Orthopedic Surgery

Assessment of the Orthopedic Patient

Basic Advanced Trauma Life Support Principles

  • 1.

    Airway/breathing/circulation initial assessment

  • 2.


    • a.

      Secondary examination of extremities

      • (1)

        Appearance of abrasions and deep lacerations

      • (2)

        Range of motion of all joints

      • (3)

        Presence of crepitance at level of joint or extremity

      • (4)

        Palpate extremities for areas of tenderness

        • (a)

          High incidence of missed injuries secondary to distracting injuries

      • (5)

        Evaluation of soft tissue envelope

    • b.

      Obtain full-length imaging of injured bone, including joint above and below.

Orthopedic Emergencies

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