Quality Assurance and Commissioning of New Radiotherapy Technology


Comprehensive acceptance testing and commissioning of new equipment are the foundations for the safe implementation of new technology in a Radiation Oncology department. Once the unit is in clinical use, a routine quality assurance (QA) program must be followed to ensure that the unit continues to perform within acceptable limits. Many of the QA tests will rely on establishing baseline values at the time of commissioning. Beyond verifying the functionality and performance of the equipment, the staff who operate the equipment must be properly trained and evaluated for competence. Clear policy and procedures must be developed prior to clinical use to ensure that all staff members understand the use of the equipment and their role in the clinical process.

The next section discusses precommissioning and equipment purchase considerations. Following that are three sections describing the acceptance testing, commissioning, and QA of different types of equipment: treatment units, imaging units, and ancillary equipment. There is some overlap with treatment planning systems, which is covered in Chapter 5 . Section 4.6 is a brief discussion of the QA of data transfer followed by sections on QA program evaluation and future directions in QA.

Precommissioning Considerations and Equipment Purchase

Prior to the equipment purchase, there are important considerations to match the functionality to clinical need. It is helpful to develop a detailed request for proposal (RFP) containing the capabilities desired so that various systems can be compared. Table 4.1 shows a sample list for a linac purchase. It is important to note the request to the vendor for a document of failure mode analysis. The availability of such a document will be helpful in designing procedures and QA processes. This list is in addition to the standard compilation of mechanical and beam parameter specifications. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has described suggested performance specifications. If specifications different from the manufacturer values are desired, they must be outlined in a contract addendum prior to purchase.

A Sample Linac Purchase RFP
Completed by
MLC Leaf configuration (leaf width/number?)
Max overtravel
Max IMRT field size without carriage movement
Max leaf speed
Interdigitation possible
Minimum opposed leaf separation
Inter-leaf transmission
Intra-leaf transmission
Position accuracy
Step and shoot?
Sliding window?
Dynamic arc?
Are you willing to complete 3 test plans submitted by our institution?
Treatment modes/energies
Beam modifiers (dynamic/manual)
Photon dose rate
Max in standard treatment mode
Max in special mode selectable? If yes, what are the choices?
Treatment volume
Max unobstructed treatment volume with imagers deployed
Max unobstructed treatment volume with imagers parked
Max couch angle G=90, table at max extension
Max couch angle G=90, table at min extension
Max gantry angle past 180 with couch=90 (vertex field)
Remote positioning Automatic or manual intervention required?
Table vertical
Table lateral
Table in/out
Table angle
Isocenter accuracy Imaging vs. radiation isocenter (mm)
Coincidence of mechanical isocenters (mm)
6D couch top Yaw/Pitch/Roll limits
Table weight limit
Table lowest floor height
Isocenter height
In-room space requirement
Facility requirements (power, HVAC, water chiller)
Record and verify
R&V interface
R&V full capabilities (integrated IGRT reporting/conebeam CT storage/fusion)
Intermediate software required (software that operates between R&V and the accelerator)? Is the R&V system IHE-RO compliant?
Treament delivery time
Prostate IMRT
Head and neck IMRT
Whole brain?
Tangential breast compensated
VMAT or dynamic arc
Failure mode analysis
Is a vendor document available?

The manufacturer should identify whether each desired feature is currently available or is a work in progress. In addition to the system capabilities, the acceptance procedure from the vendor should be examined to ensure that the vendor specifications match expectations.

The goal of a rigorous presale investigation is to get the system that best matches the clinic needs at the best cost. Each clinic is different and will have different priorities, so a method should be established to weigh the different factors according to local needs. For example, when selecting a linac, features to consider would include delivery speed, delivery accuracy, delivery conformality, imaging resolution, imaging modalities, motion management, ease of use, integration with existing systems, reliability, service, and marketing. To get a reliable cost comparison it is advised to include at least 5 years of service cost.

All members of the Radiation Oncology team should participate in the evaluation and selection process (radiation oncologists, physicists, therapists, and biomedical engineers). It is good practice to contact facilities of a similar size and scope of service that already have the equipment being considered to get feedback on what is working well and what issues there are with the equipment. These facilities should not necessarily be those recommended by the vendor.

