Fetal Gastrointestinal Tract

The standard obstetrical ultrasound examination delineated in the ACR-ACOG-AIUM-SRU Practice Parameter for the Performance of Obstetrical Ultrasound incorporates imaging of the fetal gastrointestinal system, including the stomach (presence, size, and situs) and umbilical cord insertion site into the fetal abdomen. Abdominal circumference or average abdominal diameter should be determined at the skin line on a true transverse view at the level of the junction of the umbilical vein, portal sinus, and fetal stomach when visible. When an abnormality is suspected, a more detailed examination should be performed as appropriate.

Stomach and Esophagus

The stomach is depicted as a fluid-filled structure in the left upper quadrant ( Fig. 17-1 ). It is routinely visualized by 13 to 14 weeks, usually earlier ( Fig. 17-2 ). Gastric size increases with advancing gestation and is assessed subjectively. Published nomograms of stomach size are available, although the measurement is complicated by variability in gastric shape and fluctuations in the size of the stomach during the course of an examination. Visualization of fluid in the fetal stomach depends on the swallowing of amniotic fluid by the fetus. The stomach varies in size as it fills in response to fetal swallowing and subsequently empties. Failure to identify the stomach or visualization of a small stomach is occasionally normal, attributable to imaging during a period of physiologic emptying ( Fig. 17-3 ). When the stomach appears small or is not seen, assessment should be repeated several times during the course of the examination. If gastric size is still in question, an additional attempt can be made to visualize the stomach a few days later. A large stomach may be seen in a normal fetus or secondary to gastrointestinal obstruction further distally ( Fig. 17-4 ). Gastric outlet obstruction such as in pyloric stenosis is rarely identified in utero .

F igure 17-1, Normal stomach: second trimester. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) images of the fetal abdomen during the second trimester show a normal-appearing stomach (arrows) in the left upper quadrant.

F igure 17-2, Normal stomach: first trimester. Longitudinal image of an embryo (A) and transverse image of the upper abdomen (B) at a gestational age of 11 weeks 6 days show a normal-appearing stomach (arrows) in the left upper abdomen.

F igure 17-3, Physiologic gastric emptying. A and B, Transient nonvisualization. Initial image of the upper abdomen at 26 weeks gestation does not depict the stomach in expected location in the left upper quadrant ( arrow , image A ). Image obtained in a similar scan plane approximately 20 minutes after obtaining image A shows a normal-appearing stomach ( arrow , image B ) due to the fetus swallowing amniotic fluid in the interval between the two images. C and D, Transient small stomach. C, Longitudinal image of the fetal body early in the third trimester shows a small stomach (arrow) . D, Longitudinal image of the same fetus obtained approximately 25 minutes after obtaining image A shows interval filling of the stomach (arrow), which is now normal in appearance.

F igure 17-4, Transient large stomach in a normal fetus. A, Transverse image of the upper abdomen of a fetus at 18 weeks 1 day shows a larger-than-expected stomach (arrow) . Although a large stomach raises concern for a gastrointestinal tract obstruction, it can occasionally be seen in a normal fetus. B, Axial image of the upper abdomen obtained approximately 2 weeks after image A shows a normal-size stomach (arrow) . The stomach was also normal in size on a subsequent sonogram.

Persistent failure to identify a normal-size stomach is associated with a high risk of fetal abnormalities. Esophageal atresia should be considered when the stomach is persistently nonvisualized, particularly in the setting of polyhydramnios ( Fig. 17-5A and B ). The combination of a small or nonvisualized stomach and polyhydramnios is concerning for esophageal atresia. Visualization of a fluid-filled dilated proximal esophageal pouch in the fetal neck or thorax increases the specificity of antenatal ultrasound for esophageal atresia but is relatively infrequent. The sensitivity of antenatal ultrasound for esophageal atresia is low, partly because most fetuses with esophageal atresia have a tracheoesophageal fistula. Fluid traversing a tracheoesophageal fistula can pass into the distal esophagus and stomach, facilitating gastric visualization, although often the visualized stomach is relatively small in this setting (see Fig. 17-5C and D ). Infrequently the stomach is detected in the absence of a tracheoesophageal fistula due to intrinsic gastric secretions.

F igure 17-5, Esophageal atresia. A and B, Nonvisualization of the stomach. Axial (A) and left parasagittal (B) images of the fetal abdomen show polyhydramnios (F) and nonvisualization of the stomach in the expected location in the left upper quadrant (arrows) due to esophageal atresia. C and D, Esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula. Transverse image of the abdomen (image C ) and oblique coronal image of the fetal thorax (T) and abdomen (A; image D ) show a small stomach (arrows) in the left upper quadrant due to partial filling of the stomach by fluid traversing the tracheoesophageal fistula. There is also polyhydramnios (F).

