Pulmonary Risk Assessment


Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) have undeniable clinical relevance because they are frequent and impose a significant burden of perioperative morbidity and mortality. The reported incidence of PPCs varies considerably among studies, from 2% to 40%, with several risk factors identified ( Table 9.1 ). Ambiguities in the definition of PPCs and lack of systematic studies have created more challenges to the perioperative pulmonary risk evaluation. However, in the last decade, definitions were improved and risk factors were comprehensively analyzed and included in validated outcome prediction models.

Table 9.1
Risk factors for postoperative pulmonary complications.
Strong evidence a Fair evidence a Indeterminate
Patient-related factors Advanced age History of smoking Respiratory infection in the last month
ASA class > 2 Impaired sensorium GERD
Congestive heart failure Weight loss Alcohol use
Functional dependence Alcohol use Diabetes mellitus
COPD Weight loss
Moderate/severe obstructive sleep apnea
Liver disease
Renal failure
Diabetes mellitus
Preoperative shock
Procedure-related factors Aortic aneurysm Transfusion Prolonged hospitalization
Thoracic Procedures with a high risk for ALI/ARDS
Abdominal Procedures with a risk for UEPI
Upper abdominal Perioperative nasogastric tube
Neurosurgery Use of long-acting neuromuscular blockers
Prolonged surgery (> 3 hours) Mechanical ventilation strategy
Head and neck Open abdominal surgery (vs. laparoscopic)
Emergency Neostigmine
Vascular Failure to use peripheral nerve stimulator
General anesthesia
Blood transfusion
Lab/preoperative testing Low serum albumin Chest radiograph Positive cough test
Blood urea Low preoperative oxygen saturation
Generic variations
Increased creatinine
Abnormal liver function test results
Predicted maximal oxygen uptake
FEV 1 /FVC < 0.7 and FEV 1 < 80% of predicted
ACP, American College of Physicians; ALI/ARDS, acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; PPCs, postoperative pulmonary complications; SpO 2 , oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry; UEPI, unanticipated early postoperative intubation.

a Adapted from Smetana GW, Lawrence VA, Cornell JE. American College of Physicians: Preoperative pulmonary risk stratification for noncardiothoracic surgery: systematic review for the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2006;144(8):581.


Approximately 1 million surgical patients have PPCs each year in the United States. Studies have shown that PPCs occur in 2%–12% of nonthoracic surgeries and in up to 38% of thoracic surgeries. In patients after major abdominal surgery, the incidence of PPCs was around 6%.

In a multicenter study, the 30-day mortality was estimated to be 19.5% in those with PPC as opposed to 0.5% in those without a PPC. A prospective cohort study on patients undergoing nonthoracic surgery showed that patients who developed a PPC had a mean hospital stay of 27.9 days as opposed to a mean value of 4.5 days in patients who did not have a PPC.

A study on US Medicare beneficiaries showed that pneumonia and respiratory failure respectively account for 2.8% and 1.4%, respectively, of causes of rehospitalization after surgery. The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) analyzed Medicare inpatient claims and found that preventing postoperative complications would avoid 41,846 readmissions and save $620 million of public health expense every year.


Early studies lumped events with questionable clinical relevance, such as intraoperative bronchospasm or low-grade fever, together with more significant complications, such as pneumonia and respiratory failure. A more systematic approach should evaluate only those complications that are likely to affect mortality, prolong hospital stay, or require specific treatment. These clinical entities should be defined by criteria as stringent and univocal as possible, such as the criteria for nosocomial pneumonia. However, the reported rate of pulmonary complications is variable even when stricter criteria for the diagnosis of PPCs are used, probably due to the heterogeneity of the populations studied and of the surgical procedures performed ( Table 9.2 ). The large variability among studies is also due to difficulty in discriminating each of the complications because they have interdependent pathways.

Table 9.2
Reported rates of postoperative pulmonary complications with various procedure-related factors.
Adapted with permission from Smetana GW, Lawrence VA, Cornell JE. American College of Physicians: Preoperative pulmonary risk stratification for noncardiothoracic surgery: systematic review for the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2006;144(8):581.
Procedure-related risk factor Adjusted OR for PPCs (95% CI) PPC rate a (%)
Surgical site
  • Aorta

6.90 (2.74–17.36)
  • Vascular (aortic)

2.10 (0.81–5.42 25.5
  • Head and neck

2.21 (1.82–2.68) 10.3
  • Thorax

4.24 (2.89–6.23)
  • Esophagectomy

  • Upper abdomen

  • Hip

  • Lower abdomen

  • Neurosurgery

2.53 (1.84–3.47)
  • Gynecologic and urologic

  • Prolonged surgery b

2.26 (1.47–3.47)
  • Emergency surgery

2.52 (1.69–3.75)
  • General anesthesia

2.35 (1.77–3.12)
CI, Confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

a After multivariable adjustment for other patient-related and procedure-related risk factors.

b Most commonly defined as > 3 hours.

