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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The hypopharynx is in continuity with the oropharynx and extends from the level of the hyoid bone to the opening of the esophagus. It is composed of the inferior aspect of the middle constrictor and the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles. The hypopharynx sits behind the larynx, and its lateralmost walls, the pyriform sinuses, are nestled medial to the thyroid lamina. Immediately posterior to the hypopharynx is the potential retropharyngeal space; the prevertebral fascia is posterior to that. Patients with tumors of the hypopharynx present with progressive difficulty and pain on swallowing, first to solids and then to liquids; they often report experiencing pain referred to the ear (referred otalgia).
Anatomically, the larynx extends from the tip of the epiglottis to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage. The anterior/superior boundaries of the larynx are the hyoepiglottic and thyrohyoid membranes, which separate the endolarynx from the preepiglottic space. The posterior laryngeal boundaries include the posterior commissure mucosa, the arytenoids, and the interarytenoid space.
The laryngeal cavity extends from the tip of the epiglottis and lateral borders of the epiglottis to the lower edge of the cricoid cartilage, which is adjacent and superior to the first tracheal ring. The larynx can be divided into three anatomic compartments: supraglottic, glottic, and subglottic or infraglottic. The supraglottic larynx extends from the epiglottis, including lingual and laryngeal aspects, to the level of an imaginary horizontal line joining the apex of the two ventricles (passing through the lateral ventricular margin at its junction with the superior surface of the true vocal cord). It includes the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, vestibule (also known as the introitus , which is the space below the epiglottis and above the vestibular folds), and vestibular folds or bands (false cords) to the superior half of the ventricle. The epiglottis is divided for staging purposes into suprahyoid and infrahyoid areas by a plane at the level of the hyoid bone. The ventricle is the pocket between the vocal fold (true cord) and the vestibular fold. The lateral superior extension or cul-de-sac of the ventricle varies in size and is referred to as the saccule .
The glottic compartment contains the superior and inferior surfaces of the vocal folds (true vocal cords), occupying a horizontal plane, 1 cm in thickness, extending inferiorly from the lateral ventricular margin. The infraglottis, also known as the subglottis , extends from the lower edge of the glottis to the level of the inferior cricoid margin. From an embryologic and oncologic viewpoint, the supraglottis is distinct and separate from the glottic compartment. The American Joint Committee on Cancer and the International Union against Cancer classifications stage tumors on the undersurface of the vocal fold as glottic tumors. The term transglottic refers to a tumor that involves both supraglottic and glottic compartments and may also involve the infraglottic area.
The supraglottis is embryologically derived from the buccopharyngeal anlage (branchial arches 3 and 4); the glottis is derived from the laryngotracheal anlage (branchial arches 5 and 6). The fascial compartmentalization and the lymphatic drainage are distinct for the supraglottic and glottic compartments. Dye injected in the supraglottic space remains confined and does not travel to ventricular or glottic tissue. Likewise, injected glottic dye does not pass superiorly to the ventricle or inferiorly to the mucosa overlying the cricoid. In fact, the mucosa overlying this space (Reinke’s space or the laryngeal bursa) may burst from fluid distention rather than allow injected dye to extend into the ventricle or cross the anterior commissure. These studies also confirmed that the larynx is divided into right and left compartments. This fascial compartmentalization supports the oncologic soundness of conservative partial laryngectomies (supraglottic resections, vertical hemilaryngectomies).
The exact laryngeal site for a tumor may determine or influence: (1) the presenting symptoms, (2) stage at presentation, (3) surgical options, and (4) patient prognosis. Although most of malignancies of the supraglottis and glottis are squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), nonsquamous malignancies occur and there is a site predilection, for these tumors (e.g., salivary tumors, neuroendocrine carcinoma [NEC]) are more likely encountered in the supraglottis than the glottis. Glottic tumors affecting the vocal cords present with changes in voice quality (i.e., hoarseness); patients tend to seek medical care early, when these tumors are relatively small. Large glottic tumors or bilateral glottic tumors may present with worsening upper airway obstruction and stridor. Supraglottic tumors are usually larger than glottic tumors before becoming symptomatic ( Fig. 5.1 ). Epiglottic tumors may cause a change in vocal quality (a muffled or “hot potato voice”). Tumors at the base of the epiglottis may be asymptomatic and escape visualization on indirect laryngoscopy (Winkelkarzinom or “cancer in the corner”). Primary ventricular carcinomas are rare, and the majority of tumors encountered here result from the direct extension of glottic primary tumors. Primary ventricular carcinomas are noteworthy in that they often remain hidden from the observer on direct laryngeal examination, merely forming a bulge under the intact vestibular fold mucosa.
Most tumors that appear infraglottic arise from the undersurface of the vocal fold and, as previously mentioned, are considered and staged as glottic tumors. True primary infraglottic tumors are rare and include cricoid chondrosarcomas. These tumors technically arise in the trachea and have a more insidious course of onset, with patients reporting increasing exertional dyspnea. Primary tracheal malignancies are extremely rare; one is more likely to encounter a primary carcinoma of the esophagus eroding into the trachea than to find a primary neoplasm in the trachea itself.
The pyriform sinuses are extralaryngeal gutters flanking the thyroid lamina. The lateral wall of the pyriform sinus is the thyroid lamina; the medial wall is the cricoid ring. On swallowing, the larynx is raised and the epiglottis moves inferiorly, partially covering the endolarynx, and the vocal folds close. Fluids are deflected laterally and inferiorly down the pyriform sinuses into the opened cricopharyngeus, the esophageal inlet. Pyriform sinus tumors are not endolaryngeal and do not result in vocal or respiratory symptoms; however, treatment may require total laryngectomy. The tumors are usually large and ulcerating, producing symptoms only when they reach considerable size; patients may report pain on swallowing that radiates to the ear ( Fig. 5.2 ).
Organ preservation is a prime motivation in the treatment of laryngeal cancer. Endolaryngeal anatomic barriers to the spread of early-stage tumors form the basis of the oncologic soundness of limited, function-sparing laryngeal surgery. Submucosal fibroelastic membranes that separate the endolarynx from the deeper paraglottic laryngeal tissues produce these barriers ( Fig. 5.3 ).
The membranes of the larynx can be classified as the extrinsic membranes (thyrohyoid and cricotracheal membranes) and the intrinsic membranes (quadrangular and conus elasticus). The quadrangular membrane is present in the supraglottis; the conus elasticus is in the glottis. These membranes condense on the ventricular ligament and confine a tumor medially within the endolaryngeal lamina propria. The quadrangular membrane originates superiorly from the lateral aspects of the epiglottis and extends to the vestibular folds and arytenoid cartilage. Deeper and anteriorly at Broyles’ ligament, it fuses with the perichondrium of the thyroid lamina. The conus elasticus (cricovocal membrane) is the continuation of the cricothyroid ligament; superiorly, it ensheathes the vocal muscle, separating it from Reinke’s space. The conus elasticus merges with the vocal ligament (vocal tendon). This vocal ligament serves to initially limit the spread of carcinoma from the vocal fold.
Beitler and colleagues identified a periventricular membrane composed of fibroelastic fibers. This submucosal membrane, termed the central membrane , spans the paraglottic periventricular region and, in effect, connects with the conus elasticus and quadrangular membranes in this region (see Fig. 5.3 ). The presence of the central membrane explains why some carcinomas extend to the paraglottic space, yet spare the ventricle.
The vocal muscles originate from the vocal ligaments, which attach at the anterior commissure and insert on the arytenoid processes. The anterior commissure attachment also limits the spread of carcinoma from one side to the other. The vocal folds have a relative paucity of lymphatics compared with the supraglottis and the preepiglottic space. This paucity of lymphatic vessels is most marked in the anterior vocal folds and accounts for the rarity of cervical metastases of early-stage glottic carcinomas. The lymphatic channels of the vocal folds become denser posteriorly in the region of the arytenoids. Glottic carcinomas may spread by undermining the tissue around the ventricles (paraglottic region), escaping the endolarynx and spreading laterally by invading the cricothyroid ligament and the inferior aspect of the thyroid lamina. The perichondrium, as well as the avascularity of cartilage, is effective against tumor invasion of the laryngeal framework. Ossified thyroid lamina is more vulnerable to tumor invasion. It can also lead to a false-positive radiographic reading vis-à-vis tumor invasion of the laryngeal framework.
The epiglottis is composed of fenestrated cartilage, which allows for early tumor spread from the laryngeal surface to the lingual surface and into the preepiglottic space ( Fig. 5.4 ). The latter contains abundant lymphatics; tumor spread into this space increases the risk of cervical metastasis and worsens the prognosis. The preepiglottic space is bordered anteriorly by the hyoid bone, thyrohyoid membrane, and thyroid cartilage; posteriorly by the epiglottic cartilage and thyroepiglottic ligament; and superiorly by the hyoepiglottic ligament. Epiglottic carcinomas are usually inferior to the hyoepiglottic ligament (infrahyoid tumors); those superior to the hyoepiglottic ligament (suprahyoid tumors) are rarer. The hyoepiglottic ligament provides a barrier, blocking the inferior passage of the infrequent suprahyoid carcinomas into the preepiglottic space. Supraglottic carcinoma can invade the tongue base, frequently after vallecular invasion, or less commonly after direct anterior extension from the preepiglottic space.
Whole-organ sectioning of either a partial or complete laryngectomy allows precise anatomic interpretation, accurate tumor staging, and correlation with preoperative imaging. This can be accomplished by decalcification, over a few days, and paraffin embedding. Sections through a total laryngectomy specimen may be made in the frontal, sagittal, or transverse plane. However, sections through the larynx in the axial or transverse plane best facilitate direct comparison with imaging scans that in turn enhance clear discussion at cancer multidisciplinary team meetings. The margins of smaller vertical or extended hemilaryngectomies can be inked with multiple colors, allowing the evaluation of multiple margins in one section. It is preferable to submit margin sections perpendicular to the plane of the resection margin; this allows the margin distance to be measured (see Appendix).
A complete laryngeal resection pathology report should contain the criteria of the minimum data set of vital prognostic information and record the extent of surgical intervention. The type of laryngectomy specimen (e.g., total, hemi, extended hemi, anterior vertical partial, supraglottic laryngectomy, endoscopic laser resection) should be noted. The exact tumor site should be recorded (e.g., supraglottic, glottic, transglottic), along with whether the tumor crosses the midline and tumor laterality. Involvement of the paraglottic space, preepiglottic space, and soft tissue of the anterior neck should be described. Reporting of the neoplasm should include: (1) histologic subtyping, (2) tumor grade, (3) greatest dimension in centimeters, (4) maximum tumor thickness in centimeters, (5) presence of perineural spread, (6) presence of lymphovascular invasion, (7) invasion of cartilage or ossified cartilage, (8) multicentric invasive carcinoma, (9) diffuse/multicentric carcinoma in situ, and (10) any additional pathology noted (squamous papilloma, inflammatory changes, bacteria or fungi noted, etc.). Status of the inked resection margins should include a measurement of the closest margins in millimeters, if possible, and should note the presence of high-grade dysplasia at the margin when pertinent.
The endoscopic laser resection for low-stage laryngeal carcinomas presents a new paradigm with respect to resection margins. These specimens may be removed and submitted piecemeal, and the surgeon may laser through the carcinoma during the procedure. Even when a laser resection removes the tumor en bloc, the laser-induced tissue reaction on the specimen side renders traditional resection margins difficult to access. Furthermore, because of laser-induced tissue necrosis, the optimal resection distance is unknown. Endoscopic laser laryngectomy may be the only circumstance in which the surgeon’s selection of tissue from the patient defect for margin assessment is more meaningful than the pathologist’s assessment of margins on the resection specimen. Needless to say, direct communication between the surgeon and pathologist is crucial in this circumstance. Orientation of the specimen with a diagram may be very helpful for the pathologist assessing the margins.
If a neck dissection is submitted with the excision specimen, the report should include a count of the total number of nodes removed, involved number of nodes and the level at which they are present (I–V, VI, VII with total laryngectomy), also the diameter of the largest positive lymph node and the presence or absence of extranodal extension with the distance of extranodal extension into adjacent tissues from the lymph node capsule noted.
Mycobacterial infections are grouped into Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) related and those caused by atypical mycobacterial organisms (e.g., Mycobacterium kansasii, Mycobacterium leprae ). Before the advent of antibiotics, laryngeal tuberculosis (laryngeal phthisis; phthisis: to dry up) was one of the most common laryngeal diseases. An autopsy study in the preantibiotic era revealed that almost 40% of patients dying of tuberculosis had laryngeal infection ( Fig. 5.5 ). The majority of these patients also had gastrointestinal tuberculosis, presumably a result of swallowed infectious sputum. Laryngeal tuberculosis was usually accompanied by the stigmas of cavitary pulmonary disease, highly infectious sputum, progression to end-stage miliary infection, and a poor prognosis.
At present, laryngotracheal tuberculosis is generally considered to be uncommon. However, an increasing incidence has been established in some countries in the last decades, presumably because of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and immunosuppressive diseases. Laryngeal tuberculosis has been reported to occur even in the absence of pulmonary tuberculosis and tends to present with rather nonspecific clinical features. It usually affects males, and is often associated with alcohol abuse and heavy smoking.
Initial symptoms of laryngeal tuberculosis include hoarseness, cough, hemoptysis, and dysphagia. The mode of spread to the larynx and trachea is still mostly through expectorated sputum. Although the association of laryngeal tuberculosis with advanced cavitary pulmonary disease is uncommon, most patients with laryngeal tuberculosis also have bacilli in their sputum, still favoring direct pulmonary spread rather than hematogenous seeding. Laryngeal lesions may be nodular and ulcerated, clinically mimicking carcinoma. Seventy percent of these lesions affect the anterior two-thirds of the vocal cords, similar to the distribution of most vocal cord carcinomas. This is in contrast to former tenets that MTB mainly affected the posterior interarytenoid area. This posterior commissure predisposition for infection, documented in the older literature, most likely was related to the clinical practice of encouraging patients to lie supine for most of their illness.
The usual histology of late infection is that of necrotizing granulomas, epithelioid histiocytes, giant cells, and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates ( Fig. 5.5 ). Early infection may be histologically nonspecific, with an acute inflammatory infiltrate and a lack of well-formed granulomas. The diagnosis of tuberculosis requires a Ziehl-Neelsen stain and patience, as one might have to examine many step sections to find a solitary “red snapper.” Modified Dieterle’s stain will also stain MTB; the acid-fast bacilli do not stain with hematoxylin and eosin or Gram stain.
If laryngeal MTB is suspected (based on the presence of a pulmonary lesion and/or positive sputum or a strongly positive skin reaction) and the biopsy sample fails to reveal acid-fast bacilli, one can also submit fresh or formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue for polymerase chain reaction analysis.
Normal laryngeal mucosa rarely harbors significant inflammation; therefore any moderate to severe acute and/or chronic inflammation should be viewed as pathologic, and the possibility of infection should be considered. Apart from tuberculosis, granulomatous inflammation in the larynx can be seen in some other rare infections, such as in coccidiodomycosis, cryptococcosis, blastomycosis, and leprosy. Tuberculoid leprosy can be distinguished from tuberculosis as leprosy may involve nerves, which is uncommon for tuberculosis, and M. leprae will not stain with a Ziehl-Neelsen stain, but will stain with a Fite-Faracco stain.
An important differential diagnosis is sarcoidosis. Granulomata in sarcoidosis are characteristically nonnecrotizing, although, rarely, necrosis may be present. Special studies (e.g., cultures, special stains, polymerase chain reaction) and clinical examination are necessary to exclude the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Laryngeal tuberculosis must be distinguished from foreign body–type granulomatous inflammation in the larynx, which can be seen after Teflon injection or with laryngeal amyloidosis. Granulomas are also an important feature of Wegener’s granulomatosis (granulomatosis with polyangiitis). In the latter, the presence of vasculitis is helpful, as well as the presence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in the serum (ANCA).
