Systemic Venous Anomalies

We shall begin the specific anomalies section with systemic venous malformations because this book is organized in a venoarterial or blood-flow sequence—segment by segment, alignment by alignment, and connection by connection. The first question we must endeavor to answer is, What are the systemic venous anomalies? The answer to this question turns out to be stranger and more fascinating than anything one is likely to be able to imagine. Because most standard textbooks do not have a chapter that deals adequately with this topic, the present chapter is something of an exploration of terra incognita . Fortunately, the Cardiac Pathology Database ( Table 6.1 ) and the medical journal literature will make it possible to answer this question.

Systemic Venous Anomalies
No. Prevalence Anomaly No. of Cases % of Series 95% CI
1 1 Persistent L or R SVC 415 12.90 11.74–14.06
2 2 Interruption of IVC a 42 1.31 0.92–1.70
3 3 Atresia or stenosis of CoS ostium 20 0.62 0.35–0.89
4 4 Aneurysm of sinus venosus 9 0.28 0.10–0.46
5 5 Absence or atresia of RSVC 7 0.22 0.06–0.38
6 6 Absence of left innominate vein 5 0.16 0.15–0.17
7 7 Left innominate vein anterior to thymus 3 0.09 0.08–0.10
8 8 Raghib syndrome 2 0.06 0.05–0.07
9 8 Right SVC to LA 2 0.06 0.05–0.07
10 9 Retroaortic innominate vein 1 0.03 0.02–0.04
11 9 Left-to-right switching of IVC 1 0.03 0.02–0.04
12 9 Umbilical vein to coronary sinus 1 0.03 0.02–0.04
13 9 “Portal vein” to azygos vein 1 0.03 0.02–0.04
CI, Confidence interval; CoS, coronary sinus; IVC, inferior vena cava; L, left; LA, morphologically left atrium; No., number; R, right; RSVC, right superior vena cava; SVC, superior vena cava.

a Heterotaxy syndrome with polysplenia was excluded.

Persistent Left or Right Superior Vena Cava

Persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC) in visceroatrial situs solitus and persistent right SVC (RSVC) in visceroatrial situs inversus are remarkably frequent anomalies ( Fig. 6.1 ). Indeed, persistence of the contralateral superior vena cava (SVA) was the eighth most common form of congenital heart disease in the cardiac pathology database ( Chapter 5 , Table 5.1 ), being found in 415 of the 3216 patients with congenital heart disease (12.90% of this series, 95% confidence interval [CI] 11.74% to 14.06%).

Fig. 6.1, (A) Diagram, as seen from the front, of persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC) connecting with the coronary sinus (CoS) and draining into the morphologically right atrium (RA) in visceroatrial situs solitus. The inferior vena cava (IVC) is right-sided, as is the normal single right superior vena cava (SVC). Hence, bilateral SVCs are present, and the left innominate vein (LIV), also known as the left brachiocephalic vein, is absent (indicated by dashed lines ). The morphologically left atrium (LA) lies to the left of the RA. Septum primum (Sept I), the flap valve of the patent foramen ovale, lies to the left of septum secundum (Sept II), and the pulmonary veins (PVs) connect normally with the LA. (B) Persistent LSVC with unroofed coronary sinus, that is, large coronary sinus septal defect; hence the persistent LSVC drains into the LA. Note the large low posterior ostium of the CoS; this interatrial communication typically permits left-to-right shunting because the coronary sinus is unroofed. With a persistent LSVC, a large CoS ostium is usual; hence this interatrial communication is a normal opening, not an atrial septal defect, that is, not an abnormal opening in the atrial septum. This trilogy of developmentally interrelated anomalies—persistent LSVC, unroofed CoS, and large lower posterior interatrial communication—is often referred to as the Raghib syndrome. 4 Note that the left innominate vein is absent—a frequent finding with bilateral SVCs. Other abbreviations as previously. (C) Diagram of persistent right SVC (RSVC) in visceroatrial situs inversus. The persistent RSVC connects with the CoS and drains into morphologically right atrium which is left-sided [RA (L)]. Note that the morphologically left atrium is right-sided [LA (R)]. There is a left-sided inferior vena cava (LIVC), a LSVC, PVs connecting with the LA (R), septum primum (the flap valve of the foramen ovale) lying to the right of septum secundum, and absence of the innominate (brachiocephalic) vein, typical of bilateral SVCs.

The sex ratio was male-to-female = 221:184 (1.2:1), with the sex being unknown in 10 cases.

The median age at death in 397 patients was 2 months, ranging from 0 months (fetuses and stillbirths) to 413 months (34.41 years). The age at death was not known to us in 18 cases.

What kinds of congenital heart disease are persistent LSVC or RSVC associated with? The answer to this question is summarized in Table 6.2 . You will note that persistent LSVC or RSVC is associated with 45 different forms of congenital heart disease. When ranked in order of prevalence from most common to most rare, 18 different ranks were found.

What Is Persistent Left or Right Superior Vena Cava Associated With? n = 415
Rank Entity No. of Cases % of Series
1 Tetralogy of Fallot 66 15.90
2 Asplenia syndrome 45 10.84
3 Ventricular septal defect 43 10.36
4 Common AV canal (complete and incomplete) 29 6.99
5 TGA {S,D,D/A/L} 26 6.27
5 Preductal coarctation of aorta 26 6.27
6 Polysplenia syndrome 20 4.82
7 DORV {S,D,D} 18 4.34
8 Mitral atresia 15 3.61
9 Mitral and aortic atresia 14 3.37
10 Truncus arteriosus 12 2.89
10 Tricuspid atresia 12 2.89
10 Left-sided juxtaposition of atrial appendages 12 2.89
11 ASD II 11 2.65
12 Aortic valvar atresia (with patent MV) 8 1.93
13 Aortic stenosis 6 1.45
13 TGA {S,L,L/D} 6 1.45
14 Interrupted aortic arch 5 1.20
14 Scimitar syndrome 5 1.20
14 DORV {I,L,L} 5 1.20
15 Normal heart with L/RSVC 4 0.96
16 HLH without other discrete anomaly 3 0.72
16 DORV {S,L,L} 3 0.72
16 Totally anomalous pul venous connection 3 0.72
16 Trisomy 18 3 0.72
17 Aortic isthmic atresia 2 0.48
17 Agenesis of right lung 2 0.48
17 Aberrant right subclavian artery 2 0.48
17 Vascular ring 2 0.48
17 {I,D,S} 2 0.48
17 Pulmonary valvar stenosis with IVS 2 0.48
17 Ebstein anomaly 2 0.48
17 Conjoined twins 2 0.48
17 Holmes heart 2 0.48
17 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome 2 0.48
17 {I,L,I} 2 0.48
18 Dextrocardia 1 0.24
18 Right-sided JAA syndrome 1 0.24
18 Primary EFE of LV 1 0.24
18 DOLV {S,D,D} 1 0.24
18 Sinus venosus defect 1 0.24
18 PAPVC 1 0.24
18 PDA 1 0.24
18 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 1 0.24
18 {S,L,I} 1 0.24
18 Pulmonary artery sling 1 0.24
ASD II, Atrial septal defect, ostium secundum type; AV, atrioventricular; CI, confidence interval; CoS, coronary sinus; DOLV {S,D,D}, double-outlet left ventricle with the segmental anatomic set of situs solitus of the viscera and atria, D-loop ventricles, and D-malposition of the great arteries; DORV {I,L,L}, double-outlet right ventricle with the segmental anatomic set of situs inversus of the viscera and atria, concordant L-loop ventricles, and L-malposition of the great arteries; DORV {S,D,D}, double-outlet right with the set of solitus viscera and atria, concordant D-loop ventricles, and D-malposition of the great arteries; DORV {S,L,L}, double-outlet right ventricle with solitus viscera and atria, discordant L-loop ventricles, and L-malposition of the great arteries; EFE, endocardial fibroelastosis; HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome; {I,D,S}, the segmental anatomic set of situs inversus of the viscera and atria, discordant D-loop ventricles, and solitus normally related great arteries; {I,L,I}, the segmental anatomic set of inverted viscera and atria, concordant L-loop ventricles, and inverted normally related great arteries; IVC, inferior vena cava; IVS, intact ventricular septum; JAA, juxtaposition of the atrial appendages; L, left; LA, morphologically left atrium; LV, morphologically left ventricle; MV, mitral valve; PAPVC, partially anomalous pulmonary venous connection; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; Pul, pulmonary; No., number; R, right; RSVC, right superior vena cava; {S,L,I}, the segmental anatomic set of solitus viscera and atria, discordant L-loop ventricles, and inverted normally related great arteries; SVC, superior vena cava; TGA {S,D,D/A/L}, transposition of the great arteries with the segmental anatomic set of situs solitus of the viscera and atria, concordant D-loop ventricles, and D-transposition or A-transposition or L-transposition of the great arteries; and TGA {S,L,L}, TGA with the segmental anatomic set of solitus viscera and atria, discordant L-loop ventricles, and L-transposition of the great arteries.
Note: Tetralogy of Fallot was by far the most common form of congenital heart disease associated with persistent left or right superior vena cava, 66 of 415 postmortem cases (15.90%).

The asplenia syndrome with visceral heterotaxy ranked second in prevalence, 45 cases (10.84%, see Table 6.2 ).

Ventricular septal defect (VSD) was the third most common form of congenital heart disease associated with persistent left or RSVC (43 cases, 10.36%), with many of these patients having multiple congenital anomalies (MCAs).

The remainder of Table 6.2 speaks for itself and will not be reiterated here. But the questions remain: Why are common atrioventricular (AV) canal (6.99%), transposition of the great arteries (TGA) (6.27%), polysplenia syndrome with visceral heterotaxy (4.82%), and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (17.83%)—including preductal coarctation of the aorta (6.27%), mitral atresia (3.61%), mitral and aortic atresia (3.37%), aortic valvar atresia with mitral hypoplasia (1.93%), aortic stenosis (1.45%), and interrupted aortic arch (1.2%)—so relatively commonly associated with persistent left or RSVC?

As with so many “Why?” questions, we really do not know the answer. But our speculative thoughts are as follows. In visceroatrial situs solitus, persistence of the LSVC is normal both anatomically and hemodynamically in many vertebrates (e.g., mice and rats). All humans normally have bilateral SCVs in utero. In this sense, bilateral SVCs are “normal”—but not postnatally, one must add.

We suspect that persistent left or RSVC may indicate a developmental arrest at the time in utero when bilateral SVCs normally are present (i.e., fairly early in cardiogenesis). For example, the spleen normally appears in humans in horizons 15 to 17 (i.e., between 30 and 36 days of gestational age), as Ivemark showed. Bilateral superior venae cavae (SVCs) normally are present at this age. Assuming that the asplenia syndrome reflects a developmental arrest that becomes manifest in utero, probably for genetic reasons, at or before the beginning of horizon 15 (30 days of age), and assuming that the polysplenia syndrome similarly becomes manifest in utero somewhat later, during horizons 16 (32 to 34 days of age) or 17 (34 to 36 days of age), this hypothesis could explain why bilateral SCVs are so common in both the asplenia syndrome (that ranked second) and the polysplenia syndrome (that ranked sixth) (see Table 6.2 ).

Similarly, common AV canal was a common form of congenital heart disease associated with bilateral SVA (ranking fourth, see Table 6.2 ). Developmentally, it is known that the superior and inferior endocardial cushions of the common AV canal normally fuse in horizon 17 (days 34 to 36), dividing the common AV canal into mitral and tricuspid canals (see Chapter 2 , Figure 2-39 ). The inference therefore is that common AV canal may well become manifest in utero, probably for genetic reasons, at or before horizon 17 (i.e., at or before 34 to 36 days of age).

However, it is also noteworthy that persistent left or RSVC did not occur in any cases of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (see Table 6.2 ). This observation strongly suggests that persistence of the left or RSVC is a nonrandom event. In the Congenital Heart Database ( Chapter 5 ), pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum ranked 28th in prevalence, very close to the asplenia syndrome, which ranked 27th in prevalence (see Table 5-1 ). Nonetheless, in these two anomalies with very similar prevalence, asplenia was the second most common form of congenital heart disease associated with persistent left or RSVC (see Table 6.2 ), whereas pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum was never associated with persistent left or RSVC (see Table 6.2 ) ( p < .0001).

