Role of Surgery in the Treatment of Varicose Veins


Surgery for treating varicose veins (VVs) has been advocated for centuries. The first descriptions were attributed to Aulus Cornelius Celsus from the Roman era, which included hook extraction of varicose veins, double ligation and phlebectomy. Modern surgery is based on hemodynamic treatment, which started at the beginning of the nineteenth century when T. Rima performed a high ligation (HL) of the upper great saphenous vein (GSV), although F. Trendelenburg is credited as the first to perform the procedure in 1890. Complementary saphenous trunk stripping came some years later with W.L. Keller in 1905 (internal stripping), C. Mayo in 1906 (external stripping) and W.W. Babcock in 1907 (flexible stripper). Various alternative techniques to conventional HL plus trunk stripping were proposed in the second half of the twentieth century.

The first to suggest interruption of perforators to treat VVs was probably C. Remy in 1901.

Duplex ultrasound (DUS) investigation was the cornerstone to our changing knowledge and attitude in the management of VVs; nevertheless it must be emphasized that there is presently no consensus regarding the best procedure for the operative treatment of VVs when taking into account their various patterns of clinical and hemodynamic presentation.

Basis and Aim of Surgery

In theory, VV surgery, as with other operative methods (e.g., thermal and chemical ablation), aims to suppress or reduce reflux in the standing position (orthostatism) in the incompetent, enlarged and tortuous superficial veins.

In practice the aim is twofold:

  • To eliminate reflux originating from the deep venous system (DVS) into the superficial venous system (SVS) by suppressing abnormal leak points. Reflux occurs because of the incompetent valves.

  • To remove the incompetent superficial veins, which are visualized as varices.

The Different Surgical Procedures

Procedures depend on the different concepts of VV disease progression and evolution in addition to the principles of correction of hemodynamic anomalies, which are currently controversial and are reviewed subsequently. The procedures discussed can be performed alone or in combination:

  • Resection of all the refluxing veins.

  • Resection of the incompetent ‘reservoir’.

  • Ligation of the leak points between the DVS and SVS at the saphenofemoral junction (SFJ), saphenopopliteal junction (SPJ) and perforator.

  • Redirecting reflux from the SVS into the DVS.

The different procedures will not be described in detail; however, the advantages and inconveniences of the different surgical methods will be underlined.

Surgery Without Saphenous Trunk Preservation

Conventional surgery includes GSV and/or small saphenous vein (SSV) termination ligation flush to the corresponding deep vein, plus saphenous trunk stripping with or without phlebectomy of incompetent tributaries and/or incompetent perforator interruption.

Principle and Controversies

This method is based on the VV descending progression hemodynamic concept that was established at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was believed that reflux always started at the SFJ and/or the SPJ, as a result of the terminal valve incompetence, and extended progressively in a distal direction within the saphenous trunk and into the suprafascial accessory or tributary veins in which the varices developed. Consequently SFJ and/or SPJ ligation completed by trunk stripping and/or phlebectomy of tributary varices was the ‘cure all’ method. However, the systematic use of DUS for investigating VVs has shown that this concept was wrong in many cases:

  • Reflux and dilatation are frequently segmental in any location of the saphenous and nonsaphenous systems.

  • Onset of the VV can occur in any segment of the superficial veins without incompetence of the SFJ, SPJ and saphenous trunk itself.

  • The VV reservoir volume favors magnitude and extension of reflux. Compression of an incompetent tributary vein termination can reduce or suppress reflux in the saphenous trunk when they are not dilated beyond 6 to 8 mm in diameter ( Fig. 10.1 )

    Figure 10.1, Reservoir reduction capacity allows reduction or suppression reflux in the main trunk. A, Reflux of the main trunk drains in an incompetent tributary. This siphon effect increases reflux volume in the main trunk. B, Compression at the termination of the incompetent tributary suppresses reflux in the main trunk.

  • Furthermore we have learned that leak points between the DVS and the SVS can disappear after ablation of the VVs even though they have not been treated. After VV ablation 80% of previously incompetent perforator veins became competent.

