Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Thank you for taking my call. I am a local pediatrician and I just had a mother come in with her son for an evaluation. He is an 11-year old young man who I have been following since birth and has no real medical history to speak about. But the reason I am calling you is that the mother informed me today that his father had passed, suddenly, 2 weeks ago, at the age of forty. According to mom, the father had no previous medical history and so all of this is a complete shock. The family is saying he had some kind of “heart attack” but he never had any cardiac history prior and from what I saw of him, he was fit and healthy. Someone from the family has a background in medicine and suggested that the child be evaluated for the risk of sudden death. The mother is obviously devastated and fearful for her son’s life. I’m wondering if there is anything special, I should be doing?
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