Polymorphisms: Why Individual Drug Responses Vary


  • Q3.1 How are ‘polymorphism’ and ‘variability’ defined in the most basic sense? (Pg. 22)

  • Q3.2 Regarding the cytochrome P-450 (CYP) isoforms discussed in this chapter, (1) which isoforms are most important to drug interactions, and (2) which of these isoforms have polymorphisms? (Pg. 22)

  • Q3.3 Which three CYP isoforms are most important for drug metabolism based on the percentage of drugs metabolized by the respective isoform? (Pg. 23, Table 3.2 )

  • Q3.4 What are the terms regarding the rate of drug metabolism (and their respective abbreviations) for the four major groups in various populations, given that a polymorphism is present? (Pg. 23)

  • Q3.5 Regarding the CYP2C9 isoform, what are (1) the frequency of polymorphisms in various populations, and (2) the key alleles affecting drug metabolism (and the clinical result)? (Pg. 24, Table 3.4 , Table 3.5 )

  • Q3.6 Regarding the CYP2C19 isoform, what are (1) the frequency of polymorphisms in various populations, and (2) the key alleles affecting drug metabolism (and the clinical result)? (Pg. 25, Table 3.6 , Table 3.7 )

  • Q3.7 Regarding the CYP2D6 isoform, what are (1) the frequency of polymorphisms in various populations, and (2) the key alleles affecting drug metabolism (and the clinical result)? (Pg. 25, Table 3.8 )

  • Q3.8 Regarding thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT), what are (1) the frequency of polymorphisms in various populations, and (2) the net clinical effect of the polymorphisms? (Pg. 28, Table 3.10 )

  • Q3.9 Regarding N -acetyl transferase (NAT 2 ), what are (1) the frequency of polymorphisms in various populations, and (2) the net clinical effect of the polymorphisms? (Pg. 29, Table 3.11 )

  • Q3.10 Regarding glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), what are (1) the frequency of polymorphisms in various populations, and (2) the net clinical effect of the polymorphisms? (Pg. 29, Table 3.12 , Table 3.13 )

  • Q3.11 What are several of the most important polymorphisms which can help predict which patients are likely to develop a serious cutaneous drug reaction with systemic features? (Pg. 31, Table 3.14 )


This chapter focuses on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect systemic medications. Adverse drug reactions (ADR) are often associated with drug toxicity, but can also account for decreased drug efficacy. An understanding of drug interactions and drug metabolism is imperative for selecting the appropriate medications.

The WHO defines ADR as ‘a response to a drug that is noxious and unintended and occurs at doses normally used in man for the prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy of disease, or for modification of physiological function.’ Cutaneous ADR represent around a fifth of all reported ADR, with morbilliform eruptions being reported as the majority of clinical presentations, and severe cutaneous adverse drug reaction (SCAR) accounting for around 2%.

ADR occur frequently and result in a substantial cost burden on the healthcare system. In a prospective study of over 18,000 patient admissions by Pirmohamed and associates, ADR were responsible for 6.5% of all hospital admissions. Furthermore, it has been speculated (in a very controversial study) that 100,000 deaths each year in the United States are caused by ADR, with a cost-estimated ADR of US$5000 per reaction reported in the early 2000s.

Given that the primary focus of this chapter is on polymorphisms, it is important to provide a clear-cut definition of the terms variability and polymorphism. Q3.1 The definitions can relate to receptor affinity/avidity and a variety of other biologic properties, although for the purposes of this chapter the definitions will be applied to activity for phase I and phase II enzymes important for drug metabolism. Conceptually, ‘variability’ is defined by a single ‘bell-shaped curve,’ whereas ‘polymorphism’ is defined by two or more (usually three) distinct ‘bell-shaped curves’ for drug metabolism rates in various populations. Genetically this correlates with specific mutations of a single allele (single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP]). A ‘polymorphism’ is a variation that occurs in more than 1% of the studied population. Additional terms that are useful to define include pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics. Initially defined in 1959, pharmacogenetics is the relationship between genetic polymorphisms and drug response. Pharmacogenomics further encompasses the interrelationships between epigenetics, transcription, and metabolism in response to medication.

