Key points

  • Surgical resection of lung tissue via thoracotomy is a routine procedure, used mostly for treating lung cancer, which requires careful assessment of the patient’s physiological reserve.

  • Less invasive surgical techniques such as video-assisted thoracic surgery are increasing rapidly and associated with less physiological disturbance and clinical complications.

  • One-lung ventilation is required for many pulmonary surgery procedures, and understanding of the physiology involved is vital for its safe use.

  • Lung transplantation is an established technique for treating advanced lung disease, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease currently being the most common indication.

  • Lung transplant results in completely denervated lungs, which leaves the respiratory pattern unaffected but impairs the cough reflex.

In current clinical practice surgery of the lungs, mediastinum and chest wall is routinely performed, and although still high risk by modern surgical standards, the outcome for most patients is favourable. The physiological disturbances caused during and after pulmonary surgery are immense, and in this chapter the effects of the more common pulmonary surgical procedures are outlined.

Physiological aspects of common interventions


Bronchoscopy allows direct visualization of the airway and, if necessary, the collection of washings and biopsies of airway, lung and mediastinal tissue. It may also be used therapeutically to, for example, remove inhaled foreign bodies, resect tumours or place stents to overcome airway obstruction. Two types of bronchoscopy are performed, flexible and rigid.

Flexible bronchoscopy

The flexibility of fibreoptic bronchoscopes allows a view of all the major branches of the tracheobronchial tree with minimal risk of trauma and discomfort for the patient. The procedure can therefore be performed without general anaesthesia, although extensive topical anaesthesia to the airway is required, and most clinicians also provide sedation to relieve the anxiety associated with having a bronchoscopy. Hypoxia during a flexible bronchoscopy is common, occurring in 17% of patients from one study, and supplemental oxygen is therefore normally used. Lung function during bronchoscopy is significantly impaired. While the bronchoscope is in place the functional residual capacity (FRC) is increased by about one-fifth, and forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV 1 ) and peak expiratory flow are all decreased, indicating expiratory air flow obstruction. These observations are not explained simply by the presence of the bronchoscope in the airway, as the observed airway flow limitation begins after the airway local anaesthetic is applied (before insertion of the bronchoscope) and continues for several minutes after the bronchoscope has been removed, suggesting that a bronchoconstrictor action of the topical anaesthesia is responsible. Respiratory depression may also occur during or soon after bronchoscopy, and the causes of this are uncertain but likely to relate either to the sedative drugs or the topical anaesthesia in the airway. The major limitation of flexible bronchoscopy is the size of the instruments that may be passed down the bronchoscope. They are suitable for visualization and biopsies of the airway, and the development of endobronchial ultrasound has allowed flexible bronchoscopes to also be used for biopsies of mediastinal lymph nodes and tumours, revolutionizing the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. However, for removal of foreign bodies or airway surgery a larger portal for access to the tracheobronchial tree is required.

Rigid bronchoscopy

Straight, rigid bronchoscopes are available with internal diameters up to 8 mm that may be passed into the trachea, and a variety of instruments can then be used through the bronchoscope. To see around corners in the bronchial tree 30- and 90-degree angled telescopes are used. With rigid bronchoscopy foreign bodies that are wedged in the airway can be removed, tracheal tumours resected, airway haemorrhage treated and stents deployed in the trachea or main bronchi to overcome stenosing tumours or airway leaks. The major disadvantage of the technique is the requirement for general anaesthesia, often in a patient with significant respiratory disease.

Ventilation during a rigid bronchoscopy is challenging, and four main techniques may be used:

  • 1.

    Spontaneous ventilation . A ventilating bronchoscope allows the normal anaesthetic breathing system to be attached to a side port of the bronchoscope, which also must have a glass window to occlude its proximal lumen to prevent escape of the anaesthetic gases. Spontaneous breathing may be continued during the procedure, with anaesthesia maintained by inhalational or intravenous agents. Leaks around the bronchoscope are a problem, particularly if the surgeon wishes to pass instruments through the bronchoscope, so this technique is now used only rarely and usually in children in whom the small size of the cricoid cartilage minimizes leakage of inhaled gases from around the bronchoscope.

  • 2.

    Positive pressure ventilation . This form of ventilation may be achieved via a ventilating bronchoscope, as described earlier, but once again the lack of a seal between the airway and bronchoscope makes the technique problematic. The most common technique used for ventilation is the Sanders injector, which is a high-pressure oxygen supply (4 atm) intermittently applied to the proximal end of the rigid bronchoscope through a small diameter ‘injector’. As a result of the Venturi effect, the high-velocity jet of oxygen entrains room air and increases the pressure along the bronchoscope, causing lung inflation. Anaesthesia must be maintained by intravenous agents, and adequacy of ventilation can only be assessed by observation of the chest rather than the usual capnography (page 134), but this technique does allow the surgeon to operate down the bronchoscope whilst the patient is being ventilated. The Sanders injector system for ventilation is problematic in patients with lung disease, as the inspired oxygen concentration and pulmonary inflation pressure are variable, influenced not only by the bronchoscope dimensions and side ports but also by the mechanics of the patient’s lungs.

