Platelets and von Willebrand factor


Primary hemostasis is characterized by vascular contraction, platelet adhesion, and formation of a platelet thrombus. It begins immediately after endothelial disruption with platelets and von Willebrand factor (VWF) being the key components in the initiation of hemostatic process. This chapter describes the laboratory testing of platelets and VWF and provides an overview of pathologic disorders.

Test methods for evaluation of platelets

Laboratory testing can assess many of the platelet activities such as adhesion, aggregation, secretion, clot retraction, and those related to plasma coagulation and damaged endothelium. In addition to functional tests, platelet morphology, ultrastructure, and quantity can be evaluated by a variety of methods.

Platelet light microscopy and platelet indices

Automated and manual platelet counting are covered in Chapter 74 . Alternatively, the proportion of platelets to red blood cells on a Giemsa-Wright stained blood film can be used along with the red blood cells counted on an automated hematology analyzer to calculate the platelet count. , Besides a platelet count, an automated hematology analyzer can provide other indices such as mean platelet volume (MPV), plateletcrit (PCT), platelet distribution width (PDW), platelet large cell ratio (P-LCR), and immature platelet fraction (IPF). MPV, PDW, and IPF increase with peripheral platelet destruction because young platelets released from the bone marrow are larger and can be a helpful indication of bone marrow response. The MPV is an important laboratory variable since it can help to categorize different inherited platelet disorders (IPDs). For instance, small platelets (microcytic platelets) are characteristic of Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) ; conversely, large platelets (macrocytosis) are characteristic of Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) and MYH9 mutation-associated platelet diseases. Under the light microscope, a platelet should be less than one-third the size of a red blood cell and contain purple cytoplasmic granules, which are alpha granules ( Fig. 80.1 A). An absence of these purple granules is characteristic for gray platelet syndrome (GPS) (see Fig. 80.1 B). White cells should also be examined since the presence of Döhle body-like pale blue cytoplasmic inclusions in neutrophils, in conjunction with large platelets, is characteristic for May-Hegglin anomaly or other MYH9 -mutation associated platelet disorders (see Fig. 80.1 C).

FIGURE 80.1, Platelet light microscopy. (A) Giemsa-Wright-stained peripheral blood smear shows normal platelets ( arrows ). (B) Giemsa-Wright stain of peripheral blood from a patient with gray platelet syndrome. Arrows point to the hypogranular platelets. (C) Giemsa-Wright stain of peripheral blood from a patient with MYH9 -associated platelet disease. The arrow points to a large platelet. *Cytoplasmic inclusion in a neutrophil.

Platelet structure by platelet transmission electron microscopy

Platelet transmission electron microscopy (PTEM) is a valuable tool for the laboratory diagnosis of various hereditary platelet disorders since it was first used to visualize fibrin-platelet clot formation in the 1950s. , PTEM employs two main methods to visualize platelet ultrastructure, whole mount (WM) TEM and thin section (TS) TEM. , WMTEM is a quick and simple way to examine platelet electron opaque inclusions and dense granules (DG), also known as delta granules, by laying platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on a TEM grid. The high calcium content in DG blocks the electron beam of TEM and creates a sharp dark shadow ( Fig. 80.2 ). WMTEM is considered the gold standard test for diagnosing DG deficiencies in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS), combined alpha-delta platelet storage pool deficiency, , Paris-Trousseus-Jacobsen syndrome, WAS, thrombocytopenia with absent radii syndrome (TAR), Chediak-Higashi syndrome, and other platelet DG deficiencies. TSTEM is a preferred method to visualize platelet alpha granules, other organelles, and inclusions ( Fig. 80.3 ). Distinct and sometimes pathognomonic ultrastructural abnormalities are found in GPS with virtually absent alpha granules, , White platelet syndrome, Medich giant platelet disorder, X-linked GATA-1 macrothrombocytopenia, , , and the recently described York platelet syndrome. ,

FIGURE 80.2, Platelet whole mount transmission electron microscopy. (A) Whole blood samples collected in ACD tubes are first centrifuged to prepare platelet-rich plasma, which is then dropped onto a coated copper grid. After being air-dried, the grid is then directly examined by transmission electron microscopy. (B) A micrograph of the whole mount image of a platelet. Calcium in the dense granules can block the electron beam and causes an ink-dot-like shadow. While most are round, rare dense granules have tails.