Why this very marked difference? We think that the answer may well be that whereas the asplenia syndrome occurs early in cardiac morphogenesis (at or before horizon 15, i.e., 30 days of age), when bilateral SVC normally are present, pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum occurs significantly later in utero, after closure of the interventricular foramen, which usually occurs between 38 and 45 days in normal cardiac morphogenesis, when the contralateral SVA (left or right) normally has undergone involution. Hence, we think that bilateral SVC indicate a relatively early developmental arrest, at or before horizon 17 (34 to 36 days of age), when bilateral SVC are normally present in utero.

What is the prevalence of persistent LSVC in normal people with visceroatrial situs solitus? Examination of 112 normal control heart specimens revealed persistence of the LSVC in none. However, cases with a persistent LSVC may have been excluded from our normal collection because such hearts are not entirely normal. Hence, our impression is that the prevalence of persistent left LSVC or RSVC in the “normal” postnatal population is less than 1%. This impression is supported by the literature, in which the prevalence of persistent LSVC in unselected autopsies was found to be 0.3%: 1 in 348 patients (0.29%), and 0.3% in more than 4000 unselected autopsies.

Using the criterion that the normal prevalence of persistent LSVC or RSVC equals 0.3%, it becomes possible to establish which of the aforementioned main diagnoses listed in Table 6.2 have an elevated prevalence of persistent contralateral SVC ( Table 6.3 ). This table requires comment:

  • 1.

    In view of the very small number of cases, we do not feel confident that situs inversus {I,L,I} always has a persistent RSVC, even though both of our cases did (2/2 cases, 100%; see Table 6.3 ).

  • 2.

    Similarly, in view of our very limited experience with the Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, we do not feel confident that a persistent LSVC typically is present in this syndrome, even though this was found in 2 of our 3 cases (66.67%, see Table 6.3 ).

  • 3.

    In contrast, we are sure that bilateral SVC are often present in the asplenia syndrome: 45 of 94 cases, 47.87% (see Table 6.3 ). Asplenia may be the most common form of congenital heart disease with bilateral SVC. As in Table 6.2 , asplenia was more commonly associated with bilateral SVC than was polysplenia (35.09%; see Table 6.3 ). Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) (15.42%) was more commonly associated than was physiologically uncorrected TGA {S,D,D/A/L} (7.76%, see Table 6.3 ). Almost equal in prevalence was common AV canal (7.53%; see Table 6.3 ). Congenitally physiologically corrected TGA {S,L,L} was only slightly less prevalent (5.95%; see Table 6.3 ).

Prevalence of Persistent Left or Right Superior Vena Cava With Various Types of Congenital Heart Disease
Rank Entity No. Percentage
1 {I,L,I} 2/2 100.00
2 Ellis-van Creveld 2/3 66.67
3 Asplenia 45/94 47.87
4 DORV {I,L,L} 5/12 41.67
5 {I,D,S} 2/5 40.00
6 Scimitar syndrome 5/13 38.46
7 Polysplenia 20/57 35.09
8 {S,L,I} 1/3 33.33
9 Conjoined twins 2/9 22.22
9 Agenesis of Rt lung 2/9 22.22
10 DORV {S,L,L} 3/16 18.75
11 DORV {S,D,L} 2/11 18.18
12 TGA {S,L,D} 1/6 16.67
13 Tetralogy of Fallot 66/428 15.42
14 Atretic isthmus of aorta 2/14 14.29
15 PA sling 1/8 12.50
16 DORV {S,D,D} 16/143 11.19
17 DORV {I,D,D} 1/9 11.11
18 Truncus arteriosus 12/111 10.81
18 Tricuspid atresia 12/111 10.81
19 Sinus venosus defect 1/10 10.00
19 EFE of LV, primary 1/10 10.00
20 Vascular ring 2/21 9.52
21 Mitral atresia 15/183 8.20
22 Preductal coarctation 26/328 7.93
23 TGA {S,D,D/A/L} 28/361 7.76
24 CAVC (C & I) 29/385 7.53
25 Interrupted aortic arch 5/67 7.46
26 DOLV {S,D,D} 1/14 7.14
27 TGA {S,L,L} 5/84 5.95
28 Trisomy 18 3/51 5.88
29 Rt JAA 1/18 5.55
30 Hypertrophic CM 1/26 3.85
31 VSD 43/1165 3.69
32 AoAt with MV hypopl 8/235 3.40
33 MAt & Ao At 14/418 3.35
34 PAPVC 1/41 2.44
35 Ebstein 2/83 2.41
36 Aortic stenosis (Valv, Supravalv, Sub Valv) 6/398 1.51
37 TAPVC 3/203 1.48
38 ASD II 11/793 1.39
39 Aberrant RS art 2/170 1.18
40 Dextrocardia 1/119 .84
41 PDA 1/565 .18
AoAt, Aortic atresia; ASD II, atrial septal defect, ostium secundum type; AV, atrioventricular; CAVC (C&I), common atrioventricular canal (complete and incomplete); CI, confidence interval; CM, cardiomyopathy; CoS, coronary sinus; DOLV {S,D,D}, double-outlet left ventricle with the segmental anatomic set of situs solitus of the viscera and atria, D-loop ventricles, and D-malposition of the great arteries; DORV {I,L,L}, double-outlet right ventricle with the segmental anatomic set of situs inversus of the viscera and atria, concordant L-loop ventricles, and L-malposition of the great arteries; DORV {I,D,D}, double-outlet right ventricle with the segmental anatomic set of situs inversus of the viscera and atria (I), discordant D-loop ventricles (D), and D-malposition of the great arteries (D); DORV {S,D,D}, double-outlet right with the set of solitus viscera and atria, concordant D-loop ventricles, and D-malposition of the great arteries; DORV {S,L,D}, double-outlet right ventricle with the segmental anatomic set of situs solitus of the viscera and atria (S), discordant L-loop ventricles (L), and D-malposition of the great arteries (D); DORV {S,D,L}, double-outlet right ventricle with the segmental anatomic set of situs solitus of the viscera and atria (S), concordant D-loop ventricles (D), and L-malposition of the great arteries (L); DORV {S,L,L}, double-outlet right ventricle with solitus viscera and atria, discordant L-loop ventricles, and L-malposition of the great arteries; EFE, endocardial fibroelastosis; HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome; hypopl, hypoplasia; {I,D,S}, the segmental anatomic set of situs inversus of the viscera and atria, discordant D-loop ventricles, and solitus normally related great arteries; {I,L,I}, the segmental anatomic set of inverted viscera and atria, concordant L-loop ventricles, and inverted normally related great arteries; IVC, inferior vena cava; IVS, intact ventricular septum; JAA, juxtaposition of the atrial appendages; L, left; LA, morphologically left atrium; LV, morphologically left ventricle; MAt, mitral atresia; MV, mitral valve; PAPVC, partially anomalous pulmonary venous connection; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; Pul, pulmonary; No., number; R, right; Rt JAA, right-sided juxtaposition of the atrial appendages; RS Art, right subclavian artery; RSVC, right superior vena cava; {S,L,I}, the segmental anatomic set of solitus viscera and atria, discordant L-loop ventricles, and inverted normally related great arteries; SVC, superior vena cava; TAPVC, totally anomalous pulmonary venous connection; TGA {S,D,D/A/L}, TGA with the segmental anatomic set of situs solitus of the viscera and atria, concordant D-loop ventricles, and D-transposition or A-transposition or L-transposition of the great arteries; and TGA {S,L,L}, TGA with the segmental anatomic set of solitus viscera and atria, discordant L-loop ventricles, and L-transposition of the great arteries; VSD, ventricular septal defect.
Note: Horizontal line between ranks 33 and 34: conditions above the line (ranks 1 to 33, inclusive) are statistically significantly different from the normal prevalence of 0.3%, whereas conditions below the horizontal line (ranks 34–41, inclusive) are not statistically significantly different from normal (see text).

When the various types of double-outlet right ventricle (RV) were added together, DORV (see Chapter 4 ) (14.14%, see Table 6.3 ) was almost as common as tetralogy and twice as common as transposition. VSD (3.69%) ranked only 31st in Table 6.3 , compared with 3rd in Table 6.2 . Nonetheless, this prevalence of persistent left or RSVC with VSD (3.69%) is 10 times the normal prevalence (0.3%).

Of the 41 entities listed in Table 6.3 , which are statistically significantly different from normal? Remembering that a persistent LSVC occurred in only 1 of 348 unselected autopsies (0.287%), statistical analysis using the chi-square (χ ) test, which is nonparametric, showed that the condition of mitral atresia plus aortic atresia (14/415, 3.37%; see Table 6.3 ) is statistically significantly different from normal: χ = 9.478, p = 0.002. All conditions above the horizontal line in Table 6.3 (i.e., ranks 1 to 33) are statistically significantly different from normal, whereas those entities below the horizontal line (i.e., ranks 34 to 41) are not statistically significantly different from normal.

Nonsyndromic Multiple Congenital Anomalies

Malformations involving the cardiovascular system and one or more other organ systems (but excluding Down syndrome, scimitar syndrome, agenesis of the right lung, and trisomy 18—well-known syndromes in their own right) were found in 108 of these 415 patients (26.02%).

Down syndrome coexisted in 21 of these 415 patients (5.06%) with persistent LSVC or RSVC. The occurrence of Down syndrome was nonrandom: Persistent LSVC + Down syndrome + complete common AV canal occurred together in 11 of 17 patients with completely common AV canal (64.71%). However, Down syndrome did not coexist in any of the 12 patients with incompletely common AV canal.

The asplenia syndrome and the polysplenia syndrome with visceral heterotaxy are considered subsequently ( Chapter 29 ) and hence will not be considered further here.

TOF with persistent LSVC occurred in 66 patients, many of whom had MCAs. To state these relationships as simply as possible:

TOF + LSVC = 66

TOF + LSVC Total TOF = 66 428 ( 15.42 % ) ( see Table 6 . 3 )

TOF + LSVC + MCA = 32

TOF + LSVC + MCA TOF + LSVC = 32 66 ( 48.48 % )

In other words, almost half (48%) of our patients with TOF and persistent LSVC also had MCAs.

But what proportion are these cases relative to all of our patients with TOF? The answer is:

TOF + LSVC + MCA Total TOF = 32 428 ( 7.48 % )

Was Down syndrome common in our patients with TOF and persistent LSVC? Briefly, no:

TOF + LSVC + Down = 4 TOF + LSVC + Down = 4

TOF + LSVC + Down TOF + LSVC = 4 66 ( 6.06 % )

TOF + LSVC + Down Total TOF = 4 428 ( 0.93 % )

Thus, TOF with persistent LSVC frequently had MCA (48%), but seldom had Down syndrome (6%).

What does MCA in association with TOF and persistent LSVC really mean? To answer this question specifically, we reviewed 50 cases of TOF with persistent LSVC or RSVC in detail.

First, what kinds of patients with tetralogy were these? There were 28 males and 22 females, males-to-females = 1.27:1. The segmental anatomic set was the usual TOF {S,D,S} in 47 patients (94%). {S,D,S} means the segmental anatomic set of solitus atria (S), D-loop ventricles (D), and solitus normally related great arteries (S), resulting in AV and ventriculoarterial (VA) concordance.