Empirical therapy (isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and streptomycin or ethambutol) is recommended for 8 weeks followed by isoniazid and rifampin for 16 weeks for susceptible strains. Multiple drug–resistant MTB requires these four drugs, plus any three of the following: ethionamide, capreomycin, ciprofloxacin, or cycloserine. The course of therapy may need to be lengthened if the patient’s sputum remains positive after 3 months.
M. leprae is the causative agent of leprosy, which is seen mostly in tropical climates. It is endemic to rural areas of Latin America, South and Southeast Asia, Saharan Africa, the Mediterranean basin, and Northern Europe. In the United States, endemic states include Florida, Louisiana, Texas, California, and Hawaii. The rate of indigenous US cases of leprosy has remained stable over the past two decades, but the rate of imported cases reported in the United States has dramatically increased starting in the late 1970s because of the influx of immigrants from endemic areas, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and the Philippines. Of interest, this increase did not lead to increased transmission within the United States. The rate of household transmission for lepromatous leprosy patients (see later discussion) is much higher than for tuberculoid leprosy (TL) patients, indicating the importance of exposure dose, which is greater in lepromatous leprosy.
Leprosy has a predisposition to affect cooler peripheral areas, such as the digits, ears, and nose. It presents as cutaneous hypo- or hyperpigmented, hypoesthetic isolated macular lesions. Early lesions may also be tender, erythematous, and indurated (erythema nodosum leprosum) and can ulcerate. Neural involvement is common to all types of leprosy and results in severe pain and muscle atrophy. Sensory loss ultimately leads to repeat mechanical trauma and secondary infections.
Lepromatous leprosy presents with widespread symmetric facial distribution of lesions leading to coarsening of features (leonine facies). The earlobes and nose are especially enlarged and infiltrated. Intranasal and paranasal sinus involvement is common and occurs after cutaneous nasal involvement. Paranasal sinus involvement causes mucopurulent rhinitis, producing copious mucus rife with mycobacteria. Early mucosal lesions are plaque-like; late sinonasal lesions are nodular and/or ulcerative and may ultimately lead to nasal collapse.
The larynx usually becomes infected retrograde to the nasal disease. In a study of 973 untreated leprous patients, laryngeal involvement was related to mycobacterial load: it was seen in 65% of patients with lepromatous leprosy and was usually seen with the most advanced cases. The epiglottis was most often involved, appearing thickened and irregular, probably mirroring the predisposition of M. leprae for cooler sites. Vocal cord paralysis, secondary to recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement, was present in 9% of patients. Upper airway obstruction and dysphonia have been reported as a consequence of laryngeal leprosy.
Tuberculoid leprosy (TL) reveals epithelioid granulomas and relatively few organisms, seen only on Fite-Faraco or modified Fite stain. Nerves are surrounded by cuffs of lymphocytes or granulomas or may contain free acid-fast bacilli. Lepromatous leprosy is characterized by a poor immunologic response and reveals diffuse infiltration by histiocytes that are incapable of undergoing epithelioid transformation and unable to form granulomas. These foamy histiocytes (lepra cells, Virchow cells) may be “stuffed” with abundant mycobacilli (globi), which remain uncleared by the host. Free bacilli may also be abundant within nerves. Between these two extremes, there are borderline cases (i.e., borderline tuberculoid and borderline lepromatous), with variable immunologic response (i.e., mixture of ill-formed granulomas and foamy histiocytes). The histoid form of leprosy seen in late leprosy is characterized by spindle-shaped histiocytes forming dermatofibroma-like tumors, similar to spindled pseudotumors that can develop in atypical mycobacterial infections.
The diagnosis of leprosy is more difficult to establish early in the disease course when mycobacilli may be sparse and granulomas may not be fully developed. Mycobacteria may be sparse or absent in TL. In a biopsy study of 30 cases of laryngeal leprosy, only seven revealed bacilli, most often in cases with foamy histiocytes.
The differential diagnosis for TL includes mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection. However, the clinical history should be helpful in ruling out MTB and atypical mycobacteria and in establishing the diagnosis of leprosy. Perineural involvement by lymphocytes, granulomas, or free organisms, an important diagnostic feature of leprosy, is not seen with MTB infections. An acute suppurative reaction is lacking, except for erythema nodosum leprosum, and is present in cutaneous manifestations of MTB. The Fite-Faraco stain is specific for M. leprae and is not known to stain other mycobacteria.
Polymerase chain reaction has been applied to the detection of M. leprae , extracted from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, with excellent sensitivity and specificity.
Tuberculoid leprosy may be treated with dapsone and rifampin. Lepromatous leprosy requires the addition of a third agent, such as clofazamine.
Syphilis is an infection caused by Treponema pallidum (“the pale-turning thread”) that is transmitted venereally or transplacentally. It has reemerged in the form of epidemics during the last decades in some countries, including North America, Western Europe, China, and Australia, affecting most commonly homosexual and bisexual males, often in association with HIV infection. During hematogenous spread, the spirochetes can infect various organs, including the head and neck, particularly the oral mucosa. Although rare, the larynx may be involved at any stage of the disease. Clinical-pathologic correlation together with serologic studies is essential in establishing the diagnosis of syphilis.
Primary syphilis results in a localized chancre at the mucosal inoculation site, 1 week to 3 months after initial exposure. In addition to genitourinary sites, chancres can develop in the oral cavity after oral-genital contact and may incidentally infect the unwary ungloved examiner. Affected oral sites include the lips, palate, gingiva, tongue, and tonsil. Laryngeal chancres have been reported. Typically, cutaneous chancres are painless, hard, raised lesions that develop shallow ulcerations with sharp raised borders. On mucosal surfaces, primary chancres may appear as silvery gray erosions, granulation tissue, or nonspecific ulcers, or even mimic carcinoma. Chancres are self-healing with minimal scarring.
Secondary syphilis occurs weeks to months after the primary chancre and is the result of hematogenous spirochete dissemination. Epithelial surfaces are frequently involved with a wide manifestation of cutaneous and mucosal lesions. The mucosal lesions include mucous patches, which are raised and flattened, macerated lesions with a thin grayish membranous covering, and painless ulcers resembling aphthous ulcers, macular/papular lesions, and condyloma latum. Patients usually develop fever, pharyngitis, and a generalized, symmetric macular/papular skin rash; the latter may affect the hair follicles of the scalp, eyebrows, and beard, causing a patchy “moth-eaten” alopecia (alopecia syphilitica). The diffuse maculopapular rash can extend intraorally and may be associated with laryngeal hyperemia. The macular/papular lesions coalesce in warm moist areas, such as the anogenital and intertriginous areas, to form the hyperplastic lesion condyloma latum (flat condyloma), which may be infectious. Mucous patches can be seen intraorally and may also be seen on the epiglottis. Condyloma latum may occur in the larynx, ears, and nasolabial folds. Generalized lymphadenopathy occurs during the secondary stage, with a predisposition for periarticular lymph nodes, as in epitrochlear and inguinal areas. Secondary syphilis will lapse into a latent state, but patients may frequently experience recurrent mucocutaneous symptoms of secondary syphilis. When untreated, approximately one-fourth of patients will develop a relapse of secondary symptoms; 90% of relapses occur in the first year of infection. During the early latent phase, patients are still contagious. Tertiary syphilis is the long-term chronic systemic result of untreated infection, which may be manifested years to decades after primary infection. Tertiary syphilis has a predisposition to affect the central and peripheral nervous systems and the cardiovascular system. Gummas, the destructive lesions of late tertiary syphilis, have a proclivity for membranous bones, commonly affecting the palate. Laryngeal framework, nasal and temporal bones, and ossicles may also develop gummas. Gummas are painless raised ulcerative masses that may rapidly progress to necrotic destructive masses. Laryngeal gummas may cause subglottic stenosis and arytenoid fixation. Chondritis/perichondritis may involve the epiglottis and cricoarytenoid joint. Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis may occur with meningovascular syphilis and cranial nerve dysfunction or with a cardiovascular syphilitic aortic aneurysm, which may compress the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The oral cavity is commonly affected in congenital syphilis. Mucosal patches on the tongue, palate, and lips may become fissured and hemorrhagic, resulting in radial scars. These children can also develop gummas anywhere within the aerodigestive tract.
Nonspecific lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates may be seen in all stages of syphilis. Primary chancre reveals central necrotic debris and dense chronic inflammation at the periphery. Dark-field examination of the chancre demonstrates numerous spirochetes. The overlying epidermis is thinned and ulcerates. Lymphoplasmacytic vasculitis in a “coat sleeve”–like arrangement, giant cells, and endothelial swelling are seen. The Steiner modification of Warthin-Starry silver or Dieterle’s stain will reveal the spirochetes, especially around vessels, which may be seen in the squamous mucosa or submucosa (see Fig. 5.6 ). Interpretation of the silver stains is made difficult by the presence of melanocytes and reticulin fibers, as well as spirochetes other than T. pallidum.
Secondary syphilis is characterized by dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Granulomas with multinucleated giant cells and epithelioid histiocytes may be a late finding. Spirochetes may be seen in the secondary lesions predominantly around vessels. Vascular endothelial proliferation is more likely to be seen in older lesions. Condyloma latum is composed of epithelial hyperplasia (rather than the attenuated epithelium of chancres) with elongated rete pegs and dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates with perivascular cuffing of plasma cells. Lymph nodes contain noncaseating granulomas, perivascular cuffing of plasmacytes, and capsular fibrosis. The gummas of late secondary and tertiary syphilis reveal necrotizing granulomas with multinucleated Langerhans-type giant cells and obliterative endarteritis. Spirochetes are sparse and only rarely observed in gummas. Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis may be seen in neurosyphilis as a manifestation of central nervous system disease, along with other cranial nerve deficits or as an isolated nerve palsy. Concomitant HIV infection is believed to increase the incidence of tertiary syphilis and neurosyphilis.
The classic dark-field examination is made by examining transudate from a chancre suspended in saline for the motile spirochetes. A more specific form of this examination is the dark-field direct immunofluorescent antibody test for T. pallidum , which can be performed on dried fixed tissue smears. Immunohistochemical staining, with commercially available polyclonal antibody, may be helpful in cases that clinically and histologically suggest primary or secondary syphilis, but are negative by silver staining.
Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates may also be seen in nonspecific laryngitis and in the early stages of scleroma (see later). Blastomyces infection is classically known for inducing a hyperplastic hyperkeratotic mucosal reaction, similar to condyloma latum. Clinical history and special stains and/or cultures should distinguish blastomycosis from condyloma latum. The hyperplasia of condyloma latum may also be confused with laryngeal malignancy. Careful histologic sampling will usually allow separation of these two entities. The differential diagnosis of the granulomatous inflammation of tertiary syphilis includes mycobacterial and fungal infections. These latter infections can be separated on the basis of culture and special stains. Laryngeal inflammatory pseudotumor (inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor) may also be characterized by a dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, but it will have a more prominent reactive myofibroblastic component.
Penicillin G is the drug of choice for syphilis. Patients allergic to penicillin may be treated with erythromycin, tetracycline, or ceftriaxone.
Ferdinand von Hebra and Moritz Kohn (formerly named Kaposi) coined the term rhinoscleroma to describe those patients presenting with hard (sclero) noses (rhino) , which they originally concluded must be secondary to indolent malignancy. von Mikulicz substantiated that this was an inflammatory entity; von Frisch identified the bacillary organisms in 1882. Interestingly, aniline dye workers in San Salvador were noted in the late 19th century to have an increased prevalence of rhinoscleroma. The dye indigo was derived from Indigofera tinctoria , a legume. Alvarez discovered a bacillus in the legume, which he called Bacillus indigogenous , and concluded that it was identical to Frisch bacillus.
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis , the bacteria responsible for scleroma, is endemic to tropical and subtropical areas: Central America, Chile, Central Africa, India, Indonesia, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco, as well as temperate latitudes: Eastern and Central Europe and the Russian republics. It is an uncommon pathogen in the United States, but may be seen in immigrant populations. It is an organism of low infectivity and not normally commensal. Human-to-human transmission has been assumed to be the only mode of contact, and infection will result only after prolonged exposure. Increased incidence among family members and contacts has been noted, but this remains controversial. Rhinoscleroma has been referred to as the disease of the great unwashed ; social conditions may vary, but it has been stressed that poor hygiene and crowded environments are common features. In a mountainous Indonesian endemic site, many families sleep together in large, poorly ventilated houses, huddled together with their dogs and domestic fowl for warmth.
The term scleroma is preferred over rhinoscleroma because the entire upper aerodigestive tract may be involved, from nose to trachea, as well as the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, and Eustachian tube. In a recent series of 134 cases from the Highlands region of New Guinea, 53% were confined to the nose and nasopharynx, 6.7% to the nose and eustachian tube, with 3% involving the middle ear, and 12.7% extending to the larynx and trachea. Primary laryngeal involvement without involvement of the nose was seen in 8.2% of patients. Usually, scleroma initially presents in the second to fourth decades of life, with a female predominance. The nasal cavity and sinuses are most frequently involved. In the larynx, the most common site of involvement is the subglottic region. The natural disease course evolves through three stages. The early stage is the atrophic catarrhal stage in which the mucosa is reddened and atrophic, with foul purulent discharge and crusting. The clinical differential diagnosis in this early stage includes infection with Klebsiella ozaenae . The second stage or granulomatous stage occurs months to years later, with waxy, ulcerating inflammatory masses that distend and deform the mucosal surfaces. The inflammatory masses extend through the external nares in severe cases and may distort the soft tissues of the midface, resulting in a rhinoceros-like appearance. The clinical differential diagnosis includes leprosy and syphilis. The final sclerotic stage is characterized by fibrosis and inflammation and culminates in stenosis.
Common symptoms of laryngeal involvement include progressive dyspnea, cough and hoarseness. Involvement of the subglottis may culminate in subglottic stenosis.
Histologically, the catarrhal stage is dominated by nonspecific lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate; bacilli-laden foamy macrophages (Mikulicz cells) are sparse. Mikulicz cells are most abundant in the nodular granulomatous stage. True granulomas with epithelioid histiocytes are not seen. Plasma cells and Russell bodies are prominent in early infection. The final sclerotic stage reveals dense fibroconnective tissue with a relative paucity of inflammatory cells ( Fig. 5.7 ).
K. rhinoscleromatis (Frisch bacillus) is a gram-negative bacillus. Special stains, such as periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), with and without diastase, Hotchkiss-McManus, and Warthin-Starry silver stains will reveal bacterial rods within these histiocytes; the Warthin-Starry silver stain is most sensitive. Immunohistochemistry on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues against type III Klebsiella antigen is also sensitive and specific. Routine cultures for K. rhinoscleromatis (on MacConkey medium) may be positive only in 50% of cases and are more likely to be positive in the nodular stage.
The differential diagnoses include atypical mycobacterial infection, which also appears as a histiocytic infiltrate rather than a granulomatous reaction. A Ziehl-Neelsen stain can rule this out. Lepromatous leprosy also appears as a diffuse histiocytic infiltrate (Virchow cells) and should be ruled out by a Fite-Faraco stain. When a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate dominates the histology, the diagnosis of syphilis should also be considered.
Long-term (3–6 months) parenteral antibiotic therapy, such as with tetracycline, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, or ciprofloxacin (1 g/day) has been reported. Surgery for early acute disease may increase disease dissemination and should be reserved for more advanced disease. Reconstruction may be indicated in the sclerotic stage. Fatal sclerotic airway obstruction may occur. In a recently published series, 74.9% of patients were treated medically and 26.1% required surgery and 61.9% of medically treated patients were cured, while only 19.4% of surgically treated patients had good outcomes. Long-term clinical and endoscopic follow-up is necessary until obtained biopsies are negative. Three patients with a familial history of scleroma developed early onset disease. Squamous carcinoma has purportedly been associated with scleroma, but adequate documentation is lacking.
