14-Year-old cross country runner presents with syncope during a race


Hi, I’m calling from the ER and sorry to bother you on a weekend. I have this 14-year old female who has been previously healthy and passed out while she was running in her first high-school cross-country race this morning. When she came in by paramedics who were at the race, she looked a bit pale and sweaty but she did just run the race. I gave her some fluids and she seems to be feeling better. Her vital signs are stable but her heart rate was a bit up at 95 bpm when she first came in. I’m thinking about sending her home after her fluids are up but I’m sure you heard about that young kid in the town over that died while running track a few months ago. They say it was related to his heart so I just wanted to make sure I checked with you before sending her home. Anything else I should do?

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