  • More surprisingly, incompetent terminal valves can recover their normal function after ablation of the refluxing varices.

All of these findings have enhanced development of new surgical procedures that will be described later.

Technical Information

  • Ligation of the SFJ and SPJ can be performed by using a 4- to 6-cm transverse incision without cosmetic prejudice, particularly when the incision is made within the groin crease ( Fig. 10.2 ).

    Figure 10.2, A, B, In patients who are not obese it is possible to perform flush ligation through a two centimeter-long incision.

  • Saphenous trunk stripping is most frequently performed using the endoluminal technique, with invagination or pin stripping, and is credited with causing fewer neurologic complications ( Figs 10.3–10.5 ).

    Figure 10.3, Invagination stripping. 1, The vein is catheterized from the ankle to the groin. 2, A thread is fixed on the stripper. 3, The rigid stripper is pulled up from the ankle to the groin. 4, The thread is fixed on the vein at the groin. 5, Pulling on the thread allows the removal of the vein by the invagination technique.

    Figure 10.4, Pin-stripping. 1, The great saphenous vein is catheterized from the groin to the upper third of the lower leg with the pin-stripper. 2, 3, The pin-stripper distal extremity is pushed through the vein wall and the skin. 4, 5, A thread is passed through the pin-stripper eyelet. Then the thread is interlocked with the vein; the tie must be done on the thread and not on the pin-stripper. 6. Both stripper and invaginated vein are extracted through the distal incision.

    Figure 10.5, Stripping by invagination with flexible stripper.

  • Extension of trunk resection depends more on operator conviction than on the extent of reflux.

  • Incompetent tributary phlebectomy is performed through a very small skin incision, usually 2 to 3 mm in length.

  • Surgical perforator ablation can be performed directly by skin incision overlying the perforator in the absence of overlying skin pathology. In the presence of lipodermatosclerosis, subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery is strongly recommended, at least for medial leg perforator veins.

Conventional Surgery Variants

Saphenous Trunk Stripping with Preservation of Saphenofemoral Confluence, with or Without Incompetent Tributary Phlebectomy and/or Incompetent Perforator Interruption

Nonflush ligation at the SFJ and/or SPJ was described until recently as a technical mistake responsible for in situ recurrence in all cases as reflux through the incompetent terminal valve persisted. But preoperative ultrasound investigations have proven that in GSV varices the terminal valve is competent in approximately half the patients.

In this situation it looks obvious that high flush tie is not recommended as tributaries of the saphenofemoral confluence can drain in a physiologic way into the common femoral vein. Besides neovascularization, elimination of normal physiologic reflux is the main cause of recurrence after flush ligation, but rarely identified after confluence conservation.

When the terminal valve is incompetent, nonflush ligation was thought to promote recurrence as previously stated. However, one prospective study has demonstrated that this concept is wrong. In this large series neither postoperative outcome nor clinical and diagnostic evaluation found a difference in terms of recurrence if the terminal valve was competent or not.

The explanation for this may be that suppression of the reservoir represented by an incompetent saphenous trunk and tributaries allows the terminal valve to recover its competence.


The only difference with cryostripping in comparison with classical surgery is the ablation modality of the saphenous trunk. After HL, the saphenous trunk is catheterized downward with the cryoprobe until reaching the lower limit of the vein to be stripped. The generator is activated and when the vein is attached to the cryoprobe (by freezing to it) the vein is broken off easily. No distal ligation is needed and the vein attached to the probe is progressively pulled up and extracted through the groin incision ( Fig. 10.6 ).

Figure 10.6, Cryostripping. 1, The saphenous trunk is catheterized downwards with the cryoprobe until it reaches the lower limit of the vein to be stripped. 2, 3, While still applying the freezing, the stripper is progressively pulled out by traction from bottom to top. The great saphenous vein remains attached to the cryoprobe.