Many logistic issues must also be resolved or clarified prior to the purchase. For example, what is the delivery path through the hospital? Will the equipment fit through all hallways and door openings? Will after-hours or weekend delivery be required and will it cost extra? Will the installation staff require clearance from the hospital to be on site? Will modifications to shielding be required? What are the contingencies if there is a construction delay? After the purchase has been completed, regular meetings should be held with the vendor project manager, construction staff, and Radiation Oncology staff to ensure a smooth installation and acceptance testing.

Commissioning and QA of Treatment Units


There are many documents describing the commissioning and QA of linear accelerators used in radiation therapy. This section focuses on the general commissioning and QA of a linear accelerator; the QA of the image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) components is discussed in Chapter 7 . The commissioning tests can be separated into seven categories.

  • 1.

    Shielding adequacy (see Chapter 10 ). A preliminary survey should be done immediately after the linac is able to make beam to ensure the safety of the personnel performing the testing and those in surrounding areas. A full shielding and head leakage survey can be done later.

  • 2.

    Testing of safety interlocks.

  • 3.

    Testing of mechanical parameters such as gantry, collimator, multi-leaf collimator (MLC), and couch. Each is tested for functionality and performance within specification.

  • 4.

    Measurement of beam parameters such as energy, flatness, symmetry, penumbra, jaw transmission, MLC leaf transmission, interleaf leakage, wedge transmission, monitor units (MU) linearity, beam stability versus gantry angle, output factors, cone factors, and virtual source distance.

  • 5.

    Testing of imaging components (see Section 7.4).

  • 6.

    Measurement of patient plan delivery accuracy.

  • 7.

    Outside audit by an agency such as the Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core (IROC-Houston) (formerly Radiological Physics Center (RPC)). This includes checks of machine output and also irradiation of test phantoms.

It is not the intent of this chapter to describe each test in detail, as they are well covered in the references, but rather to point out some key issues and discuss practical solutions.

Safety Interlocks

The testing of safety interlocks can vary from a simple test of the door interlock by opening the door to a complex test of the symmetry interlock by steering the beam until the interlock trips and then measuring the symmetry. The more complex tests may not be necessary if a risk analysis is performed showing that the probability of a failure is low. See Chapter 12 for a more detailed discussion of risk-based QA program development.

Mechanical Checks

Testing of mechanical parameters is fairly straightforward and well described in vendor documents. The sequence of testing, however, is very important as adjustments of one parameter may affect another. A sample sequence could be as follows:

  • 1.

    Set gantry level for gantry angle of 0. Do this first as all other checks will hinge on it. This can be checked using methods described in the literature. Once true zero is established, identify the surface on the collimator face where a level can be placed to reliably confirm zero. A high quality level with 0 and 90 degree indicators is a required tool for a medical physicist. Digital levels can be used but the accuracy must be validated. The accuracy of any level can be checked by placing it on a level surface and then rotating the level 180 degrees to confirm the reading.

  • 2.

    Confirm gantry angle accuracy at other angles. Use the previously identified surface on the collimator face and the level to check 90, 180, and 270 degrees.

  • 3.

    Confirm radiation field and light field congruence. Check by marking the light field on film and then exposing the film. Perform for small, medium, and large field sizes for all photon energies. Ensuring a very tight tolerance (<1 mm) at this step will allow for the use of the light field in checks farther down the list. There are commercially available plates with radio-opaque field markings embedded that eliminate the need for manual marking of the light field (Sun Nuclear and Civco). Some of these can be used with EPID devices instead of film.

  • 4.

    Confirm jaw concentricity and position accuracy. Check by marking the light field on a piece of paper and then rotating the collimator 180 degrees to confirm that the light field still coincides with the marks.

  • 5.

    Confirm crosshair centering. This can be checked at the same time as Step 3 by marking the crosshair center. Also check that the crosshair center projects along a true vertical line. This can be done by transferring where the crosshair projects at isocenter to the floor using a plumb bob and then confirming that the crosshair projection matches.

  • 6.

    Confirm mechanical isocenter. This is typically done by using the mechanical front pointer. Place a pointer stick on the treatment couch extending off the superior edge. At gantry angle 0, set the mechanical pointer to 100 cm. Align the pointer on the couch with the front pointer. Rotate the gantry through the full range and confirm that the maximum deviation is within specifications. This also confirms the accuracy of the front pointer. If there is a consistent offset, the front pointer needs to be adjusted. At this point, align the lasers to the mechanical isocenter.

  • 7.