FIGURE 80.3, Ultrastructure of platelet by thin section transmission electron microscopy. Platelet size, shape, alpha-granules, canalicular systems, Golgi complex, and aberrant inclusions can be assessed.

Bleeding time

To assess the platelet functions as summarized in Table 80.1 , over the past century, many iterations of the bleeding time were employed. , The test is performed on the volar aspect (the surface of the arm on the same side as the palm) of the forearm. A blood pressure cuff is applied at 40 mm Hg to provide uniform intravascular pressure at the site of the incision. A small incision (1 cm long and 1 mm deep) is made using a disposable template that provides a uniform incision from test to test. The result is influenced by the direction of incision, with a shorter time obtained if the incision is parallel to the sides of the forearm compared with a perpendicular incision. Blood at the site of injury is gently blotted with a filter paper every 30 seconds until no blood is detectable on the paper (time required, 4 to 8 minutes). Because the test lacks sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing bleeding diatheses and exhibits high intertechnologist imprecision, it is no longer routinely used.

TABLE 80.1
Summary of Platelet Functions
Function Description
Adhesion Upon activation, the platelet recognizes surfaces other than normal endothelium and adheres to those surfaces.
Aggregation Upon activation, the platelet recognizes and attaches (aggregates) to other platelets.
Secretion Upon activation, the platelet secretes the contents of the alpha granules and dense granules.
Support of plasma coagulation At the site of injury, the platelet serves as a surface upon which macromolecular enzyme complexes form, and plasma coagulation is accelerated.
Clot retraction Following clot formation, the filipodia of platelets attach to the fibrin strands and, through contraction, reduce clot size and express serum in vitro and juxtapose edges of the injury in vivo.
Support of damaged endothelium Platelets adhere to damaged endothelium, fuse with the membrane, and become incorporated with the endothelial cytoplasm.

Platelet function analyzer (PFA-100 and PFA-200)

The PFA-100 analyzer ( Fig. 80.4 ) is a global test of platelet and VWF function under high shear flow. , The analyzer utilizes whole blood specimens collected in a 3.2% buffered citrate tube (109 mmol/L trisodium citrate). When platelets pass through a small perforation in a membrane with embedded activators (collagen/epinephrine and collagen/adenosine diphosphate [ADP]), they are activated and interact with VWF. The time required for adhering and aggregating platelets to close the perforation is measured, known as the closure time. Prolonged collagen/epinephrine closure time (PFA-CEPI) and normal collagen/ADP closure time (PFA–CADP) are likely related to aspirin effect ( Table 80.2 ). Prolonged PFA–CEPI and–CADP can be seen in inherited or acquired platelet disorders and von Willebrand disease (VWD; see Table 80.2 ). PFA-100 is not affected by coagulation factor deficiencies such as hemophilia A or B. Although PFA-100 is simple to operate, it has several limitations. The closure times can be affected by anemia or thrombocytopenia, and it is insensitive to some platelet disorders such as storage-pool deficiency and the antiplatelet effect of thienopyridine drugs. To overcome the latter, a new INNOVANCE PFA-200 System (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Deerfield, IL) was developed and has shown promising results, though its laboratory performance remains to be independently evaluated in both clinical and laboratory studies.

FIGURE 80.4, Schematic of the PFA-100 Analyzer. The PFA-100 analyzer provides a global measure of platelet function in a whole blood specimen. Blood anticoagulated with citrate is pipetted into the cuvette with a reaction membrane with collagen/epinephrine or collagen/adenosine diphosphate ( ADP ). Using a vacuum (syringe suction), blood is aspirated through the capillary tube at a rate sufficient to produce a wall shear rate of 1000 seconds −1 . Blood containing shear stress–activated platelets enters a small chamber and passes through the aperture of the membrane. At the aperture, the platelets adhere and aggregate until the aperture is closed and flow is obstructed. The time to achieve closure is referred to as closure time.

