Tag Anna R. Laury MD

Fetal to Maternal Hemorrhage

D efinition — Bleeding under low pressure into the placental parenchyma of fetal origin. Clinical Features Epidemiology Cause is unknown. Rarely severe, with massive fetal to maternal hemorrhage. You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access…

Distal Villous Pathology

D efinition — Abnormalities in distal villous maturation that occur late in pregnancy and are emblematic of underperfusion, including increased syncytial knots, distal villous hypoplasia (DVH), aggregated terminal villi, and chorangiosis. Clinical Features Epidemiology Seen as abnormal development of the…

Meconium Staining

D efinition — Discoloration of the placenta and membranes due to staining with meconium. Clinical Features Epidemiology Meconium release is a relatively common event in term deliveries. Much debate exists about the pathologic nature of meconium and whether it represents…

Placental Infarction

D efinition — Infarction of the fetal villi due to lack of intervillous perfusion. Clinical Features Epidemiology Localized infarction within term placentas is very common. Abnormal infarction occurs in the setting of the intervillous hemorrhage of abruption, thrombosis, or vasoconstriction…


D efinition — A hypertensive disorder that arises during pregnancy; there are five types. Clinical Features Epidemiology Hypertensive disorders that fall under the umbrella of “toxemia of pregnancy” are common occurrences. Their presentations are varied and described in the following…


D efinition — A parasitic infection often contracted by handling cat litter, which can result in significant fetal morbidity if primary maternal infection occurs in the first trimester. Clinical Features Epidemiology Affects approximately 3500 newborns each year in the United…

Placenta Previa

D efinition — Placental implantation within the lower uterine segment, overlying the cervical os. Clinical Features Epidemiology Placenta previa is a common finding in early pregnancy. The majority of cases spontaneously resolve during gestation. Less than 1% of cases persist…

Placenta Creta

D efinition — Abnormal adherence of the placenta to the uterine wall. Clinical Features Epidemiology Placenta creta occurs in 1 in 2500 pregnancies. Historically all subtypes of placenta cretas were rare. More than 80% of cases occur in patients with…

Fetal Leukemia

D efinition — A primary white blood cell malignancy arising in the fetus. Clinical Features Epidemiology Fetal leukemia is exceedingly rare and has an incidence of approximately four to five per million live births. Fetal leukemia is the leading cause…