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On completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
List the risk factors, signs, and symptoms for stroke and carotid artery disease
Distinguish normal from abnormal carotid anatomy
Understand the physiology of the carotid arterial system
Discuss the technical aspects of carotid duplex imaging
Recognize pathology associated with the carotid anatomy
Describe the sonographic findings associated with internal carotid artery disease, specifically stenosis and occlusion
Discuss common errors associated with the interpretation of carotid duplex imaging examinations
One of the most commonly ordered arterial vascular sonographic examinations is carotid duplex. Carotid duplex imaging is a noninvasive screening tool for atherosclerosis and prevention of stroke. A cerebrovascular accident, or stroke, is characterized by an interruption of blood flow to the brain (ischemic stroke) or by a ruptured intracranial blood vessel (intracranial hemorrhage). Approximately 85% of all strokes are ischemic; the remaining 15% are hemorrhagic. Stroke has an estimated prevalence of 2.5%, with 7 million reported in the United States, and often dramatically affects the life of an individual. Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability, and approximately 145,000 of the strokes that occur each year in the United States result in death. The resulting financial burden is estimated to be $45.5 billion annually, comprised of direct costs (health care, rehabilitation, etc.) and indirect costs (missed work days, loss of productivity, etc.).
Stroke is more prevalent among men, with risk increasing with age. Stroke is also almost twice as common in the black population than white, with the black, Hispanic, and native American populations all having an increased risk compared with the white population. Because of the high prevalence and often fatal consequences, extracranial cerebrovascular ultrasound becomes an important imaging modality to identify disease that may be the potential cause of a stroke. Accurate and thorough imaging of the carotid artery is imperative, as prevention remains the best treatment for stroke.
The ascending aorta originates from the left ventricle of the heart. The transverse aortic arch lies in the superior mediastinum and is formed as the aorta ascends and curves posteroinferiorly from right to left, above the left mainstem bronchus. Three main arteries arise from the superior convexity of the arch in its normal configuration. The first branch is the innominate artery (brachiocephalic), the second is the left common carotid artery (CCA), followed by the left subclavian artery.
The innominate artery divides into the right CCA and the right subclavian artery, which gives rise to the right vertebral artery. The left CCA originates slightly to the left of the innominate artery, followed by the left subclavian artery, which likewise gives rise to the left vertebral artery.
Anatomic variants of the major arch vessels exist. The most common variant is the left CCA forming a common origin with or originating directly from the innominate artery, with an incidence of approximately 13%. Less frequently, the left vertebral artery arises directly from the arch, the right subclavian artery originates from the arch distal to the left subclavian artery, the right CCA originates directly from the arch, and a left innominate artery may exist, from which the left common carotid and the left subclavian originate.
The right and left common carotid artery (CCA) ascend through the superior mediastinum anterolaterally in the neck, located medial to the jugular vein ( Fig. 37.1 ). The CCA usually measures between 6 and 8 mm in diameter. The left CCA is typically longer than the right, as it originates from the aortic arch. Bilaterally in the neck, the CCA, jugular vein, and vagus nerve are enclosed in a connective tissue called the carotid sheath . The vagus nerve lies between and dorsal to the artery and vein. The CCA typically does not have branches, but occasionally it is the origin of the superior thyroid artery. The CCA terminates at its bifurcation into the internal and external carotid arteries (ECAs). This occurs in the vicinity of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage at approximately C4; however, this level may be asymmetric and ranges from T2 to C1. At its bifurcation, the CCA has a slight dilation, known as the carotid bulb. The carotid bulb may include the distal CCA, the proximal internal, and the proximal ECAs.
The internal carotid artery (ICA) originates at the CCA bifurcation and is usually the larger of the CCA terminal branches. It serves as the main conduit of perfusion to the brain. The ICA is divided into four main segments: cervical, petrous, cavernous, and cerebral. The cervical portion of the ICA is evaluated during carotid duplex imaging examinations. It begins at the CCA bifurcation (carotid bulb) and extends to the base of the skull. The ICA is located within the carotid sheath and travels deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. In the majority of individuals, the ICA is posterolateral to the ECA and courses medially as it ascends the neck. The cervical ICA usually does not have branches and measures between 5 and 6 mm in diameter. The first branch of the ICA is located in the cavernous portion, which cannot be visualized during an extracranial examination; however, it can be an important collateral in cases of cervical ICA obstruction. With advancing age and progressive disease, the cervical ICA may become tortuous, coiled, and/or kinked ( Fig. 37.2 ). This may make visualization, vessel differentiation, and obtaining accurate Doppler signals difficult. Agenesis, or absence of the ICA, can occur, although it is rare. Agenesis of the ICA can be bilateral or unilateral, with a higher proportion of cases being unilateral.