TABLE 80.2
Expected Results of the PFA-100 Analyzer
Condition Collagen/Epinephrine Cartridge Closure Time Collagen/ADP Cartridge Closure Time
Normal Normal Normal
Medication (aspirin effect) Prolonged Normal
Platelet function defect and von Willebrand disease Prolonged Prolonged
PFA-100, Platelet Function Analyzer, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Deerfield, Ill. ADP , Adenosine diphosphate.

Platelet aggregation tests

The original platelet aggregation method and the first aggregometer were described by Dr. Gustav Born in 1962, which laid the foundation for understanding platelet biology and clinical laboratory testing for platelet dysfunction. After this invention, various platelet aggregation tests using an array of agonists ( Table 80.3 ) were established. Platelet aggregation can be detected by either light transmission or electrical impedance methods. Both methods have become preferred platelet function tests. Of the two methods, light transmission aggregometry (LTA) is more commonly used. It employs PRP and platelet-poor plasma (PPP) harvested from whole blood collected into 109 mmol/L trisodium citrate. Since the platelet count can affect results, PRP is then adjusted to approximately 250 × 10 9 /L to assure reliable results. After adjusting the maximum light transmission by PPP, the patient’s PRP is placed in the testing chamber in the light path and warmed to 37 °C with continuous stirring and continuous measurement of light transmittance. After an agonist is added, increased transmission of light is recorded over time as the platelets aggregate (see Fig. 80.5 ). The tracing of platelet aggregation with epinephrine or ADP usually shows two waves. Right before the first wave of aggregation, there is an initial increase of turbidity immediately after the addition of an agonist. This is caused by an initial platelet shape change. During the first wave of aggregation, platelet granule and cytoplasmic contents are released. The released ADP and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) cause further activation of platelets, which triggers the second wave of aggregation. Sometimes, the first wave of aggregation is reversible when a low dose agonist (e.g., 2µM ADP) is used, and the secondary wave does not occur. Other agonists, like collagen and arachidonic acid, do not demonstrate separate primary and secondary waves because aggregation and secretion are coinciding. The maximum percentage of aggregation is frequently used as the final result to assess platelet function. An alternative method was developed using anticoagulated whole blood. In this case, an electric probe is placed in the specimen, and an alternating current is passed through the blood. Upon activation, platelets are attracted to the electrodes. As more platelets attach to the electrodes, the flow of current is impeded and plotted over time. Although LTA remains the “gold standard” for platelet aggregation, the impedance method has several advantages, such as no preanalytical sample preparation and a smaller sample size requirement. The patterns of responses to different agonists can be used to diagnose platelet disorders ( Table 80.4 ).

TABLE 80.3
Commonly Used Platelet Aggregation Agonists
Collagen Activates receptor GP VI, GPIa/IIa
ADP Activates receptors P 2 Y 1 and P 2 Y 12
TRAP Activates the thrombin receptors PAR 1 and PAR 4
Epinephrine Activates the alpha 2 receptor
Arachidonic acid Activates the cyclooxygenase pathway
Ristocetin Activates VWF binding to GP Ib/V/IX
ADP, Adenosine diphosphate; GP, glycoprotein; TRAP, thrombin receptor activation peptide.

FIGURE 80.5, An exemplar tracing of a platelet aggregation study. Platelet aggregation tracing includes an initial baseline (A), a spike of increased turbidity due to platelet shape change (B), the first wave of platelet aggregation (C), and second wave of aggregation (E). Sometimes the first wave of aggregation is reversible (D), while the second wave of aggregation is usually irreversible.

TABLE 80.4
The Patterns of Responses to Different Agonists of Platelet Disorders
Normal/Disease Acid U 46619 5 µM 20 µM Epinephrine Low High Ristocetin
Normal N N N N N/↓ N N N
Storage pool defect N/↓ N N N N/↓ N/↓ N N
Bernard-Soulier syndrome N N N N N N N ↓↓
Glanzmann thrombasthenia ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ N/↓
P2Y12/P2Y1 defect V V ↓↓ ↓↓ V V V N/V
GPIa/IIa defect N N N N N N/↓ N
GPVI defect N N N N N ↓↓ N/↓ N
TXA2 synthesis defect ↓↓ N N N N N N N
TXA2 receptor defect ↓↓ ↓↓ N N N N N N

