When the particle beam has been accelerated to the desired energy, it can be deflected and extracted (5).

Protons beams from a single cyclotron or synchrotron can be shared by multiple treatment rooms. Treatment rooms can have fixed-beam angles, a full gantry, or a partial gantry. Although gantry delivery permits greater beam angle choice, it is more technically challenging to maintain submillimeter precision while isocentrically rotating the bending and focusing magnets, and it requires two more building floors of vertical space for clearance. Compact cyclotron systems may be gantry-mounted.

Scattered Beam

With passive scattering, a spatially uniform dose distribution is achieved by scattering and degrading the primary proton beam in a set of distributed absorbers. Passive systems use either single- or double-scattering foils. The foil is made of high-Z materials, such as lead, and effectively scatters the beam while keeping energy loss to a minimum. Generally speaking, double-scatter systems are preferred because larger, more uniform beams can be generated ( Fig. 8.4 ).

Fig. 8.4, Double scattering system uses a first (S1) and second (S2) scatterer with a beamline snout (SN) , which shields scattered protons and permits the mounting of patient-specific apertures (AP) and range compensators (RC). The example illustrates the effect of the range compensator in water and indicates the sharp lateral fall-off achieved by the aperture.

Beam shaping is accomplished with the use of some devices that are patient- and field-specific and some that are not. Range modulation refers to the concept that pristine Bragg peaks must be spread out to be clinically useful. In the passive scatter system this is done with either a propeller-shaped modulator ( Fig. 8.5 ) or a ridge filter, which is not patient-specific but may be range-specific, with a small library of range modulators available to address the different range modulator options that might be clinically desired. The Bragg peaks are spread out by placing these devices, which have variable thicknesses, in the path of a given beam. The thicker the modulator, the more the beam is shifted in range.

Fig. 8.5, Two examples of range modulators, upstream (small) and downstream. Both are characterized by a “staircase” structure to achieve the differential pullback of the pristine proton beam and variable widths of the “stair steps” to achieve differential weighting of the shifted pristine peak contribution to the spread-out Bragg peaks. The downstream range modulator is large to cover the clinical area of the scattered proton beam at the downstream position.

Additional beam conformality is achieved with the use of patient-specific devices ( Fig. 8.6 ). Brass apertures are formulated to be used for a specific field for a given patient. Apertures are equivalent to the blocks used in conventional radiotherapy. A range compensator is another patient-specific beam modulator. This device is a block of plastic that is created by a computer-driven milling machine for a specific field and is responsible for conforming the distal edge of the beam, necessary because of the variability in individual proton range secondary to differences in radiologic density in the tissue along their particular trajectory. For historical reasons, a range compensator is sometimes referred to as a “bolus,” but this should not be confused with the bolus that is directly applied to the patient's skin in conventional radiation therapy. This device is located adjacent to the brass aperture in the snout of the accelerator, above the patient. Use of patient-specific devices that must be formulated for each beam angle is not a trivial matter in terms of labor and cost. Furthermore, insertion and removal of the heavy apertures for each field is time-consuming and potentially dangerous for therapists and technicians. This process adds a significant amount of time to each patient's treatment and limits the total number of patients treated at a facility.

Fig. 8.6, Patient-specific brass aperture to achieve lateral field confirmation to the target volume and a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) range compensator to achieve distal confirmation.

Although proton therapy has the potential to spare more healthy tissue than x-ray therapy, by virtue of physical qualities of the Bragg peak, there is a concern for increased neutron production. Neutrons can be generated whenever high-energy protons are slowed down by nuclear interactions. Such events can take place inside or outside of the patient. A certain amount of neutron production takes place from proton interactions within the patient, and this is unavoidable and relatively modest . But with the passive scatter system, neutrons are primarily produced from proton interactions with patient-specific scattering material and collimators in the accelerator system.

Spot Scanning

Virtually all proton facilities under construction or recently constructed utilize active (spot or pencil beam) scanning. With this technique, the beam is not spread out or scattered; rather a narrow (2-mm to 10-mm wide) pencil beam is precisely steered through the treatment volume by magnets in the beam line nozzle. One of the benefits of this system is that there may not be any field-specific or patient-specific hardware; therefore, the time and cost of fabrication and daily insertion are avoided. Most importantly, neutron production and proton beam scatter are greatly diminished with the absence of this hardware. Apertures can still have a role in spot-scanned pencil beam treatments for targets that require a very sharp lateral penumbra. As the lowest energy protons have the largest spot sizes, more superficial targets, such as ocular melanomas, could benefit the most from an aperture system.

These pencil beams deposit the dose layer by layer, with the distal edge treated first and the more superficial layers treated thereafter ( Fig. 8.7 ). Pencil beam scanning also allows for good conformation of the proximal edge of the treatment volume, which is typically not possible with scattered beams. The ability to paint dose spot-by-spot makes pencil beam scanning the best technique for the treatment of irregularly shaped tumors and tumors tightly constrained by critical structures.

