Prostatic carcinoma, mucinous variant


  • The diagnosis of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the prostate is established only when extracellular mucin is secreted in sufficient quantity to result in pools of mucin (i.e., colloid-like carcinoma) involving more than 25% of the tumor volume on radical prostatectomy.

  • Small foci of mucinous prostatic adenocarcinoma can be seen in prostate core biopsies and in TURs; however, the tumor would not specifically be classified as the mucinous variant due to a likely sampling error (i.e., true tumor volume cannot be assessed in biopsies).

  • Mucinous prostatic carcinoma is graded based on the lack or presence of epithelial gland complexity.

Clinical features


  • It is rare in its pure form and one of the least common morphologic variants of prostatic adenocarcinoma; however, scattered foci of prostatic carcinoma with mucinous features admixed with other morphologic variants are frequently seen.

  • Incidence is 0.2% of all prostatic adenocarcinomas.

  • Mean patient age, 56 years (range, 44–69 years).

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