The segmental anatomic set of TOF {I,D,S} was found in 2 of these patients (4%). {I,D,S} means the segmental anatomic set of situs inversus of viscera and atria (I), discordant D-loop ventricles (D), and solitus normally related great arteries (S), resulting in AV discordance and VA concordance. Hence, these were like usual patients with TOF, except that the viscera and atria were inverted, resulting in AV discordance plus a tetralogy type of conotruncus. From a physiologic standpoint, because there is one segmental discordance (AV discordance), the systemic and pulmonary arterial circulations are physiologically uncorrected, as in physiologically uncorrected (complete) TGA. Hence, from the functional standpoint, TOF {I,D,S} resembles complete TGA with VSD and pulmonary outflow tract obstruction (stenosis or atresia). However, in TOF {I,D,S}, because there is VA concordance, the physiologically uncorrected systemic and pulmonary arterial circulations should be corrected with an atrial switch procedure (Senning or Mustard), not with an arterial switch type of operation, because VA concordance is present in TOF {I,D,S}. This rare form of tetralogy, TOF {I,D,S}, illustrates the important point that physiologic uncorrection of the circulations can occur without TGA. One segmental discordance that physiologically uncorrects the circulations can occur at the AV junction, as in TOF {I,D,S}, rather than at the much more frequent VA junction, as in TGA {S,D,D} or in TGA {I,L,L}.

Finally, the segmental anatomic set of TOF {I,L,I} was encountered in 1 patient (2%). {I,L,I} means the segmental anatomic set of situs inversus of the viscera and atria {I}, concordant L-loop ventricles (L), and inverted normally related great arteries (I), resulting in both AV and VA concordance. Hence, this was a patient with situs inversus totalis with inverted TOF. Such a patient should be treated surgically as with a mirror-image TOF.

Patients with situs inversus of the viscera and atria, in which the morphologically right atrium (RA), the SVC, and the inferior vena cava (IVC) are all left-sided (i.e., in mirror-image positions), had persistent RSVC, as in TOF {I,D,S} and as in TOF {I,L,I}. Thus, a persistent RSVC was present in 3 patients with TOF (6%).

Pulmonary outflow tract atresia was present in 13 patients (26%). A bicuspid pulmonary valve was noted in 13 patients (26%). A secundum type of atrial septal defect (ASD) (pentalogy of Fallot) was found in 12 cases (24%). A right aortic arch (in visceroatrial situs solitus) was present in 11 patients (23%). Major aortopulmonary collateral arteries were found in 7 patients (14%). A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), often small, was present in 7 cases (14%). Additional muscular VSDs coexisted in 5 patients (10%). An unroofed coronary sinus, also known as a coronary sinus septal defect, was present in 5 patients (10%); consequently, the systemic venous blood carried by the LSVC was able to flow into the left atrium (LA), and the left atrial blood was able to flow into the RA through the enlarged coronary sinus ostium. Unroofing of the coronary sinus plus a large low posterior defect in the atrial septum, which is the enlarged right atrial ostium of the unroofed coronary sinus, is known as the Raghib syndrome . Completely common AV canal was found in 4 cases (8%), 1 of whom had a common atrium (2%). An aberrant right subclavian artery originating as the last branch from the aortic arch occurred in 4 patients (8%).

The following anomalies were found in two patients each (4%): anomalous left innominate vein, retroaortic in one, and anterior to the ductus arteriosus and beneath the aortic arch in the other; absent left innominate vein; congenital mitral stenosis; absent ductus arteriosus; absent left coronary ostium, resulting in a “single” right coronary artery; bicuspid aortic valve, due to absence of the right coronary-noncoronary commissure in 1 patient and absence of the left coronary-noncoronary commissure in the other; a unicommissural and hence unicuspid pulmonary valve; and absent pulmonary valve leaflets with aneurysmal dilatation of the pulmonary artery and branches.

The following malformations were found in one patient each (2%) of these 50 patients with TOF and persistent LSVC or RSVC: high left coronary artery ostium; hypoplasia of both coronary ostia; dextrocardia; potentially parachute mitral valve in the setting of common AV canal, with all chordae tendineae inserting into the anterolateral papillary muscle of the left ventricle (LV); preductal coarctation of the aorta; anomalous muscle bundles of the RV; left aortic arch in visceroatrial situs inversus; commissural cleft of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, the cleft pointing superiorly toward the anterolateral commissure (not oriented approximately horizontally, as in a common AV canal type of cleft); myxomatous aortic valve leaflets; aortic regurgitation due to the presence of a small leaflet at the right coronary-noncoronary commissure, separating the right coronary and noncoronary leaflets, preventing their coaptation (quadricuspid aortic valve); Ebstein anomaly of the tricuspid valve; aneurysm of the coronary sinus (the left horn of the sinus venosus), underlying the LV and communicating with the left ventricular cavity via slit-like openings behind and beside the posteromedial papillary muscle group, this being a previously unknown and unreported malformation, to our knowledge ( Figs. 6.2 and 6.3 ); totally anomalous pulmonary venous connection to the RA; polyvalvular disease; RSVC draining into the LA in visceroatrial situs solitus (via a sinus venosus defect); suprasystemic RV with small, slit-like VSD surrounded by muscle, due to the presence of a prominent, muscular right posterior division of the septal band, the VSD being conoventricular but not paramembranous (not confluent with the tricuspid valve’s leaflet tissue); brachiocephalic trunk giving origin to all brachiocephalic arteries except the left subclavian artery; interruption of the IVC, associated with the polysplenia syndrome, the segmental anatomic set being {A,S,D,S}, meaning that there was visceral heterotaxy with situs ambiguus (A), the atria being in situs solitus (S), with concordant D-loop ventricles (D), and solitus normally related great arteries (S); left subclavian artery as the first branch from a right aortic arch; and absence of the iliac arteries.

Fig. 6.2, Aneurysm of left horn of sinus venosus, that is, of coronary sinus, in 23-month-old girl with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), moderate infundibular pulmonary stenosis, persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC) to coronary sinus (CoS) to right atrium (RA) (see Case 5, Table 6.4 ), case of Dr. Victor A. Saldivar. (A) Posterior view of the heart showing the opened left atrium (LA), the RA, the large persistent LSVC, the transected inferior vena cava (IVC), the left ventricle (LV), the right ventricle (RV), and the large (3 cm in dorsoventral length × 2 cm in right-left width), thin-walled aneurysm of the left sinus horn or CoS that underlies the LV. (B) Opened aneurysm of the left horn of the sinus venosus. Note that the free wall of the aneurysm is very thin (1 to 2 mm in thickness) and smooth-walled. The opened LSVC above the aneurysm is seen, as is the very enlarged ostium (18 mm in diameter) of the CoS that opens into the RA. Although the “floor” (inferior wall) of the CoS aneurysm is smooth and thin-walled, the “roof” (superior wall) is thick and coarsely trabeculated. In this trabeculated roof, two small communications with the overlying LV are present. The more leftward communication is the larger, having an oval orifice that measures 5 mm in length. This orifice is 2 to 3 mm in depth. The more rightward orifice is tiny, almost closed, and measures only 1.0 to 1.5 mm in diameter. (C) The opened LV shows unremarkable septal and free wall architecture, with a well-developed anterolateral papillary muscle (ALPM) and mitral valve (MV). However, the posteromedial papillary muscle (PMPM) is bifid. Between the two “legs” of the PMPM group the larger of the two communications between the CoS and the LV emerges (white arrow head). This communication is guarded by two fibrous leaflets with short chordae tendineae that insert into the overlying PMPM and into the adjacent LV musculature. Hence a small sinoventricular valve is present between the underlying sinus venosus aneurysm and the overlying LV. A second tiny communication was found adjacent to the MV (small communication). These CoS aneurysm-to-LV communications were misdiagnosed angiocardiographically as apical muscular ventral septal defects.

Fig. 6.3, Aneurysm of the left horn of the sinus venosus or coronary sinus (CoS), with persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC) draining into the CoS to the right atrium, and with two sinoventricular (SV) valves communicating between CoS aneurysm and left ventricle (LV), the SV valves opening through and between the posteromedial papillary muscle group of the LV, in a 15 9/12–year-old young woman with complete common atrioventricular (AV) canal type A of Rastelli, patient of Dr. Peter Vlad and Dr. Subramanian at the Buffalo Children’s Hospital. The patient underwent three cardiac operations: (1) at 6 9/12 years of age (10/28/1968), exploratory cardiotomy with mitral and tricuspid valvuloplasties; (2) at 7 years of age (2/21/1969), patch closure of atrial septal defects (ASDs) and ventricular septal defects (VSDs) with mitral valve replacement using a Starr-Edwards valve; and (3) at 14 11/12 years of age (1/5/1977), mitral valve replacement with Bjork-Shiley prosthesis. Continuing low cardiac output led to death on 10/11/1977. The aneurysm of the CoS and the SV valves opening from the CoS into the LV were surprise postmortem findings. (A) Left posterolateral view showing the large opened LSVC connecting with the very large CoS. (B) Interior of persistent LSVC and CoS showing the aneurysm of the left sinus horn that measures 17 × 8 mm. Two SV valves can be seen within the aneurysm, a large one to the left (closer to the LSVC), and a very much smaller one to the right. The great cardiac vein can be seen opening into the enlarged CoS—between the LSVC to the left and the aneurysm with SV valves to the right (mentally extend the LSVC leader). (C) The opened LV showing the Bjork-Shiley mitral valve prosthesis, the LV free wall to the viewer’s right, the LV septal surface toward the viewer’s left, and the ascending aorta (Ao). The two SV valves, containing probes, open into the LV cavity behind and between the musculature of the posteromedial papillary muscle group. The LV orifice of the larger SV valve measures 8 × 6 mm. These two SV valves were separated from the mitral valve by a cuff of LV myocardium. The aneurysm of the left horn of the sinus venosus and these two SV valves were thought not to have been of any clinical, or hemodynamic, or surgical importance. Because these two SV valves were located very close to the right atrium (RA), this heart could be considered to have triple-outlet RA (the tricuspid component of the common AV valve plus the two SV valves) and triple-inlet LV (the mitral component of the common AV valve and the two SV valves). However, our preferred diagnosis is simply aneurysm of the CoS with two SV valves between the CoS and the LV.

MCAs result from the presence of additional malformations involving systems other than the cardiovascular system, that is, multisystem malformations .

Some well-known syndromes are characterized by multisystem malformation, such as (see Table 6.3 ): Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, the asplenia syndrome, the polysplenia syndrome, the scimitar syndrome, conjoined twins, and agenesis of the lung. Speaking of well-known syndromes, it should be stated that 4 of these 50 patients had Down syndrome (8%) and 1 patient (2%) had familial Down syndrome. One neonate with TOF and persistent LSVC also had a history of familial congenital heart disease, with his mother having had valvar pulmonary stenosis.

However, what we are really after here are the MCAs that do not constitute a presently well-known syndrome. These may be called “nonsyndromic” MCAs . (We strongly suspect that many of the anomalies to be summarized hereafter do in fact constitute unrecognized syndromes. Part of the fascination of MCAs is the desire to find recognizable patterns—the hope of introducing order into chaos.)

  • Four patients (8% of this series) had tracheo-esophageal fistula with esophageal atresia.

  • Three patients (6%) displayed each of the following anomalies: absent left kidney and ureter, central nervous system dysplasia and dysfunction, and imperforate anus.

  • Two patients (4%) had each of the following: Cantrell syndrome, congenital deafness, cranial synostosis, clinodactyly, bilaterally undescended testes, and cleft palate.

  • One patient (2%) exhibited each of the following: the amnion rupture syndrome; complete thoracic ectopia cordis; pelvic kidney; multicystic kidney with ureteral atresia; horseshoe kidney; fusion of the kidneys, left-sided, with hydronephrosis and hydroureter due to ureterovesical stenosis; common urinary and intestinal outflow tract (cloaca); lissencephaly, familial; megacolon; double right bronchus; absent gallbladder; bronchus suis (pig bronchus, i.e., right upper lobe bronchus arising directly from the trachea); chromosome 17 translocation; balanced translocation from chromosome 8 to chromosome 13; supernumerary digits; scoliosis; cystic lung disease; rectourethral fistula; rectovaginal fistula; VACTERL syndrome (vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac defects, tracheo-esophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb abnormalities); hydrocephalus; hypospadias; left diaphragmatic hernia, foramen of Bochdalek type; double left renal artery; short terminal phalanges, hand; cleft palate, forme fruste; micrognathia; glossoptosis; claw foot; Klippel-Feil syndrome; hypoplasia of the lower extremities; and agenesis of the uterus.