Fig. 8.7, (A) The proton pencil, with a (gaussian) spread of about 3 mm, enters into the patient. The lateral broadening of the pencil beam resulting from multiple coulomb scattering (MCS) in the patient body is small but not negligible. The dose distribution of such a pencil beam shows a sharp maximum near the end of the range and is well localized in the Bragg peak in all three dimensions within a “spot” volume of about 1 cm 3 . The superposition of these spots, scanned on a three-dimensional grid in steps of ~5 mm, can be delivered to produce a three-dimensional dose distribution that conforms to the target volume in all three dimensions (F), albeit with an unavoidable entrance dose. (A) Single pencil beam. (B) Lateral scanning. (C) The dose is shaped by changing the dosage of each spot, the speed of the scan, or the intensity of the beam. (D) A homogeneous dose is produced by changing the energy of the beam. (E) Repainting delivers a lower dose to the target volume per painting and is repeated to deliver the total target dose. (F) The summation of many pencil beams in the lateral direction and in depth results in a conformal homogeneous dose distribution.

Because proton accelerators have a minimum as well as a maximum energy, the treatment of more superficial targets requires a range shifter . This device is a low-Z material of uniform thickness placed in the path of the beam, typically in the beam nozzle. The resulting Bragg peaks of the beam will be shifted by a fixed distance toward the surface of the patient. The range shifter will also scatter the beam. To minimize its effect on the spot size, it may be desirable to move the range shifter closer to the patient, either placing the device on the treatment couch or even incorporating it as a thicker couch.

Facility Design

The design of a proton facility must incorporate several elements in the treatment rooms, control areas, and building that are different than those in an x-ray facility. Neutron production requires thicker concrete shielding and a longer maze. A proton gantry is also substantially larger than a modern tomotherapy unit or x-ray linear accelerator, usually requiring at least two stories of shielded construction. The vendor will also require an on-site control room and storage for machine maintenance and quality assurance elements. To reserve the gantries for beam delivery, some facilities utilize a setup room for initial positioning and a gurney for transport of the couch and patient to the treatment room. The patient support assemblies are typically robotically controlled, able to adjust three translational and three rotational degrees-of-freedom in modern facilities. Standard or specialized couch tops and extensions can be mounted on the patient support assembly, but care must be taken to understand the couch top impact on proton treatment beam (heterogeneities, etc.). Robotic arms in setup and treatment rooms allow for transfer of the couch and patient between rooms, with the patient fully immobilized.

Image guidance is very similar to that in the photon clinic. In-room imaging can include 2D and 3D modalities for 2D/2D, 2D/3D, and 3D/3D alignment and optical surface imaging. Imaging equipment can move with the gantry or couch or have a fixed location in the room. A computed tomography (CT)-on-rails or a cone-beam CT can provide localization based on soft tissues and information about any changes in the beam path that could be significant enough to have an impact on dose accuracy, allowing the team to make an informed decision about patient treatment. It is envisioned that volumetric imaging will be used for rapid adaptive replanning while the patient is in the treatment room as image acquisition, target delineation, and computational planning tools become more automated and efficient.

Beam Characteristics

Spread Out Bragg Peak and Water Equivalent Thickness

With an understanding of the fundamental interactions which form the basis of the Bragg peak, we can now turn our attention to the more macroscopic attributes of therapeutic charged particle beams. Fig. 8.1 presents the dose deposited in water as a function of depth by a series of monoenergetic, clinical proton beams. In addition to the depth of the Bragg peak increasing with beam energy, the width of the peak also increases owing to an effect known as “range straggling.” Even for a beam of monoenergetic particles, the individual particles do not all stop at exactly the same depth. Differences in the trajectory of each particle are caused by stochastic variations in energy loss and scattering dynamics. These path length differences become more pronounced as the particles penetrate deeper, which leads to a broadening of the Bragg peak as the beam goes deeper.

Because the width of a single Bragg peak is typically small compared with the size of the clinical target in the beam's eye view, the superposition of multiple Bragg peaks (i.e., multiple energies) is needed to create a uniform dose across the target. In a clinical beam, the “spread out Bragg peak,” or SOBP, is formed when appropriate relative weightings are applied to a collection of single-energy incident beams (see Fig. 8.1 ). The SOBP can be parameterized by well-known metrics. The “d80” refers to the depth at which the dose distal to the SOBP falls off to 80% of the maximum. It turns out that in a monoenergetic proton beam, which creates a single Bragg peak, this depth closely corresponds to the average range of the beam. Analogous to d80, “d20” is the depth at which the dose reaches 20% of the SOBP maximum, and the difference “d20-d80” characterizes how rapid the dose falls off distal to the SOBP. The modulation width refers generally to the length of the region of uniform dose in an SOBP. As the modulation width increases, the magnitude of the entrance dose increases relative to the SOBP.

Although proton depth dose curves are typically shown in water, it is critical to understand the differences associated with propagation through heterogeneous materials such as the human body. The penetration depth of a charged particle beam depends on the stopping powers of the various anatomic regions through which it passes. Higher stopping power implies more energy transfer from the charged particle beam to the material, resulting in a shorter particle range. Generally speaking, stopping power increases with material density, although there is also some dependence on the molecular composition of the material itself. Given two points separated by a distance d in a heterogeneous material , a “water equivalent thickness,” or “WET,” can be defined. This represents the equivalent thickness of water through which a charged particle beam would lose the same amount of energy as it would traversing the heterogeneous distance d .

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