Cryostripping is said to cause less postoperative bruising and hematoma along the path of the saphenous trunk than conventional stripping, but this procedure has not been confirmed by others to be superior to current techniques.

Surgery with Saphenous Trunk Preservation

This is less invasive than other procedures, including vein stripping. The most aggressive part of vein stripping is the trunk excision. Supporters claim that the preserved saphenous trunk might be used as an arterial substitute either for coronary surgery or as a bypass in femorocrural obliteration. Unfortunately there are no data on the real need for, or value of, the saphenous trunk as an arterial substitute after such surgery. Another argument in favor is the preservation of venous flow drainage, as ablation of the superficial system enhances varicose vein recurrence. The different procedures are depicted in Figure 10.7 .

Figure 10.7, Schema of the trunk-preserving procedures.

Isolated Flush Ligation or Limited Resection

Isolated flush ligation or limited resection of the SFJ and/or SPJ is termed ‘crossectomie’ in Western Europe. This procedure is rarely performed as an isolated procedure since older studies demonstrated very poor outcome after this procedure. It has been proposed in association with sclerotherapy of the saphenous vein at thigh level to imitate the flush ligation and stripping. The target of associated sclerotherapy, obtained by means of a catheter inserted through the proximal incision performed for high ligation, is to reduce problems like pain and hematoma correlated to stripping. However, the risk of recanalization of the treated segment is particularly elevated; probably the employment of foam can reduce this recurrence.

SFJ and/or SPJ Ligation Plus Incompetent Tributary Phlebectomy with or Without Incompetent Perforator Interruption

Suppression of leak points between the DVS and the SVS combined with reservoir ablation is supposed to restore competence of the saphenous trunk. This procedure was promoted during the last two decades, but is presently rarely performed, probably because the myth of compulsory HL has been discredited for its lack of clinical efficacy.

SFJ Wrapping or Valvuloplasty Plus Incompetent Tributary Phlebectomy with or Without Incompetent Perforator Interruption

The remark made about the previous procedure—on the one hand the relationship between SFJ incompetence and the development of VVs, and on the other hand the fact that suppression of the refluxing SFJ is no longer compulsory—should explain the loss of interest in these techniques.

SFJ Wrapping

The hemodynamic principle here is that by wrapping the SFJ using an external stenting technique (instead of the HL described earlier), the supposed restoration of competence to the valve restores valvular function.

The upholders of this method have underlined that the terminal or subterminal valve has to be assessed carefully by B-flow ultrasound preoperatively, for only selected valves can benefit from wrapping. These are valves that are not irreversibly damaged and can have their competence restored with a decrease in their diameter.

Valvuloplasty or Valve Repair

Valvuloplasty is another way to restore either terminal or subterminal valves. Repair is made by using either the assistance of external valvuloplasty angioscopy or a direct surgical approach.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Muller described this technique in 1956 and published it 10 years later. The method consists of extracting VVs in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia using small punctures and hooks. This procedure is described in detail elsewhere, but it is worth mentioning here that phlebectomy is performed by using fine-pointed blades, mini-incisions and crochet hooks or specialized phlebectomy hooks ( Fig. 10.8 ).

Figure 10.8, Grasping of previously marked varicosities. A, The incision is a 2- to 3-mm stab made with a No. 11 blade. B, After the varicosity is exteriorized, it is divided and each end is carefully avulsed to remove as much varix as possible. C, With the limb elevated 30 degrees, 2-mm cutaneous incisions can be made, the varicosity can be brought to the surface by the hook technique, and after division of the vein each end can be avulsed selectively. Placement of subsequent incisions depends on the length of varicosity excised. D, This photograph, taken 10 days after surgery, shows the location of a distal medial calf incision through which the great saphenous vein has been stripped from the groin to this level.

Muller used this procedure in isolation or in combination with trunk stripping to avulse tributary varices, as reported in 1996.

A powered phlebectomy device, the Trivex system (InaVein LLC, Lexington, MA), was introduced by G. Spitz in1966. Briefly, the system contains a shaver and a transilluminator coupled with an irrigator ( Fig. 10.9 ).

