Spine Issues in Skeletally Immature Athletes

There are many challenges facing the sports physician in the care of the spine in pediatric athletes. They may be asked to evaluate a child or adolescent with a known condition and assess whether he or she can safely participate in athletic activities. Second, when an acute traumatic event has occurred, sports physicians may be asked to evaluate and provide initial management for the injured athlete. In addition, sports physicians manage and treat conditions that create chronic pain or deformity and may have an impact on sports participation.

The anatomic differences between the mature and growing spine can make these varied roles more complicated. In addition to injuries that are observed in both children and adults, the growing spine leads to injuries that are unique to the pediatric and adolescent populations. This chapter describes the relevant anatomy and related injuries observed in the young athlete, as well as key components in the evaluation of these spine conditions and their management. In addition, guidelines for both restriction from sports and timing of return to athletic activities are provided.


Fracture patterns and biomechanics, particularly in the cervical spine, differ for children based on age. In younger children, the fulcrum is at C2-C3 because of their proportionally large skulls. Consequently, for children younger than 8 years, 87% of cervical spine injuries occur at or above C3 and 50% are associated with head injuries. Older children have fracture patterns similar to those of adults, with the subaxial spine most commonly affected.

Diagnosis of cervical spine injuries in the child can be challenging, particularly in the younger age groups, because much of the cervical spine has not yet ossified. The anterior ring of C1 does not ossify until after the age of 1 year, making detection of injury in this region especially challenging ( Fig. 140.1 ). Between the ages of 3 and 6 years, fusion of the dens to the neural arches and anterior body occurs, which can be mistaken for a fracture at the base of the odontoid. By age 6 years, the spinal canal of the cervical spine has reached adult dimensions. Lateral radiographs show a progressively increasing facet angle from birth to 8 years of age that allows motion through flexion and extension and contributes to the appearance of pseudosubluxation often seen at C2-C3 and C3-C4. Pseudosubluxation can be differentiated from true subluxation on plain radiographs by the maintenance of the Swischuk line, which is a straight line drawn along the spinolaminar line (the anterior edge of the posterior neural arch; Fig. 140.2 ). However, care should be taken as while pseudosubluxation is a normal finding and does not require treatment, injuries can also occur at this level ( Figs. 140.3A and B ). In addition, incomplete ossification often gives the appearance of wedging of the cervical vertebral bodies on lateral radiographs until age 10 years. The atlantodens interval (ADI) may be increased in children. As opposed to adults, in whom a normal ADI is less than 3 mm, in young children the ADI may be up to 4.5 mm without signifying injury.

Fig. 140.1, Detection of cervical spine injuries or abnormalities in the young child can be challenging, because much of the cervical spine has not yet ossified. The anterior ring of C1 does not ossify until after the age of 1 year and is not visible on plain radiographs at that age, as depicted here.

Fig. 140.2, Pseudo-subluxation can be differentiated from true subluxation on plain radiographs by the maintenance of the Swischuk line (green) , which is a straight line drawn along the anterior edge of the posterior neural arch. (A) The patient has no acute injury, which is confirmed by the maintenance of this line. (B) The patient has a change in the relation of the posterior elements to this line, which represents true subluxation.

Fig. 140.3, (A and B) Although pseudosubluxation is a normal finding that does not require treatment, true injuries can also occur at this level. Sagittal and 3D computed tomography scan images of a 3-year-old involved in a high-speed motor vehicle collision demonstrate jumped facets at C2-C3. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed extensive associated ligamentous injury.

Additional considerations also exist in the pediatric thoracolumbar spine compared with the adult spine. The ring apophysis that extends peripherally around the vertebral body is adherent to the annulus of the intervertebral disk and can be at risk for injury. These injuries may be mistaken both clinically and radiographically for a pediatric disk herniation.

General History and Physical Examination for Evaluation of the Pediatric Spine

The sports physician may be evaluating the spine of a pediatric patient in preparation for participation in athletic activities, after an acute event that occurs while participating in a sport, or when the patient has chronic pain. It is important to differentiate the more common generalized aches and pains that accompany both athletic training and adolescence from more serious causes of pain. Atypical pain may be indicative of a more serious injury, a tumor, infection, or another more severe clinical entity. Box 140.1 outlines key elements in the history that can guide the clinician in making this distinction.