Evaluating the Patient

Initial patient evaluation should include a detailed history with focus on the patient’s demographics, comorbidities, current medications, and allergies. Renal function declines with age, accounting for decreased clearance of many medications. In addition to evaluating renal function, any presence of liver dysfunction or disease must be determined before administration of most medications. Ethnicity can occasionally help predict genetic variability in enzyme levels responsible for drug metabolism. A complete list of the patient’s prescription medications along with all vitamins, herbals, and over-the-counter (OTC) medications is imperative. When seeking information on a given patient’s drug allergies, inquire if there are any medications that the patient cannot take, and what specifically happens when the medication is taken. This will help distinguish between potential life-threatening ADR and drug intolerances.

Factors That Influence Medication Effects (Including Adverse Effects)

There can be considerable variability in virtually every point along a medication’s course from absorption to excretion. It is important to be aware of the pharmacogenetic and pharmacokinetic factors that can ultimately affect the patient’s medication tolerability and treatment outcomes.


Gastrointestinal Tract

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors can result in altered absorption in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Antacids raise the stomach’s pH, which can influence medication absorption. Ketoconazole is a classic example of a medication that is better absorbed in an acidic environment ( Table 3.1 ). Other medications can act as binding resins in the GI tract, and thus inhibit absorption. There is evidence that iron will bind mycophenolate mofetil, thereby inhibiting its absorption (see Table 3.1 ). GI transit times are thought to play only a small role in drug absorption variability. Anticholinergic agents and opioids can slow down transit times, whereas infections and some medical conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can markedly increase transit times.

Table 3.1
Absorption of Important Dermatologic Drugs
Drug Absorption Location Take Home Point
Ketoconazole GI tract Improved absorption in an acidic environment
Mycophenolate mofetil GI tract Do not give with iron: binds with iron, which inhibits absorption
Cyclosporine PGP Affects bioavailability
GI, Gastrointestinal; PGP, P-glycoprotein.


P-glycoprotein (PGP), a membrane-bound transport protein, affects drug absorption in the GI tract. Functioning as part of the ‘first-pass effect’ in the gut, PGP acts as a pump to remove drugs from the cell through active adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis. Cyclosporine is just one example of a medication in which PGP can affect drug bioavailability (see Table 3.1 ). High levels of PGP are also found in the kidneys and liver, where it functions in drug elimination.

Phase I and Phase II Drug Metabolism

Drug metabolism is a process that facilitates drug clearance by (1) increasing solubility, or (2) being responsible for converting prodrugs to their active drug form (along with the formation of potentially toxic metabolites). Classically, drug metabolism is divided into two general components, designated as phase I and phase II reactions. Despite the nomenclature, there is no set order in which these reactions take place. Phase I reactions involve intramolecular modifications: oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis; whereas phase II reactions result in conjugation of the drug with an endogenous substance by acetylation, glucuronidation, sulfation (also called sulfonation), and methylation. Most commonly, the phase I oxidative reactions create a site for subsequent attachment of larger polar side chains in phase II reactions. Both phase I and II reactions function to make the drug more hydrophilic, thereby facilitating renal or hepatobiliary excretion.

Drug Metabolism—Phase I Reactions

Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System Overview

The cytochrome P-450 (CYP) enzyme group plays a paramount role in drug metabolism. Various CYP enzymes are responsible for catalyzing 70% to 80% of all phase I reactions. These enzymes are located within the endoplasmic reticulum of most cells, but are found in variable concentrations, with hepatocytes having the greatest concentration of CYP enzymes.


CYP enzymes are classified by a hierarchical nomenclature system. The first number represents the enzyme family followed by a letter designating the subfamily. The final number is for the individual gene. There is at least 40% homology in amino acid sequences within a family, whereas subfamilies have 77% or more homology.

Q3.2 Although there are more than 50 families of CYP enzymes, only a few CYP isoforms (CYP1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, 3A4) appear to play a significant role in drug metabolism ( Table 3.2 ). Of these isoforms, all but CYP2E1 play a prominent role in drug interactions important in the specialized field of dermatology. CYP1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 2C19, and 2D6 all have polymorphisms. Q3.3 Based on the percentage of drugs metabolized by the respective isoforms, CYP2C9, 2D6, and 3A4 are most important for drug metabolism (see Table 3.2 ).