Ultrasound of the fetus with esophageal atresia is often normal early in the second trimester, with signs of esophageal atresia not visualized until the later stages of pregnancy. The incidence of additional anomalies is high, estimated to occur in appro­ximately 50% to 70% of affected fetuses. Associated abnormalities comprise a wide range of anomalies, aneuploidy, and syndromes such as VACTERL ( v ertebral, a nal, c ardiac, t racheal, e sophageal, r enal, and l imb) anomalies.

A small or nonvisualized stomach is not specific for esophageal atresia ( Fig. 17-6 ). Multiple conditions are associated with nonvisualization of a normal-size stomach in its expected location, including abnormally located stomach (e.g., congenital diaphragmatic hernia or situs abnormality), esophageal obstruction by a mass such as a goiter or a mediastinal tumor, aneuploidy, and inability of the fetus to swallow normally, which usually occurs in the setting of a facial cleft or neuromuscular disorder. Another common cause of failure to depict a normal-size stomach is oligohydramnios, owing to the decreased volume of amniotic fluid available for the fetus to swallow ( ).

F igure 17-6, Nonvisualized or small stomach: additional etiologies. A and B, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Left parasagittal image of the fetal thorax and abdomen (image A ) fails to demonstrate the stomach in its expected location in the left upper quadrant (arrow) . Axial image of the thorax at the level of heart (H, image B ) shows the stomach (arrow) in the left hemithorax due to a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, accounting for failure to identify the stomach in the abdomen. The heart is shifted into the right hemithorax due to mass effect from the herniated abdominal contents. C and D, Small stomach: facial cleft. C, Left parasagittal image of the fetal head (H) and body shows a small stomach (arrow) in the left upper quadrant. D, Three-dimensional surface-rendered image of the fetal face shows a large facial cleft (arrow) that involved the lip, palate, and nose. The cleft interfered with normal fetal swallowing, explaining the small stomach. E and F, Small stomach: neurologic abnormality. Axial image of the upper abdomen (image E ) shows nonvisualization of the stomach in its expected location in the left upper quadrant (arrow) . F, Axial image of the head of the same fetus as in image E demonstrates marked hydrocephalus with dilatation of the frontal (short arrows) and occipital (long arrows) horns of the lateral ventricles due to aqueductal stenosis. Neurologic dysfunction due to the hydrocephalus interfered with fetal swallowing, accounting for nonvisualization of the stomach. G, Small stomach due to oligohydramnios. Oblique image of the gravid uterus at 18 weeks gestation shows marked oligohydramnios due to premature rupture of membranes, with only small pockets of amniotic fluid seen. The stomach (long arrow) is very small due to the decreased volume of amniotic fluid available for the fetus to swallow. Short arrow in G , bladder. A, Abdomen; P, placenta; T, thorax.

Internal echoes are frequently visualized in the fetal stomach and correspond to swallowed material such as sloughed skin cells in the amniotic fluid. Echoes in the stomach occasionally conglomerate into a rounded collection resembling a mass, termed a gastric pseudomass ( Fig. 17-7 ). The likelihood of visualizing a gastric pseudomass or internal echoes in the stomach may be increased in fetuses with slowed transit through the gastrointestinal tract (as can occur with bowel obstruction) or with blood in the amniotic fluid (e.g., in the setting of a subchorionic hematoma or placental abruption, or following amniocentesis) ( Fig. 17-8 ). Despite this, gastric pseudomass and internal gastric debris are seen so frequently with current ultrasound equipment that they are generally considered normal when seen as an isolated finding.

F igure 17-7, Gastric pseudomass. Axial image of the fetal abdomen at 26 weeks shows a normally positioned fetal stomach (long arrow) containing a rounded focal collection of echoes due to swallowed material (short arrow) . The echoes in the stomach resemble a mass, hence the term gastric pseudomass .

F igure 17-8, Swallowed blood in the stomach. A, Axial image of the fetal abdomen shows the stomach (long arrow) containing echogenic material (short arrow) due to swallowed blood. B, Midline sagittal image of the lower uterus in the same pregnancy as image A shows a subchorionic hematoma with elevated amniochorionic membrane (short arrows) extending over the cervix (C). There are also internal echoes in the amniotic fluid (long arrow) due to blood that extended into the amniotic cavity from the subchorionic hematoma, accounting for the swallowed blood in the fetal stomach.