Box 140.1
Pediatric Back Pain Red Flags

The following pain characteristics are not associated with typical muscular back pain and warrant further investigation.

  • Night pain

  • Pain in young children, especially if they stop playing

  • Frequent pain at rest, not including sitting (pain with prolonged sitting in school is extremely common in teens with mechanical low back pain)

  • Back pain associated with an abnormal gait, limp, unsteadiness on feet, and so on.

  • With associated constitutional symptoms (e.g., fever, lethargy, weight loss, loss of appetite)

  • Atypical location, especially thoracic rather than lumbar pain (although pain in the trapezius/periscapular muscles is often due to backpacks)

  • History of worsening pain

  • With neurologic symptoms or physical findings (cavus foot, etc.)

  • Kyphosis

  • With important cutaneous findings (e.g., high and deep dimple, hairy patch, café-au-lait spots suggestive of neurofibromatosis)

  • Positive finger test (child localizes pain to area the size of a fingertip)

  • Positive coin test (have child keep the back straight when picking something up)

  • Listing to side on Adams forward bend

  • Tight hamstrings (popliteal angle >50 degrees)

In evaluating spinal injuries, the mechanism and impact can alert the clinician to more critical conditions. In acute scenarios in which a potentially unstable spine injury is suspected, proper immobilization of the spine is necessary to prevent worsening of the injury. For children younger than 8 years, a pediatric backboard with a recess should be used to accommodate their proportionally large head size and prevent additional injury from the acute flexion that can be caused by a traditional backboard.

The physical examination is critical but also challenging in the child with suspected spinal injury. In cases in which spinal instability is not suspected, the focused neurologic examination outlined ( Box 140.2 ) provides an efficient assessment and can be performed even in young children.

Box 140.2
From Skaggs DL, Flynn JM. Staying Out of Trouble in Pediatric Orthopaedics. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
60-Second Neurologic Examination

  • Hop on each foot, one at a time

  • Walk on heels

  • Reflexes

  • Foot inspection

  • Ankle dorsiflexion to assess muscle tone and clonus

  • Sensation

  • Popliteal angle


Spondylolysis is a defect in the pars interarticularis and is most commonly found at the L5 level. It is by far the most common cause of back pain, accounting for up to 47% of cases in the adolescent population in some series. The prevalence of spondylolysis is approximately 6% among the general population. Approximately 80% of cases are bilateral, whereas 20% of cases are unilateral. When a patient has an associated slippage of a vertebra in relation to the adjacent vertebra, the term “spondylolisthesis” is used.


Spondylolisthesis can be classified on the basis of either the type of the spondylolisthesis or the degree of displacement. The five types of spondylolisthesis are dysplastic, isthmic, degenerative, traumatic, and pathologic. Of these, dysplastic (in which facet joints allow anterior translation) and isthmic (associated with a lesion of the pars interarticularis) types are most commonly encountered in children. Spondylolisthesis can also be classified by the degree of displacement in relation to the adjacent vertebra with use of the Meyerding grading system (shown in Fig. 140.4 , with an example of a grade 3 spondylolisthesis), where 1% to 24% = 1, 25% to 49% = 2, 50% to 74% = 3, and 75% to 100% = 4. Cases in which the amount of displacement exceeds 100% are referred to as spondyloptosis .

Fig. 140.4, An example of grade 3 spondylolisthesis using the Meyerding grading system. This system describes the percentage of translation of the superior vertebral body relative to the inferior vertebral body. Grade 1 = 1% to 24%; grade 2 = 25% to 49%; grade 3 = 50% to 74%; and grade 4 = 75% to 100%. Cases in which the amount of displacement exceeds 100% are referred to as spondyloptosis.

History and Physical Examination

Spondylolysis is associated with sports such as gymnastics, volleyball, football, diving, and pole vaulting, in which repetitive hyperextension occurs, but can be seen in essentially any sport. A typical history is one of activity-related back pain that is well localized to the lower spine, with radiating pain in the buttocks or legs in some cases. Approximately 40% of patients recall a traumatic event at the onset of pain.