Table 3.2
Fraction of Drugs Metabolized by Various Cytochrome P-450 Isoforms
CYP Isoform Percentage of All Drugs Metabolized by Isoform
CYP1A2 a , b 5
CYP2A6 2
CYP2B6 2–4
CYP2C8 1
CYP2C9 a , b 10
CYP2C19 a , b 5
CYP2D6 a , b 20–30
CYP2E1 2–4
CYP3A4 a 40–45
CYP3A5 <1
CYP, Cytochrome P-450.

a CYP isoforms most commonly involved in drug interactions.

b CYP isoforms with polymorphisms.

CYP Polymorphisms

Q3.4 Many CYP isoforms show significant genetic polymorphism. Approximately 40% of human CYP-dependent drug metabolism is carried out by polymorphic CYP enzymes. This can translate into variable enzyme activity between individuals. Depending on the enzyme activity, individuals are designated as:

  • 1.

    ‘Poor metabolizers’ (PM) if they have very low to no enzyme activity.

  • 2.

    ‘Intermediate metabolizers’ (IM) if there is reduced activity.

  • 3.

    ‘Normal metabolizer’ or ‘extensive metabolizer’ (NM/EM) if there is average enzyme activity with at least one functional allele.

  • 4.

    ‘Ultrarapid metabolizers’ (UM) if there is exceptionally high enzyme activity.

This has important clinical relevance for medications that have a narrow therapeutic index. For example, if a clinician could predict how a patient would metabolize a specific medication, then the starting dose could be altered to avoid unwanted adverse effects (AE). In a PM, the starting dose would be lower than in an EM. However, if the patient was a UM, a clinician could more aggressively uptitrate a medication to reach a therapeutic level with a greater assurance that the patient could safely tolerate the more aggressive dosing.

Aside from the genetic variability of CYP isoforms, drug metabolism can be influenced by other medications, as well as physical factors. Medications can affect the various CYP isoforms by either inhibition or induction of enzyme activity, making an individual more susceptible to developing a cutaneous ADR.

Drug Inhibition or Induction of CYP Isoforms

Drug-induced inhibition of various CYP isoforms plays an important role in many ADR. Inhibition reduces the metabolizing effects of the affected cytochrome. In turn, CYP inhibition increases drug levels and toxicity. This can occur after just 1 to 2 doses of a medication, with maximal inhibition being observed once steady state is achieved. Inhibition is typically competitive; however, few drugs are noncompetitive inhibitors that result in CYP alteration, inactivation, or destruction.

Induction of a CYP isoform causes an increase in its metabolic activity by increasing either the enzyme amount or level of its activity resulting in reduced drug levels. This is a much slower (up to a week or more) process than CYP enzyme inhibition, because induction relies on synthesis of additional CYP enzyme. Once an inducing agent is removed, the duration of enzyme induction is dependent on the degradation of the newly formed enzyme.

CYP1A2 Polymorphism

CYP1A2 functions primarily to metabolize several antipsychotic medications and theophylline. Environmental and genetic factors are shown to influence the activity of CYP1A2. These can account for up to a 60-fold difference in activity. Tobacco byproducts produced from smoking and oral contraceptive steroids have been well established as CYP1A2 inducers. Caffeine is a common substrate of CYP1A2. Polymorphisms have been observed in the gene encoding CYP1A2, accounting for 16 known alleles. These genetic factors account for approximately 35% to 75% of the variation in CYP1A2 activity. The frequency of these polymorphisms varies between different ethnic groups. A lower CYP1A2 activity has been found in Asian and African populations than in Caucasian populations. Among nonsmokers, the frequency of PM was found to be 5% in Australian, 14% in Japanese, and 5% in Chinese people.

