Overview of the back and spine

The patterned anatomy of the spine is not without its drawbacks. While the study of any individual level can enlighten the surgeon about several adjacent, or even all, levels, a blind reliance on repetition and consistency can be disorienting, leading to wrong-level surgery, patient injury or even death. It is essential for surgical exposure of the spine to be done in a responsible manner. Beyond the avoidance of neurological and vascular structures, the biomechanical relationships between bones, joints, ligaments and muscles must be respected; violation of these load-bearing structures may condemn a patient to instability, wound dehiscence and the need for revision surgery. In order to remain oriented and precise when approaching the spine surgically, a surgeon must have a sound understanding of the relevant topographical anatomy. In the absence of a skeletonized exposure of multiple levels, surgeons must always know exactly what is being displayed in the operative field, where their instrument is and what tissues they are handling: these skills have become ever more important with the increased use of minimally invasive approaches.

This chapter contains a general overview of surgically relevant spinal anatomy. Details of the unique anatomy of each level of the spine, and how these details can be leveraged to access the spine safely, are reviewed in the chapters that follow in this section.

Surgical surface anatomy

Surface anatomy plays an important role in achieving adequate surgical exposure of the spine but its limitations must be appreciated. In the setting of revision surgery, previous scars or even palpable hardware may be enough to localize the starting point of the selected approach. When using apparently reliable landmarks, it may be reasonable to confirm localization with fluoroscopic imaging prior to making an incision or widening an established exposure. There are surface landmarks for nearly every cervical vertebra. The prominent spinous pro­cesses of C2 and C7 (vertebra prominens) can be palpated about the posterior midline ( Fig. 30.1 ). The hyoid bone approximates the level of C3, the upper border of the thyroid cartilage is used to indicate C4, and the cricothyroid space approximates the C5–C6 disc space. Chassaignac's tubercle can be palpated on the anterior transverse process of C6. For the thoracic spine, the suprasternal notch and the sternal angle can be used to approximate T2–T3 and T4–T5, respectively. Posterior­ly, and with the arms resting at the sides, palpation of the scapular spine and the inferior angle of the scapula may help to localize T3 and T7, respectively. The spine of T7 overlies the level of the body of T8, and is at the level of the T9–T10 spinal cord segment (see Fig. 30.1 ).

Fig. 30.1, The surface anatomy of the back. A , Key: 1, median furrow; 2, spine of scapula; 3, trapezius (between solid black lines); 4, triangle of auscultation; 5, latissimus dorsi (between dashed black lines); 6, lumbar (Petit's) triangle; 7, posterior superior iliac spine; 8, superior part of natal cleft (approximates S3). B , Key: 9, ligamentum nuchae; 10, spinous process of C7 (vertebra prominens); 11, spinous process of T1. C , Key: 1, erector spinae (black line represents lateral border); 2, zone of spinal cord termination (white): ranges from the middle third of T11 to the middle third of L3; 3, mean level of spinal cord termination (red): middle third of L1 vertebral body, which corresponds with the lower part of the interspinous space between T12 and L1; 4, rib 12 (dashed black line); 5, zone of supracristal plane intersection with vertebral column (blue): ranges from the L2–L3 junction to the L4–L5 junction/interspinous space; 6, highest point of iliac crest and supracristal plane (Tuffier's line): almost always intersects the vertebral column from L4 to the L4/5 junction; 7, posterior superior iliac spine and interspinous plane, marked by a skin indentation (dimple of Venus). Note the overlap between zone 5 and the zone of spinal cord termination.

The lumbar spine has several useful surface anatomy landmarks, although individual variations should always be borne in mind. The midline median furrow indicates the insertion of latissimus dorsi on to the supraspinous ligaments between the spinous processes; it runs the entire length of the spine and is deepest in the mid-lumbar spine. The furrow flattens out at the start of the natal cleft, which approximates the S3 vertebral level. Each spinous process, and the intervening interspinous space between two adjacent processes, can be palpated in the midline. Starting in the paramedian plane, the posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS) can be palpated on either side as the most medial aspects of the iliac crests: they usually correspond to approximately the S1 or S2 spinous process. From these points the iliac crests can be palpated along their course on each side laterally. At their most superior aspects, the iliac crests constitute an important skeletal landmark (see Fig. 30.1 ). An imaginary line drawn between them, the intercristal (Tuffier's) line, corresponds to the L4–L5 interspace when studied radiographically but can commonly fall at the L3–L4 interspace by palpation, particularly in females and in patients with higher body mass indices. The greater trochanter of the femur can be palpated over the lateral hip. The imaginary line between this point and the ipsilateral PSIS is often used to indicate a corridor for safe passage of instrumentation within the iliac wing.

Important surface anatomy landmarks for the direct lateral approach to the lumbar spine are the lower ribs, the iliac crests and the greater trochanter of the hip. The lowest two ribs, usually originating from T11 and T12 vertebral levels, are typically ‘false’ or ‘floating’ ribs that do not articulate anteriorly with the sternum. Due to their obliquity, they can often pass over the L1–L2 and L2–L3 disc spaces, respectively, although table angulation can elevate their position. These ribs are flexible and can usually be displaced sufficiently for surgical access during the approach without necessitating rib resection. The greater trochanter of the hip can be palpated and is an important landmark for positioning on the operating table: the patient should be placed on the table in a position such that the greater trochanter lies just distal to the hinge of the table angular breakpoint. These surface landmarks will provide the general region of the incision but lateral radiographs are used to localize to the middle, anterior border and posterior border of the targeted intervertebral disc space prior to incision.