    Confirm radiation isocenter and radiation/mechanical isocenter congruence. Check with film using the traditional star shot technique. Mark the mechanical isocenter location on the film before exposing. When evaluating the film there are two parameters to measure. First, check that the intersection of the beams from various gantry angles is within specification. Second, check that the mechanical isocenter coincides with the radiation isocenter. If there is a small but acceptable difference, set the lasers to the radiation isocenter.

  • 8.

    Set lasers to radiation isocenter. Care must be taken to ensure that the lasers are level and orthogonal and that opposing lasers match. The use of a plumb bob can assist in checking level. Another tool that can assist in laser setup is a three-direction, self-leveling construction laser. It can be placed at isocenter and used to project level lines onto the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. The device should be checked for proper calibration before using.

  • 9.

    Confirm collimator isocenter. This is also measured with film using a star shot technique. Mark the crosshair center on the film before exposing. Check both the concentricity of the beams and the agreement of the center with the crosshair.

  • 10.

    Confirm collimator angle accuracy. With the gantry at 0, set one of the jaws to 0 in the inplane direction. Open the other jaws all the way. Tape a piece of paper to the couch top and mark the beam center. Rotate the gantry in both directions while observing the light field. The jaw edge will remain on the center mark across the entire field if it is exactly parallel to the gantry motion, indicating a true zero collimator angle. Collimator angles of 90, 180, and 270 degrees can be similarly tested. Intermediate angles can be tested by aligning a protractor to the center and observing the angle indicated by the crosshair.

  • 11.

    Confirm collimator position accuracy. Vary the collimator jaw/leaf setting and observe the light field compared with a calibrated ruler. MLC position accuracy can also be checked with the electronic portal imaging device (EPID) or film.

  • 12.

    Confirm couch vertical motion is parallel to the beam. Tape a piece of paper to the couch top and mark the beam center. Set the gantry angle to zero using a level to ensure accuracy. Lower and raise the couch while observing the light field. If the couch is traveling in a true vertical path, the crosshair will remain on the center mark.

  • 13.

    Confirm couch vertical position accuracy. Raise the couch top so that the lasers are just skimming the top of the couch. Confirm that the couch vertical reads 0. Tape a calibrated ruler to the side of the couch in a vertical direction. Confirm that the couch vertical readout matches the ruler by observing where the laser hits the ruler.

  • 14.

    Confirm couch isocenter. This is measured with film using a star shot technique. Mark the crosshair center on the film before exposing. Check both the concentricity of the beams and the agreement of the center with the crosshair.

  • 15.

    Confirm that the couch travels in a straight line when being extended toward the gantry. Tape a piece of paper to the couch top and mark the beam center. Extend the couch top in and out while observing the light field. If the couch is traveling in a straight line the crosshair will remain on the mark throughout the range of travel.

  • 16.

    Confirm couch angle accuracy. Confirm couch angle 0 using the test in Step 15. Couch angles of 90 and 270 degrees can be similarly tested. Intermediate angles can be tested by aligning a protractor to the center and observing the angle indicated by the crosshair.

  • 17.

    Confirm couch travel accuracy. Place a calibrated ruler on the couch top and move the couch known distances by observing the crosshairs. Check both direction of travel across the full range of motion. Evenly distributed weight should be added to the couch top to simulate clinical conditions. This can be done with solid water or anthropomorphic phantoms.

  • 18.

    Confirm couch sag for various table extensions. Tape a ruler to the side of the couch in a vertical direction. Align the laser to a convenient position of, for example, 10 cm on the ruler. Add weight to the couch as described in Step 17, and observe the change in where the laser hits the ruler.

  • 19.

    Confirm optical distance indicator (ODI) accuracy. Place slabs of precise thickness on top of the couch top. Adjust the table vertical until the lasers just skim the top of the slabs. Confirm that this is 100 cm source-to-surface distance (SSD) using the mechanical front pointer. Confirm that the ODI reads 100 cm within specifications. Remove the slabs one by one and confirm that the SSD reads 100 + total slab thickness removed for each. To check SSD <100 cm, adjust couch vertical so that the couch top is at 100 cm and then add the slabs one at a time while checking the SSD at each step.

This entire process could easily take an entire day, particularly if adjustments need to be made. The commissioning process is the time to make all parameters as accurate as possible. There are uncertainties in the measurements, and the equipment performance will likely degrade in the future. For these reasons, parameters should be adjusted to be well within specification so that adjustments are not needed in the near future. This may take some diplomatic negotiation with the installation engineer to continue adjusting a parameter even if it is barely within specifications. Commercial devices are available that can make some of this testing more efficient.

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