Metabolism of Drugs and Xenobiotics



adenosine triphosphate (ATP)–binding cassette


adenosine triphosphate


area under curve

C max

maximum plasma concentration


cytochrome P450 enzymes


drug-induced liver injury


glutathione transferase


N -acetyltransferase


solute carrier


Shiga-like toxin


single-nucleotide polymorphisms


thiopurine methyltransferase


uridine 5′-diphosphate

The majority of drugs and xenobiotics (foreign compounds) that enter the systemic circulation undergo biotransformation to more water soluble compounds for elimination through urine or bile. This process was formerly termed detoxification as it led to the termination of the physiologic action of these compounds by facilitating elimination from the cell. However, biotransformation of a drug also leads to the formation of active metabolites, as is seen with activation of codeine to morphine; therefore, this process is more appropriately termed metabolism. Although the liver is the major site of metabolism in the body, the gut wall, kidney, lungs, and other tissues also make a contribution. The enzymes that participate in drug metabolism act primarily as catalysts for chemical transformation and can be divided into two categories: phase I enzymes or functionalizing enzymes and phase II enzymes or conjugating enzymes. Transport proteins involved in the movement of drug/metabolites across cell membranes have sometimes been termed phase III enzymes . These phases do not necessarily occur in a sequential fashion as the numbering might suggest.

General Considerations in Drug Metabolism

The plasma concentration of orally administered drugs is often much lower than anticipated. This is called the “first pass” effect and results from the loss of a certain fraction of the absorbed drug because of metabolism in the intestinal wall and the liver. Drugs with high first-pass effect thus have low oral bioavailability.

Drug metabolism in the liver essentially results in the conversion of a lipophilic parent compound to a more readily excreted hydrophilic (polar) metabolite. This is accomplished in two phases, the first of which results in the formation of an active metabolite that mediates the desired pharmacologic action while the second inactivates and, therefore, terminates the action of this active metabolite. Phase I enzymes “functionalize” the drug through oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, or hydration, which results in the insertion of reactive groups such as –OH, –COOH, –SH, and –NH 2 in the parent compound. These enzymes are a naturally occurring superfamily of hemeprotein isoenzymes collectively termed cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs). Phase II or conjugating enzymes couple an endogenous molecule to the reactive groups generated in phase I, thus inactivating the compound and creating a larger molecular weight product. This pharmacologically and toxicologically inactive product is also water soluble and easily excreted in bile or urine. Phase II reactions are mediated by enzymes such as UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT; glucuronidation), sulfotransferases (sulfonation), glutathione S-transferase (GST; glutathionylation), methyl transferases (methylation) and N -acetyltransferase (NAT; acetylation). There are several more conjugating enzymes whose role in drug metabolism has not yet been characterized. Finally, drug metabolism involves transporter molecules located on basolateral and apical membranes of the hepatocyte; these transporter function in sinusoidal uptake of drug into hepatocytes and secretion into bile, respectively (see Fig 29A.1 and Table 29A.1 in Chapter 29A ).

The term pharmacokinetics is used to describe the relationship between the administered dose of a drug and its concentration in plasma. A physiologic response to an administered drug occurs when plasma drug concentration equilibrates to the concentration required for the pharmacologic action of the drug at its site of action or receptor site. The term pharmacodynamics is used to describe the relationship between the physiologic effect of a drug and the drug concentration. Both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a drug are affected by a complex interplay of factors including drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion ( Fig. 22.1 ). Metabolism of drugs is in turn affected by polymorphisms and genetic defects in drug-metabolizing enzymes. The term pharmacogenetics is used to describe the study of the effect of genetics on the pharmacologic response to drugs.

Figure 22.1, Schematic representation of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion.

Factors Affecting Bioavailability of Drugs

Enzyme Induction and Inhibition

Variability in enzymatic metabolism profoundly affects drug bioavailability and may result from one of three mechanisms: enzyme induction, enzyme inhibition, and enzyme polymorphisms. Enzyme induction occurs when an inducer promotes synthesis of additional enzyme protein, reduces inactivation of the formed protein, or both. Inhibition of enzyme activity occurs when a drug reversibly binds to the substrate binding site, acting as a competitive inhibitor. In other cases, an inhibitor may render an enzyme nonfunctional by covalent binding to a substrate site. These are known as suicide inhibitors or mechanism-based inhibitors . Several drugs may act as enzyme inducers and inhibitors, thus affecting the bioavailability of other drugs metabolized by the same enzyme. In addition, adverse reactions caused by drug interactions are more likely to occur from an alteration in pharmacokinetic profiles by either induction or inhibition of drug-metabolizing enzymes. They usually occur at the level of phase I metabolism because it is the rate limiting step. However, drug–drug interactions may not necessarily result in adverse events and may even be used to therapeutic advantage as in the successful use of ritonavir, a weak antiviral agent. Ritonavir effectively inhibits the drug-metabolizing enzyme CYP3A (see subsequent discussion of nomenclature), thus increasing the blood concentrations of concomitantly administered protease inhibitors in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus.