To achieve a successful approach to the anterior lumbar spine, it is critical for the surgical incision to be optimally placed, based on either preoperative fluoroscopic or radiographic imaging with a marker placed on the skin, or on the patient's surface anatomy, according to surgeon preference and experience. Since the original description of the anterior approach to the lumbar spine for the excision of an intervertebral disc and interbody fusion by Paul Harmon in 1963, this approach has been a widely used technique by spine surgeons. It provides maximal access to the intervertebral disc space and can be utilized for tumour resection, debridement of infection and interbody fusion for degenerative processes; in many countries it remains the only available surgical approach for the implantation of a lumbar artificial disc replacement. The retroperitoneal approach is most commonly utilized, usually with the aid of a vascular surgeon. Depending on which spinal level is targeted, either the approach can pass between the common iliac veins and arteries, or these vessels must be mobilized and transposed for the duration of the procedure. It is important to know that the aorta bifurcates at the level of the L4 vertebral body in approximately 70% of patients, at the L4–L5 disc space level in 12% of patients, and at the L5 vertebral body level in 18% of patients. Access to the L1–L4 levels usually requires a peri-umbilical incision and the surgeon may need to mobilize the abdominal aorta to gain access to the midline spinal structures. The lumbosacral junction (L5–S1 disc space) can usually be accessed via an incision that starts immediately superior to the pubic symphysis, which can be readily palpated regardless of body habitus. If the operation is planned for only the L5–S1 level, then either a vertical (median or paramedian) or transverse (Pfannenstiel) incision can be used within the hypogastric quadrant. A major advantage of a median vertical incision is that it passes through the relatively avascular plane of the linea alba and is muscle-splitting.

The sacral vertebrae are small and difficult to palpate.

Clinical anatomy

Vertebral column

The vertebral column is a curved linkage of individual vertebrae that forms the posterior bony element of several clinically significant junctional or transitional zones, including the prevertebral/retropharyngeal zone of the neck, the thoracic inlet, the diaphragm and the pelvic inlet. It forms the strong, flexible central axis of the body, supporting the full weight of the head and trunk, and transmits even greater forces generated by muscles attached to it directly or indirectly (such as the muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall). The vertebral (spinal) canal transmits and protects the spinal cord and nerve roots, their coverings and vasculature, and extends from the foramen magnum to the sacral hiatus (see Fig. 31.1 ). Paired lateral intervertebral foramina transmit mixed spinal nerves, smaller recurrent nerves, and blood and lymphatic vessels. Typical vertebrae articulate via fibrocartilaginous intervertebral discs and paired synovial facet (zygapophysial) joints, and are linked by ligaments, overlying muscles and fasciae ( Ch. 31 ).

The anterior aspect of the vertebral column is formed by the anterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs, and is covered centrally by the anterior longitudinal ligament, which forms a fascial plane with the prevertebral and endothoracic fascia and with the subperitoneal areolar tissue of the posterior abdominal wall. Infection and other pathological processes may spread along this fascial plane. The lateral aspect of the vertebral column is arbitrarily separated from the posterior aspect by articular processes in the cervical and lumbar regions and by transverse processes in the thoracic region. Anteriorly, it is formed by the sides of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. The oval intervertebral foramina, behind the bodies and between the pedicles, permit communication between the lumen of the vertebral canal and the paravertebral soft tissues. Each foramen contains a segmental mixed spinal nerve and its sheaths, from two to four recurrent meningeal (sinuvertebral) nerves, variable numbers of spinal arteries, and plexiform venous connections between the internal and external vertebral venous plexuses ( Ch. 31 ). The foramina are smallest at the cervical and upper thoracic levels, and increase progressively in size in the thoracic and upper lumbar regions. The lumbosacral (L5/S1) intervertebral foramen is the smallest of the lumbar foramina.

The lateral aspects of the vertebral column have important anatomical relations, some of which vary considerably between the two sides. The posterior aspect of the column is formed by the posterior surfaces of the laminae and spinous processes, their associated ligaments and the facet joints, and is covered by the deep muscles of the back. Depending on the spinal level and degree of lordosis or kyph­osis, the space between laminae can range from wide apart to entirely covered. This highlights the care that must be taken when approaching the spine posteriorly. It is important to remain vigilant regarding these anatomical variances to avoid plunging an instrument into the spinal canal through an interlaminar space.

Structural defects of the posterior bony elements

Deformity and bony deficiency may occur at several sites within the posterior elements.

The laminae may be wholly or partially absent, or the spinous process alone may be affected, with no abnormalities in the overlying soft tissues (spina bifida occulta). A defect may occur in the bone that joins the superior and inferior articular processes (pars inter­articularis): this condition is spondylolysis, and may be developmental or result from acute or fatigue fracture. If such defects are bilateral, the column may become unstable at that level, and forward displacement of that part of the column cranial to the defects may occur: this is spondylolisthesis. Abnormality of the laminar bone or degenerative changes in the facet joints may also lead to similar displacement in the absence of pars defects. The deformity of the vertebral canal resulting from spondylolisthesis may lead to neural compression and subsequent damage. Much more rarely, bony defects may occur elsewhere in the posterior elements, such as in the pedicles.

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