On physical examination, patients may have lumbar hyperlordosis. Conversely, they may have flattening through the lumbar region in cases of severe pain or a high-grade spondylolisthesis. The classic physical exam finding is pain with standing spine hyperextension, especially during single-leg stance or with concomitant twisting. Hamstring contractures are commonly associated with spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis. In some severe cases, this condition leads to the abnormal gait pattern described by Phalen and Dickson, consisting of crouching, a short stride, and an incomplete swing phase.


A great deal of controversy exists regarding the optimal imaging modality for evaluation of spondylolysis. Although the characteristic “collar of the Scottie dog” observed on oblique radiographs is often difficult to appreciate, plain radiographs are commonly used as first-line imaging ( Fig. 140.5 ). In some series, more than half of spondylolysis lesions (53%) can be missed on plain films alone. A single photon emission computed tomographic (CT) bone scan is more sensitive for detecting defects of the pars but is nonspecific and thus is positive for other pathologic conditions, including infection, osteoid osteomas, and neoplasms. Single photon emission CT may also miss older, “cold” lesions. Consequently, our practice is to obtain a spot lateral of L5-S1 and then move directly to a limited CT if the signs and symptoms are consistent with a spondylolysis.

Fig. 140.5, The characteristic “collar of the Scottie dog” observed on oblique radiograph.

Since the advent and development of CT, many studies have verified that CT is more sensitive than plain radiographs in detecting early spondylolytic lesions. In addition, even in patients with radiographs that demonstrate spondylolysis, a CT scan may be helpful for treatment planning to assess the acuity of the spondylolytic lesion. MRI has been suggested as another imaging modality for evaluation of spondylolysis, but the reported sensitivity ranges from 25% to 86%. In our own series, we found that up to 64% of spondylolysis cases in symptomatic patients can be missed if MRI is the only diagnostic imaging study performed. Consequently, it is standard protocol at our institution to obtain a limited CT scan when presented with a patient whose history and physical examination are suggestive of spondylolysis and an MRI scan that appears “normal.”


Most children have resolution of symptoms with conservative treatment consisting of activity modification and bracing. In acute cases, an attempt at achieving bony union is made and activity is restricted. Although reports in the literature are variable, an estimated 75% to 100% of acute unilateral lesions and 50% of acute bilateral lesions heal ( Fig. 140.6 ), whereas essentially no chronic defects heal. Approximately 90% of athletes return to their prior level of sports participation at an average of 5 to 6 months, which suggests that in many cases a fibrous union is sufficient for symptomatic improvement because the rates of returning to sport exceed the rate of achieving bony union.

Fig. 140.6, (A) The presence of a bilateral pars defect on a noncontrast computed tomography (CT) scan consistent with a diagnosis of acute spondylolysis. (B) A subsequent CT scan with contrast-confirmed healing of the defect after successful conservative treatment.

No consensus has been reached regarding the type of bracing or protocol for wear. The Boston thoracolumbar sacral orthosis, an antilordotic brace, and braces with a thigh cuff have all been used. Some authors suggest that braces be worn for 23 hours a day for 4 to 6 months. In general, when we are attempting to heal the fracture, our preferred treatment of patients with acute spondylolysis is to begin with an antilordotic brace worn any time the patient is weight bearing, including a thigh cuff if tolerated, for the first month. A lumbosacral orthosis without a thigh cuff provides very little immobilization to L5-S1. In acute cases, bracing is continued for approximately 3 months, and a limited CT scan is then performed to evaluate for bony healing prior to return to sport.

In chronic cases in which the bone does not heal, conservative treatment is based on symptoms. A variety of braces prevent excessive hyperextension of the lumbar spine. In some cases, patients can return to their prior level of activity while using such a brace. Core strengthening may play a role in long-term prevention of symptoms.