Enzyme Polymorphisms

Enzyme polymorphisms have been best studied in the context of the human CYP superfamily that contains 57 functional genes and 58 pseudogenes ( ). Each enzyme is considered an isoform because each derives from a different gene and is designated by the letters “CYP” followed by an Arabic numeral indicating family, a letter indicating subfamily, and another Arabic numeral indicating the individual gene; for example, CYP3A4 or CYP2D6. Proteins included in a family have at least 40% amino acid sequence homology and proteins within subfamilies have at least 55% homology.

Genetic polymorphisms from single base pair changes in the DNA sequence are common in drug metabolizing enzymes and contribute to interindividual variability in enzyme activity. The alleles or gene variants that occur with the lowest frequency at a locus observed in a particular population are termed single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Based on the location, they are categorized as intragenic or extragenic. Intragenic SNPs that occur in the coding region may result in translation of a different amino acid or give rise to a premature codon resulting in a truncated protein. These are known as a nonsynonymous SNP, and the changes may influence enzyme activity. As a consequence of the redundancy of the genetic code, SNPs may result in the production of the same polypeptide. These are known as synonymous SNPs and are not of any functional consequence. Extragenic SNP are functionally important when they occur in regions that regulate gene expression. In general, the first alleles sequenced is termed “wild-type” and is designated as ∗1 . Thus, the wild-type allele may not necessarily be the major allele in every ethnic group.

The in vivo activity of a drug metabolizing enzyme is assessed by studying systemic clearance of a probe drug that is exclusively metabolized by the target enzyme. The metabolic profile of a specific population may be classified as ultrarapid metabolizers, extensive metabolizers, intermediate metabolizers, and poor metabolizers. This interindividual variability in enzyme activity is attributed to the polymorphic expression of the gene. Subjects with ultrarapid metabolizer phenotype often carry more copies of the functional gene, resulting in up to a 1000-fold increase in enzymatic activity. The poor metabolizer phenotype is because of the presence of two nonfunctional (null) alleles or deletion of both alleles, whereas an intermediate phenotype is typically found in individuals carrying one null allele. Subjects with extensive metabolizer phenotype have normal enzyme activity with one or two functional alleles.

Disease States

The activity of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters, in general, may be downregulated in disease states such as infection, chronic liver disease, and cancer. These changes in drug clearance occur because of altered gene expression at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional level mediated by proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6, interleukin-1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α ( Fig. 22.2 ). These alterations in the metabolism and excretion of drugs thus introduce the risk of drug interactions and toxicity in disease states.

Figure 22.2, Proposed pathway for decrease in CYP activity in disease states through multilevel regulation of gene expression. Pathways and mediators possibly regulated by hepatic microRNA are shown by dashed lines. CAR , Constitutive androstane receptor; IL, interleukin; NO , nitrous oxide, NOS2 , nitric oxide synthase2; TNF-α , tumor necrosis factor-alpha; VDR , vitamin D receptor.

In advanced liver disease such as cirrhosis, CYP activity may be reduced in a selective and sequential manner depending on the etiology and the severity of the liver disease. Studies evaluating CYP activity in cirrhosis have also shown that loss of CYP activity is selective and dependent on the etiology (cholestatic versus noncholestatic) and severity of liver disease. George et al. observed CYP3A activity and protein reduction only in livers of patients with cirrhosis because of noncholestatic liver disorders. In patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease without advanced fibrosis, our group has showed a significant negative relationship between severity of steatosis and hepatic CYP3A activity. Increased hepatic CYP2E1 activity has been observed in steatohepatitis from both alcoholic liver disease and nonalcoholic liver disease from metabolic syndrome ( Fig. 22.3 ).

Figure 22.3, Immunohistochemical stain using an antibody against the CYP2E1 illustrating expression in ( A ) normal liver and ( B ) nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The larger area and increased intensity of staining indicate upregulation of CYP2E1 in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

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