Small Bowel


A fluid-filled duodenum is not typically seen in normal fetuses. The most common cause of a dilated fluid-filled duodenum is duodenal atresia. Less common etiologies include duodenal stenosis, webs and extrinsic obstruction from annular pancreas, malrotation, or bands. Ultrasound of the fetus with duodenal obstruction reveals the double-bubble sign consisting of two fluid-filled upper abdominal structures, the stomach in the left upper quadrant and the dilated proximal duodenum in the right mid abdomen ( Fig. 17-9 ). Polyhydramnios is frequent in fetuses with duodenal obstruction. The overall detection rate for duodenal obstruction is low, particularly when the fetus is scanned during the early or mid second trimester, when duodenal dilatation and polyhydramnios are frequently subtle or not yet present ( Fig. 17-10A and B ). It is important to demonstrate that the two cystic structures connect to confirm they are due to stomach and duodenal bulb (see Fig. 17-10C and D ; ; e-Figs. 17-1 and 17-2 ). There are numerous other possible etiologies for an extra bubble in the fetal abdomen that do not exhibit a connection to the stomach such as an enteric duplication cyst, choledochal cyst, liver cyst, ovarian cyst, and splenic cyst ( Fig. 17-11 ). In addition, a pseudo–double bubble in which the scan plane traverses the gastric fundus and antrum should not be mistaken for a dilated duodenum and stomach ( Fig. 17-12 ). Both fluid-filled structures are of gastric origin in the setting of a pseudo–double bubble, and so they are typically located to the left of the midline, whereas a dilated duodenal bulb is more often found on the right. Adjusting the scan plane to connect the structures of a pseudo–double bubble shows the typical configuration of a curved stomach, rather than the stomach connected to a duodenal bulb by a more narrow pyloric channel. Approximately one third of fetuses with duodenal atresia have trisomy 21, and therefore a detailed scan should be performed when duodenal obstruction is suspected.

F igure 17-9, Duodenal atresia. A, Coronal image of the fetal body shows a double-bubble sign consisting of dilated stomach (short arrow) in the left upper abdomen and dilated duodenal bulb (long arrow) to the right of midline. The urinary bladder (B) is also seen. B, Axial image of the fetal abdomen shows curved configuration of the fetal stomach (S) emptying into the duodenal bulb (long white arrow) across the pylorus (short black arrow) , confirming the presence of a dilated stomach and duodenal bulb.

F igure 17-10, Duodenal atresia: not apparent at 16 weeks. A and B, Longitudinal image of the fetus (image A ) and transverse image of the upper abdomen (image B ) show a nondilated stomach (arrows) in normal location in the left upper quadrant, with no evidence of a dilated duodenal bulb. C and D, Duodenal atresia identified later in pregnancy. C, Axial image of the fetal abdomen at 29 weeks in the same patient as in A and B shows the double-bubble sign consisting of stomach in the left upper quadrant (short arrow) and dilated duodenal bulb to the right of midline (long arrow) as well as polyhydramnios (F). D, Axial image in the same patient as in image C after adjusting the scan plane to assess for communication between the components of the double-bubble sign confirms a connection (arrow) between the dilated stomach (S) and duodenal bulb (D). Ultrasound signs of duodenal atresia are frequently not seen early in the second trimester.

F igure 17-11, Extra bubble in the fetal abdomen: additional etiologies. A to C, Enteric duplication cyst. A, Axial image of the fetal abdomen shows two cystic structures in the upper abdomen, with the stomach (short arrow , image A ) in the left upper quadrant and a teardrop-shaped cystic structure in the mid abdomen (long arrow) in a location similar to that of a duodenal bulb. B, Image of the midline cystic structure in image A at a slightly different level reveals a curved configuration (arrow) . The stomach did not connect with this structure. C, Axial image of the abdomen with power Doppler shows no internal blood flow in the cystic mass (arrow) , excluding a vascular etiology. Postnatal surgical evaluation revealed an enteric duplication cyst. D, Splenic cyst. Axial image of the fetal abdomen in a different patient shows two cystic structures in the left upper quadrant, consisting of a normally located stomach (short arrow) and a splenic cyst posterior to the stomach (long arrow) .