Harz studied actinomycosis in the bovine form of the illness lumpy jaw in 1877. The causative agent was named Actinomyces bovis ( Actinomyces: strahlenpilz or ray fungus). It was originally thought to be associated with the habit, by both man and cow, of chewing straw. However, Actinomyces are now known to be commensal organisms of human and bovine hosts; unlike most true fungi, they have not been identified as environmental saprophobes. It is classified as a filamentous, gram-positive, nonacid fast anaerobic bacteria, rather than a fungus, because it reproduces by fission rather than sporulation (as do perfect fungi) or filamentous budding (as do imperfect fungi) and it contains muramic acid in cell walls and absent mitochondria, both features of bacteria. The most common pathogen is Actinomyces israelii , though other species may also cause infection in humans.
Actinomycetae are a part of the normal oral, gastrointestinal, and urogenital tract microbiota. They are of low pathogenicity and need mucosal barrier disruption to cause disease. If the integrity of the mucosal barrier is compromised, for example during dental manipulation, trauma, or surgery, access to the soft tissue and bone is gained. These organisms become pathogenic and can initiate a prolonged chronic inflammatory process, resulting in tissue destruction, formation of abscesses and sinus tracts, which can occasionally be long and communicating with the soft tissues of the back and chest, as well as fistula, fibrosis and tumor-like masses. The infection may affect immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. The known risk factors include surgery, trauma, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, and treatment with bisphosphonates, chemotherapy, and irradiation.
Infections with Actinomyces are traditionally classified according to the area or organ that is involved, for example, cervicofacial, thoracic, and abdominal actinomycosis, with the cervicofacial region being most frequently affected. In the oral cavity, Actinomycetae can be found on mucosal surfaces and in the tonsillar crypts, in gingival sulci, periodontal pockets, and in carious lesions. They may contribute to gingivitis and caries.
The clinical presentation of actinomycosis is nonspecific; it includes painful or painless swelling, with or without fever, abscess, and fistula formation. It is, therefore, commonly misdiagnosed because it can mimic other conditions, such as malignancy and tuberculosis.
Rarely, Actinomyces may infect the larynx ( Fig. 5.8 ), both in immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. As an anaerobe, one would not expect Actinomyces to cause a primary endolaryngeal infection, but rather cause laryngeal, infraglottic, and hypopharyngeal infection via secondary extension of extralaryngeal cervical abscesses.
The pale yellow sulfur granules or grains (originally called drusen ) observed clinically are microcolonies of bacilli. Microscopically, Actinomyces typically cause suppurative inflammation with colonies of filamentous bacteria, which appear as round or oval basophilic masses with a radiating arrangement of eosinophilic terminal “clubs,” measuring 1 to 2 mm in diameter. They often contain calcium phosphate. These colonies of bacteria are usually surrounded by neutrophils, foamy macrophages, and occasionally giant cells (see Fig. 5.8B ). Special stains are helpful to confirm the diagnosis, as Actinomyces stains with silver impregnation techniques, and Brown and Brenn staining (gram positive).
The main differential diagnosis is Nocardia. Actinomyces are not acid fast and do not stain with Ziehl-Neelsen stain, although occasionally they may be weakly acid fast. Nocardia are filamentous bacteria that do not stain well with hematoxylin and eosin but do stain well with a modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain. The distinction between these two filamentous bacteria is important, as their sensitivities to antibiotics differ: penicillin is the drug of choice for Actinomyces , whereas Nocardia are unresponsive to penicillin and can be treated with sulfa drugs.
For microbiologic diagnosis of actinomycosis, anaerobic culture is required. It has been claimed that culture results in proper diagnosis in only 20% to 40% of cases, whereas the remaining cases are diagnosed by biopsy. Biopsy is considered as the quickest and most sensitive way of diagnosis actinomycosis.
Actinomycosis is usually treated with prolonged high doses of antibiotics, usually penicillin G. Allergic patients may be treated with tetracycline, clindamycin, or erythromycin. Surgery is sometimes needed and is beneficial in cases with extensive necrosis, fistula, and/or a sinus tract, and in patients who do not response to treatment with antibiotics.
Laryngeal candidiasis is usually not seen in immunocompetent hosts, but may be seen in those with diabetes or patients immunosuppressed because of steroid therapy, chemotherapy, or severe chronic illness. Laryngeal irradiation and local corticosteroid treatment, such as inhaled bronchodilators containing corticosteroids, have been associated with laryngeal candidiasis. Patients present with hoarseness, dysphagia, odynophagia, air way obstruction, and nonhealing ulcers.
The mucosa reveals suppurative laryngitis with ulceration and pseudomembrane formation, with white creamy or milky curd-like exudates. Laryngeal candidiasis can clinically present with a mass lesion, mimicking carcinoma. Biopsy leaves the patient with a raw, bleeding surface.
The pseudohyphae of Candida are thin, regular, and pinched at the point of pseudoseptation, without true branching ( Fig. 5.9 ). Small, oval, globose yeast cells result in a “spaghetti and meatballs” appearance. The inflammatory infiltrate may be acute and nonspecific or granulomatous.
The differential diagnosis includes other thin, hyphae-forming fungi, but the hypopharynx and larynx are not usually involved with infections by hyphal-forming fungi, such as Aspergillus .
Parenteral antibiotic therapy would include fluconazole or ketoconazole. If disseminated disease is present, then systemic antifungal therapy (amphotericin B or flucytosine) is indicated.
Laryngeal aspergillosis is most commonly seen as secondary invasion from the lungs and tracheobronchial tree in immunocompromised hosts. In the past, there have been only rare well-documented cases of laryngeal aspergillosis, reported in the setting of neutropenia or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV). More recently, patients with asthma, long-term use of steroid, inhaled antibiotics, and agranulocytosis have been reported to suffer from laryngeal aspergillosis. As the treatment of hematopoietic cancers evolves, more cases of laryngeal aspergillosis will be seen, sometimes with life-threatening clinical presentations. Rarely, laryngeal aspergillosis is observed in immunocompetent patients.
Biopsy samples taken from laryngoscopy show both spores and broad septate hyphae, the majority of which exhibit acute angle branching on histopathological examination. The hyphae of aspergillus are basophilic with hematoxylin and eosin stain; using silver impregnation method and PAS-D, the circular and uniform calibre of mycelium, with septate hyphae and occasional folds with dichotomous branching are better recognized. Histopathologically, aspergillosis can show necrotizing, suppurative, granulomatous, or pseudomembranous inflammation.
The main differential diagnosis is with other fungal infections. The presence of septate hyphae with dichotomous branching is diagnostic for aspergillosis.
Management of aspergillosis infection remains problematic. In some cases, the removal of the vocal cord lesions during biopsy provides relief of symptoms. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent further dissemination from superficial to the deep form of the disease, where aspergillus can have hematogenous spread. Antifungal agents may be helpful in treating patients with a normal immune system, but their value in treating immunocompromised patients is more complex.
Coccidioides immitis is endemic to southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, northern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, and Argentina. Coccidioidomycosis (also referred to as San Joaquin Valley fever , desert rheumatism, or the bumps ) is an infection of the immunocompetent; in endemic areas, it may be quite common. Only approximately 20% of annual reported cases are diagnosed outside the endemic areas.
Coccidioides endospores germinate to form hyphae and barrel-shaped arthrospores; the latter are infectious. Airborne arthrospores come to rest in soil and germinate in cool moist conditions. Exposure to aerosolized soil in endemic areas places one at risk of coccidioidomycosis point-source epidemics have been the result of archaeologic digs. There is an especially high rate of symptomatic pulmonary infection and erythema multiforme hypersensitivity rash among individuals visiting from nonendemic areas. Coccidioides is extraordinarily infectious; 10 arthroconidia will cause infection in animals. Handling Petri dishes of laboratory cultures have caused disease, as has handling and washing glassware. Coccidioidomycosis is not the result of direct human-to-human transmission because only the germinating arthrospores, not the endospores, are infectious. However, hospital staff have developed Coccidioidomycosis after removing a plaster cast from a patient with Coccidioides osteomyelitis caused by germination within the cast.
Coccidioidomycosis is primarily a self-limiting pulmonary/mediastinal disease transmitted through the inhalation of arthrospores. Approximately 0.5% to 1% of infected individuals develop disseminated disease affecting skin, subcutis, bone, joints, and meninges. Disseminated coccidioidomycosis is more likely to develop in immunosuppressed, rather than immunocompetent, individuals. Laryngotracheal coccidioidomycosis is rare and may be seen with or without concurrent pulmonary disease. Many patients with laryngeal coccidioidomycosis also have dermal, particularly facial, involvement. Patients with upper airway involvement present with hoarseness, stridor, and vocal cord paralysis. Endoscopically, they have erythematous polypoid mucosa that may reach obstructive, life-threatening proportions. Sites of laryngeal involvement include the epiglottis, vestibule, aryepiglottic fold, true vocal cords, anterior commissure, and subglottis.
Coccidioides evoke a granulomatous foreign body–type reaction, with a dense chronic inflammatory infiltrate. The fungal spherules are large (30–80 μm), and the capsule is thick with internal and external limits, giving it a double-walled appearance ( Fig. 5.10 ). The endospores are small (2–5 μm) and numerous. The overlying squamous mucosa may be hyperplastic and hyperkeratotic. Serum acute antibodies and a newly converted skin reaction to coccidioidin antigen may be helpful clinical diagnostic adjuncts; these tests may be falsely negative early in the course of infection.
The differential diagnosis of the spherules includes Rhinosporidiosis seeberi , which are much larger (350 μm) than Coccidioides. R. seeberi also has a thicker, distinctly bilaminated capsule that stains with mucicarmine; the Coccidioides capsule does not. Free endospores may be confused with other yeast or yeast-like structures in their size range that include Blastomyces, Cryptococcus, Paracoccidioides, Sporothrix, Pneumocystis , and Torulopsis . Morphologic features should allow proper classification.
Transient acute pulmonary infection usually goes untreated. If the patient has laryngeal infection, as part of a cavitating pulmonary process, surgical debridement may be necessary in addition to antifungal therapy (e.g., ketoconazole, amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole).
Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is endemic to South America, especially Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Uruguay, and Argentina.
A broad range of manifestations may be seen, from subclinical to clinical infections, in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed populations. It can manifest with mucocutaneous and/or visceral infection. In many cases, the initial clinical manifestations are intraoral. Lesions are painful and reddened, granular, mulberry-like (framboesiform), or ulcerative. Aspiration leads to pulmonary infection. Laryngeal infection, secondary to pulmonary involvement, is possible and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of laryngeal infections in South American patients. Involvement of the epiglottis and larynx may cause hoarseness and dyspnea. Deforming scarring may result in tracheostomy dependence.
Paracoccidioidomycosis causes an ulcerative, densely inflamed granulomatous response. Multinucleated giant cells containing ingested yeast fragments can be seen. The yeast are round and 1 to 30 μm in diameter. The characteristic feature is multiple budding daughter yeasts (2–10 in cells as large as 30 μm) that may virtually rim the mother yeast capsule, giving the appearance of spokes on a mariner’s wheel. This is best observed on Gomori methenamine silver and PAS stains ( Fig. 5.11 ). Paracoccidioides may be birefringent and polarize with a Maltese-cross appearance, although this finding may be seen with other yeast forms. Cultures can sometimes be diagnostic, but Paracoccidioides grows extremely slowly. Polymerase chain reaction can be used as a diagnostic tool to detect Paracoccidioides brasiliensis .
The small, newly released daughter spores may be confused with other smaller yeasts (e.g., Histoplasma ). A single budding yeast also may resemble Blastomyces , which is the main differential diagnosis (hence the synonym South American Blastomyces ). The diagnosis can be secured by observing the multiple spoke-wheel budding on Gomori methenamine silver stain. The budding of Blastomyces is invariably singular and has a wider neck than that of Paracoccidioides. Blastomyces also has retraction artifact between the yeast form and the capsule. In contrast to the other mycoses, there are no reports of mycelia in tissues with paracoccidiomycosis.
Antifungal therapy is indicated (e.g., ketoconazole, amphotericin B, itraconazole).
Blastomyces dermatitidis (North American blastomycosis, Gilchrist’s disease, Chicago disease) is endemic to the Ohio and Mississippi River basins and the Great Lakes area. Small epidemics have been reported in North Carolina, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Virginia. Despite the name, it is not confined to North America and has been detected in South America and Africa. Avid bird hunters, for reasons stated later, have a noted risk. Canine blastomycosis follows the same geographic distribution as human disease in the United States, and hunting dogs have been especially noted to develop blastomycosis. A clinical clue to the diagnosis is a history of a pet dog having died of a fungal disease. Blastomycosis is not contagious from dog to human, except by dog bite.
Blastomyces has been occasionally isolated from soil specimens, especially near water. As with other fungi, only the arthrospores are infectious, not the yeast forms. Point sources are usually associated with woodsy and watery environments, such as one traced to beaver ponds or lakeside construction sites. Proximity to arthrospores affects the rate of infection: individuals picking up objects off the ground to examine them are more vulnerable to infection than those examining from a distance. This would also explain the association of blastomycosis with bird hunters, as they lie in wait for their prey by crouching or lying on the ground and also with their hunting dogs, which sniff the ground.
Blastomyces may cause disease either through inhalation or traumatic inoculation into skin. It may present with acute onset of fever, productive cough, and myalgias, or with an insidious onset of weight loss, malaise, anorexia, and a chronic cough, mimicking tuberculosis. Patients experiencing direct inoculation into soft tissues or the upper airway present with local symptoms, such as an ulcerating mass, but no systemic symptoms. An immunosuppressive condition precedes the fungal disease in 25% of patients. Diabetes mellitus is also commonly associated with blastomycosis.
The larynx appears to be a target for the organism. In a recent report of 102 patients with blastomycosis seen at the Mayo Clinic, five patients had laryngeal lesions. Laryngeal blastomycosis appears as an erythematous or white mass, with irregular borders that may immobilize the vocal cords, an appearance that mimics carcinoma. Deep laryngeal fissures or laryngocutaneous fistulas may form. Quite a few laryngeal carcinomas have been reported, after which a rereview of the biopsy or laryngectomy specimens revealed not cancer but blastomycosis.
Blastomyces has the distinct ability to induce a hyperplastic, hyperkeratotic verrucoid response, mimicking squamous carcinoma or verrucous carcinoma. Acute and chronic granulomatous reactions with microabscesses and necrosis are seen. The organism is round, 6 to 15 μm wide, with very distinctive thick, doubly refractile walls, and characteristic broad-based single buds. The daughter buds are frequently as large as the mother cell before detachment. Another characteristic feature of Blastomyces is the retraction artifact between the cell wall and the protoplasm, seen on hematoxylin and eosin stain ( Fig. 5.12 ). It is relatively easy to identify the fungus in tissue exudates and not particularly difficult to culture with a 2- to 4-week incubation period. Serology and skin testing are not useful. Commercial test kits are available that facilitate early identification of mycelial cultures by recognition of fungus-specific exoantigens or unique ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequences.
The differential diagnosis includes Paracoccidioides (see Fig. 5.11 ), Cryptococcus , and Sporothrix schenkii . The broad budding dumbbell- or lollipop-shaped appearance of Blastomyces aids in distinguishing it from the similarly sized Cryptococcus and S. schenkii . However, Blastomyces budding is not always observed. Both Blastomyces and Cryptococcus have cell walls that stain strongly with PAS and Gomori methenamine silver. The cell wall of Blastomyces will stain weakly or not at all with the mucicarmine stain, whereas Cryptococcus will react strongly with the mucicarmine stain. Although Blastomyces can cause infections in the immunocompromised, other fungal infections (e.g., histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis) are more likely to occur.
Antifungal therapy is indicated (ketoconazole, amphotericin B, or itraconazole), and surgical reconstruction may be necessary.
Cryptococcus neoformans is ubiquitous, with worldwide distribution. Emmons first reported its association with pigeon nesting sites and excreta in the 1950s. C. neoformans is a dimorphic fungus seen in vivo as the yeast form. The hyphal sexual form is Filobasidiella neoformans .
