Pumps, pain management and regional anaesthesia

Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)

PCA represents one of the most significant advances in the treatment of postoperative pain. Improved technology enables pumps to accurately deliver boluses of opioid when a demand button is activated by the patient.

It is the patient who determines the plasma concentration of the opioid, this being a balance between the dose required to control the pain and that which causes side effects. The plasma concentration of the opioid is maintained at a relatively constant level with the dose requirements being generally smaller. Patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) also exists and uses similar principles.


  • 1.

    It has a pump with an accuracy of at least ±5% of the programmed dose ( Fig. 12.1 ).

    Fig. 12.1, The Graseby Omnifuse patient-controlled analgesia pump.

  • 2.

    The remote demand button is connected to the pump and activated by the patient.

  • 3.

    It has an antisiphon and backflow valve.

Mechanism of action

  • 1.

    Different modes of analgesic administration can be employed:

    • a.

      patient-controlled, on-demand bolus administration

    • b.

      continuous background infusion and patient-controlled bolus administration.

  • 2.

    The initial programming of the pump must be for the individual patient. The mode of administration, the amount of analgesic administered per bolus, the ‘lock-ouť time (i.e. the time period during which the patient is prevented from receiving another bolus despite activating the demand button), the duration of the administration of the bolus and the maximum amount of analgesic permitted per unit time are all variable settings on a PCA device.

  • 3.

    Some designs have the capability to be used as a PCA pump for a particular variable duration then switching automatically to a continuous infusion as programmed or vice versa.

  • 4.

    The history of the drug administration including the total dose of the analgesic, the number of boluses and the number of successful and failed attempts can be displayed.

  • 5.

    The devices have memory capabilities so they retain their programming during syringe changing.

  • 6.

    Tamper-resistant features are included.

  • 7.

    Some designs have a safety measure where an accidental triggering of the device is usually prevented by the need for the patient to make two successive presses on the hand control within 1 second.

  • 8.

    PCA devices operate on mains power sources or battery.

  • 9.

    Different routes of administration can be used for PCA, e.g. intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous or epidural routes.

  • 10.

    Alarms are included for malfunction, occlusion and disconnection.

  • 11.

    Ambulatory PCA pumps are available, allowing patienťs mobilization during use ( Fig. 12.2 ).

    Fig. 12.2, CADD Solis portable patent-controlled analgesia pump.

Problems in practice and safety features

  • 1.

    The ability of the patient to cooperate and understand is essential.

  • 2.

    Availability of trained staff to programme the device and monitor the patient is vital.

  • 3.

    In the PCA mode, the patient may awaken in severe pain because no boluses were administered during sleep.

  • 4.

    Some PCA devices require special giving sets and syringes.

  • 5.

    Technical errors can be fatal due to the potential for opiate overdose.

Patient-controlled analgesia

  • The patient has the ability to administer the opioid as required.

  • The device is programmed by the anaesthetist.

  • Different modes of administration.

  • Tamper-resistant designs are featured.

  • Ambulatory designs are available.

  • Technical errors can be fatal.

Syringe Pumps

These are programmable pumps that can be adjusted to give variable rates of infusion and also bolus administration ( Fig. 12.3 ). They are used to maintain continuous infusions of analgesics (or other drugs). The type of flow is pulsatile continuous delivery, and their accuracy is within ±2%–5%. Some designs can accept a variety of different size syringes. The power source can be battery and/or main power sources.

Fig. 12.3, Graseby syringe pumps.

Problems in practice and safety features

  • 1.

    It is important to ensure the infusion is unidirectional with no free flow. Antisiphon valves are usually used to achieve this. An alarm is activated if there is a crack in the syringe, allowing air to enter.

  • 2.

    The syringe should be securely clamped to the pump. Inadvertent free flow can occur if the syringe barrel or plunger is not engaged firmly in the pump mechanism.

  • 3.

    Syringe drivers should not be positioned above the level of the patient. If the pump is more than 100 cm above the patient, a gravitational pressure can be generated that overcomes the friction between a nonsecured plunger and barrel.

  • 4.

    Some pumps have a ‘back-off’ function that prevents the pump from administering a bolus following an obstruction due to increased pressure in the system.

  • 5.

    An antireflux valve should be inserted in any other line that is connected to the infusion line. Antireflux valves prevent backflow up the secondary (and usually lower pressure) line, should a distal occlusion occur. They would then avoid a subsequent inadvertent bolus.

  • 6.

    Newer, smart infusion pumps are designed to alert the user when there is a risk of an adverse drug interaction or when the user sets the pump’s parameters outside of specified safety limits. This is done via programmable dose and infusion rate limits.

  • 7.