  • 3.

    High-frequency jet ventilation (page 384). This may be used during bronchoscopy, and the ability of the technique to ventilate the lungs with minimal increase in airway pressure makes it particularly useful in patients with airway leaks such as bronchopleural fistulae.

  • 4.

    Apnoeic oxygenation . This may be used during rigid bronchoscopy, but normally only as a last resort and for a short period of time—that is, until hypercapnia develops (page 133).


Insertion of a telescope through the chest wall into the pleural space allows direct inspection of the pleura, lungs, mediastinum and diaphragm to facilitate diagnosis or therapeutic interventions. Three types of thoracoscopy exist:

  • 1.

    Medical thoracoscopy. This technique may be used to investigate pleural effusions or pneumothorax when less invasive interventions such as thoracocentesis have failed to reach a diagnosis. One or two ports are inserted into the chest in an awake or sedated patient using local anaesthesia, similar to inserting a chest drain. In most cases the thoracoscope is inserted into an existing pleural space, that is, a pleural effusion or pneumothorax, so the physiological insult is less than may be imagined. Minor interventions such as biopsies, breaking down of pleural adhesions or talc pleurodesis (page 402) may be performed if accompanied by suitable analgesia.

  • 2.

    Thoracoscopy using gas insufflation. This technique is usually performed under general anaesthesia and involves insertion of multiple ports and insufflation of carbon dioxide into the pleural space to create a compartment in which the operation can be performed. Increasing the intrapleural pressure above atmospheric in this way effectively causes a tension pneumothorax (page 361); therefore it is vital that the pressure used is both well-controlled and kept as low as possible (usually <10 mmHg). Intermittent positive pressure ventilation of the lung on the operative side may be continued, minimizing the effect of the capnothorax on gas exchange, and close monitoring allows any cardiovascular changes to be quickly corrected by releasing carbon dioxide from the chest cavity. Any carbon dioxide left in the pleura at the conclusion of surgery will be quickly reabsorbed (page 363).

  • 3.

    Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) . This term describes any operation that is facilitated by insertion of a video camera into the chest cavity. Usually a small thoracotomy is made, and the camera and operating instruments all pass through this small opening, although other ports may be inserted elsewhere in the chest wall. This procedure differs from a thoracoscopy, as described earlier, in that the chest cavity is open to the atmosphere, so a positive intrathoracic pressure cannot occur. One-lung ventilation (OLV) is therefore needed, and the lung on the operative side collapses under its own elastic recoil or has to be retracted by the surgeon. The small breach of the chest cavity required for VATS has numerous advantages compared with the effects of a thoracotomy (see later) and the technique is widely used for pleural surgery such as pleurodesis (page 402) and for intervention after a pneumothorax. Minor lung surgery such as wedge resection and lung biopsy are particularly suitable for a VATS approach, and this has now become the standard approach for lobectomy in many centres, and even pneumonectomy in some.


A surgical opening in the chest cavity was first used more than 100 years ago, usually for the treatment of empyema (page 363) and tuberculosis. In current surgical practice the indications for thoracotomy have widened to include surgery of the lungs, major vessels, oesophagus and thoracic spine. In most cases, thoracotomy is performed in the lateral position, which has significant effects on respiratory physiology (see later), and through a posterolateral incision.

The effects of thoracotomy on postoperative respiratory function are profound, with significant reductions in chest wall compliance and respiratory muscle activity resulting from chest wall oedema, pain, disruption of muscle anatomy and, later in the recovery phase, scarring of chest wall tissues. In the first 24 hours following surgery, FVC and FEV 1 are only 30% to 50% of the preoperative volumes, with some evidence that the type of thoracotomy incision used may affect these values. Chest wall compliance falls to around 60% of the preoperative value by the third postoperative day before slowly improving. At 1 week after surgery, FVC and FEV 1 are around 70% to 80% of preoperative values, and by this stage the different incisions seem to have little effect on recovery.

Other measures of respiratory muscle strength such as maximum inspiratory and expiratory mouth pressures are also reduced to about one-half the preoperative values following thoracotomy, and in one study had not returned to normal 12 weeks after surgery. The same study showed a rapid return to normal of both measures of muscle function following VATS procedures. Older patients, who have poor respiratory muscle strength relative to younger patients, took longer to recover muscle function following surgery, possibly explaining the greater incidence of pulmonary complications with increasing age. Therefore thoracotomy alone impairs respiratory muscle function to such an extent that ventilation may not be able to keep pace with the extra ventilatory requirements associated with having major surgery, and alveolar hypoventilation can occur along with regional pulmonary collapse and impaired oxygenation. Even in less severely affected patients the ability to cough is always weakened, with an increased risk of chest complications. For patients who have a lung resection through their thoracotomy, lung compliance is also decreased to about half their preoperative value, compounding these problems.

