Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Key Concepts Subepithelial tumors are diverse and are reflective of the variety of cell types that reside in the subepithelial space. Systemic processes, such as inflammation or metastatic disease, may produce subepithelial masses. Lymphoproliferative disease can be associated with systemic…
Key Concepts Early diagnosis and treatment of ocular surface squamous neoplasia translates to preservation of the eye and vision. Clinical monitoring for recurrence is imperative following treatment. Suspicion should be raised with any unusual appearing pterygia or ocular surface tumefactions.…
The histopathologic study of infections of the eye and ocular adnexa is a daunting undertaking given the variety of tissues comprising this proportionately small area of the body with extensive exposure to the external environment. Only one previous summary of…