Platelet secretion studies

Upon initial activation, platelets secrete a wide variety of mediators into the microenvironment. These mediators are stored in the platelet dense and alpha granules, as summarized in Table 80.5 . DG secretion was initially evaluated by exploiting the ability of platelets to take up radioactively labeled serotonin and then release of the label following platelet activation. This serotonin release assay (SRA) is very labor-intensive and requires the use of radioisotopes. An alternative method is adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release using a lumi-aggregometer, in which luciferin and luciferase are added to the patient specimen before an agonist is added. Conversion of luciferin to its product by luciferase is dependent on ATP, the only source of which is released from the platelet DG. In the conversion of luciferin to its product, photons are emitted and are detected by a fluorometer in a quantity that correlates with the ATP released. This method allows for the simultaneous assessment of aggregation and secretion in the same reaction by using either LTA or impedance aggregometry.

TABLE 80.5
Representative Contents of Alpha and Dense Granules in Platelets
Representative alpha granule contents Adhesion proteins
Coagulation factors
Growth factors
Representative dense granule contents Amines

Platelet support of plasma coagulation

Platelets contribute to the coagulation cascade by providing phospholipids, such as phosphatidylserine, which is required by the coagulation factors’ activation. They also secret coagulation factors V, XIII, VIII, and VWF from alpha granules to facilitate local clot formation. Platelet support of plasma coagulation can be evaluated by measuring the amount of residual prothrombin in a serum specimen after coagulation in the test tube is complete. However, this test is not routinely performed in clinical laboratories.

Platelet contractile function

Platelet contractile function can be evaluated by measuring clot retraction. Upon activation, platelets form filopodia, slender projections from the surface of the platelets that attach to fibrin(ogen) strands via their surface receptors glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa. Platelet actin tethers to membrane receptors and organizes with cytoplasmic myosin within these filipodia, forming a rudimentary muscle that contracts at the conclusion of the hemostatic process. This has been described as the in vivo suture, drawing the edges of the injury closer together as healing is initiated. This clot retraction is dependent on the contractile proteins in platelets and can be qualitatively measured in a test tube. Clot retraction is abnormal in Glazmann thrombasthenia and some acquired disorders, most notably with monoclonal gammopathy; nevertheless, platelet contractile function is not routinely tested in clinical laboratories.

Platelet receptors and function using flow cytometry

Flow cytometry is a useful adjunct in evaluating platelet function in selected situations. Flow cytometry can be used to evaluate the platelet surface antigen expression and activation state. Platelet surface antigens include the VWF binding receptor glycoprotein (GP) complex Ibα/β-IX-V (CD42a–d), fibrinogen receptor GPIIb/IIIa (CD41/CD61), and collagen binding receptors GPIa (CD49b) and GPVI. GP surface expressions can be measured with the use of fluorescent-conjugated GP-specific antibodies. The fluorescent intensities correlate with GP expressions. Flow cytometry can be used to measure platelet surface glycoprotein deficiencies in BSS, Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GT), and collagen receptor deficiencies ( Table 80.6 ).

TABLE 80.6
Platelet Glycoproteins and Associated Diseases
Glycoprotein Alternative Name Disease if Deficient
GP IIb CD41 Glanzmann thrombasthenia
GP Ib-a CD42b Bernard Soulier syndrome
GP Ia/IIa CD49b Collagen receptor deficiency

Flow cytometry can be used to evaluate platelet function by measuring activation markers upon platelet activation. The most commonly used platelet activation markers are P-selectin (CD62P), activated GPIIb/IIIa complex, and lysosomal-associated membrane protein (CD63). CD62P is located on the alpha granule membrane, while CD63 is on the membrane of DG and lysosomes. Both CD62P and CD63 translocate to the surface of plasma membrane after platelet activation with ensued granule release. Decreased expression of CD62P and CD63 upon platelet activation can be seen in AG or DG deficiencies, respectively. PAC-1 is a mouse monoclonal antibody that detects the neoepitope of GPIIb/IIIa conformation changes upon platelet activation. PAC-1 binding on the platelet surface is indicative of platelet activation. A lack of PAC-1 binding by activated platelets suggests GT or other platelet disorders. Currently, the flow cytometric method of platelet function testing remains largely a research tool and has not been widely used in clinical laboratories.