Cryptococcal laryngitis has been seen in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), either with previous or concurrent pneumonia, or as isolated laryngeal lesions. It may also occur in immunocompetent hosts, with or without concomitant pulmonary disease, as well as in association with exposure to inhaled corticosteroids. Clinically, cryptococcal laryngitis typically has an exudative or a wart-like appearance caused by the epithelial hyperplasia, which may mimic carcinoma, but it may rarely present as a smooth-surfaced mass.
Cryptococcal infection may be associated with a granulomatous reaction. Induced epithelial hyperplasia can be seen. The organisms are extracellular. The yeast capsule does not stain with hematoxylin and eosin, although it may accentuate their nuclei. Gomori methenamine silver will stain the organism, whereas mucicarmine and digested PAS stain will accentuate the polysaccharide capsule ( Fig. 5.13 ). Uncollapsed round yeast capsules are the size of erythrocytes (6–7 μm) but may be as large as 20 μm. Collapsed deformed yeast takes on a boat-like or sickle shape, similar to Pneumocystis . Single budding yeast with narrow necks may be seen. Capsule-deficient Cryptococcus , seen in AIDS, may confound the diagnosis.
The differential diagnosis includes yeast forms, such as S. schenkii, Pneumocystis carinii, Torulopsis glabrata, B. dermatitidis , and Histoplasma capsulatum. B. dermatitidis and Cryptococcus are the only two yeast forms with a polysaccharide cell wall that stain with digested PAS. Blastomyces can be distinguished from Cryptococcus by its wider budding isthmus, protoplasmic retraction artifact, and lack of strong reaction with the mucicarmine stain. The other organisms can be distinguished from Cryptococcus based on their size and shape. H. capsulatum is smaller and intracellular; S. schenkii has football-shaped yeasts, in addition to the rounded forms; P. carinii is approximately the same size as Cryptococcus but lacks the variation in size, the mucinophilic capsule, and the budding forms of Cryptococcus.
Amphotericin B, possibly in conjunction with flucytosine, is indicated for extrapulmonary cryptococcal infection; however, localized disease may be amenable to laser excision.
Histoplasmosis (Darling’s disease) was elucidated early in the 20th century by Samuel Darling, a pathologist working in Panama. The intracellular organisms that he found were within histiocytes; therefore he coined the name Histoplasma. Capsulatum was derived from the refractile rim observed around the organisms. Histoplasmosis is ubiquitous worldwide; it is endemic in the Midwest and central United States (Ohio and Mississippi River Valley) and in the southeast United States, Mexico, Central and South America (Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru), as well as Europe, Russia, and the Far East. A dimorphic fungus, its infectious hyphal form, Emmonsiella capsulatum , can be isolated from starling roosts, bat caves, pigeon excrement, and chicken coops. Epidemics have been associated with construction and renovation sites, either through turning contaminated soil or by working on sites where birds had been roosting.
The most common manifestation of histoplasmosis is a subclinical pulmonary infection, usually because of a small exposure source and normal patient immunity. Massive inhalation can lead to acute pneumonia. Serious sequelae include chronic cavitating, fibrosing pulmonary infection, sclerosing mediastinitis, and disseminated infection with bone marrow and adrenal involvement. Symptomatic disseminated histoplasmosis occurs mostly in immunodeficient patients or those at the extremes of age. Disseminated disease is thought to be caused by reinfection or less frequently reactivation of latent disease. Upper aerodigestive tract features of disseminated histoplasmosis include cervical adenopathy, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and ulcerating oral lesions.
Occasionally, oropharyngeal histoplasmosis may be the primary disease presentation, causing painful, indurated, ulcerating, or verrucoid lesions that may erode bone. Plaques, nodules, ulcers, and indurated masses may be seen in the oral cavity and larynx, and exophytic lesions may clinically mimic carcinoma. Ulcerating facial lesions may also occur around the nose and mouth. Laryngeal histoplasmosis can be part of a primary upper aerodigestive tract presentation or in association with active pulmonary histoplasmosis. The diagnosis is made by biopsy, examination of direct smears, and cultures.
Histoplasma microorganisms are 2- to 4-μm oval to spherical “intracellular and extracellular petite hematoxylinophilic bodies, each surrounded by a small halo.” The halo is caused by cytoplasmic retraction from the capsule. Careful observation will reveal intracellular nuclei. A granulomatous reaction may be present. Purulent inflammation may be seen in immunosuppressed patients. The overlying mucosa can be hyperplastic. Hematoxylin and eosin staining is optimal for observing these organisms because it emphasizes the intracellular site and the halo effect around each organism, allowing observation of the nuclei ( Fig. 5.14 ). The organism does stain with Gomori methenamine silver, but the high background may make this stain unsuitable for evaluation. PAS will stain the organisms and their capsule with less background. Solitary and multiple thin-necked budding may be seen. A touch preparation from a mucosal lesion is superior in revealing the fine morphology of Histoplasma and, if possible, should be an adjunct to tissue biopsy. H. capsulatum requires as long as 6 weeks to grow in culture.
The histologic differential diagnosis includes other small intracellular organisms, such as Leishmania tropica and L. mexicana complex, Trypanosoma cruzi , poorly encapsulated Cryptococcus , and small tissue forms of B. dermatitidis , which may also cause mucocutaneous lesions. Laryngeal leishmaniasis (originally diagnosed as histoplasmosis) has been reported as a sequelae of a cutaneous infection (Oriental sore).
Leishmania and Trypanosoma are within the same size range as Histoplasma but lack the prominent clear halo of the latter. Leishmania and Trypanosoma can be seen with hematoxylin and eosin and reticulin stains. Histoplasma is a round to oval organism; Leishmania and T. cruzi have a “diaper pin” shape. Histoplasma will stain with Gomori methenamine silver and PAS stains, but Trypanosoma and Leishmania will not. Both Trypanosoma and Leishmania have intracellular kinetoplasts that are not visualized on hematoxylin and eosin–stained sections, but may be seen on Giemsa-stained touch preparations. Poorly encapsulated Cryptococcus usually retains some mucinophilia and so may be distinguished from Histoplasma. B. dermatitidis may be distinguished from Histoplasma by its broad-based pattern of budding.
The distinction between Histoplasma and Leishmania is particularly important in cases of disseminated infection because the treatments are very different (antifungal agents vs. antiprotozoal agents). Histoplasmosis can be treated with itraconazole, ketoconazole, or amphotericin B. Laryngeal histoplasmosis requires a prolonged course of therapy; it is generally many months before the hoarseness completely resolves. Prophylaxis with itraconazole (200 mg/day) in patients with HIV and CD4 counts less than 150 cells/mm 3 is highly effective and should be considered if the case rate of histoplasmosis exceeds 10 cases per 100 patient-years.
R. seeberi has a worldwide distribution, but is endemic to India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Brazil, and Argentina. In the United States, cases have been reported from the rural South and West. Mucosal trauma is considered necessary in establishing infection. Stagnant pools of water and men and animals bathing together in the river (e.g., Durg district, Madya Pradesh, India) have been associated with many cases.
Rhinosporidium most commonly infects the nasal cavity, causing friable, lobulated red or pink polyps that may become massive and extend posteriorly to fill and obstruct the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx. Extranasal manifestations are relatively uncommon. Conjunctival infection may also occur, usually after local injury. Laryngeal involvement by Rhinosporidium is extremely rare and always secondary to nasopharyngeal involvement.
The nature of the etiologic agent of rhinosporidiosis has long been elusive. Originally, it was considered a fungus and more recently has been classified as a blue-green algae. However, recent molecular biological investigations have led to the classification of Rhinosporidium as a Mesomycetozoea , a novel clade that is phylogenetically at the animal-fungus divergence in the evolutionary tree.
In hematoxylin-eosin–stained tissue, an intense acute and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate is present. Cysts (also referred to as spherules or sporangia ) are numerous, round, large (100–350 μm), and thick walled ( Fig. 5.15 ). The thick cyst wall stains with hematoxylin and eosin, Gomori methenamine silver, digested PAS, and mucicarmine; it is also birefringent. The largest, most mature cysts are closest to the mucosal surface. Hundreds to thousands of small (2- to 9- μm) spores are seen within mature cysts. The spores are initially uninuclear and range in size from 10 to 100 μm in diameter, but on maturation are multinucleated, forming clusters of 12 to 16 “naked” nuclei. Mitotic figures within these spores are infrequently observed. On maturation, the cysts extrude the spore morulas into the surrounding tissue from a pore. In cases of disseminated rhinosporidiosis, it is possible to find single spores in body fluids, such as urine.
The differential diagnosis of Rhinosporidium is mainly with mucosal Coccidioides immitis . In fact, Seeber initially believed that Rhinosporidium was related to C. immitis ; but its spherules are not as large (60 μm); its walls are not as thick, birefringent, or mucinophilic; and its endospores are not as numerous. If one sees only the extruded mature spores, which range from 2 to 9 μm in diameter, one might consider all other yeast forms within that range.
Oncocytic schneiderian papilloma (cylindrical cell papilloma) may also be confused histologically with rhinosporidiosis; however, the cysts of the former are intramucosal and contain mucin and polymorphonuclear cells versus the spore-filled submucosal cysts of the latter.
Surgical debridement is indicated for these polypoid lesions. Response to dapsone therapy has been demonstrated.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a double-stranded DNA virus and member of the Herpesviridea family, causing common infection in humans, usually presenting as a mild, self-limited mononucleosis-like syndrome. It is trophic for endothelial cells, B and T lymphocytes, and mononuclear and epithelial cells. After primary infection, the virus becomes latent and can be reactivated, particularly in a situation of immunosuppression. In immunocompetent host, both primary infection and reactivation are either asymptomatic or result in a self-limited disease. In immunosuppressed populations, CMV may result in severe multiorgan disease, involving the lung, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, and retina, with a high mortality rate. Populations at risk are newborns, patients with HIV infection, patients with transplanted organs, patients treated with chemotherapy or corticosteroids, and critically ill patients.
The larynx and trachea may be sites for ulcerative CMV infections, even in the absence of CMV pneumonitis. The clinical differential diagnosis of ulcerative laryngeal lesions in HIV patients would also include candidal and herpetic infection and may be resolved by tissue biopsy, touch preparation, or smear plus cultures.
Vocal cord paralyses (without mucosal ulceration) are seen because of laryngeal neuritis: CMV inclusions have been demonstrated at autopsy within the recurrent laryngeal nerve. This mechanism may explain the case of pharyngeal CMV infection causing vocal cord immobility. Concomitant supraglottic diffuse large cell lymphoma and CMV epiglottitis have been reported.
CMV inclusions are most frequently seen in the endothelial cells adjacent to areas of ulceration. The classic CMV-infected cell has a large pink intranuclear inclusion, surrounded by a clear halo and, less commonly, amphophilic smaller cytoplasmic inclusions ( Fig. 5.16 C and D ). The combination of intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclu sions is seen only after the viral infection undergoes a replication phase, which occurs in a minority of infected cells.
Before replication, infected cells produce great quantities of immediate early antigen and early antigen, which may be detected immunohistochemically as intranuclear inclusions. This accentuates the importance of special studies in the absence of classic CMV inclusions. This also explains the enhanced sensitivity to immunohistochemistry for early antigen compared with in situ hybridization for the CMV genome in early infections lacking classic histology.
The characteristic appearance of productively infected cytomegalic cells, with their intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions, leaves little room for other possibilities. However, in early infections, enlarged “funny-looking” cells are seen, which may raise the possibility of other infections, such as herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. Slowly resolving mucocutaneous herpetic ulcers and disseminated infection can occur in AIDS patients and possibly extend to the hypopharynx and larynx. However, primary laryngotracheal HSV infection is an extremely rare occurrence. HSV laryngitis is more likely to be seen in the context of HSV pneumonitis, usually in transplant recipients, burn victims, and the immunocompromised. It can manifest as vesicular or ulcerative lesions or vocal cord paralysis.
HSV-infected cell nuclei become enlarged and reveal peripheral chromatin beading and homogeneous ground-glass inclusions that may be basophilic or “cleared out.” Multinucleated HSV syncytial cells also contain intranuclear inclusions and cytoplasmic inclusions. The nuclei of these multinucleated cells may mold with each other rather than overlap. Immunohistochemistry on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens for HSV-1 and HSV-2 and CMV antigens can be helpful in making the distinction between HSV and CMV infections. Rarely, in immunocompromised patients, one may see both infections in one patient (see Fig. 5.16 ).
Ganciclovir or Foscarnet may be used to treat CMV laryngitis.
Trichinella , a nematode commonly found in temperate zones, is transmitted by ingestion of smoked, preserved, or inadequately cooked or frozen infected meat. Heating meat to at least 60°C for 30 minutes per pound or deep-freezing it for at least 3 weeks at −15°C will kill the parasites. Because of current meat regulations in the United States, most current cases of trichinosis can be traced to noncommercial, home-slaughtered meats. Cases are usually caused by pork ingestion, but other meats such as bear, horse, wallaby, and kangaroo have caused trichinosis.
Most cases of trichinosis are self-limited; the severity generally depends on inoculum size. The acute stage of trichinosis can start 10 days to 2 weeks after ingestion and last approximately 2 months. Trichinosis initially presents with fever, nausea, vomiting, myalgias, headache, fatigue, and diarrhea. After migration from the host small intestine, the initial site of infestation, Trichinella becomes encysted in skeletal muscle; it especially favors muscles with a rich blood supply, such as the extraocular muscles, intrinsic laryngeal muscles, the diaphragm, and the deltoid and gastrocnemius muscles. After the first week, the symptoms correspond to peripheral migration of the larvae into muscle; they include periorbital or facial edema, myositis, blurry vision, and peripheral eosinophilia. Eye movement and swallowing may be painful, and there is profound diffuse muscle weakness. Parasite invasion into the lungs, heart, and central nervous systems is infrequent, and fatalities are rare.
In late-stage infection, acute symptoms may disappear, but myalgia and fatigue can persist. The parasite alters the myocyte intracellular environment so that both can remain viable for years. Accordingly, Trichinella may be an incidental finding, many years after infection, in the sternocleidomastoid muscle of radical neck dissections or within the intrinsic laryngeal muscles in laryngectomy specimens ( Fig. 5.17 ).
Trichinella (genus Trichina , Greek, “hair”) was first histologically identified at autopsy by James Paget as a medical student. The larvae appear as a tightly coiled worm within an intramuscular double-walled capsule. If the larvae are missed on muscle biopsy because of sampling error, nonspecific myositis may be seen. Calcified cysts denote remote infection.
If Trichinella is an incidental finding in a laryngectomy specimen, no treatment is indicated. Treatment consists of steroids and anthelminthics (e.g., mebendazole, albendazole), which must be administered before the end of the acute phase for relief of the acute migratory symptoms.
Schistosoma is a parasitic blood fluke. Schistosoma mansoni is endemic to Africa, South America, the West Indies, and Puerto Rico; Schistosoma japonicum is endemic to China, Japan, and the Philippines; Schistosoma haematobium is endemic to the Nile Valley and India; Schistosoma mekongi is endemic to the Mekong River basin in Cambodia; and Schistosoma intercalatum is endemic to Western and Central Africa. Schistosoma derives its name (“split body”) from the fact that the male parasite body curves in ventrally to form an enclosed gynecophoral canal, in which the female fluke “reposes.” Schistosoma enters the host in the aqueous larval stage (cercaria) by penetrating the skin, which causes intense pruritus. The parasites migrate to the vasculature and are carried to the nutritious hepatic portal system, where they mature and produce eggs. The eggs, as well as dead flukes, evoke severe chronic granulomatous inflammation and fibrosis in the liver and intestines ( S. mansoni, S. japonicum ) and rectum, bladder, and pelvis ( S. haematobium ). Occasional cases of laryngeal involvement by Schistosoma have been reported.