Figure 10.9, Intraoperative view of the transilluminated powered phlebectomy procedure. Note the subcutaneous transillumination.

Varices Phlebectomy

Varices phlebectomy with conservation of the refluxing saphenous trunk is named in French ‘ablation sélective des varices sous anesthésie locale’ (ASVAL; selective ablation of varices under local anesthetic). This process gathers and unifies techniques of phlebectomy that were previously scattered and insufficiently systematized, and is based on the demonstrated fact that varicose disease most often begins at lower leg level (see previous discussion). According to ASVAL principles, the suppression of varicose reservoirs (especially extrafascial varicose clusters) can, at least to a certain extent, improve or restore to normal (centripetal) the reflux in saphenous trunks, thus preserving them.

CHIVA Method

CHIVA is the acronym of the French ‘Cure Conservatrice et Hémodynamique de l’Insuffisance Veineuse en Ambulatoire' . The pathophysiological basis of CHIVA relates to a ‘hemodynamicocentric model’ of venous insufficiency (VI).

According to CHIVA all the VI symptoms are the result of an obstacle to the flow and/or valvular incompetence, which increases the transmural pressure (TMP). Excessive TMP dilates the veins (varices) and impairs drainage (edema, lipodermatosclerosis and ulcer). The hemodynamic diagnosis consists of checking and correcting the causes of VI to normalize the TMP and consequently its clinical symptoms. According to the VI hemodynamic pattern, CHIVA involves fractioning the hydrostatic pressure, disconnecting the shunts and preserving the draining veins to cure all the symptoms of VI at the same time and avoid recurrence. Open Deviated Shunts Type II (varices + segmental saphenous trunk reflux) and Closed Shunts Type III (varices + segmental saphenous trunk reflux + SFJ reflux [SFJR]) are frequent patterns of VI because of superficial valve incompetence. In these specific cases, CHIVA divides the refluxing tributaries at their junction with the saphenous trunk. These divisions result in trunk reflux suppression and varices ‘remodeling’ to normal size, whereas the drainage is preserved to avoid short-term side effects and long-term recurrences (in the case of Shunt III SFJR, redo because of a trunk re-entry) ( Figs 10.10–10.13 ).

Figure 10.10, Types of ‘private circulation’ or veno-venous shunts according to CHIVA nomenclature. Type I shunt with re-entry on the saphenous trunk, and variations. N1, deep vein network; N2, superficial vein surrounded by the superficial fascia (great saphenous vein, small saphenous vein, proximal part of the accessory anterior saphenous vein, Giacomini vein); N3, superficial venous system not surrounded by the superficial fascia.

Figure 10.11, Types of ‘private circulation’ or veno-venous shunts according to CHIVA nomenclature. Type II shunt without reflux from the deep circulation, with compartmental regurgitation N2>N4>N2> or N2>N3>N2. N1, deep vein network; N2, superficial vein surrounded by the superficial fascia (great saphenous vein, small saphenous vein, proximal part of the accessory anterior saphenous vein, Giacomini vein); N3, superficial venous system not surrounded by the superficial fascia; N4, superficial communicant vein longitudinal (N4L).

Figure 10.12, Types of ‘private circulation’ or veno-venous shunts according to CHIVA nomenclature. Type III shunt with re-entry located on an extrasaphenous perforator, and variations. N1, deep vein network; N2, superficial vein surrounded by the superficial fascia (great saphenous vein, small saphenous vein, proximal part of the accessory anterior saphenous vein, Giacomini vein); N3, superficial venous system not surrounded by the superficial fascia; N4, superficial communicant vein longitudinal (N4L) or transversal (N4T).

Figure 10.13, Types of ‘private circulation’ or veno-venous shunts according to CHIVA nomenclature. Type IV shunt with reflux from the pelvic circulation. N1, deep vein network; N2, superficial vein surrounded by the superficial fascia (great saphenous vein, small saphenous vein, proximal part of the accessory anterior saphenous vein, Giacomini vein); N3, superficial venous system not surrounded by the superficial fascia.