In cases in which the patient has unresolved pain after more than 6 months of conservative treatment, intolerance of conservative treatment, a greater than 50% slip of the spondylolisthesis, or neurologic symptoms, surgical intervention is considered. Numerous techniques have been described both for direct repair and for fusion of the involved segment. A direct repair should not be considered in cases of spondylolisthesis. Techniques for direct repair include the Buck technique of direct screw fixation across the pars defect, wiring between the transverse and spinous process, and pedicle screws with an attached sublaminar hook described by Kakiuchi. Prior to consideration of a direct repair, an MRI scan should be obtained to evaluate the integrity of the intervertebral disk. If the intervertebral disk is abnormal, a fusion is preferred. Fusion may consist of a posterior only approach, with or without a transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. Another option for fusion is an anterior and posterior fusion for additional stability. A great deal of controversy continues to exist with regard to in situ fusion versus reduction of the spondylolisthesis. The increased neurologic risks of reduction must be weighed against the risks of implant failure, slip progression, and pseudarthrosis associated with in situ fusion. See Fig. 140.7 for our treatment algorithm for spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis.

Fig. 140.7, A treatment algorithm for spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis. CT, Computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; prn, as needed; PSF, posterior spinal fusion; TLIF, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion.


Rates of return to sports participation after surgical treatment are high, ranging from 80% to 100%. Nevertheless, it is an area of high stress, and implant complications are frequently observed, with posterior fusion techniques resulting in a high reoperation rate, up to 47% in one series, with many of these presenting several years after the initial procedure. This may reflect that the population of patients pursuing operative management often represents a subset of very competitive athletes who return to a high level of activity. For this reason, in many of these cases, our center and others have begun favoring the more aggressive approach of a combined anterior and posterior fusion. Fig. 140.8A and B shows an example of a patient treated with fusion who returned to a high level of sports participation.

Fig. 140.8, (A and B) This 17-year-old female with an L5 spondylolysis was in severe pain despite months of conservative management. Following a successful anterior and posterior spinal fusion of L5-S1, she returned to competitive dance. Clinical photos demonstrate that she maintained excellent flexibility and range of motion following this one-level fusion.

Apophyseal Ring Fractures

The vertebral ring apophysis appears at the age of 6 years and fuses to the vertebral body at approximately the age of 17 years. Mechanical stress on the apophyseal ring can lead to a fracture of the vertebral growth plate, resulting in an apophyseal ring fracture. This clinical entity, unique to the immature pediatric spine, causes pain similar to that of a disk herniation.

History and Physical Examination

Pain is usually described as acute in onset and is often severe. Radicular pain is less common than in adult disk herniations because the injury is less likely to have a lateral component. A straight-leg raise test may be positive.


This injury is often difficult to appreciate on plain radiographs, although such radiographs are generally obtained as an initial step in evaluating the patient with back pain. A CT scan allows accurate characterization of the osseous injury ( Fig. 140.9 ). MRI is generally obtained as well in these cases to allow for evaluation of the adjacent intervertebral disk and nerve roots. However, MRI scans frequently miss this injury or are misread as a disk herniation because the thin bony component of the apophysis may not be appreciated (see Fig. 140.9 ).

Fig. 140.9, Magnetic resonance imaging (A) gives the appearance of a disk herniation, but a computed tomography scan (B and C) clearly shows that it is in fact an apophyseal ring fracture.


In contrast to herniated disk material, the posterior endplate lesion is typically not absorbed. Although injuries with very small osseous fragments may be treated conservatively, such treatment usually results in continued pain. The mainstay of treatment is surgical excision of the protruding fragment. A recent report by Higashino et al. supports favorable long-term outcomes in patients with these injuries.

Chance Fractures

Chance fractures consist of a flexion-distraction injury with failure of both the anterior elements in flexion and the posterior elements in distraction. They were described by Chance as a traumatic horizontal splitting of the spine. Chance fractures are often unstable and require surgical management. Consequently, differentiating between a stable compression fracture and a three-column Chance fracture is imperative for proper management of these injuries. Our institution has reported on several patients whom we cared for with unstable Chance fractures that were initially misdiagnosed as compression fractures, with a mean delay in treatment of 3 months.

History and Physical Examination

Sports injuries are one of the most common mechanisms of injury for pediatric Chance fractures, alongside motor vehicle accidents and falls. These injuries are accompanied by the acute onset of pain and a high incidence of neurologic injury. Arkader et al. reported a 43% incidence of neurologic injury in a multicenter series of pediatric patients with Chance fractures. Of those with neurologic deficits, only 53% made a full recovery. Consequently, a thorough neurologic exam is imperative. In addition, as these injuries may be misdiagnosed as compression fractures, it is important to have a high index of suspicion for possible Chance fractures when evaluating patients with a known flexion injury of the anterior column. Clinical concern should be raised if there is tenderness to palpation posteriorly or any swelling or step-off to suggest involvement of the posterior elements with a three-column injury. In addition, there may be a kyphotic deformity at the level of the injury. This may be present initially, depending on the magnitude of the injury, or may develop in cases that are misdiagnosed in a more delayed fashion.


