Clinical Aspects of Image Guidance and Localization in Radiotherapy


Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) is well established; however it is important to note that there has never been a prospective randomized trial to examine its value. There are, however, a number of retrospective series examining the impact of IGRT as outlined in recent papers. The potential impact of IGRT can be appreciated by considering a recent study that linked biochemical failures in prostate cancer patients to mislocalization of the target caused by rectal distention at the time of simulation. This issue can be corrected with IGRT.

IGRT becomes crucial when considering high dose-per-fraction treatments, the most extreme example of which is stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) white paper Quality and Safety Considerations in Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and SBRT notes that image guidance is “a prerequisite for all SBRT applications.” IGRT is also important when lower, nonablative doses are used, for example, in the hypofractionated treatment of early stage prostate cancer, which is being pursued based on the advantageous biology of a low α/β ratio in early trials and now in cooperative group trials (e.g., Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0938).

While further outcomes-based research on IGRT will be welcome, it is clear that the technology is beneficial in many settings and essential in some. This chapter explores the physics-related aspects of IGRT in clinical use.

Overview of Image Guidance Definitions and Procedures

Image-guided radiotherapy can come in any of several flavors as defined in International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and also American Association of Physicists in Medicine Task Group (AAPM TG)-104:

  • “Online” correction (i.e., immediately prior to or during the therapeutic irradiation session and requiring operator-initiated adjustments)

  • “Offline” correction (i.e., to be applied in subsequent treatment delivery)

  • “Real-time” IGRT is similar to online, but means imaging throughout treatment allowing for automatic adjustment without the intervention of an operator.

The type of image guidance depends on the clinical needs. In SBRT, for example, the ASTRO white paper on stereotactic safety calls for image guidance to be applied “ideally … at the start of each treatment fraction,” i.e., online. Offline corrections are valuable for reducing systematic errors but do not address random day-to-day variations. While online corrections can greatly reduce random variations, they come at the cost of technical complexity. Online CT systems typically require 2 to 3 extra minutes for image acquisition plus the time for interpretation. They also deliver extra dose, which deserves consideration. AAPM TG-75, The Management of Imaging Dose During IGRT, notes that “management of imaging dose during radiotherapy is a different problem than its management during routine diagnostic or image-guided surgical procedures.” Although this application may not call for a diagnostic radiology program like Image Gently ( ) or Image Wisely ( ), clearly a balanced cost/benefit consideration is required. The report notes that it is “no longer safe to … assume that the cumulative imaging dose is negligible compared to the therapeutic dose.”

There are a wide variety of technologies to accomplish the various flavors of IGRT as outlined in Table 18.1 . Note that with the possible exception of on-treatment MR technologies, no one platform can accomplish all IGRT clinical goals. A technical review of IGRT system capabilities is found in Chapter 7 .

TABLE 18.1
Flavors of IGRT Enabled by Various Technologies and the Associated Imaging Capabilities (Visualization of Soft Tissue and/or Fiducials) as Well as IGRT Correction Strategies
Technology Platform Soft-Tissue Fiducials Online Correction Offline Correction Real-Time IGRT
kV-CBCT & planar
CyberKnife ✓(lung)
MR-guided RT

It is necessary to have a clear understanding of the IGRT process and workflow. Here we consider two examples that encapsulate most of the features of IGRT: (1) computed tomography (CT)-based IGRT and (2) real-time IGRT during treatment. Obvious parallels can be drawn to other forms of IGRT.