F igure 17-12, Pseudo–double bubble sign. A, Oblique cross section of the fetal abdomen reveals two cystic structures (arrows) suggesting a double-bubble sign. B, Oblique image in a slightly different scan plane than A shows the two cystic structures connecting in a C-shaped configuration consistent with the fundus (F) and antrum (A) of the stomach. Compare this with the double-bubble pattern seen in duodenal atresia (see Figs. 17-9B and 17-10D ), in which the stomach connects to the dilated duodenal bulb through the pylorus. A clue that the apparent double-bubble sign in image A is likely due to normal stomach and not duodenal atresia is that both fluid-filled structures are located to the left of midline, whereas a dilated duodenal bulb is typically found slightly to the right of midline. C, Schematic representation of the pseudo–double-bubble sign demonstrates that the scan plane ( dotted line , left drawing) extends through both the fundus and antrum of the stomach, due to curved gastric configuration. Corresponding cross section of the abdomen (right drawing), similar to ultrasound image in Fig. 17-12A except that the spine is at the top of the image in the drawing and at the left side of the ultrasound image, demonstrates two fluid structures in the left abdomen secondary to gastric fundus and antrum. Appearance is not consistent with double-bubble sign because it is due to normal curvature of the stomach, not a dilated duodenal bulb. A, Gastric antrum; F, gastric fundus; L, left; R, right; S, spine.

e -F igure 17-1, Axial image of fetal abdomen at level of double bubble sign in similar scan plane to Video 17-2 reveals a large stomach (long arrow) in left upper quadrant and large duodenal bulb to the right of midline (short arrow). See also e-Fig. 17-2 .

e -F igure 17-2, Oblique image of fetal abdomen in same fetus demonstrates the connection between the stomach and duodenal bulb (arrow), also seen in an axial scan plane on the video clip. The fetal gallbladder (arrowhead) is visualized in the right upper quadrant. See also Video 17-2 and e-Fig. 17-1 .

Rarely, esophageal and duodenal atresias occur together in the same fetus. This results in a closed C-shaped loop of dilated fluid-filled bowel in the abdomen and chest, comprising the esophagus distal to the atretic esophageal segment, the stomach, and the duodenum proximal to the atretic duodenal segment ( Fig. 17-13 ).

F igure 17-13, Concurrent esophageal atresia and duodenal atresia. A, Left parasagittal image of the fetus shows a prominent dilated fluid-filled structure coursing from the thorax to the upper abdomen (arrows) corresponding to dilatation of the portion of the esophagus and stomach located distal to the esophageal atresia and proximal to the duodenal atresia. B, Oblique image of the abdomen shows a large, closed C-shaped loop of dilated fluid-filled bowel (arrows) comprising the esophagus distal to the atretic esophageal segment and the stomach and duodenum proximal to the atretic duodenal segment.

Jejunum and Ileum

Loops of small bowel containing minimal fluid can often be seen peristalsing in the mid abdomen of a normal fetus. Normal small bowel loops typically measure less than 7 mm in diameter and 15 mm in length ( Fig. 17-14 ; ). Dilated loops of small bowel are most commonly due to jejunal or ileal atresia, both of which occur secondary to a vascular event. Malrotation, volvulus, and meconium ileus also cause intestinal obstruction. Ultrasound findings of jejunal and ileal obstruction include dilated loops of bowel, sometimes with increased peristalsis ( Fig. 17-15 ; ). Occasionally only a single dilated loop of bowel is seen immediately proximal to the site of obstruction, although multiple dilated loops are more often identified. Polyhydramnios is seen in some but not all fetuses with small bowel atresia and is more likely to be present the higher the level of obstruction. The stomach may be dilated or normal in size. Ultrasound evidence of jejunal or ileal obstruction is usually not seen until near the end of the second trimester or later. Jejunal atresia is more common, more likely to exhibit multiple atretic sites, and more frequently associated with abnormalities outside the gastrointestinal tract than ileal atresia. The ileum is less compliant than the jejunum, and therefore jejunal atresia is more likely to be associated with markedly dilated bowel loops and ileal atresia is more likely to result in bowel perforation.

F igure 17-14, Axial image of the fetal abdomen at 27 weeks shows several tiny normal loops of small bowel containing minimal fluid (arrows) .

F igure 17-15, Jejunal atresia: examples in two fetuses. A and B, Axial (A) and coronal (B) images of the abdomen show dilated stomach (S) and jejunum (arrows) in a fetus with jejunal atresia. Despite the bowel obstruction, there is no evidence of polyhydramnios. B, Bladder. C and D, Left parasagittal (C) and coronal (D) images of the abdomen in a different fetus with jejunal atresia demonstrate a prominent stomach (S) and dilated proximal jejunum (arrows) . There is also polyhydramnios (F).

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