To summarize, the foregoing is the picture of TOF with persistent left or RSVC—as it really is, including not only the cardiovascular anomalies, but also the very important extracardiac anomalies.

As the foregoing detailed study of persistent LSVC or RSVC with TOF indicates, persistent SVC often does not occur alone; it frequently has plenty of company.

Literature Review and Discussion

Although standard textbooks have little information on systemic venous anomalies in general, and on bilateral SVC in particular, much can be learned from a review of the medical journal literature. Highlights are as follows.

In 1965, Raghib, Ruttenberg, Anderson, Amplatz, Adams, and Edwards published a paper entitled, “Termination of the LSVC in Left Atrium, ASD, and Absence of Coronary Sinus—A Developmental Complex.” This is the group of anomalies that is now often referred to as the Raghib syndrome. We think that the large low posterior defect in the atrial septum is the enlarged right atrial ostium of the unroofed coronary sinus. The coronary sinus is “absent,” that is, unrecognizable, because of the large coronary sinus septal defect—the “unroofing” of the coronary sinus that reflects failure of formation of the partition between the coronary sinus posteriorly and the LA anteriorly. The opening in the atrial septum is not really an ASD, that is, an abnormal opening or defect in the atrial septum. Instead, this is a normal opening in the atrial septum (i.e., the ostium of the coronary sinus [not a septal “defect”]). Nonetheless, this normal but enlarged coronary sinus ostium functions like an ASD because of the coexistence of a large coronary sinus septal defect that unroofs the coronary sinus that is not truly absent.

Hence, the coronary sinus septal defect that unroofs the coronary sinus is responsible both for the right-to-left shunting of the persistent LSVC blood and the coronary sinus blood into the LA, and for the left-to-right shunting of the left atrial blood into the RA. The Raghib syndrome is thus a persistent LSVC to the coronary sinus with a large coronary sinus septal defect, and the hemodynamic sequelae thereof.

In 1965, Rastelli, Ongley, and Kirklin published a paper entitled, “Surgical Correction of Common Atrium with Anomalously Connected Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava: Report of a Case.” Rastelli et al concluded that persistent LSVC is an unusual anomaly, occurring in 9 of 3452 cases (0.26%), confirming the previously mentioned prevalence of approximately 0.3%. These authors reported the first surgical correction of the Raghib syndrome.

Totally anomalous systemic venous connection does not exist. Although such a case was reported in 1965, we think that totally anomalous systemic venous connection does not occur. In the patient in question, the left-sided atrium received a LSVC, a left IVC, and the coronary sinus, plus all of the pulmonary veins. Not described were the visceral situs, the atrial septum, and the type of bulboventricular loop. We thought that the patient probably had situs inversus of the atria, with totally anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. In our experience, any chamber to which both the IVC and the ostium of the coronary sinus are connected has always proved to be the morphologically RA, which in this case was left-sided; hence our conclusion that atrial inversion and totally anomalous pulmonary venous connection were present.

In 1969, another case was published that was thought to have totally anomalous systemic venous drainage into the LA. We thought that this 15-year-old boy really had cor triatriatum dexter and a secundum ASD, resulting hemodynamically in totally anomalous systemic venous drainage into the LA. We think this patient anatomically did not have totally anomalous systemic venous connection. Hence, cor triatriatum dexter (a prominent and obstructive right venous valve) plus a secundum ASD is yet another way of getting a large amount of systemic venous blood into the LA via a very large right-to-left shunt at the atrial level, but without totally anomalous systemic venous connection.

Idiopathic dilatation of the superior vena cava was reported in 1972 by Franken and by Ream and Giardina.

Absence of the RSVC associated with a large persistent LSVC connecting with the coronary sinus was reported in 1972 by Harris, Gialafos, and Jefferson. This report illustrated that a persistent LSVC does not necessarily mean that bilateral SVCs are present. This paper also considered the difficulties associated with transvenous pacing in this situation.

Congenital communications between the coronary sinus and the LA were considered in 1974 by Rose, Beckman, and Edwards. In discussing coronary sinus septal defect, these authors focused on three physiologically different situations:

  • 1.

    A coronary sinus septal defect (unroofing of the coronary sinus) decompressing the LA in association with mitral atresia and a sealed foramen ovale;

  • 2.

    A coronary sinus septal defect associated with stenosis of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus; and

  • 3.

    A coronary sinus septal defect in association with tricuspid atresia and a sealed foramen ovale.

Does persistent LSVC have any electrophysiologic significance? In 1976, James, Marshall, and Edwards published a paper entitled, “De Subitaneis Mortibus [On Sudden Death]. XX. Cardiac Electrical Instability in the Presence of a Left Superior Vena Cava.” This was a study of two patients. Patient 1 had a small sinoatrial node. The AV node contained numerous venous lacunae and was stretched out beneath the enlarged coronary sinus ostium. The AV node and the His bundle were found to be dispersed within the central fibrous body, this being the fetal pattern. Fragments of the AV node were also found on the crest of the muscular ventricular septum.

The second patient with a persistent LSVC who experienced sudden unexpected death had a VSD and palpitation. After closure of the VSD, there were multiple postoperative arrhythmias leading to death. Autopsy revealed that the sinoatrial node was normal, but that the sinoatrial nodal artery contained a polypoid fibromuscular mass that virtually occluded the arterial lumen. The AV node and the His bundle in the central fibrous body again displayed a dispersed fetal pattern.

Is it possible for the RSVC to drain into the LA, with no other associated congenital heart disease? The answer is yes. Vázquez-Pérez and Frontera-Izquierdo in 1979 published a report entitled, “Anomalous Drainage of the Right Superior Vena Cava Into the Left Atrium as an Isolated Anomaly: Rare Case Report.” The patient, a 7-month-old boy, was thought at that time to be the fifth known case of this anomaly.

Developmentally, how is this possible? Our hypothesis is that this patient had a sinus venosus defect, which made it possible for the RSVC to drain into the LA. We speculate that a prominent right venous valve—the valve of the SVC—was also present, closing the sinus venosus defect on its right atrial side. Consequently, the right upper and middle lobe pulmonary veins were not unroofed and hence did not drain into the RA, and there was no interatrial communication. (See Chapter 9 for a detailed consideration of sinus venosus defect.) It should be emphasized that the foregoing developmental interpretation is a hypothesis .

Can a persistent LSVC drain into the LA because of unroofing of the coronary sinus but without an interatrial communication? The answer is rarely yes. In 1978, Lozsádi published a report based on two heart specimens, both of which had a persistent LSVC that opened into the LA because of a coronary sinus septal defect that unroofed the coronary sinus. But the remarkable finding in both cases was atresia of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus (i.e., there was no interatrial communication). Previously, it had been thought that an ASD was a necessary part of this anomaly. Hence, Lozsádi reported two cases of the Raghib syndrome without an interatrial communication.

Developmentally, how is this possible? Lozsádi hypothesized that this opening—the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus—was closed by septum primum (the flap valve of the foramen ovale).

Our suggestion would be that this opening was closed by an adherent Thebesian valve of the coronary sinus, which is part of the right venous valve. Septum primum typically is superior and somewhat anterior to the coronary sinus ostium, whereas the right and left venous valves are ideally located to seal closed the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus, if these valve leaflets develop abnormally.

Anomalous drainage of a LSVC into the LA as an isolated anomaly—without an interatrial communication—was confirmed in 1978 by Dupuis, Frontera, Pernot, Vasquez-Perez, and Verney. These authors stated that as of 1978, there were 3 previously reported cases of LSVC draining into the LA as an isolated anomaly, to which they added 6 new cases. They also noted that as of that time, there were 4 previously reported cases of RSVC draining into the LA. They reported that LSVC to LA usually was a well-tolerated right-to-left shunt. Mild cyanosis was characteristic. Clubbing and shortness of breath could occur, but congestive heart failure was infrequent. The cardiac silhouette was normal. Left ventricular hypertrophy was noted electrocardiographically. Diagnosis at that time was made by cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography (but now would be made by two-dimensional echocardiography), and treatment was surgical by ligation of the persistent LSVC just above the LA.

What is cor triatriatum dexter? In 1979, Ott, Cooley, Angelini, and Leachman published a paper entitled, “Successful Surgical Correction of Symptomatic Cor Triatriatum Dexter.” The patient was a 67-year-old woman. Surgical removal of the obstructive right venous valve between the medial caval compartment (the sinus venosus) and the more right lateral tricuspid valve and right atrial appendage compartment not only removed the supratricuspid stenosis but also cured the patient’s supraventricular tachycardia.

Cor triatriatum dexter (i.e., right-sided cor triatriatum) is a systemic venous anomaly. Why? Because the sinus venosus is the systemic venous confluence, and the right leaflet of the sinoatrial valve (briefly known as the right venous valve) demarcates the junction of the systemic venous confluence (where the ostia of the superior vena cava, the IVC, and the coronary sinus converge) and the right atrial appendage (which represents the primitive atrium). Hence, the right venous valve, which is obstructive in cor triatriatum dexter, is a systemic venous valve. In this sense, therefore, cor triatriatum dexter really is a systemic venous anomaly and hence is mentioned in this chapter on anomalies of the systemic veins.

Normally, the right venous valve is largely incompetent. The valve of the SVC (that fortunately has no eponym attached to it) and the valve of the IVC (the Eustachian valve) both are normally incompetent. The valve of the coronary sinus (the Thebesian valve), which also is derived from the right venous valve, may or may not be competent.

But why is the right venous valve mostly incompetent, at least insofar as the venae cavae are concerned? We think that the answer is: If the right venous valve is competent and prevents regurgitation into the venae cavae, then the right venous valve is also obstructive, resulting in what is known as cor triatriatum dexter. In order not to be obstructive, the right venous valve must be relatively poorly formed and hence incompetent.

In 1979, Battle-Diaz, Stanley, Kratz, Fouron, Guérin, and Davignon published a paper entitled, “Echocardiographic Manifestations of Persistence of the Right Sinus Venosus Valve.” The patient was a female infant whose cor triatriatum dexter was repaired surgically by removal of the obstructive right leaflet of the sinus venosus valve.

For clarity, it should be mentioned that the sinus venosus valve is the same thing as the sinoatrial valve; the latter designation indicates that this valve is located at the junction of the sinus venosus and the primitive atrium, which forms the right atrial appendage.

For the uninitiated, “right sinus venosus valve” or “right venous valve” may be confusing because these terms suggest that there is also a left sinus venosus valve or a left venous valve. One may then wonder, “Are there two venous valves—a right and left?” At this point, it becomes essential to understand what valve really means, that is, its etymology. The English word valve is derived from the Latin valva, which means leaf of a folding door. In this original sense, a valve (valva) meant either of the halves of a double door, or any of the leaves of a folding door ( Webster’s New World Dictionary, College Edition, 1958, page 1609). Hence valve has come to mean either an orifice guarded by one or more leaflets or the leaflets themselves.

The sinus venosus valve or the venous valve is thus being analogized to double door with two halves or leaves. The right and left venous valves refer to the leaflets, not to the orifice. There is only one orifice, with right and left leaflets or valves, in the original Latin sense (valva).

Congenital aneurysms of the superior vena cava were considered by Modry, Hidvegi, and LaFleche in 1980. These authors concluded that there are two types: fusiform and saccular. (Fusiform means spindle-shaped, derived from Latin fusus, a spindle + forma, a shape.) Congenital superior vena caval aneurysms do not enlarge, rupture, or thrombose, and hence should be treated conservatively. Diagnosis by radiologic evaluation is based on size variation with respiration. It is important to recognize congenital SVC aneurysms so as to avoid needless thoracotomy.

Surgical correction of anomalous RSVC to the LA was described by Alpert, Rao, Moore, and Covitz in 1981. The technique involved excision of the upper portion of the atrial septum that separated the SVC from the RA. A pericardial patch was attached along the caudal margin of the created ASD, and the cephalad margin of the patch was sutured to the junction of the SVC and the LA. Thus, the RSVC blood flow was diverted to the right of the patch into the RA.