CYP2B6 Haplotype Variation

CYP2B6 is an isoenzyme involved in the metabolic hydroxylation and plasma concentrations of nevirapine. In African-American human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-Cw∗04 carriers, the CYP2B6 516TT allele, a marker for the slow metabolizing haplotypes of CYP2B6, results in lowered CYP2B6 expression and function. A large study in Malawian and Ugandan HIV-infected patients showed an association between nevirapine-induced ADR and the 983C>T polymorphism of CYP2B6 gene. CYP2B6 is expressed by epidermal keratinocytes, and it was hypothesized that nevirapine concentrations in the skin are associated with polymorphisms that may contribute to the development of cutaneous ADR.

CYP3A4 Variability

CYP3A4 is responsible for 40% to 45% of all phase I metabolism and accounts for up to 70% of gastrointestinal CYP activity. CYP3A4 is coexpressed with PGP in the liver and intestines. Despite little genetic variability between populations, there appears to be as much as a 20-fold interindividual ‘variability’ of enzyme activity. CYP3A4∗1B appears to be the most common variant allele ( Table 3.3 ) and is associated with decreased CYP3A4 activity. Obesity has been shown to reduce CYP3A4 activity, resulting in increased substrate activity. A number of medications and supplements can influence the activity. In addition to numerous other medications, ivermectin is a known substrate for CYP3A4. See Chapter 66 on Drug Interactions for additional details on CYP3A4 substrates, inhibitors, and inducers.

Table 3.3
Prevalence of CYP3A4 Variant Alleles
Population CYP3A4∗1B CYP3A4∗3
Caucasian (%) 4–9 2
African (%) 69–82 0
Ghanaian (%) 71 0

CYP2C9 Polymorphism

Overall, 10% of drug metabolism is carried out by CYP2C9. Q3.5 Although there have been over 100 SNP identified, only two allelic variants (CYP2C9∗2 and CYP2C9∗3) have been shown to significantly reduce substrate affinity through inhibiting CYP activity ( Table 3.4 ). Only the homozygote CYP2C9∗3/∗3, comprising 0.5% of most populations, is considered to have marked clinical significance with very low CYP2C9 activity. The CYP2C9∗3 variant may also play a role in phenytoin-induced cutaneous adverse drug reactions (see ADR section). With regard to the activity of CYP2C9, the ∗1/∗1 genotype demonstrates normal activity; the ∗1/∗2 genotype has a minor reduction in activity; and the ∗2/∗2, ∗1/∗3, and ∗2/∗3 genotypes all show moderately reduced activity (see Table 3.4 ). Epidemiologic studies show varying prevalence in the different CYP2C9 genotypes among different ethnic populations ( Tables 3.4 and 3.5 ). Caucasians show marked variability in CYP2C9, with ∗2 being the most common mutant allele, whereas people of African and Asian descent have predominantly normal activity with the presence of the ∗1/∗1 genotype. There are no allelic variants known to be inducers. Warfarin is the most clinically significant substrate for CYP2C9. Fluconazole inhibition of CYP2C9 can result in markedly elevated levels of warfarin, with a resultant risk of hemorrhage. Missense variant CYP2C9∗3 is also known to be significantly associated with phenytoin-related ADR in Asian people as a result of delayed clearance and accumulation of metabolites.

Table 3.4
CYP2C9 Polymorphism Activity: Frequency in Various Populations
Population # Studied Normal Activity a (EM) (CYP2C9∗1/∗1) Minor Reduction a (IM) (CYP2C9∗1/∗2) Moderate Reduction a (IM) (CYP2C9∗2/∗2, ∗1/∗3, ∗2/∗3) Very Low Activity a (PM) (CYP2C9∗3/∗3)
African 150 87 8.7 4.3 0
African-American 100 97 2 1 0
Caucasian 1383 65.3 20.4 13.9 0.4
Chinese 115 96.5 0 3.5 0
Japanese 218 95.9 0 4.1 0
Spanish 157 49.7 15.9 34.3 0

a The number in this column represents the percentage of the given ethnic group with this level of CYP2C9 activity.

