Essential equipment: Microcatheters


Microcatheters allow catheterization and delivery of embolic material to the smallest and most tortuous of vessels ( Fig. 13.1 ). Microcatheters are ideal for super-selective hepatic, visceral and peripheral catheterization.

Fig. 13.1, (A) Microcatheters will negotiate the most tortuous vessels; 4Fr guide-catheter (black arrowhead), microcatheter (white arrowhead) and wire (white arrow). (B) Tiny iliolumbar collaterals (short black arrows) causing type II endoleak (long black arrow) following endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. (C) Microcatheters will negotiate the most tortuous vessels. Microcatheter (arrowheads) delivering embolization coils (short black arrow) into the lumbar artery. 4Fr guide-catheter in the iliolumbar branch of the internal iliac artery (long black arrow).

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