Nutritional Support


  • Up to 40% of pts may be undernourished on admission to hospital, and two-thirds of all pts lose weight during hospital stay. 60% of elderly pts are malnourished at discharge. More than 376,000 people depend on TPN per year in USA.

Perioperative Risks of Malnutrition

  • Decreased respiratory, cardiac, and skeletal muscle mass and strength.

  • Up to 50% of heart failure pts are malnourished.

  • Decreased visceral protein mass, altered GI mucosal barrier.

  • Altered humoral, cell-mediated immunity.

  • Altered neutrophil function.

  • Increased pulm, thromboembolic complications.

  • Pts with protein-calorie malnutrition have increased risk for postop cardiac, noncardiac complications.

  • Increased risk for nosocomial infections and decreased wound healing.

  • Increased risk for multiple organ failure.

  • Increased length of hospital stay.

Worry About

  • Hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, depending on additives to TPN.

  • Decreased ability to secrete insulin in malnourished pts.

  • Kidney dysfunction and failure prevalent in cases of severe malnutrition.

  • Increased free fraction of certain protein-bound drugs with low albumin levels.

  • Vitamin B 12 and/or folate deficiency, leading to anemia.

  • Higher rates of infection with TPN.

  • Excess carbohydrate administration via TPN may lead to increased CO 2 production and increased difficulty in weaning from ventilatory support and hepatic steatosis.

  • Excess fat administration via TPN may lead to hyperlipidemia, decreased immune function, and reduced reticuloendothelial function.

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