
In this chapter a basic set of instruments for ophthalmic plastic surgery is suggested. Extra instruments for particular procedures may be added.

The basic instruments

Fig. 5.1, A basic instrument set for ophthalmic plastic surgery.
  • The basic instruments

Top row, left to right:

  • Castroviejo needle holders

  • Barraquer needle holders

  • Jayle's forceps

  • Lister's forceps

  • Moorfield's forceps

  • St Martin's forceps

  • Measuring calliper

  • Blunt-ended dissecting scissors

  • Sharp-ended dissecting scissors

  • Curved spring scissors

  • Corneal guard spatula

  • Fine suction tube

Bottom row, left to right:

  • Muscle hooks

  • Desmarres retractor

  • Skin hooks

  • Catspaw retractors

  • Nettleship punctal dilator

  • Lacrimal probes

  • Blunt dissector

  • Rollet's rougine

  • Eyelid speculum

  • Bipolar diathermy forceps

  • Rule

Detail of forceps

Fig. 5.2, Detail of the forceps (St Martin's, Jayle's, Lister's, Moorfield's).

Top to bottom:

  • St Martin's

  • Jayle's

  • Lister's

  • Moorfield's

Putterman clamp

Fig. 5.3, Putterman clamp.

Pen, scalpel, blades

Fig. 5.4, Marking pen and scalpel blades.
  • Skin marking pen

  • Disposable scalpel with blades Nos 15, 10 and 11

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