The external carotid artery (ECA) originates at the CCA bifurcation. It is typically the smaller of the CCA terminal branches and perfuses the majority of the neck and face. It is located anteromedial to the ICA at its origin but courses posterolaterally as it ascends. In approximately 15% of the population, the ECA originates lateral to the ICA. This anatomic variation occurs three times more frequently on the right side. The normal ECA measures 3 to 4 mm in diameter.
There are eight named branches of the ECA (in ascending order): the superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial, occipital, posterior auricular, and terminal branches; the superficial temporal branch; and the internal maxillary branch. The first branch of the ECA, the superior thyroid artery is the most commonly visualized branch during carotid duplex imaging. The abundant number of anastomoses between the branches of the ECA and the intracranial circulation underscores the clinical significance of the ECA as a collateral pathway for cerebral perfusion when significant, flow-limiting disease is present in the ICA.
The vertebral arteries are large branches of the subclavian arteries, with atherosclerotic changes usually occurring at their origin. Occasionally, the vertebral artery arises directly from the aortic arch (3% of cases on the left side and rarely on the right side). The two vertebral arteries are asymmetric in size in about 75% of cases, with the left vertebral artery being the dominant artery. The vertebral artery can be divided into four segments: extravertebral, intervertebral, horizontal, and intracranial.
The extravertebral segment is evaluated during carotid duplex imaging. This segment courses superior and medial from its subclavicular origin and enters the transverse foramen of the sixth cervical vertebra. The proximal segment of the vertebral artery is approximately 4 to 5 cm in length and usually has no branches. The vertebral artery ascends within the transverse foramina of the upper cervical vertebrae (intervertebral segment), emerges from the transverse foramen of the atlas (horizontal segment), and becomes the intracranial portion as it pierces the spinal dura and arachnoid, just below the base of the skull at the foramen magnum. At this level, the right and left vertebral arteries combine to form the basilar artery.
The hemodynamics of arterial flow is governed by Poiseuille’s law and is influenced by several factors, including vessel diameter, flow volume, vessel tortuosity, blood viscosity, and resistance. Resistance is determined by nature of the vascular bed arterial flow is perfusing. Arteries perfusing a dilated vascular bed (present on most organs) will have low resistive blood flow within them. Conversely, arteries supplying blood to a more constricted vascular bed, or arterioles, will maintain higher resistance.
The ICA and ECA are responsible for providing the majority of the head with oxygen- and nutrient-rich arterial blood. However, both have significantly different hemodynamic flow as a result of the different areas they perfuse. These hemodynamic characteristics must be understood to appropriately perform and interpret a carotid artery examination.
After originating from the CCA, the ICA typically travels deep toward the base of the skull. Once intracranial, the ICA branches form portions of the circle of Willis for neural perfusion. Because the brain requires a large amount of perfusion ~13% of systemic blood flow) the ICA tends to be larger than the ECA to account for the larger blood volume it transports. The ICA also maintains low-resistive arterial flow in the normal patient. This is in part due to its lack of extracranial branches, but more so a result of the low peripheral resistance placed upon it. Because of the brain’s large blood volume requirement and its continual, adequate perfusion is critical, the vascular beds that perfuse it are of low resistance. This allows for constant perfusion throughout systole and diastole of the cardiac cycle. Similar to the ICA, the vertebral artery also contains low-resistive arterial flow, as it contributes a large portion of posterior neural circulation consisting of vascular beds applying minimal peripheral resistance.
Conversely, the ECA supplies blood to the majority of the neck, face, and scalp. These areas of the body require much less blood than an area such as the brain. Therefore, the capillary beds in these areas tend to be smaller and apply a higher amount of resistance. For this reason, coupled with its many extracranial branches, blood flow within the ECA is highly resistive, most evident by a reversal of flow component present during diastole.
Disease of the carotid arteries is caused by atherosclerotic plaque buildup along the vessel lumen. Continued plaque buildup causes vessel narrowing or occlusion in severe cases. When atherosclerotic plaque dislodges from the endothelium wall, it can propagate resulting in stroke, sudden vision loss, or a transient ischemic attack (TIA) . A TIA, often referred to as a mini-stroke , is an ischemic neurologic deficit lasting less than 24 hours.
Risk factors for carotid disease and stroke can be divided into two categories, those that are not modifiable and those that are modifiable. Nonmodifiable risk factors include age (risk of stroke dramatically increases with age), sex (incidence of stroke is higher in males), race (blacks have a higher stroke risk than other races), and family history of cerebrovascular disease. Modifiable, or controllable risk factors include hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and other cardiac diseases; diabetes mellitus; elevated cholesterol; smoking; and history of sedentary lifestyle and/or poor diet.
