A 15-year-old girl with a history of panic disorder and migraines presenting with a change in mental status. Ax , axial; Cor , coronal; CT , computed tomography; Lat , lateral; Sag , sagittal.

A 69-year-old woman with a history of multiple paragangliomas and squamous cell and basal cell skin cancer presenting with a palpable left parietal calvarial lesion. Ax , axial; Cor , coronal; CT , computed tomography; Lat , lateral.

A 30-year-old woman presenting with headache. ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; Ax , axial; CT , computed tomography; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; Lat , lateral.

A 38-year-old man presenting with a palpable left-sided calvarial lesion. Ax , axial; CT , computed tomography; Lat , lateral; Recon , reconstruction.


  • Case A: A well-defined lytic lesion is centered in the paramedian right frontal calvarium, without marginal sclerosis, and demonstrates asymmetric involvement of the inner table to a greater extent than the outer table (“beveled” edge). A central nodule of residual bone density is evident within the lytic lesion (“button sequestrum”).

  • Case B: A large left frontoparietal lesion with a permeative, aggressive pattern of calvarial destruction and another smaller lytic lesion in the midline frontal calvarium.

  • Case C: A well-defined right parietal calvarial lesion with dense sclerotic margins involving both the inner and outer tables of the skull, without internal trabeculation, and demonstrating marked hyperintensity on DWI and isointensity compared with brain parenchyma on ADC maps.

  • Case D: A well-defined lytic lesion centered in the diploic space with a “spoke wheel” or “reticulated” internal structure pattern of coarse trabeculation radiating from the center to the periphery. Extension into the soft tissues is noted.


Case A

Eosinophilic granuloma

Case B


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