The initial evaluation of spine trauma through the thoracolumbar region typically consists of an anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiograph of the thoracolumbar spine. In cases where a neurologic deficit is present, an MRI of the spine is also obtained. This will reveal the extent of the ligamentous injury. A CT scan is often helpful to define the extent of the osseous injury and differentiate a purely ligamentous Chance fracture from one with a significant osseous component.


Arkader et al. showed improved outcomes in operatively managed pediatric Chance fractures when compared with those treated nonoperatively. In their series, 45% of patients had a good outcome (defined as no chronic pain or neurologic deficit) in the nonoperative group compared with 84% in the operative group. Nevertheless, in a neurologically intact patient where there is an osseous rather than a ligamentous injury posteriorly, successful treatment may be possible with a thoracolumbar brace that is fitted so that it provides support at the level of injury to prevent development of kyphosis. In operatively managed patients, treatment typically consists of a level 1 or 2 fusion at the level of injury, though more levels may need to be included in cases where significant kyphotic deformity is present.

Sacral Facet Fractures

Sacral facet fractures are a rare injury but an important diagnosis to recognize. They should be considered in the young athlete who has localized back pain with extension. This diagnosis may be easily missed on plain radiographs, bone scans, and MRI, which are frequently negative in these cases. CT is the imaging modality of choice in cases in which this diagnosis is suspected. An example is shown in Fig. 140.10 . Authors of a recent case series of elite athletes reported on treatment with removal of the intra-articular fracture fragments by a minimally invasive muscle-sparing approach. In cases where the fragment is removed early, resolution of pain and return to full sports is anticipated, while if long-standing there may be degenerative changes to the facet joint that develop leading to a more negative outcome.

Fig. 140.10, Magnetic resonance imaging scan (A) and A computed tomography scans (B and C) depicting a sacral facet fracture (arrows) .


Scoliosis is defined as curvature of the spine of greater than 10 degrees. Although most cases of scoliosis are idiopathic, idiopathic scoliosis is a diagnosis of exclusion. The clinician should be careful to consider other diagnosis such as neurofibromatosis, Marfan syndrome, or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, with which the scoliosis may be associated. Many patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis—which has a prevalence of nearly 3%—participate in sports. Once other potential concomitant conditions have been eliminated, idiopathic scoliosis is not a contraindication to participation in sports.

History and Physical Examination

At presentation, approximately 20% of patients with scoliosis have back pain, which is similar to the percentage of adolescents who have back pain in general. For back pain that is localized, constant, progressive, predominantly occurs at night, or limits activities, further evaluation with MRI is warranted. The clinician should also ask about constitutional symptoms and any bowel or bladder issues. These atypical symptoms necessitate further evaluation for other causes and for spinal cord compression.

Physical examination can be divided into three components: (1) assessment of the curve, (2) evaluation for any neurologic concerns, and (3) examination for any stigmata that suggest a cause that is not idiopathic. The Adams forward bend test then allows assessment of the rotation. Prominence should be noted on the same side as the convexity of the curve. In cases in which a lumbar prominence is noted on the concavity, a leg length discrepancy should be suspected, and the curve may be compensatory. With the patient bent forward, scoliometer readings can be obtained. Although highly variable, a reading of 7 degrees on a scoliometer is considered an indication to obtain a radiograph and correlates to an approximately 20-degree curve.

After assessment of the curve, a focused neurologic evaluation should be performed (see Box 140.2 ). Any change in sensation or strength, gait abnormality, foot deformity, unequal reflexes, or sustained clonus suggests a cause that is not idiopathic. Cutaneous findings of axillary freckles, more than three café-au-lait spots, or neurofibromas suggest neurofibromatosis. A high-arched palate, ligamentous laxity, and pectus deformities warrant consideration of Marfan syndrome.


