Dichorionic Diamniotic Twin Gestations


Twin pregnancies account for more than 3% of live births in the United States. Determination of chorionicity and amnionicity is essential in the clinical management of multiple gestations. Although dichorionic twin gestations are not associated with as many fetal complications as monochorionic gestations, all twin pregnancies, whether dichorionic or monochorionic, have an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes compared with singletons. Ultrasound (US) plays a vital role in prenatal determination of chorionicity and in the management of dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies.



The term dichorionic refers to multiple gestations with two distinct placental disks (or two chorions), and the term diamniotic describes a pregnancy with two distinct amniotic cavities. A dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy is a twin pregnancy in which each fetus has its own placenta and amniotic sac.

Prevalence and Epidemiology

Twin gestations accounted for more than 3% of live births in the United States in 2007. Dichorionic diamniotic twin gestations comprise most twin births.

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