The ova of Schistosoma may be calcified and are usually in a granulomatous reaction or in receding inflammation. S. mansoni and S. haematobium ova are elongated and oval. S. mansoni has a prominent, pointed lateral spine, and S. haematobium has a prominent terminal spine. S. japonicum ova are rounder and plumper than S. mansoni and S. haematobium ova, with a small lateral spine.
Leishmania is a protozoan infection transmitted to humans and animals through the bites of female Phlebotomus sandflies. In tropical and subtropical areas, the animal population maintains the disease reservoir. Leishmaniasis is endemic to Central and Eastern Asia, the Middle East, India, Central Africa, Central and South America, Italy, Sicily, Greece, and Turkey. In endemic regions, children are particularly vulnerable; malnutrition also increases vulnerability to infection. There are three clinical forms of leishmaniasis: cutaneous, mucocutaneous, and visceral. Temperature is an important factor that helps determine the localization of leishmanial disease. Species causing visceral leishmaniasis ( Leishmania donovani, Leishmania infantum, Leishmania chagasi ) are able to grow at core body temperatures, whereas those causing mucocutaneous leishmaniasis ( Leishmania braziliensis, L. infantum, Leishmania tropica mexicana ) grow better at lower temperatures. Although the Leishmania species differ clinically and biologically, each of the three clinical disease forms can be produced by multiple overlapping species.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is marked by skin papules that progress and ulcerate. Satellite nodules and regional lymphadenopathy are seen. Cutaneous leishmaniasis may progress to mucocutaneous disease. Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis is characterized by multiple mucosal ulcerations that develop after hematogenous spread; buccal mucosa, lips, palate, tongue, tonsils, and the larynx can be affected. These mucosal ulcerations can clinically mimic neoplasia. Visceral leishmaniasis (kala azar: Hindi, black fever) may have an incubation period from weeks to months affecting the liver, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, heart, and kidneys, causing weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Immunosuppression associated with infection with human immunodeficiency virus and systemic autoimmune diseases is known to increase the incidence of visceral leishmaniasis in nonendemic areas. Laryngeal leishmaniasis has also been reported in association with inhaled corticosteroids. Laryngeal leishmaniasis can occur as part of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, or visceral leishmaniasis, as an isolated disease, or in human immunodeficiency virus–associated visceral leishmaniasis.
Isolated ulcerating lesions may develop in the oropharyngeal nasal and laryngeal mucosa, as well as in the anogenital mucosa. Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis is characterized by surface ulceration, granulomatous reaction, dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with necrosis, and granulation tissue. The leishmanial amastigotes are seen in histiocytes, under oil immersion or in hematoxylin-eosin– or Giemsa-stained sections. The number of amastigotes varies with host immunity status: tissue from patients with isolated lesions and adequate immunity will reveal epithelioid histiocytes and sparse organisms, whereas those from anergic patients with diffuse involvement will reveal foamy macrophages with abundant amastigotes. The diagnosis can be confirmed by culture, enzymatic analysis of the isolates and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Treatment consists of antimonial compounds, usually meglumine antimonate.
Vocal cord nodules (also called laryngeal nodules or singer’s , preacher’s , or screamer’s nodes ), polyps, and Reinke’s edema are stromal reactions occurring in Reinke’s space ( Figs. 5.18 and 5.19 ). Reinke’s space is a gelatin-like potential space in the vocal fold subepithelium, containing loose fibers and extracellular matrix. It is devoid of vessels and lymphatics, thus making this area susceptible to accumulation of fluids and proteins ( Fig. 5.18B ). They are etiologically related to smoking, voice overuse (excessive quantity of voice use), voice abuse (yelling), voice misuse (vocal hyperfunction with excessive muscular tension), obesity, reflux, and hormonal disturbances.
Vocal nodules are usually bilateral and symmetric ( Fig 5.19A ); there is a female predisposition. Nodules form after repetitive tissue trauma from vocal misuse or excess vocal abuse ; smoking may also play some role. The female gender predominance of nodules may relate to abnormalities in glottic closure in the female larynx. Vocal nodules occur on the vibratory surface of the true vocal cord, usually the junction of the anterior and middle thirds, which is the point of maximum vibratory impact. The presenting symptom is hoarseness.
Vocal polyps usually occur on the anterior third of the vocal fold (see Fig. 5.19B and C ). Occasionally, polyps may originate from the ventricular fold or rarely, from the aryepiglottic fold. They are usually unilateral and have a male predisposition. The most frequent symptoms are hoarseness and voice change. Large polyps may present with respiratory symptoms, such as asthma and respiratory obstruction. They may appear gray or white, translucent, sessile, or pedunculated and usually measure a few millimeters in diameter.
Vocal cord polypoid degeneration or Reinke’s edema causes unilateral or bilateral diffuse vocal cord swelling in the middle-aged to elderly population (see Fig. 5.18 ); it is unrelated to vocal abuse, but it is associated with smoking. The incidence of Reinke’s edema in men and women is believed to be the same, but women are more likely to seek medical help because their voice becomes deeper and more masculine. Symptoms usually begin in the fourth and fifth decades and the process rarely affects children.
Accurate classification of the exudative lesions arising in Reinke’s space is difficult. There is overlap in the histological features, and the correct diagnosis can only be made if clinical information is available. Biopsy, however is needed to exclude neoplasia, infection, or concomitant injury.
Vocal cord nodules and vocal polyps can be histologically indistinguishable. Only the size of the biopsy specimen may support the particular process. A lesion smaller than 3 mm suggests a vocal nodule, whereas a lesion greater than 3 mm supports a polyp. Collectively, polyps and nodules are characterized by the finding of stromal changes: stroma is either myxoid or edematous, fibrous, vascular, or fibrinous, underlying the stratified squamous epithelium ( Fig. 5.20 ). Dilated vascular spaces or foci of sparse hemorrhage may be present. Amyloid-like stromal change (hyalinized fibrin material; see Fig. 5.20B ) can be seen. Inflammatory cell infiltrates are infrequent, and glandular elements are absent. The squamous epithelium may be normal, atrophic, or hyperkeratotic and, at times, dysplastic. Ulceration of vocal polyps is infrequent; however, it may be seen in vocal nodules. The presence of atypical stromal cells has been observed in vocal cord polyps. On a limited superficial biopsy sample, the finding of a thickened and somewhat blurry basement membrane may be the only hint that one is looking at a vocal cord polyp. Gray and colleagues found two patterns of injury in these laryngeal lesions. One pattern showed prominent fibronectin deposition in the superficial lamina propria with thick collagen type IV bands, indicating basement membrane injury. The other pattern showed minimal injury to the basement membrane zone and little fibronectin deposition.
When prominent, the myxoid stromal change may be mistaken for a myxoma and the hyaline variant for laryngeal amyloid. Myxomas are extremely rare in the larynx. Myxomas form expansile tumors that are relatively hypovascular. Vascularity, hemorrhage, and fibrin deposition distinguish myxomatous change in a laryngeal polyp from an actual myxoma ( Fig. 5.21 ). Amyloid deposits tend to be more nodular and may even be associated with the presence of a granulomatous reaction with multinucleated giant cells. The usual stains for amyloid, namely, Congo red, crystal violet, and thioflavine T, are negative in vocal cord nodules and polyps; therefore the possibility of amyloid can be easily excluded when suspected. Systemic diseases, such as hypothyroidism and mucopolysaccharidosis, may cause diffuse, edematous laryngeal thickening with deposition in the lamina propria.
These lesions have a benign clinical course but may persist if the etiologic factors remain. Treatment options include surgical excision, intralesional steroid injection, and voice therapy. Phonomicrosurgery usually represents the preferred treatment for removing these lesions. Voice therapy has been mainly indicated for treating functional dysphonia when there is no abnormality of the vocal fold. However, recent studies suggest that voice therapy may shrink vocal cord polyps and may play a complementary role, both before and after surgery.
Laryngeal cysts can be divided into four categories: (1) laryngoceles, which are air-filled pulsion diverticula of the saccule; (2) saccular cysts, resulting from the obstruction of the saccule; (3) ductal cysts (squamous, oncocytic, or tonsillar cysts), which are mucin filled, arising from minor salivary ducts; and (4) miscellaneous cysts. There are several classification systems for laryngeal cysts but none is entirely satisfactory. A recent review of all publications on the PubMed/MEDLINE database, related to laryngeal cysts by clinicians from the Mayo Clinic, stressed the importance of histology in the definitive diagnosis of laryngeal cysts and proposed a new classification of supraglottic cysts based on anatomic location and incorporating the type of epithelial cyst lining to improve management of the lesions. Oncocytic cysts appeared to be associated with multiplicity and recurrence. These authors also found that laryngeal cysts are more common in men but increasingly symptomatic in women. Computerized tomography is the imaging modality of choice and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is essential for the assessment of complex lesions. It may be possible to treat all types of cysts by transoral resection, including saccular cysts that traverse the thyrohyoid membrane.
Congenital laryngeal cysts are uncommonly encountered. They present dramatically with neonatal stridor and respiratory distress. Congenital laryngeal cysts are most often subglottic and of the saccular type, but rarely can be classified as laryngeal duplication cysts (see later discussion).
According to Saha et al., laryngeal duplication cysts are histologically similar to bronchogenic cysts, and from the pathologist point of view they can all be called “bronchogenic cysts.”
Subglottic cysts (SGCs) tend to occur in previously intubated infants, but in a study of nine children with SGCs treated between 2003 and 2010, only three-ninths had a history of intubation, suggesting that other factors, such as prematurity, gestational age, and low birth weight play a role for the development of SGCs. The majority of SGCs are of saccular/bronchogenic type, with only three reported cases of an ectopic thymic cyst presenting as a subglottic mass.
Laryngeal bronchogenic cysts, lined predominantly by respiratory epithelium with focal squamous epithelium, and surrounded by fibromuscular bundles containing seromucinous glands, are, however, rare.
The laryngeal ventricle (sinus of Morgagni) is the space or pocket between the vocal fold (true cord) and the ventricular fold (false cord). The bilateral upward extension or cul-de-sac of the ventricle is the laryngeal saccule. A laryngocele is the symptomatic dilation of the laryngeal saccule by entrapped air, that is, a pulsion diverticulum, which still communicates with the laryngeal lumen. A laryngocele may remain confined to the endolarynx (internal laryngocele) as a supraglottic submucosal bulge. It may also undermine the paraglottic space superiorly, protrude over the superior rim of the thyroid lamina, and herniate through the thyrohyoid membrane, via the foramen of the superior laryngeal neurovascular bundle. This type of laryngocele (mixed external/internal or foramina cyst) presents as an anterior neck mass ( Fig. 5.22 ). It stands to reason that external laryngoceles must have some internal component and for that reason may be termed mixed laryngoceles. Patients with internal and mixed laryngoceles report hoarseness, dyspnea, and chronic cough. Newborn infants with laryngoceles present with a feeble cry, difficulty in feeding, cough, and a neck mass. Histologically, they are lined with respiratory mucosa. Lymphoid tissue, as the inferior extension of Waldeyer’s ring, may also be present. No other neck cyst would present as an air-filled cyst.
The air-filled nature of laryngoceles is easily confirmed on radiographic examination. Sometimes laryngoceles undergo intermittent obstruction, and secretions will result in a mucus-filled sac. Coughing may clear the obstruction, dispelling the secretions. If communication exists between the sac and the laryngeal lumen, this can still be classified as a laryngocele. A laryngopyocele is an obstructed laryngocele or a saccular cyst, which has become secondarily infected.
Laryngoceles are usually unilateral, but rare cases of bilateral involvement are reported and may be seen over a wide age range, from neonates to the middle aged and elderly.
In very rare cases, laryngocele complicated by infection (laryngopyocele) can cause almost 100% obstruction of the airway, requiring emergency tracheotomy.
Even rarer is sudden death associated with laryngopyocele. The recent cases reported by Töro et al. and Byard and Gilbert are the third and fourth patients who succumbed because of laryngo(pyo)cele. The other two lethal cases were reported in the 1950s and are not listed here. For pathologists performing a postmortem examination, only careful dissection of the larynx may demonstrate the characteristics of the underlying lesion and the possible mechanism of death. For more information, the reader is encouraged to see the systematic review of laryngopyoceles by Al-Yahya et al.
Only a small subset of patients with laryngoceles are involved with activities involving increased intralaryngeal pressure (e.g., glass blowers, trumpet players), ingestion of a fish bone, or change in altitude during air flight. It is thought that enlarged saccules may be prevalent in the general population and render these persons more vulnerable to laryngocele formation.
These enlarged saccules may be a phyllogenous laryngeal remnant akin to primate lateral laryngeal air sacs. MacFie radiographically demonstrated a high incidence of asymptomatic laryngoceles (56%) occurring in 93 musicians (wind instrumentalists). These laryngoceles could be demonstrated on forceful expiration with an open glottis (see Fig. 5.22 ; a maneuver similar to playing a wind instrument), yet could not be demonstrated on forced exhalation with a closed glottis (Valsalva maneuver).
Simple conservative excision is the treatment of choice. Patients with internal laryngocele are treated with endoscopic CO 2 laser resection, while those with a combined laryngocele are better treated with resection via a V-shaped lateral thyrotomy approach.
A saccular cyst (SC) is a mucin-filled dilatation of the laryngeal saccule, secondary to obstruction, either acquired or congenital in origin, analogous to a sinonasal mucocele. It may extend either medially or laterally. Medial SCs obscure the anterior vocal fold but are limited in size and extension by the anterior commissure. Lateral SCs point superolaterally and like external laryngoceles may herniate through the thyrohyoid membrane and reach massive proportions if neglected ( Fig. 5.23 ).
Reviewing 28 cases of congenital SC, Xiao et al. found that 5/28 were anterior SC and 23/28 were lateral. These authors found that the congenital SC can recur if excision is not complete.
SCs are lined with saccular mucosa, usually the respiratory type, but occasionally squamous or oncocytic mucosa, and filled with mucinous material. This latter feature distinguishes SC from laryngoceles. SCs may be indistinguishable from thyroglossal duct cysts because remnant thyroid tissue may be absent from the latter. The majority of thyroglossal duct cysts are present in the anterior midline, inferior to the hyoid bone. However, rare thyroglossal duct cysts may push on the thyrohyoid membrane to encroach on the preepiglottic space. In this case, one relies on thorough histologic sampling of the cyst and the anatomic location to make the distinction between the two: the stalk or tract of a thyroglossal duct cyst is midline and should lead to the hyoid bone, whereas the stalk of a large SC is lateral and herniates through the thyrohyoid membrane. The differential diagnosis of SC may also include a branchial cleft cyst. The anatomic location of the duct or tract will also aid in this distinction. The tract of a branchial cleft cyst will not lead through the thyrohyoid membrane but will continue superiorly along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and may end at the angle of the mandible or in the tonsillar bed. Squamous cell carcinomas have been known to obstruct the saccule, resulting in a secondary mucocele or laryngocele.
SC and symptomatic mixed laryngoceles may be cured by surgical excision.
Laryngeal cysts can be the result of blockage of a minor salivary gland duct and are the most commonly encountered type of laryngeal cyst. They are clinically relevant, as they can cause acute airway obstruction. The cyst lining is the dilated ductal epithelium ( Fig. 5.24 ); it may be squamous, oncocytic (see subsequent discussion of salivary lesions), or squamous with surrounding lymphoid stroma; the third cyst is referred to as a tonsillar cyst . Squamous and oncocytic cysts have a predisposition for the ventricular bands, ventricle, aryepiglottic folds, and epiglottis. Tonsillar cysts have a predisposition for the vallecula, an area with tonsillar remnants, but rarely it can occur in the false vocal cord. Simple conservative excision is curative.
Epidermal inclusion cysts (epidermoid cysts), dermoid cysts, and branchial cleft cysts may occur in the endolarynx. An epidermoid cyst, a keratin-filled cyst lined with stratified squamous mucosa, may be the result of a traumatic mucosal inclusion or a congenital rest. Rarer still are dermoid cysts, which contain skin adnexal structures and are purely mature benign growths of presumed congenital rests. Congenital laryngeal duplication cysts contain both endodermal and mesodermal (cartilaginous) elements.