Workflow Example 1: CT-Based IGRT

A first step in IGRT and a key foundation is the reference image used for treatment planning (in this case the simulation CT, Figure 18.1A ). An isocenter and region-of-interest structure sets are defined in the treatment planning system. These are transferred (if necessary) to the image guidance system. When the patient is ready for treatment and positioned at the intended isocenter, a CT is acquired ( Figure 18.1B ). This CT is aligned with the reference data set using an interactive image fusion software interface ( Figure 18.1C ). Registration uses rigid body alignment with 3D translations and (optionally) rotations around three axes. Registration can be accomplished manually or automatically via various algorithms that can be set to focus on particular regions of the image (e.g., a 3D box) or on different threshold values of the CT number (e.g., bony features or soft tissue gray values). The registration results in a calculated shift correction. The patient is moved according to these shift calculations, a process that is often accomplished automatically via a command to the linac table. Some patient support systems (e.g., HexaPod) allow for “six-degree-of-freedom” positioning (i.e., translational movements in three directions as well as rotations of up to 3 degrees about the three principle axes). One issue is that the rotation may correctly describe the anatomic alignment near the isocenter but may be less accurate away from the isocenter. A rotation of 1 degree corresponds to a shift of approximately 2 mm at 10 cm from the isocenter. Such inaccurate alignments off-axis can have implications for doses to organs at risk.

Figure 18.1, Cone-beam CT (CBCT)-based alignment of a patient being treated for head and neck cancer. Prior to treatment a CBCT scan is acquired ( B ) and fused with the reference CT from simulation ( A ). Note that some regions align well but others do not ( C ).

Whatever the correction strategy, it is valuable to have a predefined protocol for IGRT that includes the roles and responsibilities for each professional group and the associated protocols (see ASTRO safety white paper on IGRT ). An example protocol from a fictional hospital is presented in Table 18.2 . The protocol spells out who is responsible for IGRT alignment (therapists in this case). It also lists threshold limits for shifts (10 mm in this case) after which they must consult a radiation oncologist. Such thresholds are a specific recommendation of the ACR/ASTRO practice guidelines for IGRT and ideally should be site-specific and based on an analysis of the random and systematic errors. The example protocol also spells out professional roles. Here the physician and physicist are expected to be present for the alignment procedure on the first day but not thereafter. This would vary for other treatment protocols. In SBRT cases, for example, the physician would typically be present for each treatment.

TABLE 18.2
Example IGRT Protocol and Professional Responsibilities
IGRT Protocol. Memorial Harbor Hospital. Site: Abdominal Tumors. Conventional Fractionation
Professional Group Role and Protocol
Radiation Therapy Technologist Perform scan and initial alignment; consult physician if shift >10 mm in any dimension.
Radiation Oncologist Consult with RTT prior to treatment on expected alignment; be present at first treatment.
Medical Physicist System quality assurance (QA); analyze shift data to determine random and systematic errors; be present at first treatment.

To this idealized IGRT process are added the many issues and challenges that can arise in actual practice. One well-worn error pathway is related to isocenter placement. The image guidance system must have the correct reference point defined, typically the isocenter from the treatment planning computer. If an incorrect reference point is transferred the patient alignment will be incorrect. This error is particularly insidious because it is not visible to the operator. Similarly, on a TomoTherapy system the reference or red lasers must be set to the reference point in the planning system. Not doing so will lead to systematic errors.

Other, less gross errors are possible. For example, the bladder filling for a pelvis case might be different at the time of treatment compared to simulation. In such a situation it would not be possible to align all the pelvic anatomy without intervening with the patient and rescanning. Figure 18.1B shows an example from a patient with head and neck cancer where part of the anatomy is well aligned (cervical vertebrae) but another part is not (mandible and skull). Such region misalignments represent a significant challenge where extensive regions are being treated and underscore the importance of the physician being involved in defining the alignment objectives for IGRT cases.

Another question is how well the CT planning scan (acquired prior to treatment) represents the anatomy during the actual treatment. Several issues come into play here: patient movement, nonideal immobilization, long wait times between scanning and treatment, changes in tumor size or position during the course of therapy, and changes in patient body habitus (e.g., weight loss). A few publications have addressed this issue, but there is relatively little peer-reviewed literature given the wealth of IGRT data that have been collected. In the future more reports will hopefully appear, providing practical guidance on IGRT setup issues. To evaluate movement on individual cases it may be useful to perform a repeat CT just after treatment to assess movement (perhaps for several fractions). For longer treatments (e.g., SRS/SBRT) repeat imaging may be performed mid-treatment.

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