Investigations to be Done before Varicose Vein Surgery

A thorough physical examination is important; it allows the clinical class (using the comprehensive classification system for chronic venous disorders: clinical, etiology, anatomy, pathophysiology [CEAP]) to be identified. Both symptom type and severity must be carefully recorded.

Systematic DUS before surgery for varicose veins is crucial. From a classification standpoint DUS is used to complete CEAP sections E, A and P. In practical terms it allows creation of a precise map that will be very useful during surgery ( Fig. 10.14 ).

Figure 10.14, Surgery preoperative mapping. A, Incompetent saphenofemoral junction (SFJ) and great saphenous vein (GSV) until half-way down the thigh (line —— • ——). Below GSV is competent and a medial-posterior tributary is refluxing, draining in lower leg re-entry perforators. B, SFJ and GSV competent ( continuous line in blue ). Refluxing nonsaphenous veins ( dotted line in black ). C, SFJ and GSV proximal part competent ( continuous line in blue ). Incompetent femoral canal perforator feeding the GSV ( continuous line in black ). D, SFJ and GSV competent ( continuous line in blue ). Incompetent anterior accessory great saphenous vein ( dotted line in black ). E, SPJ and proximal small saphenous vein (SSV) incompetent ( continuous line in black ) and the SSV tributary ( dotted line in black ). Competent distal SSV (not mapped). F, Incompetent SSV not connected with the popliteal vein but with the GSV.

This examination is required and is sufficient in clinical practice for primary and isolated superficial VI (SVI). For secondary SVI or SVI associated with abnormalities other than associated perforator incompetence, complementary tests should be performed depending on the clinical context.

The assessment performed in preparation for surgical treatment of varicose veins should provide answers to the following questions:

  • Are the symptoms described by the patient connected to his or her varicose veins?

  • Are there signs that can be used to classify the varicose veins into the category of complicated varicose veins (significant edema, skin changes, hemorrhage, superficial thrombophlebitis)?

  • Are the varicose veins primary, secondary or congenital?

  • Where are the leaks between the DVS and SVS (junctions and perforating veins)?

  • Which veins are varicose (GSV: trunk, tributaries; SSV: trunk, tributaries; other nonsaphenous veins)?

  • What is the DVS status?

  • Is there an associated disease that may affect the therapeutic indication?

  • Is surgical treatment the best option?

  • If the surgeon has made up his or her mind, have the anatomical variations been identified?

  • What does the patient expect from surgery?

Patient Information

The information to be given depends of course on the technique scheduled, but in all cases the following information must be provided:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of the different surgical methods must be explained, in addition to the postoperative course (return to normal activity, convalescence duration) and possible complications.

  • Whether the surgery will be performed on an ambulatory basis or not.

  • How much the patient will be charged.

In addition, a written document is handed over to the patient ( Appendix 10.1 ).

Anesthesia and Hospitalization


Regardless of the technique used, surgery may be performed under local anesthesia (LA). Tumescent anesthesia is strongly recommended for all patients. This innovation has revolutionized varicose vein surgery.

The addition of epinephrine (adrenaline) does decrease ecchymosis, and Goldman has shown that in appropriate concentrations epinephrine is safe when used in a tumescent anesthetic technique during ambulatory phlebectomy. It does reduce the incidence of hematoma and hyperpigmentation.

Flush ligation under echo-guided local anesthesia is also performable in obese patients ( Fig. 10.15 ).

Figure 10.15, Echo-guided local anesthesia (A) . Position of the leg to perform echo-guided local anesthesia at groin in obese patients (B) .


Surgery for varicose veins is increasingly performed on an ambulatory basis. Only in elderly patients undergoing classical surgery or those characterized by a particular social or pathological context are hospitalized for 24 hours. Hospitalization is therefore determined by the patient's desires, local traditions or socioeconomic conditions.

Postoperative Care and Convalescence

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