Branchial cleft anomalies primarily involving the supraglottis are extremely rare. The supraglottis is derived, embryologically, from branchial arches 3 and 4, whereas the glottic compartment is derived from arches 5 and 6. Fourth branchial pouch sinuses manifest as sinus tracts leading from the pyriform sinus to skin or may follow the course of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve into the mediastinum and back to the cricothyroid joint, ending in the pyriform sinus. Retrograde excision, beginning at the pyriform apex, ensures complete removal of the tract. The differential diagnosis between branchial cleft cysts, which can be lined with columnar epithelium, stratified squamous mucosa, or a combination of both and mixed laryngocele, can be very difficult. Foamy histiocytes, cholesterol crystals, and inflammatory cells may be present within the cyst; a prominent lymphoid stroma usually accompanies the cyst lining.
Amyloidosis is a diverse group of disorders that share the feature of deposition of amorphous, extracellular deposits of abnormal fibrillary protein at various sites. It may be hereditary or acquired, localized or systemic in distribution. It is extremely rare, developing in about eight of every 1 million people, with a male predisposition. More than 20 different types of amyloid protein have been recognized, which are indistinguishable from one another histochemically and ultrastructurally. They share a common beta-pleated sheet structural configuration that is responsible for the unique staining properties of amyloid, that is, Congo red staining and birefringence under polarized microscopy. The peptide subunits of the protein fibrils vary among the different proteins.
Amyloid diseases are defined by the biochemical nature of the protein in the fibrils and classified according to distribution (systemic, localized), and their clinical patterns. The nomenclature is “AX,” where “A” indicates amyloidosis, and “X” indicates the protein in the fibrils.
The most common types of amyloids are AL (amyloid light chain) amyloid and AA (amyloid-associated) amyloid. AL amyloid is composed of immunoglobulin light chains and is most commonly related to primary systemic amyloidosis. It is the result of a clonal B cell disorder and may be associated with overt myeloma or lymphoma. AL amyloidosis can also present as a localized disease, most commonly in the upper aerodigestive tract. AA amyloid is composed SAA (serum amyloid-associated) protein, which is an acute-phase reactant serum protein and is associated with chronic inflammation caused by immune-mediated diseases or infection. It has been termed reactive systemic amyloidosis ; previously it was referred to as secondary amyloidosis .
Amyloidosis of the upper aerodigestive tract is rare and most commonly affects the larynx or the tongue. Amyloidosis of the tongue is invariably part of a primary systemic amyloidosis, while amyloidosis of the larynx is most often localized or is part of hereditary apoA1 amyloidosis.
Localized laryngeal amyloidosis presents as either a nodule or a diffuse infiltrating laryngeal process. Hoarseness is the most common symptom, in some patients accompanied by cough, dysphagia, dyspnea, stridor, and rarely, hemoptysis. The false cord is the single most common site of laryngeal amyloid, followed by the true vocal cord and ventricle. However, primary amyloid deposits can occur at any location within the larynx, and multiple sites of involvement are not unusual. A recent study by Rudy et al. suggests that additional organ involvement may be found in 18% of patients with laryngeal amyloidosis. The diagnosis of laryngeal amyloidosis is established by biopsy.
Lewis and colleagues found that the mean age of 22 patients with laryngeal amyloid was 56 years. The common sites were the false vocal cords (12 cases), ventricle (8 cases), subglottis (8 cases), true vocal cords (6 cases), arytenoids and aryepiglottic folds (5 cases), and anterior commissure (3 cases). In six cases, there was concomitant involvement of the trachea, usually when the subglottis was involved.
Laryngeal amyloidosis usually presents as a firm polypoid lesion covered by an intact mucosa. On cut surface, it is firm, pale, waxy, and tan yellow to gray. Microscopically, amyloid is seen as a discrete nodular mass or a diffuse subepithelial deposit of amorphous eosinophilic material in the stroma, blood vessel walls, or basement membranes of mucoserous glands and results in atrophy ( Fig. 5.25A ). Dense amyloid cracks in tissue sections, leaving cleft-like spaces. Amyloid may also form hyaline rings around adipose tissue cells and may be associated with a granulomatous reaction surrounding nodular deposits. An associated infiltrate of plasma cells, lymphocytes, or histiocytes may be present. Histochemically, amyloid of any type can be confirmed by demonstrating the typical apple-green birefringence on polarized microscopy, after staining with Congo red ( Fig. 5.25B ). Metachromasia on staining with crystal violet or thioflavine T immunofluorescence may also be used. Ultrastructurally, amyloid is composed of linear, nonbranching fibers 10 to 15 nm in width.
Immunohistochemistry for immunoglobulin light chains (AL amyloid) and other proteins (amyloid A protein, prealbumin, transthyretin, and beta 2 -microglobulin) is used to characterize the type of amyloid deposits. In a study of 20 cases, laryngeal amyloid was confirmed as monoclonal light chain deposition (AL amyloid) in 12 (60%) cases.
Laryngeal amyloid may be confused on routine sections for vocal cord nodules with hyalinized stroma; however, the diagnosis is easily made on a Congo red stain because vocal cord nodules lack the apple-green birefringence.
It is important to determine whether laryngeal amyloidosis is localized or part of systemic amyloidosis. A work-up to rule out systemic disease is therefore needed, including serum studies (hemoglobin, creatinine, total protein, albumin, bilirubin, free light chains), urine studies (protein, kappa or lambda light chains, creatinine clearance), cardiac studies (electrocardiography and echocardiography), and fine-needle aspiration of abdominal fat, a simple and safe technique.
Most patients with localized laryngeal amyloidosis can be successfully treated by simple excision via direct laryngoscopy. Recurrence or persistence of the laryngeal amyloid can occur in 60% of patients, usually within 5 years after initial therapy, although some had multiple recurrences more than 10 years later. Recurrence is related to difficulty in removal of extensive, multifocal submucosal disease. In these cases, death may result from progressive tracheobronchial involvement.
Prolonged endotracheal intubation results in endolaryngeal pressure necrosis and ulceration. Vocal cord ulceration is a common complication of prolonged intubation observed in 76% of patients intubated for 3 to 58 days (mean, 9 days); it usually resolves after 4 weeks. Granulation tissue and scar formation may follow, impairing cord mobility. This directly correlates with the duration of intubation and the use of a larger endotracheal tube. Other possible intubation sequelae include arytenoid dislocation, synechiae (dense scar), and transient unilateral or bilateral vocal cord paralysis (the latter resulting in postextubation airway obstruction), as a result of pressure neurapraxia. Focal subglottic mucinosis has also been described as a postintubation sequela. Granuloma formation as a result of endotracheal intubation was first described in 1932. Subsequent studies showed predisposing factors were prolonged traumatic intubation, the use of a large diameter endotracheal tube, high pressure in endotracheal tube balloons, and inadequate sedation. The latter results in involuntary swallowing and phonatory movements that push the vocal fold against the tube and damages the epithelium of the vocal apophyses. Intubation granulomas are more common in females, who have a smaller larynx than in males. In one study of 66 patients with laryngeal granulomas, 15 occurred after intubation; 6 were in males and ∗ in females. Intubation granulomas are usually associated with prolonged intubation and occur in adults. However, they have been described in the infant larynx and after short intubation periods (< 2.5 hours).
Donnelly described the sequelae of intubation in a series of 99 autopsy cases. Most damage is in the posterior larynx and the subglottic region. The earliest changes, seen after 1 to 3 hours, were deepithelialization of the posterior cricoid and vocal processes. Loss of basement membrane was seen after 4 to 6 hours. Between 12 and 48 hours, mucosal ulceration could be seen in the vocal processes and the subglottis, with inflammation of the perichondrium. After 96 hours of intubation, the perichondrium of the vocal process and cricoid lamina was invariably exposed with cartilaginous excavation. These changes can all be attributed to the constant pressure and abrasion of the tube, which moves with each respiration, against the relatively stationary larynx. Further, the endotracheal cuff, which is inflated against the trachea to prevent backflow of expressed air from the ventilator, will result in subglottic erosion. Gastroesophageal reflux will add to ongoing damage. Subglottic stenosis and collapse are possible sequelae of this damage.
Persistent postextubation hoarseness requires laryngoscopy. A detailed histology and electron microscopic study of biopsies from 10 patients showed mild epithelial hyperplasia, associated with edema and intense stromal inflammation and vascular proliferation. Ultrastructurally, collagen was not present and intracytoplasmic changes in fibroblasts suggested cell dysfunction and damage. A characteristic biopsy sample revealed hyperplastic mucosa, acute and chronic inflammation, and exuberant granulation tissue. A giant cell reaction or storiform fibroblastic proliferation may be seen. Dilated vessels may have a ramifying and staghorn appearance. Wenig and Heffner noted that these biopsies may often lead to diagnostic confusion with neoplastic processes. Submitted diagnoses by pathologists contributing vocal cord granulomas included hemangioma, hemangiopericytoma (HPC), angiosarcoma, inflammatory pseudotumor, squamous cell carcinoma, and verrucous carcinoma.
Focal mucinosis may be noted but is rare and probably related to previous trauma. It appears as a relatively avascular basophilic myxoid matrix within the lamina propria, with small spindled or stellate cells. Focal mucinosis lacks infiltrating borders and extensive reticulin and collagen fiber network, all features present in myxomas.
Biopsies from vocal cord ulcerations and changes caused by vocal abuse or chronic gastroesophageal reflux may have similar histological features. Distinguishing granulomas from benign or malignant vascular tumors should not be difficult in light of a clinical history of recent intubation. A proliferative squamous component with pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia may mimic squamous cell carcinoma and verrucous carcinoma. A pronounced inflammatory and granulation tissue component, as well as pertinent clinical history, should lead one to reconsider a malignant diagnosis in this situation.
Larynx contact ulcers (sometimes called contact granulomas or pyogenic granulomas ) are distinguished from vocal cord nodules/polyps in that they occur most commonly on the posterior vocal fold, on the vocal process of the arytenoids, as a result of forceful apposition during vocalization. They are associated with vocal abuse, intubation, as described earlier, and gastroesophageal acid reflux disease (GERD). They may be unilateral or bilateral ( Fig. 5.26 ). There is a male predominance, characteristically arising in lawyers, salesmen, managers, and preachers (preacher’s nodules), who must affect a deep, low-frequency, forceful voice. Females are more likely to develop contact ulcer postintubation (see earlier). Patients present with hoarseness or throat pain and may develop habitual throat clearing or cough.
Grossly, these lesions appear tan, yellow, or red and polypoid with or without an ulcerated surface. The histologic findings are nonspecific. One can see polypoid granulation tissue with or without surface fibrin and secondary overgrowth of bacteria and fungi. Over time, chronic reactive reepithelialization may result in hyperplastic surface squamous epithelium but there should be no dysplasia. The radial arrangement of capillaries in contact ulcers can distinguish them from capillary hemangioma/pyogenic granulomas, which characteristically show a lobular arrangement, and since granulomas are not seen the name contact granuloma is technically also a misnomer.
Treatment is directed at the underlying cause; voice counseling for voice overuse/abuse, therapy for acid reflux, and endoscopic laser resection may be warranted for unresponsive and/or advanced lesions.
In the early 1960s, the technique of injecting foreign material into the vocal fold for the treatment of vocal cord paralysis was introduced. Material, such as Teflon, was injected into the lateral thyroarytenoid muscle tissue of the paralyzed vocal fold to bring it toward the midline. Medializing a paralyzed vocal fold results in a more complete glottic closure on cord adduction and may fortify a breathy voice and improve vocal quality. However, misplaced injections or overinjections can cause symptomatic foreign-body granulomas. The clinician may recognize these masses as being secondary to Teflon (or other injected material) or may assume the presence of malignancy. Teflon migration into the neck may also simulate malignancy. A case report describes a lesion resembling vocal fold granuloma that developed after injection of polyacrylamide gel, which at operation proved to be a superficial accumulation of the material itself.
The biopsy interpretation is usually straightforward. One sees a foreign-body giant cell reaction with typical multinucleated giant cells. “Asteroid”-type bodies may be seen. Intracellular and extracellular Teflon is abundant, colorless, glassy, refractile, and amorphous material that is most clearly demonstrated when viewed under polarized light ( Fig. 5.27 ). Dense fibroconnective tissue accumulates over time, apparently peaking and remaining unchanged after 6 months. Teflon may also migrate from the endolarynx and be detected in cervical lymph nodes. The nature of this material can be confirmed by dispersive radiographic analysis or infrared absorption spectrophotometry. The differential diagnosis includes other foreign materials that may historically have been injected for symptomatic relief of unilateral vocal cord paralysis. This may include paraffin, cartilage, bone, silicon, Gelfoam, glycerin, tantalum oxide, and tantalum powder. However, injection of most of these materials has been abandoned. The three main agents currently used for intracordal injection for the treatment of vocal cord paralysis are hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, and autologous fat. Interestingly, vocal cord augmentation by autologous fat injection has been shown to enhance remission of vocal process granuloma in a small series of patients.
Conservative excision of the foreign body–induced granulation tissue is indicated for symptomatic relief of upper airway symptoms. To date, no case of foreign body–induced malignancy after Teflon injection has been reported.
Sarcoidosis is a chronic granulomatous disease, most often diagnosed between the second and fourth decades of life; it is more common in women. The highest incidences are seen in Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, and England. In the United States, it is 10 times more common among African-Americans than whites and is most prevalent in the southeast. Migration from the southeast does not decrease the rate of sarcoidosis in these individuals. In general, there is an inverse relationship between susceptibility to mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and sarcoid; sarcoid is virtually nonexistent among populations with a high susceptibility to MTB, that is, Eskimos, Indians, and Chinese.
Patients may present with lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, pulmonary, arthritic and ocular symptoms, or nonspecific symptomatology, such as fever, malaise, weight loss, and erythema nodosum. Yet others are totally asymptomatic, and the diagnosis will be picked up on an incidental chest radiograph that reveals enlarged hilar lymph nodes and a diffuse pulmonary reticular pattern. Among those clinically symptomatic individuals, the majority of patients follow a self-limiting course, the disease burns out, usually within 2 years. Fewer individuals will progress to severe pulmonary fibrosis and renal involvement.
The anterior or posterior cervical lymph nodes are most commonly involved in the head and neck. Extranodal head and neck involvement can be seen in 38% of sarcoid patients, usually ophthalmic manifestations. Less commonly, the parotid and lacrimal glands and upper respiratory tract submucosa may be involved. Otolaryngologic effects are rare.
Laryngeal involvement is reported to occur between 1% and 5% of patients with sarcoidosis. In a review of 2319 patients, only 6% had isolated laryngeal involvement. Pediatric laryngeal sarcoidosis is particularly rare. Strychowsky et al. reported a case in a 12-year-old child and identified seven previously published cases. In 4/7 (57%) patients, the disease was confined to the larynx, while in 3/7 (43%), it was part of systemic sarcoidosis.
The variable symptoms and clinical features may cause laryngeal abnormalities to be overlooked until the symptoms are severe. The disease results in upper airway symptoms, such as progressive dyspnea and upper airway obstruction. The most common presenting symptoms are hoarseness, dyspnea, dysphagia, chronic cough, and obstructive sleep apnea.
The lamina propria of the supraglottis appears preferentially involved. The mucosa may be edematous and “boggy” or reveal granular coalescent fleshy nodules in the epiglottis, arytenoids, or aryepiglottic folds. The pale pink swelling associated with supraglottic sarcoidosis has been described as turban like . Reviewing the literature, de Moraes et al. found the most common laryngoscopy findings were edematous, elevated, and pale mucosa, involving in descending order: epiglottis, arytenoid, aryepiglottic folds, and vestibular folds. More rarely, it can involve subglottis and in 24% of the cases, vocal folds, also causing their immobility, either caused by sarcoid infiltration of crycoarytenoid joint or impairment of the vagus nerve. One case report has described bilateral vocal fold involvement and there is one report of transglottic involvement. At later stages, the mucosa appears fibrotic. There is no tendency toward ulceration. The apparent sparing of the vocal folds may relate to the relative paucity of lymphatics in the vocal cords. Vocal cord paralysis occurs usually in the setting of polyneuritis, although recurrent laryngeal nerve compression by mediastinal adenopathy is another possible mechanism.
