Tag Jonathan J. Rasouli

Cortical Stimulation for Depression

Introduction The economic and societal burden of treatment-resistant depression, which is suffered by 12%–20% of all depressed patients, remains a significant challenge to the psychiatric and neurosurgical communities ( ). In the United States alone its overall societal cost is…

Cervicothoracic Junction Tumors

Summary of Key Points The cervicothoracic junction (CTJ) is subject to unique biomechanical stresses because it is the transitional zone between the cervical and thoracic spine, and lesions in this area can lead to progressive instability, resulting in kyphosis and…

Deformity in the Cervical Spine

Summary of Key Points Cervical spine deformity is a leading cause of morbidity and poor patient quality of life in the adult spinal deformity population. Although a standardized classification system is yet to be validated, the most common qualitative radiographic…