Biatrial drainage of the RSVC with stenosis of the pulmonary veins was reported in 1984 by Bharati and Lev. The authors stated that this was the first autopsy-proved case in the English literature in which all of the following features coexisted: RSVC entering both atria; obstruction of the entry of the RSVC into the RA; aneurysmal dilatation of the RSVC; entry of the stenosed right upper pulmonary vein into the superior vena caval aneurysm; and drainage of all other pulmonary veins into the LA, these pulmonary veins being markedly stenosed.

Abnormal position of the left innominate vein was reported in 1985 by Smallhorn, Zielinsky, Freedom, and Rowe. The left innominate (brachiocephalic) vein passed beneath the left aortic arch. In 1990, Choi et al reported a subaortic position of the left innominate vein in almost 1% (0.98%) of individuals—a much higher prevalence than previously reported. A subaortic innominate vein was more common in patients with TOF, with or without pulmonary atresia, and such patients were more likely to have a right aortic arch.

Intrapericardial blood cyst is a rare form of systemic venous anomaly. In 1984, Cabrera, Martinez, and Del Campo reported the case of a 21-month-old girl who had an intrapericardial venous cyst that was an egg-shaped mass measuring 4.5 × 3.5 cm. This venous cyst was connected by a patent pedicle with the left innominate vein. In addition, 100 mL of fluid was present within the pericardial sac. The venous cyst was ligated and resected.

Surgical repair of LSVC draining into the LA was described by Sand et al in 1986. These authors constructed a simple tunnel to the RA, which has become the definitive surgical repair of this anomaly.

Coronary sinus septal defect with tricuspid atresia was reported in 1986 by Rumisek et al as a rare cause of right-to-left shunting following the modified Fontan procedure.

Aneurysm of the left horn of the sinus venosus (coronary sinus) was reported by DiSegni, Siegal, and Katzenstein in 1986. The patient had mitral atresia and hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The coronary sinus diverticulum penetrated the posterior wall of the RV and communicated with the right ventricular cavity. Communicating aneurysm of the coronary sinus results in a rare form of double-outlet RA. Congenital diverticulum of the coronary sinus was also reported in 1988 by Petit, Eicher, and Louis. Coronary venous aneurysms and accessory AV connections were described in 1988 by Ho, Russell, and Rowland.

Can a persistent LSVC draining into the coronary sinus cause a subdivided LA? Ascuitto et al answered this question affirmatively in 1987.

When a persistent LSVC drains into the LA, must the coronary sinus be unroofed? We think that the correct answer is yes. However, as Looyenga et al reported in 1986, occasionally a vein interpreted as persistent LSVC can connect with the left pulmonary veins, draining in this way into the LA, without unroofing of the coronary sinus. We think that this vessel was a levoatrial cardinal vein, not a persistent LSVC.

A closed technique for the repair of RSVC draining into the LA was reported in 1993 by Nazem and Sell. The patient, a 26-year-old woman, also had the right upper lobe pulmonary veins connecting with the RSVC and the atrial septum was intact. Without cardiopulmonary bypass, the authors divided the azygos vein, transected the superior vena cava above the anomalous right pulmonary veins, and anastomosed the superior part of the RSVC end-to-side to the right atrial appendage.

In 1994, Raissi et al repaired drainage of the RSVC into the LA without cardiopulmonary bypass, using excluding clamps.

Diverticulum of the superior vena cava was reported by Sai et al in 1994. The patient, a 14-year-old girl, was thought to have a tumor. Instead, at surgery a venous diverticulum was found arising from the junction of the left innominate vein and the RSVC. The diverticulum was closed with sutures and then resected.

What is the best way of diagnosing coronary sinus septal defect (unroofed coronary sinus)? Chin and Murphy in 1992 answered: color-flow Doppler echocardiography, a method that has subsequently proved to be of considerable assistance in making this diagnosis.

Can a dilated coronary sinus produce left ventricular inflow obstruction, and is this an unrecognized entity? Answering both questions affirmatively, Cochrane, Marath, and Mee in 1994 introduced surgical reduction of the enlarged coronary sinus as treatment for this condition. We think that this entity is the same as subdivided LA, mentioned previously.

Extracardiac techniques for the surgical correction of LSVC draining into the LA were described in 1997 by Reddy, McElhinney, and Hanley : (1) anastomosis of the LSVC to the right atrial appendage; (2) passing the transected LSVC under the aortic arch and over the pulmonary artery, with anastomosis of the end of the LSVC to the side of the RSVC; and (3) a bidirectional left cavopulmonary anastomosis.

Absence of the RSVC in visceroatrial situs solitus was considered in 1997 by Bartram, Van Praagh, Levine, Hines, Bensky, and Van Praagh. Based on 9 new cases and a literature review of 121 previously published cases, these authors found that absence of the RSVC in situs solitus is rare (0.07% to 0.13% of congenital cardiovascular anomalies). When the RSVC was absent, typically there was a persistent LSVC to the coronary sinus draining into the RA and a left-sided azygos vein draining into the LSVC. Less constant features were additional cardiovascular malformations (46%) and rhythm abnormalities (36%) that usually appeared related to complications of old age.

Prior to invasive medical or surgical procedures, echocardiographic diagnosis of absence of the RSVC is of considerable practical importance in many procedures, such as implantation of a transvenous pacemaker, placement of a monitoring pulmonary artery catheter, systemic venous cannulation for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, systemic venous cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass, performance of partial or total cavopulmonary anastomoses, obtaining endomyocardial biopsy samples, and the performance of orthotopic cardiac transplantation.

Interruption of the Inferior Vena Cava

In this series of 3216 postmortem cases of congenital heart disease, interruption of the IVC occurred in 42 cases (1.31%; 95% CI 0.92% to 1.70%). Interrupted IVC was the 38th most frequent form of congenital cardiovascular disease in our Congenital Cardiac Pathology Database ( Chapter 5 , Table 5.1 ).

What is interruption of the IVC? From the pathologic anatomic standpoint, it is absence of the IVC between the renal veins below and the hepatic veins above. The systemic venous blood is returned from the lower body to the heart by a greatly enlarged azygos vein that drains into the LSVC or RSVC ( Fig. 6.4 ). Occasionally, the azygos vein can be bilateral—both left-sided and right-sided, draining into the LSVC and RSVC ( Fig. 6.5 ).

Fig. 6.4, Diagram of Interruption of the Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) in the Heterotaxy Syndrome With Polysplenia.

Fig. 6.5, The Right-Sided Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Is Interrupted.

This greatly enlarged azygos vein, which substitutes for the absent IVC, is often called “an azygos extension to the superior vena cava.” In fact, the azygos vein always drains into the superior vena cava, but it is not nearly as prominent (large) as is an azygos extension of the lower IVC to the superior vena cava, this being the difference between an ordinary azygos vein and an azygos extension.

Azygos is a Greek word meaning unpaired or unmatched: a, not + zygon, a yoke. The basic idea is that a pair of oxen are joined by a yoke. Zygote means yoked, or paired, or matched—a cell formed by the union of two gametes. The azygos vein is unpaired in the sense that normally, only one such vein (the right) goes all the way up on the dorsal body wall to drain into the SVC. The other such vein (the left) goes only part way up and then crosses over from the left side to the right side to drain into the azygos vein. The left-sided dorsal body wall vein that goes only part way up toward the SVC and then crosses from left to right is known as the hemiazygos vein, meaning that it is like half an azygos vein—the lower (caudal) half.

Thus, any dorsal body wall vein, right-sided or left-sided, that drains into a superior vena cava (right or left) is an azygos vein (right or left). In other words, just because such a vein is left-sided does not mean that it is the hemiazygos vein; if such a vein drains into a superior vena cava, it is an azygos vein, be it right-sided or left-sided.

Funnily enough, when both azygos veins persist and both drain into bilateral SVC, these veins are still called the right and left azygos veins, even though they are not, literally speaking, a + zygos, that is, unpaired or unmatched. Bilateral SVCs seldom are associated with bilateral azygos veins.

Etymologically, what does vena cava mean? Vena = vein and cava = hollow (the feminine of cavus, Latin). So, vena cava literally means “hollow vein.” This is perhaps a little amusing because all veins are hollow. However, in an adult, the venae cavae are so large that when one peers into them, they do indeed appear cavernous or hollow.

Azygos is the correct Greek spelling that ordinarily is used in anatomic nomenclature. Azygous is the English spelling. In medical literature, azygos vein and hemiazygos vein are preferred.

From the embryologic standpoint, the definitive IVC normally is composed of five different developmental and anatomic components, which form caudally to cephalically and are as follows :

  • 1.

    the anastomosis between the right and left posterior cardinal veins,

  • 2.

    the right supracardinal vein,

  • 3.

    the intersubcardinal anastomosis,

  • 4.

    the mesenteric part of the IVC, and

  • 5.

    the hepatic and suprahepatic segment of the IVC, derived from the hepatic and the vitelline veins.

The mesenteric part, that is, the renal vein to hepatic vein part (component 4 above), is the essence of the IVC. The cephalic pole of the right mesonephros lies close to the liver. As Patten states, a fold of dorsal body-wall tissue early makes a bridge between the right mesonephros and the liver. This is the caval plica (fold) of the mesentery through which the mesenteric part of the IVC, indicated by small crosses in Fig. 6.5 , develops between the right side of the intersubcardinal anastomosis and the liver. In interruption of the IVCs, it is this all-important mesenteric part of the IVC that is missing. Without this mesenteric component, one has an interrupted IVC.

This mesenteric component is the part of the vena cava that leaves the plane of the body wall dorsally and ventures out into the peritoneal cavity ventrally as it grows cephalically and ventrally to unite with the hepatic venous confluence that forms the hepatic and suprahepatic segment of the IVC. This is the shortcut of the systemic venous blood from the lower body to the RA. Without this shortcut to the RA, the lower systemic venous blood has to take the “longer way home” via the azygos vein to the SVC and thence to the RA.

The IVC is one of the most highly reliable diagnostic markers of the morphologically RA, as noted heretofore. “But does this apply,” one may wonder, “with interruption of the IVC?” The answer is yes, it does, because the hepatic and suprahepatic segment of the IVC connects with the RA, just as it does with an uninterrupted (intact) IVC. Thus, selective right atrial angiocardiography in interrupted IVC will show you the suprahepatic segment of the IVC receiving hepatic veins from the liver. The same findings can be observed with two- or three-dimensional echocardiography and with magnetic resonance imaging. Hence, even with interruption, the IVC remains a very highly reliable diagnostic marker of the morphologically RA because the hepatic and suprahepatic segment of the IVC is always present. It is the segment below that—the renal vein–to–hepatic vein anastomosis—that is absent in interruption of the IVC.

Of the 42 patients with interruption of the IVC, visceral heterotaxy with the polysplenia syndrome was present in 31 cases (73.8%), and visceral heterotaxy with the asplenia syndrome was found in 1 rare case (2.4%). Thus, visceral heterotaxy, almost always with polysplenia, was present in 76% of cases with interruption of the IVC.

What proportion of patients with the polysplenia syndrome did not have interruption of the IVC? The answer is 26 of 57 (45.6%). Conversely, 54.4% of patients with polysplenia did have interruption of the IVC.

Visceral heterotaxy with polysplenia and asplenia are presented in detail in Chapter 29 , they will not be described further here.

Interruption of the IVC Without Visceral Heterotaxy and Polysplenia. Of the 42 patients with interruption of the IVC, 10 did not have visceral heterotaxy with polysplenia or asplenia (23.81%). However, interruption of the IVC with situs solitus of the viscera and atria never occurred in isolation. Also, there was no case of interruption of the IVC without visceral heterotaxy that occurred in visceroatrial situs inversus.

The sex ratio was males-to-females = 2:7 (0.29:1). The age at death ranged from 3 hours to 17 months, with the median being 19 days.

The associated anomalies found with interruption of the IVC in situs solitus were as follows:

  • 1.

    MCAs in 5 patients (50%);

  • 2.

    accessory spleen or spleens in 4 cases (40%) (in addition to a normally formed spleen and without visceral heterotaxy);

  • 3.