The exact etiologic agent of sarcoidosis is uncertain, most likely it is a multifactorial disease. Although many infectious agents have been suspected, to date, none have been unequivocally identified by case-control studies.
Sarcoid granulomas are characteristically small, nonconfluent, nonnecrotic, and densely hyalinized. Rarely, however, they may be associated with necrosis. The pathologist must then rule out tuberculosis or fungal infection through multiple cultures and histologic studies. Pathognomonic features of sarcoid include asteroid bodies, Schaumann’s bodies, and Hamazaki-Wesenberg inclusions. Asteroid bodies are star-like crystalline inclusions seen within multinucleated giant cells. Schaumann and Hallberg described calcified laminated concretions within multinucleated giant cells of patients with sarcoid. Akin to Michaelis-Gutmann bodies, Schaumann’s bodies may be the result of degenerating organisms. Hamazaki-Wesenberg inclusions are seen within histiocytes, unrelated to granulomas, and are round (coccoid), oval, or rod-shaped golden brown inclusions 3 to 15 μm in greatest dimension that autofluoresce with ultraviolet light and may also stain with Ziehl-Neelsen and the intensified Kinyoun carbol fuchsin stains.
Noncaseating sarcoid-type granulomas are not entirely specific; in addition to tuberculosis and fungal infections, they may be observed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and can also be seen in lymph nodes adjacent to a malignancy. Despite the described characteristic appearance, the diagnosis of sarcoidosis should remain one of exclusion, only to be rendered after ancillary studies rule out infection.
Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients do not require therapy and undergo spontaneous remission. A tracheotomy may be necessary to relieve acute airway obstruction in patients with severe disease. Various treatment regimens exist, all intended to remove the disease or slow progression. Parenteral steroid therapy is indicated for airway compromise. Intralaryngeal steroid injection may be attempted for localized lesions. Many patients require long-term, low-dose oral steroid therapy to maintain remission. Steroid-sparing therapies to avoid side effects have included external beam radiotherapy, cytotoxic agents such as azathioprine, and immune modulators such as cyclosporine and hydroxychloroquine. Clofazimine has been successfully used in one patient with symptomatic laryngeal sarcoidosis refractory to steroids. A number of surgical techniques to excise or debulk laryngeal sarcoid lesions have been described. Open techniques, such as laryngofissure and laryngectomy, carry significant morbidity and disability. More recently, minimally invasive endoscopic surgery, with and without intralesional corticosteroid injection, has been shown to be effective.
Gout is a metabolic disorder resulting from hyperuricemia. The prevalence of the condition has been increasing in populations throughout the world. In a study between 2006 and 2008, the prevalence in North America was 3.9%, which translates into 8.3 million US adults. In the United Kingdom, the prevalence in 2012 was 2.49%, in Sweden between 0.5% and 1.8%, and in France and Italy, it was 0.9%. In Taiwan, one in 16 people have gout and Pacific Islanders, including New Zealand Maoris, are prone to developing gout because of a genetic predisposition. Uric acid is the end product of the metabolism of purines, part of the nucleic acid backbone. Primary gout may be caused by increased uric acid production (e.g., increased dietary uric acid from purine-rich food, such as meat, sweetbreads, and anchovies, in the face of an inherent biochemical defect). It is well recognized that gout is associated with renal impairment, and data from a study of German patients with chronic renal disease generated a prevalence of 24.3%. Secondary gout may be caused by decreased urinary uric acid excretion (lead poisoning, lead nephropathy [saturnine gout], thiazide diuretics), or purine overproduction because of increased cell turnover (myeloproliferative diseases). There is a pronounced male predisposition.
Acute arthritic gout is episodic, monoarticular, and self-limiting. Acute episodes may be provoked by stress, trauma, weight reduction, hyperalimentation, starvation, alcohol ingestion, or medication (e.g., diuretics, insulin, and penicillin). Urates (the ionic form of uric acid) are present in plasma, extracellular fluid, and synovial fluid. Sodium urate crystal deposition in a synovial space results in an acutely inflamed and exquisitely tender joint. The large toe is most commonly involved (podagra); other joints (fingers, wrists, and elbows) may be involved. Symptomatic urate crystal deposition leads to acute or chronic arthritis. Chronic gout results from the long-term deposition of sodium urate crystals, usually in distal, cooler sites, resulting in pathognomonic tophi. Imaging has not been useful in the diagnosis of gout, until degenerative changes develop in affected joints or well-formed tophi appear in soft tissue. However, recent advances in ultrasound and dual-energy computed tomography (CT) scanning have made possible the detection of urate crystal deposition even in asymptomatic patients with hyperuricemia.
In the head and neck, gouty tophi present as asymptomatic deposits on the outer helix of the pinna. Laryngeal involvement by gout is infrequently reported, but probably many cases are unreported and more are unrecognized. Diagnosis is made on biopsy as the clinical presentation and appearance on microlaryngoscopy is not specific. The cricoarytenoid joint, vocal folds, ventricles, and subglottis may be involved sites. Involvement of the cricoarytenoid joint may result in hoarseness, pain, dysphagia, and cord fixation. Clinically, gouty deposits may cause discrete lesions of the vocal fold mucosa or result in exophytic papillary lesions.
On gross examination, gouty tophi are filled with “cheesy” curd-like material. Microscopically, tophi appear as large deposits of amorphous, amphophilic material with surrounding foreign-body reaction, foamy histiocytes, and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates ( Fig. 5.28 ). The urate crystals may be seen as closely packed birefringent needle-like structures. They are best preserved and observed in ethanol-fixed tissue; urate crystals dissolve in aqueous fixatives, such as formalin. A Degalanta stain will stain black for uric acid crystals even after formalin fixation. Massive urate deposition in the cricoarytenoid joint results in destruction of the articular cartilage and fibroinflammatory joint fixation.
Other deposits, such as amyloid or Teflon, may be considered in the differential diagnosis. Amyloid is more eosinophilic than amphophilic, with areas of varying density. Although a scattering of lymphoplasmacytic cells might be present, the intense histiocytic and foreign-body giant cell infiltrate of a tophus is not seen. Injected foreign material (e.g., Teflon, paraffin) will not stain and appears as refractile noncrystalline material or as empty space in the tissue.
Acute episodes of gout may be treated with colchicine and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Blood levels of uric acid should be kept below 6 mg/dL, if possible. Chronic hyperuricemia is managed by encouraging weight loss and avoidance of provocative agents, such as alcohol, fruit juices and drinks with high concentration of fructose, purine-rich foods, aspirin, and diuretics. Allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, or uricosuric agents, such as probenecid and benzbromarone, can be used to manage and prevent the sequelae of chronic hyperuricemia. Gouty tophi presenting in the larynx and other head and neck sites may require surgery.
The larynx is not an uncommon site for involvement in systemic autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus erythematosus (LE), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and Sjögren’s syndrome. Laryngeal involvement in autoimmune diseases is often underdiagnosed, because of nonspecific symptoms. Common features of laryngeal autoimmune diseases include mucosal edema, inflammation, subglottic stenosis, rheumatoid nodules, cricoarytenoid arthritis, and vocal fold “bamboo nodes.”
Vocal fold bamboo nodes are the most important feature suggesting an autoimmune nature of a laryngeal disease. They appear as whitish transverse bands on the cephalic surface in the middle third of vocal folds, where larger mucosal wave and vibration amplitude are found, suggesting phonotrauma as the pathogenetic mechanism. Histologically, they resemble rheumatoid nodules, but are distinguished by their transverse orientation and regular pattern of occurrence, along the probable contact points, during vibratory cycle. They have been described in association with a variety of autoimmune diseases. Their presence strongly suggests an autoimmune condition and can appear before clinically overt autoimmune systemic disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune-mediated disease, characterized by a symmetric polyarthritis, often resulting in joint damage and physical disability. It is a systemic disease, with a variety of extraarticular manifestations. The majority of patients with RA have rheumatoid factor in the serum, which represents autoantibodies against the Fc fragment of immunoglobulin (Ig)G (antiidiotype antibodies). Rheumatoid factor is not specific for RA because it may also be elevated in other autoimmune illnesses, such as LE, pernicious anemia, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, as well as nonautoimmune chronic illnesses.
The synovium is the primary target of RA; it becomes hyperplastic, papillary, and villiform (pannus) in the face of a chronic lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. The pannus acts to erode the articular surfaces of the joint space.
Patients with RA may also have rheumatoid nodules. Rheumatoid nodules are necrotizing inflammatory nodules that may form in soft tissues adjacent to joints, skin and tendons, extensor surfaces, bony prominences, and within visceral organs, such as the heart, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. Like rheumatoid factor, rheumatoid nodules may be seen in other autoimmune diseases.
Laryngeal involvement in RA includes arthritis of the cricoarytenoid joints, rheumatoid nodules in the soft tissues of the larynx, and vocal cord bamboo nodes. Laryngeal symptoms have been noted in up to 26% of patients, and endoscopic abnormalities in up to 72% of patients with generalized RA. A female predominance is seen. The larynx can be affected also in children with idiopathic juvenile arthritis.
Cricoarytenoid involvement can cause joint fixation resulting in hoarseness, exertional dyspnea, and stridor. Patients may report a sensation of a foreign body in their throat. There may be a history of intermittent aphonia. Speaking, coughing, or swallowing may elicit pain, as does anterior pressure on the larynx. On examination, the arytenoid mound is erythematous and edematous. The cords may be fixed and immobile to manipulation ( Fig. 5.29 ). Arytenoid fixation and edema may cause acute upper airway obstruction.
Uniarticular or bilateral joint involvement may be seen. The cricoarytenoid joint may reveal swelling and thickening of the synovia, which is heavily infiltrated by mononuclear inflammatory cells, resulting in villous hypertrophy, with increased vascularity and proliferation of granulation tissue. This results in the formation of a pannus that grows over the articular cartilage and causes erosion, progressing to destruction of the cartilage. The articular surface may be destroyed and reveal an irregular, widened joint space filled with fibrous adhesions, occasionally leading to bony ankylosis.
Rheumatoid nodules may be present in the soft tissue adjacent to the joint or in the vocal fold. They are characterized by an area of fibrinoid necrosis, rimmed by palisading macrophages and other chronic inflammatory cells ( Fig. 5.30 ). The presence of fibrin can be confirmed on trichrome stain (red) and phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin stain (blue).
Cricoarytenoid fixation, mucosal swelling, bamboo nodes, and rheumatoid nodules are not specific findings for RA; they may be seen in other autoimmune illnesses, such as systemic LE. Discovering a rheumatoid nodule or bamboo nodes will at least categorize the disease process as autoimmune. If necrosis was seen in the vocal cord biopsy, it would still be wise to rule out acid-fast bacilli and fungal organisms.
There is a stepwise progression for the therapy of RA, based on disease severity. Salicylates and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs can be used as a first-line regimen to reduce joint symptoms. Hydroxychloroquine has been moderately effective for early RA. Unrelenting disease can be treated with gold injections, penicillamine, and immunosuppressive drugs, such as methotrexate and azathioprine, all of which have significant toxicities. Corticosteroids may be used, episodically, in conjunction with these drugs. RA of the cricoarytenoid joint may be treated with laser arytenoidectomy or fixation of the arytenoid in abduction using a wire, thereby increasing the glottic airway space and improving symptoms.
Lupus erythematosus (LE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by a vast array of autoantibodies, particularly antinuclear antibodies (ANAs), directed against double-stranded DNA, nuclear histones, nucleolar antigens, and nonhistone proteins bound to RNA. Tissue injury is mainly caused by deposition of immune complexes and binding of antibodies to various cells and tissues. LE primarily affects the skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, and mucosal membranes, particularly in the oral cavity. It tends to affect younger individuals, in the third and fourth decades of life, with a pronounced female predominance. Patients report polyarthralgia, malar rash, photosensitivity, fever, and malaise. Pulmonary involvement may take the form of pleural effusions, pleuritis, capillaritis, vasculitis, and pulmonary hypertension. Pericarditis, myocarditis, coronary vasculitis, and valvular dysfunction may occur. Glomerulonephritis may progress to renal insufficiency. The neurologic manifestations of LE include seizure disorder, transverse myelitis, and emotional disturbances. LE is also associated with an increased risk of overall cancer, including carcinoma of the larynx, oropharynx, and thyroid gland, as well as Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, leukemia, and others.
Laryngeal involvement in LE is thought to be underappreciated, but may occur in as many as one-third of patients. It follows a highly variable course, ranging from no symptoms, to areas of mild ulceration, vocal cord paralysis, or a life-threatening, severely compromised upper airway. Recent data suggest that most LE patients present with dysphonic symptoms. de Macedo et al. measured objective vocal parameters and perceived vocal quality with the GRBAS (Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, Strain) scale in LE patients and compared them to matched healthy controls. LE patients had significantly lower vocal intensity and harmonics-to-noise ratio, as well as increased jitter and shimmer. All subjective parameters of the GRBAS scale were significantly abnormal in LE patients. In addition, the vast majority of LE patients reported at least one perceived vocal deficit, with the most prevalent deficits being vocal fatigue and hoarseness.
The laryngeal involvement in LE may be similar to that of RA: hoarseness, decreased cricoarytenoid mobility, bamboo nodes, and rheumatoid nodules. Hypopharyngeal and laryngotracheal edema, ulceration, and an inflammatory mass obstructing the upper airway may be present. Mucosal edema, which occurs in 28% of patients, especially of the epiglottis, may necessitate intubation. Rarely, acute cricoarytenoiditis can be the initial presentation of LE. Hougardy et al. reported a 20-year-old Caucasian man with no prior medical history who was admitted to the emergency department for hoarseness, stridor, and pyrexia. Multiple investigations revealed LE and his vocal cord dysfunction was attributed to laryngeal involvement because of LE.
Sequelae include laryngitis sicca, laryngeal scarring, vocal cord paralysis, and subglottic stenosis. Superimposed infectious laryngitis, unresponsive solely to corticosteroids, may also occur in LE; therefore bacterial and fungal cultures are important at the time of laryngoscopy. Although laryngeal symptoms usually occur during active, generalized LE, occasionally vocal cord rheumatoid nodules, bamboo nodes, or subglottic stenosis may be the initial presentation of LE ( Fig. 5.30 ).
Vocal cord paralysis in LE occurred in 11% of patients in one literature review. This may be caused by cricoarytenoid arthritis, joint fixation, or neurogenic causes. The clinician will be able to make the distinction between neurogenic origin versus joint fixation, at the time of laryngoscopy. If the arytenoid is freely mobile on spatula palpation, then the joint obviously is not fixed, and the vocal cord paralysis has a neurogenic etiology. This paralysis may be caused by compression of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, as a result of dilated pulmonary arteries secondary to LE-associated pulmonary hypertension. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve may be compressed between the engorged left pulmonary artery and the aortic arch, as it wraps around it to return to the neck. Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy in LE may also be the result of other mechanisms, such as vasculitis, and may be bilateral.
Serologically, patients may have positive rheumatoid factor; ANAs such as antidouble-stranded DNA and anti-Smith antibodies are specific for LE. Drug-induced LE may occur secondary to a number of drugs (e.g., procainamide, hydralazine, isoniazid, methyldopa, quinidine, chlorpromazine), usually in patients who are slow drug acetylators, have received large daily doses of the drug, or, in the case of hydralazine-induced LE, have the human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-DR4 genotype. Laryngeal LE, secondary to drug-induced LE (hydralazine hoarseness), has been described.