Table 3.5
Prevalence of CYP2C9 Genetic Polymorphisms
Population CYP2C9 ∗1∗1 CYP2C9 ∗1∗2 CYP2C9 ∗1∗3 CYP2C9 ∗2∗2 CYP2C9 ∗2∗3 CYP2C9 ∗3∗3
White (average) 65 a 20 12 1 2 1
Asian (average) 96 0 4 0 0 0
African 93.6 4.2 2.1 0 0 0
Chinese-Mongolian 93 0 7 0 0 0
Egypt 66.3 19 12 2.4 0 0.4
Greek 62 20 13.5 1.5 2.8 0
Iran 82 10.5 0 7.5 0 0
Southern Iranian 41.2 37.8 9.5 10.1 1.3 0
Italian 62 17.2 14.5 2.7 2.2 1.3
Japan 95 0 4 0 0 1
Russian 68 18.2 11.3 0.6 1.2 0.3
Sweden 66.7 18.6 11.6 0.4 1.6 0.6
UK 69.9 19 0.06 0.003 0.006 0
CYP, Cytochrome P-450; UK, United Kingdom.

a The number in each column represents the percentage of the given ethnic group with this CYP isoform.

CYP2C19 Polymorphism

General Issues

Proton pump inhibitors and numerous anticonvulsants are the primary substrates metabolized by the CYP2C19 isoform. This isoform comprises approximately 5% of all drug metabolism.

Specific Alleles of Importance

Q3.6 There are several allelic variants (CYP2C19∗2–8) that show no enzymatic activity, which translates into a PM phenotype. This phenotype is observed in 1% to 23% of persons, with Asians having the highest incidence, and African-Americans and Caucasians having the lowest ( Table 3.6 ). Detailed prevalence of some of the CYP2C19 genotypes may be seen later, where ∗2/∗2, ∗2/∗3, and ∗3/∗3 are the PM ( Table 3.7 ).

Table 3.6
CYP2C19 Poor Metabolizer Frequency in Various Populations
Population # Studied PM (%)
Japanese 399 19.5
Korean 309 12.1
Filipino 52 23.1
Chinese 538 15.6
Middle East 537 3.0
African 684 3.9
White—European 2291 2.9
African-American 291 1.4
White—American 422 2.6
PM, Poor metabolizer.

Table 3.7
Prevalence of CYP2C19 Genetic Polymorphisms
Population CYP2C19 ∗1∗1 CYP2C19 ∗1∗2 CYP2C19 ∗1∗3 CYP2C19 ∗2∗2 CYP2C19 ∗2∗3 CYP2C19 ∗3∗3
China 36.7 a 38.2 5.8 5.8 11 1.4
Chinese-Mongolian 51 35 6 6 1 1
Colombia 83.5 15.3 0 1 0 0
Egypt 78.5 20 0.4 0.8 0 0
Greek 76 22 0 2 0 0
India 35 55 0 10 0 0
Iran 75 22 0 3 0 0
Southern Iranian 74 25 0.6 0.6 0 0
Italian 79.4 18.8 1.6 0 0 0
Russian 76.6 19 0.3 1.7 0.3 0
Slovenian 68.2 30 0.7 0.7 0 0
CYP, Cytochrome P-450.

a The number in each column represents the percentage of the given ethnic group with this CYP isoform.

In addition to acting as a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, ketoconazole inhibits the CYP2C19 isoform, although it is not a substrate of this isoform. This dual inhibition is important, given that many medications metabolized by the CYP2C19 isoform are also metabolized by CYP3A4.

CYP2D6 Polymorphism

General Issues

CYP2D6 shows significant pharmacogenetic variation (polymorphism) and is integral in the metabolism of numerous medications, especially psychiatric, narcotic, and cardiac medications. Q3.7 With over 90 documented allelic variants reported, CYP2D6 displays remarkable polymorphism, sometimes with whole gene duplication. Overall, 20% to 30% of drugs are metabolized through this pathway, with more than 50 drug substrates known (see Table 3.2 ). Because of these important issues, CYP2D6 has been extensively studied. In contrast to CYP2C9, CYP2D6 alleles that alter enzymatic activity are common. The enzymatic activity can vary up to 1000-fold between allele types. Clinically this translates to at least a 50-fold difference in drug doses tolerated between various individuals; this principle is illustrated by the wide dosing range of the CYP2D6 substrate doxepin and various β-blockers. Research has also gone into CYP2D6 and its effects on estrogen-responsive breast cancer treatment with tamoxifen, with conclusions still being contested as to clinical significance.

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