If the clinical examination suggests the possibility of scoliosis, then initial radiographic evaluation consists of a standing posteroanterior and lateral radiograph of the thoracolumbar spine. This radiograph ideally includes the pelvis and is not collimated to allow for evaluation of closure of the triradiate cartilage and the Risser sign, which are important components in assessing the growth remaining and the risk of progression. Care should be taken to evaluate for concomitant pathologic conditions on the lateral radiograph. In particular, in persons with symptomatic spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis, an associated scoliosis is present in 25% to 40% of cases, but it may be easily overlooked if the focus is entirely on the spinal curvature.

Attention should also be directed to the sagittal contour of the patient with idiopathic scoliosis. Due to the three-dimensional nature of scoliosis, rotation and resultant hypokyphosis are generally observed through the thoracic region. If this area is instead kyphotic, one should suspect other etiologies. In cases in which a cause other than idiopathic scoliosis is suspected, an MRI should be obtained. Although recommendations vary, indications for an MRI include (1) neurologic abnormality (weakness/abnormal reflexes), (2) severe pain, (3) young patients (younger than 11 years) with curves greater than 20 degrees, (4) atypical patterns (i.e., a left-sided thoracic curve, congenital scoliosis, short angular curves, or a severe deformity >70 degrees), and (5) rapid progression (i.e., >1 degree per month).

In cases where there is a question as to the amount of growth remaining, a radiograph of the hand may be obtained to better assess skeletal maturity. Evaluation of this radiograph with a modified classification described by Sanders et al. has been found to be a more accurate predictor of risk of progression than Risser staging or Greulich and Pyle bone age.


Treatment is based on the risk of curve progression. The two major components in the evaluation are curve magnitude and skeletal maturity (i.e., the amount of growth remaining). Lonstein and Carlson have reported that if the condition is not treated, 68% of patients who are at Risser level 0 to 1 with a 20- to 29-degree curve will progress, whereas only 23% of patients who are at Risser level 2 to 4 with a curve of the same magnitude will show signs of progression. Currently none of the genetic testing available reliably allows identification of the curves that will progress, as opposed to curves that will not progress.

Nonoperative treatment consists predominantly of bracing. Protocols and indications vary with much of the debate centering around the contradictory evidence with regard to bracing, which has been complicated by compliance issues. In 2010, Katz et al. reported on 82% of patients who wore a brace more than 12 hours a day did not have a progression of their curve, compared with 31% who did not progress with brace wear of fewer than 7 hours per day. Another landmark article was published in 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine by Dolan and Weinstein reporting the results of the BRAIST trial. In this multicenter, randomized prospective study between observation and bracing, the success rate was 72% in the braced group compared with 48% in the observation group. In general, bracing with a thoracolumbosacral orthosis (Boston or Rigo Cheneau brace) can be considered for curves of 25 to 40 degrees, with substantial growth remaining (Risser level 3 or less; though more accurately assessed by Sanders staging) and a curve apex below T7.

For curves that reach 50 degrees, surgical intervention is generally recommended. This recommendation is based on the high rate of progression of curves with that magnitude even after skeletal maturity and the ultimately significant cardiopulmonary effects. Currently posterior spinal fusion with pedicle screw fixation is the most common surgical treatment for idiopathic scoliosis. Complications include ileus (6%), early infection (1% to 2%), late infection (up to 5%), pseudarthrosis (3%), and neurologic deficit (0.4% to 0.7%).

Scoliosis and Sports Participation

Numerous studies have demonstrated that exercise is not sufficient to inhibit the progression of idiopathic scoliosis. Although it may not alter the natural history, swimming has been shown to help maintain flexibility of the spine, as well as strength and endurance. Although it is widely recognized that scoliosis should not present a contraindication to sports participation, many questions remain about when it is appropriate for patients to return to sports in cases in which athletes have undergone surgical treatment. Survey responses from 261 pediatric spine surgeons indicate that the majority of these surgeons allow children to return to noncontact sports participation between 6 months and 1 year after spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Even more variable was the timing for return to contact sports. In most cases of uncomplicated posterior spinal fusion for idiopathic scoliosis, we allow return to sports as tolerated, including contact sports, at around 3 months after the operation. However, this return is dependent on the understanding of both the patient and parent that some very small increase in the risk of a catastrophic spinal injury may exist, along with the agreement to undertake this shared risk.

