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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Kidney development undergoes a complicated series of formation and regression of primitive renal structures
Final kidney is formed from interaction of the ureteric bud and specialized mesoderm, the metanephric blastema
Ureteric bud induces metanephric blastema to form nephrons
In turn, metanephric blastema induces ureteric bud to bifurcate into developing calyces
Anomalies resulting in failure of ureteric bud to interact appropriately with metanephric blastema
Renal agenesis
Failure of ureteric bud to come into contact with metanephric blastema; no kidney is formed
Multicystic dysplastic kidney
Ureteric bud does not signal appropriate development so there is disorganized stromal expansion and cyst formation
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