Pneumonia is probably the single most important PPC because it has a definitive impact on outcomes. Postoperative pneumonia has been detected in 18.6% of 140 patients undergoing major surgery and is associated with mortality rates as high as 21%. Perioperative bronchospasm seems to occur in a surprisingly small portion of the population, even when patients with asthma are considered. However, bronchospasm was the most frequent complication in smokers with evidence of airway obstruction by spirometry. Recently, the European Perioperative Clinical Outcome definitions included a universal definition of PPCs with a comprehensive list of components ( Table 9.3 ).

Table 9.3
Definitions of postoperative pulmonary complications.
Adapted with permission from Miskovic A, Lumb AB. Postoperative pulmonary complications. Br J Anaesth 2017;118(3):317-334.
Measure Definition by Canet et al. 2010 Other definition
Respiratory failure Postoperative PaO 2 < 60 mmHg on room air, a ratio of PaO 2 to FiO 2 < 300, or arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation measured with pulse oximetry < 90% and requiring oxygen therapy Requires invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilation
Suspected pulmonary infection Treatment with antibiotics for a respiratory infection, plus at least one of the following criteria: Clinical diagnostic criteria for nosocomial pneumonia
New or changed sputum
New or changed lung opacities on a clinically indicated chest radiograph
Temperature > 38.3°C
Leukocyte count > 12,000/mm 3
Atelectasis Suggested by lung opacification with shift of the mediastinum, hilum, or hemidiaphragm toward the affected area and compensatory overinflation in the adjacent nonatelectatic lung Requires intervention (bronchoscopy, postural therapy)
Aspiration pneumonitis Respiratory failure after the inhalation of regurgitated gastric contests
Pneumothorax Air in the pleural space with no vascular bed surrounding the visceral pleura Requires drainage
Pleural effusion Chest radiograph demonstrating blunting of the costophrenic angle, loss of the sharp silhouette of the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm Requires drainage
Bronchospasm Newly detected expiratory wheezing treated with bronchodilators Requires bronchodilator therapy
ARDS Acute onset < 1 week, bilateral infiltrates on CXR, hypoxemia as evidenced by PaO 2 /FiO 2 < 300, minimal evidence of left atrial fluid overload, PCWP < 18 cm H 2 O
Tracheobronchitis Purulent sputum with normal chest radiograph, no IV antibiotics
Pulmonary edema Pulmonary congestion/hypostasis, acute edema of lung, congestive heart failure
Exacerbation of preexisting lung disease Not further defined
Pulmonary embolism Not further defined
ARDS, Acute respiratory distress syndrome; CXR, chest x-ray; FiO 2 , fraction of inspired oxygen; IV, intravenous; PaO 2 , partial pressure of oxygen; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.

Etiology and Pathophysiology

The mechanisms leading to PPCs are complex and only partially understood. Factors related to preexisting diseases, surgical trauma, and anesthesia interact in predisposing a patient to the development of PPC ( Fig. 9.1 ). Perioperative loss of lung volumes with consequent formation of atelectasis is widely accepted as one of the most important mechanisms leading to PPC. Atelectasis is initiated during anesthesia and mechanical ventilation and deteriorates gas exchange intraoperatively and in the early postoperative period. Using computed tomographic scans of the chest, Hedenstierna et al. observed small areas of alveolar collapse shortly after the induction of general anesthesia in healthy subjects but could not demonstrate the same phenomenon in patients receiving epidural anesthesia. The causes of the formation of atelectasis during general anesthesia are multiple. Lung tissue has a natural tendency to display gravity-dependent alveolar collapse during mechanical ventilation, as suggested by the fact that atelectasis is located in the recumbent parts of the lungs ( Fig. 9.2 ). Mechanical ventilation and muscle relaxation cause cephalad displacement and decreased respiratory excursion of the posterior part of the diaphragm, a finding that explains the dominant caudal distribution of the areas of atelectasis ( Fig. 9.3 ). High fraction of inspired oxygen and lower pulmonary distending pressures predispose to dependent airway closure and subsequent absorption atelectasis. The three mechanisms postulated for atelectasis during general anesthesia are compression of lung tissue, absorption atelectasis, and loss of surfactant.