Varying reports have been made regarding the long-term impact of surgical treatment for scoliosis on sports participation. In 2002, a survey of patients with scoliosis who were treated both operatively and nonoperatively reported no significant difference in sports participation, but both groups had decreased participation compared with control subjects. More recently, Fabricant et al. reported a correlation between the distal level of the fusion and return to sports after posterior spinal fusion. In their study, only 59% returned to their preoperative level of athletic activity at an average of 5.5 years of follow-up. Their study did not include a nonoperatively treated group for comparison. Selective posterior spinal fusions, more stable constructs with pedicle screws, and postoperative protocols with earlier return to physical activity may help improve outcomes, but as of yet, data on this topic are limited.

Atlantoaxial Instability

Atlantoaxial instability may be either acute, as a result of a traumatic event, or chronic. Acute atlantoaxial instability may occur as a result of severe flexion of the cervical spine. An ADI of 5 mm or more in children in the setting of an acute injury may signify that the transverse ligament has been injured and that instability is present. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can further elucidate the extent of the injury. If the transverse ligament is injured, posterior spinal fusion of C1 and C2 is usually necessary to prevent further compromise to the spinal cord.

Atlantoaxial Instability in Down Syndrome

More commonly the physician is faced with management of chronic atlantoaxial instability in patients with Down syndrome. This instability may be either symptomatic or asymptomatic. The estimated incidence of asymptomatic atlantoaxial instability in persons with Down syndrome is up to 22%, whereas only 2% to 3% of persons with Down syndrome have symptomatic atlantoaxial instability. The literature currently does not include any reports of children with Down syndrome without preceding neurologic symptoms who have had a traumatic injury with sports participation that resulted in progression to symptomatic instability. The history and physical examination are especially important in the evaluation of these patients, as even patients with normal cervical spine radiographs may develop instability over time.

History and Physical Examination

The history is key in this patient population because the physical examination may be challenging. The revised American Academy of Pediatrics 2011 guidelines mark a shift away from routine radiographic screening and emphasize the need for a physical exam and parental counseling to monitor for development of any symptoms on a biannual basis. Symptoms to inquire about include neck pain, fatigability, difficulty walking, abnormal gait, and worsening coordination/clumsiness or change in bowel or bladder habits. Physical examination should include evaluation of neck range of motion (ROM), gait, strength, spasticity, hyperreflexia, and clonus.


Both the screening and management of atlantoaxial instability in persons with Down syndrome have become extremely controversial. The American Academy of Pediatrics has retracted its recommendation for assessment of potential atlantoaxial instability and currently advises against imaging in asymptomatic persons. In 2014, the Special Olympics also modified their requirements and no longer require routine radiographs for athletes. Instead they now rely on the completion of a medical form that includes a review of symptoms for adverse neurologic effects, including those that could result from spinal cord compression or symptomatic atlantoaxial instability. These forms are to be completed a minimum of every 3 years, though many programs require them on a more frequent basis. Radiographs should be obtained if there are any symptoms suspicious for this. The guidelines established by Special Olympics state that an ADI of greater than 4.5 mm is considered to be atlantoaxial instability. Other authors have suggested that measurement of the space available for the cord (spinal canal width) of less than 14 mm is a more relevant predictor of neurologic injury, though this remains controversial in younger age groups. Nakamura et al. reported on use of the C1 to C4 ratio of space available for the cord (SAC), which had a high inter and intrarater reliability and can account for change with age and growth. They reviewed more than 250 children with Down syndrome and found that a C1/C4 SAC of less than 0.8 was associated with a high chance of developing myelopathy. If either an abnormal space available for the cord or an abnormal ADI is detected, further evaluation by a pediatric spine surgeon is warranted. In cases in which the ADI is greater than 10 mm or the child is symptomatic, an MRI scan may be helpful in the evaluation.

A similar issue for pediatric athletes with Down syndrome is the consideration of atlantooccipital hypermobility. Atlantooccipital instability has been underappreciated and should be considered when evaluating radiographs in this population. A Power ratio of greater than 1.0 signifies anterior instability. In addition, posterior instability has also been described, but the clinical significance of this instability is as yet unclear.

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