    VSD in 4 patients (40%), of the conoventricular type in 3 and muscular in 1; and

  • 4.

    PDA in 3 (30%), causing death in 1 patient from congestive heart failure.

  • 5.

    Two patients each (20%) had the following: TGA {S,D,D}, double-outlet RV {S,D,D}, totally anomalous pulmonary venous connection to the RA, ASD of the ostium secundum type, preductal coarctation of the aorta, omphalocele, bilateral conus (subaortic and subpulmonary), and aberrant right subclavian artery.

  • 6.

    One patient (10%) had each of the following: hypoplastic and abnormally serpentine right and left pulmonary arteries; partially anomalous pulmonary venous connection from the left lung to a subdiaphragmatic suprahepatic venous plexus and thence via the liver and hepatic veins to the RA, associated with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries arising from the abdominal aorta above the celiac axis and supplying the right lower lobe region and the left lower lobe region of the lungs; abnormal lobulation of the spleen; hypoplasia of the lungs; multiple hemangiomata of the skin and lips; absence of the ligamentum teres; hypoplasia of the RSVC; absence of the RSVC; absence of the portal vein; the Raghib syndrome (persistent LSVC to the coronary sinus, with unroofing of the coronary sinus, and with a large low posterior opening in the atrial septum representing the right atrial ostium of the enlarged and unroofed coronary sinus); completely common AV canal, type A of Rastelli; common-inlet LV; truncus arteriosus type A2; congenital absence of the ductus arteriosus; right aortic arch; intrahepatic gallbladder; malrotation of the colon with persistence of the mesocolon of the ascending and descending colon; pulmonary outflow tract atresia (with D-TGA); hydrocephalus; short neck; spina bifida; micrognathia; talipes equino varus; scoliosis; absent left innominate vein; mitral atresia; right hemifacial microsomia; pectus excavatum; 13 ribs bilaterally; bifid upper thoracic vertebrae; and clinodactyly.

The enlarged azygos vein was right-sided, connecting with the RSVC in 7 patients (70%), left-sided connecting with the LSVC in 2 patients (20%), and not recorded in 1 case.

Thus, what does the finding of interruption of the IVC suggest from the diagnostic standpoint?

  • 1.

    If situs ambiguus with visceroatrial heterotaxy is present, one should consider the polysplenia syndrome, or rarely the asplenia syndrome (see Chapter 29 ).

  • 2.

    If situs solitus of the viscera and atria is present, one should search carefully for additional cardiovascular and noncardiovascular anomalies (as mentioned earlier).

Literature Review and Discussion

The medical journal literature dealing with anomalies of the IVC contains information of interest, some of which may be summarized as follows.

Is there electrocardiographic evidence of interruption of the IVC? In 1972, Van der Horst and Gotsman pointed out that in a patient with congenital heart disease, coronary sinus or left atrial rhythm should suggest interruption of the IVC with azygos continuation to the superior vena cava. Coronary sinus rhythm was present in 4 of 8 cases (50%), left atrial rhythm in 2 (25%), an inverted P vector in 1 (12.5%), and a normal P vector in 1 (12.5%).

These findings were confirmed in 1973 by Merrill, Pieroni, Freedom, and Ho. In a series of 18 cases, they found a coronary sinus rhythm in 56%. They also noted a prominent azygos-SVC confluence radiologically. Either or both electrocardiographic and radiologic clues were present in 89% of these cases.

Can interruption of the IVC manifest as a thoracic tumor? The answer is yes. In 1974, Bernal-Ramirez, Hatch, and Bower reported the case of a 46-year-old man whose chest x-ray films showed a right hilar mass produced by the abnormally prominent azygos-SVC junction.

Can anomalous development of the IVC be associated with pulmonary thromboembolism? Again, the answer is yes. In 1975, Miller et al reported the case of a 23-year-old man with duplication of the IVC. The left IVC joined the left renal vein and crossed anterior to the aorta to join the right IVC. Several clots formed in the left IVC, resulting in recurrent pulmonary thromboembolism. The patient was treated by interruption of both IVCs just below the renal veins. The presence of bilateral IVC was attributed to the persistence of the supracardinal veins bilaterally. (The supracardinal vein is also known as the thoracolumbar line vein, the important part that persists being the paraureteric segment of this vein.) An alternative therapeutic approach to ligation or clipping of the duplicated IVC is the placement of a Mobin-Uddin umbrella filter beneath the renal veins bilaterally.

Is the lateral chest film a reliable indicator of an azygos continuation of the IVC? In 1976, O’Reilly and Grollman stated that the answer to this question is no. In 7 patients with an angiocardiographically proved azygos continuation, 5 cases (71%) had a clearly recognized IVC shadow on lateral chest film x-ray studies. In a sixth patient, the IVC shadow was faintly visualized. In a control series of 100 normal patients, no IVC shadow was identified in two lateral chest films; and in 7 other controls, the IVC shadow was poorly seen or absent because of adjacent diaphragmatic, pleural, or pulmonary parenchymal abnormality.

We agree with these authors because in patients with interruption of the IVC, between the renal veins below and the hepatic veins above, the suprahepatic segment of the IVC is always present. Otherwise, the hepatic venous blood would have no way of returning to the heart.

Consequently, the suprahepatic segment of the IVC remains a highly reliable diagnostic marker of the morphologically RA, even in patients with interruption of the IVC.

What is the prevalence of interruption of the IVC? In our postmortem series, it will be recalled that the prevalence of interruption of the IVC was 42 of 3216 cases of congenital heart disease (1.31%; 95% CI 0.92% to 1.70%). Nedeljkovic et al found that in 586 cases of congenital heart disease studied at autopsy, there were 4 patients with interruption of the IVC (0.6%). Among 368 patients with congenital heart disease studied by cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography, 2 had interruption of the IVC (0.5%).

What is the best noninvasive method of diagnosing interruption of the IVC with azygos continuation? The answer to this question may well continue to change with progressive technological improvements. However, in 1983, Ritter and Bierman advocated the combination of two-dimensional echocardiography for anatomic detail, combined with gated pulsed color Doppler interrogation for blood flow characteristics.

Atresia or Stenosis of Coronary Sinus Ostium

Absence of a discrete right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus is frequent in association with common AV canal. For example, inability to find a right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus was specifically noted in the following six cases: A61-214, A63-236, A73-188, A77-90, A89-83, and C73-386. (A = autopsy; C = consult. For example, A89-83 means autopsy performed in 1989, number 83; in other words, the 83rd autopsy performed in 1989.) Incomplete common AV canal was present in 1 patient (A63-236), with the other 5 having complete common AV canal.

Although absence of a right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus was specifically noted in the aforementioned 6 patients with complete or incomplete common AV canal, we suspect that it is much more usual for the examiner in such a case not to note that he or she is unable to find the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus. The presence of common AV canal is so eye-catching that one is very likely not to realize that the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus cannot be identified. Consequently, we (alas) do not have reliable statistics concerning the frequency of absence of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus in association with the common AV canal. However, our impression is that inability to find (interpreted as absence of) the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus in association with common AV canal is quite frequent—the rule, rather than the exception. We suspect that cardiac venous blood may open into the LA via single or multiple ostia. We are aware of no rigorous study of this anomaly. Nonetheless, it is also our impression that absence of a discrete right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus in the common AV canal seems not to matter; such absence has no hemodynamic or surgical consequences of which we are aware.

Indeed, absence of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus in association with common AV canal is a largely unknown diagnosis at the present time. We are deliberately drawing attention to this diagnosis because it may prove to have significant hemodynamic or surgical consequences that are now unrecognized.

Among the 3216 patients in this series with congenital heart disease, 20 had congenital atresia ( Fig. 6.6 ) or stenosis of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus (0.62%; 95% CI 0.35% to 0.89%).

Fig. 6.6, Atresia of Right Atrial Ostium of Coronary Sinus.

It is necessary to specify congenital atresia or stenosis of the coronary sinus because two patients had iatrogenic coronary sinus atresia after cardiac surgery: C74-40 and A87-25. The first was a 4½-year-old girl with TGA {S,D,D} and a VSD of the conoventricular type. At 2 months of age, the patient underwent a Blalock-Hanlon atrial septectomy, followed at 2 7/12 years of age by a Mustard procedure and patch closure of the VSD. The Mustard baffle totally occluded the lumen of the coronary sinus approximately 3 mm to the left of its ostium.

The other patient with iatrogenic coronary sinus atresia was a 19 4/12–year-old man with double-outlet RV {S,D,D} with a persistent LSVC to the coronary sinus, left-sided juxtaposition of the atrial appendages, small ASD of the ostium secundum type, large VSD of the confluent conoventricular plus AV canal type, and pulmonary stenosis (valvar and subvalvar). At 18 10/12 years of age, a modified Rastelli procedure was performed. The VSD was closed using an intraventricular conduit to the aorta, an aortic homograft conduit was placed from the right ventricular free wall to the main pulmonary artery, and direct suture closure of the ASD was performed. Two subsequent operations were required to close residual VSDs and to replace the aortic valve. The noncoronary leaflet of the aortic valve had been torn, and aortic valvuloplasty was followed by severe aortic regurgitation. Despite two reoperations, continuing low cardiac output persisted due to severe biventricular dysfunction, leading to death.

Autopsy revealed total occlusion of the coronary sinus 8 to 10 mm to the left of its dilated right atrial orifice, with complete thrombotic occlusion of the persistent LSVC.

In both of these cases, iatrogenic occlusion of the coronary sinus was thought to be an important cause of postoperative death because of its deleterious effect on myocardial function.

But what we are focusing on here is congenital (not acquired) obstruction of the coronary sinus: coronary sinus atresia and coronary sinus stenosis. Among these 20 patients, congenital coronary sinus atresia was present in 14 (70%) (see Fig. 6.6 ), and congenital coronary sinus stenosis was found in 6 (30%).

  • Sex Ratio: The ratio in congenital coronary sinus atresia was males-to-females = 8:5 (1.6:1), with the sex being unknown in 1. The sex ratio in patients with congenital coronary sinus stenosis was males-to-females = 4:2 (2:1). The sex ratio in congenital coronary sinus obstruction as a whole, including both atresia and stenosis, was males-to-females = 12:7 = 1.7:1, with the sex being unknown in 1. Hence, in this small series (sex known in 19 cases), there was a strong male preponderance.

  • Age at Death: In the 20 patients with congenital coronary sinus atresia, the age at death was known in 19: median = 43 days (1.4 months), ranging from 0 (30 weeks gestation in 1 fetus) to 3680 days, that is, 10 1/12 years. In the 6 patients with congenital coronary sinus stenosis, the age at death was known in all: median = 135 days (4.5 months), ranging from 10 days to 12 years. In the series as a whole (coronary sinus atresia and stenosis), the median age at death was 75 days (2.5 months), ranging from 0 to 12 years.

Discussion: Coronary sinus ostial atresia never occurred in isolation. These 14 postmortem-proved cases constituted only 0.44% of the 3216 cases of congenital heart disease in this series as a whole. Congenital coronary sinus atresia (see Fig. 6.6 ) was associated with the following forms of congenital heart disease: persistent RSVC or RSVC in 8 (57%), persistent LSVC in visceroatrial situs solitus in 7, and persistent RSVC in visceroatrial situs inversus in 1; VSD in 8 (57%), being of the conoventricular type in 4, of the muscular type in 3, and of the AV canal type in 1; mitral atresia in 6 (43%); aortic atresia in 5 (36%); with mitral atresia and aortic atresia coexisting in 5 cases (36%); ASD of the ostium secundum type in 4 (29%); PDA in 4 (29%); and TGA {S,L,L} in 2 (14%); 1 patient (7%) had each of the following: TGA {S,D,D}, double-outlet RV {S,D,D}, double-outlet RV {I,L,L}, double-outlet LV {S,D,D}, dextrocardia, absence of the main pulmonary artery, discontinuity of the right and left pulmonary artery branches, common AV canal opening mostly into the morphologically RV, aortic stenosis (valvar), pulmonary stenosis (valvar), coronary sinus septal defect (unroofing of the coronary sinus), a small third coronary artery, absence of the left anterior descending coronary artery after the origin of the left circumflex coronary artery, endocardial fibroelastosis of the left and RV, complete heart block, monozygotic twin, hydrops fetalis (severe intrauterine congestive heart failure), fetal demise, straddling tricuspid valve (right-sided), straddling tricuspid valve (left-sided), tricuspid regurgitation (right-sided), tricuspid regurgitation (left-sided), preductal coarctation of the aorta, bilateral PDA, prematurity, aberrant right subclavian artery, coronary sinus luminal atresia with patent right atrial ostium, muscularized Eustachian valve of the IVC, and pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum.