Lung resection

Assessing patient fitness for lung resection

Lung function is assessed using either the FEV 1 or, if the patient has parenchymal lung disease, the diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide ( D l CO ; page 117). If these are less than 80% of normal predicted values for that patient, an attempt is made to calculate predicted postoperative values based on which anatomical sections of lung need to be removed. Radionucleotide ventilation or perfusion scans or quantitative computed tomography scans may all be used to measure functional lung units; these are useful techniques as they also show which pathological lung units are already not contributing to overall function. Less invasive is the anatomical method in which the lungs are divided into 19 anatomical segments of equal value, and knowing which segments are to be removed enables estimation of postoperative predicted lung function. For many years a general rule of lung resection was that a predicted postoperative FEV 1 of less than 0.8 to 1.0 L precluded resection, although evidence for this rule is poor. Using an absolute value for FEV 1 or D l CO is fraught with difficulties because sex, age and height all affect the normal values, and decisions should now always be based on the values as a percentage of the predicted normal for that patient (page 24).

Different studies have produced varied results on the association between percentage predicted postoperative FEV 1 or D l CO and outcome, but a value of less than 40% of predicted normal is now accepted as being associated with an increased mortality and complication rate. For patients in this situation, measurement of preoperative exercise tolerance has the advantage of also including a cardiovascular component to the assessment and may help to further define risks and outcomes. The most objective way of quantifying exercise activity is by measuring
V .
o 2peak (page 184). Values of less than 15 mL.min −1 .kg −1 are again associated with poor outcome. Clinical measures of exercise tolerance have some value, but these must be performed under supervision, as patients’ own reported exercise tolerance is normally greatly exaggerated. Tests which have some limited use in predicting outcome after lung resection include the shuttle test and 6-minute walk test (page 189) and stair climbing (the number of stairs or height of stairs the patient is able to climb ).

Partial lung resection

The magnitude of lung resection operations varies from removal of a small tumour in the lung periphery to a complete pneumonectomy, with the more minor procedures performed via VATS and the more major via a thoracotomy. Wherever possible, dissection is made between lobes or in intersegmental planes. Care is required when operating on pulmonary vessels, particularly pulmonary arteries because they have thin walls and are easy to damage, which can result in significant haemorrhage that may be difficult to control.

Following lung resection, the remaining lung in the hemithorax quickly expands to fill the available space. One or two chest drains are usually placed in the chest cavity and connected to underwater seal systems to allow any air or blood to drain. If the remaining lung does not fully expand, a negative pressure of up to 20 cmH 2 O may be applied to the drains to encourage expansion.


Resection of an entire lung is usually performed for removal of large, central lung tumours ( Fig. 33.1 , A ). Following pneumonectomy correct management of the empty hemithorax is crucial. If air is drained from the cavity too quickly mediastinal shift will occur, which impairs venous drainage to the heart and can cause cardiovascular collapse. One option is to not leave a drain in the chest cavity and to monitor the position of the mediastinum daily with a chest radiograph. Alternatively, a chest drain can be placed ( Fig. 33.1 , B ), but be clamped for most of the time and only released briefly and intermittently to ensure the pressure in the cavity is approximately atmospheric. A more interventional approach is to measure the pressure in the chest cavity and instil or remove air to maintain a pressure of −2 to −4 cmH 2 O on inspiration and +2 to +4 cmH 2 O on expiration. Within a few weeks of pneumonectomy the volume of the hemithorax decreases because of a combination of mediastinal shift, elevation of the diaphragm and contraction of the chest wall, and pleural fluid replaces the air in the chest cavity ( Fig. 33.1 , C ). Over the ensuing months or years, the fluid volume decreases as the mediastinal shift continues, and the other lung herniates anteriorly or posteriorly across the midline to partially fill the vacated hemithorax.

• Fig. 33.1, (A) Chest radiograph showing large lung cancer at the right hilum. (B) The same patient 24 hours after a right pneumonectomy. Note the shifted trachea and mediastinum, contracted right thoracic cage and early accumulation of fluid in the empty hemithorax. (C) One month later, with the empty hemithorax already almost completely filled with fluid and a hyperexpanded left lung.

Studies in animals have demonstrated the intriguing phenomenon of ‘neoalveolarization’ following lung resection. Within 20 days of lung resection in mice the number of alveoli in the remaining lung increased by 50%, completely restoring the gas-exchanging surface area. Neoalveolarization probably occurs by new alveoli forming in the walls of existing alveolar ducts and respiratory bronchioles, and is thus far only described in young animals, as would be expected from the observation that in mammals formation of alveoli is a postnatal process (page 176).

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