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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Multiple processes occur during embryological development of brain and spine
Neurulation : Ectodermal cells form midline neural plate in which folds develop then fuse to create a tube with openings at either end
Neurulation → neural tube + neural crest
Neural tube → brain, spinal cord
Neural crest → peripheral nerves, autonomic nervous system
Neuronal proliferation : Neurons are "born" in ventricular zone; migrate peripherally to form white/gray matter
Glioblast cells provide metabolic/structural support to neurons; ependymal cells produce cerebrospinal fluid
Histogenesis : Process of proliferation, migration, differentiation → development of mature cerebral cortex
Cerebral hemispheres formed by 11th week
Corpus callosum should be complete by 20 weeks
Neuronal migration : Peak activity occurs from 11-15 weeks; majority of neurons in correct location by 24 weeks; continues up to 35 weeks
Myelination : Occurs in orderly, predictable manner from caudal → cranial, deep → superficial, posterior → anterior
Operculization : Development of insular cortex and infolding of sylvian fissures during weeks 11-28
Gyral and sulcal development : Occurs in predictable fashion; continues through end of 35th week
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