Tag Caroline A. Sewry BSc PhD FRCPath

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Toxic and Drug-Induced Myopathies

In addition to the many inherited disorders already described in this book, nerves and muscles can be affected by a wide range of drugs and toxins. Some drug-related myopathies, such as those caused by statins, steroids and alcohol, are common,…

Inflammatory Myopathies

There is a large and heterogeneous group of acquired disorders that have been grouped together collectively as inflammatory muscle diseases. Common clinical diagnoses are polymyositis, dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis. An emerging group are myopathies without much evidence of inflammation…

Myasthenic Syndromes

There have been major advances in the understanding of the underlying causes of the various myasthenic syndromes, all of which involve abnormalities related to the neuromuscular junction ( Fig. 21.1 ). Their characteristic feature is muscle weakness with fatigue. Myasthenia…

Ion Channel Disorders

Action potentials in muscle, initiated by depolarization by a nerve impulse and depolarization of the muscle fibre, require the rapid movement of inorganic ions through transmembrane ion channels. The action potential results in the release of calcium ions from the…

Metabolic Myopathies I: Glycogenoses

There has been a dramatic increase in the understanding of disorders that affect the metabolism of muscle, particularly with regard to their biochemistry and molecular basis. A large number of clinical syndromes related to glycogen and lipid metabolism, mitochondrial function…