Patients may present either symptomatic or asymptomatic, but the majority of individuals with carotid disease will have no symptoms. Asymptomatic patients are typically referred for carotid duplex imaging if they are at high risk for stroke or if a cervical bruit is detected. A cervical bruit located in the carotid artery is a noise that is audible while using a stethoscope. It is caused by high-velocity and/or turbulent blood flow, which in turn causes the auscultation of the vessel and vibration of surrounding tissues. Tissue vibration may also be visualized on the patient’s neck in some cases. Symptomatic patients commonly present with symptoms including aphasia , dizziness, dysphagia , diplopia , and hemianopsia .
The five warning signs of stroke are listed in Box 37.1 . Warning signs can also be remembered using the acronym FAST:
Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
Sudden confusion; trouble speaking or understanding
Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
Sudden trouble walking or experiencing dizziness, loss of balance, or coordination
Sudden headache with no known cause
This stands for facial weakness, arm weakness, speech difficulties, and time to act if these symptoms are observed. It is important to remember that symptoms of weakness or numbness of a leg or arm on one side of the body ( hemiparesis ) indicate disease in the contralateral carotid system. Ocular symptoms, however, suggest ipsilateral carotid disease. For example, transient blindness ( amaurosis fugax ) of the right eye is suggestive of right carotid system disease. Symptoms such as blurred vision, dysarthria , ataxia , syncope , vertigo , or overall weakness are nonspecific and can be confusing as to which vascular system is involved. Bilateral symptoms such as these may be related to the vertebral system, especially if disease is ruled out in the carotid system. The classification of cerebrovascular symptoms includes the following: stroke , or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) , defined as a permanent ischemic neurologic deficit; reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (RIND) , defined as a neurologic deficit that resolves between 24 and 72 hours; and TIA, defined as an ischemic neurologic deficit lasting less than 24 hours.
Before the carotid duplex imaging examination is performed, a thorough medical history must be taken from the patient. Medical history should focus on risk factors, signs, and symptoms of carotid disease and stroke. The patient should also be asked about any previous surgical interventions and any imaging he or she might have had, especially previous ultrasound studies. All information, including history, surgical history, and previous imaging studies, should be confirmed and augmented with a review of the patient’s chart and any previous relevant imaging that is available for comparison. Once completed, the examination is explained and the patient is positioned supine, with the head resting on a pillow and turned slightly away from the side being scanned. The head of the bed can be raised slightly if the patient has trouble lying flat, but too much of a forward angle can hinder imaging and decrease examination quality.
Before duplex imaging begins, brachial pressures may be obtained. A difference of 20 mm Hg or greater between arms is suggestive of a proximal subclavian or innominate artery stenosis/occlusion, on the side with the lower pressure. Close examination of the neck should also be performed to check for presence of a cervical bruit. Not all stenoses in the carotid arteries will cause bruits, and on the contrary, a bruit may be identified in a normal artery. Furthermore, the bruit may also be transmitted (cardiac) from a distal location.
The carotid duplex imaging examination consists of gray-scale (GS) images (used to identify vessels for Doppler interrogation, detect intimal thickening, evaluate location, extent, and characteristic of plaque, visualize other pathology); color Doppler (CD) imaging (provides a qualitative assessment of flow patterns, evaluates the amount of vessel filling [identifies area of stenosis]); and spectral Doppler (SD) imaging (obtains qualitative and quantitative information regarding flow characteristics).
Suggested technical parameters for carotid duplex imaging are as follows:
Use a high-frequency (7- to 12-MHz) linear-array transducer.
The image is oriented such that the head is to the left of the monitor.
Although CD is based on the direction of blood flow (toward or away) in relation to the transducer, red is typically assigned to arterial, and blue to venous blood flow. Follow your institution’s guidelines.
Keep SD sample volume size (gate) small to acquire waveforms that accurately represent flow characteristics.
Use a 60-degree SD angle (or less) to the vessel wall. Make sure fine angle correction is parallel to the vessel walls. Any error can have a large effect on true velocity readings.
The CD and SD scale (pulse repetition frequency [PRF]) should be adjusted throughout the examination to evaluate changing velocity patterns.
The CD and SD wall filters are set low.
The CD region of interest size affects frame rate (number of image frames displayed per second), so CD display should be kept as small as possible to maintain adequate frame rate.
The CD and SD gain should be adjusted throughout the examination as the signal strength changes.
Harmonics may be used during GS imaging to improve hypoechoic plaque visualization.
If available, compound imaging may increase the quality of GS imaging.
Beware of using time gain compensation controls to make vessels completely anechoic, as you may “erase” hypoechoic plaque or thrombus.