    In order to change the rate or to give a bolus, there is a need for two distinct or simultaneous actions.

Volumetric Pumps

These are programmable pumps designed to be used with specific giving set tubing ( Fig. 12.4 ). They are more suitable for infusions where accuracy of total volume is more important than precise flow rate. Their accuracy is generally within ±5%–10%. Volumetric pump accuracy is sensitive to the internal diameter of the giving set tubing. Various mechanisms of action exist. Peristaltic, cassette and reservoir systems are commonly used.

Fig. 12.4, Graseby 1200 volumetric pump.

The power source can be battery and/or main power sources.

Target-Controlled Infusion Pumps

These pumps have advanced software technology where the age and the weight of the patient are entered in addition to the drug’s desired plasma concentration. They are mainly used with a propofol and remifentanil infusion technique. The software is capable of estimating the plasma and effect (brain) concentrations, allowing the anaesthetist to adjust the infusion rate accordingly.

Elastomeric pumps

These light, portable and disposable pumps allow continuous infusions of local anaesthetic solutions. Continuous incisional infiltration or nerve blocks can be used, so allowing the delivery of continuous analgesia ( Fig. 12.5 ).

Fig. 12.5, The On-Q elastomeric pump. Note the flow restrictor, bacterial filter, antisyphon valve and attached catheter.


  • 1.

    A small balloon-like pump is filled with local anaesthetic. Variable volumes of 100–600 mL are available.

  • 2.

    Specially designed catheters have lengths of 7–30 cm and of different gauges.

  • 3.

    It has a bacterial filter and a flow restrictor.

Mechanism of action

  • 1.

    The balloon deflates slowly and spontaneously, delivering a set amount of local anaesthetic solution per hour. Rates of 2–14 mL/h can be programmed.

  • 2.

    Catheters are designed with multiple orifices, allowing the infusion of local anaesthetic solution over a large area.

  • 3.

    An extra on-demand bolus facility is available in some designs. This allows boluses of 5 mL of solution with a lockout time of 60 minutes.

  • 4.

    Some designs allow the simultaneous infusion of two surgical sites.

  • 5.

    A silver-coated antimicrobial dressing is provided.

Problems in practice and safety features

  • 1.

    Some of the local anaesthetic may get absorbed into the balloon.

  • 2.

    The infusion rate profile can vary throughout the infusion. It is thought that the initial rate is higher than expected initially, especially if the pump is underfilled. The infusion rates tend to decrease over the infusion period. To reduce such potential risks, the Pajunk FuserPump, with a 350-mL capacity, has a hard shell, a flow rate selector and a locking key. Rates of 3, 5 and 8 mL/h can be delivered ( Fig. 12.6 ).

    Fig. 12.6, Pajunk FuserPump.

  • 3.

    It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding positioning of the device in relation to the body and ambient temperature. Changes in temperature can affect the flow rate. A change of 10°C in the temperature of water-based fluids results in altered viscosity, which causes a 20%–30% change in flow rate.

Penthrox Inhaler ‘Green Whistle’ ( Fig. 12.7 )

Methoxyflurane is a volatile, halogenated inhalational agent. It was discontinued from routine anaesthetic usage due to concerns over nephrotoxicity at high dosage levels. However, self-administered in a controlled subanaesthetic dose from the Penthrox inhaler, it can provide an efficacious, safe, rapid (within 4–5 minutes) short-term pain relief following trauma in conscious adults. Methoxyflurane has minimal side effects, including negligible effects on the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, making it ideal for pain relief in the prehospital settings. In subanaesthetic doses, methoxyflurane does not carry a risk of nephrotoxicity.

Fig. 12.7, The disposable Penthrox inhaler.

Components ( Fig. 12.8 )

  • 1.

    A cylindrical tube with the patient’s mouthpiece.

  • 2.

    A polypropylene wick within the tube to accommodate 3 mL of methoxyflurane.

  • 3.

    An inlet chamber that allows the addition of methoxyflurane and fresh air.

  • 4.

    An activated charcoal chamber.

Fig. 12.8, Penthrox inhaler.

Mechanism of action

  • 1.

    The wick gradually vaporizes the 3 mL of methoxyflurane.

  • 2.

    Patient inhales and exhales through the mouthpiece.

  • 3.

    During inhalation, the patient gets vapour through the mouthpiece.

  • 4.

    During exhalation, the expired methoxyflurane is captured by the activated charcoal, so reducing pollution.

  • 5.

    3-mL methoxyflurane provides 25–30 minutes of analgesia with continuous use. Longer durations can be achieved with intermittent use.

  • 6.

    If stronger analgesia is needed, the inlet chamber is covered with a finger, allowing less dilution and higher concentration of methoxyflurane.

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