A 20-year-old woman with a gradually enlarging right parotid mass. Ax , axial; FS , fat saturated.

A 74-year-old man with a history of smoking presenting with a nontender left parotid mass. Ax , axial; Cor , coronal; FS , fat saturated.

A 67-year-old man presenting with an enlarging right preauricular mass. Ax , axial; Cor , coronal; CT , computed tomography; FS , fat saturated.


MRIs from three patients demonstrate well-defined unilateral parotid masses.

  • Case A features a well-defined, T2 hyperintense, T1 hypointense enhancing mass centered within the right parotid gland with slightly lobulated (bosselated) margins. Early postcontrast images demonstrate heterogeneous enhancement.

  • In Case B, a well-circumscribed enhancing mass is seen centered within the left parotid tail with predominantly T2 isointense signal when compared with the remainder of the parotid gland. Note the small, internal, cystic, T2 hyperintense, nonenhancing cystic foci.

  • Case C features a homogenously enhancing mass within the right parotid gland with the same signal intensity as a small adjacent intraparotid lymph node on T2 and T1 postcontrast images.


Case A

Pleomorphic adenoma

Case B

Warthin tumor

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