  • The foregoing documents the complexity of the congenital heart disease that was associated with coronary sinus atresia.

Comment: Can we make any sense of this? What can we learn from the foregoing? Well, first of all, we should confess that before doing this study, we knew little about coronary sinus ostial atresia except that it occurs; hence this investigation was a voyage of discovery.

The high prevalence of persistence of a superior vena cava connecting with the coronary sinus certainly makes sense hemodynamically. In several cases, it was appreciated that the blood flowed in a retrograde direction because of atresia of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus. The cardiac venous blood flowed retrogradely in the coronary sinus, up the (typically left) SVA, rightward via the (left) innominate vein into the (right) SVC and thence downward into the RA. In other words, the cardiac venous return followed a “snowman” pathway, reminiscent of supracardiac totally anomalous pulmonary venous connection. In coronary sinus atresia, the pulmonary veins were always normally connected. It was the cardiac venous return (not the pulmonary venous return) that flowed in this supracardiac “snowman” pathway.

But not always. For example, in one patient there was a coronary sinus septal defect that unroofed the coronary sinus, permitting the coronary sinus blood and that of the persistent LSVC to flow into the LA, rather than flowing retrogradely into the RA via the supracardiac “snowman” venous pathway. The coronary sinus septal defect permits right-to-left shunting into the LA, whereas coronary sinus atresia without unroofing of the coronary sinus has no shunt, even though the cardiac venous blood “takes the long way home” via the supracardiac venous pathway.

We think the high prevalence of VSD (57%) reflects the complexity of the congenital heart disease with which coronary sinus atresia typically is associated.

But the real surprise of this study was the relatively high prevalence of the hypoplastic left heart syndrome in association with coronary sinus atresia: mitral atresia in 43%, with mitral atresia and aortic atresia coexisting in 36%. Prior to this review, we had no idea of the existence of this association between coronary sinus atresia and mitral atresia.

From the developmental perspective, what might this association between coronary sinus atresia and mitral atresia mean? First, it should be said that we really do not know; a definite answer to this question awaits future study. Our speculative thoughts are as follows. Mitral atresia typically involves failure of normal formation of the mitral portion of the common AV canal. The coronary sinus wraps around the outside of the mitral canal. Our speculative hypothesis is that failure of normal formation of the mitral canal may be associated with failure of normal formation of the immediately adjacent coronary sinus, resulting anatomically in mitral and coronary sinus atresia. This essentially unknown association between mitral atresia and coronary sinus atresia invites further study.

Coronary sinus stenosis was identified in only 6 of the 3216 cases of congenital heart disease making up this series as a whole (0.19%). Congenital stenosis of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus was associated with the following forms of congenital heart disease: VSD in 3 cases (50%), of the conoventricular type in 2 and of the AV canal type (but without common AV canal) in 1; persistent LSVC to the coronary sinus in 2 (33%); mitral atresia in 2 (33%); aortic stenosis in 2 (33%), valvar in 1 and subvalvar in the other; secundum type of ASD in 2 (33%); single LV with infundibular outlet chamber in 2 (33%); TGA {S,D,D} in 2 (33%); and 1 patient (17%) having each of the following: TGA {S,D,L}, transportation of the great arteries {S,L,L}, stenosis of the origin of the left coronary artery (arising from the right coronary sinus of Valsalva), double-orifice mitral valve (50/50 division of the mitral orifice by a tongue of fibrous tissue), aortic atresia (valvar), PDA, coronary sinus septal defect (unroofed coronary sinus), preductal coarctation of the aorta, and aberrant location of the stenotic coronary sinus ostium (abnormally rightward and anterior).

Embryologically, congenital atresia and stenosis of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus appear to reflect an abnormality of the right venous valve. If the Thebesian valve, which is derived from the right venous valve, becomes partially or totally adherent to the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus, the result is stenosis or atresia, respectively, of the ostium of the coronary sinus. Anatomically, one can often see the head of a small probe shining through the narrowed or atretic coronary sinus ostium that is veiled by the abnormally adherent and hence obstructive Thebesian valve or Eustachian valve (when separate Thebesian and Eustachian valves are not present). Why the right venous valve becomes obstructive remains unknown at present.

Comment: Congenital stenosis of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus appears to be the forme fruste of congenital atresia of the coronary sinus. In this small series (n = 6), we again found relatively high prevalences of many of the same associated forms of congenital heart disease: VSD (50%), persistent LSVC to the coronary sinus (33%), mitral atresia (33%), and aortic stenosis (33%) and atresia (17%).

The natural history of patients with congenital coronary sinus stenosis (median age at death 4.5 months, ranging from 10 days to 12 years) was somewhat better than that of patients with congenital coronary sinus atresia (median age at death 1.4 months, ranging from 0 [a fetus of 30 weeks gestational age] to 10 1/12 years).

Nonetheless, it is our impression that congenital coronary sinus atresia and stenosis probably are usually of little or no clinical importance, because the cardiac venous return seems to find alternative routes of returning to the cardiac lumen. Difficult-to-find Thebesian veins often are invoked. Injection or other studies to clarify this question remain to be done. In only 1 of our 6 cases (17%) of congenital coronary sinus stenosis was the coronary sinus described in the fresh state (at the time of autopsy, prior to fixation) as dilated.

In none of our 20 cases of congenital atresia or stenosis of the coronary sinus was obstruction of the coronary sinus blood flow thought to be a significant cause of the patient’s death. This is in sharp contrast to acquired atresia or severe stenosis of the coronary sinus postoperatively, in which iatrogenic obstruction of the coronary sinus always appeared to be a major cause of the patient’s death, apparently because of the lack of other communications between the coronary sinus and the cardiac lumen after the normal involution of the persistent LSVC into the ligament of Marshall.

Finally, it must be added that congenital coronary sinus atresia or severe stenosis may in fact be clinically important in certain circumstances. Because these are diagnoses that are seldom made in life, it should be understood that we may well have much to learn concerning these two largely unrecognized anomalies.

Literature Review and Discussion

Reports in the medical journal literature concerning atresia of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus were of considerable interest, as the following briefly indicates.

Can atresia of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus occur without a persistent LSVC, and if so, how? In 1972, Falcone and Roberts reported 4 cases, all autopsy-proved, with atresia of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus and without a persistent LSVC. Of these 4 patients, 3 had a left atrial ostium of the coronary sinus, permitting a right-to-left shunt at the atrial level and explaining how long-term survival was possible without a persistent LSVC. One of these patients had two small openings in a small cardiac vein that drained into the right atrial appendage. The coronary sinus and associated veins were markedly distended. Clinically, this patient was thought to have an idiopathic myocardial disease with cardiomegaly. Except for the latter patient, the other 3 had additional forms of congenital heart disease. All 4 were adults, ranging from 27 to 63 years of age.

Atresia of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus was thought to be of no clinical significance in the 3 patients with unobstructed openings of the coronary sinus into the LA. However, the patient with no left atrial opening of the coronary sinus and with only an apparently obstructive opening into the right atrial appendage was thought to have a primary myocardial disease with idiopathic cardiomegaly, probably secondary to the stenotic (and ectopic) egress from the cardiac venous system. Hence, atresia or stenosis of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus is of no clinical importance, as long as there is an unobstructed exit for the cardiac venous blood somewhere else.

Is cardiac venous hypertension associated with increased risk for coronary arterial thrombosis? The report of Gerlis et al in 1984 suggested that the answer is perhaps. These authors reviewed 14 previously reported cases of coronary sinus atresia associated with a persistent LSVC, adding 2 new cases of their own. In their Case 1, a 43-year-old woman, the persistent LSVC was small—only 4 mm in diameter (compared with a RSVC that was 12 mm in diameter). The coronary sinus was dilated (8 mm in diameter). A larger medial branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery was occluded by an old, firmly adherent thrombus that was associated with a massive myocardial infarction. Histologically, this thrombosed coronary artery showed no significant disease of the vessel wall.

In discussing this mysterious finding of coronary thrombosis in a histologically unremarkable left anterior descending coronary artery, Gerlis et al noted that Falcone and Roberts had stated the hemodynamic consequences of coronary venous hypertension (due to the obstructively small persistent LSVC in this patient) would be predominantly reflected into the left coronary artery because 75% of its blood flow enters the coronary sinus.

Thus, Gerlis et al raise the important possibility that coronary sinus atresia may be associated with thrombosis in a normal left coronary arterial system if the draining LSVC is small and hence obstructive. This was the first such case reported in the literature; further experience is needed in order to assess this hypothesis. Thus, the inference appears to be that coronary sinus atresia associated with a persistent LSVC may not be an entirely benign condition in adult life if the left superior vena is obstructively small. Again, more experience is needed to test this hypothesis.

Can atresia of the coronary sinus orifice be diagnosed in life? Yes. In 1985, Watson reported what he thought was the second case diagnosed by angiocardiography into the coronary sinus via a persistent LSVC. The first case diagnosed in life was that of Fudemoto et al in 1976. In reviewing 37 known cases of coronary sinus atresia, Watson found that approximately half were not associated with any other form of congenital heart disease. Exit of the coronary sinus blood in these 37 patients was as follows:

  • 1.

    a persistent LSVC in 16 (43%);

  • 2.

    an unroofed coronary sinus opening into the LA in 9 (24%);

  • 3.

    venous channels draining into the right or LA in 9 (24%); and

  • 4.

    combinations of the above in 3 (8%).

Also in 1985, Yeager et al reported angiographic diagnosis of coronary sinus atresia in a term infant with pulmonary atresia, intact ventricular septum, and sinusoidal communications between the right ventricular cavity and the coronary arteries, with retrograde coronary arterial filling.

In terms of echocardiographic diagnosis, Yeager et al noted in retrospect that the persistent LSVC was visualized, but not the coronary sinus or the coronary sinus ostium. They concluded that the only echocardiographic clue to the diagnosis of coronary sinus ostial atresia was absence of the dilated coronary sinus that usually is associated with a persistent LSVC. They added that although not performed in their patient, Doppler interrogation of the LSVC should reveal reversal of the usual direction of blood flow.

Although coronary sinus atresia with a persistent LSVC typically is of no clinical importance, is it of any surgical significance? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. As was reported in 1989 by Yokota et al, inadvertent division of a small persistent LSVC (4 mm in diameter) in a 4 11/12-year-old boy in the process of performing an arterial switch procedure for TGA resulted in death on the fifth postoperative day. Autopsy revealed no kinking or distortion of the implanted coronary arteries. Congestion and hemorrhage of the myocardium were described as massive, with infarction of the right ventricular free wall. The surprise finding of the autopsy was atresia of the coronary sinus orifice.

These authors concluded that the only way to prevent this unusual but fatal complication during surgery is to bear in mind the possibility that the LSVC may be the only outlet for the cardiac venous blood and to determine the patency of the coronary sinus orifice whenever a persistent LSVC is ligated or divided.

Aneurysms of the Sinus Venosus

Aneurysms of the left horn of the sinus venosus (i.e., of the coronary sinus) and of the right horn of the sinus venosus (i.e., of the systemic venous component of the morphologically RA) are rare and consequently largely unknown at the present time. In this study of 3216 cases of congenital heart disease, aneurysms of the left and right horns of the sinus venosus were found in 10 patients (0.31%). Of these, 6 cases (66.7%) had congenital aneurysms of the left sinus horn, that is, of the coronary sinus (see Figs. 6.2 and 6.3 ). All 6 patients were female. The mean age at death was 1104 days (3.02 years), ranging from 1 day to 15 9/12 years. The median age at death was 90 days.

