
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) provides exceptional control over the delivery of dose. Figure 16.1 shows an example of a 7-field IMRT plan for a patient with T3 oropharyngeal carcinoma of the head and neck. This case illustrates the ability to sculpt dose around nearby organs at risk (in this case the cord and parotid) while irradiating the gross tumor volume and at-risk nodal regions to a high dose. This case also demonstrates the technique of “dose painting” or “simultaneous integrated boost” in which a single plan is used to deliver a total of 70 Gy to the gross disease while nodal regions simultaneously receive a dose of either 59.4 Gy or 54 Gy. Similar dose sculpting capabilities are available with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT).

Figure 16.1, Dose distribution for an example 7-field IMRT plan for a patient with head and neck carcinoma.

Examination of the clinical evidence behind IMRT can be found in the 2008 meta-analysis from Veldeman et al., which identified 49 published studies with well-defined clinical endpoints. A similar analysis for the UK health system was published in 2010. Though only six randomized controlled trials were identified (three for breast cancer and three for head and neck), overall the case studies showed a benefit to IMRT in terms of toxicity and quality-of-life endpoints. Specific benefits were noted for the following endpoints: xerostomia in head and neck cases, rectal toxicity in prostate cases, gastrointestinal/genitourinary (GI/GU) toxicity in uterine cancer, and cosmesis in breast cancer.

Further Reading

Technical reviews of IMRT/VMAT can be found in several review papers. Several IMRT/VMAT textbooks are available including clinically oriented presentations, more technically oriented presentations, and the proceedings of the 2003 American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Summer School. It is worth noting that these texts date back some 10 years and fewer reference books are being written about IMRT/VMAT as the technology matures. Another source for reference materials are the sections in various standard textbooks (e.g., Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8 in Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology ).

History of Technical Developments in IMRT and VMAT

Prior to 1994 optimal treatment plans were developed using beam aperture, collimator angle, gantry angle, beam energy, beam weighting, and modifiers such as wedges or compensators. Some basic modulation may have been accomplished using a field-in-field approach. The planner would manually adjust the various parameters until an acceptable, not necessarily optimal, result was achieved. With the development of the multi-leaf collimator (MLC) and inverse planning, the adjustments moved from mechanical parameters to target and organ-at-risk (OAR) parameters. The objectives and dose constraints are modified to produce an acceptable, but still not necessarily optimal, result. This is achieved through the automatic adjustment of the various mechanical parameters by the optimization algorithm in sequential trials to meet the specified goals and constraints. The first versions only modified the beam intensity throughout a beam aperture. This was called intensity-modulated radiation therapy. More modern systems can optimize gantry angle and collimator angle as well.

The first commercially available IMRT system (Peacock, NOMOS Corp.) became available in 1994 and used a binary collimator as an add-on device for a standard linear accelerator (linac) in an arc delivery. The beam intensity was modulated throughout the arc by the opening and closing of the collimator leaves. Since the binary collimator leaves are either open or closed the intensity of a given arc segment was determined by the amount of time the leaf was open during that segment. Once an arc was completed, the couch was indexed a precise amount to treat the next volume or “slice” of the target. This was repeated until the entire target was covered. Because of this slice-by-slice approach, it is referred to as serial or axial TomoTherapy. This original system led to the development of helical TomoTherapy as implemented in the TomoTherapy Hi-Art system (Accuray Systems Inc.). The implementations that followed on traditional linacs used the standard MLC to modulate the beam at fixed gantry and collimator angles as mentioned above. This can be done by delivering the dose at multiple fixed segments where the beam is turned off while the MLC is changing shape, called step and shoot, or by having the MLC continuously change shape as the beam is constantly on, called sliding window delivery or dynamic MLC (dMLC). For sliding window delivery the dose rate may be fixed or variable. The next development was to use the conventional linac and MLC and to perform the dynamic delivery throughout an arc, which is called VMAT. This is sometimes referred to by its original development name of intensity-modulated arc radiotherapy (IMAT) or by vendor-specific names such as RapidArc (Varian Inc.) or SmartArc (Philips Inc.).

In terms of the usage of IMRT and VMAT, a 2004 survey of U.S. practices found that IMRT was used by 73% of respondents. Given that 91% of nonusers at the time planned to adopt IMRT, the availability in U.S. clinics is now likely close to 100%. Studies of Medicare billing patterns show that IMRT was used in 54% of cases in 2010. A 2010 Canadian survey demonstrated that IMRT was available in 87% of centers, up from 37% in 2006.

Nomenclature for Structures

Because of the complexity of IMRT/VMAT treatments, it is essential to have a well-defined schema for specifying structures and doses. This issue is the central topic of two important reports: ICRU-83, Volume and Dose Specification for Prescribing, Recording, and Reporting Photon-Beam IMRT, and the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2009 Recommendations for Documenting IMRT Treatments. Though these reports specifically name IMRT in their titles, they are clearly intended to apply to VMAT as well. These reports advocate the use of a standard nomenclature for planning structures: gross tumor volume (GTV), clinical tumor volume (CTV), internal target volume (ITV), planning target volume (PTV), OAR, and planning OAR volume (PRV) (see Chapter 14 for a further discussion). These nomenclatures are a modification and update to ICRU-50 and -62, which defined these concepts). The ASTRO 2009 IMRT report recommendations call for the clinician to specify the regions of interest listed above.

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