Fig. 9.1, Mechanisms that lead to pulmonary complications in the surgical patient. FRC, Functional residual capacity.

Fig. 9.2, Three-dimensional reconstruction of chest computed tomographic scans in an anesthetized and paralyzed human.

Fig. 9.3, Lateral views of the diaphragm at end inspiration (stippled line) and at end expiration (thick line) in a healthy subject during spontaneous breathing (A and B) and during mechanical ventilation (C and D). The area between the two lines represents diaphragm excursion. Inspirations with baseline tidal volumes (A and C) and with large tidal volumes (B and D) are shown. Overall diaphragm excursion was reduced during mechanical ventilation at both tidal volumes. The posterior (inferior parts of the pictures) portion of the diaphragm had the greatest reduction in tidal excursion.

Functional residual capacity declines after surgery, and the observed changes are bigger when the site of surgical incision is closer to the diaphragm. Pain and surgical trauma lead to limitation of inspiratory excursion and are important contributors to postoperative lung volume loss. Pain in the immediate postoperative period causes spinal reflex inhibition of the phrenic nerve due to nociceptive inputs to ventral and ventrolateral horns of the spinal cord, which affect the diaphragm function. There is also evidence that surgical manipulation of upper abdominal viscera results in a reflex dysfunction of the diaphragm muscle that is not related to pain, as shown in patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Atelectasis is considered a relevant complication in itself, because it can cause hypoxemia and respiratory failure and also because it could predispose to pneumonia. However, a causative link between atelectasis and pneumonia remains undemonstrated. Experimental data showed limited bacterial growth following alveolar recruitment in an animal model of pneumonia, suggesting that collapsed lung provides a favorable environment for infection.

In addition to volume loss, other factors play a role in the genesis of PPC and of postoperative pneumonia. An important factor is probably mucous retention caused by decreased coughing resulting from pain and medications and by dysfunction of mucociliary transport in the airway mucosa. Mucociliary transport is an important mechanism of pulmonary defense, and its velocity is decreased by anesthesia and by endotracheal intubation with a cuffed tube. Smokers have a decreased mucociliary transport velocity during anesthesia compared with nonsmokers, a finding that may help to explain the high rate of PPC in these patients. It is not clear how long this functional impairment of mucous transport lasts after the end of anesthesia and extubation.

Aspiration of contaminated oropharyngeal secretions is thought to be a prominent mechanism leading to nosocomial and postoperative pneumonia. Residual subclinical muscle relaxation has been detected in patients who received long-acting muscle relaxants, and it was associated with an increased rate of pulmonary complications. Residual effects of neuromuscular blockers cause atelectasis in the postanesthesia care unit. Residual blockade is defined as a train-of-four ratio of < 0.9, which is associated with lower values of forced vital capacity and of peak expiratory flow rate as measured by pulmonary function testing (PFT). Poor airway protection and aspiration of secretions are probably even more common after certain procedures, such as transhiatal esophagectomy, explaining the 28.5% rate of PPCs observed after this surgery.

Finally, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes gas exchange and respiratory mechanics abnormalities that reduce the patients’ ability to tolerate superimposed acute lung disease and render them prone to respiratory failure. Additionally, patients with COPD have dysfunction of the respiratory muscles due to chest wall deformation and to myopathy. These patients may be unable to withstand the increased ventilatory demand and the higher work of breathing required in the postoperative period and may require ventilatory support earlier than patients with normal muscle function.

Preoperative Pulmonary Evaluation for Nonthoracic Surgery

The preoperative pulmonary evaluation is an integral part of the general preoperative risk assessment. The evaluation should start by collecting information on the patient’s overall health status, then focus on the respiratory system and include a careful exam.

The majority of patients undergoing nonthoracic procedures are less likely to benefit from instrumental testing. They should proceed to have surgery, have it postponed, or have it denied without further evaluation. This approach should be the same, regardless of the type of planned surgery, and differs from the evaluation of the patient candidate for pulmonary resection, which is discussed later in this chapter.

For better understanding, the risk factors for PPC are grouped into patient factors and operative factors. Patient factors include pulmonary and extrapulmonary factors, while the operative factors include anesthesia and surgical factors, which are discussed separately.

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