The rheumatoid nodules seen in LE are identical to those seen in RA. Hematoxylin bodies and LE cells, when present, are fairly specific for LE (see Fig. 5.31 ). Hematoxylin bodies (LE bodies) are nuclei of damaged cells, which react with ANAs, lose their chromatin pattern and become enlarged and homogeneous. Phagocytes (neutrophils or macrophages) that engulf LE bodies, are referred to as LE cells and have large, amphophilic, cytoplasmic inclusions. Both hematoxylin bodies and LE cells stain strongly with Feulgen stain.
Vasculitis is another histologic hallmark of LE, although a rare finding in laryngeal LE. Vasculitis affects small and medium arteries and may be present in any tissue. It is characterized by fibrinoid necrosis of the vessel wall, with acute and chronic inflammatory cell infiltration. In its chronic stage, fibrous thickening with luminal narrowing may occur.
In the absence of hematoxylin bodies and LE cells, the histology may be indistinguishable from RA. Vasculitis is not specific for LE and may also be seen in relapsing polychondritis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis (this was previously referred to as Wegener’s granulomatosis ; GPA), polyarteritis nodosum, and RA. Superimposed infectious laryngitis may also be present and should be considered when evaluating biopsies. Nocardia laryngitis has been reported in LE patients. Nocardia are filamentous bacteria that do not stain well with hematoxylin and eosin stain but are best seen with a modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Chronic mucosal inflammation may be suggestive of the early stages of scleroma.
Cricoarytenoid fixation may be seen in RA, gout, Reiter syndrome, costochondritis (Tietze’s syndrome), traumatic arytenoid subluxation, and infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and mumps. Subglottic stenosis may also be a sequelae of relapsing polychondritis, GPA, previous trauma, prolonged endotracheal intubation, tracheopathia chondroosteoplastica, perichondritis of syphilis, and severe pulmonary/tracheal infections, such as tuberculosis, scleroma, and histoplasmosis.
Corticosteroids are the mainstay of controlling active disease. Most cases of lupus laryngitis will resolve with corticosteroid immunosuppression. Epinephrine inhalation may also be necessary for acute laryngeal edema, and patients may require emergency tracheostomy for airway management. Superimposed infection should be considered for cases nonresponsive to immunosuppression. Laryngotracheal stenosis may be corrected with surgical reconstruction during quiescent disease periods.
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), previously referred to as Wegener’s granulomatosis , is a systemic disease characterized by necrotizing vasculitis of small and medium sized blood vessels, formation of granulomas in the upper and lower upper respiratory tract, and glomerulonephritis. In addition to the classic triad of the upper and lower respiratory tracts and the kidney, any other organ can be involved, such as the skin, eyes, heart, and central nervous system. Although the etiology currently remains unknown, circulating antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are present in the majority of patients during active disease; they may play a role in the pathogenesis of GPA and can be helpful in establishing the diagnosis.
Males and females are affected equally; the disease can affect patients at any age, even children. Eighty-five percent of affected patients are older than the age of 19 years, and the mean age is ∼40 years. The majority of affected patients are white. It is believed that GPA starts in the upper respiratory and digestive tracts, and later spreads to involve the lower respiratory tract and the kidney, and other organs. The disease incidence has been slowly increasing.
Upper respiratory and digestive tracts are involved in the vast majority of patients (up to 95%). The sinonasal tract is most commonly affected, followed by the ear, larynx, pharynx, and oral cavity; rarely, the parotid gland may be involved. The most frequent symptoms include severe chronic sinusitis. Nasal septal collapse leads to a saddle nose deformity. Otologic manifestations include serous otitis media, otitis externa, and sensorineural loss. Oropharyngeal ulcerative inflammation and hyperplastic gingivitis may occur. Laryngotracheal disease, usually subglottic, may be seen in as many as one-fourth of patients with GPA and rarely may be a presenting symptom. Endoscopically, the subglottis appears erythematous and indurated. Laryngotracheal involvement can lead to intractable subglottic stenosis requiring tracheostomy for airway maintenance. Patients with juvenile-onset GPA were found to be five times more likely to develop subglottic stenosis than adult-onset GPA patients.
Pulmonary involvement commonly leads to cavitating necrotic lesions that radiographically may mimic carcinoma. Other pulmonary manifestations include interstitial fibrosis, alveolar hemorrhage, bronchopneumonia, and bronchiolitis.
Renal involvement occurs in about 70% of patients, resulting in a crescentic glomerulonephritis, with rapidly progressive renal failure, without appropriate treatment. Patients may also suffer from migratory arthritis, and ocular, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal symptoms, related to ischemia because of vasculitis. Cranial nerve deficits and posterior pituitary intracranial manifestations (diabetes insipidus) may also be seen.
The diagnosis of GPA is based on clinical features, biopsy and the presence of ANCA with a cytoplasmic pattern (c-ANCA) ( Fig. 5.32C ). Biopsy of the head and neck mucosa with inflammation, granulomas, and vasculitis is extremely helpful in establishing the diagnosis of GPA, both in early and advanced stages of the disease. A positive biopsy has few or no false positive results. However, frequently only nonspecific features are seen and vasculitis is rarely found (see later).
Patients with active GPA usually have elevated titers of ANCA in a cytoplasmic pattern, directed against enzyme proteinase-3. However, 10% to 50% of patients with GPA may be ANCA negative. ANCAs may persist after symptoms abate and hence should not be the basis for treatment. Conversely, a patient in quiescence, who converts from negative to positive c-ANCA, is at risk of a disease flare-up. ANCAs in a cytoplasmic pattern are positive in more than 90% of patients with active disease and 65% of those with active limited disease.
ANCAs staining the cytoplasm may have two patterns: coarse/diffuse cytoplasmic staining and perinuclear cytoplasmic staining. It is the former pattern that is highly specific for GPA; however, this pattern may also, occasionally, be seen in patients with polyarteritis nodosa and Churg-Strauss vasculitis. Cocaine abusers have sinonasal and palatal destruction that may mimic GPA and also may have elevated c-ANCAs. Perinuclear cytoplasmic staining of ANCAs is a nonspecific pattern that may also be found in other diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, Churg-Strauss vasculitis, lupus erythematosus (LE), Goodpasture’s syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and Sjögren’s syndrome.
Microscopic features of GPA include necrosis with inflammation, granulomas, and vasculitis (see Fig. 5.32 ). Necrosis has a patchy, “geographic” distribution; it is usually basophilic, with a fine granular appearance. Granulomas can be intravascular and/or extravascular and consist of necrosis, palisading histiocytes, and scattered giant cells. They tend to be loose and are not as closely packed as in sarcoidosis or as may be seen in tuberculosis. Vasculitis typically affects small to medium-sized arteries and veins. It is characterized by fibrinoid necrosis, fragmentation of the elastic lamina, infiltration with acute and chronic inflammatory cells, and granulomas (see Fig. 5.32B ). These lesions may undergo healing, organization, and scar formation, which may lead to subglottic stenosis.
In the study by Devaney and colleagues of head and neck GPA, two of the three histologic findings necessary for diagnosis (vasculitis, necrosis, and granulomatous inflammation), suggestive for GPA, were found in 44% of patients. The classic triad was found in only 16%. In a more recent study, Masiak and coworkers reviewed the usefulness of nonrenal biopsies in establishing a diagnosis of GPA. These authors confirmed that tissue biopsy is the “gold standard” of diagnosing GPA. The usefulness of tissue biopsy is even more critical in patients with a negative ANCA, in localized disease or in patients with unusual clinical presentations. These authors found that nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses had the highest yields, 32% and 50%, respectively, for all three histologic findings typical of GPA (see earlier), while the larynx had a much lower yield (7%). These authors additionally noted that, especially in the acute lesions of GPA, the predominant pattern of inflammation is purulent, not granulomatous. Therefore biopsy specimens, taken early in disease evolution, may have the appearance of an abscess rather than a granuloma. Also, it is important for the clinician to properly sample the abnormal areas, focusing more on the viable and abnormal tissues adjacent to areas of necrosis, rather than the totally necrotic regions. Frequently, biopsies in the upper respiratory tract need to be repeated, trying to obtain a more definitive diagnosis.
The differential diagnosis of laryngotracheal granulomatous inflammation with necrosis includes tuberculosis, syphilis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, blastomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and candidiasis. Subglottic stenosis may also be a sequelae of relapsing polychondritis, LE, and previous trauma, including prolonged endotracheal intubation; it may also be of idiopathic origin. Vasculitis, when present, must be differentiated from other vasculitides and autoimmune diseases, such as LE, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Straus syndrome), and microscopic polyarteritis.
The combination of immunosuppressant drugs and corticosteroids has converted this previously fatal illness, typically occurring within months in patients with renal disease, into one in which 80% of patients achieve remission and improvement is achieved in 90% of patients. Immunosuppressive treatment usually consists of cyclophosphamide and prednisone. Prednisone can be tapered after improvement of symptoms, over 6 to 9 months. Cyclophosphamide therapy should be limited to 3 to 6 months. Remission can be maintained with methotrexate or azathioprine. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole therapy can be initiated for patients with disease limited to the paranasal sinuses and upper and lower airways, without systemic vasculitis and renal involvement. Tracheostomy may be necessary for airway control and surgical laryngeal reconstruction may be needed; this is usually done during the quiescent stage. However, despite considerable therapeutic progress over the last decades, relapses remain frequent (50% at 5 years), and maintenance treatment is now the main therapeutic challenge.
Early diagnosis is essential to avoid morbidity and mortality associated with extended disease. As early disease is usually limited to the upper respiratory tract, the head and neck pathologist, by recognizing microscopic features suggestive of GPA, can play a crucial role in making the correct diagnosis.
Though bullae (blister) formation on the skin and mucous membranes can develop in many diseases, there is a group of disorders in which blister formation is the primary and most distinctive feature. They are the result of the damage to desmosomes and hemidesmosomes, caused by acquired or inherited defects in proteins, which are constituents of desmosomes or hemidesmosomes or bind to these structures. The target is the skin and/or mucous membranes, particularly of the oral cavity and less frequently, of the pharynx, nose, esophagus, and larynx. They are classified based on the level of epithelial separation. Biopsy is needed to make the correct diagnosis, together with direct immunofluorescence, using skin or mucosal biopsy to detect in vivo bound antibodies, and indirect immunofluorescence, using the patient’s serum and a substrate to detect circulating autoantibodies. Pemphigus and pemphigoid are the most important bullous diseases that may affect the larynx.
Cicatricial pemphigoid (benign mucosal pemphigoid, bullous pemphigoid) is a chronic, progressive autoimmune subepithelial blistering disease with a female-to-male ratio of 2:1. Bullous pemphigoid is a more intense variant of cicatricial pemphigoid, with a predilection for the skin rather than mucous membranes. The incidence of cicatricial pemphigoid increases with advancing age. In a series of 142 patients (93 women and 49 men) with benign mucosal pemphigoid from the Mayo Clinic, 94% of patients were older than 50 years, and the peak age at onset was in the eighth decade of life. The mucous membranes are primarily affected, usually oral (88%) and ocular (60%); additionally, 18% of patients have mild skin lesions, usually of the limb flexor surfaces. The larynx and the oropharynx/hypopharynx are involved in 10% and 8% of patients, respectively, usually in the setting of disseminated disease.
Laryngeal involvement is an unusual primary manifestation of mucosal pemphigoid. Patients report hoarseness, odynophagia, or increasing dyspnea. Laryngeal erosive bullae tend to form on the epiglottis and/or aryepiglottic folds. The lesions of benign mucosal pemphigoid are erythematous and usually noncrusting. Nikolsky’s sign is indicative of the general mucosal fragility: a small amount of pressure applied to the normal mucosa (finger, pencil erasure, air blast) will result in mucosal shearing and ulceration. This test is nonspecific and can be positive in other mucocutaneous diseases, such as pemphigus vulgaris, erythema multiforme, and bullous lichen planus.
Pemphigoid lesions heal by intense scarring; hence the appellation cicatricial. Mucosal scarring can lead to laryngeal stenosis and airway compromise. Ocular involvement and scarring lead to conjunctival symblepharon, corneal ulceration, and opacification.
Pemphigoid is the result of autoantibodies formed against hemidesmosomal proteins in the basement membrane zone: bullous pemphigoid antigen 180, bullous pemphigoid 230, α 6 integrin, and β 4 integrin. Rarely, autoantibodies to laminin 5 (epiligrin) are produced; this is referred to as antiepiligrin cicatricial pemphigoid . Separation or clefting of the mucosa from the lamina propria, at the level of the basement membrane, is diagnostic ( Fig. 5.33 ). The lamina propria has a chronic inflammatory infiltrate and increased vascularity. Intramucosal acantholysis (Tzanck cells, tombstone cells) is not present; this histologic feature distinguishes pemphigus from pemphigoid.
Direct immunofluorescence reveals a linear deposition of IgG and/or IgM and complement directed against the basement membrane (see Fig. 5.33B ). Indirect immunofluorescence, using patient serum against control skin, reveals the same pattern of deposition of IgG and complement against basement membrane. Immunoelectrophoresis studies of patient serum incubated against normal human epidermal extract can further identify the nature of the autoantibodies, that is, distinguishing IgG type IV collagen complexes from IgG laminin 5 complexes.
The differential diagnosis includes artifactual submucosal clefting, pemphigus vulgaris, erosive lichen planus, herpetic vesicles, and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. Artifactual clefting may be difficult to distinguish from pemphigoid by light microscopy, especially if the lamina propria is inflamed. Clinical history and immunofluorescence can distinguish between pemphigoid and artifact. On light microscopy, the distinction between pemphigus and pemphigoid is made on the location of the mucosal clefting (intraepithelial with acantholysis for pemphigus vulgaris, subepithelial for pemphigoid). Reepithelialization of the floor of the blister in pemphigoid may be confused with the intramucosal clefting of pemphigus.
See treatment for pemphigus.
Pemphigus is a progressive mucocutaneous autoimmune intramucosal vesiculobullous disease. It occurs most commonly in the fourth and fifth decades of life, and there appears to be a predisposition for Jewish and Mediterranean individuals. Pemphigus may be subclassified as pemphigus foliaceous, pemphigus erythematosus, pemphigus vegetans, and pemphigus vulgaris. Pemphigus foliaceous is characterized by an extensive dermal exfoliative component, with little or no mucosal involvement. Pemphigus erythematosus (Senear-Usher syndrome) mimics lupus erythematosus in its malar distribution of the erythematous scaling crusting lesions; there is also little or no mucosal involvement. The lesions of pemphigus vegetans and pemphigus vulgaris initially appear on the mucous membranes, with subsequent dermal involvement. The actual oral vesicles are often not clinically observed because the acantholysis is suprabasal (intraepithelial), resulting in early rupture of the flaccid vesicles. Such ulcers are usually not serosanguineous, and they crust readily. Oral pemphigus involves the oral mucosa more diffusely than pemphigoid. The eroded bullae of pemphigus vegetans develop hypertrophic granulation tissue, producing hyperplastic lesions in the skin and vermilion border of the lips. Upper airway involvement by pemphigus vulgaris occurs in approximately 10% of patients and results in supraglottic laryngeal edema, which can lead to airway obstruction. Laryngotracheal (16%) and pharyngeal (49%) involvement occurs usually in the setting of clinically disseminated disease (oral and skin involvement). Laryngeal/pharyngeal bullae can present as initial indicators of disease. Patients report sore throat, a burning sensation, and hoarseness. The hypopharynx, epiglottis, and aryepiglottic folds may reveal edema, ulceration, and inflamed mucosa.
Patients with pemphigus have circulating IgG autoantibodies against desmosomal glycoprotein desmogliens. Pemphigus may also be drug induced, usually by thiol-containing drugs, such as penicillin, and laryngeal involvement has been reported in drug-induced pemphigus. It also can occur as a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with a hematologic malignancy. An increased risk for laryngeal and esophageal cancer has been observed in patients with pemphigus compared with control patients.
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