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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Introduction The field of congenital heart disease is expansive in the breadth of patient complexity and exciting in the continuous improvement in patient outcomes. Several tools have been used to achieve improvement in patient outcomes over the past several decades.…
Introduction Several fundamentals of perioperative care for shunt-dependent dual-distribution circulation (see Chapter 70 ) extend to transitional care from the intensive care unit and throughout the interstage period in an effort to preserve organ function and promote somatic growth. Conventional…
Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. ANONYMOUS Half of what I'm teaching you is wrong. The problem is that I don't know what half it is. ANONYMOUS Introduction Some of the most challenging forms of congenital…
Introduction The advances made in the management of newborns and infants with all forms of critical congenital heart disease (cCHD) over the past 3 decades have truly been among the triumphs of cardiac care. In all forms of cCHD, nearly…
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This chapter discusses the range of congenital coronary anomalies that may be found in an otherwise structurally normal heart, first reviewing the anatomy and development of the coronary arteries before focusing on the most clinically significant anomalies of coronary artery…
Introduction Lev and Eckner made the appropriate statement that no two cases of tetralogy are exactly the same. Although that is fundamentally true, the characteristic anatomy permits its instant recognition as a phenotypic entity. It is appropriate that we continue…
Surgical Approaches to the Heart A variety of incisions are used in cardiac surgery. The majority of pediatric cardiac surgeries are performed through two incisions: the median sternotomy and the posterolateral thoracotomy. Other incisions are occasionally used to accommodate atypical…