It is imperative that each institution develop a carotid imaging protocol that defines the standard examination. This protocol must include indications for a complete and/or limited examination, clinical applications, protocol and technique (arteries to be evaluated including the number and locations SD waveforms are obtained within each artery), interpretation criteria, quality assurance, and equipment maintenance. A standard complete examination usually includes GS, CD, and SD evaluation of the carotid and vertebral arterial systems, bilaterally.
The transducer is placed above the clavicle on the neck. First, GS imaging is used to initially determine the locations of the arteries and CCA bifurcation, evaluate vessel tortuosity, and extent of atherosclerotic plaque. This may be performed in a transverse or longitudinal view, depending on the preference of the operator. Doing so provides global information regarding the anatomy and pathology, which will aid while imaging in a longitudinal plane.
Imaging longitudinally, the CCA is located and followed proximally as far as the clavicle will permit ( Fig. 37.3 ). The CCA can be distinguished from the internal jugular vein, as the jugular will change shape with respiration and compresses with transducer pressure. Although the origin of the right CCA is often located as it arises from the innominate artery, the left CCA originates from the aortic arch and is not typically visualized using ultrasound imaging. The origin of the left CCA may be located in some cases by using a lower-frequency transducer with a smaller footprint angled inferiorly. The CCA is imaged superiorly to the level of the carotid bifurcation (carotid bulb). The CCA bifurcation is a common site for the development of atherosclerotic disease. At the bifurcation, the ultrasound transducer is moved slightly anterior and posterior to image the origin of the ICA and ECA. The ICA and ECA are individually followed distally to the angle of the mandible or as far as quality imaging is attainable.
The vertebral arteries are located by angling the transducer slightly lateral from a longitudinal view of the mid or proximal CCA. The vertebral artery lies deep to the CCA. Once correctly identified, it should be followed as far proximally as possible. Using CD will greatly assist in locating the vertebral artery and its origin, as well as determining the direction of vertebral artery blood flow. Decreasing the CD velocity scale (PRF) may be helpful while locating the vertebral artery. The more sensitive power Doppler may also prove helpful.
Multiple scanning approaches (anterior, lateral, and posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle) can be used to acquire carotid images. It is not uncommon for a carotid duplex to require the use of all four approaches to obtain high-quality longitudinal and transverse images to perform a complete assessment of the arteries of the neck due to vessel tortuosity and the eccentric shape and shadowing of atherosclerotic plaque. The lateral approach provides best visualization of the carotid system, while the distal ICA is typically best visualized from a posterior approach. The transverse plane provides a cross-sectional view of the artery; therefore, any measurement of vessel diameter or plaque should be performed in this plane.
The CD and SD interrogation of the carotid system is performed in the longitudinal plane using a 60-degree SD angle between the ultrasound beam and the vessel walls. Using constant and standard SD angle permits study reproducibility and proper comparison. SD angles greater than 60 degrees are not recommended, as they cause an increase in measurement error. The sample volume, or SD gate, should be placed in the center of the artery, and parallel to the vessel walls. Although SD images may only be obtained at certain areas within the carotid arteries, the SD gate should be moved slowly throughout the entire length of the artery while searching for the highest velocity. Spot Doppler checks at specified locations will result in errors, as areas of increased velocity and stenosis may be missed. The CD display will help guide proper placement of the SD gate and is useful in visually locating sites of increased velocity (aliasing). Although CD is helpful to locate areas of increased velocity and possible stenosis, care must be taken to evaluate that area to obtain its maximum velocity. This is done by slowly moving the SD gate in proximity of and throughout the color jet.
Commonly, SD waveforms are obtained in the proximal, mid, and distal CCA; the carotid bulb; the origin of the ECA; the proximal, mid, and distal ICA; the vertebral artery; and, in some institutions, the subclavian artery. This is most often done bilaterally, so a comparison between sides can be made. Additionally, if an area of stenosis is discovered, additional SD signals may be necessary in that area to further interrogate the extent of disease. This can be done by obtaining SD signals just proximal to, within, and distal to the stenotic area. In these situations, additional GS images should also be obtained, both in the longitudinal plane (to evaluate plaque characteristics and extent) and in the transverse plane (to provide information regarding the severity of stenosis). This should be done in any vessel in which pathology is visualized. Manipulation of GSs via B-mode gain and time gain compensation is critical to obtain an accurate depiction of plaque that is present.
Common sources of technical errors that occur when performing carotid duplex imaging include the following: too high of insonating frequency for vessel depth, focal zone(s) inappropriately set, CD angle set too steep, CD gain set too low, and CD velocity scale (PRF) set too high. Cases of severe stenosis may not be detectable using CD; in these situations, power Doppler should be used to ensure the absence of flow before a determination of occlusion is made.
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