Molecular genetic testing

Genotyping has a confirmatory role in the diagnosis of IPD. Molecular genetic analysis by Sanger sequencing was first employed in the early 1990s to identify the causal mutations in the genes coding for GPIIb/IIIa and GPIbα/β−IX-V in GT and BSS, respectively. With the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS), several novel platelet disorder-associated gene mutations have been identified, for example, NBEAL2 , GFI1B and VPS33b for GPS, ACTN1 for autosomal dominant thrombocytopenia, RBM8A for thrombocytopenia absent radii, STIM1 for York platelet syndrome, and ANKRD26, ETV6, GATA-1, GATA-2 and RUNX1 for thrombocytopenia with a predisposition to hematologic malignancy. For further discussion on these molecular techniques, refer to Chapter 64 . Although NGS-based approaches may potentially revolutionize the diagnosis of IPD, preliminary clinical and laboratory phenotypic characterization remain crucial and indispensable. Due to the growing list of heritable thrombocytopenias and their disease associations, a new, evolving classification has been proposed. ,

Molecular Classification of Hereditary Platelet Disorders

  • Inherited platelet disorders affecting only platelets

    • Examples: Glanzmann thrombasthenia, Bernard-Soulier disease, Gray platelet syndrome

  • Inherited platelet disorders with a syndromic phenotype

    • Examples: MYH9 MYH9 mutation-related disorders, STIM1 —New York Platelet syndrome, RBM8A —thrombocytopenia with absent radii

  • Inherited platelet disorders associated with increased risk of hematologic malignancies

    • Examples: ANKRD26, ETV6, RUNX1, GATA-1, GATA-2

Evaluation of antiplatelet medication

Antiplatelet medications are commonly used in patients with cardiovascular conditions (see Table 80.7 ). Evaluation of the effects of antiplatelet medication has two main clinical indications. First, it is crucial to know whether the medication is effectively inhibiting the platelet functions as intended for the patient to receive the desired reduced risk of thrombosis. Second, many patients who are taking antiplatelet medications need emergency or elective procedures and may be at increased risk for hemorrhage during those procedures. Increased risk of hemorrhage in patients taking antiplatelet medications has been demonstrated but is widely variable among patients. Unfortunately, whether laboratory tests of the medication effects on platelet function indeed can accurately predict hemorrhagic or thrombotic outcome is still controversial. Several techniques are used to measure the effects that medications have on platelet function. They include the PFA-100 and -200 analyzers, Verify-Now, PlateletWorks, Multiplate, Thromboelastography (TEG), Platelet Mapping, and platelet aggregation assays. Since some of these tests are still being clinically validated and are beyond the general scope of this chapter, only selected methods are discussed.

TABLE 80.7
Examples of Medications Affecting Platelet Function
Class of Medication Examples
Nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory Aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, indomethacin
GP IIb/IIIa antagonists (antibodies) Abciximab, eptifibatide, tirofiban
Thienopyridines Clopidogrel, ticlopidine
Increase cAMP and/or cGMP Iloprost, dipyridamole, prostacyclin
Cardiovascular medications Many
Volume expanders Dextran, hydroxyethyl starch
Chemotherapeutic agents Mitomycin, daunorubicin, carmustine
Psychotropic medications Many
Others Antihistamines, clofibrate, rad contrast agents
cAMP, Adenosine 3’,5’-cyclic monophosphate; cGMP, guanosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphate; GP , glycoprotein.

Platelet aggregation

The “gold standard” for medication effect on platelet function is platelet aggregation using LTA or impedance with the appropriate agonist for the medication (ADP for the thienopyridines; arachidonic acid or collagen for aspirin). Other methods can be compared against this reference method. Both LTA and impedance assays are labor-intensive and infeasible for urgent or routine testing.


The PFA-100 was described earlier in the chapter. The prolongation of epinephrine cartridge closure time is indicative of aspirin effect. It can be used to assess the antiplatelet effect of aspirin. PFA-100 CADP is insensitive for thienopyridine drugs, which could be overcome by the new PFA-200 method. Both cartridges are very sensitive in detecting GP IIb/IIIa antagonists such as abciximab, eptifibatide, and tirofiban. ,

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