All 6 patients had complex congenital heart disease ( Table 6.4 ). Major anomalies of the AV valves were present in 4 of these 6 cases (66.7%): mitral atresia in 2, tricuspid atresia in 1, and common AV valve in 1.

Aneurysms of the Left Horn of the Sinus Venosus (Coronary Sinus Aneurysms)
Case No. Sex and Age Diagnosis
  • F

  • 2.5 mo

Tricuspid atresia type Ib; ventricular septal defect, conoventricular, small (3 × 2 mm); enlarged coronary sinus with small coronary sinus aneurysm; prominent right venous valve forming rete Chiari; aberrant right subclavian artery; anterior descending coronary artery from right coronary artery via conus coronary artery
  • F

  • 3½ mo

Mitral atresia; double-outlet right ventricle {S,D,D}; ventricular septal defect, conoventricular, subaortic, small (2 × 2 mm); ventricular septal defect, muscular (2 × 8 mm); secundum type of atrial septal defect, small; coronary sinus aneurysm (6 × 12 mm) communicating with middle cardiac vein (posterior interventricular vein)
  • F

  • 8 days

Double-outlet right ventricle {S,D,D} with subpulmonary infundibulum, aortic-tricuspid fibrous continuity, mitral atresia, tiny left atrium with no left atrial appendage, diminutive left ventricle (DORV with hypoplastic left heart and unilateral conus—in this case subpulmonary only = infantile type of DORV); bilateral superior venae cavae, with absent left innominate vein, and persistent left superior vena cava to coronary sinus to right atrium; bilateral azygos veins; partially anomalous pulmonary venous connection: all pulmonary veins to coronary sinus, and right upper lobe pulmonary vein also to left atrium via a small side branch; rete Chiari; tricuspid regurgitation; subaortic narrowing with tubular hypoplasia of aortic arch and discrete coarctation of aorta; small venous aneurysm arising from inferior surface of coronary sinus adjacent to right atrium, aneurysm underlying diaphragmatic surface of left ventricle; Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome with orthodromic reentrant tachycardia
  • F

  • 1 day

Conjoined twin B, left-sided, joined from level of diaphragm caudad, with single liver, duplicated small bowel, common colon, and remnant of leg fused posteriorly: omphaloischiopagus tripus; hydrocephalus with Dandy-Walker malformation (atresia of the foramen of Magendie); oligohydramnios; severe congestive heart failure with biventricular dysfunction, pleural and pericardial effusions; bilateral superior venae cavae with absence of left innominate vein; right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement, extreme; tricuspid regurgitation, mild; small aneurysm of coronary sinus arising from inferior surface of coronary sinus adjacent to the right atrium and communicating with right ventricular cavity just inferior to the posterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve; ventricular septal defect, conoventricular and paramembranous, without pulmonary stenosis (Eisenmenger complex); patent ductus arteriosus, large, 1 day old; intraoperative death of twin B while separating conjoined twins
  • F

  • 23 mo

Tetralogy of Fallot with moderate infundibular pulmonary stenosis; persistent left superior vena cava to coronary sinus to right atrium; large coronary sinus aneurysm (30 × 20 mm, free wall 1–2 mm thick); 2 valvelike communications between aneurysm and left ventricular cavity close to posteromedial papillary muscle group (misdiagnosed as muscular ventricular septal defects) (see Fig. 6.2 )
  • F

  • 159/12 y

Complete common atrioventricular canal, type A; large coronary sinus aneurysm with valved communication between aneurysm and left ventricular cavity behind the posteromedial papillary muscle group; sinoventricular valve measures 17 × 8 mm from right atrial aspect, and 8 × 6 mm from left ventricular aspect; persistent left superior vena cava to coronary sinus to right atrium and to left ventricle; sinoventricular valve is separated by left ventricular muscle from mitral component of common atrioventricular valve (see Fig. 6.3 )
F, Female; M, male; mo, months; y, year.

Communications between the coronary sinus aneurysm and the ventricular cavities were present in 3 of these 6 patients (50%): between the coronary sinus aneurysm and the left ventricular cavity in 2 (see Cases 5 and 6; Table 6.4 ) (see Figs. 6.2 and 6.3 ) and between the coronary sinus aneurysm and the right ventricular cavity in 1 (see Case 4; Table 6.4 ).

The oldest patient in this series, a 15 9/12–year-old young woman, had a valved communication between the coronary sinus aneurysm and the left ventricular cavity (see Case 6; Table 6.4 ). This accessory sinoventricular valve measured 17 × 8 mm from the right atrial aspect and 8 × 6 mm from the left ventricular aspect.

In a 23-month-old girl, two valve-like communications between the coronary sinus and the left ventricular cavity, which were located behind the posteromedial papillary muscle group, were mistaken angiocardiographically for muscular VSDs (see Case 5; Table 6.4 ).

In one of these patients (16.7%), Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome with orthodromic reentrant tachycardia was present (see Case 3; Table 6.4 ).

In none of these cases was there any vestige of valvar leaflet tissue between the aneurysm and the more cephalic portion of the coronary sinus or the RA, that is, the neck leading into the coronary sinus aneurysm was always entirely unguarded by valvar leaflet tissue.

Right atrial aneurysms involving the right horn of the sinus venosus ( Fig. 6.7 ) were found in 4 of these 10 patients (40%) ( Table 6.5 ). All but one were males, with the ages at death being 2 days, 5 weeks, 6 months, and 4 years.

Fig. 6.7, (A) Aneurysm of the right (Rt) horn of the sinus venosus (SV) in a 5-week-old girl with tricuspid atresia (TAt). Note how thin-walled and smooth the aneurysmal free wall is. (B) Selective angiocardiographic injection into the aneurysm of the right horn of the sinus venosus. The contrast refluxes freely into the right atrium, there being no valve-like tissue between the aneurysm and the RA. There is no anterograde flow of contrast, and no communication with a ventricle. CoS, Coronary sinus; IVC, inferior vena cava; PFO, patent foramen ovale; RA, right atrium; Rt, right; SV, sinus venosus.

Aneurysms of Right Horn of Sinus Venosus
Case No. Sex and Age Diagnosis
  • M

  • 6 mo

Infantile Ebstein anomaly with marked tricuspid stenosis; ventricular septal defect, muscular, apical, huge (12 × 10 mm); large aneurysm of the right horn of the sinus venosus 39 mm long, 25 mm wide, and free wall 2 mm thick; orifice between the aneurysm and right atrium 22 × 13 mm; ventricular septum dysmorphic and thickened (20–23 mm)
  • M

  • 2 days

Transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D} with polysplenia syndrome, bilaterally bilobed lungs, and bilateral hyparterial bronchi; ventricular septal defect, conoventricular type, with posterior overriding pulmonary artery; muscular ventricular septal defect; bicuspid aortic valve; isthmic hypoplasia; and patent ductus arteriosus (at 2 days of age); thin-walled aneurysm communicated with the right atrium .
  • M

  • 4 y

Ebstein anomaly with anomalous muscle bundles of the right ventricle; ventricular septal defect, conoventricular type; double-orifice mitral valve with accessory anterolateral and main posteromedial orifices; left ventricular dysplasia with thickened endocardium; prominent right venous valve of superior and inferior venae cavae, without cor triatriatum; polyvalvular disease (tricuspid and mitral valves); biventricular myocardial dysplasia; familial cardiomyopathy; sinus venosus aneurysm, located beneath right ventricular sinus (inflow tract), communicating with right atrium via two slit-like orifices, aneurysm containing bizarre trabeculations (“stalactites” and “stalagmites”); aneurysm of no hemodynamic significance
  • F

  • 5 wk

Tricuspid atresia {S,D,S}, with smooth thin-walled aneurysm of right sinus horn (see Fig. 6.8 ).

Again, these right atrial aneurysms involving the right sinus horn never occurred in isolation; they were always associated with complex congenital heart disease (see Table 6.5 ). Of these 3 patients, 2 had Ebstein anomaly (see Cases 1 and 3; Table 6.5 ). None of these right atrial aneurysms was associated with a significant arrhythmia, and none communicated with a ventricular cavity.

Literature Review and Discussion

Ho et al reported 2 patients with aneurysm of the coronary sinus in 1983, this being the first known report of this entity. Two years later, Gerlis et al linked coronary sinus aneurysms with ventricular preexcitation, demonstrating histologically the presence of accessory AV connections, a finding that was subsequently confirmed by Ho et al in 1988.

To the best of our present knowledge, valvelike communications between coronary sinus aneurysms and both ventricular cavities are reported here for the first time.

The Anatomy and Terminology of the Cardiac Veins.

In order to understand and describe the aneurysms of the left and right horns of the sinus venosus, a brief review of the anatomy and terminology of the cardiac veins is helpful. Because many pediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgeons do not know even the names of the major cardiac veins, let us start at the beginning.

They are called the cardiac veins, not the coronary veins. However, some investigators have applied the term coronary to the arteries and the veins of the heart. The English word coronary is derived from the Latin term corona, meaning garland or crown, which in turn is derived from the Greek word korone or s tephanos, meaning wreath. Hence, the literal meaning of coronary is encircling in the manner of a crown. Claudius Galenus (130–200 CE), known in English as Galen, was a Greek from Pergamos in Asia Minor whose medical and scientific career climaxed in Rome. Here, he introduced many Greek medical terms into Latin, one of which was corona. The root meaning of corona is wreath, as worn about the head of an Olympic champion, and, thus, similar to a crown. In Greek, the coronary arteries were called stephaniaia angia, meaning wreath-like vessels. It was this term that Galen then translated into Latin as corona.

It will also be recalled ( Chapter 1 ) that Rufus of Ephesus, at about the beginning of the current era (approximately 1 to 25 CE), had named what we call the “base” of the heart, the “head” of the heart. From this it followed that the atrial appendages became known as the “ears” (auricles, from auricula, Latin) because they are located on either side of the “head” of the heart. The coronary arteries do indeed wrap around the “head” of the heart like a wreath or a crown. However, the cardiac veins do not ( Fig. 6.8 ). From the anterior interventricular sulcus to the acute margin of the heart, the right AV sulcus contains the right coronary artery, but normally no major cardiac vein. Thus, the arteries of the heart are crownlike, whereas the veins are not, hence coronary arteries, but not coronary veins. Instead, they are cardiac veins.

Fig. 6.8, Diagram of the Cardiac Veins.

Following J.C. Boileau Grant (see Fig. 6.7 ), who was my Professor of Anatomy, the anterior interventricular cardiac vein is known as the great vein, or the left vein, because it normally flows leftward in the left AV groove and then proceeds posteriorly, where it flows into the coronary sinus. The coronary sinus normally has four tributaries (see Fig. 6.8 ): (1) the great or left cardiac vein, mentioned previously; (2) the oblique vein coming in from above and leftward, the oblique vein being a remnant of the LSVC, which normally involutes and becomes the ligament of Marshall; (3) the middle cardiac vein, which is the posterior interventricular vein that flows into the coronary sinus from below; and (4) the small cardiac vein, which comes from the acute margin of the RV and flows rightward and then posteriorly to reach the undersurface of the coronary sinus just to the left of its right atrial ostium.

One or two anterior cardiac veins from the conus arteriosus and the anterior right ventricular free wall “jump” across the right AV sulcus anteriorly and drain directly into the RA (see Fig. 6.8 ).

Not shown in Fig. 6.8 are the inferior ventricular veins that help to drain the diaphragmatic surfaces of the ventricles into the coronary sinus; and the Thebesian veins, which are minute vessels that begin in the heart wall and open directly into the chambers of the heart.

The previously mentioned ligament of Marshall commemorates John Marshall, an English anatomist (1818–1891), whose work on the development of the SVC accounts for the eponym. The Thebesian veins honor the memory of Adam Christian Thebesius, a German physician (1686–1732).

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